Copyright (c) 1994 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module implements the code necessary to decode the address mode specifier byte.
N.B. This routine could be probably be more tightly encoded with a loss of clarity.
David N. Cutler (davec) 10-Sep-1994
Kernel mode only.
Revision History:
#include "nthal.h"
#include "emulate.h"
// Define forward referenced function prototypes.
ULONG XmEvaluateIndexSpecifier ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN ULONG Mode );
PVOID XmEvaluateAddressSpecifier ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, OUT PLONG Number )
Routine Description:
This function decodes x86 operand specifiers.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Number - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the register number selected by the reg field of the operand specifier.
Operand - Supplies a pointer to a variable that receives the address of the operand specified by the mod-r/m field of the operand specifier.
Return Value:
ULONG DispatchIndex; ULONG Mode; ULONG Modifier; ULONG Offset; ULONG Register; UCHAR SpecifierByte;
PVOID Address;
// Get the next byte from the instruction stream and isolate
// the fields. The format of an operand specifier byte is:
// <7:6> - Mode
// <5:3> - Operand Register
// <2:0> - Modifier
SpecifierByte = XmGetCodeByte(P); XmTraceSpecifier(SpecifierByte); Mode = (SpecifierByte >> 6) & 0x3; Modifier = SpecifierByte & 0x7; Register = (SpecifierByte >> 3) & 0x7; DispatchIndex = (Mode << 3) | (Modifier); P->RegisterOffsetAddress = FALSE;
// Set the segment base address and select between 16- and 32-bit
// addressing.
*Number = Register; if (P->OpaddrPrefixActive != FALSE) {
// 32-bit addressing.
// Case on dispatch index.
switch (DispatchIndex) {
// 00-000 DS:[EAX]
case 0: Offset = P->Gpr[EAX].Exx; break;
// 00-001 DS:[ECX]
case 1: Offset = P->Gpr[ECX].Exx; break;
// 00-010 DS:[EDX]
case 2: Offset = P->Gpr[EDX].Exx; break;
// 00-011 DS:[EBX]
case 3: Offset = P->Gpr[EBX].Exx; break;
// 00-100 - scale index byte
case 4: Offset = XmEvaluateIndexSpecifier(P, Mode); break;
// 00-101 DS:d32
case 5: Offset = XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 00-110 DS:[ESI]
case 6: Offset = P->Gpr[ESI].Exx; break;
// 00-111 DS:[EDI]
case 7: Offset = P->Gpr[EDI].Exx; break;
// 01-000 DS:[EAX + d8]
case 8: Offset = P->Gpr[EAX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-001 DS:[ECX + d8]
case 9: Offset = P->Gpr[ECX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-010 DS:[EDX + d8]
case 10: Offset = P->Gpr[EDX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-011 DS:[EBX + d8]
case 11: Offset = P->Gpr[EBX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-100 - scale index byte
case 12: Offset = XmEvaluateIndexSpecifier(P, Mode); break;
// 01-101 DS:[EBP + d8]
case 13: Offset = P->Gpr[EBP].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 01-110 DS:[ESI + d8]
case 14: Offset = P->Gpr[ESI].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-111 DS:[EDI + d8]
case 15: Offset = P->Gpr[EDI].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 10-000 DS:[EAX + d32]
case 16: Offset = P->Gpr[EAX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-001 DS:[ECX + d32]
case 17: Offset = P->Gpr[ECX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-010 DS:[EDX + d32]
case 18: Offset = P->Gpr[EDX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-011 DS:[EBX + d32]
case 19: Offset = P->Gpr[EBX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-100 - scale index byte
case 20: Offset = XmEvaluateIndexSpecifier(P, Mode); break;
// 10-101 DS:[EBP + d32]
case 21: Offset = P->Gpr[EBP].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 10-110 DS:[ESI + d32]
case 22: Offset = P->Gpr[ESI].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-111 DS:[EDI + d32]
case 23: Offset = P->Gpr[EDI].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 11-xxx - Register mode.
case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: P->RegisterOffsetAddress = TRUE; return XmGetRegisterAddress(P, Modifier); }
} else {
// 16-bit addressing.
