Copyright (c) 1999-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name :
Keeps track of the collection of session objects for the RDP device redirector
Revision History: --*/ #include "precomp.hxx"
#define TRC_FILE "sessmgr"
#include "trc.h"
DrSessionManager::DrSessionManager() { BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::DrSessionManager"); SetClassName("DrSessionManager"); }
DrSessionManager::~DrSessionManager() { BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::~DrSessionManager"); }
BOOL DrSessionManager::AddSession(SmartPtr<DrSession> &Session) { DrSession *SessionT; SmartPtr<DrSession> SessionFound; BOOL rc = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::AddSession"); //
// Create a new SmartPtr to track in the list
ASSERT(Session != NULL); _SessionList.LockExclusive();
if (FindSessionById(Session->GetSessionId(), SessionFound)) { rc = FALSE; goto EXIT; }
SessionT = Session; SessionT->AddRef();
// Add it to the list
if (_SessionList.CreateEntry((PVOID)SessionT)) {
// successfully added this entry
rc = TRUE; } else {
// Unable to add it to the list, clean up
SessionT->Release(); rc = FALSE; }
EXIT: _SessionList.Unlock(); return rc; }
BOOL DrSessionManager::OnConnect(PCHANNEL_CONNECT_IN ConnectIn, PCHANNEL_CONNECT_OUT ConnectOut) { SmartPtr<DrSession> ConnectingSession; BOOL Reconnect = FALSE; BOOL Connected = FALSE; BOOL Added = FALSE;
ASSERT(ConnectIn != NULL); ASSERT(ConnectOut != NULL);
// Clear out the output buffer by default
ConnectOut->hdr.contextData = (UINT_PTR)0;
Reconnect = FindSessionById(ConnectIn->hdr.sessionID, ConnectingSession);
if (Reconnect) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Reconnecting session %d", ConnectIn->hdr.sessionID)); } else { TRC_DBG((TB, "Connecting session %d", ConnectIn->hdr.sessionID)); ConnectingSession = new(NonPagedPool) DrSession; if (ConnectingSession != NULL) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Created new session"));
if (!ConnectingSession->Initialize()) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Session couldn't initialize")); ConnectingSession = NULL; } } else { TRC_ERR((TB, "Failed to allocate new session")); } }
if (ConnectingSession != NULL) { Connected = ConnectingSession->Connect(ConnectIn, ConnectOut); }
if (Connected) { TRC_DBG((TB, "Session connected, adding")); if (!Reconnect) { Added = AddSession(ConnectingSession);
if (!Added) { if (FindSessionById(ConnectIn->hdr.sessionID, ConnectingSession)) { Added = TRUE; } } } else { // Don't add what we found there anyway
Added = TRUE; } }
if (Added) {
// Stash this here for the disconnect notification
TRC_DBG((TB, "Added session")); ConnectingSession->AddRef(); ConnectOut->hdr.contextData = (UINT_PTR)-1; } return Added; }
VOID DrSessionManager::OnDisconnect(PCHANNEL_DISCONNECT_IN DisconnectIn, PCHANNEL_DISCONNECT_OUT DisconnectOut) { SmartPtr<DrSession> DisconnectingSession;
BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::OnDisconnect"); ASSERT(DisconnectIn != NULL); ASSERT(DisconnectOut != NULL);
if (DisconnectIn->hdr.contextData == (UINT_PTR)-1 && FindSessionById(DisconnectIn->hdr.sessionID, DisconnectingSession)) { TRC_NRM((TB, "Closing session for doctored client.")); ASSERT(DisconnectingSession->IsValid());
DisconnectingSession->Disconnect(DisconnectIn, DisconnectOut); DisconnectingSession->Release(); } else {
// Must not have been a "doctored" client
TRC_NRM((TB, "Undoctored session ending")); } //
// make sure the output context is blank
DisconnectOut->hdr.contextData = (UINT_PTR)0; }
BOOL DrSessionManager::FindSessionById(ULONG SessionId, SmartPtr<DrSession> &SessionFound) { DrSession *SessionEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::FindSessionById"); _SessionList.LockShared();
ListEnum = _SessionList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
SessionEnum = (DrSession *)ListEnum->Node();
if (SessionEnum->GetSessionId() == SessionId) { SessionFound = SessionEnum;
// These aren't guaranteed valid once the resource is released
SessionEnum = NULL; ListEnum = NULL; break; }
ListEnum = _SessionList.Next(ListEnum); }
return SessionFound != NULL; }
BOOL DrSessionManager::FindSessionByIdAndClient(ULONG SessionId, ULONG ClientId, SmartPtr<DrSession> &SessionFound) { DrSession *SessionEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::FindSessionByIdAndClient"); _SessionList.LockShared(); ListEnum = _SessionList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
SessionEnum = (DrSession *)ListEnum->Node(); ASSERT(SessionEnum->IsValid());
if ((SessionEnum->GetSessionId() == SessionId) && (SessionEnum->GetClientId() == ClientId)) { SessionFound = SessionEnum; Found = TRUE;
// These aren't guaranteed valid past EndEnumeration() anyway
SessionEnum = NULL; ListEnum = NULL; break; }
ListEnum = _SessionList.Next(ListEnum); } _SessionList.Unlock();
return Found; }
BOOL DrSessionManager::FindSessionByClientName(PWCHAR ClientName, SmartPtr<DrSession> &SessionFound) { DrSession *SessionEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::FindSessionByClientName"); _SessionList.LockShared();
ListEnum = _SessionList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
SessionEnum = (DrSession *)ListEnum->Node();
if (_wcsicmp(SessionEnum->GetClientName(), ClientName) == 0) { SessionFound = SessionEnum;
// These aren't guaranteed valid once the resource is released
SessionEnum = NULL; ListEnum = NULL; break; }
ListEnum = _SessionList.Next(ListEnum); }
return SessionFound != NULL; }
VOID DrSessionManager::Remove(DrSession *Session) { DrSession *SessionEnum; ListEntry *ListEnum; BOOL Found = FALSE;
BEGIN_FN("DrSessionManager::Remove"); _SessionList.LockExclusive(); ListEnum = _SessionList.First(); while (ListEnum != NULL) {
SessionEnum = (DrSession *)ListEnum->Node(); ASSERT(SessionEnum->IsValid());
if (SessionEnum == Session) { Found = TRUE;
_SessionList.RemoveEntry(ListEnum); //
// These aren't guaranteed valid past EndEnumeration() anyway
SessionEnum = NULL; ListEnum = NULL; break; }
ListEnum = _SessionList.Next(ListEnum); }
_SessionList.Unlock(); }