/* demgset.c - Drive related SVC hanlers.
* * demSetDefaultDrive * demGetBootDrive * demGetDriveFreeSpace * demGetDrives * demGSetMediaID * demQueryDate * demQueryTime * demSetDate * demSetTime * demSetDTALocation * demGSetMediaID * demGetDPB
* Modification History: * * Sudeepb 02-Apr-1991 Created * */ #include "dem.h"
#include "demmsg.h"
#include <softpc.h>
#include <mvdm.h>
#include <winbase.h>
#include "demdasd.h"
#include "dpmtbls.h"
#define BOOTDRIVE_PATH "Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Setup"
#define BOOTDRIVE_VALUE "BootDir"
#define SUCCESS 0
#define NODISK 1
#define FAILURE 2
UCHAR PhysicalDriveTypes[26]={0};
extern PDOSSF pSFTHead;
USHORT nDrives = 0; CHAR IsAPresent = TRUE; CHAR IsBPresent = TRUE;
/* demSetDefaultDrive - Set the default drive
* * * Entry - * Client (DS:SI) Current Directory on that drive * Client (dl) Zero based DriveNum * * Exit - SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Current Drive Set * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 * Current Drive Not Set * * Notes: * The DOS keeps a current directory for each of the drives, * However winnt keeps only one current Drive, Directory per * process, and it is cmd.exe which associates a current * directory for each of the drive.
VOID demSetDefaultDrive (VOID) { LPSTR lpPath;
lpPath = (LPSTR)GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getSI());
// only in sp4
// For removable drives check for media\volume info to avoid triggering
// hard errors when no media is present. There exists win32 code
// (e.g novell netware redir vdd) which is known to clobber our error
// mode setting.
// 16-Jul-1997 Jonle
UCHAR DriveType; CHAR DriveNum;
DriveNum = (CHAR)getDL();
DriveType = demGetPhysicalDriveType(DriveNum); if (DriveType == DRIVE_REMOVABLE || DriveType == DRIVE_CDROM) { VOLINFO VolInfo;
// if No Media in drive, the drive is still valid,
// but the win32 curdir is still the old one.
if (!GetMediaId(DriveNum, &VolInfo)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE) { setCF(1); } else { setCF(0); } return; } } } #endif
if (!SetCurrentDirectoryOem(lpPath) && GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_DRIVE) {
// Only return error if drive was invalid, the DOS doesn't check
// for curdir when changing drives. Note that a number of old dos
// apps will walk all of the drives, and do setdefaultdrive,
// to determine the valid drives letters. The SetCurrentDirectoryOem
// causes ntio to touch the drive and verify that the dir exists.
// This is a significant performance problem for removable media
// and network drives, but we have no choice since locking the
// current dir for this drive is mandatory for winnt.
setCF(1); } else { setCF(0); }
return; }
/* demGetBootDrive - Get the boot drive
* * * Entry - None * * Exit - CLIENT (AL) has 1 base boot drive (i.e. C=3) * * We try to read the registry value that indicates the real boot drive. This * should be the location of autoexec.bat, etc. If we can't find the key, * or if the value indicates some drive letter that is not a fixed drive, * then we use a fallback plan of just saying drive C. * */
VOID demGetBootDrive (VOID) { HKEY hKey; DWORD retCode; DWORD dwType, cbData = MAX_PATH; CHAR szBootDir[MAX_PATH]; BYTE Drive = 3; // default it to 'C:'
retCode = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, BOOTDRIVE_PATH, 0, KEY_EXECUTE, // Requesting read access.
