Copyright (c) 1996-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the support for walking across on-disk directory structures.
Dan Lovinger [DanLo] 11-Jun-1996
Revision History:
#include "UdfProcs.h"
// The Bug check file id for this module
#define BugCheckFileId (UDFS_BUG_CHECK_DIRSUP)
// The local debug trace level
// Local support routines.
BOOLEAN UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PFCB Fcb, IN PDIR_ENUM_CONTEXT DirContext, IN BOOLEAN ReturnError );
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UdfCleanupDirContext)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UdfFindDirEntry)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UdfInitializeDirContext)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UdfLookupInitialDirEntry)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UdfLookupNextDirEntry)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, UdfUpdateDirNames)
VOID UdfInitializeDirContext ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PDIR_ENUM_CONTEXT DirContext )
Routine Description:
This routine initializes a directory enumeartion context. Call this exactly once in the lifetime of a context.
DirContext - a context to initialize
Return Value:
{ //
// Check inputs.
// Provide defaults for fields, nothing too special.
RtlZeroMemory( DirContext, sizeof(DIR_ENUM_CONTEXT) ); }
VOID UdfCleanupDirContext ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PDIR_ENUM_CONTEXT DirContext )
Routine Description:
This routine cleans up a directory enumeration context for reuse.
DirContext - a context to clean.
Return Value:
// Check input.
ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext ); //
// Dump the allocation we store the triple of names in.
UdfFreePool( &DirContext->NameBuffer );
// And the short name.
UdfFreePool( &DirContext->ShortObjectName.Buffer );
// Unpin the view.
UdfUnpinData( IrpContext, &DirContext->Bcb );
// Free a buffered Fid that may remain.
if (FlagOn( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_FID_BUFFERED )) {
UdfFreePool( &DirContext->Fid ); } //
// Zero everything else out.
RtlZeroMemory( DirContext, sizeof( DIR_ENUM_CONTEXT ) ); }
Routine Description:
This routine begins the enumeration of a directory by setting the context at the first avaliable directory entry.
Fcb - the directory being enumerated. DirContext - a corresponding context for the enumeration. InitialOffset - an optional starting byte offset to base the enumeration.
Return Value:
If InitialOffset is unspecified, TRUE will always be returned. Failure will result in a raised status indicating corruption. If InitialOffset is specified, TRUE will be returned if a valid entry is found at this offset, FALSE otherwise.
{ BOOLEAN Result;
// Check inputs.
// Create the internal stream if it isn't already in place.
if (Fcb->FileObject == NULL) {
UdfCreateInternalStream( IrpContext, Fcb->Vcb, Fcb ); }
// Reset the flags.
DirContext->Flags = 0; if (InitialOffset) {
// If we are beginning in the middle of the stream, adjust the sanity check flags.
if (*InitialOffset != 0) {
// Now set up the range we will map. This is constrained by the size of a cache view.
DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart = GenericTruncate( *InitialOffset, VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY ); DirContext->ViewOffset = (ULONG) GenericOffset( *InitialOffset, VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY );
} else { //
// Map at the beginning.
DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart = 0; DirContext->ViewOffset = 0; }
// Contain the view length by the size of the stream and map.
if (DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart + DirContext->ViewLength > Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) {
DirContext->ViewLength = (ULONG) (Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart - DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart); } UdfUnpinData( IrpContext, &DirContext->Bcb ); CcMapData( Fcb->FileObject, &DirContext->BaseOffset, DirContext->ViewLength, TRUE, &DirContext->Bcb, &DirContext->View );
DirContext->Fid = Add2Ptr( DirContext->View, DirContext->ViewOffset, PNSR_FID );
// The state of the context is now valid. Tail off into our common post-processor
// to finish the work.
return UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing( IrpContext, Fcb, DirContext, (BOOLEAN) (InitialOffset != NULL)); }
BOOLEAN UdfLookupNextDirEntry ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PFCB Fcb, IN PDIR_ENUM_CONTEXT DirContext )
Routine Description:
This routine advances the enumeration of a directory by one entry.
