Copyright (c) 1998-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Parallel port Device object handles one redirected parallel port
Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.hxx"
#define TRC_FILE "parport"
#include "trc.h"
DrParallelPort::DrParallelPort(SmartPtr<DrSession> &Session, ULONG DeviceType, ULONG DeviceId, PUCHAR PreferredDosName) : DrPrinterPort(Session, DeviceType, DeviceId, PreferredDosName) { BEGIN_FN("DrParallelPort::DrParallelPort"); SetClassName("DrParallelPort");
BOOL DrParallelPort::ShouldCreatePrinter() { BEGIN_FN("DrParallelPort::ShouldCreatePrinter");
return FALSE; }
BOOL DrParallelPort::ShouldCreatePort() { BEGIN_FN("DrParallelPort::ShouldCreatePort"); return !_Session->DisableLptPortMapping(); }
NTSTATUS DrParallelPort::Initialize(PRDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE DeviceAnnounce, ULONG Length) { NTSTATUS Status;
if (ShouldCreatePort()) { Status = DrPrinterPort::Initialize(DeviceAnnounce, Length); if (NT_SUCCESS(Status) && _Session->GetClientCapabilitySet().PortCap.version > 0) { Status = CreateLptPort(DeviceAnnounce); } } else { Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } return Status; }
NTSTATUS DrParallelPort::CreateLptPort(PRDPDR_DEVICE_ANNOUNCE devAnnounceMsg) { NTSTATUS Status; UNICODE_STRING PortName; WCHAR PortNameBuff[PREFERRED_DOS_NAME_SIZE]; USHORT OemCodePage, AnsiCodePage; NTSTATUS status; INT len, comLen; ULONG portAnnounceEventReqSize; PRDPDR_PORTDEVICE_SUB portAnnounceEvent;
BEGIN_FN("DrParallelPort::CreateLptPort"); //
// Convert the LPT name
PortName.MaximumLength = sizeof(PortNameBuff); PortName.Length = 0; PortName.Buffer = &PortNameBuff[0]; memset(&PortNameBuff, 0, sizeof(PortNameBuff));
comLen = strlen((char *)_PreferredDosName); RtlGetDefaultCodePage(&AnsiCodePage, &OemCodePage); len = ConvertToAndFromWideChar(AnsiCodePage, PortName.Buffer, PortName.MaximumLength, (char *)_PreferredDosName, comLen, TRUE);
if (len != -1) {
// We need just the LPTx portion for later...
PortName.Length = (USHORT)len; PortName.Buffer[len/sizeof(WCHAR)] = L'\0'; } else { TRC_ERR((TB, "Error converting comName")); Status = STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; goto CleanUpAndReturn; }
// Allocate the port device announce buffer.
Status = CreatePortAnnounceEvent(devAnnounceMsg, NULL, 0, L"", &portAnnounceEventReqSize);
if (Status != STATUS_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { goto CleanUpAndReturn; }
portAnnounceEvent = (PRDPDR_PORTDEVICE_SUB)new(NonPagedPool) BYTE[portAnnounceEventReqSize];
if (portAnnounceEvent == NULL) { TRC_ERR((TB, "Unable to allocate portAnnounceEvent")); Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto CleanUpAndReturn; }
// Create the port anounce message.
Status = CreatePortAnnounceEvent(devAnnounceMsg, portAnnounceEvent, portAnnounceEventReqSize, PortName.Buffer, NULL);
if (Status != STATUS_SUCCESS) { delete portAnnounceEvent; #if DBG
portAnnounceEvent = NULL; #endif
goto CleanUpAndReturn; }
// Dispatch the event to the associated session.
Status = RDPDYN_DispatchNewDevMgmtEvent( portAnnounceEvent, _Session->GetSessionId(), RDPDREVT_PORTANNOUNCE, NULL );
return Status; }