Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
DeviceManager object creates/manages the devices
Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.hxx"
#define TRC_FILE "devmgr"
#include "trc.h"
DrDeviceManager::DrDeviceManager() { BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::DrDeviceManager"); TRC_NRM((TB, "DeviceManagr Class: %p", this));
SetClassName("DrDeviceManager"); _Session = NULL; }
DrDeviceManager::~DrDeviceManager() { BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::~DrDeviceManager"); TRC_NRM((TB, "DeviceManager deletion: %p", this)); }
BOOL DrDeviceManager::Initialize(DrSession *Session) { BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::Initialize"); ASSERT(_Session == NULL); ASSERT(Session != NULL); ASSERT(Session->IsValid()); _Session = Session; if (!NT_ERROR(_Session->RegisterPacketReceiver(this))) { return TRUE; } else { _Session = NULL; return FALSE; } }
VOID DrDeviceManager::Uninitialize() /*++
Routine Description: Called if the something went wrong during startup
--*/ { BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::Uninitialize"); ASSERT(_Session != NULL); ASSERT(_Session->IsValid()); _Session->RemovePacketReceiver(this); _Session = NULL; }
BOOL DrDeviceManager::RecognizePacket(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader) /*++
Routine Description:
Determines if the packet will be handled by this object
RdpdrHeader - Header of the packet.
Return Value:
TRUE if this object should handle this packet FALSE if this object should not handle this packet
--*/ { BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::RecognizePacket"); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader != NULL);
// If you add a packet here, update the ASSERTS in HandlePacket
switch (RdpdrHeader->Component) { case RDPDR_CTYP_CORE: switch (RdpdrHeader->PacketId) { case DR_CORE_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE: case DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE: case DR_CORE_DEVICE_REMOVE: case DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_REMOVE: return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
NTSTATUS DrDeviceManager::HandlePacket(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader, ULONG Length, BOOL *DoDefaultRead) /*++
Routine Description:
Handles this packet
RdpdrHeader - Header of the packet. Length - Total length of the packet
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - An error code indicates the client is Bad and should be disconnected, otherwise SUCCESS.
// RdpdrHeader read, dispatch based on the header
ASSERT(RdpdrHeader != NULL); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->Component == RDPDR_CTYP_CORE);
switch (RdpdrHeader->Component) { case RDPDR_CTYP_CORE: ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->PacketId == DR_CORE_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE || RdpdrHeader->PacketId == DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE || RdpdrHeader->PacketId == DR_CORE_DEVICE_REMOVE || RdpdrHeader->PacketId == DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_REMOVE);
switch (RdpdrHeader->PacketId) { case DR_CORE_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE: Status = OnDeviceAnnounce(RdpdrHeader, Length, DoDefaultRead); break;
case DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE: Status = OnDeviceListAnnounce(RdpdrHeader, Length, DoDefaultRead); break;
case DR_CORE_DEVICE_REMOVE: Status = OnDeviceRemove(RdpdrHeader, Length, DoDefaultRead); break;
case DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_REMOVE: Status = OnDeviceListRemove(RdpdrHeader, Length, DoDefaultRead); break; } } return Status; }
NTSTATUS DrDeviceManager::OnDeviceAnnounce(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader, ULONG cbPacket, BOOL *DoDefaultRead) /*++
Routine Description:
Called in response to recognizing a DeviceAnnounce packet has been received.
RdpdrHeader - The packet cbPacket - Bytes in the packet
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::OnDeviceAnnounce"); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader != NULL); PUCHAR pPacketLimit = ((PUCHAR)RdpdrHeader) + cbPacket; //
// We just call DrProcessDeviceAnnounce, which deals with one of these
// for this packet type and for DeviceListAnnounce
*DoDefaultRead = FALSE; if (cbPacket >= sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE_PACKET)) { PRDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE DeviceAnnounce = &DeviceAnnouncePacket->DeviceAnnounce; //
// Make sure we don't go past the end of our buffer
// Checks:
// The end of this device is not beyond the valid area
if ((cbPacket - sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE_PACKET)) >= DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength) { ProcessDeviceAnnounce(&DeviceAnnouncePacket->DeviceAnnounce); *DoDefaultRead = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { ASSERT(FALSE); TRC_ERR((TB, "Invalid Device DataLength %d", DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength)); } } else { ASSERT(FALSE); TRC_ERR((TB, "Invalid Packet Length %d", cbPacket)); } //
// Invalid data. Fail
NTSTATUS DrDeviceManager::OnDeviceListAnnounce(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader, ULONG cbPacket, BOOL *DoDefaultRead) /*++
Routine Description:
Called in response to recognizing a DeviceListAnnounce packet has been received. Reads in the DeviceCount field of the packet, and the first device.
