;;STRUC--Stucture Macro Library ;;Optimizing Version 2.30 03/31/87
if1 $NoConj equ 0 $And equ 1 $Or equ 2 $Short equ 3 $Near equ 4 $NearToShort equ 5 $ncxz equ 6 $AndOr = 0 $Temp = 0 $Temp2 = 0 $Dist = 0
$NoType equ 10 $ConjIfType equ 11 $IfType equ 12 $ElseType equ 13 $WhileType equ 14 $ConjWhileType equ 15 $RepeatType equ 16 $ConjUntilType equ 17 $ForType equ 18 $ConjLeaveType equ 19 $SelectType equ 20 $WhenType equ 21 $ConjWhenType equ 22 $OtherwiseType equ $ElseType
$StrucError macro text Structure error -- text endm
J macro endm JN macro endm
$BuildJump macro j1,j2 j1 macro t .xcref j1 j2 t endm endm
irp x,<<jeq,je>,<jlt,jl>,<jgt,jg>,<jneq,jne>,<jnlt,jnl>,<jngt,jng>,<jnpe,jpo>,<jnpo,jpe>> $BuildJump x endm irp x,<<jzero,jz>,<jnzero,jnz>,<jnonzero,jnz>,<jnnonzero,jz>,<jand,jnz>,<jnand,jz>,<jnnand,jnz>> $BuildJump x endm irp x,<a,ae,b,be,c,e,g,ge,l,le,o,p,s,z,cxz> $BuildJump jnn&x,j&x endm
jncxz macro t if $Dist eq $NearToShort jcxz $+5 jmp t else jcxz $+4 jmp short t endif endm
purge $BuildJump
$GetConj macro p1,p2 $AndOr = $NoConj irp parm,<p1,p2> ifnb <&parm> irp x,<and,AND,or,OR> ifidn <parm>,<x> $AndOr = $&&&x exitm endif endm endif endm endm
$GetDist macro p1,p2 irp parm,<p1,p2> ifnb <parm> irp x,<short,SHORT,near,NEAR> ifidn <parm>,<x> $Dist = $&&&x exitm endif endm endif endm endm
$Poke macro n,m $st&n = m .xcref $st&n endm
$Peek macro x,n x = $st&n endm
$Push macro n $st = $st+1 $Poke %$st,n endm
$Pop macro x if $st gt 0 $Peek x,%$st $st = $st-1 else $StrucError <open structure> endif endm
$EquateLabel macro last,this if $LastLabelOrg eq $ $ll&last = this .xcref $ll&last endif endm
$TraceLabel macro n,a,b if $ll&a eq $ll&b $ll&n = b .xcref $ll&n else $TraceLabel n,%$ll&a,%$ll&b endif endm
$Label macro n if1 $EquateLabel %$LastLabel,n $ll&n = n .xcref $ll&n $LastLabel = n $LastLabelOrg = $ $l&n: else if $ll&n eq n $l&n: else .xcref $l&n .xcref $ll&n endif endif endm
$CondJump macro l,tf,c if1 ifb <c> $EquateLabel %$LastLabel,l endif ifndef <$ll&l> $ll&l = l .xcref $ll&l endif else $TraceLabel l,l,%$ll&l endif $CondJump2 %$ll&l,tf,c endm
$CondJump2 macro l,tf,c if $Dist eq $Short ifb <c> jmp short $l&l else ifidn <tf>,<f> jn&c $l&l else j&c $l&l endif endif else ifnb <c> ifdef $l&l if (($ - $l&l) le 126) and (($l&l - $) le 129) $Dist = $NearToShort $nops = 3 ifidn <tf>,<f> jn&c $l&l ifdef $n&c if $n&c eq $ncxz $nops = 0 endif endif ifdef $&c if $&c eq $ncxz $nops = 5 endif endif else j&c $l&l ifdef $n&c if $n&c eq $ncxz $nops = 5 endif endif ifdef $&c if $&c eq $ncxz $nops = 0 endif endif endif rept $nops nop endm else ifidn <tf>,<f> j&c $+5 else jn&c $+5 endif jmp $l&l endif else ifidn <tf>,<f> j&c $+5 else jn&c $+5 endif jmp $l&l endif else ifdef $l&l ifidn <tf>,<NoFold> jmp $l&l else if (($ - $l&l) le 126) and (($l&l - $) le 129) jmp short $l&l nop else jmp $l&l endif endif else jmp $l&l endif endif endif endm
$CondLoop macro l,c loop&c $l&l endm
$Test macro tgt,a1,a2,a3,a4,x ifb <a1> $StrucError <invalid condition> else ifb <a2> $CondJump %&tgt,a1 else ifb <a3> ifdif <a1>,<zero> ifdif <a1>,<nonzero> ifdif <a1>,<ZERO> ifdif <a1>,<NONZERO> $StrucError <invalid condition> exitm endif endif endif endif or a2,a2 $CondJump %&tgt,a1 else ifb <a4> cmp a1,a3 $CondJump %&tgt,a2 else ifb <x> ifdif <a1>,<bit> ifdif <a1>,<BIT> $StrucError <invalid condition> exitm endif endif test a2,a4 $CondJump %&tgt,a3 else $StrucError <invalid condition> endif endif endif endif endif endm