if (retCode) { // error: can't find section
goto DefaultBootDrive; }
retCode = RegQueryValueEx(hKey, BOOTDRIVE_VALUE, NULL, &dwType, szBootDir, &cbData);
if (retCode) { // error: can't find key
goto DefaultBootDrive; }
if (DPM_GetDriveType(szBootDir) != DRIVE_FIXED) { // error: drive is not a valid boot drive
goto DefaultBootDrive; }
Drive = (BYTE)(tolower(szBootDir[0])-'a')+1;
setAL(Drive); return;
/* demGetDriveFreeSpace - Get free Space on the drive
* * * Entry - Client (AL) Drive in question * 0 - A: etc. * * Exit - * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Client (AL) = FAT ID byte * Client (BX) = Number of free allocation units * Client (CX) = Sector size * Client (DX) = Total Number of allocation units on disk * Client (SI) = Sectors per allocation unit * * FAILURE * Client (CY) = 1 * Client (AX) = Error code */
VOID demGetDriveFreeSpace (VOID) { WORD SectorsPerCluster; WORD BytesPerSector; WORD FreeClusters; WORD TotalClusters;
BYTE Drive; PBDS pbds;
Drive = getAL(); if (demGetDiskFreeSpace(Drive, &BytesPerSector, &SectorsPerCluster, &TotalClusters, &FreeClusters) == FALSE) { demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, (CHAR)(getAL() + 'A')); return; }
if (pbds = demGetBDS(Drive)) { // if the device is a floppy, reload its bpb
if (!(pbds->Flags & NON_REMOVABLE) && !demGetBPB(pbds)) pbds->bpb.MediaID = 0xF8;
setAL(pbds->bpb.MediaID); } else setAL(0);
setBX(FreeClusters); setCX(BytesPerSector); setDX(TotalClusters); setSI(SectorsPerCluster); setCF(0); return; }
// retrieves drive type for physical drives
// substd, redir drives are returned as unknown
// uses same DriveType definitions as win32 GetDriveTypeW
UCHAR demGetPhysicalDriveType( UCHAR DriveNum) { return DriveNum < 26 ? PhysicalDriveTypes[DriveNum] : DRIVE_UNKNOWN; }
// worker function for DemGetDrives
UCHAR DosDeviceDriveTypeToPhysicalDriveType( UCHAR DeviceDriveType ) { switch (DeviceDriveType) { case DOSDEVICE_DRIVE_REMOVABLE: return DRIVE_REMOVABLE;
/* demGetDrives - Get number of logical drives in the system
* called by ntdos from msinit to get numio * initializes the physical drive list, which consists * of drive types for true physical drives. subst * and redir drives are classed as DRIVE_UNKNOWN. * * Entry - None * * Exit - * SUCCESS * Client (CY) = 0 * Client (AL) = number of drives * * FAILURE * None */
VOID demGetDrives (VOID) { NTSTATUS Status; UCHAR DriveNum; UCHAR DriveType; BOOL bCounting;
Status = NtQueryInformationProcess( NtCurrentProcess(), ProcessDeviceMap, &ProcessDeviceMapInfo.Query, sizeof(ProcessDeviceMapInfo.Query), NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlZeroMemory( &ProcessDeviceMapInfo, sizeof(ProcessDeviceMapInfo)); }
// A and B are special cases.
