8235 COMMON 00000006 0076 0001 T 0000 "DOS �̃o�[�W�������Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0002 T 0000 "%1 �͂��łɑg�ݍ��܂��Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g �g�p�\�f�B�X�N�e��",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g���g�p�\�ł�.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g �s�ǃZ�N�^",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g �S�f�B�X�N�e��",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g �S������",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g �V�X�e���̈�",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 "%1 ���g�ݍ��܂��܂���.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 "%1 �͑g�ݍ��܂��܂����ł���.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 "%1 �͑g�ݍ��܂��܂����ł���.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 "�l�b�g���[�N�h���C�u�� %1 �ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 "", 0014 T 0000 "ASSIGN �܂��� SUBST ���ꂽ�h���C�u�� %1 �ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 "%1 �͎��s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 "EMS�������͎g�p�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 "�t�@�C���A���P�[�V�����e�[�u�����s�ǂł�. %1",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 "�R�s�[���邱�Ƃ͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 "���f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�������ς��ł�.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 "�{�����[�����x���Ɏg���Ȃ������������܂�.",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0023 T 0000 "���t�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0024 T 0000 "�����̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0025 T 0000 "�p�X�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0026 T 0000 "���葤�f�B�X�N�̎w�肪�����܂���.",CR,LF 0027 T 0000 "���f�B�X�N�̎w�肪�����܂���.",CR,LF 0028 T 0000 "�������ł������ǂꂩ�L�[�������Ă������� . . .",CR,LF 0029 T 0000 "���葤�̃p�X���K�v�ł�.",CR,LF 0030 T 0000 "�V�X�e�����]�������܂���.",CR,LF 0031 T 0000 "", 0032 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g���͍쐬�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0033 T 0000 "�h���C�u %1: �̃{�����[�����x���͂����܂���.",CR,LF 0034 T 0000 "�h���C�u %1: �̃{�����[�����x���� %2",CR,LF 0035 T 0001 "�{�����[�����x�������͂��Ă�������.",CR,LF,"������ 5����, �p�����p�� 11�����܂�,",CR,LF,"�K�v�Ȃ����� <Enter�L�[> :" 0036 T 0000 "�{�����[���V���A���ԍ��� %1-%2",CR,LF 0037 T 0000 "�t�@�C���^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0038 T 0001 CR,LF 8001 U 0000 "Incorrect DOS version",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "%1 already installed",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "%1 bytes available on disk",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "%1 bytes free",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "%1 bytes in bad sectors",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "%1 bytes total disk space",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 "%1 bytes total memory",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 "%1 bytes used by system",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 "%1 installed",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "%1 not installed",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 "%1 not installed",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 "Cannot %1 a network drive",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 "", 8014 U 0000 "Cannot %1 a SUBSTed or ASSIGNed drive",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 "Cannot execute %1",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 "Expanded Memory not