Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Implements methods associated with the exchange context structure. The exchange context provides context for an I/O transaction with the client
Revision History: --*/
#include "precomp.hxx"
#define TRC_FILE "exchnge"
#include "trc.h"
DrExchangeManager::DrExchangeManager() { BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::DrExchangeManager"); SetClassName("DrExchangeManager"); _RxMidAtlas = NULL; _demsState = demsStopped; _Session = NULL; }
BOOL DrExchangeManager::Initialize(DrSession *Session) { BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::Initialize"); ASSERT(_Session == NULL); ASSERT(Session != NULL); _Session = Session; return !NT_ERROR(_Session->RegisterPacketReceiver(this)); }
VOID DrExchangeManager::Uninitialize() /*++
Routine Description: Called if the exchange manager wasn't started because something went wrong during startup
--*/ { BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::Uninitialize"); ASSERT(_Session != NULL); ASSERT(_demsState == demsStopped); _Session->RemovePacketReceiver(this); _Session = NULL; }
BOOL DrExchangeManager::Start() /*++
Routine Description: Start and stop really exist because there's no way to clear everything out of a RxMidAtlas without destroying it. So start creates it and stop destroys it. Start simply allocates the Atlas and returns whether that worked
Arguments: None.
Return Value: Boolean indication of whether we can do IO
--*/ { DrExchangeManagerState demsState;
BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::Start"); demsState = (DrExchangeManagerState)InterlockedExchange((long *)&_demsState, demsStarted);
if (demsState == demsStopped) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Creating Atlas")); ASSERT(_RxMidAtlas == NULL); _RxMidAtlas = RxCreateMidAtlas(DR_MAX_OPERATIONS, DR_TYPICAL_OPERATIONS); } else {
// The exchange has already started, so ignore this
} TRC_DBG((TB, "Atlas 0x%p", _RxMidAtlas)); return _RxMidAtlas != NULL; }
VOID DrExchangeManager::Stop() { PRX_MID_ATLAS RxMidAtlas; DrExchangeManagerState demsState;
BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::Stop"); demsState = (DrExchangeManagerState)InterlockedExchange((long *)&_demsState, demsStopped);
if (demsState == demsStarted) { ASSERT(_RxMidAtlas != NULL);
DrAcquireMutex(); RxMidAtlas = _RxMidAtlas; _RxMidAtlas = NULL; DrReleaseMutex();
TRC_NRM((TB, "Destroying Atlas 0x%p", RxMidAtlas));
RxDestroyMidAtlas(RxMidAtlas, (PCONTEXT_DESTRUCTOR)DestroyAtlasCallback); } else {
// We allow this multiple times because this is how you cancel
// outstanding client I/O
TRC_DBG((TB, "Atlas already destroyed")); } }
VOID DrExchangeManager::DestroyAtlasCallback(DrExchange *pExchange) /*++
Routine Description: Part of clearing out all the outstanding IO. Since we won't be able to complete this normally, we have to delete the Exchange
Arguments: RxContext - Context to cancel and delete and whatnot
Return Value: None.
--*/ { DrExchangeManager *ExchangeManager; PRX_CONTEXT RxContext = NULL; SmartPtr<DrExchange> Exchange;
// Convert to a smart pointer and get rid of the explicit refcount
Exchange = pExchange; pExchange->Release();
// Notification that the conversation is over
Exchange->_ExchangeUser->OnIoDisconnected(Exchange); }
BOOL DrExchangeManager::CreateExchange(IExchangeUser *ExchangeUser, PVOID Context, SmartPtr<DrExchange> &Exchange) /*++
Routine Description: Creates an Exchange context data structure and initializes it with the basic data
Arguments: ExchangeUser - An interface for callbacks associated with the conversation Context - ExchangeUser contextual data Exchange - Reference to where to put the results
Return Value: Boolean success or failure
--*/ { BOOL rc = TRUE; NTSTATUS Status; USHORT Mid;
BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::CreateExchange"); ASSERT(ExchangeUser != NULL);
Exchange = new DrExchange(this, ExchangeUser, Context); if (Exchange != NULL) { DrAcquireMutex();
if (_RxMidAtlas != NULL) { Status = RxAssociateContextWithMid(_RxMidAtlas, Exchange, &Mid); } else { Status = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; }
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { Exchange->_Mid = Mid;
// Explicit reference count for the atlas
Exchange->AddRef(); } else { rc = FALSE; } DrReleaseMutex();
if (!rc) { Exchange = NULL; } } else { rc = FALSE; }
return rc; }
DrExchange::DrExchange(DrExchangeManager *ExchangeManager, IExchangeUser *ExchangeUser, PVOID Context) /*++
Routine Description: Constructor initializes member variables
Arguments: ExchangeManager - Relevant manager Context - Context to track this op
Return Value: None
--*/ { BEGIN_FN("DrExchange::DrExchange"); ASSERT(ExchangeManager != NULL); ASSERT(ExchangeUser != NULL);
_Context = Context; _ExchangeManager = ExchangeManager; _ExchangeUser = ExchangeUser; _Mid = INVALID_MID; }
DrExchange::~DrExchange() { BEGIN_FN("DrExchange::~DrExchange"); }
BOOL DrExchangeManager::Find(USHORT Mid, SmartPtr<DrExchange> &ExchangeFound) /*++
Routine Description: Marks an Exchange context as busy so it won't be cancelled while we're copying in to its buffer
Arguments: Mid - Id to find ExchangeFound - storage for the pointer to the context
Return Value: BOOL indicating whether it was found
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; DrExchange *Exchange = NULL;
DrAcquireMutex(); if (_RxMidAtlas != NULL) { Exchange = (DrExchange *)RxMapMidToContext(_RxMidAtlas, Mid); TRC_DBG((TB, "Found context: 0x%p", Exchange)); }
// This is where the Exchange is reference counted, must be
// inside the lock
ExchangeFound = Exchange; DrReleaseMutex();
return ExchangeFound != NULL; }
BOOL DrExchangeManager::ReadMore(ULONG cbSaveData, ULONG cbWantData) { BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::ReadMore"); return _Session->ReadMore(cbSaveData, cbWantData); }
VOID DrExchangeManager::Discard(SmartPtr<DrExchange> &Exchange) /*++
Routine Description: Stops tracking this as a conversation by its ID. the exchange will be deleted when its reference count goes to zero
Arguments: Exchange - Marker for the operation
Return Value: None.