// if A doesn't exist means b also doesn't exist
PhysicalDriveTypes[0] = DosDeviceDriveTypeToPhysicalDriveType( ProcessDeviceMapInfo.Query.DriveType[0] );
if (PhysicalDriveTypes[0] == DRIVE_UNKNOWN) { IsAPresent = FALSE; IsBPresent = FALSE; }
PhysicalDriveTypes[1] = DosDeviceDriveTypeToPhysicalDriveType( ProcessDeviceMapInfo.Query.DriveType[1] );
if (PhysicalDriveTypes[1] == DRIVE_UNKNOWN) { IsBPresent = FALSE; }
DriveNum = 2; nDrives = 2; bCounting = TRUE;
do {
PhysicalDriveTypes[DriveNum] = DosDeviceDriveTypeToPhysicalDriveType( ProcessDeviceMapInfo.Query.DriveType[DriveNum] );
if (bCounting) { if (PhysicalDriveTypes[DriveNum] == DRIVE_REMOVABLE || PhysicalDriveTypes[DriveNum] == DRIVE_FIXED || PhysicalDriveTypes[DriveNum] == DRIVE_CDROM || PhysicalDriveTypes[DriveNum] == DRIVE_RAMDISK ) { nDrives++; } else { bCounting = FALSE; } }
} while (++DriveNum < 26);
setAX(nDrives); setCF(0); return;
/* demQueryDate - Get The Date
* * * Entry - None * * Exit - * SUCCESS * Client (DH) - month * Client (DL) - Day * Client (CX) - Year * Client (AL) - WeekDay * * FAILURE * Never */
VOID demQueryDate (VOID) { SYSTEMTIME TimeDate;
GetLocalTime(&TimeDate); setDH((UCHAR)TimeDate.wMonth); setDL((UCHAR)TimeDate.wDay); setCX(TimeDate.wYear); setAL((UCHAR)TimeDate.wDayOfWeek); return; }
/* demQueryTime - Get The Time
* * * Entry - None * * Exit - * SUCCESS * Client (CH) - hour * Client (CL) - minutes * Client (DH) - seconds * Client (DL) - hundredth of seconds * * FAILURE * Never */
VOID demQueryTime (VOID) { SYSTEMTIME TimeDate;
GetLocalTime(&TimeDate); setCH((UCHAR)TimeDate.wHour); setCL((UCHAR)TimeDate.wMinute); setDH((UCHAR)TimeDate.wSecond); setDL((UCHAR)(TimeDate.wMilliseconds/10)); return; }
/* demSetDate - Set The Date
* * * Entry - Client (CX) - Year * Client (DH) - month * Client (DL) - Day * * Exit - SUCCESS * Client (AL) - 00 * * * FAILURE * Client (AL) - ff */
VOID demSetDate (VOID) { SYSTEMTIME TimeDate;
GetLocalTime(&TimeDate); TimeDate.wYear = (WORD)getCX(); TimeDate.wMonth = (WORD)getDH(); TimeDate.wDay = (WORD)getDL(); if(SetLocalTime(&TimeDate) || GetLastError() == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD) setAL(0); else setAL(0xff); }
/* demSetTime - Set The Time
* * * Entry - Client (CH) - hour * Client (CL) - minutes * Client (DH) - seconds * Client (DL) - hundredth of seconds * * Exit - None * */
VOID demSetTime (VOID) { SYSTEMTIME TimeDate;
GetLocalTime(&TimeDate); TimeDate.wHour = (WORD)getCH(); TimeDate.wMinute = (WORD)getCL(); TimeDate.wSecond = (WORD)getDH(); TimeDate.wMilliseconds = (WORD)getDL()*10; if (SetLocalTime(&TimeDate) || GetLastError() == ERROR_PRIVILEGE_NOT_HELD) setAL(0); else setAL(0xff); }
/* demSetDTALocation - Set The address of variable where Disk Transfer Address
* is stored in NTDOS. * * * Entry - Client (DS:AX) - DTA variable Address * Client (DS:DX) - CurrentPDB address * * Exit - None * */
VOID demSetDTALocation (VOID) { PDOSWOWDATA pDosWowData;
pulDTALocation = (PULONG) GetVDMAddr(getDS(),getAX()); pusCurrentPDB = (PUSHORT) GetVDMAddr(getDS(),getDX()); pExtendedError = (PDEMEXTERR) GetVDMAddr(getDS(),getCX());
