#include <sacstress.h>
DWORD ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write( PVOID Data ) { SAC_CHANNEL_OPEN_ATTRIBUTES Attributes; SAC_CHANNEL_HANDLE SacChannelHandle; PCHANNEL_THREAD_DATA ChannelThreadData; DWORD Status; ULONG i; PWCHAR Buffer; BOOL bContinue; ULONG k; PWSTR Name; PWSTR Description; BOOL bSuccess;
ChannelThreadData = (PCHANNEL_THREAD_DATA)Data;
// Perform thread work
bContinue = TRUE;
while (bContinue) {
// See if we need to exit the thread
Status = WaitForSingleObject( ChannelThreadData->ExitEvent, THREAD_WAIT_TIMEOUT );
if (Status != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { bContinue = FALSE; continue; } //
// Configure the new channel
RtlZeroMemory(&Attributes, sizeof(SAC_CHANNEL_OPEN_ATTRIBUTES));
// generate a random name and description
// Note: we make the maxlength > than the allowed to test the driver, etc.
Attributes.Type = ChannelTypeVTUTF8; Attributes.Name = Name; Attributes.Description = Description; Attributes.Flags = 0; Attributes.CloseEvent = NULL; Attributes.HasNewDataEvent = NULL; Attributes.ApplicationType = NULL;
// Open the channel
bSuccess = SacChannelOpen( &SacChannelHandle, &Attributes ); //
// We are done with the random strings
free(Name); free(Description); if (bSuccess) { printf("%d: Successfully opened new channel\n", ChannelThreadData->ThreadId); } else { printf("%d: Failed to open new channel\n", ChannelThreadData->ThreadId); continue; }
// randomly determine how long we'll loop
// Generate a random string of random length to send
Buffer = GenerateRandomStringW(k);
do {
// Write the entire string first so a test app can compare the following output
bSuccess = SacChannelVTUTF8Write( SacChannelHandle, Buffer, k * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!bSuccess) { printf("%d: Failed to print string to channel\n", ChannelThreadData->ThreadId); bContinue = FALSE; break; }
// Loop and write
for (i = 0; i < k; i++) {
// See if we need to exit the thread
Status = WaitForSingleObject( ChannelThreadData->ExitEvent, THREAD_WAIT_TIMEOUT );
if (Status != WAIT_TIMEOUT) { bContinue = FALSE; break; }
// Write to the channel
bSuccess = SacChannelVTUTF8Write( SacChannelHandle, Buffer, i * sizeof(WCHAR) );
if (!bSuccess) { printf("%d: Failed to print string to channel\n", ChannelThreadData->ThreadId); bContinue = FALSE; break; }
// Write to the channel
bSuccess = SacChannelVTUTF8WriteString( SacChannelHandle, L"\r\n" );
if (!bSuccess) { printf("%d: Failed to print string to channel\n", ChannelThreadData->ThreadId); bContinue = FALSE; break; }
} while ( FALSE ); //
// Release the random string
// Close the channel
if (SacChannelClose(&SacChannelHandle)) { printf("%d: Successfully closed channel\n", ChannelThreadData->ThreadId); } else { bContinue = FALSE; printf("%d: Failed to close channel\n", ChannelThreadData->ThreadId); }
return 0;
// Define our tests
DWORD (*ChannelTests[THREADCOUNT])(PVOID) = { ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, ChannelThreadVTUTF8Write, };
int _cdecl wmain( int argc, WCHAR **argv ) {
return RunStress( ChannelTests, THREADCOUNT );