--*/ { USHORT Mid; NTSTATUS Status; DrExchange *ExchangeFound = NULL;
BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::Discard"); ASSERT(Exchange != NULL);
DrAcquireMutex(); Mid = Exchange->_Mid;
if (_RxMidAtlas != NULL) {
// We already have the DrExchange, but we need to remove
// it from the atlas
Status = RxMapAndDissociateMidFromContext(_RxMidAtlas, Mid, (PVOID *)&ExchangeFound);
TRC_ASSERT(ExchangeFound == Exchange, (TB, "Mismatched " "DrExchange"));
// Explicit reference count for the atlas
if (ExchangeFound != NULL) ExchangeFound->Release();
} else { TRC_ALT((TB, "Tried to complete mid when atlas was " "NULL")); Status = STATUS_DEVICE_NOT_CONNECTED; }
DrReleaseMutex(); }
BOOL DrExchangeManager::RecognizePacket(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader) { BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::RecognizePacket"); //
// If you add a packet here, update the ASSERTS in HandlePacket
switch (RdpdrHeader->Component) { case RDPDR_CTYP_CORE: switch (RdpdrHeader->PacketId) { case DR_CORE_DEVICE_IOCOMPLETION: return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
NTSTATUS DrExchangeManager::HandlePacket(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader, ULONG Length, BOOL *DoDefaultRead) { NTSTATUS Status;
// RdpdrHeader read, dispatch based on the header
ASSERT(RdpdrHeader != NULL); ASSERT(Length >= sizeof(RDPDR_HEADER)); ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->Component == RDPDR_CTYP_CORE);
switch (RdpdrHeader->Component) { case RDPDR_CTYP_CORE: ASSERT(RdpdrHeader->PacketId == DR_CORE_DEVICE_IOCOMPLETION);
switch (RdpdrHeader->PacketId) { case DR_CORE_DEVICE_IOCOMPLETION: Status = OnDeviceIoCompletion(RdpdrHeader, Length, DoDefaultRead); break; } } return Status; }
NTSTATUS DrExchangeManager::OnDeviceIoCompletion(PRDPDR_HEADER RdpdrHeader, ULONG cbPacket, BOOL *DoDefaultRead) /*++
Routine Description:
Called in response to recognizing a DeviceIoCompletion packet has been received. Finds the associated RxContext, fills out relevant information, and completes the request.
RdpdrHeader - The header of the packet, a pointer to the packet cbPacket - The number of bytes of data in the packet
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Success/failure indication of the operation
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PRX_CONTEXT RxContext; PRDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET CompletionPacket = (PRDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET)RdpdrHeader; SmartPtr<DrExchange> Exchange; USHORT Mid; ULONG cbMinimum;
cbMinimum = FIELD_OFFSET(RDPDR_IOCOMPLETION_PACKET, IoCompletion.Parameters);
if (cbMinimum > cbPacket) { *DoDefaultRead = FALSE; return _Session->ReadMore(cbPacket, cbMinimum); }
Mid = (USHORT)CompletionPacket->IoCompletion.CompletionId; TRC_DBG((TB, "IoCompletion mid: %x", Mid));
if (Find(Mid, Exchange)) { Status = Exchange->_ExchangeUser->OnDeviceIoCompletion(CompletionPacket, cbPacket, DoDefaultRead, Exchange); } else {
// Client gave us a bogus mid
return Status; }
NTSTATUS DrExchangeManager::StartExchange(SmartPtr<DrExchange> &Exchange, class IExchangeUser *ExchangeUser, PVOID Buffer, ULONG Length, BOOL LowPrioSend) /*++
Routine Description:
Sends the information to the client, and recognizes the response.
Exchange - The conversanion token Buffer - Data to send Length - size of the data LowPrioSend - Should the data be sent to the client at low priority.
Return Value:
Status of sending, a failure means no callback will be made
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status;
Exchange->_ExchangeUser = ExchangeUser; //
// This is a synchronous write
Status = _Session->SendToClient(Buffer, Length, this, FALSE, LowPrioSend, (PVOID)Exchange); return Status;
NTSTATUS DrExchangeManager::SendCompleted(PVOID Context, PIO_STATUS_BLOCK IoStatusBlock) { DrExchange *pExchange; SmartPtr<DrExchange> Exchange;
BEGIN_FN("DrExchangeManager::SendCompleted"); pExchange = (DrExchange *)Context; ASSERT(pExchange != NULL); ASSERT(pExchange->IsValid()); Exchange = pExchange; return Exchange->_ExchangeUser->OnStartExchangeCompletion(Exchange, IoStatusBlock); }