RdpdrHeader - The packet cbPacket - Bytes in the packet
Return Value:
Boolean indication of whether to do a default read (TRUE) or not (FALSE), where FALSE might be specified if another read has been requested explicitly to get a full packet
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PRDPDR_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE_PACKET DeviceListAnnouncePacket = (PRDPDR_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE_PACKET)RdpdrHeader; PRDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE DeviceAnnounce = DR_FIRSTDEVICEANNOUNCE(DeviceListAnnouncePacket); ULONG DeviceCount = 0; PUCHAR pPacketLimit = ((PUCHAR)RdpdrHeader) + cbPacket; PUCHAR pCopyTo; ULONG cbRemaining; ULONG cbDesiredBuffer; PRDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE NextDeviceAnnounce;
ASSERT(_Session != NULL); ASSERT(_Session->IsValid()); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader != NULL); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->Component == RDPDR_CTYP_CORE); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->PacketId == DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE); TRC_NRM((TB, "OnDeviceListAnnounce called (%ld)", cbPacket));
*DoDefaultRead = FALSE; if (cbPacket >= sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE_PACKET)) { DeviceCount = DeviceListAnnouncePacket->DeviceListAnnounce.DeviceCount; } else { //
// Not enough data to even know the size of the rest
// We have seen valid case assert here.
// (TB, "Didn't receive full DeviceListAnnounce basic packet"));
if (_Session->ReadMore(cbPacket, sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE_PACKET))) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } }
TRC_NRM((TB, "Annoucing %lx devices", DeviceCount));
// Make sure we don't go past the end of our buffer
// Three checks:
// 1) More devices to process
// 2) Pointer is valid enough to check the variable size
// 3) The next device (the end of this device) is not beyond the valid area
while (DeviceCount > 0 && ((PUCHAR)&DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength <= pPacketLimit - sizeof(DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength)) && ((PUCHAR)(NextDeviceAnnounce = DR_NEXTDEVICEANNOUNCE(DeviceAnnounce)) <= pPacketLimit) && (NextDeviceAnnounce >= DeviceAnnounce + 1)) {
// Only process the device announcement PDU when the session is connected
if (_Session->IsConnected()) { ProcessDeviceAnnounce(DeviceAnnounce); } // Move to the next device
DeviceAnnounce = NextDeviceAnnounce;
DeviceCount--; }
if (DeviceCount == 0) { TRC_NRM((TB, "Finished handling all devices in DeviceList"));
// All done processing, return TRUE to use default continuation
*DoDefaultRead = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { TRC_NRM((TB, "More devices to handle in DeviceList"));
// We didn't get all the data for the device(s)
if (DeviceCount < DeviceListAnnouncePacket->DeviceListAnnounce.DeviceCount) {
// We processed at least one device. Move the final partial device
// up next to the header, update the header to indicate the number
// of devices left to process,
TRC_NRM((TB, "Some devices processed, shuffling " "DeviceList"));
// Move partial device
cbRemaining = (ULONG)(pPacketLimit - ((PUCHAR)DeviceAnnounce)); pCopyTo = (PUCHAR)DR_FIRSTDEVICEANNOUNCE(DeviceListAnnouncePacket); RtlMoveMemory(pCopyTo, DeviceAnnounce, cbRemaining);
// update the device count
DeviceListAnnouncePacket->DeviceListAnnounce.DeviceCount = DeviceCount;
// update the Packet limit for the amount we've consumed
pPacketLimit = pCopyTo + cbRemaining; cbPacket = (ULONG)(pPacketLimit - (PUCHAR)RdpdrHeader); }
// If we have enough information to know the size of buffer we need,
// allocate that now
DeviceAnnounce = DR_FIRSTDEVICEANNOUNCE(DeviceListAnnouncePacket); if ((PUCHAR)&DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength <= pPacketLimit - sizeof(DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength)) {
TRC_NRM((TB, "Resizing buffer for expected device" "size"));
// Since the DeviceAnnoucePacket include one Device, we need a
// buffer the size of the packet plus the variable data length
// DrReallocateChannelBuffer is smart enough not to realloc
// if we ask for a size <= current buffer size
cbDesiredBuffer = sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE_PACKET) + DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength; TRC_NRM((TB, "DrOnDeviceListAnnounce cbDesiredBuffer is %ld.", cbDesiredBuffer));
if (cbDesiredBuffer <= DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength) { ASSERT(FALSE); TRC_ERR((TB, "Invalid Device DataLength %d", DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength)); return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
// Start a read right after the partially received packet with a
// handler that can update the received size and send it back to this
// routine to complete.