$TopTest macro args,n,c,p4,p5 $GetConj p4,p5 $Dist = $DefDist $GetDist p4,p5 if $AndOr eq $NoConj $Test <$sn-1,f>,args $Pop $Temp if $OrFound $Label %$Temp endif $Push n else if $AndOr eq $And $Test <$sn-1,f>,args else $OrFound = 1 $Test <$sn,t>,args endif $Push c endif endm ;;***************************************************************************** .if macro t,p2,p3 $Peek $Temp,%$st if $Temp eq $ConjIfType $Pop $Temp else $OrFound = 0 $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn endif $TopTest <t>,$IfType,$ConjIfType,p2,p3 endm ;;***************************************************************************** .then macro $Peek $Temp,%$st if $Temp ne $IfType if $Temp ne $WhenType $StrucError <then without if or when> endif endif endm ;;***************************************************************************** .elseif macro t,p2,p3 $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $IfType $StrucError <elseif without if> exitm endif $OrFound = 0 $Pop $Temp $Peek $Temp2,%$st $Dist = $Near $CondJump %$Temp2 $Label %$Temp $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn $TopTest <t>,$IfType,$ConjIfType,p2,p3 endm ;;***************************************************************************** .else macro dist $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $IfType if $Temp ne $WhenType if $Temp ne $SelectType $StrucError <else without if, when or select> exitm endif endif endif $sn = $sn+1 if $Temp eq $SelectType $Push $sn else $Dist = $DefDist $GetDist dist $CondJump %$sn $Pop $Temp $Label %$Temp $Push $sn endif $push $ElseType endm ;;***************************************************************************** .endif macro $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $IfType if $Temp ne $ElseType $StrucError <endif without if> exitm endif endif $Pop $Temp $Label %$Temp $Pop $Temp $Label %$Temp endm ;;***************************************************************************** .select macro x $OrFound = 0 $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn $Push $SelectType endm ;;***************************************************************************** .when macro tst,p2,p3 $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $SelectType if $Temp ne $WhenType if $Temp ne $ConjWhenType $StrucError <when without select> exitm endif endif endif if $Temp ne $ConjWhenType $Dist = $Near $OrFound = 0 if $Temp eq $WhenType $Pop $Temp2 $Peek $Temp,%$st $CondJump %$Temp $Label %$Temp2 endif $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn endif $TopTest <tst>,$WhenType,$ConjWhenType,p2,p3 endm ;;***************************************************************************** .otherwise macro dist $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $WhenType if $Temp ne $SelectType if $Temp ne $IfType $StrucError <otherwise without if, when or select> exitm endif endif endif $sn = $sn+1 if $Temp eq $SelectType $Push $sn else $Dist = $DefDist $GetDist dist $CondJump %$sn $Pop $Temp $Label %$Temp $Push $sn endif $push $OtherwiseType endm ;;***************************************************************************** .endselect macro $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $WhenType if $Temp ne $OtherwiseType if $Temp ne $SelectType $StrucError <endselect without select> exitm endif endif endif $pop $Temp2 if $Temp ne $SelectType $Label %$Temp2 $Pop $Temp2 $Label %$Temp2 endif endm ;;***************************************************************************** .while macro t,p2,p3 $Peek $Temp,%$st if $Temp eq $ConjWhileType $Pop $Temp else $Push $LoopEnd $OrFound = 0 $sn = $sn + 1 $Push $sn $Label %$sn $sn = $sn + 2 $Push $sn $LoopEnd = $sn - 1 endif $TopTest <t>,$WhileType,$ConjWhileType,p2,p3 endm ;;***************************************************************************** .endwhile macro p1 $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $WhileType $StrucError <endwhile without while> exitm endif $Dist = $Near $Pop $Temp $CondJump %$Temp,NoFold $Label %$Temp+1 $Pop $LoopEnd endm ;;***************************************************************************** .repeat macro $Push $LoopEnd $Push $LeaveFound $sn = $sn+1 $Label %$sn $Push $sn $Push $RepeatType $sn = $sn+1 $LoopEnd = $sn $LeaveFound = 0 endm ;;***************************************************************************** .until macro t,p2,p3 $until2 p2,p3,t endm $until2 macro p2,p3,a1,a2,a3,a4,x $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $RepeatType if $Temp ne $ConjUntilType $StrucError <until without repeat> exitm endif else $OrFound = 0 endif $Dist = $DefDist $GetDist p2,p3 $GetConj p2,p3
