Copyright (c) 1999-2001 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Class for performing vtutf8 screen scrapning of a command console shell
Brian Guarraci (briangu) 2001.
Revision History:
(remotely based on scraper.cpp from telnet code)
#include <cmnhdr.h>
#include <Scraper.h>
#include <utils.h>
#include "vtutf8scraper.h"
// Termcap globals
LPWSTR lpszCMResultsBuffer = NULL;
//the string is of the form <ESC>[ Ps m
#define SGR( szSGRString, num ) \
wnsprintf( \ szSGRString, \ sizeof(WCHAR) * SGR_STRING_LENGTH, \ L"\033[%dm", \ num \ ); \ szSGRString[SGR_STRING_LENGTH-1] = UNICODE_NULL;
// Number of seconds before we timeout waiting for
// the next character in the
// <esc>ctrl-a
// <esc>ctrl-c
// <esc>ctrl-u
#define ESC_CTRL_SEQUENCE_TIMEOUT (2 * 1000)
// Tick Marker for when we get an esc-ctrl-X sequence
DWORD TimedEscSequenceTickCount = 0;
// Globals for tracking the screen scraping attributes
COORD coExpectedCursor = { ~0, ~0 }; BOOL fBold = false; WORD wExistingAttributes = 0; WORD wDefaultAttributes = 0; //
#define MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN (m_wMaxRows * m_wMaxCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ))
{ \ WCHAR blob[256]; \ wsprintf(blob,L"wRows: %d\n", m_wRows); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ wsprintf(blob,L"wCols: %d\n", m_wCols); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ wsprintf(blob,L"r*c: %d\n", m_wRows * m_wCols); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ wsprintf(blob,L"sizeof: %d\n", sizeof(CHAR_INFO)); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ wsprintf(blob,L"r*c*s: %d\n", m_wRows * m_wCols * sizeof(CHAR_INFO)); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ wsprintf(blob,L"max: %d\n", MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ }
CVTUTF8Scraper::CVTUTF8Scraper() /*++
Routine Description:
Default constructor - this should not be used. Arguments:
None Return Value:
--*/ { pLastSeen = NULL; pCurrent = NULL; m_hConBufIn = NULL; m_hConBufOut = NULL; m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT; m_dwDigitInTheSeq = 0;
m_readBuffer = NULL; lpszCMResultsBuffer = NULL; szSGRStr = NULL;
CVTUTF8Scraper::CVTUTF8Scraper( CIoHandler *IoHandler, WORD wCols, WORD wRows ) : CScraper( IoHandler, wCols, wRows )
Routine Description:
Constructor - parameterized Arguments:
IoHandler - IoHandler the scraper should use wCols - the # of rows the console screen buffer should have wRows - the # of cols the console screen buffer should have Return Value:
--*/ { pLastSeen = NULL; pCurrent = NULL;
m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT; m_dwDigitInTheSeq = 0;
} CVTUTF8Scraper::~CVTUTF8Scraper() /*++
Routine Description:
N/A Return Value:
--*/ { //
// release our screen buffers
if( pLastSeen ) { delete[] pLastSeen; } if( pCurrent ) { delete[] pCurrent; } if (m_readBuffer) { delete[] m_readBuffer; } if (lpszCMResultsBuffer) { delete[] lpszCMResultsBuffer; } if (szSGRStr) { delete[] szSGRStr; }
// Parent CScraper closes Con I/O handles
void CVTUTF8Scraper::ResetLastScreen( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Reset the memory of the last display This forces the screen scraper to think that everything is different, hence it sends a full screen dump
None Return Value:
--*/ {
// clear the screen buffers and screen info
memset( &LastCSBI, 0, sizeof( LastCSBI ) ); memset( pLastSeen, 0, MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN ); memset( pCurrent, 0, MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN ); fBold = false; wExistingAttributes = 0; wDefaultAttributes = 0;
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::DisplayFullScreen( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine forces the screen scraper to think that everything is different, hence it sends a full screen dump
None Return Value:
TRUE - success FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
// Reset the memory of the last display
// This forces the screen scraper to think that everything
// is different, hence it sends a full screen dump
// Call the screen scraper
bSuccess = Write();
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::SetScreenBufferInfo( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sets the current console screen buffer's parameters to what we think they should be. The primary purpose for this routine is to provide a means to change the screen buffer max X/Y to the m_wCols/m_wRows so that the output fits in our scraping window.
