Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Class for creating a command console shell
Brian Guarraci (briangu) 2001.
Revision History:
#include <Session.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <process.h>
#include "secio.h"
#include "utils.h"
#include "scraper.h"
#include "vtutf8scraper.h"
extern "C" { #include <ntddsac.h>
#include <sacapi.h>
CSession::CSession() /*++
Routine Description:
Constructor Arguments:
None Return Value:
--*/ { //
m_dwPollInterval = MIN_POLL_INTERVAL; //
// Initialize the # of rows and cols the session
// screen will have
// Initialize the username and password for
// the authentication of a user
RtlZeroMemory(m_UserName, sizeof(m_UserName)); RtlZeroMemory(m_DomainName, sizeof(m_DomainName)); //
// Initialize the WaitForIo attributes
m_bContinueSession = true; m_dwHandleCount = 0; //
// NULL all event the handles we use
m_ThreadExitEvent = NULL; m_SacChannelCloseEvent = NULL; m_SacChannelHasNewDataEvent = NULL; m_SacChannelLockEvent = NULL; m_SacChannelRedrawEvent = NULL; //
// thread handle is invalid
m_InputThreadHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
m_ioHandler = NULL; m_Scraper = NULL; m_Shell = NULL;
CSession::~CSession() /*++
Routine Description:
Destructor Arguments:
N/A Return Value:
--*/ { if (m_Shell) { delete m_Shell; } if (m_Scraper) { delete m_Scraper; } if (m_ioHandler) { delete m_ioHandler; } if (m_ThreadExitEvent) { CloseHandle( m_ThreadExitEvent ); } if (m_SacChannelCloseEvent) { CloseHandle( m_SacChannelCloseEvent ); } if (m_SacChannelHasNewDataEvent) { CloseHandle( m_SacChannelHasNewDataEvent ); } if (m_SacChannelLockEvent) { CloseHandle( m_SacChannelLockEvent ); } if (m_SacChannelRedrawEvent) { CloseHandle( m_SacChannelRedrawEvent ); }
BOOL CSession::Authenticate( OUT PHANDLE phToken ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine attempts to authenticate a user (if necessary) and acquire credentials.
hToken - on success, contains the authenticated credentials Return Value:
TRUE - success FALSE - otherwise
interface: registry external input LogonUser()
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess; PWCHAR Password; //
// Allocate the password on the heap
Password = new WCHAR[MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1]; //
// Purge the password buffer
RtlZeroMemory(Password, (MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(Password[0])); //
// Default: the credentials are invalid
// Default: we were successful
bSuccess = TRUE;
// Attempt to authenticate a user if authentication
// as actually needed.
do {
if( NeedCredentials() ) {
// Get the credentials to authenticate
bSuccess = m_ioHandler->RetrieveCredentials( m_UserName, sizeof(m_UserName) / sizeof(m_UserName[0]), m_DomainName, sizeof(m_DomainName) / sizeof(m_DomainName[0]), Password, MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1 );
if (!bSuccess) { break; }
// Attempt the actual authentication
bSuccess = m_ioHandler->AuthenticateCredentials( m_UserName, m_DomainName, Password, phToken );
if (!bSuccess) { break; }
} } while ( FALSE );
// Purge and release the password buffer
RtlSecureZeroMemory(Password, (MAX_PASSWORD_LENGTH+1) * sizeof(Password[0])); delete [] Password;
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CSession::Lock( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine manages the locking of the session. Arguments:
None Return Value:
--*/ { //
// Lock the IOHandler
// this causes the Security Iohandler to switch from using
// the SAC IOHandler to using the NULLIO handler.
return TRUE; }
BOOL CSession::Unlock( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine manages the unlocking of the session after a user has authenticated. Arguments:
None Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL bStatus;
// Unlock the IOHandler
// this causes the Security Iohandler to switch from using
// the NULLIO handler to using the SAC IOhandler
m_ioHandler->Unlock(); //
// It is possible that the Lock Event was signalled while we were
// waiting for authentication
// e.g. Imagine a user starting a cmd session,
// not logging in, and walking away for longer than the timeout
// period
// -or-
// a SAC "lock" command was issued while the session was already
// locked.