if $AndOr eq $NoConj $Pop $Temp ifb <a1> $Dist = $Near $CondJump %$Temp,NoFold else $Test <$Temp,f>,<a1>,<a2>,<a3>,<a4>,<x> endif if $OrFound or $LeaveFound $Label %$Temp+1 endif $Pop $LeaveFound $Pop $LoopEnd else $Peek $Temp,%$st if $AndOr eq $And $Test <$Temp,f>,<a1>,<a2>,<a3>,<a4>,<x> else $OrFound = 1 $Test <$Temp+1,t>,<a1>,<a2>,<a3>,<a4>,<x> endif $Push $ConjUntilType endif endm ;;***************************************************************************** .loop macro cond $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $RepeatType $StrucError <loop without repeat> exitm endif $Pop $Temp $CondLoop %$Temp,cond if $LeaveFound $Label %$Temp+1 endif $Pop $LeaveFound $Pop $LoopEnd endm ;;***************************************************************************** .for macro index,equals,start,to,stop,by,step,dist mov index,start $Push $LoopEnd $sn = $sn+1 $Push $sn $Label %$sn $sn = $sn+1 $LoopEnd = $sn cmp index,stop $Dist = $DefDist ifb <step> $Push 1 $GetDist by $CondJump %$sn,t,gt else $GetDist dist $Push %(step) if step lt 0 $CondJump %$sn,t,lt else $CondJump %$sn,t,gt endif endif $Push $ForType endm ;;***************************************************************************** .next macro index,dist $Pop $Temp if $Temp ne $ForType $StrucError <next without for> exitm endif $Pop $Temp if $Temp eq 1 inc index else if $Temp eq -1 dec index else add index,$Temp endif endif $Pop $Temp $Dist = $Near $CondJump %$Temp,NoFold $Label %$Temp+1 $Pop $LoopEnd endm ;;***************************************************************************** .leave macro t,p2,p3 $leave2 p2,p3,t endm $leave2 macro p2,p3,a1,a2,a3,a4,x ife $LoopEnd $StrucError <leave outside a loop> exitm endif $LeaveFound = 1 $Peek $Temp,%$st if $Temp eq $ConjLeaveType $Pop $Temp else $OrFound = 0 $sn = $sn + 1 endif $Dist = 0 $GetDist <a1> if $Dist $CondJump %$LoopEnd if $OrFound $Label %$sn endif else $Dist = $DefDist $GetDist p2,p3 $GetConj p2,p3 if $AndOr eq $NoConj ifb <a1> $CondJump %$LoopEnd,t else $Test <$LoopEnd,t>,<a1>,<a2>,<a3>,<a4>,<x> endif if $OrFound $Label %$sn endif else if $AndOr eq $And $OrFound = 1 $Test <$sn,f>,<a1>,<a2>,<a3>,<a4>,<x> else $Test <$LoopEnd,t>,<a1>,<a2>,<a3>,<a4>,<x> endif $Push $ConjLeaveType endif endif endm ;;***************************************************************************** else ;else for if1 $Pop $Temp ;;if $Temp ne $NoType if $st ne 0 $StrucError <open structure(s)> endif .xcref $NoConj,$And,$Or,$Short,$Near,$NearToShort,$AndOr,$Temp,$Temp2,$Dist .xcref $NoType,$ConjIfType,$IfType,$ElseType,$WhileType,$ConjWhileType .xcref $RepeatType,$ConjUntilType,$ForType,$ConjLeaveType,jncxz .xcref $SelectType,$WhenType,$OtherwiseType,$ConjWhenType .xcref jeq,jgt,jlt,jneq,jngt,jnlt,jnna,jnnae,jnnb,jnnbe,jnnc,jnncxz .xcref jnne,jnng,jnnge,jnnl,jnnle,jnno,jnnp,jnns,jnnz,jnpe,jnpo,$BuildJump .xcref $GetConj,$GetDist,$Poke,$Peek,$Push,$Pop,$Label,$CondJump,$CondLoop,$Test .xcref $TopTest,$leave2,$until2,$StrucError,j,jn,jand,jnand,jnnand .xcref jnnonzero,jnonzero,jnzero,jzero .xcref $st,$sn,$OrFound,$LoopEnd,$LeaveFound,$DefDist .xcref $LastLabel,$LastLabelOrg,$EquateLabel,$TraceLabel,$CondJump2,$ncxz endif
$st = 0 $sn = 0 $OrFound = 0 $LoopEnd = 0 $LeaveFound = 0 $LastLabel = -1 $LastLabelOrg = $ $DefDist= $Short $Push %$NoType