;******************************************************************* ; Parser include file ;******************************************************************* IF1 ;AN000; ; %OUT INCLUDING COMP=COMMON DSN=PSDATA.INC...;AN000; ENDIF ;AN000;
INCLUDE version.inc
; ;**** Default assemble switches definition *************************
IFNDEF FarSW ;AN000; FarSW equ 0 ;AN000; Near call expected ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF DateSW ;AN000; DateSW equ 1 ;AN000; Check date format ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF TimeSW ;AN000; TimeSW equ 1 ;AN000; Check time format ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF FileSW ;AN000; FileSW equ 1 ;AN000; Check file specification ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF CAPSW ;AN000; CAPSW equ 1 ;AN000; Perform CAPS if specified ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF CmpxSW ;AN000; CmpxSW equ 1 ;AN000; Check complex list ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF NumSW ;AN000; NumSW equ 1 ;AN000; Check numeric value ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF KeySW ;AN000; KeySW equ 1 ;AN000; Support keywords ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF SwSW ;AN000; SwSW equ 1 ;AN000; Support switches ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF Val1SW ;AN000; Val1SW equ 1 ;AN000; Support value definition 1 ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF Val2SW ;AN000; Val2SW equ 1 ;AN000; Support value definition 2 ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF Val3SW ;AN000; Val3SW equ 1 ;AN000; Support value definition 3 ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF DrvSW ;AN000; DrvSW equ 1 ;AN000; Support drive only format ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF QusSW ;AN000; QusSW equ 1 ;AN000; Support quoted string format ENDIF ;AN000;
IFNDEF LFEOLSW ;AN028; LFEOLSW EQU 1 ;AN028; Accept Line feed (0AH) as end of line ENDIF ;AN028;
;**** Equation field ;-------- Character code definition
$P_DBSP1 equ DB_SP_HI ;AN000; 1st byte of DBCS blank $P_DBSP2 equ DB_SP_LO ;AN000; 2nd byte of DBCS blank $P_Period equ "." ;AN020; $P_Slash equ "/" ;AN020; $P_Space equ " " ;AN000; SBCS blank $P_Comma equ "," ;AN000; $P_Switch equ "/" ;AN000; $P_Keyword equ "=" ;AN000; $P_Colon equ ":" ;AN000; $P_Plus equ "+" ;AN000; $P_Minus equ "-" ;AN000; $P_Rparen equ ")" ;AN000; $P_Lparen equ "(" ;AN000; ;(deleted ;AN025;) $P_SQuote equ "'" $P_DQuote equ '"' ;AN000; $P_NULL equ 0 ;AN000; $P_TAB equ 9 ;AN000; $P_CR equ 0Dh ;AN000; $P_LF equ 0Ah ;AN000; $P_ASCII80 equ 80h ;AN000; ASCII 80h character code
;-------- Masks $P_Make_Lower equ 20h ;AN000; make lower case character $P_Make_Upper equ 0ffh-$P_Make_Lower ;AN000; make upper case character
PAGE ;AN000; ;-------- DOS function call related equs
$P_DOS_Get_CDI equ 3800h ;AN000; get country dependent information ; by this call, following information $P_CDI struc ;AN000; is returned. $P_CDI_DateF dw 0 ;AN000; $P_CDI_Money db 0,0,0,0,0 ;AN000; $P_CDI_1000 db 0,0 ;AN000; $P_CDI_Dec db 0,0 ;AN000; $P_CDI_DateS db 0,0 ;AN000; $P_CDI_TimeS db 0,0 ;AN000; db 0 ;AN000; db 0 ;AN000; $P_CDI_TimeF db 0 ;AN000; dw 0,0 ;AN000; db 0,0 ;AN000; dw 5 dup(0) ;AN000; $P_CDI ends ;AN000;