pCSBI - the current console screen buffer info
Return Value:
TRUE - success FALSE - otherwise --*/ { COORD coordLargest; COORD coordSize; //
// Start with our max window size and shrink if we need to
m_wCols = m_wMaxCols; m_wRows = m_wMaxRows;
// Get the current window info
coordLargest = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize( m_hConBufOut );
if( coordLargest.X < m_wCols && coordLargest.X != 0 ) { m_wCols = coordLargest.X; }
if( coordLargest.Y < m_wRows && coordLargest.Y != 0 ) { m_wRows = coordLargest.Y; }
// make the window the size we think it should be
coordSize.X = m_wCols; coordSize.Y = m_wRows;
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( CVTUTF8Scraper::m_hConBufOut, coordSize ); return( TRUE ); }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::SetWindowInfo( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sets the initial console window info.
None Return Value:
TRUE - success FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { COORD coordLargest; SMALL_RECT sr; COORD coordSize; CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO csbi; //
// Start with our max window size and shrink if we need to
m_wCols = m_wMaxCols; m_wRows = m_wMaxRows; //
// Get the current window info
coordLargest = GetLargestConsoleWindowSize( m_hConBufOut );
if( coordLargest.X < m_wCols && coordLargest.X != 0 ) { m_wCols = coordLargest.X; }
if( coordLargest.Y < m_wRows && coordLargest.Y != 0 ) { m_wRows = coordLargest.Y; }
sr.Top = 0; sr.Bottom = ( WORD )( m_wRows - 1 ); sr.Right = ( WORD ) ( m_wCols - 1 ); sr.Left = 0;
coordSize.X = m_wCols; coordSize.Y = m_wRows;
GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( CVTUTF8Scraper::m_hConBufOut, &csbi);
// Logic: If the Old Window Size is less than the new Size then we set
// the Screen Buffer Size first and then set the Window Size.
// If the Old Window Size is Greater than the new Size then we set the
// window Size first and then the Screen Buffer.
// The above is because the Buffer Size always has to be greater than or
// equal to the Window Size.
if ( (csbi.dwSize.X < coordSize.X) || (csbi.dwSize.Y < coordSize.Y) ) { COORD coordTmpSize = { 0, 0 };
coordTmpSize .X = ( csbi.dwSize.X < coordSize.X ) ? coordSize.X : csbi.dwSize.X; coordTmpSize .Y = ( csbi.dwSize.Y < coordSize.Y ) ? coordSize.Y : csbi.dwSize.Y;
SetConsoleScreenBufferSize ( CVTUTF8Scraper::m_hConBufOut, coordTmpSize ); SetConsoleWindowInfo ( CVTUTF8Scraper::m_hConBufOut, TRUE, &sr ); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize ( CVTUTF8Scraper::m_hConBufOut, coordSize ); } else { SetConsoleWindowInfo( CVTUTF8Scraper::m_hConBufOut, TRUE, &sr ); SetConsoleScreenBufferSize( CVTUTF8Scraper::m_hConBufOut, coordSize ); } return( TRUE ); }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::InitScraper( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the local scraper configures the console to be the dimensions that the scraper requires.
None Return Value:
TRUE - the scraper was initialized FALSE - otherwise --*/ { //
// Configure the console dimensions
if( !SetWindowInfo() ) { return( FALSE ); } //
// Create and initialize the scraper buffers
if( pLastSeen ) { delete[] pLastSeen; } if( pCurrent ) { delete[] pCurrent; }
pLastSeen = ( PCHAR_INFO ) new char[MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN]; pCurrent = ( PCHAR_INFO ) new char[MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN]; ASSERT(pLastSeen); ASSERT(pCurrent); if( !pLastSeen || !pCurrent ) { return ( FALSE ); }
// Initialize the screen buffers and info
memset( &LastCSBI, 0, sizeof( LastCSBI ) ); memset( pCurrent, 0, MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN ); memset( pLastSeen, 0, MAX_SIZEOF_SCREEN ); return( TRUE ); }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::CreateIOHandle( IN PWCHAR HandleName, OUT PHANDLE pHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine opens a handle of the specified name. Note: This routine used to open CONIN$ and CONOUT$ handles for the console being scraped. Arguments:
HandleName - the name of the handle to open pHandle - on success, the resulting handle Return Value:
TRUE - the handle was created FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
// default: failed to open handle
bSuccess = FALSE;
do {
// Attempt to open the console input handle
// We were successful
bSuccess = TRUE;
} while ( FALSE );
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::CreateConsoleOutHandle( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine creates a CONOUT$ handle to the current console screen buffer. Arguments:
None Return Value:
TRUE - the handle was created FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess; HANDLE h;
// Close the current console out handle
if ((m_hConBufOut != NULL) && (m_hConBufOut != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { CloseHandle(m_hConBufOut); }
// Create the new console out handle
bSuccess = CreateIOHandle( L"CONOUT$", &h );
if (bSuccess) { SetConOut(h); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::CreateConsoleInHandle( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine creates a CONIN$ handle to the current console screen buffer.