if (_Session->ReadMore(cbPacket, cbDesiredBuffer)) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } else {
// Just ask for some more data, again after the partially received
// packet
if (_Session->ReadMore(cbPacket, sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICELIST_ANNOUNCE_PACKET))) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } } }
NTSTATUS DrDeviceManager::OnDeviceRemove(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader, ULONG cbPacket, BOOL *DoDefaultRead) /*++
Routine Description:
Called in response to recognizing a DeviceRemove packet has been received.
RdpdrHeader - The packet cbPacket - Bytes in the packet
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::OnDeviceRemove"); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader != NULL);
if (cbPacket < sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICE_REMOVE_PACKET)) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } //
// We just call DrProcessDeviceRemove, which deals with one of these
// for this packet type and for DeviceListRemove
ProcessDeviceRemove(&DeviceRemovePacket->DeviceRemove); *DoDefaultRead = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
NTSTATUS DrDeviceManager::OnDeviceListRemove(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader, ULONG cbPacket, BOOL *DoDefaultRead) /*++
Routine Description:
Called in response to recognizing a DeviceListRemove packet has been received. Reads in the DeviceCount field of the packet, and the first device.
RdpdrHeader - The packet cbPacket - Bytes in the packet
Return Value:
Boolean indication of whether to do a default read (TRUE) or not (FALSE), where FALSE might be specified if another read has been requested explicitly to get a full packet
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PRDPDR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE_PACKET DeviceListRemovePacket = (PRDPDR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE_PACKET)RdpdrHeader; PRDPDR_DEVICE_REMOVE DeviceRemove = DR_FIRSTDEVICEREMOVE(DeviceListRemovePacket); ULONG DeviceCount = 0; PUCHAR pPacketLimit = ((PUCHAR)RdpdrHeader) + cbPacket; PUCHAR pCopyTo; ULONG cbRemaining; ULONG cbDesiredBuffer; PRDPDR_DEVICE_REMOVE NextDeviceRemove;
ASSERT(_Session != NULL); ASSERT(_Session->IsValid()); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader != NULL); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->Component == RDPDR_CTYP_CORE); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->PacketId == DR_CORE_DEVICELIST_REMOVE); TRC_NRM((TB, "OnDeviceListRemove called (%ld)", cbPacket));
*DoDefaultRead = FALSE; if (cbPacket >= sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE_PACKET)) { DeviceCount = DeviceListRemovePacket->DeviceListRemove.DeviceCount; } else { //
// Not enough data to even know the size of the rest
// I don't think this should ever happen
TRC_ASSERT(cbPacket >= sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE_PACKET), (TB, "Didn't receive full DeviceListRemove basic packet"));
if (_Session->ReadMore(cbPacket, sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICELIST_REMOVE_PACKET))) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } }
TRC_NRM((TB, "Removing %lx devices", DeviceCount));
// Make sure we don't go past the end of our buffer
// Three checks:
// 1) More devices to process
// 2) Pointer is valid enough to check the variable size
// 3) The next device (the end of this device) is not beyond the valid area
while (DeviceCount > 0 && ((PUCHAR)(NextDeviceRemove = DR_NEXTDEVICEREMOVE(DeviceRemove)) <= pPacketLimit) && (NextDeviceRemove >= DeviceRemove + 1)) {
// Move to the next device
DeviceRemove = NextDeviceRemove;
DeviceCount--; }
if (DeviceCount == 0) { TRC_NRM((TB, "Finished handling all devices in DeviceList"));
// All done processing, return TRUE to use default continuation