Fcb - the directory being enumerated. DirContext - a corresponding context for the enumeration.
Return Value:
BOOLEAN True if another Fid is avaliable, False if we are at the end.
{ PAGED_CODE(); //
// Check inputs.
// If we have reached the end, stop.
if (DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart + DirContext->NextFidOffset == Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) {
return FALSE; }
// If the previous Fid was buffered, dismantle it now.
if (FlagOn( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_FID_BUFFERED )) {
ClearFlag( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_FID_BUFFERED ); UdfFreePool( &DirContext->Fid ); } //
// Move the pointers based on the knowledge generated in the previous iteration.
DirContext->ViewOffset = DirContext->NextFidOffset; DirContext->Fid = Add2Ptr( DirContext->View, DirContext->ViewOffset, PNSR_FID );
// The state of the context is now valid. Tail off into our common post-processor
// to finish the work.
return UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing( IrpContext, Fcb, DirContext, FALSE ); }
VOID UdfUpdateDirNames ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PDIR_ENUM_CONTEXT DirContext, IN BOOLEAN IgnoreCase )
Routine Description:
This routine fills in the non-short names of a directory enumeration context for the Fid currently referenced.
DirContext - a corresponding context to fill in. IgnoreCase - whether the caller wants to be insensitive to case.
Return Value:
None. --*/
{ PUCHAR NameDstring; BOOLEAN ContainsIllegal; USHORT NameLength; USHORT RequiredBufferLength; USHORT PresentLength; PAGED_CODE();
// Check input.
DebugTrace(( +1, Dbg, "UdfUpdateDirNames\n" ));
// Handle the case of the self directory entry.
if (DirContext->Fid == NULL) {
// Simply synthesize
// It doesn't hurt to be pedantic about initialization, so do it all.
DirContext->PureObjectName.Length = DirContext->CaseObjectName.Length = DirContext->ObjectName.Length = UdfUnicodeDirectoryNames[SELF_ENTRY].Length; DirContext->PureObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->CaseObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->ObjectName.MaximumLength = UdfUnicodeDirectoryNames[SELF_ENTRY].MaximumLength;
DirContext->PureObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->CaseObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->ObjectName.Buffer = UdfUnicodeDirectoryNames[SELF_ENTRY].Buffer;
// All done.
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "Self Entry case\n" )); DebugTrace(( -1, Dbg, "UdfUpdateDirNames -> VOID\n" )); return; } //
// Handle the case of the parent directory entry.
if (FlagOn( DirContext->Fid->Flags, NSR_FID_F_PARENT )) {
// Parent entries must occur at the front of the directory and
// have a fid length of zero (13346 4/14.4.4).
if (FlagOn( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_SEEN_NONCONSTANT ) || DirContext->Fid->FileIDLen != 0) {
UdfRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR ); }
// Note that we have seen the parent entry.
SetFlag( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_SEEN_PARENT ); //
// It doesn't hurt to be pedantic about initialization, so do it all.
DirContext->PureObjectName.Length = DirContext->CaseObjectName.Length = DirContext->ObjectName.Length = UdfUnicodeDirectoryNames[PARENT_ENTRY].Length; DirContext->PureObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->CaseObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->ObjectName.MaximumLength = UdfUnicodeDirectoryNames[PARENT_ENTRY].MaximumLength;
DirContext->PureObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->CaseObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->ObjectName.Buffer = UdfUnicodeDirectoryNames[PARENT_ENTRY].Buffer;
// All done.
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "Parent Entry case\n" )); DebugTrace(( -1, Dbg, "UdfUpdateDirNames -> VOID\n" )); return; }
// We now know that we will need to convert the name in a real FID, so figure out where
// it sits in the descriptor.
NameDstring = Add2Ptr( DirContext->Fid, ISONsrFidConstantSize + DirContext->Fid->ImpUseLen, PUCHAR ); //
// Every directory must record a parent entry.
if (!FlagOn( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_SEEN_PARENT)) { UdfRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR ); } //
// Note that we are proceeding into the non-constant portion of a directory.