None Return Value:
TRUE - the handle was created FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess; HANDLE h;
// Close the current console in handle
if ((m_hConBufIn != NULL) && (m_hConBufIn != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { CloseHandle(m_hConBufIn); } //
// Create the new console out handle
bSuccess = CreateIOHandle( L"CONIN$", &h );
if (bSuccess) { SetConIn(h); }
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::CreateIOHandles( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine creates CONIN$ and CONOUT$ handles to the current console screen buffer. Arguments:
None Return Value:
TRUE - the handles were created FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { //
// note: the scraper parent class will reap the std io handles
return ((CreateConsoleOutHandle()) && (CreateConsoleInHandle())); }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::Start( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine initializes the scraper and prepares it so that this routine can be immediately followed by a Write(). Arguments:
Return Value:
TRUE - the scraper was started FALSE - otherwise --*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
// Create the Console IO Handles
bSuccess = CreateIOHandles(); ASSERT_STATUS(bSuccess, FALSE); //
// Initialize the scraper
bSuccess = InitScraper(); ASSERT_STATUS(bSuccess, FALSE);
// Reset the last screen display memory
return( TRUE ); }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::Write( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine scrapes the current console buffer and writes the emulated terminal output to the current IoHandler. Note: In order to guarantee coherency between what the scaper sees and the apps being scraped, this routine ensures the current screen buffer is of the expected dimensions the scraper cares about. If the dimensions are not correct, it forces them to what it expects. For instance, Edit resizes the window to 80x25, but the scraper may expect 80x24, so the console buffer gets resized to 80x24. Arguments:
None Return Value:
TRUE - the write operation was successful FALSE - otherwise
Interface: Console - we write user input to the console
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess; DWORD dwStatus;
// Open a handle to the active console screen buffer
// Note: This is a necessary step.
// We need to ensure we have a handle to the
// current console screen buffer before we
// attempt to screen scrape.
// The reason we concern ourselves with having
// the current screen buffer handle is because
// apps can use the CreateConsoleScreenBuffer &
// SetConsoleActiveScreenBuffer APIs. These
// APIs effectively invalidate our CONOUT$ until
// they switch back to their original conout handle.
// A typical use scenario is:
// 1. get original conout handle:
// PrevConsole = GetStdHandle(STD_OUTPUT_HANDLE);
// 2. create a new console screen buffer
// 3. set new screen buffer as the active one
// 4. do work using new screen buffer...
// 5. set screen buffer to original
if ( !CreateConsoleOutHandle() ) { //Could be an application that does not share its screen buffer
return TRUE; }
// Read the current screen buffer info
dwStatus = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hConBufOut, &CSBI ); ASSERT( dwStatus ); if( !dwStatus ) { return ( FALSE ); } //
// Make sure the screen buffer size hasn't changed.
// if it has, then set it back.
if (CSBI.dwMaximumWindowSize.X > m_wCols || CSBI.dwMaximumWindowSize.Y > m_wRows ) { //
// We have detected a change in the screen buffer settings
// this very likely means that an app has created a new
// screen buffer and made it the active one. In order
// to not confuse the app during its initialization phase
// we need to pause for a short period before resetting
// the screen buffer parameters.
if( !SetScreenBufferInfo() ) { return( FALSE ); } //
// reread the current screen buffer info
dwStatus = GetConsoleScreenBufferInfo( m_hConBufOut, &CSBI ); ASSERT( dwStatus ); if( !dwStatus ) { return ( FALSE ); } }
// Perform the screen scraping
bSuccess = CompareAndUpdate( m_wRows, m_wCols, pCurrent, pLastSeen, &CSBI, &LastCSBI );
return bSuccess; }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::Read() /*++
Routine Description:
this routine retrieves user-input from the IoHandler and sends it to the current console buffer. Arguments:
None Return Value:
TRUE - the read operation was successful FALSE - otherwise
Inteface: external input --> internal --*/ { DWORD i; BOOL dwStatus = 0; DWORD dwCharsTransferred = 0; ULONG bufferSize; BOOL bInEnhancedCharSequence; BOOL bSuccess;
// read Channel::stdin
bSuccess = m_IoHandler->Read( (PUCHAR)m_readBuffer, READ_BUFFER_SIZE, &bufferSize ); if (!bSuccess) { return (FALSE); } //
// Determine the # of WCHARs read
dwCharsTransferred = bufferSize / sizeof(WCHAR);
// Process the read characters
for( i=0; i < dwCharsTransferred; i++ ) { //
// Examine the input stream and parse out any VT-UTF8 escape sequences
// that are present.