*DoDefaultRead = TRUE; return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { TRC_NRM((TB, "More devices to handle in DeviceList"));
// We didn't get all the data for the device(s)
if (DeviceCount < DeviceListRemovePacket->DeviceListRemove.DeviceCount) {
// We processed at least one device. Move the final partial device
// up next to the header, update the header to indicate the number
// of devices left to process,
TRC_NRM((TB, "Some devices processed, shuffling " "DeviceList"));
// Move partial device
cbRemaining = (ULONG)(pPacketLimit - ((PUCHAR)DeviceRemove)); pCopyTo = (PUCHAR)DR_FIRSTDEVICEREMOVE(DeviceListRemovePacket); RtlMoveMemory(pCopyTo, DeviceRemove, cbRemaining);
// update the device count
DeviceListRemovePacket->DeviceListRemove.DeviceCount = DeviceCount;
// update the Packet limit for the amount we've consumed
pPacketLimit = pCopyTo + cbRemaining; cbPacket = (ULONG)(pPacketLimit - (PUCHAR)RdpdrHeader); }
// Try to read the remaing device remove entries
cbDesiredBuffer = sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICE_REMOVE) * DeviceCount; TRC_NRM((TB, "DrOnDeviceListRemove cbDesiredBuffer is %ld.", cbDesiredBuffer));
// Start a read right after the partially received packet with a
// handler that can update the received size and send it back to this
// routine to complete.
if (_Session->ReadMore(cbPacket, cbDesiredBuffer)) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; } } }
VOID DrDeviceManager::ProcessDeviceAnnounce(PRDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE DeviceAnnounce) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes a device announce, sends a reply and adds it if appropriate
DeviceAnnounce - The actual device that was reported
Return Value:
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; SmartPtr<DrDevice> Device; SmartPtr<DrSession> Session = _Session; BOOL bDeviceAdded = FALSE; BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::ProcessDeviceAnnounce"); TRC_NRM((TB, "Device contains %ld bytes user data", DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength));
// Check to make sure the device doesn't already exist,
// if it is a smartcard subsystem device, then it is OK
// it it already exists
if (FindDeviceById(DeviceAnnounce->DeviceId, Device) && (DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType != RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD)) {
// The client announced a device we already knew about. If it was
// disabled, we can re-enable it and reply with success. If it was
// not disabled, then the poor client is confused and needs to be
// swatted down
TRC_ALT((TB, "Client announced a duplicate device, discarding"));
// Set DeviceEntry = NULL so error code will be used below
Device = NULL; Status = STATUS_DUPLICATE_OBJECTID; } else { TRC_NRM((TB, "No duplicate device found"));
Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; switch (DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType) { case RDPDR_DTYP_SERIAL: Device = new(NonPagedPool) DrSerialPort(Session, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceId, DeviceAnnounce->PreferredDosName); break;
case RDPDR_DTYP_PARALLEL: Device = new(NonPagedPool) DrParallelPort(Session, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceId, DeviceAnnounce->PreferredDosName); break;
case RDPDR_DTYP_PRINT: Device = new(NonPagedPool) DrPrinter(Session, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceId, DeviceAnnounce->PreferredDosName); break;
case RDPDR_DTYP_FILESYSTEM: Device = new(NonPagedPool) DrDrive(Session, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceId, DeviceAnnounce->PreferredDosName); break;
case RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD: Device = NULL; if (FindDeviceByDosName(DeviceAnnounce->PreferredDosName, Device, TRUE) && (Device->GetDeviceType() == RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD)) { bDeviceAdded = TRUE; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Device = new(NonPagedPool) DrSmartCard(Session, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceId, DeviceAnnounce->PreferredDosName); } break;