// Make sure the dstring is good CS0
UdfCheckLegalCS0Dstring( IrpContext, NameDstring, DirContext->Fid->FileIDLen, 0, FALSE ); //
// Don't bother allocating tiny buffers - always make sure we get enough for an 8.3 name.
RequiredBufferLength = NameLength = Max( BYTE_COUNT_8_DOT_3, UdfCS0DstringUnicodeSize( IrpContext, NameDstring, DirContext->Fid->FileIDLen) );
// Illegality is both actual illegal characters and too many characters.
ContainsIllegal = (!UdfCS0DstringIsLegalFileName( NameDstring, DirContext->Fid->FileIDLen ) || (NameLength / sizeof( WCHAR )) > MAX_LEN);
// If we're illegal, we will need more characters to hold the uniqifying stamp.
if (ContainsIllegal) {
RequiredBufferLength = (NameLength += (CRC_LEN * sizeof(WCHAR))); } //
// If we need to build a case insensitive name, need more space.
if (IgnoreCase) {
RequiredBufferLength += NameLength; } //
// If we need to render the names due to illegal characters, more space again.
if (ContainsIllegal) {
RequiredBufferLength += NameLength; } else {
// Make sure the names aren't seperated. If more illegal names are found we can
// resplit the buffer but until then avoid the expense of having to copy bytes
// ... odds are that illegal characters are going to be a rarish occurance.
DirContext->PureObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->ObjectName.Buffer; }
// We expect the name lengths and hence buffer size to be multiple of WCHAR
ASSERT( 0 == (RequiredBufferLength & 1));
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "Ob %s%sneeds %d bytes (%d byte chunks), have %d\n", (IgnoreCase? "Ic " : ""), (ContainsIllegal? "Ci " : ""), RequiredBufferLength, NameLength, DirContext->AllocLength ));
// Check if we need more space for the names. We will need more if the name size is greater
// than the maximum we can currently store, or if we have stumbled across illegal characters
// and the current Pure name is not seperated from the exposed Object name.
// Note that IgnoreCase remains constant across usage of a context so we don't have to wonder
// if it has been seperated from the ObjectName - it'll always be correct.
if ((NameLength > DirContext->ObjectName.MaximumLength) || (ContainsIllegal && (DirContext->ObjectName.Buffer == DirContext->PureObjectName.Buffer))) {
USHORT DividedBufferLength = 0; DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "Resizing buffers\n" ));
// Figure out if we can break up the current allocation in a different way before falling
// back to a new allocation. Ensure we use even byte size chunks, or else we can land
// up with alignment faults on IA64.
if (DirContext->AllocLength >= RequiredBufferLength) { DividedBufferLength = (DirContext->AllocLength / (1 + (IgnoreCase? 1 : 0) + (ContainsIllegal? 1 : 0))) & ~(USHORT)1; }
if (DividedBufferLength >= NameLength) {
// So we can still use the current allocation, re-divided.
DirContext->PureObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->CaseObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->ObjectName.MaximumLength = DividedBufferLength;
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "... by resplit into %d byte chunks\n", DirContext->ObjectName.MaximumLength )); //
// Set the buffer pointers up. Required adjustment will occur below.
DirContext->PureObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->CaseObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->ObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->NameBuffer; } else {
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "... by allocating new pool\n" )); //
// Oh well, no choice but to fall back into the pool. Drop our previous hunk.
UdfFreePool( &DirContext->NameBuffer ); DirContext->AllocLength = 0; //
// The names share an allocation for efficiency.