bInEnhancedCharSequence = ProcessEnhancedKeys( m_readBuffer[i] ); //
// If the last character processed started/continued an
// enhanced key sequence, then continue processing enhanced
// keys
if (bInEnhancedCharSequence) { continue; }
// Handle ctrl-c (this behavior is taken from tlntsess.exe)
if( (UCHAR)m_readBuffer[i] == CTRLC ) { //
//The follwing is the observed behaviour of CTRL C
//When ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT mode is not enabled, pass CTRL C as
//input to the console input buffer.
//When ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT mode is enabled, generate CTTRL C signal
//and also unblock any ReadConsoleInput. This behaviour is what is observed
// and not from any documentation.
DWORD dwMode = 0; GetConsoleMode( m_hConBufIn, &dwMode ); if( dwMode & ENABLE_PROCESSED_INPUT ) { GenerateConsoleCtrlEvent( CTRL_C_EVENT, 0); continue; } } //
// Send the character to the command console
dwStatus = WriteAKeyToCMD(m_readBuffer[i]); if( !dwStatus ) { return ( FALSE ); } } return( TRUE ); }
DWORD CVTUTF8Scraper::WriteAKeyToCMD( WCHAR Char ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sends a character to the console. Arguments:
Char - the character to send Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD dwStatus; SHORT vk; BYTE vkcode; WORD wScanCode;
// default: failure
dwStatus = 0;
// Get the virtual key scan code for the character
vk = VkKeyScan( (UCHAR)Char );
if( vk != 0xffff ) { DWORD dwShiftcode;
// translates (maps) a virtual-key code into a scan code
vkcode = LOBYTE( vk ); wScanCode = ( WORD )MapVirtualKey( vkcode, 0 );
// determine if any modifiers need to be sent
dwShiftcode = 0; if( HIBYTE( vk ) & 1 ) { dwShiftcode |= SHIFT_PRESSED; } if( HIBYTE( vk ) & 2 ) { dwShiftcode |= LEFT_CTRL_PRESSED; } if( HIBYTE( vk ) & 4 ) { dwShiftcode |= LEFT_ALT_PRESSED; }
// Send the character and modifiers
dwStatus = WriteAKeyToCMD( TRUE, vkcode, wScanCode, Char, dwShiftcode );
return dwStatus; }
DWORD CVTUTF8Scraper::WriteAKeyToCMD( WORD wVKCode, WORD wVSCode, WCHAR Char, DWORD dwCKState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sends a character which has already been scanned to the console. Arguments:
wVKCode - the virtual key code wVSCode - the scan code Char - the character to send dwCKState - the control key state Return Value:
--*/ { return WriteAKeyToCMD( TRUE, wVKCode, wVSCode, Char, dwCKState ); }
DWORD CVTUTF8Scraper::WriteAKeyToCMD( BOOL bKeyDown, WORD wVKCode, WORD wVSCode, WCHAR Char, DWORD dwCKState ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sends a character which has already been scanned to the console. In addition, the caller can specify the key press status of this character. Arguments:
bKeyDown - the key status of the character wVKCode - the virtual key code wVSCode - the scan code Char - the character to send dwCKState - the control key state Return Value:
external input --> interal we write data retrieved from remote user to the cmd console stdin --*/ { DWORD dwStatus = 0; DWORD dwCount = 0; INPUT_RECORD input;
ZeroMemory( &input, sizeof( INPUT_RECORD ) );
input.EventType = KEY_EVENT; input.Event.KeyEvent.bKeyDown = bKeyDown; input.Event.KeyEvent.wRepeatCount = 1;
input.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualKeyCode = wVKCode; input.Event.KeyEvent.wVirtualScanCode = wVSCode; input.Event.KeyEvent.uChar.UnicodeChar = Char; input.Event.KeyEvent.dwControlKeyState = dwCKState; dwStatus = WriteConsoleInput( m_hConBufIn, &input, 1, &dwCount );
return dwStatus; }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::IsValidControlSequence( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
Determine how long it has been since the esc-ctrl-a sequence
None Return Value:
TRUE - the control sequence has occured with the allowable time-frame FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { DWORD DeltaT;
DeltaT = GetAndComputeTickCountDeltaT(TimedEscSequenceTickCount);
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::ProcessEnhancedKeys( IN WCHAR cCurrentChar ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine parse the character stream and determines if there have been any enhanced key sequences. If so, it removes the sequence from the character stream and send the key to the console.