// After the user logs on successfully, we should not lock again.
// Hence, we need to reset the lock event.
// Note: It is not correct to do this in the security IO handler, as it
// should not have global knowledge of all the circumstances that
// can signal the lock event.
bStatus = ResetEvent(m_SacChannelLockEvent);
return bStatus; }
BOOL CSession::Init( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine does the core initialization for the session. If this routine is successful, the WaitForIo routine may be called. Arguments:
None Return Value:
TRUE - the session was successfully initialized FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { SAC_CHANNEL_OPEN_ATTRIBUTES Attributes; HANDLE hToken; BOOL bSuccess;
// Initialize the last error status
SetLastError( 0 );
// Construct the manually resetting events that we'll use
// Note: we do not need to CloseHandle() on the events if
// fail because they are cleaned up in the destructor
m_SacChannelLockEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); ASSERT_STATUS(m_SacChannelLockEvent, FALSE); m_SacChannelCloseEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); ASSERT_STATUS(m_SacChannelCloseEvent, FALSE); m_ThreadExitEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); ASSERT_STATUS(m_ThreadExitEvent, FALSE); m_SacChannelHasNewDataEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); ASSERT_STATUS(m_SacChannelHasNewDataEvent, FALSE); m_SacChannelRedrawEvent = CreateEvent( NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL ); ASSERT_STATUS(m_SacChannelRedrawEvent, FALSE); //
// Configure the attributes of the command console channel
// Note: we don't use all of the attributes since most are defaulted
// in the SAC driver
RtlZeroMemory(&Attributes, sizeof(SAC_CHANNEL_OPEN_ATTRIBUTES));
Attributes.Flags = SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_CLOSE_EVENT | SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_HAS_NEW_DATA_EVENT | SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_LOCK_EVENT | SAC_CHANNEL_FLAG_REDRAW_EVENT; Attributes.CloseEvent = m_SacChannelCloseEvent; Attributes.HasNewDataEvent = m_SacChannelHasNewDataEvent; Attributes.LockEvent = m_SacChannelLockEvent; Attributes.RedrawEvent = m_SacChannelRedrawEvent;
// Attempt to open the Secure Io Handler to the SAC command console channel
m_ioHandler = CSecurityIoHandler::Construct(Attributes); if (! m_ioHandler) { return FALSE; }
// Attempt to authenticate the session user
bSuccess = Authenticate(&hToken); if (!bSuccess) { return (FALSE); }
// The user successfully authenticated, so unlock the session
// Create the scraper we'll use for this session
m_Scraper = new CVTUTF8Scraper( m_ioHandler, m_wCols, m_wRows ); //
// Create the shell we'll use for this session
m_Shell = new CShell();
// Attempt to launch the command console session
bSuccess = m_Shell->StartUserSession ( this, hToken ); ASSERT_STATUS(bSuccess, FALSE);
// We are done with the token
// Start the scraper
bSuccess = m_Scraper->Start(); ASSERT_STATUS(bSuccess, FALSE); //
// The scraping thread needs to also listen if the SAC channel closes
AddHandleToWaitOn(m_SacChannelCloseEvent); AddHandleToWaitOn(m_SacChannelLockEvent); AddHandleToWaitOn(m_SacChannelRedrawEvent);
// Create threads to handle Input
m_InputThreadHandle = (HANDLE)_beginthreadex( NULL, 0, CSession::InputThread, this, 0, (unsigned int*)&m_InputThreadTID );
// We successfully initialized the session
return( TRUE ); }
void CSession::AddHandleToWaitOn( HANDLE hNew ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine adds a handle to an array of handles that will be waiting on in "WaitForIo"
Note: the handle array is fixed length, so if there are additional handles which need to be waited on, MAX_HANDLES must be modified Arguments:
hNew - the new handle to wait on Return Value:
--*/ { ASSERT( m_dwHandleCount < MAX_HANDLES ); ASSERT( hNew );
// Add the new handle to our array of multiple handles
m_rghHandlestoWaitOn[ m_dwHandleCount ] = hNew; //
// Account for the new handle
void CSession::WaitForIo( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is the main work loop for the session and is responsible for: running the scraper handling the session close event handling the session redraw event handling the session lock event Arguments:
None Return Value:
// Default: it is not an appropriate time to scrape
ScrapeEnabled = FALSE;
// Service the session's events
while ( m_bContinueSession ) { ULONG HandleCount; //
// If scraping is enabled,
// then don't wait on the scrape event.