default: //
// "I don't know and I don't care"
// We've never heard of this kind of device so we'll reject it
TRC_ALT((TB, "Client announced unsupported device %d", DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType)); Status = STATUS_NOT_SUPPORTED; Device = NULL; } }
// DeviceEntry != NULL means SUCCESS
if (Device != NULL) { //
// Give the specific device a chance to initialize based on the data
Status = Device->Initialize(DeviceAnnounce, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength);
} else {
TRC_ERR((TB, "Error creating new device: 0x%08lx", Status));
// Don't set the Status here, it was set up above
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (bDeviceAdded || AddDevice(Device)) { if (DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType == RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD) { SmartPtr<DrSmartCard> SmartCard((DrSmartCard*)(DrDevice *)Device); SmartCard->ClientConnect(DeviceAnnounce, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength); }
Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Device = NULL; //
// This means another thread has just added the scard device
if (DeviceAnnounce->DeviceType == RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD && FindDeviceByDosName(DeviceAnnounce->PreferredDosName, Device, TRUE)) { SmartPtr<DrSmartCard> SmartCard((DrSmartCard*)(DrDevice *)Device); SmartCard->ClientConnect(DeviceAnnounce, DeviceAnnounce->DeviceDataLength); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { Status = STATUS_INSUFFICIENT_RESOURCES; } } }
// Notify the client of the results
DeviceReplyWrite(DeviceAnnounce->DeviceId, Status); }
VOID DrDeviceManager::ProcessDeviceRemove(PRDPDR_DEVICE_REMOVE DeviceRemove) /*++
Routine Description:
Processes a device remove, sends a reply and adds it if appropriate
DeviceRemove - The actual device that was reported
Return Value:
--*/ { SmartPtr<DrDevice> Device; SmartPtr<DrSession> Session = _Session;
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::ProcessDeviceRemove"); TRC_NRM((TB, "Device id %ld for removal", DeviceRemove->DeviceId));
// Check to make sure the device exists
if (FindDeviceById(DeviceRemove->DeviceId, Device)) {
// Found the device, now remove it
Device->Remove(); RemoveDevice(Device); Device = NULL; } else { TRC_ALT((TB, "Client announced an invalid device, discarding")); } }
BOOL DrDeviceManager::AddDevice(SmartPtr<DrDevice> &Device) /*++
Routine Description:
Adds a completely initialized Device to the list
Device - The device to be added
Return Value:
Boolean indicating success
--*/ { BOOL rc = FALSE; SmartPtr<DrDevice> DeviceFound;
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::AddDevice"); //
// Explicit AddRef
ASSERT(Device != NULL); ASSERT(Device->IsValid());
if (Device->GetDeviceType() == RDPDR_DTYP_SMARTCARD) { if (FindDeviceByDosName((UCHAR *)DR_SMARTCARD_SUBSYSTEM, DeviceFound, TRUE)) { goto EXIT; } }
// Add it to the list
if (_DeviceList.CreateEntry((DrDevice *)Device)) {
// successfully added this entry
rc = TRUE; } else {
// Unable to add it to the list, clean up
Device->Release(); rc = FALSE; }
_DeviceList.Unlock(); return rc; }
BOOL DrDeviceManager::FindDeviceById(ULONG DeviceId, SmartPtr<DrDevice> &DeviceFound, BOOL fMustBeValid) /*++
Routine Description:
Finds a device in the list
DeviceId - The id of the device to find DeviceFound - The location to store the result fMustBeValid - Whether it must be valid for use or can be in any state
Return Value:
Boolean indicating success
--*/ { DrDevice *DeviceEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::FindDeviceById"); TRC_NRM((TB, "Id(%lu), %d", DeviceId, fMustBeValid)); _DeviceList.LockShared();
ListEnum = _DeviceList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