$P_Date_MDY equ 0 ;AN000; $P_Date_DMY equ 1 ;AN000; $P_Date_YMD equ 2 ;AN000; ;------------- $P_DOS_GetEV equ 6300h ;AN000; get DBCS EV call ;AN000; DS:SI will points to DBCS EV ;------------- $P_DOS_Get_TBL equ 65h ;AN000; get uppercase table call ;AN000; following parameters are set ;AN000; to get casemap table. $P_DOSTBL_Def equ -1 ;AN000; get default $P_DOSTBL_BL equ 5 ;AN000; buffer length for Tbl pointer $P_DOSTBL_File equ 4 ;AN000; get file uppercase table $P_DOSTBL_Char equ 2 ;AN000; get character uppercase table ; By this call following information ; is returned. $P_DOS_TBL struc ;AN000; $P_DOS_InfoID db 0 ;AN000; information id for the table $P_DOS_TBL_Off dw 0 ;AN000; offset address of the table $P_DOS_TBL_Seg dw 0 ;AN000; segment address of the table $P_DOS_TBL ends ;AN000; PAGE ;AN000; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PARMS LABEL BYTE ; DW PARMSX ; DB 2 ; NUMBER OF STRINGS (0, 1, 2) ; DB length ; LENGTH OF THE NEXT LIST, 0 IF NONE ; DB " .. " ; EXTRA DELIMITER LIST, ; ; TYPICAL ARE ";", "=" ; ; "," & WHITESPACE ALWAYS ; DB length ; LENGTH OF THE NEXT LIST, 0 IF NONE ; DB " .. " ; EXTRA END OF LINE LIST, CR, LF OR 0 ALWAYS ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;-------------------------------- PARMS block structure $P_PARMS_Blk struc ;AN000; $P_PARMSX_Address dw 0 ;AN000; Address of PARMSX $P_Num_Extra db 0 ;AN000; Number of extra stuff $P_Len_Extra_Delim db 0 ;AN000; Length of extra delimiter $P_PARMS_Blk ends ;AN000;
$P_Len_PARMS equ 4 ;AN000; $P_I_Use_Default equ 0 ;AN000; no extra stuff specified $P_I_Have_Delim equ 1 ;AN000; extra delimiter specified $P_I_Have_EOL equ 2 ;AN000; extra EOL specified
;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; PARMSX LABEL BYTE ; DB minp,maxp ; MIN, MAX POSITIONAL OPERANDS ALLOWED ; DW CONTROL ; DESCRIPTION OF POSITIONAL 1 ; : ; REPEATS maxp-1 TIMES ; DB maxs ; # OF SWITCHES ; DW CONTROL ; DESCRIPTION OF SWITCH 1 ; : ; REPEATS maxs-1 TIMES ; DB maxk ; # OF KEYWORD ; DW CONTROL ; DESCRIPTION OF KEYWORD 1 ; : ; REPEATS maxk-1 TIMES ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;-------------------------------- PARMSX block structure $P_PARMSX_Blk struc ;AN000; $P_MinP db 0 ;AN000; Minimum positional number $P_Maxp db 0 ;AN000; Maximum positional number $P_1st_Control dw 0 ;AN000; Address of the 1st CONTROL block $P_PARMSX_Blk ends ;AN000; PAGE ;AN000; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; << Control field definition >> ; ; ;CONTROL LABEL BYTE ; DW MATCH_FLAGS ; CONTROLS TYPE MATCHED ; ; 8000H=NUMERIC VALUE, (VALUE LIST WILL BE CHECKED) ; ; 4000H=SIGNED NUMERIC VALUE (VALUE LIST WILL BE CHECKED) ; ; 2000H=SIMPLE STRING(VALUE LIST WILL BE CHECKED) ; ; 1000H=DATE STRING (VALUE LIST WON'T BE CHECKED) ; ; 0800H=TIME STRING (VALUE LIST WON'T BE CHECKED) ; ; 0400H=COMPLEX LIST (VALUE LIST WON'T BE CHECKED) ; ; 0200H=FILE SPEC (VALUE LIST WON'T BE CHECKED) ; ; 0100H=DRIVE ONLY (VALUE LIST WON'T BE CHECKED) ; ; 0080H=QUOTED STRING (VALUE LIST WON'T BE CHECKED) ; ; 0010H=IGNORE ":" AT END IN MATCH ; ; 0002H=REPEATS ALLOWED ; ; 0001H=OPTIONAL ; DW FUNCTION_FLAGS ; ; 0001H=CAP RESULT BY FILE TABLE ; ; 0002H=CAP RESULT BY CHAR TABLE ; ; 0010H=REMOVE ":" AT END ; (tm10) ; 0020H=colon is not necessary for switch ; DW RESULT ; RESULT BUFFER ; DW VALUES ; VALUE LISTS ; DB nid ; NUMBER OF KEYWORD/SWITCH SYNONYMS IN FOLLOWING LIST ; DB "...",0 ; IF n >0, KEYWORD 1 ; : ; ;Note: ; - The MATCH_FLAG is bit significant. You can set, for example, TIME bit and ; DATE bit simalteniously. ; ; The parser examins each bit along with the following priority. ; ; COMPLEX -> DATE -> TIME -> NUMERIC VAL -> SIGNED NUMERIC VAL -> DRIVE -> ; FILE SPEC -> SIMPLE STRING. ; ; ; - When the FUNCTION_FLAG is 0001 or 0002, the