DirContext->PureObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->CaseObjectName.MaximumLength = DirContext->ObjectName.MaximumLength = NameLength; DirContext->NameBuffer = DirContext->PureObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->CaseObjectName.Buffer = DirContext->ObjectName.Buffer = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( UdfPagedPool, RequiredBufferLength, TAG_FILE_NAME ); DirContext->AllocLength = RequiredBufferLength; } //
// In the presence of the "as appropriate" names, adjust the buffer locations. Note
// that ObjectName.Buffer is always the base of the allocated space.
if (IgnoreCase) {
DirContext->CaseObjectName.Buffer = Add2Ptr( DirContext->ObjectName.Buffer, DirContext->ObjectName.MaximumLength, PWCHAR ); }
if (ContainsIllegal) { DirContext->PureObjectName.Buffer = Add2Ptr( DirContext->CaseObjectName.Buffer, DirContext->CaseObjectName.MaximumLength, PWCHAR ); } }
ASSERT( RequiredBufferLength <= DirContext->AllocLength );
// Convert the dstring.
UdfConvertCS0DstringToUnicode( IrpContext, NameDstring, DirContext->Fid->FileIDLen, 0, &DirContext->PureObjectName );
// If illegal characters were present, run the name through the UDF transmogrifier.
if (ContainsIllegal) {
UdfRenderNameToLegalUnicode( IrpContext, &DirContext->PureObjectName, &DirContext->ObjectName );
// The ObjectName is the same as the PureObjectName.
} else {
DirContext->ObjectName.Length = DirContext->PureObjectName.Length; }
// Upcase the result if required.
if (IgnoreCase) {
UdfUpcaseName( IrpContext, &DirContext->ObjectName, &DirContext->CaseObjectName ); }
DebugTrace(( -1, Dbg, "UdfUpdateDirNames -> VOID\n" )); return; }
Routine Description:
This routine walks the directory specified for an entry which matches the input criteria.
Fcb - the directory to search Name - name to search for IgnoreCase - whether this search should be case-insensitive (Name will already be upcased) ShortName - whether the name should be searched for according to short name rules DirContext - context structure to use and return results in
Return Value:
BOOLEAN True if a matching directory entry is being returned, False otherwise.
// Check inputs.
DebugTrace(( +1, Dbg, "UdfFindDirEntry, Fcb=%08x Name=\"%wZ\" Ignore=%u Short=%u, DC=%08x\n", Fcb, Name, IgnoreCase, ShortName, DirContext ));
// Depending on the kind of search we are performing a different flavor of the found name
// wil be used in the comparison.
if (ShortName) {
MatchName = &DirContext->ShortObjectName; } else {
MatchName = &DirContext->CaseObjectName; }
// Go get the first entry.
UdfLookupInitialDirEntry( IrpContext, Fcb, DirContext, NULL );
// Now loop looking for a good match.
do {
// If it is deleted, we obviously aren't interested in it.
if (FlagOn( DirContext->Fid->Flags, NSR_FID_F_DELETED )) {
continue; }
UdfUpdateDirNames( IrpContext, DirContext, IgnoreCase ); //
// If this is a constant entry, just keep going.
if (!FlagOn( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_SEEN_NONCONSTANT )) { continue; }
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "\"%wZ\" (pure \"%wZ\") @ +%08x\n", &DirContext->ObjectName, &DirContext->PureObjectName, DirContext->ViewOffset ));
// If we are searching for generated shortnames, a small subset of the names
// in the directory are actually candidates for a match. Go get the name.
if (ShortName) {
// Now, only if this Fid's name is non 8.3 is it neccesary to work with it.
if (!UdfIs8dot3Name( IrpContext, DirContext->ObjectName )) {
// Allocate the shortname if it isn't already done.
if (DirContext->ShortObjectName.Buffer == NULL) {
DirContext->ShortObjectName.Buffer = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( UdfPagedPool, BYTE_COUNT_8_DOT_3, TAG_SHORT_FILE_NAME ); DirContext->ShortObjectName.MaximumLength = BYTE_COUNT_8_DOT_3; }
UdfGenerate8dot3Name( IrpContext, &DirContext->PureObjectName, &DirContext->ShortObjectName );
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "built shortname \"%wZ\"\n", &DirContext->ShortObjectName ));
} else {
// As an 8.3 name already, this name will not have caused us to have to generate
// a short name, so it can't be the case that the caller is looking for it.
continue; } }
if (UdfFullCompareNames( IrpContext, MatchName, Name ) == EqualTo) {
// Got a match, so give it up.
DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "HIT\n" )); DebugTrace(( -1, Dbg, "UdfFindDirEntry -> TRUE\n" ));
return TRUE; }
} while ( UdfLookupNextDirEntry( IrpContext, Fcb, DirContext ));
// No match was found.
DebugTrace(( -1, Dbg, "UdfFindDirEntry -> FALSE\n" ));
return FALSE; }
// Local support routine
BOOLEAN UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing ( IN PIRP_CONTEXT IrpContext, IN PFCB Fcb, IN PDIR_ENUM_CONTEXT DirContext, IN BOOLEAN ReturnError )
Routine Description:
This routine is the core engine of directory stream enumeration. It receives a context which has been advanced and does the integrity checks and final extraction of the Fid with respect to file cache granularity restrictions.
NOTE: we assume that a Fid cannot span a cache view. The maximum size of a Fid is just over 32k, so this is a good and likely permanent assumption.
Fcb - the directory being enumerated. DirContext - a corresponding context for the enumeration. ReturnError - whether errors should be returned (or raised)
Return Value:
BOOLEAN according to the successful extraction of the Fid. If ReturnError is FALSE, then failure will result in a raised status.
{ BOOLEAN Result = TRUE; PNSR_FID FidBufferC = NULL; PNSR_FID FidBuffer = NULL;
ULONG FidSize;
ULONG FidBytesInPreviousView = 0; PAGED_CODE(); //
// Check inputs.
ASSERT_IRP_CONTEXT( IrpContext ); ASSERT_FCB_INDEX( Fcb ); try { //
// First check that the stream can contain another FID.
if (DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart + DirContext->ViewOffset + ISONsrFidConstantSize > Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) { DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing: DC %p, constant header overlaps end of dir\n", DirContext ));
try_leave( Result = FALSE ); } //
// We now build up the constant portion of the FID for use. It may be the case that
// this spans a view boundary and must be buffered, or is entirely in the next view
// and we simply need to advance.
if (GenericTruncatePtr( Add2Ptr( DirContext->Fid, ISONsrFidConstantSize - 1, PUCHAR ), VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY ) != DirContext->View) { FidBytesInPreviousView = GenericRemainderPtr( DirContext->Fid, VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY ); //
// Only buffer if there are really bytes in the previous view.
if (FidBytesInPreviousView) { FidC = FidBufferC = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( UdfPagedPool, ISONsrFidConstantSize, TAG_FID_BUFFER ); RtlCopyMemory( FidBufferC, DirContext->Fid, FidBytesInPreviousView ); } //
// Now advance into the next view to pick up the rest.
DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart += VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY; DirContext->ViewOffset = 0; //
// Contain the view length by the size of the stream and map.
DirContext->ViewLength = VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY; if (DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart + DirContext->ViewLength > Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) { DirContext->ViewLength = (ULONG) (Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart - DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart); } UdfUnpinData( IrpContext, &DirContext->Bcb ); CcMapData( Fcb->FileObject, &DirContext->BaseOffset, DirContext->ViewLength, TRUE, &DirContext->Bcb, &DirContext->View );
// We are guaranteed that this much lies in the stream. Build the rest of the
// constant header.
if (FidBytesInPreviousView) { RtlCopyMemory( Add2Ptr( FidBufferC, FidBytesInPreviousView, PUCHAR ), DirContext->View, ISONsrFidConstantSize - FidBytesInPreviousView ); //
// In fact, this FID is perfectly aligned to the front of this view. No buffering
// is required, and we just set the FID pointer.