// Note: the redraw event must be the last event
// in the m_rghHandlestoWaitOn array
HandleCount = ScrapeEnabled ? m_dwHandleCount - 1 : m_dwHandleCount;
dwRetVal = WaitForMultipleObjects( HandleCount, m_rghHandlestoWaitOn, FALSE, m_dwPollInterval ); switch ( dwRetVal ) { case CHANNEL_REDRAW_EVENT:
// Tell the screen scraper we need a full dump of it's screen
// We are now an appropriate time to scrape
ScrapeEnabled = TRUE;
case WAIT_TIMEOUT: if (ScrapeEnabled) { //
// Scrape
m_bContinueSession = m_Scraper->Write(); //
// Wait until the event clears by looking
dwRetVal = WaitForSingleObject( m_SacChannelRedrawEvent, 0 );
// Check the wait result
switch (dwRetVal) { case WAIT_TIMEOUT:
// We need to stop scraping now
ScrapeEnabled = FALSE;
default: ASSERT (dwRetVal != WAIT_FAILED); if (dwRetVal == WAIT_FAILED) { m_bContinueSession = false; } break;
} break;
case CHANNEL_LOCK_EVENT: BOOL bSuccess; HANDLE hToken; //
// Lock the session
// Attempt to authenticate the session user
bSuccess = Authenticate(&hToken);
if (bSuccess) { //
// The user successfully authenticated, so unlock the session
// Tell the screen scraper we need a full dump of it's screen
} else { //
// Loop back around to the WaitForMultipleObjects so that
// we can catch the close event if it occurred
} break;
// Tell the Input Thread to exit
SetEvent(m_ThreadExitEvent); default: //
// incase WAIT_FAILED, call GetLastError()
ASSERT( dwRetVal != WAIT_FAILED); m_bContinueSession = false; break; } } return; }
void CSession::Shutdown( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine does the cleanup work for shutting down the session. Note: this routine does not free memory Arguments:
None Return Value:
None --*/ { //
// Shutdown the shell
if (m_Shell) { m_Shell->Shutdown(); }
// If we started the input thread,
// then shut it down
if (m_InputThreadHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Wait for the thread to exit
WaitForSingleObject( m_InputThreadHandle, INFINITE );
CloseHandle(m_InputThreadHandle); }
unsigned int CSession::InputThread( PVOID pParam ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine provides asynchronous support for handling user-input from the IoHandler to the session. Arguments:
pParam - thread context Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL bContinueSession; DWORD dwRetVal; CSession *session; HANDLE handles[2];
// default: listen
bContinueSession = TRUE;
// Get the session object
session = (CSession*)pParam;
// Assign the events to listen for
handles[0] = session->m_SacChannelHasNewDataEvent; handles[1] = session->m_ThreadExitEvent;
// While we should listen:
// 1. wait for a HasNewDataEvent from the SAC driver
// 2. wait for a CloseEvent from the SAC driver
while ( bContinueSession ) { //
// Wait for our events
dwRetVal = WaitForMultipleObjects( sizeof(handles)/sizeof(HANDLE), handles, FALSE, INFINITE );
switch ( dwRetVal ) { case WAIT_OBJECT_0: { //
// Read user-input from the channel
bContinueSession = session->m_Scraper->Read(); break; }
default: //
// incase WAIT_FAILED, call GetLastError()
// An error has occured, stop listening
bContinueSession = FALSE; break; } } return 0;