DeviceEnum = (DrDevice *)ListEnum->Node(); ASSERT(DeviceEnum->IsValid());
if (DeviceEnum->GetDeviceId() == DeviceId) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Found matching device Id")); if (!fMustBeValid || (DeviceEnum->IsAvailable())) { DeviceFound = DeviceEnum; }
// These aren't guaranteed valid once the resource is released
DeviceEnum = NULL; ListEnum = NULL; break; }
ListEnum = _DeviceList.Next(ListEnum); }
return DeviceFound != NULL; }
BOOL DrDeviceManager::FindDeviceByDosName(UCHAR *DeviceDosName, SmartPtr<DrDevice> &DeviceFound, BOOL fMustBeValid) /*++
Routine Description:
Finds a device in the list
DeviceDosName - The DOS name of the device to find DeviceFound - The location to store the result fMustBeValid - Whether it must be valid for use or can be in any state
Return Value:
Boolean indicating success
--*/ { DrDevice *DeviceEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::FindDeviceByDosName"); TRC_NRM((TB, "DosName(%s), %d", DeviceDosName, fMustBeValid)); _DeviceList.LockShared();
ListEnum = _DeviceList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
DeviceEnum = (DrDevice *)ListEnum->Node(); ASSERT(DeviceEnum->IsValid());
if (_stricmp((CHAR *)(DeviceEnum->GetDeviceDosName()), (CHAR *)(DeviceDosName)) == 0) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Found matching device Dos Name")); if (!fMustBeValid || (DeviceEnum->IsAvailable())) { DeviceFound = DeviceEnum; }
// These aren't guaranteed valid once the resource is released
DeviceEnum = NULL; ListEnum = NULL; break; }
ListEnum = _DeviceList.Next(ListEnum); }
return DeviceFound != NULL; }
VOID DrDeviceManager::Disconnect() { BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::Disconnect");
RemoveAll(); }
VOID DrDeviceManager::RemoveAll() { DrDevice *DeviceEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::RemoveAll"); _DeviceList.LockExclusive();
ListEnum = _DeviceList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
DeviceEnum = (DrDevice *)ListEnum->Node(); if (!DeviceEnum->SupportDiscon()) { _DeviceList.RemoveEntry(ListEnum); DeviceEnum->Remove(); DeviceEnum->Release(); ListEnum = _DeviceList.First(); } else { DeviceEnum->Disconnect(); ListEnum = _DeviceList.Next(ListEnum); } }
_DeviceList.Unlock(); }
VOID DrDeviceManager::RemoveDevice(SmartPtr<DrDevice> &Device) { DrDevice *DeviceEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::RemoveDevice"); _DeviceList.LockExclusive();
ListEnum = _DeviceList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
DeviceEnum = (DrDevice *)ListEnum->Node(); if (DeviceEnum == Device) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Found matching device")); Found = TRUE; break; }
ListEnum = _DeviceList.Next(ListEnum); }
if (Found) { _DeviceList.RemoveEntry(ListEnum); Device->Release(); } else { TRC_DBG((TB, "Not found device for remove")); }
_DeviceList.Unlock(); }
VOID DrDeviceManager::DeviceReplyWrite(ULONG DeviceId, NTSTATUS Result) /*++
Routine Description:
Sends a DeviceReply packet to the client
ClientEntry - Pointer to data about the particular client
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Success/failure indication of the operation
--*/ { PRDPDR_DEVICE_REPLY_PACKET pDeviceReplyPacket;
// Construct the packet
pDeviceReplyPacket = new RDPDR_DEVICE_REPLY_PACKET;
if (pDeviceReplyPacket != NULL) { pDeviceReplyPacket->Header.Component = RDPDR_CTYP_CORE; pDeviceReplyPacket->Header.PacketId = DR_CORE_DEVICE_REPLY; pDeviceReplyPacket->DeviceReply.DeviceId = DeviceId; pDeviceReplyPacket->DeviceReply.ResultCode = Result;
// We use the async send, so don't free the buffer
_Session->SendToClient(pDeviceReplyPacket, sizeof(RDPDR_DEVICE_REPLY_PACKET), this, TRUE); } }
NTSTATUS DrDeviceManager::SendCompleted(PVOID Context, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock) { BEGIN_FN("DrDeviceManager::SendCompleted"); return IoStatusBlock->Status; }