// Case on dispatch index.
switch (DispatchIndex) {
// 00-000 DS:[BX + SI]
case 0: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + P->Gpr[SI].Xx); break;
// 00-001 DS:[BX + DI]
case 1: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + P->Gpr[DI].Xx); break;
// 00-010 SS:[BP + SI]
case 2: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + P->Gpr[SI].Xx); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 00-011 SS:[BP + DI]
case 3: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + P->Gpr[DI].Xx); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 00-100 DS:[SI]
case 4: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[SI].Xx); break;
// 00-101 DS:[DI]
case 5: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[DI].Xx); break;
// 00-110 DS:d16
case 6: Offset = XmGetWordImmediate(P); break;
// 00-111 DS:[BX]
case 7: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx); break;
// 01-000 DS:[BX + SI + d8]
case 8: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + P->Gpr[SI].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); break;
// 01-001 DS:[BX + DI + d8]
case 9: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + P->Gpr[DI].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); break;
// 01-010 SS:[BP + SI + d8]
case 10: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + P->Gpr[SI].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 01-011 SS:[BP + DI + d8]
case 11: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + P->Gpr[DI].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 01-100 DS:[SI + d8]
case 12: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[SI].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); break;
// 01-101 DS:[DI + d8]
case 13: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[DI].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); break;
// 01-110 DS:[BP + d8]
case 14: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 01-111 DS:[BX + d8]
case 15: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P)); break;
// 10-000 DS:[BX + SI + d16]
case 16: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + P->Gpr[SI].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); break;
// 10-001 DS:[BX + DI + d16]
case 17: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + P->Gpr[DI].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); break;
// 10-010 SS:[BP + SI + d16]
case 18: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + P->Gpr[SI].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 10-011 SS:[BP + DI + d16]
case 19: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + P->Gpr[DI].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 10-100 DS:[SI + d16]
case 20: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[SI].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); break;
// 10-101 DS:[DI + d16]
case 21: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[DI].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); break;
// 10-110 DS:[BP + d16]
case 22: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BP].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 10-111 DS:[BX + d16]
case 23: Offset = (USHORT)(P->Gpr[BX].Xx + XmGetWordImmediate(P)); break;
// 11-xxx - Register mode.
case 24: case 25: case 26: case 27: case 28: case 29: case 30: case 31: P->RegisterOffsetAddress = TRUE; return XmGetRegisterAddress(P, Modifier); } }
// If an effective offset is being calculated, then return the offset
// value. Otherwise, If the offset displacement value plus the datum
// size is not within the segment limits, then raise an exception.
// Otherwise, compute the operand address.
if (P->ComputeOffsetAddress != FALSE) { if (P->DataType == WORD_DATA) { Offset &= 0xffff; }
P->Offset = Offset; Address = UlongToPtr(Offset); } else { if ((Offset > P->SegmentLimit[P->DataSegment]) || ((Offset + P->DataType) > P->SegmentLimit[P->DataSegment])) { longjmp(&P->JumpBuffer[0], XM_SEGMENT_LIMIT_VIOLATION);
} else { P->Offset = Offset; Address = (PVOID)(ULONG_PTR)(P->TranslateAddress)(P->SegmentRegister[P->DataSegment], (USHORT)Offset); } }
return Address; }
ULONG XmEvaluateIndexSpecifier ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN ULONG Mode )
Routine Description:
This function evaluates a index specifier byte.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Mode - Supplies the mode of the address specifier.
Return Value:
The offset value computes from the index specifier.
ULONG DispatchIndex; ULONG Modifier; ULONG Offset; ULONG Register; ULONG Scale; UCHAR SpecifierByte;
// Get the next byte from the instruction stream and isolate the
// specifier fields. The format of an scale/index byte is:
// <7:6> - Scale
// <5:3> - Index register
// <2:0> - Modifier
SpecifierByte = XmGetCodeByte(P); XmTraceInstruction(BYTE_DATA, (ULONG)SpecifierByte); Scale = (SpecifierByte >> 6) & 0x3; Modifier = SpecifierByte & 0x7; Register = (SpecifierByte >> 3) & 0x7; DispatchIndex = (Mode << 3) | (Modifier);
// Case of dispatch index.