cCurrentChar - the current character in the stream Return Value:
TRUE - The character processed started/continued an enhanced key sequence FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { BOOL bRetVal = true;
switch( m_dwInputSequenceState ) { case IP_INIT: switch (cCurrentChar) { case ESC: //
// We are now in an <esc> sequence
m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_ESC_RCVD; break; default: //
// Not any special char
bRetVal = false; break;
} break;
case IP_ESC_RCVD: m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT; //
// Map the VT-UTF8 encodings of the ENHANCED keys
switch (cCurrentChar) { case '[': m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_ESC_BRACKET_RCVD; break;
case 'h': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_HOME, VS_HOME, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case 'k': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_END, VS_END, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '+': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_INSERT, VS_INSERT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '-': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_DELETE, VS_DELETE, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '?': // page up
case '/': // page down
case '1': // F1
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F1, VK_F1, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '2': // F2
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F2, VK_F2, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '3': // F3
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F3, VS_F3, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '4': // F4
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F4, VS_F4, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '5': // F5
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F5, VS_F5, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '6': // F6
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F6, VS_F6, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '7': // F7
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F7, VS_F7, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '8': // F8
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F8, VS_F8, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '9': // F9
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F9, VS_F9, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '0': // F10
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F10, VS_F10, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '!': // F11
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F11, VS_F11, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case '@': // F12
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_F12, VS_F12, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case CTRLA: m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_ESC_CTRL_A_RCVD; //
// Mark when we received this sequence
TimedEscSequenceTickCount = GetTickCount();
case CTRLS: m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_ESC_CTRL_S_RCVD; //
// Mark when we received this sequence
TimedEscSequenceTickCount = GetTickCount();
case CTRLC: m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_ESC_CTRL_C_RCVD; //
// Mark when we received this sequence
TimedEscSequenceTickCount = GetTickCount();
default: //
// Write already received escape as it is and return false
WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_ESCAPE, VS_ESCAPE, ESC, ENHANCED_KEY ); bRetVal = false; break; } break;
case IP_ESC_BRACKET_RCVD: m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT; switch( cCurrentChar ) { case 'A': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_UP, VS_UP, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case 'B': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_DOWN, VS_DOWN, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case 'C': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_RIGHT, VS_RIGHT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
case 'D': WriteAKeyToCMD( VK_LEFT, VS_LEFT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); break;
default: //
// Send the <esc>[ characters through since a valid sequence
// was not recognized
// Not any special char
bRetVal = false; break; } break;
case IP_ESC_CTRL_A_ESC_RCVD: m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT; switch (cCurrentChar) { case CTRLA: //
// If we arrived here within 2 seconds
// then we should process the current character as an alt sequence
// otherwise, there is nothing to do
if (IsValidControlSequence()) { //
// Send: <alt-pressed><alt-released>
// Normally this should be benign, but some apps may
// respond to this - for instance move the user to the menu
// bar
// if the <esc><ctrl-a><esc><ctrl-a> sequenced timed-out,
// then fall through and do the default behavior.
