#define _NTAPI_ULIB_
#include "ulib.hxx"
#include "path.hxx"
#include "wstring.hxx"
#include "redir.hxx"
// The string below represents the path used to determine whether or not
// an LPT device is redirected to a COM device.
// Due to performance, this path should always be defined in upper case.
BOOLEAN REDIR::Redirect ( IN PCPATH Device, IN PCPATH Destination )
Routine Description:
Redirects a device. The device is redirected by creating a symbolic link to the destination device. If this is the first redirection of the device, the original symbolic link is saved in the registry under a volatile key so that it can be recovered latter on.
Note that redirection requires sufficient privileges to create symbolic links and to create entries in the registry under SAVE_ROOT.
Device - Supplies the device to be redirected.
Destination - Supplies the device to be redirected to
Return Value:
BOOLEAN - TRUE if the device was successfully redirected. FALSE otherwise.
{ BOOLEAN Redirected = FALSE; PCWSTRING DeviceName; PCWSTRING DestinationName;
DebugPtrAssert( Device ); DebugPtrAssert( Destination );
if( ( Device != NULL ) && ( Destination != NULL ) && ( ( DeviceName = Device->GetPathString() ) != NULL ) && ( ( DestinationName = Destination->GetPathString() ) != NULL ) ) {
Redirected = DefineDosDevice( 0, DeviceName->GetWSTR(), DestinationName->GetWSTR() ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
#if DBG
if( !Redirected ) { DebugPrint( "MODE: DefineDosDevice() failed" ); DebugPrintTrace(( "MODE: DefineDosDevice() failed, Device = %ls, Destination = %ls, Error = %d \n", DeviceName->GetWSTR(), DestinationName->GetWSTR(), GetLastError() )); } #endif
} return Redirected; }
BOOLEAN REDIR::IsRedirected ( OUT PREDIR_STATUS Status, IN PCPATH Device, IN PCPATH Destination )
Routine Description:
Determines if a device is being redirected to a specific device.
Status - Supplies pointer to redirection status. Only set in if the return value of this method is FALSE
Device - Supplies the device about which we want to find out if it is redirected or not.
Destination - Supplies a pointer to a destination device.
Return Value:
TRUE if the device is redirected to the destination FALSE otherwise
{ BOOLEAN Redirected = FALSE; PCWSTRING DeviceName; PCWSTRING DestinationName; DSTRING DstRedir; FSTRING LptRedirectionPath; DSTRING TmpString; WCHAR buf[ 2*(MAX_PATH + 1) ]; PWSTR pwstrTarget;
DebugPtrAssert( Device );
if (NULL == (DeviceName = Device->GetPathString())) { return FALSE; }
if (!QueryDosDevice(DeviceName->GetWSTR(), buf, sizeof(buf) / sizeof(WCHAR))) {
// The device probably doesn't exist
return FALSE; }
pwstrTarget = buf;
// Find out if the LPT device is redirected to the destination.
return INVALID_CHNUM != DstRedir.Strstr(Destination->GetPathString()); }
Routine Description:
Determines if a device is being redirected to any device.
Status - Supplies pointer to redirection status. Only set in if the return value of this method is FALSE
Device - Supplies the device about which we want to find out if it is redirected or not.
Return Value:
TRUE if redirected, FALSE otherwise.
{ BOOLEAN Redirected = FALSE; PCWSTRING DeviceName; PCWSTRING DestinationName; DSTRING DstRedir; FSTRING LptRedirectionPath; DSTRING TmpString; WCHAR Buffer[ 2*(MAX_PATH + 1) ]; PWSTR Pointer; PPATH Destination = NULL;
DebugPtrAssert( Device );
if( ( Device != NULL ) && ( ( DeviceName = Device->GetPathString() ) != NULL ) ) {
if( QueryDosDevice( DeviceName->GetWSTR(), Buffer, sizeof( Buffer ) / sizeof( WCHAR ) ) == 0 ) { //
// The device probably doesn't exist
return( FALSE ); }
// At this point we know that the device exists.
// Assume that the device is not redirected.
Pointer = Buffer;
LptRedirectionPath.Initialize( LPT_REDIRECTION_PATH );
// Find out if the LPT device is redirected to a COM device
while( ( *Pointer != ( WCHAR )'\0' ) && DstRedir.Initialize( Pointer ) && ( DstRedir.Strupr() != NULL ) && !Redirected ) {
if( DstRedir.Strstr( &LptRedirectionPath ) != INVALID_CHNUM ) { //
// The LPT device is redirected to a COM device
if( Destination != NULL ) { if( ( ( DestinationName = Destination->GetPathString() ) != NULL ) && ( DstRedir.Strstr( DestinationName ) != INVALID_CHNUM ) ) { Redirected = TRUE; } } else { Redirected = TRUE; } } Pointer += DstRedir.QueryChCount() + 1; } }
return Redirected; }
BOOLEAN REDIR::EndRedirection ( IN PCPATH Device )
Routine Description:
Ends the redirection of a device
Device - Supplies the device
Return Value:
TRUE if the device's redirection has ended. FALSE otherwise
DebugPtrAssert( Device );
if( IsRedirected( &Status, Device ) ) { if( ( Device != NULL ) && ( ( DeviceName = Device->GetPathString() ) != NULL ) ) {
Done = DefineDosDevice( DDD_REMOVE_DEFINITION /* | DDD_RAW_TARGET_PATH */, DeviceName->GetWSTR(), NULL ) ? TRUE : FALSE;
#if DBG
if( !Done ) { DebugPrint( "MODE: DefineDosDevice() failed" ); DebugPrintTrace(( "MODE: DefineDosDevice() failed, Device = %ls, Destination = %ls, Error = %d \n", DeviceName->GetWSTR(), LPT_REDIRECTION_PATH, GetLastError() )); } #endif
} } return Done; }