available",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 "File allocation table bad, drive %1",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 "File cannot be copied onto itself",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 "Insert target disk in drive %1",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 "Insufficient disk space",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 "Invalid characters in volume label",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 "Invalid code page",CR,LF 8023 U 0000 "Invalid date",CR,LF 8024 U 0000 "Invalid time",CR,LF 8025 U 0000 "Invalid path",CR,LF 8026 U 0000 "No source drive specified",CR,LF 8027 U 0000 "No target drive specified",CR,LF 8028 U 0000 "Press any key to continue . . .",CR,LF 8029 U 0000 "Source path required",CR,LF 8030 U 0000 "System transferred",CR,LF 8031 U 0000 "", 8032 U 0000 "Unable to create directory",CR,LF 8033 U 0000 "Volume in drive %1 has no label",CR,LF 8034 U 0000 "Volume in drive %1 is %2",CR,LF 8035 U 0001 "Volume label (11 characters, ENTER for none)? " 8036 U 0000 "Volume Serial Number is %1-%2",CR,LF 8037 U 0000 "Incorrect file type",CR,LF 8038 U 0001 CR,LF EXTEND 00000e1a 0180 0001 T 0003 "�����ȋ@�\�ł�." 0002 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����������܂���." 0003 T 0000 "�p�X���������܂���." 0004 T 0000 "�I�[�v�������Ă����t�@�C�����������܂�." 0005 T 0000 "�A�N�Z�X�͋��ۂ����܂���." 0006 T 0000 "�n���h���������ł�." 0007 T 0000 "�����������u���b�N���j���܂���." 0008 T 0000 "�������������܂���." 0009 T 0000 "�������u���b�N�A�h���X�������������܂���." 0010 T 0000 "���������������܂���." 0011 T 0000 "�t�H�[�}�b�g�������������܂���." 0012 T 0000 "�t�@���N�V�����p�����[�^�������������܂���." 0013 T 0000 "�f�[�^�������������܂���." 0014 T 0000 "", 0015 T 0000 "�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�." 0016 T 0000 "�J�����g�f�B���N�g�����폜���悤�Ƃ��܂���." 0017 T 0000 "�����f�o�C�X�ł͂����܂���." 0018 T 0000 "�t�@�C���������ȏ゠���܂���." 0019 T 0000 "�������֎~�ł�." 0020 T 0000 "�����ȃ��j�b�g�ł�." 0021 T 0000 "�������ł��Ă��܂���." 0022 T 0000 "�f�o�C�X�̗v�����Ⴂ�܂�." 0023 T 0000 "�f�[�^�G���[�ł�." 0024 T 0000 "�f�o�C�X�̗v���p�����[�^���Ⴂ�܂�." 0025 T 0000 "�V�[�N�G���[�ł�." 0026 T 0000 "���̃f�B�X�N�͎g���܂���." 0027 T 0000 "�Z�N�^���������܂���." 0028 T 0000 "�p���������܂���." 0029 T 0000 "�������݂��ł��܂���." 0030 T 0000 "�ǂݎ��肪�ł��܂���." 0031 T 0000 "�G���[�ł�." 0032 T 0000 "���L�ᔽ�ł�." 0033 T 0000 "���b�N�ᔽ�ł�." 0034 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�͌����ł��܂���." 0035 T 0000 "FCB ���g���܂���." 0036 T 0000 "�V�X�e�����\�[�X�������ς��ł�." 0037 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W�����v���܂���." 0038 T 0000 "���͂��I�����܂���." 0039 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�������ς��ł�." 0040 T 0000 "", 0041 T 0000 "", 0042 T 0000 "", 0043 T 0000 "", 0044 T 0000 "", 0045 T 0000 "", 0046 T 0000 "", 0047 T 0000 "", 0048 T 0000 "", 0049 T 0000 "", 0050 T 0000 "NET809: �l�b�g���[�N���N�G�X�g�����������Ă��܂���." 0051 T 0000 "NET801: �����[�g�R���s���[�^�� LISTEN ���Ă��܂���." 0052 T 0000 "NET802: �l�b�g���[�N�������d�ɒ��`�����Ă��܂�." 0053 T 0000 "NET803: �l�b�g���[�N�p�X�����������܂���." 0054 T 0000 "NET804: �l�b�g���[�N���r�W�[�ł�." 0055 T 0000 "NET805: �l�b�g���[�N�f�o�C�X�͂����ȏ゠���܂���." 0056 T 0000 "NET806: NETBIOS�R�}���h�̌��E���܂���." 0057 T 0000 "NET807: NETBIOS�G���[�ł�." 0058 T 0000 "NET808: �l�b�g���[�N�̉������s���ł�." 0059 T 0000 "NET810: �l�b�g���[�N�G���[�ł�." 0060 T 0000 "NET811: �����[�g�A�_�v�^�����v���܂���." 0061 T 0000 "NET812: �v�����g�҂��s�����ς��ł�." 0062 T 0000 "NET813: �v�����g�t�@�C���̂��߂̃X�y�[�X�������܂���." 0063 T 0000 "NET814: �v�����g�t�@�C���̓L�����Z�������܂���." 