switch (DispatchIndex) {
// 00-000 DS:[EAX + scaled index]
case 0: Offset = P->Gpr[EAX].Exx; break;
// 00-001 DS:[ECX + scaled index]
case 1: Offset = P->Gpr[ECX].Exx; break;
// 00-010 DS:[EDX + scaled index]
case 2: Offset = P->Gpr[EDX].Exx; break;
// 00-011 DS:[EBX + scaled index]
case 3: Offset = P->Gpr[EBX].Exx; break;
// 00-100 SS:[ESP + scaled index]
case 4: Offset = P->Gpr[ESP].Exx; if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 00-101 DS:[d32 + scaled index]
case 5: Offset = XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 00-110 DS:[ESI + scaled index]
case 6: Offset = P->Gpr[ESI].Exx; break;
// 00-111 DS:[EDI + scaled index]
case 7: Offset = P->Gpr[EDI].Exx; break;
// 01-000 DS:[EAX + scaled index + d8]
case 8: Offset = P->Gpr[EAX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-001 DS:[ECX + scaled index + d8]
case 9: Offset = P->Gpr[ECX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-010 DS:[EDX + scaled index + d8]
case 10: Offset = P->Gpr[EDX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-011 DS:[EBX + scaled index + d8]
case 11: Offset = P->Gpr[EBX].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-100 SS:[ESP + scaled index + d8]
case 12: Offset = P->Gpr[ESP].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 01-101 DS:[EBP + scaled index + d8]
case 13: Offset = P->Gpr[EBP].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; } break;
// 01-110 DS:[ESI + scaled index + d8]
case 14: Offset = P->Gpr[ESI].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 01-111 DS:[EDI + scaled index + d8]
case 15: Offset = P->Gpr[EDI].Exx + XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); break;
// 10-000 DS:[EAX + scaled index + d32]
case 16: Offset = P->Gpr[EAX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-001 DS:[ECX + scaled index + d32]
case 17: Offset = P->Gpr[ECX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-010 DS:[EDX + scaled index + d32]
case 18: Offset = P->Gpr[EDX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-011 DS:[EBX + scaled index + d32]
case 19: Offset = P->Gpr[EBX].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-100 SS:[ESP + scaled index + d32]
case 20: Offset = P->Gpr[ESP].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 10-101 DS:[EBP + scaled index + d32]
case 21: Offset = P->Gpr[EBP].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); if (P->SegmentPrefixActive == FALSE) { P->DataSegment = SS; }
// 10-110 DS:[ESI + scaled index + d32]
case 22: Offset = P->Gpr[ESI].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// 10-111 DS:[EDI + scaled index + d32]
case 23: Offset = P->Gpr[EDI].Exx + XmGetLongImmediate(P); break;
// Illegal mode specifier.
default: longjmp(&P->JumpBuffer[0], XM_ILLEGAL_INDEX_SPECIFIER); }
// Compute the total offset value.
return Offset + (P->Gpr[Register].Exx << Scale); }
PVOID XmGetOffsetAddress ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN ULONG Offset )
Routine Description:
This function evaluates a data segment address given a specified offset.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Offset - Supplies the offset value.
Return Value:
A pointer to the operand value.
// If the offset displacement value plus the datum size is not within
// the segment limits, then raise an exception. Otherwise, compute the
// operand address.
if ((Offset > P->SegmentLimit[P->DataSegment]) || ((Offset + P->DataType) > P->SegmentLimit[P->DataSegment])) { longjmp(&P->JumpBuffer[0], XM_SEGMENT_LIMIT_VIOLATION); }
return (P->TranslateAddress)(P->SegmentRegister[P->DataSegment], (USHORT)Offset); }
PVOID XmGetRegisterAddress ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN ULONG Number )
Routine Description:
This function computes the address of a register value.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Number - Supplies the register number.
Return Value:
A pointer to the register value.