STRING pointed to by a pointer ; in the result buffer is capitalized. ; ; - Match_Flags 0001H and 0002H have meaning only for the positional. ; ; ; - The "...",0 (bottom most line) does require '=' or '/'. When you need a ; switch, for example, '/A', then STRING points to; ; ; DB 1 ; number of following synonyms ; DB '/A',0 ; ; When you need a keyword, for example, 'CODEPAGE=', then "...",0 will be; ; ; DB 1 ; number of following synonyms ; DB 'CODEPAGE=',0 ; ; ; - "..." must consist of upper case characters only because the parser ; performs pattern matching after converting input to upper case (by ; using the current country upper case table) ; ; ; - One "..." can contain only one switch or keyword. If you need, for ; example /A and /B, the format will be; ; ; DB 2 ; number of following synonyms ; DB '/A',0 ; DB '/B',0 ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;**** Match_Flags
$P_Num_Val equ 8000h ;AN000; Numeric Value $P_SNum_Val equ 4000h ;AN000; Signed numeric value $P_Simple_S equ 2000h ;AN000; Simple string $P_Date_S equ 1000h ;AN000; Date string $P_Time_S equ 0800h ;AN000; Time string $P_Cmpx_S equ 0400h ;AN000; Complex string $P_File_Spc equ 0200h ;AN000; File Spec $P_Drv_Only equ 0100h ;AN000; Drive Only $P_Qu_String equ 0080h ;AN000; Quoted string $P_Ig_Colon equ 0010h ;AN000; Ignore colon at end in match $P_Repeat equ 0002h ;AN000; Repeat allowed $P_Optional equ 0001h ;AN000; Optional
;**** Function flags
$P_CAP_File equ 0001h ;AN000; CAP result by file table $P_CAP_Char equ 0002h ;AN000; CAP result by character table $P_Rm_Colon equ 0010h ;AN000; Remove ":" at the end $P_colon_is_not_necessary equ 0020h ;AN000;(tm10) /+10 and /+:10
;-------------------------------- Control block structure $P_Control_Blk struc ;AN000; $P_Match_Flag dw 0 ;AN000; Controls type matched $P_Function_Flag dw 0 ;AN000; Function should be taken $P_Result_Buf dw 0 ;AN000; Result buffer address $P_Value_List dw 0 ;AN000; Value list address $P_nid db 0 ;AN000; # of keyword/SW synonyms $P_KeyorSW db 0 ;AN000; keyword or sw $P_Control_Blk ends ;AN000; PAGE ;AN000; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; << Value List Definition >> ; ;VALUES LABEL BYTE ; DB nval ; NUMBER OF VALUE DEFINITIONS (0 - 3) ; +- ; | DB nrng ; NUMBER OF RANGES ; | +DB ITEM_TAG ; RETURN VALUE IF RANGE MATCHED ; | +DD X,Y ; RANGE OF VALUES ; | : ; | DB nnval ; NUMBER OF CHOICES ; | +DB ITEM_TAG ; RETURN VALUE IF NUMBER CHOICE MATCHED ; | +DD VALUE ; SPECIFIC CHOICE IF NUMBER ; | : ; | DB nstrval ; NUMBER OF CHOICES ; | +DB ITEM_TAG ; RETURN VALUE IF STRING CHOICE MATCHED ; | +DW STRING ; SPECIFIC CHOICE IF STING ; +- : ; ;STRING DB "...",0 ; ASCIIZ STRING IMAGE ; ;Note: ; - ITEM_TAG must not be 0FFH, which will be used in the result buffer ; when no choice lists are provided. ; ; - STRING must consist of upper case characters only because the parser ; performs pattern matching after converting input to upper case (by ; using the current country upper case table) ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
$P_nval_None equ 0 ;AN000; no value list ID $P_nval_Range equ 1 ;AN000; range list ID $P_nval_Value equ 2 ;AN000; value list ID $P_nval_String equ 3 ;AN000; string list ID $P_Len_Range equ 9 ;AN000; Length of a range choice(two DD plus one DB) $P_Len_Value equ 5 ;AN000; Length of a value choice(one DD plus one DB) $P_Len_String equ 3 ;AN000; Length of a string choice(one DW plus one DB) $P_No_nrng equ 0 ;AN000; (tm07) no nrng. nnval must not be 0.
