Copyright (c) 1989 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the utility functions of bitmaps associated with CSC files specifically for the db application. CSC_BMP_U is an opaque structure. Must use the functions here to create/modify/destroy a CSC_BMP_U to ensure data integrity. The 'd' in the filename means "db."
Nigel Choi [t-nigelc] Sept 3, 1999
#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <malloc.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include "csc_bmpd.h"
// append this to inode file name to get the stream name
Routine Description:
Allocates an appropriate in-memory bitmap CSC_BITMAP_DB with size corresponding to filesize.
NULL if memory allocation error. pointer to the newly allocated bitmap if successful.
--*/ LPCSC_BITMAP_DB DBCSC_BitmapCreate( DWORD filesize) { LPCSC_BITMAP_DB bm; DWORD i;
bm = (LPCSC_BITMAP_DB)malloc(sizeof(CSC_BITMAP_DB));
if (bm == NULL) return NULL;
bm->bitmapsize = filesize/BLOCKSIZE; if (filesize % BLOCKSIZE) bm->bitmapsize++; bm->numDWORD = bm->bitmapsize/(8*sizeof(DWORD)); if (bm->bitmapsize % (8*sizeof(DWORD))) bm->numDWORD++;
if (bm->bitmapsize) { bm->bitmap = (LPDWORD)malloc(bm->numDWORD*sizeof(DWORD)); if (bm->bitmap == NULL) { free(bm); return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < bm->numDWORD; i++) { bm->bitmap[i] = 0; } } else { bm->bitmap = NULL; }
return bm; }
Routine Description:
--*/ void DBCSC_BitmapDelete( LPCSC_BITMAP_DB *lplpbitmap) { if (lplpbitmap == NULL) return; if (*lplpbitmap == NULL) return; if ((*lplpbitmap)->bitmap) free((*lplpbitmap)->bitmap); free((*lplpbitmap)); *lplpbitmap = NULL; }
Routine Description:
-1 if lpbitmap is NULL or bitoffset is larger than the bitmap TRUE if the bit is marked FALSE if the bit is unmarked
--*/ int DBCSC_BitmapIsMarked( LPCSC_BITMAP_DB lpbitmap, DWORD bitoffset) { DWORD DWORDnum; DWORD bitpos;
if (lpbitmap == NULL) return -1; if (bitoffset >= lpbitmap->bitmapsize) return -1;
DWORDnum = bitoffset/(8*sizeof(DWORD)); bitpos = 1 << bitoffset%(8*sizeof(DWORD));
if (lpbitmap->bitmap[DWORDnum] & bitpos) return TRUE;
return FALSE; }
Routine Description:
Appends the CSC stream name to the existing path/file name fname.
fname is the sting buffer containing the path/file. bufsize is the buffer size.
TRUE if append successful. FALSE if buffer is too small or other errors.
Single-byte strings only.
--*/ int DBCSC_BitmapAppendStreamName( LPSTR fname, DWORD bufsize) { int ret = TRUE;
if ((strlen(fname) + strlen(CscBmpAltStrmName) + 1) > bufsize) { return FALSE; }
__try { ret = TRUE; strcat(fname, CscBmpAltStrmName); } __except(EXCEPTION_EXECUTE_HANDLER) { ret = FALSE; }
return ret; }
Routine Description:
Reads the on-disk bitmap file, and if it exists, is not in use and valid, store it in *lplpbitmap. If *lplpbitmap is NULL allocate a new bitmap data structure. Otherwise, if *lplpbitmap is not NULL, the existing bitmap will be deleted and assigned the on-disk bitmap file.
filename is the file that contains the bitmap. If read from a stream, append the stream name before passing the filename in. The filename is used as is and no checking of validity of the name is performed. For default stream name, append the global LPSTR CscBmpAltStrmName.
1 if read successful 0 if lplpbitmap is NULL -1 if error in disk operation (open/read), memory allocating error, or invalid bitmap file format. -2 if bitmap not exist
CODE.IMPROVEMENT design a better error message propagation mechanism. Bitmap open for exclusive access.