} else {
DirContext->Fid = DirContext->View; } } //
// If no buffering was required, we can use the cache directly.
if (!FidBytesInPreviousView) { FidC = DirContext->Fid; } //
// Now we can check that the Fid data lies within the stream bounds and is sized
// within a logical block (per UDF). This will complete the size-wise integrity
// verification.
if (((DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart + DirContext->ViewOffset - FidBytesInPreviousView + ISONsrFidSize( FidC ) > Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) && DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing: DC %p, FID (FidC %p, FBIPV %u) overlaps end of dir\n", DirContext, FidC, FidBytesInPreviousView ))) ||
(ISONsrFidSize( FidC ) > BlockSize( Fcb->Vcb ) && DebugTrace(( 0, Dbg, "UdfLookupDirEntryPostProcessing: DC %p, FID (FidC %p) larger than a logical block\n", DirContext, FidC )))) {
try_leave( Result = FALSE );
// Final Fid rollup.
// The Fid may span a view boundary and should be buffered. If we already buffered, we know
// we have to do this.
if (FidBytesInPreviousView || GenericTruncatePtr( Add2Ptr( DirContext->Fid, ISONsrFidSize( FidC ) - 1, PUCHAR ), VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY ) != DirContext->View) { Fid = FidBuffer = FsRtlAllocatePoolWithTag( UdfPagedPool, ISONsrFidSize( FidC ), TAG_FID_BUFFER );
// Pull the fidsize out now in case we're still pointing to the cache (ie. no
// buffering was required for fixed portion) but are about to change the mapping
// below (need to buffer for variable portion).
FidSize = ISONsrFidSize( FidC); //
// If we already buffered and advanced for the header, just prefill
// the final Fid buffer with the bytes that are now unavaliable.
if (FidBytesInPreviousView) {
RtlCopyMemory( FidBuffer, FidBufferC, FidBytesInPreviousView );
} else { //
// Buffer and advance the view.
FidBytesInPreviousView = GenericRemainderPtr( DirContext->Fid, VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY ); RtlCopyMemory( FidBuffer, DirContext->Fid, FidBytesInPreviousView ); //
// Now advance into the next view to pick up the rest.
DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart += VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY; DirContext->ViewOffset = 0; //
// Contain the view length by the size of the stream and map.
DirContext->ViewLength = VACB_MAPPING_GRANULARITY; if (DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart + DirContext->ViewLength > Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart) { DirContext->ViewLength = (ULONG) (Fcb->FileSize.QuadPart - DirContext->BaseOffset.QuadPart); } UdfUnpinData( IrpContext, &DirContext->Bcb ); CcMapData( Fcb->FileObject, &DirContext->BaseOffset, DirContext->ViewLength, TRUE, &DirContext->Bcb, &DirContext->View ); } //
// We are guaranteed that this much lies in the stream.
RtlCopyMemory( Add2Ptr( FidBuffer, FidBytesInPreviousView, PUCHAR ), DirContext->View, FidSize - FidBytesInPreviousView ); } else {
Fid = DirContext->Fid; } //
// We finally have the whole Fid safely extracted from the cache, so the
// integrity check is now the last step before success. For simplicity's
// sake we trust the Lbn field.
Result = UdfVerifyDescriptor( IrpContext, &Fid->Destag, DESTAG_ID_NSR_FID, ISONsrFidSize( Fid ), Fid->Destag.Lbn, ReturnError );
// Prepare to return a buffered Fid.
if (FidBuffer && Result) {
SetFlag( DirContext->Flags, DIR_CONTEXT_FLAG_FID_BUFFERED ); DirContext->Fid = FidBuffer; FidBuffer = NULL; } } finally {
UdfFreePool( &FidBuffer ); UdfFreePool( &FidBufferC ); }
if (!ReturnError && !Result) {
UdfRaiseStatus( IrpContext, STATUS_FILE_CORRUPT_ERROR ); }
// On success update the next Fid information in the context.
// Note that we must drop in a hint as to where the next Fid
// will be found so that the next advance will know how much
// of a buffered Fid isn't in this view.
if (Result) {
DirContext->NextFidOffset = DirContext->ViewOffset + ISONsrFidSize( Fid ); if (FidBytesInPreviousView) { DirContext->NextFidOffset -= FidBytesInPreviousView; } }
return Result; }