PVOID Value;
// If the operand width is a byte, then the register is a
// byte register. Otherwise, the register is a word register.
if (P->DataType == BYTE_DATA) { if (Number < 4) { Value = (PVOID)&P->Gpr[Number].Xl;
} else { Value = (PVOID)&P->Gpr[Number - 4].Xh; }
} else if (P->DataType == WORD_DATA) { Value = (PVOID)&P->Gpr[Number].Xx;
} else { Value = (PVOID)&P->Gpr[Number].Exx; }
return Value; }
PVOID XmGetStringAddress ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN ULONG Segment, IN ULONG Register )
Routine Description:
This function evaluates a string address.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Segment - Supplies the segment number of the string operand.
Register - Supplies the register number of the string operand.
Return Value:
A pointer to the string value.
ULONG Increment; ULONG Offset;
// Get the offset of the specified address and increment the specified
// register.
Increment = P->DataType + 1; if (P->Eflags.EFLAG_DF != 0) { Increment = ~Increment + 1; }
if (P->OpaddrPrefixActive != FALSE) { Offset = P->Gpr[Register].Exx; P->Gpr[Register].Exx += Increment;
} else { Offset = P->Gpr[Register].Xx; P->Gpr[Register].Xx += (USHORT)Increment; }
// If the offset displacement value plus the datum size is not within
// the segment limits, then raise an exception. Otherwise, compute the
// operand address.
if ((Offset > P->SegmentLimit[Segment]) || ((Offset + P->DataType) > P->SegmentLimit[Segment])) { longjmp(&P->JumpBuffer[0], XM_SEGMENT_LIMIT_VIOLATION); }
return (P->TranslateAddress)(P->SegmentRegister[Segment], (USHORT)Offset); }
VOID XmSetDestinationValue ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN PVOID Destination )
Routine Description:
This function stores the destination operand value in the emulator context.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Destination - Supplies a pointer to the destination operand value.
Return Value:
// Set address and value of destination.
P->DstLong = (ULONG UNALIGNED *)Destination; if (P->DataType == BYTE_DATA) { P->DstValue.Long = *(UCHAR *)Destination;
} else if (P->DataType == WORD_DATA) { if (((ULONG_PTR)Destination & 0x1) == 0) { P->DstValue.Long = *(USHORT *)Destination;
} else { P->DstValue.Long = *(USHORT UNALIGNED *)Destination; }
} else { if (((ULONG_PTR)Destination & 0x3) == 0) { P->DstValue.Long = *(ULONG *)Destination;
} else { P->DstValue.Long = *(ULONG UNALIGNED *)Destination; } }
XmTraceDestination(P, P->DstValue.Long); return; }
VOID XmSetSourceValue ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN PVOID Source )
Routine Description:
This function stores the source operand value in the emulator context.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Source - Supplies a pointer to the source operand value.
Return Value:
// Set address and value of source.
P->SrcLong = (ULONG UNALIGNED *)Source; if (P->DataType == BYTE_DATA) { P->SrcValue.Long = *(UCHAR UNALIGNED *)Source;
} else if (P->DataType == WORD_DATA) { P->SrcValue.Long = *(USHORT UNALIGNED *)Source;
} else { P->SrcValue.Long = *(ULONG UNALIGNED *)Source; }
XmTraceSource(P, P->SrcValue.Long); return; }
ULONG XmGetImmediateSourceValue ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN ULONG ByteFlag )
Routine Description:
This function gets an immediate source from the instruction stream.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
ByteFlag - Supplies a flag value that determines whether the immediate value is a sign extended byte.
Return Value:
ULONG Value;
// Get source value.
if (P->DataType == BYTE_DATA) { Value = XmGetByteImmediate(P);
} else if (P->DataType == WORD_DATA) { if (ByteFlag == 0) { Value = XmGetWordImmediate(P);
} else { Value = XmGetSignedByteImmediateToWord(P); }
} else { if (ByteFlag == 0) { Value = XmGetLongImmediate(P);
} else { Value = XmGetSignedByteImmediateToLong(P); } }
return Value; }
VOID XmSetImmediateSourceValue ( IN PRXM_CONTEXT P, IN ULONG Source )
Routine Description:
This function stores the immediate source operand value in the emulator context.
P - Supplies a pointer to an emulator context structure.
Source - Supplies the source value.
Return Value:
// Set source value.
P->SrcValue.Long = Source; XmTraceSource(P, Source); return; }