pDosWowData = (PDOSWOWDATA) GetVDMAddr(getDS(),getSI()); pSFTHead = (PDOSSF) GetVDMAddr(getDS(),(WORD)pDosWowData->lpSftAddr); return; }
/* demGSetMediaID - Get or set volume serial and volume label
* * Entry - Client (BL) - Drive Number (0=A;1=B..etc) * Client (AL) - Get or Set (0=Get;1=Set) * Client (DS:DX) - Buffer to return information * (see VOLINFO in dosdef.h) * * Exit - SUCCESS * Client (CF) - 0 * * FAILURE * Client (CF) - 1 * Client (AX) - Error code * * NOTES: * Currently There is no way for us to set Volume info. */
VOID demGSetMediaID (VOID) { CHAR Drive; PVOLINFO pVolInfo;
// Set Volume info is not currently supported
if(getAL() != 0){ setCF(1); return; }
pVolInfo = (PVOLINFO) GetVDMAddr (getDS(),getDX()); Drive = (CHAR)getBL();
if (!GetMediaId(Drive, pVolInfo)) { demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, (CHAR)(Drive + 'A')); return; }
setCF(0); return; }
// GetMediaId
BOOL GetMediaId( CHAR DriveNum, PVOLINFO pVolInfo ) { CHAR RootPathName[] = "?:\\"; CHAR achVolumeName[NT_VOLUME_NAME_SIZE]; CHAR achFileSystemType[MAX_PATH]; DWORD adwVolumeSerial[2],i;
// Form Root path
RootPathName[0] = DriveNum + 'A';
// Call the supreme source of information
if(!GetVolumeInformationOem( RootPathName, achVolumeName, NT_VOLUME_NAME_SIZE, adwVolumeSerial, NULL, NULL, achFileSystemType, MAX_PATH) ) { return FALSE; }
// Fill in user buffer. Remember to convert the null characters
// to spaces in different strings.
for(i=0;i<DOS_VOLUME_NAME_SIZE;i++) { if (pVolInfo->VolumeID[i] == '\0') pVolInfo->VolumeID[i] = '\x020'; }
for(i=0;i<FILESYS_NAME_SIZE;i++) { if (pVolInfo->FileSystemType[i] == '\0') pVolInfo->VolumeID[i] = '\x020'; }
return TRUE; }
/* demGetDPB - Get Devicr Parameter Block
* * Entry - Client (AL) - Drive Number (0=A;1=B..etc) * Client (DS:DI) - Buffer to return information * * Exit - SUCCESS * Client (CF) - 0 * * FAILURE * Client (CF) - 1 * Client (AX) - Error code * */ VOID demGetDPB(VOID) { BYTE Drive; DPB UNALIGNED *pDPB; BYTE Result;
Drive = getAL(); pDPB = (PDPB) GetVDMAddr(getDS(), getDI());
Result = demGetDpbI(Drive, pDPB); if (Result == FAILURE) { demClientError(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE,(CHAR)(Drive + 'A')); return; } else if (Result == NODISK){ setCF(1); return; } setAX(0); setCF(0); }
/* demGetDPBI - Worker for GetDPB and GetDPBList
* * Entry - * Drive -- Drive Number (0=A;1=B..etc) * pDPB -- pointer to the location to store the dpb * * Exit - SUCCESS * returns success, fills in DPB * FAILURE * returns FAILURE or NODISK */ BYTE demGetDpbI(BYTE Drive, DPB UNALIGNED *pDPB) { WORD SectorSize, ClusterSize, FreeClusters, TotalClusters; PBDS pbds; WORD DirsPerSector;
if (demGetDiskFreeSpace(Drive, &SectorSize, &ClusterSize, &TotalClusters, &FreeClusters )) { pDPB->Next = (PDPB) 0xFFFFFFFF; pDPB->SectorSize = SectorSize; pDPB->FreeClusters = FreeClusters; pDPB->MaxCluster = TotalClusters + 1; pDPB->ClusterMask = ClusterSize - 1; pDPB->ClusterShift = 0; pDPB->DriveNum = pDPB->Unit = Drive; while ((ClusterSize & 1) == 0) { ClusterSize >>= 1; pDPB->ClusterShift++; } if (pbds = demGetBDS(Drive)) { // if the device is a floppy, reload its bpb