0064 T 0000 "NET815: �l�b�g���[�N���͍폜�����܂���." 0065 T 0000 "�A�N�Z�X�͋��ۂ����܂���." 0066 T 0000 "NET817: �l�b�g���[�N�f�o�C�X�̃^�C�v���s���ł�." 0067 T 0000 "NET818: �l�b�g���[�N�����������܂���." 0068 T 0000 "NET819: �l�b�g���[�N���̌��E���܂���." 0069 T 0000 "NET820: NETBIOS �̃Z�b�V�����̌��E���܂���." 0070 T 0000 "NET821: ���L�͈ꎞ���~�����܂���." 0071 T 0000 "NET823: �l�b�g���[�N�̗v���͎t�������܂���." 0072 T 0000 "NET822: �v�����^�܂��̓f�B�X�N�̃��_�C���N�g�͒��~�����܂���." 0073 T 0000 "NET476: NETBEUI �����[�h�����Ă��܂���." 0074 T 0000 "NET477: �A�_�v�^���N���[�Y�����Ă��܂�." 0075 T 0000 "", 0076 T 0000 "", 0077 T 0004 "", 0078 T 0004 "", 0079 T 0004 "", 0080 T 0004 "�t�@�C���͑��݂��܂�." 0081 T 0004 "", 0082 T 0004 "�f�B���N�g���G���g�����쐬�ł��܂���." 0083 T 0004 "INT 24H �Ɏ��s���܂���." 0084 T 0004 "���_�C���N�g���������܂�." 0085 T 0004 "���d���`�ł�." 0086 T 0004 "�p�X���[�h���Ⴂ�܂�." 0087 T 0004 "�p�����[�^�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�." 0088 T 0004 "�l�b�g���[�N�ւ̏������݂Ɏ��s���܂���." 0089 T 0004 "�t�@���N�V�����̓l�b�g���[�N�ł̓T�|�[�g���Ă��܂���." 0090 T 0002 "�K�v�ȃV�X�e���R���|�[�l���g�����[�h�����Ă��܂���." 8001 U 0003 "Invalid function" 8002 U 0000 "File not found" 8003 U 0000 "Path not found" 8004 U 0000 "Too many open files" 8005 U 0000 "Access denied " 8006 U 0000 "Invalid handle" 8007 U 0000 "Memory control blocks destroyed" 8008 U 0000 "Insufficient memory" 8009 U 0000 "Invalid memory block address" 8010 U 0000 "Invalid Environment" 8011 U 0000 "Invalid format" 8012 U 0000 "Invalid function parameter" 8013 U 0000 "Invalid data" 8014 U 0000 "", 8015 U 0000 "Invalid drive specification" 8016 U 0000 "Attempt to remove current directory" 8017 U 0000 "Not same device" 8018 U 0000 "No more files" 8019 U 0000 "Write protect error" 8020 U 0000 "Invalid unit" 8021 U 0000 "Not ready" 8022 U 0000 "Invalid device request" 8023 U 0000 "Data error" 8024 U 0000 "Invalid device request parameters" 8025 U 0000 "Seek error" 8026 U 0000 "Invalid media type" 8027 U 0000 "Sector not found" 8028 U 0000 "Printer out of paper error" 8029 U 0000 "Write fault error" 8030 U 0000 "Read fault error" 8031 U 0000 "General failure" 8032 U 0000 "Sharing violation" 8033 U 0000 "Lock violation" 8034 U 0000 "Invalid disk change" 8035 U 0000 "FCB unavailable" 8036 U 0000 "System resource exhausted" 8037 U 0000 "Code page mismatch" 8038 U 0000 "Out of input" 8039 U 0000 "Insufficient disk space" 8040 U 0000 "", 8041 U 0000 "", 8042 U 0000 "", 8043 U 0000 "", 8044 U 0000 "", 8045 U 0000 "", 8046 U 0000 "", 8047 U 0000 "", 8048 U 0000 "", 8049 U 0000 "", 8050 U 0000 "NET809: Network request not supported" 8051 U 0000 "NET801: Remote computer not listening" 8052 U 0000 "NET802: Duplicate name on network" 8053 U 0000 "NET803: Network path not found" 8054 U 0000 "NET804: Network busy" 8055 U 0000 "NET805: Network device no longer exists" 8056 U 0000 "NET806: NETBIOS command limit exceeded" 8057 U 0000 "NET807: System error; NETBIOS error" 8058 U 0000 "NET808: Incorrect response from network" 8059 U 0000 "NET810: Unexpected network error" 8060 U 0000 "NET811: Incompatible remote adapter" 8061 U 0000 "NET812: Print queue full" 8062 U 0000 "NET813: Not enough space for print file" 8063 U 0000 "NET814: Print file was cancelled" 8064 U 0000 "NET815: Network name was deleted" 8065 U 0000 "Access denied" 8066 U 0000 "NET817: Network device type incorrect" 8067 U 0000 "NET818: Network name not found" 8068 U 0000 "NET819: Network name limit exceeded" 8069 U 0000 "NET820: NETBIOS session limit exceeded" 8070 U 0000 "NET821: Sharing temporarily paused" 8071 U 0000 "NET823: Network request not accepted" 8072 U 0000 "NET822: Print or disk redirection