Copyright (c) 1991 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Ken Reneris (kenr)
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
#include "halp.h"
#include "kdcom.h"
#include "acpitabl.h"
// Array to remember hal's IDT usage
#pragma data_seg("INITCONST") //Yes, this says INITCONST, but that is fine.
// IDT vector usage info
#pragma data_seg()
// IDT vector usage info
IDTUsageFlags HalpIDTUsageFlags[MAXIMUM_IDTVECTOR+1] = {0};
extern WCHAR HalpSzSystem[]; extern WCHAR HalpSzSerialNumber[]; extern ADDRESS_USAGE HalpDetectedROM; extern ULONG HalDisableFirmwareMapper;
KAFFINITY HalpActiveProcessors;
ADDRESS_USAGE HalpComIoSpace = { NULL, CmResourceTypePort, DeviceUsage, { 0x2F8, 0x8, // Default is 2F8 for COM2. This will be changed.
0, 0 } };
USHORT HalpComPortIrqMapping[5][2] = { {COM1_PORT, 4}, {COM2_PORT, 3}, {COM3_PORT, 4}, {COM4_PORT, 3}, {0,0} };
VOID HalpReportSerialNumber ( VOID );
VOID HalpMarkAcpiHal( VOID );
#ifndef ACPI_HAL
VOID HalpInheritROMBlocks ( VOID );
VOID HalpAddROMRanges ( VOID );
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpEnableInterruptHandler)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpRegisterVector)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpGetResourceSortValue)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpReportResourceUsage)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpReportSerialNumber)
#pragma alloc_text(PAGE, HalpMarkAcpiHal)
#ifndef ACPI_HAL
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpInheritROMBlocks)
#pragma alloc_text(INIT,HalpAddROMRanges)
#if !defined(_WIN64)
NTSTATUS HalpEnableInterruptHandler ( IN UCHAR ReportFlags, IN ULONG BusInterruptVector, IN ULONG SystemInterruptVector, IN KIRQL SystemIrql, IN PHAL_INTERRUPT_SERVICE_ROUTINE HalInterruptServiceRoutine, IN KINTERRUPT_MODE InterruptMode ) /*++
Routine Description:
This function connects & registers an IDT vectors usage by the HAL.
Return Value:
--*/ { #ifndef ACPI_HAL
// Remember which vector the hal is connecting so it can be reported
// later on
// If this is an ACPI HAL, the vectors will be claimed by the BIOS.
// This is done for Win98 compatibility.
HalpRegisterVector (ReportFlags, BusInterruptVector, SystemInterruptVector, SystemIrql); #endif
// Connect the IDT and enable the vector now
KiSetHandlerAddressToIDT(SystemInterruptVector, HalInterruptServiceRoutine); HalEnableSystemInterrupt(SystemInterruptVector, SystemIrql, InterruptMode); return STATUS_SUCCESS; } #endif
VOID HalpRegisterVector ( IN UCHAR ReportFlags, IN ULONG BusInterruptVector, IN ULONG SystemInterruptVector, IN KIRQL SystemIrql ) /*++
Routine Description:
This registers an IDT vectors usage by the HAL.
Return Value:
--*/ { #if DBG
// There are only 0ff IDT entries...
ASSERT (SystemInterruptVector <= MAXIMUM_IDTVECTOR && BusInterruptVector <= MAXIMUM_IDTVECTOR); #endif
// Remember which vector the hal is connecting so it can be reported
// later on
HalpIDTUsageFlags[SystemInterruptVector].Flags = ReportFlags; HalpIDTUsage[SystemInterruptVector].Irql = SystemIrql; HalpIDTUsage[SystemInterruptVector].BusReleativeVector = (UCHAR) BusInterruptVector; }
VOID HalpGetResourceSortValue ( IN PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pRCurLoc, OUT PULONG sortscale, OUT PLARGE_INTEGER sortvalue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Used by HalpReportResourceUsage in order to properly sort partial_resource_descriptors.