--*/ int DBCSC_BitmapRead( LPCSC_BITMAP_DB *lplpbitmap, LPCTSTR filename) { CscBmpFileHdr hdr; HANDLE bitmapFile; DWORD bytesRead; DWORD bitmapByteSize; DWORD * bitmapBuf = NULL; DWORD errCode; int ret = 1;
if (lplpbitmap == NULL) return 0;
bitmapFile = CreateFile( filename, GENERIC_READ, 0, // No sharing; exclusive
NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); if (bitmapFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { errCode = GetLastError(); if (errCode == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // File does not exist
return -2; } return -1; }
if (!ReadFile( bitmapFile, &hdr, sizeof(CscBmpFileHdr), &bytesRead, NULL) ) { ret = -1; goto CLOSEFILE; }
if ( bytesRead != sizeof(CscBmpFileHdr) || hdr.magicnum != MAGICNUM || !hdr.valid || hdr.inuse ) { ret = -1; goto CLOSEFILE; }
printf( "---Header---\n" "MagicNum: 0x%x\n" "inuse: 0x%x\n" "valid: 0x%x\n" "sizeinbits:0x%x\n" "numDWORDS:0x%x\n", hdr.magicnum, hdr.inuse, hdr.valid, hdr.sizeinbits, hdr.numDWORDs);
if (hdr.sizeinbits > 0) { bitmapByteSize = hdr.numDWORDs*sizeof(DWORD); bitmapBuf = (DWORD *)malloc(bitmapByteSize); if (!bitmapBuf) { ret = -1; goto CLOSEFILE; }
if (!ReadFile( bitmapFile, bitmapBuf, bitmapByteSize, &bytesRead, NULL) ) { ret = -1; goto CLOSEFILE; }
if (bytesRead != bitmapByteSize) { ret = -1; goto CLOSEFILE; } }
if (*lplpbitmap) { // bitmap exist, dump old and create new
if ((*lplpbitmap)->bitmap) free((*lplpbitmap)->bitmap); (*lplpbitmap)->bitmap = bitmapBuf; (*lplpbitmap)->numDWORD = hdr.numDWORDs; (*lplpbitmap)->bitmapsize = hdr.sizeinbits; } else { // bitmap not exist, create brand new
*lplpbitmap = (LPCSC_BITMAP_DB)malloc(sizeof(CSC_BITMAP_DB)); if (!(*lplpbitmap)) { // Error in memory allocation
ret = -1; goto CLOSEFILE; } (*lplpbitmap)->bitmap = bitmapBuf; (*lplpbitmap)->numDWORD = hdr.numDWORDs; (*lplpbitmap)->bitmapsize = hdr.sizeinbits; }
CLOSEFILE: CloseHandle(bitmapFile);
return ret; }
Routine Description:
Outputs the passed in bitmap to the ouput file stream outStrm
--*/ void DBCSC_BitmapOutput( FILE * outStrm, LPCSC_BITMAP_DB lpbitmap) { DWORD i;
if (lpbitmap == NULL) { fprintf(outStrm, "lpbitmap is NULL\n"); return; }
fprintf(outStrm, "lpbitmap 0x%08x, bitmapsize %u, numDWORD %u\n", (ULONG_PTR)lpbitmap, lpbitmap->bitmapsize, lpbitmap->numDWORD); fprintf(outStrm, "bitmap |0/5 |1/6 |2/7 |3/8 |4/9\n"); fprintf(outStrm, "number |01234|56789|01234|56789|01234|56789|01234|56789|01234|56789"); for (i = 0; i < lpbitmap->bitmapsize; i++) { if ((i % 50) == 0) fprintf(outStrm, "\n%08d", i); if ((i % 5) == 0) fprintf(outStrm, "|"); fprintf(outStrm, "%1d", DBCSC_BitmapIsMarked(lpbitmap, i)); } fprintf(outStrm, "\n"); }