is paused" 8073 U 0000 "NET476: Netbeui not loaded" 8074 U 0000 "NET477: Unexpected adapter close" 8075 U 0000 "", 8076 U 0000 "", 8077 U 0004 "", 8078 U 0004 "", 8079 U 0004 "", 8080 U 0004 "File exists" 8081 U 0004 "", 8082 U 0004 "Cannot make directory entry" 8083 U 0004 "Fail on INT 24H" 8084 U 0004 "Too many redirections" 8085 U 0004 "Duplicate redirection" 8086 U 0004 "Invalid password" 8087 U 0004 "Invalid parameter" 8088 U 0004 "Network data fault" 8089 U 0004 "Function not supported by network" 8090 U 0002 "Required system component not installed" PARSE 00002947 0022 0001 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���������܂�." 0002 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�������܂���." 0003 T 0000 "�X�C�b�`���Ⴂ�܂�." 0004 T 0000 "�L�[���[�h���Ⴂ�܂�." 0005 T 0000 "", 0006 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���������͈͂ł͂����܂���." 0007 T 0000 "�����ȃp�����[�^�ł�." 0008 T 0000 "�����ȃp�����[�^�ł�." 0009 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�̃t�H�[�}�b�g���Ⴂ�܂�." 0010 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���Ⴂ�܂�." 0011 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�̑g�ݍ��킹���Ⴂ�܂�." 8001 U 0000 "Too many parameters" 8002 U 0000 "Required parameter missing" 8003 U 0000 "Invalid switch" 8004 U 0000 "Invalid keyword" 8005 U 0000 "", 8006 U 0000 "Parameter value not in allowed range" 8007 U 0000 "Parameter value not allowed" 8008 U 0000 "Parameter value not allowed" 8009 U 0000 "Parameter format not correct" 8010 U 0000 "Invalid parameter" 8011 U 0000 "Invalid parameter combination" COMMAND 00002cad 0294 1002 T 0000 "�t�@�C�������d�����Ă��邩, �܂��̓t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 1003 T 0000 "�p�X�̎w�肪�Ⴄ��, �܂��̓t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 1007 T 0000 "���̂��߂̃������������܂���.",CR,LF 1008 T 0000 "�t�@�C���������܂���.",CR,LF 1009 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 1010 T 0000 CR,LF,"�o�b�`�t�@�C���̂����f�B�X�N���h���C�u�ɍ�������,",CR,LF 1011 T 0000 "�R�}���h�܂��̓t�@�C�������Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 1016 T 0000 "�R�s�[�O�ɑ��葤�̓��e���������܂���.",CR,LF 1017 T 0000 "�t�@�C�������Ⴄ��, �܂��͌������܂���.",CR,LF 1018 T 0000 "%1 �̃t�@�C�����R�s�[���܂���.",CR,LF 1019 T 0000 "%1 �� " 1022 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W %1 �̓V�X�e���ŃT�|�[�g���Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 1023 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W %1 ���T�|�[�g�ł��Ȃ��f�o�C�X�������܂�.",CR,LF 1024 T 0000 "���݂̃R�[�h�y�[�W: %1",CR,LF 1025 T 0000 "NLSFUNC ���g�ݍ��܂��Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 1027 T 0000 "�J�����g�h���C�u�͎g���܂���." 1029 T 0000 "���x�����������܂���.",CR,LF 1030 T 0000 "���@���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 1032 T 0000 "���݂̓��t�� %1 %2 �ł�.",CR,LF 1033 T 0000 "(��)(��)(��)(��)(��)(��)(�y)" 1034 T 0000 "���t�����͂��Ă�������(%1):" 1036 T 0000 "���݂̎����� %1 �ł�.",CR,LF 1037 T 0000 "���������͂��Ă�������:" 1038 T 0000 ", �폜���܂��� <Y/N>?" 1039 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�����̂��ׂẴt�@�C���͍폜�����܂� !",CR,LF,"���낵���ł��� <Y/N>?" 1040 T 0000 "Microsoft MS-DOS �ް�ޮ� %1.%2" 1044 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g���̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 1046 T 0000 "�p�X�̎w�肪�Ⴄ��, �f�B���N�g�����Ȃ���, �܂��͋��ł͂����܂���.",CR,LF,CR,LF 1047 T 0000 "ON �܂��� OFF ���w�肵�Ȃ����Ȃ��܂���.",CR,LF 1048 T 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"(���ϐ����s���ł�.)",CR,LF 1084 T 0000 "<%1 ���s��>" 1090 T 0000 "���r�W���� %1",CR,LF 1091 T 0000 "MS-DOS �� ROM���ɂ����܂�." 1092 T 0000 "MS-DOS �� HMA���ɂ����܂�." 