pRCurLoc - resource descriptor
Return Value:
sortscale - scaling of resource descriptor for sorting sortvalue - value to sort on
--*/ { switch (pRCurLoc->Type) { case CmResourceTypeInterrupt: *sortscale = 0; *sortvalue = RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger( pRCurLoc->u.Interrupt.Level ); break;
case CmResourceTypePort: *sortscale = 1; *sortvalue = pRCurLoc->u.Port.Start; break;
case CmResourceTypeMemory: *sortscale = 2; *sortvalue = pRCurLoc->u.Memory.Start; break;
default: *sortscale = 4; *sortvalue = RtlConvertUlongToLargeInteger (0); break; } }
#ifndef ACPI_HAL
HANDLE RegistryHandle; NTSTATUS Status;
PVOID BaseAddress; PVOID destination;
ULONG ViewSize; ULONG ResultLength; ULONG Index; ULONG LastMappedAddress;
Bus = HaliHandlerForBus (PCIBus, 0); if (!Bus) { //
//No root bus????
return; }
// Set up and open KeyPath
InitializeObjectAttributes( &ObjectAttributes, &SectionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, (HANDLE)NULL, NULL );
Status = ZwOpenKey( &RegistryHandle, KEY_READ, &ObjectAttributes );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return; }
// Allocate space for the data
KeyValueBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, KEY_VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE, ' MDV' );
if (KeyValueBuffer == NULL) { ZwClose(RegistryHandle); return ; }
// Get the data for the rom information
RtlInitUnicodeString( &WorkString, L"Configuration Data" );
Status = ZwQueryValueKey( RegistryHandle, &WorkString, KeyValueFullInformation, KeyValueBuffer, KEY_VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE, &ResultLength );
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ZwClose(RegistryHandle); ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer); return ; }
//At this point, we have the data, so go ahead and
//add in all of the range, except VGA, we can
//assume we're not going to want to drop another card there
HalpAddRange( &Bus->BusAddresses->Memory, 0, 0, 0xC0000, 0xFFFFF );
ResourceDescriptor = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) ((PUCHAR) KeyValueBuffer + KeyValueBuffer->DataOffset);
if ((KeyValueBuffer->DataLength < sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)) || (ResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Count < 2) ) { ZwClose(RegistryHandle); ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer); // No rom blocks.
return; }
PartialResourceDescriptor = (PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) ((PUCHAR)ResourceDescriptor + sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) + ResourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0] .u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize);
if (KeyValueBuffer->DataLength < ((PUCHAR)PartialResourceDescriptor - (PUCHAR)ResourceDescriptor + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) + sizeof(CM_ROM_BLOCK)) ) { ZwClose(RegistryHandle); ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer); return;// STATUS_ILL_FORMED_SERVICE_ENTRY;
BiosBlock = (PCM_ROM_BLOCK)((PUCHAR)PartialResourceDescriptor + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR));
Index = PartialResourceDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize / sizeof(CM_ROM_BLOCK);
// N.B. Rom blocks begin on 2K (not necessarily page) boundaries
// They end on 512 byte boundaries. This means that we have
// to keep track of the last page mapped, and round the next
// Rom block up to the next page boundary if necessary.