$P_Val_List struc ;AN000; $P_NumofList db 0 ;AN000; number of following choice $P_Val_XL dw 0 ;AN000; lower word of value $P_Val_XH dw 0 ;AN000; higher word of value $P_Val_YL dw 0 ;AN000; lower word of another value $P_Val_YH dw 0 ;AN000; higher word of another value $P_Val_List ends ;AN000; PAGE ;AN000; ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ; << Result Buffer Definition >> ; ;RESULT LABEL BYTE ; BELOW FILLED IN FOR DEFAULTS ; DB type ; TYPE RETURNED: 0=RESERVED, ; ; 1=NUMBER, 2=LIST INDEX, ; ; 3=STRING, 4=COMPLEX, ; ; 5=FILESPEC, 6=DRIVE ; ; 7=DATE, 8=TIME ; ; 9=QUOTED STRING ; DB ITEM_TAG ; MATCHED ITEM TAG ; ; dw synonym@ ; es:@ points to found SYNONYM if provided. ; ; +- ; | DD n ; VALUE IF NUMBER ; | or ; | DW i ; INDEX (OFFSET) INTO VALUE LIST ; | ; (ES presents Segment address) ; | or ; | DD STRING ; OFFSET OF STRING VALUE ; | or ; | DB drv ; DRIVE NUMBER (1-A, 2-B,..., 26-Z) ; | or ; | DW YEAR ;(1980-2099) IN CASE OF DATE ; | DB MONTH ;(1-12) Note: Range check is not performed. ; | DB DATE ;(1-31) 0 is filled when the corresponding field was not specified. ; | or ; | DB HOUR ;(0-23) IN CASE OF TIME ; | DB MINUTES ;(0-59) Note: Range check is not performed . ; | DB SECONDS ;(0-59) 0 is filled when the corresponding field was not specified . ; | DB HUNDREDTHS ;(0-99) ; +- ; ; ;Note: ITEM_TAG is 0FFH when the caller does not specify the choice ; list. ; ; YEAR: If the input value for the year is less than 100, parser ; adds 1900 to it. For example, when 87 is input to parser for ; the year value, he returns 1987. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
;-------------------------------- Result block structure $P_Result_Blk struc ;AN000; $P_Type db 0 ;AN000; Type returned $P_Item_Tag db 0 ;AN000; Matched item tag $P_SYNONYM_Ptr dw 0 ;AN000; pointer to Synonym list returned $P_Picked_Val db 0,0,0,0 ;AN000; value $P_Result_Blk ends ;AN000; ;-------------------------------- ;**** values for the type field in the result block
$P_EOL equ 0 ;AN000; End of line $P_Number equ 1 ;AN000; Number $P_List_Idx equ 2 ;AN000; List Index $P_String equ 3 ;AN000; String $P_Complex equ 4 ;AN000; Complex $P_File_Spec equ 5 ;AN000; File Spec $P_Drive equ 6 ;AN000; Drive $P_Date_F equ 7 ;AN000; Date $P_Time_F equ 8 ;AN000; Time $P_Quoted_String equ 9 ;AN000; Quoted String
$P_No_Tag equ 0FFH ;AN000; No ITEM_TAG found ;**** Return code ; ; following return code will be returned in the AX register.
$P_No_Error equ 0 ;AN000; No error $P_Too_Many equ 1 ;AN000; Too many operands $P_Op_Missing equ 2 ;AN000; Required operand missing $P_Not_In_SW equ 3 ;AN000; Not in switch list provided $P_Not_In_Key equ 4 ;AN000; Not in keyword list provided $P_Out_Of_Range equ 6 ;AN000; Out of range specified $P_Not_In_Val equ 7 ;AN000; Not in value list provided $P_Not_In_Str equ 8 ;AN000; Not in string list provided $P_Syntax equ 9 ;AN000; Syntax error $P_RC_EOL equ -1 ;AN000; End of command line
PAGE ;AN000; ;********************** Local Data ************************************* $P_ORDINAL dw 0 ;AN000; Operand ordinal save area $P_RC dw 0 ;AN000; Return code from parser $P_SI_Save dw 0 ;AN000; Pointer of command buffer $P_DX dw 0 ;AN000; Return result buffer address $P_Terminator db 0 ;AN000; Terminator code (ASCII) $P_DBCSEV_OFF dw 0 ;AN000; Offset of DBCS EV $P_DBCSEV_SEG dw 0 ;AN000; Segment of DBCS EV $P_Flags dw 0 ;AN000; Parser internal flags $P_Flags1 equ byte ptr $P_Flags ;AN038; to reference first byte flags $P_Flags2 equ byte ptr $P_Flags+1 ;AN038; to reference second byte flags only