if (!(pbds->Flags & NON_REMOVABLE) && !demGetBPB(pbds)) { return NODISK; } pDPB->MediaID = pbds->bpb.MediaID; pDPB->FATSector = pbds->bpb.ReservedSectors; pDPB->FATs = pbds->bpb.FATs; pDPB->RootDirs = pbds->bpb.RootDirs; pDPB->FATSize = pbds->bpb.FATSize; pDPB->DirSector = pbds->bpb.FATs * pbds->bpb.FATSize + pDPB->FATSector; DirsPerSector = pDPB->SectorSize >> DOS_DIR_ENTRY_LENGTH_SHIFT_COUNT; pDPB->FirstDataSector = pDPB->DirSector + ((pDPB->RootDirs + DirsPerSector - 1) / DirsPerSector); pDPB->DriveAddr = 0x123456; pDPB->FirstAccess = 10; } // if we don't know the drive, fake a DPB for it
else {
pDPB->MediaID = 0xF8; pDPB->FATSector = 1; pDPB->FATs = 2; pDPB->RootDirs = 63; pDPB->FATSize = 512; pDPB->DirSector = 1; pDPB->DriveAddr = 1212L * 64L * 1024L + 1212L; pDPB->FirstAccess = 10; } return SUCCESS; } else { return FAILURE; } }
/* demGetComputerName - Get computer name
* * Entry - * Client (DS:DX) - 16 byte buffer * * Exit - Always Succeeds * DS:DX is filled with the computer name (NULL terminated). */
pDOSBuffer = (PCHAR) GetVDMAddr(getDS(), getDX());
if (GetComputerNameOem(ComputerName, &BufferSize)){ if (BufferSize <= 15){ for (i = BufferSize ; i < 15 ; i++) ComputerName [i] = ' '; ComputerName[15] = '\0'; strcpy (pDOSBuffer, ComputerName); } else{ strncpy (pDOSBuffer, ComputerName, 15); pDOSBuffer [15] = '\0'; } setCX(0x1ff); } else { *pDOSBuffer = '\0'; setCH(0); } }
#define APPS_SPACE_LIMIT 999990*1024 //999990kb to be on the safe side
BOOL demGetDiskFreeSpace( BYTE Drive, WORD * BytesPerSector, WORD * SectorsPerCluster, WORD * TotalClusters, WORD * FreeClusters ) { CHAR chRoot[]="?:\\"; DWORD dwBytesPerSector; DWORD dwSectorsPerCluster; DWORD dwTotalClusters; DWORD dwFreeClusters; DWORD dwLostFreeSectors; DWORD dwLostTotalSectors; DWORD dwNewSectorPerCluster; ULONG ulTotal,ulTemp;
// sudeepb 22-Jun-1993;
// Please read this routine with an empty stomach.
// The most common mistake all the apps do when calculating total
// disk space or free space is to neglect overflow. Excel/Winword/Ppnt
// and lots of other apps use "mul cx mul bx" never taking care
// of first multiplication which can overflow. Hence this routine makes
// sure that first multiplication will never overflow by fixing
// appropriate values. Secondly, all these above apps use signed long
// to deal with these free spaces. This puts a limit of 2Gb-1 on
// the final outcome of the multiplication. If its above this the setup
// fails. So here we have to make sure that total should never exceed
// 0x7fffffff. Another bug in above setup program's that if you return
// anything more than 999,999KB then they try to put "999,999KB+\0", but
// unfortunately the buffer is only 10 bytes. Hence it corrupts something
// with the last byte. In our case that is low byte of a segment which
// it later tries to pop and GPF. This shrinks the maximum size that
// we can return is 999,999KB.