LastMappedAddress = 0xC0000;
while (Index) { #if 0
DbgPrint( "Bios Block, PhysAddr = %lx, size = %lx\n", BiosBlock->Address, BiosBlock->Size ); #endif
if ((Index > 1) && ((BiosBlock->Address + BiosBlock->Size) == BiosBlock[1].Address) ) { //
// Coalesce adjacent blocks
BiosBlock[1].Address = BiosBlock[0].Address; BiosBlock[1].Size += BiosBlock[0].Size; Index--; BiosBlock++; continue; }
BaseAddress = (PVOID)(BiosBlock->Address); ViewSize = BiosBlock->Size;
if ((ULONG)BaseAddress < LastMappedAddress) { if (ViewSize > (LastMappedAddress - (ULONG)BaseAddress)) { ViewSize = ViewSize - (LastMappedAddress - (ULONG)BaseAddress); BaseAddress = (PVOID)LastMappedAddress; } else { ViewSize = 0; } }
ViewBase.LowPart = (ULONG)BaseAddress;
if (ViewSize > 0) {
HalpRemoveRange ( &Bus->BusAddresses->Memory, ViewBase.LowPart, ViewSize);
LastMappedAddress = (ULONG)BaseAddress + ViewSize; }
Index--; BiosBlock++; }
// Free up the handles
ZwClose(RegistryHandle); ExFreePool(KeyValueBuffer);
VOID HalpAddROMRanges ( VOID ) { PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR resourceDescriptor; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR partialResourceDescriptor; PKEY_VALUE_FULL_INFORMATION keyValueBuffer; PCM_ROM_BLOCK biosBlock; ULONG resultLength; OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING sectionName; UNICODE_STRING workString; HANDLE registryHandle; NTSTATUS status; LARGE_INTEGER viewBase; PVOID baseAddress; ULONG viewSize; ULONG index; ULONG element; ULONG lastMappedAddress; ADDRESS_USAGE *addrUsage;
RtlInitUnicodeString(§ionName, HalpSzSystem); InitializeObjectAttributes( &objectAttributes, §ionName, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, (HANDLE)NULL, NULL); status = ZwOpenKey( ®istryHandle, KEY_READ, &objectAttributes); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) { //
// Allocate space for the data
keyValueBuffer = ExAllocatePoolWithTag( PagedPool, KEY_VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE, ' MDV'); if (keyValueBuffer) {
// Get the data for the rom information
RtlInitUnicodeString( &workString, L"Configuration Data"); status = ZwQueryValueKey( registryHandle, &workString, KeyValueFullInformation, keyValueBuffer, KEY_VALUE_BUFFER_SIZE, &resultLength); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
resourceDescriptor = (PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)((PUCHAR)keyValueBuffer + keyValueBuffer->DataOffset); if ( keyValueBuffer->DataLength >= sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) && resourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.Count >= 2) { partialResourceDescriptor = (PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)((PUCHAR)resourceDescriptor + sizeof(CM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) + resourceDescriptor->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors[0].u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize); if ( keyValueBuffer->DataLength >= ((PUCHAR)partialResourceDescriptor - (PUCHAR)resourceDescriptor + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) + sizeof(CM_ROM_BLOCK))) {
addrUsage = &HalpDetectedROM; //
// N.B. Rom blocks begin on 2K (not necessarily page) boundaries
// They end on 512 byte boundaries. This means that we have
// to keep track of the last page mapped, and round the next
// Rom block up to the next page boundary if necessary.
biosBlock = (PCM_ROM_BLOCK)((PUCHAR)partialResourceDescriptor + sizeof(CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR)); lastMappedAddress = 0xC0000; for ( index = partialResourceDescriptor->u.DeviceSpecificData.DataSize / sizeof(CM_ROM_BLOCK), element = 0; index; index--, biosBlock++) {
// Coalesce adjacent blocks
if ( index > 1 && (biosBlock->Address + biosBlock->Size) == biosBlock[1].Address) {
biosBlock[1].Address = biosBlock[0].Address; biosBlock[1].Size += biosBlock[0].Size; continue;
baseAddress = (PVOID)(biosBlock->Address); viewSize = biosBlock->Size; if ((ULONG)baseAddress < lastMappedAddress) {
if (viewSize > (lastMappedAddress - (ULONG)baseAddress)) {
viewSize = viewSize - (lastMappedAddress - (ULONG)baseAddress); baseAddress = (PVOID)lastMappedAddress;
} else {
viewSize = 0;
} }
viewBase.LowPart = (ULONG)baseAddress; if (viewSize > 0) {
addrUsage->Element[element].Start = viewBase.LowPart; addrUsage->Element[element].Length = viewSize; element++; lastMappedAddress = (ULONG)baseAddress + viewSize;
} } //
// Register address usage if we found at least one ROM block.