default: //
// We either timed-out after the <esc><ctrl-a><esc>
// or we received the following sequence:
// <esc><ctrl-a><esc>X
// We know that the <esc><ctrl-a><esc> was valid because
// we arrived here. Hence, in either case the translation
// should be:
// <alt-esc>X
// Send the current character (X) through to be processed normally
bRetVal = false; break; } break;
m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT;
switch (cCurrentChar) { case ESC: //
// If we arrived here within 2 seconds of receiving the ctrl-a
// then we should process the current character as an alt sequence
// otherwise, there is nothing to do
if (IsValidControlSequence()) { //
// We need to move to the <esc><ctrl-a><esc> state
m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_ESC_CTRL_A_ESC_RCVD; //
// Mark when we received this sequence
TimedEscSequenceTickCount = GetTickCount(); } else {
//Not any special char
bRetVal = false;
} break;
default: //
// If we arrived here within 2 seconds of receiving the ctrl-a
// then we should process the current character as an alt sequence
// otherwise, there is nothing to do
if (IsValidControlSequence()) { WriteAKeyToCMD( TRUE, VK_MENU, VS_MENU, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); WriteAKeyToCMD(cCurrentChar); WriteAKeyToCMD( FALSE, VK_MENU, VS_MENU, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); } else { //Not any special char
bRetVal = false; } break; }
m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT;
// If we arrived here within 2 seconds of receiving the ctrl-c
// then we should process the current character as an alt sequence
// otherwise, there is nothing to do
if (IsValidControlSequence()) {
} else {
//Not any special char
bRetVal = false;
} break;
case IP_ESC_CTRL_S_RCVD: m_dwInputSequenceState = IP_INIT; //
// If we arrived here within 2 seconds of receiving the ctrl-c
// then we should process the current character as an alt sequence
// otherwise, there is nothing to do
if (IsValidControlSequence()) { WriteAKeyToCMD( TRUE, VK_SHIFT, VS_SHIFT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); WriteAKeyToCMD(cCurrentChar); WriteAKeyToCMD( FALSE, VK_SHIFT, VS_SHIFT, 0, ENHANCED_KEY ); } else { //Not any special char
bRetVal = false;
} break; default: //Should not happen
ASSERT( 0 ); } return bRetVal; }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::SendBytes( PUCHAR pucBuf, DWORD dwLength ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sends an array of bytes to the IoHandler. Arguments:
pucBuf - the array to send dwLength - the # of bytes to send Return Value:
Status Security:
internal --> external we are sending internal data to remote user --*/ { ASSERT(pucBuf);
return m_IoHandler->Write( pucBuf, dwLength ); }
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::SendString( PWCHAR pwch ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine sends a WCHAR string to the IoHandler. Arguments:
pwch - the string to send Return Value:
--*/ { ASSERT(pwch); return SendBytes( ( PUCHAR )pwch, (ULONG)(wcslen(pwch) * sizeof(WCHAR)) );
BOOL CVTUTF8Scraper::SendColorInfo( WORD wAttributes ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine assembles a VT-UTF8 encoded color attibutes command and sends it to the IoHandler Arguments:
wAttributes - the attributes to encode Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL bSuccess;
// default
bSuccess = FALSE;
do {
if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_INTENSITY ) { //do nothing.
//There is no equivalent capability on vtutf8
if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_INTENSITY ) { if( !fBold ) { SGR( szSGRStr, 1 ); //Bold
bSuccess = SendString( szSGRStr ); if (! bSuccess) { break; }
fBold = true; } } else { if( fBold ) { SGR( szSGRStr, 22 ); //Bold off
bSuccess = SendString( szSGRStr ); if (! bSuccess) { break; } fBold = false; } }
WORD wColor = 0;
if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_BLUE ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0004 ); }
if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_GREEN ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0002 ); }
if( wAttributes & FOREGROUND_RED ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0001 ); }
wColor += 30; //Base value for foreground colors
SGR( szSGRStr, wColor ); bSuccess = SendString( szSGRStr );
if (! bSuccess) { break; }
//WORD wColor = 0;
wColor = 0;
if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_BLUE ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0004 ); }
if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_GREEN ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0002 ); }
if( wAttributes & BACKGROUND_RED ) { wColor = ( WORD )( wColor | 0x0001 ); }
wColor += 40; //Base value for Background colors
SGR( szSGRStr, wColor ); bSuccess = SendString( szSGRStr ); } while ( FALSE );
return bSuccess; }
#define COMPARE_ROWS(currentRow, lastSeenRow, result) \
for(i = 0; i < wCols; ++i ) \ { \ if( pCurrent[ ( currentRow ) * wCols + i].Char.UnicodeChar != \ pLastSeen[ ( lastSeenRow ) * wCols + i].Char.UnicodeChar ) \ {\ (result) = 0; \ break;\ } \ if( ( wDefaultAttributes != pCurrent[ ( currentRow ) * wCols + i]. \ Attributes ) && \ ( pCurrent[ ( currentRow ) * wCols + i].Attributes != \ pLastSeen[ ( lastSeenRow ) * wCols + i].Attributes ) ) \ { \ (result) = 0; \ break; \ } \ }
//row, column are over the wire should be w.r.t screen.