chRoot[0]=(CHAR)('A'+ Drive);
if (GetDiskFreeSpaceOem(chRoot, &dwSectorsPerCluster, &dwBytesPerSector, &dwFreeClusters, &dwTotalClusters) == FALSE) return FALSE;
* HPFS and NTFS can give num clusters over dos limit * For these cases increase SectorPerCluster and lower * cluster number accordingly. If the disk is very large * even this isn't enuf, so pass max sizes that dos can * handle. * * The following algorithm is accurate within 1 cluster * (final figure) * */ dwLostFreeSectors = dwLostTotalSectors = 0; while (dwTotalClusters + dwLostTotalSectors/dwSectorsPerCluster > 0xFFFF) { if (dwSectorsPerCluster > 0x7FFF) { dwTotalClusters = 0xFFFF; if (dwFreeClusters > 0xFFFF) dwFreeClusters = 0xFFFF; break; }
if (dwFreeClusters & 1) { dwLostFreeSectors += dwSectorsPerCluster; } if (dwTotalClusters & 1) { dwLostTotalSectors += dwSectorsPerCluster; } dwSectorsPerCluster <<= 1; dwFreeClusters >>= 1; dwTotalClusters >>= 1; }
if (dwTotalClusters < 0xFFFF) { dwFreeClusters += dwLostFreeSectors/dwSectorsPerCluster; dwTotalClusters += dwLostTotalSectors/dwSectorsPerCluster; }
if ((dwNewSectorPerCluster = (0xffff / dwBytesPerSector)) < dwSectorsPerCluster) dwSectorsPerCluster = dwNewSectorPerCluster;
// finally check for 999,999kb
ulTemp = (ULONG)((USHORT)dwSectorsPerCluster * (USHORT)dwBytesPerSector);
// check that total space does'nt exceed 999,999kb
ulTotal = ulTemp * (USHORT)dwTotalClusters;
if (ulTotal > APPS_SPACE_LIMIT){ if (ulTemp <= APPS_SPACE_LIMIT) dwTotalClusters = APPS_SPACE_LIMIT / ulTemp; else dwTotalClusters = 1; }
ulTotal = ulTemp * (USHORT)dwFreeClusters;
if (ulTotal > APPS_SPACE_LIMIT) { if (ulTemp <= APPS_SPACE_LIMIT) dwFreeClusters = APPS_SPACE_LIMIT / ulTemp; else dwFreeClusters = 1; }
*BytesPerSector = (WORD) dwBytesPerSector; *SectorsPerCluster = (WORD) dwSectorsPerCluster; *TotalClusters = (WORD) dwTotalClusters; *FreeClusters = (WORD) dwFreeClusters; return TRUE; }
/* demGetDPBList - Create the list of dpbs
* * Entry - * Client(ES:BP) - points to destination for the dpb list * Exit - SUCCESS * Client (BP) - points to first byte past dpb list * FAILURE * Client (BP) unchanged * * Notes: * For performance reasons, only the drive and unit fields are * filled in. The only application I know of that depends on the * dpb list is go.exe (a shareware app installer). Even if we filled * in the other fields they would likely be incorrect when the app * looked at them, since ntdos.sys never updates the pdbs in the pdb * list */ VOID demGetDPBList (VOID) { UCHAR DriveType; UCHAR DriveNum; DPB UNALIGNED *pDpb; USHORT usDpbOffset, usDpbSeg;
usDpbOffset = getBP(); usDpbSeg = getES(); pDpb = (PDPB)GetVDMAddr(usDpbSeg, usDpbOffset);
// Iterate over all of the drive letters.
DriveNum = 0; do { DriveType = demGetPhysicalDriveType(DriveNum);
// Only include the local non cd rom drives ?? ramdisk ???
if ((DriveType == DRIVE_REMOVABLE) || (DriveType == DRIVE_FIXED)) {
// Fake the Dpb for the drive
pDpb->DriveNum = pDpb->Unit = DriveNum;
// Link it to the next dpb
usDpbOffset += sizeof(DPB); pDpb->Next = (PDPB)(((ULONG)usDpbSeg) << 16 | usDpbOffset);
// Advance to the next dpb
pDpb += 1;
ASSERT(usDpbOffset < 0xFFFF); }
} while (++DriveNum < 26);
// Terminate the list if necessary
if (usDpbOffset != getBP()) { pDpb -= 1; pDpb->Next = (PDPB)-1; }
// Return the new free space pointer
setBP(usDpbOffset); }