if (element) {
addrUsage->Element[element].Start = 0; addrUsage->Element[element].Length = 0; HalpRegisterAddressUsage(addrUsage);
} } } }
ExFreePool(keyValueBuffer); }
ZwClose(registryHandle); } }
VOID HalpReportResourceUsage ( IN PUNICODE_STRING HalName, IN INTERFACE_TYPE DeviceInterfaceToUse ) /*++
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { PCM_RESOURCE_LIST RawResourceList, TranslatedResourceList; PCM_FULL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pRFullDesc, pTFullDesc; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_LIST pRPartList, pTPartList; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pRCurLoc, pTCurLoc; PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR pRSortLoc, pTSortLoc; CM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR RPartialDesc, TPartialDesc; ULONG i, j, k, ListSize, Count; ULONG curscale, sortscale; UCHAR pass, reporton; INTERFACE_TYPE interfacetype; ULONG CurrentIDT, CurrentElement; ADDRESS_USAGE *CurrentAddress; LARGE_INTEGER curvalue, sortvalue;
#ifdef ACPI_HAL
extern PDEBUG_PORT_TABLE HalpDebugPortTable; #endif
// Claim the debugger com port resource if it is in use
if (KdComPortInUse != NULL) { HalpComIoSpace.Element[0].Start = (ULONG)(ULONG_PTR)KdComPortInUse; HalpRegisterAddressUsage(&HalpComIoSpace);
#ifdef ACPI_HAL
if (HalpDebugPortTable) { if (HalpDebugPortTable->BaseAddress.AddressSpaceID == 1) { HalpGetInfoFromACPI = TRUE; } } #endif
// The debugger does not use any interrupts. However for consistent
// behaviour between a machine with and without a debugger, we claim
// an interrupt for the debugger if the debugger port address is one
// for COM1-4.
if (!HalpGetInfoFromACPI) { for (i = 0; HalpComPortIrqMapping[i][0]; i++) { if ((PUCHAR)HalpComPortIrqMapping[i][0] == KdComPortInUse) { HalpRegisterVector( DeviceUsage | InterruptLatched, HalpComPortIrqMapping[i][1], HalpComPortIrqMapping[i][1] + PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE, HIGH_LEVEL); break; } } } } #ifndef ACPI_HAL // ACPI HALs don't deal with address maps
// Allocate some space to build the resource structure
RawResourceList = (PCM_RESOURCE_LIST)ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, PAGE_SIZE*2, HAL_POOL_TAG); TranslatedResourceList = (PCM_RESOURCE_LIST)ExAllocatePoolWithTag( NonPagedPool, PAGE_SIZE*2, HAL_POOL_TAG); if (!RawResourceList || !TranslatedResourceList) {
// These allocations were critical.
// This functions assumes unset fields are zero
RtlZeroMemory(RawResourceList, PAGE_SIZE*2); RtlZeroMemory(TranslatedResourceList, PAGE_SIZE*2);
// Initialize the lists
RawResourceList->List[0].InterfaceType = (INTERFACE_TYPE) -1;
pRFullDesc = RawResourceList->List; pRCurLoc = (PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) RawResourceList->List; pTCurLoc = (PCM_PARTIAL_RESOURCE_DESCRIPTOR) TranslatedResourceList->List;
// Make sure all vectors 00-2f are reserved
// 00-1E reserved by Intel
// 1F reserved by Intel for APIC (apc priority level)
// 20-2e reserved by Microsoft
// 2f reserved by Microsoft for APIC (dpc priority level)
for(i=0; i < PRIMARY_VECTOR_BASE; i++) { if (!(HalpIDTUsageFlags[i].Flags & IDTOwned)) { HalpIDTUsageFlags[i].Flags = InternalUsage; HalpIDTUsage[i].BusReleativeVector = (UCHAR) i; } }
for(pass=0; pass < 2; pass++) { if (pass == 0) { //
// First pass - build resource lists for resources reported
// reported against device usage.
reporton = DeviceUsage & ~IDTOwned; interfacetype = DeviceInterfaceToUse; } else {
// Second pass = build reousce lists for resources reported
// as internal usage.