;in second byte of $P_Flags, referenced as $P_Flags2: $P_equ equ 01h ;AN000; "=" packed in string buffet $P_Neg equ 02h ;AN000; Negative value $P_Time12 equ 04h ;AN000; set when PM is specified $P_Key_Cmp equ 08h ;AN000; set when keyword compare $P_SW_Cmp equ 10h ;AN000; set when switch compare $P_Extra equ 20h ;AN000; set when extra delimiter found $P_SW equ 40h ;AN000; set when switch found (tm08) $P_Signed equ 80h ;AN000; signed numeric specified
;in first byte of $P_Flags, referenced as $P_Flags1: $P_time12am equ 01h ;AN038; set when AM is specified on time $P_TIME_AGAIN EQU 02H ;AN039; SET WHEN READY TO RE-PARSE TIME
$P_SaveSI_Cmpx dw 0 ;AN000; save si for later use by complex $P_KEYorSW_Ptr dw 0 ;AN000; points next to "=" or ":" code $P_Save_EOB dw 0 ;AN000; save pointer to EOB $P_Found_SYNONYM dw 0 ;AN000; es:@ points to found synonym
$P_STRING_BUF db 128 dup(0) ;AN000; Pick a operand from command line $P_STRING_BUF_END equ $ ;AN000; IF TimeSw ;AN039; For TIME only $P_ORIG_ORD DW 0 ;AN039; ORIGINAL ORDINAL FROM CX $P_ORIG_STACK DW 0 ;AN039; ORIGINAL VALUE OF STACK FROM SP $P_ORIG_SI DW 0 ;AN039; ORIGINAL START PARSE POINTER FROM SI ENDIF ;AN039; IF DateSw+TimeSw ;AN000;(Check if date or time format is supported) ;------------------------------ ; $P_Got_Time db 0 ;AN023; if 1, use Time delimiters $P_NeedToBeRead equ 0ffffh ;AN000;
$P_COUNTRY_INFO $P_CDI <$P_NeedToBeRead> ;AN000; ; $P_1st_Val dw 0 ;AN000; used when process date or time $P_2nd_Val dw 0 ;AN000; used when process date or time $P_3rd_Val dw 0 ;AN000; used when process date or time $P_4th_Val dw 0 ;AN000; used when process date or time ;------------------------------ ENDIF ;AN000;(of DateSW+TimeSW) $P_Char_CAP_Ptr db 0ffh ;AN000; info id dw 0 ;AN000; offset of char case map table dw 0 ;AN000; segment of char case map table IF CAPSW ;AN000;(Check if uppercase conversion is supported) $P_File_CAP_Ptr db 0ffh ;AN000; info id dw 0 ;AN000; offset of file case map table dw 0 ;AN000; segment of file case map table ENDIF ;AN000;(of CAPSW) ; (tm06) IF FileSW ;AN000;(Check if file spec is supported) ;
;M029 ;!!!WARNING!!! ; In routine SYSPARSE (parse.asm), $P_FileSp_Char is reinitialized using ;hardcoded strings. If the chars in the string are changed here, corresponding ;changes need to be made in SYSPARSE ; IF FileSW+DrvSW ;AN000;(Check if file spec is supported) $P_FileSp_Char db '[]|<>+=;"' ;AN000; delimitter of file spec $P_FileSp_Len equ $-$P_FileSp_Char ;AN000; ENDIF ;AN000;(of FileSW) ; (tm05) IF QusSW ;AN000;(Check if quoted string is supported) ;(deleted ;AN025;) IF QusSW+CmpxSW ; (tm05) ;AN000;(Check if quoted string is supported) ;(deleted ;AN025;) $P_SorD_Quote db 0 ;AN000; keep double or single quote ;(deleted ;AN025;) ENDIF ;AN000;(of QueSW) IF KeySW ;AN029; if keywords supported $P_count_to_eol dw 0 ;AN029; count of chars not including EOL ; REGISTER EQUATES - SPECIAL USAGE FOR REGISTERS $P_REG_BH_CG_SW EQU BH ;AN029;0="NO CHANGES MADE", FF=CHANGES MADE $P_REG_BL_DQ_SW EQU BL ;AN029;0=NOT IN QUOTES,FF=IN QUOTES
$P_DOUBLE_QUOTE EQU """" ;AN029; $P_BL_EQ EQU " =" ;AN029; $P_EQ_BL EQU "= " ;AN029; $P_TB_EQ EQU 093DH ;AN029; ;"<TAB>=" $P_EQ_TB EQU 3D09H ;AN029; ;"=<TAB>" ENDIF ;AN029; IF KeySW Supported
; delimiter parsing $P_colon_period equ 01 ;AN032; check for colon & period $P_period_only equ 02 ;AN032; check only for period
;filespec error flag $P_err_flag db 00 ;AN033; flag set if filespec parsing error ;AN033; was detected. $P_error_filespec equ 01 ;AN033; mask to set flag ;***********************************************************************