//So, +1 for both row, column
#define POSITION_CURSOR( row, column ) \
ASSERT(row <= 23); \ { \ CursorMove( \ lpszCMResultsBuffer, \ ( WORD ) ( ( row ) + 1 ), \ ( WORD ) ( ( column ) + 1 ) \ ); \ bSuccess = SendString( lpszCMResultsBuffer ); \ if (!bSuccess) { \ break; \ } \ }
// Send columns [begin -- end] characters on <row>
// Note: Because we are modeling a unicode console, we have to be careful about
// what we decide to represent as vtutf8. Characters that take up more than
// one screen cell in the console have to be processed so we don't send
// redundant data.
// Hence, we only send a character if the cell contains:
// 1. a single byte character
// 2. the first position of a unicode character
// You can tell the first character position of a unicode characeter
// because the cells are enumarated. The enumeration is determined by:
// enum = (CHAR_INFO.Attributes & 0x0000ff00) >> 8
#if 0
// Very noisy debug version
#define SEND_ROW( row, begin, end ) \
{ \ CHAR_INFO chi; \ UCHAR x; \ WCHAR blob[256]; \ wsprintf(blob,L"\r\n(row=%d:begin=%d:end=%d)\r\n", row, begin, end); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ for(LONG c = ( begin ); c < ( end ); ++c ) { \ if( wExistingAttributes != pCurrent[( row ) * wCols + c].Attributes ) { \ wExistingAttributes = pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + c].Attributes; \ wDefaultAttributes = ( WORD )~0; \ bSuccess = SendColorInfo( wExistingAttributes ); \ if (!bSuccess) { \ break; \ } \ wsprintf(blob,L"(Color:%x)", wExistingAttributes); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ } \ chi = pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + c]; \ x = (UCHAR)((chi.Attributes & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); \ wsprintf(blob,L"(%x)", chi.Char.UnicodeChar); \ OutputDebugString(blob); \ if (x < 2) { \ bSuccess = SendChar( chi.Char.UnicodeChar ); \ if (!bSuccess) { \ break; \ } \ } \ } \ } #else
#define SEND_ROW( row, begin, end ) \
{ \ CHAR_INFO chi; \ UCHAR x; \ for(LONG c = ( begin ); c < ( end ); ++c ) { \ if( wExistingAttributes != pCurrent[( row ) * wCols + c].Attributes ) { \ wExistingAttributes = pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + c].Attributes; \ wDefaultAttributes = ( WORD )~0; \ bSuccess = SendColorInfo( wExistingAttributes ); \ if (!bSuccess) { \ break; \ } \ } \ chi = pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + c]; \ x = (UCHAR)((chi.Attributes & 0x0000ff00) >> 8); \ if (x < 2) { \ bSuccess = SendChar( chi.Char.UnicodeChar ); \ if (!bSuccess) { \ break; \ } \ } \ } \ } #endif
if( wDefaultAttributes == 0 ) \ { \ wDefaultAttributes = pCurrent[ 0 ].Attributes; \ wExistingAttributes = pCurrent[ 0 ].Attributes; \ }
#define IS_BLANK( row, col ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Char.UnicodeChar == ' ' )
#define IS_DIFFERENT_COLOR( row, col, attribs ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Attributes != ( attribs ) )
#define IS_CHANGE_IN_COLOR( row, col ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Attributes != \ pLastSeen[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Attributes )
#define IS_CHANGE_IN_CHAR( row, col ) \
( pCurrent[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col ) ].Char.UnicodeChar != \ pLastSeen[ ( row ) * wCols + ( col )].Char.UnicodeChar )
Routine Description:
This routine does the core work for scraping the screen. Algorithm: This routine does a row-by-row comparision. If a row is found to be different, it figures out which region of the row is different and sends that sub-row piece. Arguments:
wRows - the # of rows to scrape wCols - the # of cols to scrape pCurrent - the current scraper buffer pLastSeen - the last scraper buffer pCSBI - the current Console Screen Buffer Info pLastCSBI - the current Console Screen Buffer Info Return Value:
TRUE - success FALSE - otherwise
--*/ { INT i; WORD wRow; WORD wCol; INT iStartCol; INT iEndCol; BOOL fBlankLine; COORD coordDest; COORD coordOrigin; SMALL_RECT srSource; BOOL DifferenceFound; BOOL bSuccess; //
// default: we succeeded
bSuccess = TRUE;
// Default: no difference found
DifferenceFound = false;
// Read the console character matrix
ASSERT(wCols <= m_wMaxCols); ASSERT(wRows <= m_wMaxRows);
coordDest.X = wCols; coordDest.Y = wRows; coordOrigin.X = 0; coordOrigin.Y = 0; srSource.Left = 0; srSource.Top = 0; srSource.Right = ( WORD ) ( wCols - 1 ); srSource.Bottom = ( WORD ) ( wRows - 1 );
bSuccess = ReadConsoleOutput( m_hConBufOut, pCurrent, coordDest, coordOrigin, &srSource ); if( !bSuccess ) { return ( FALSE ); }
// Search the current and last screen buffers for differences.