reporton = InternalUsage & ~IDTOwned; interfacetype = Internal; }
CurrentIDT = 0; CurrentElement = 0; CurrentAddress = HalpAddressUsageList;
for (; ;) { if (CurrentIDT <= MAXIMUM_IDTVECTOR) { //
// Check to see if CurrentIDT needs to be reported
if (!(HalpIDTUsageFlags[CurrentIDT].Flags & reporton)) { // Don't report on this one
CurrentIDT++; continue; }
// Report CurrentIDT resource
RPartialDesc.Type = CmResourceTypeInterrupt; RPartialDesc.ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDriverExclusive; RPartialDesc.Flags = HalpIDTUsageFlags[CurrentIDT].Flags & InterruptLatched ? CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LATCHED : CM_RESOURCE_INTERRUPT_LEVEL_SENSITIVE; RPartialDesc.u.Interrupt.Vector = HalpIDTUsage[CurrentIDT].BusReleativeVector; RPartialDesc.u.Interrupt.Level = HalpIDTUsage[CurrentIDT].BusReleativeVector; RPartialDesc.u.Interrupt.Affinity = HalpActiveProcessors;
RtlCopyMemory (&TPartialDesc, &RPartialDesc, sizeof TPartialDesc); TPartialDesc.u.Interrupt.Vector = CurrentIDT; TPartialDesc.u.Interrupt.Level = HalpIDTUsage[CurrentIDT].Irql;
} else { //
// Check to see if CurrentAddress needs to be reported
if (!CurrentAddress) { break; // No addresses left
if (!(CurrentAddress->Flags & reporton)) { // Don't report on this list
CurrentElement = 0; CurrentAddress = CurrentAddress->Next; continue; }
if (!CurrentAddress->Element[CurrentElement].Length) { // End of current list, go to next list
CurrentElement = 0; CurrentAddress = CurrentAddress->Next; continue; }
// Report CurrentAddress
RPartialDesc.Type = (UCHAR) CurrentAddress->Type; RPartialDesc.ShareDisposition = CmResourceShareDriverExclusive;
if (RPartialDesc.Type == CmResourceTypePort) { i = 1; // address space port
RPartialDesc.Flags = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_IO;
if (HalpBusType == MACHINE_TYPE_EISA) { RPartialDesc.Flags |= CM_RESOURCE_PORT_16_BIT_DECODE; } #ifdef ACPI_HAL
RPartialDesc.Flags |= CM_RESOURCE_PORT_16_BIT_DECODE; #endif
} else { i = 0; // address space memory
if (CurrentAddress->Flags & RomResource) { RPartialDesc.Flags = CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_READ_ONLY; } else { RPartialDesc.Flags = CM_RESOURCE_MEMORY_READ_WRITE; } }
// Notice: assuming u.Memory and u.Port have the same layout
RPartialDesc.u.Memory.Start.HighPart = 0; RPartialDesc.u.Memory.Start.LowPart = CurrentAddress->Element[CurrentElement].Start;
RPartialDesc.u.Memory.Length = CurrentAddress->Element[CurrentElement].Length;
// translated address = Raw address
RtlCopyMemory (&TPartialDesc, &RPartialDesc, sizeof TPartialDesc); HalTranslateBusAddress ( interfacetype, // device bus or internal
0, // bus number
RPartialDesc.u.Memory.Start, // source address
&i, // address space
&TPartialDesc.u.Memory.Start ); // translated address
if (RPartialDesc.Type == CmResourceTypePort && i == 0) { TPartialDesc.Flags = CM_RESOURCE_PORT_MEMORY; }
CurrentElement++; }
// Include the current resource in the HALs list
if (pRFullDesc->InterfaceType != interfacetype) { //
// Interface type changed, add another full section
RawResourceList->Count++; TranslatedResourceList->Count++;
pRFullDesc->InterfaceType = interfacetype; pTFullDesc->InterfaceType = interfacetype;
pRPartList = &pRFullDesc->PartialResourceList; pTPartList = &pTFullDesc->PartialResourceList;
// Bump current location pointers up
pRCurLoc = pRFullDesc->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors; pTCurLoc = pTFullDesc->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors; }
pRPartList->Count++; pTPartList->Count++; RtlCopyMemory (pRCurLoc, &RPartialDesc, sizeof RPartialDesc); RtlCopyMemory (pTCurLoc, &TPartialDesc, sizeof TPartialDesc);
pRCurLoc++; pTCurLoc++; } }
ListSize = (ULONG) ( ((PUCHAR) pRCurLoc) - ((PUCHAR) RawResourceList) );
// The HAL's resource usage structures have been built
// Sort the partial lists based on the Raw resource values
pRFullDesc = RawResourceList->List; pTFullDesc = TranslatedResourceList->List;
for (i=0; i < RawResourceList->Count; i++) {
pRCurLoc = pRFullDesc->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors; pTCurLoc = pTFullDesc->PartialResourceList.PartialDescriptors; Count = pRFullDesc->PartialResourceList.Count;
for (j=0; j < Count; j++) { HalpGetResourceSortValue (pRCurLoc, &curscale, &curvalue);
pRSortLoc = pRCurLoc; pTSortLoc = pTCurLoc;
for (k=j; k < Count; k++) { HalpGetResourceSortValue (pRSortLoc, &sortscale, &sortvalue);
if (sortscale < curscale || (sortscale == curscale && RtlLargeIntegerLessThan (sortvalue, curvalue)) ) {
// Swap the elements..
RtlCopyMemory (&RPartialDesc, pRCurLoc, sizeof RPartialDesc); RtlCopyMemory (pRCurLoc, pRSortLoc, sizeof RPartialDesc); RtlCopyMemory (pRSortLoc, &RPartialDesc, sizeof RPartialDesc);
// swap translated descriptor as well
RtlCopyMemory (&TPartialDesc, pTCurLoc, sizeof TPartialDesc); RtlCopyMemory (pTCurLoc, pTSortLoc, sizeof TPartialDesc); RtlCopyMemory (pTSortLoc, &TPartialDesc, sizeof TPartialDesc);
// get new curscale & curvalue
HalpGetResourceSortValue (pRCurLoc, &curscale, &curvalue); }
pRSortLoc++; pTSortLoc++; }
pRCurLoc++; pTCurLoc++; }
// Inform the IO system of our resources..
IoReportHalResourceUsage ( HalName, RawResourceList, TranslatedResourceList, ListSize );
ExFreePool (RawResourceList); ExFreePool (TranslatedResourceList);
// Add system's serial number
HalpReportSerialNumber (); }
VOID HalpReportSerialNumber ( VOID ) { OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES objectAttributes; UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; HANDLE hSystem; NTSTATUS status;
if (!HalpSerialLen) { return ; }
// Open HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Hardware\Description\System
RtlInitUnicodeString (&unicodeString, HalpSzSystem); InitializeObjectAttributes ( &objectAttributes, &unicodeString, OBJ_CASE_INSENSITIVE, NULL, // handle
status = ZwOpenKey (&hSystem, KEY_READ | KEY_WRITE, &objectAttributes); if (NT_SUCCESS(status)) {
// Add "Serial Number" as REG_BINARY
RtlInitUnicodeString (&unicodeString, HalpSzSerialNumber);
ZwSetValueKey ( hSystem, &unicodeString, 0L, REG_BINARY, HalpSerialNumber, HalpSerialLen );
ZwClose (hSystem); } }
VOID HalpMarkAcpiHal( VOID )
Routine Description:
Return Value:
--*/ { UNICODE_STRING unicodeString; HANDLE hCurrentControlSet, handle; NTSTATUS status;
// Open/create System\CurrentControlSet key.
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeString, L"\\REGISTRY\\MACHINE\\SYSTEM\\CURRENTCONTROLSET"); status = HalpOpenRegistryKey ( &hCurrentControlSet, NULL, &unicodeString, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, FALSE ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return; }
// Open HKLM\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Pnp
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeString, L"Control\\Pnp"); status = HalpOpenRegistryKey ( &handle, hCurrentControlSet, &unicodeString, KEY_ALL_ACCESS, TRUE ); ZwClose(hCurrentControlSet); if (!NT_SUCCESS(status)) { return; }
RtlInitUnicodeString(&unicodeString, L"DisableFirmwareMapper"); ZwSetValueKey(handle, &unicodeString, 0, REG_DWORD, &HalDisableFirmwareMapper, sizeof(HalDisableFirmwareMapper) ); ZwClose(handle); }