wRow = wCol = 0;
while ( wRow < wRows ) { //
// Compare the current row (wRow)
if( memcmp( &pCurrent[wRow * wCols], &pLastSeen[wRow * wCols], wCols * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ) != 0 ) { //
// A difference was found
DifferenceFound = true;
// Initialize the difference tracking markers
iStartCol = -1; iEndCol = -1; fBlankLine = true; //
// Determine where in the current row the rows differ
for (i = 0 ; i < wCols; ++i ) { if( IS_DIFFERENT_COLOR( wRow, i, wDefaultAttributes ) && IS_CHANGE_IN_COLOR( wRow, i ) ) { if( iStartCol == -1 ) { iStartCol = i; }
iEndCol = i; fBlankLine = false; } if( IS_CHANGE_IN_CHAR( wRow, i ) ) { if( iStartCol == -1 ) { iStartCol = i; } iEndCol = i; } if( fBlankLine && !IS_BLANK( wRow, i ) ) {
fBlankLine = false; } }
if( fBlankLine ) { POSITION_CURSOR( wRow, 0 ); CursorEOL();
coExpectedCursor.Y = wRow; coExpectedCursor.X = 0; } else if( iStartCol != -1 ) { if( wRow != coExpectedCursor.Y || iStartCol != coExpectedCursor.X ) { POSITION_CURSOR( wRow, iStartCol );
coExpectedCursor.X = ( SHORT )iStartCol; coExpectedCursor.Y = wRow; }
SEND_ROW( wRow, iStartCol, iEndCol+1 ); coExpectedCursor.X = ( SHORT ) ( coExpectedCursor.X + iEndCol - iStartCol + 1 ); } } ++wRow; } //
// If we found a difference while doing the screen compares
// or if the cursor moved in the console,
// then update the cursor position
if( DifferenceFound || ( memcmp( &pCSBI->dwCursorPosition, &pLastCSBI->dwCursorPosition, sizeof( COORD ) ) != 0 ) ) {
do {
// Move the cursor to where it's supposed to be
POSITION_CURSOR( pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y, pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.X );
coExpectedCursor.X = pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.X; coExpectedCursor.Y = pCSBI->dwCursorPosition.Y;
// Copy pCurrent onto pLastSeen
memcpy( pLastSeen, pCurrent, wCols * wRows * sizeof( CHAR_INFO ) ); memcpy( pLastCSBI, pCSBI, sizeof( CONSOLE_SCREEN_BUFFER_INFO ) );
// There is a difference between this screen and the last,
// so we have written the changes. Now that we are done
// writing the changes, we need to flush the data we've written.
m_IoHandler->Flush(); } while ( FALSE ); }
return( bSuccess ); }
LPWSTR CVTUTF8Scraper::CursorMove( OUT LPWSTR pCmsResult, IN WORD y, IN WORD x ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine assembles an Ansi escape sequence to position the cursor on a Ansi terminal Arguments:
lpCmsResult - on exit, buffer contains the string y - the Y cursor position x - the X cursor position Return Value:
the pointer into the result buffer at the NULL
--*/ { #if DBG
PWCHAR pBegin;
pBegin = pCmsResult; #endif
// Assemble the prefix sequence prefix
pCmsResult[0] = 0x1B; // <esc>
pCmsResult[1] = L'['; pCmsResult++; pCmsResult++;
// Translate the Y position
// 1 or 2 characters consumed
pCmsResult = FastIToA_10( y, pCmsResult );
// Insert the delimiter
*pCmsResult = L';'; pCmsResult++;
// Translate the X position
// 1 or 2 characters consumed
pCmsResult = FastIToA_10( x, pCmsResult ); //
// Insert the suffix
*pCmsResult = L'H'; pCmsResult++;
// Terminate the string
*pCmsResult = UNICODE_NULL; //
// make sure we have a valid string length
ASSERT(wcslen(pBegin) <= CM_STRING_LENGTH - 1);
return ( pCmsResult ); }