1093 T 0000 "MS-DOS �͉��ʃ��������ɂ����܂�." 1094 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C���� LOADHIGH �ł��܂���.",CR,LF 1096 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ���ʏ����t�@�C�����I�[�v���ł��܂���.",CR,LF 1095 T 0000 "LOADHIGH: �t�@�C�����������ł�.",CR,LF 1300 T 0000 "�g�� CTRL+C�`�F�b�N�̐ݒ������������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "BREAK [ON | OFF]",CR,LF,CR,LF "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, ���݂� BREAK�ݒ����Ԃ��\�������܂�. ",CR,LF 1320 T 0000 "�L���ȃR�[�h�y�[�W�ԍ����\��/�ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CHCP [nnn]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1321 T 0000 " nnn �R�[�h�y�[�W�ԍ����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, ���݂̃R�[�h�y�[�W�ԍ����\�������܂�.",CR,LF 1340 T 0000 "���݂̃f�B���N�g�����\��/�ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CHDIR [��ײ��:][�߽]",CR,LF "CHDIR[..]",CR,LF 1341 T 0000 "CD [��ײ��:][�߽]",CR,LF "CD[..]",CR,LF,CR,LF " .. �e�f�B���N�g���ɕύX���������Ɏw�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 1342 T 0000 "CD ��ײ��: �Ɠ��͂�����, �w�肵���h���C�u�̃J�����g�f�B���N�g�����\�������܂�.",CR,LF "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, �J�����g�̃h���C�u�ƃf�B���N�g�����\�������܂�.",CR,LF 1360 T 0000 "���ʂ��������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CLS",CR,LF 1400 T 0000 "�t�@�C��(������)���ʂ̂Ƃ����փR�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "COPY [/A | /B] ���葤 [/A | /B] [+ ���葤 [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [��",CR,LF " [/A | /B]] [/V]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1401 T 0000 " ���葤 �R�s�[�����t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF " /A �t�@�C���� ASCII�e�L�X�g�t�@�C���Ƃ��Ĉ����܂�.",CR,LF 1402 T 0000 " /B �t�@�C�����o�C�i���t�@�C���Ƃ��Ĉ����܂�.",CR,LF " �� �V�����t�@�C���̃f�B���N�g�����t�@�C�������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1403 T 0000 " /V �V�����t�@�C�������������ǂ����x���t�@�C���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 1404 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����A�y���h���邽�߂ɂ�, ���Ƃ��� 1�̃t�@�C���̂ݎw�肵,",CR,LF "���葤�ɂ͕����̃t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF "(���C���h�J�[�h���g�p������, �t�@�C��1 +�t�@�C��2 +�t�@�C��3 +...�Ǝw�肵�܂�.)",CR,LF 1420 T 0000 "�V�X�e�������̂��߂̒[���f�o�C�X���ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CTTY ����",CR,LF,CR,LF " ���� �⏕�f�o�C�X�Ȃǂ�, �g�p�����[���f�o�C�X���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1440 T 0000 "���t���\��/�ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DATE [���t]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1441 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, ���݂̓��t���\������, �V�������t�̓��͂𑣂�",CR,LF "�v�����v�g�ɂȂ��܂�. �ύX�����K�v���Ȃ�����, Enter�L�[�̂ݓ��͂��Ă�������.",CR,LF 1460 T 0000 "�t�@�C��(������)���폜���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DEL [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� [/P]",CR,LF "ERASE [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� [/P]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1461 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " �폜�����t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�. ���C���h�J�[�h�ɂ��镡��",CR,LF " �t�@�C���̎w�����\�ł�.",CR,LF 1462 T 0000 " /P �e�t�@�C���̍폜�O�Ƀv�����v�g���\�����č폜�̊m�F�����܂�.",CR,LF 1480 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�����̃T�u�f�B���N�g�����t�@�C���̈ꗗ�\�������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DIR [��ײ��:][�߽][̧�ٖ�] [/P] [/W] [/A[[:]����]] [/O[[:]��ď�]] [/S] [/B] [/L]",CR,LF 1481 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽][̧�ٖ�]",CR,LF " �ꗗ�\���������h���C�u, �f�B���N�g��, �t�@�C�������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1482 T 0000 " /P ���ʒP�ʂňꎞ���~���܂�.",CR,LF " /W ���C�h�f�B�X�v���C�ꗗ�`�����g�p���ĕ\�����܂�.",CR,LF 1483 T 0000 " /A �w�肵�����������t�@�C�����\�����܂�.",CR,LF " ����: D �f�B���N�g�� R �ǂݏo�����p�t�@�C��",CR,LF 1484 T 0000 " H �B���t�@�C�� A �A�[�J�C�u�����t�@�C��",CR,LF " S �V�X�e���t�@�C�� - �w���̑����ȊO",CR,LF " /O �\�[�g���ŕ\�����܂�.",CR,LF 1485 T 0000 " �\�[�g��: N ���O (ABC��) S �T�C�Y (����)",CR,LF " E �g���q (ABC��) D ���t/���� (����)",CR,LF 1486 T 0000 " G �T�u�f�B���N�g���� - �t��",CR,LF " /S �w���f�B���N�g�����̑S�T�u�f�B���N�g�����̃t�@�C�����\�����܂�.",CR,LF 1487 T 0000 " /B �t�@�C�����݂̂��\�����܂�.",CR,LF " /L �������ŕ\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 1488 T 0000 "���炩���ߊ��ϐ�DIRCMD �ɃX�C�b�`���ݒ肵�Ă������Ƃ��ł��܂�.",CR,LF "/-W �̗l�� -(�n�C�t��)��������, ���炩���ߐݒ肳�ꂽ�X�C�b�`���ɂ��܂�.",CR,LF 1500 T 0000 "COMMAND.COM �v���O����(�R�}���h�C���^�v���^)���畜�A���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "EXIT",CR,LF 1520 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�����쐬���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "MKDIR [��ײ��:]�߽",CR,LF "MD [��ײ��:]�߽",CR,LF 1540 T 0000 "���s�\�t�@�C���̂��߂̌����p�X���\��/�ݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "PATH [[��ײ��:]�߽[;...]]",CR,LF "PATH ;",CR,LF,CR,LF 1541 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�Ƃ��ăZ�~�R��������(""PATH ;"")���w�肳������, �����p�X�͂��ׂ�",CR,LF "�N���A������, MS-DOS �̓J�����g�f�B���N�g�������������܂�.",CR,LF 1542 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, ���݂̃p�X���\�����܂�.",CR,LF 1560 T 0000 "MS-DOS �R�}���h�v�����v�g���ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "PROMPT [������]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1561 T 0000 " ������ �V���ȃR�}���h�v�����v�g���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "PROMPT�͒ʏ핶�����ȉ��Ɏ��������R�[�h�����\�������܂�.",CR,LF 1562 T 0000 " $Q = (�C�R�[���L��)",CR,LF " $$ $ (�h���L��)",CR,LF 1563 T 0000 " $T ���݂̎���",CR,LF " $D ���݂̓��t",CR,LF 1564 T 0000 " $P �J�����g�h���C�u, �p�X",CR,LF " $V MS-DOS �o�[�W�����ԍ�",CR,LF 1565 T 0000 " $N �J�����g�h���C�u",CR,LF " $G > (�s�����L��)",CR,LF 1566 T 0000 " $L < (�s�����L��)",CR,LF " $B | (�p�C�v�L��)",CR,LF 1567 T 0000 " $H �o�b�N�X�y�[�X (���O�̕������폜���܂�)",CR,LF " $E �G�X�P�[�v�R�[�h (ASCII �R�[�h�� 27)",CR,LF " $_ ���s",CR,LF,CR,LF 1568 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, �v�����v�g�������l�ɖ߂��܂�.",CR,LF 1580 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�����폜���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "RMDIR [��ײ��:]�߽",CR,LF "RD [��ײ��:]�߽",CR,LF 1600 T 0000 "�t�@�C���̖��O���ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 1601 T 0000 "RENAME [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�1 ̧�ٖ�2",CR,LF "REN [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�1 ̧�ٖ�2",CR,LF,CR,LF 1602 T 0000 "�t�@�C����2 �ɂ͐V�����h���C�u, �p�X���w�肷�邱�Ƃ͂ł��܂����̂Œ��ӂ���",CR,LF "��������.",CR,LF 1620 T 0000 "MS-DOS���ϐ����\��, �ݒ�, �܂��͍폜���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "SET [�ϐ���=[������]]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1621 T 0000 " �ϐ��� ���ϐ��̖��O���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF " ������ �ϐ��Ɋ��蓖�Ă����A�̕������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 1622 T 0000 "�����Ȃ��� SET�R�}���h�����s������, ���ݐݒ肳���Ă��邷�ׂĂ̊��ϐ���",CR,LF "�\�����܂�.",CR,LF 1640 T 0000 "�V�X�e���������\��/�ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "TIME [����]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1641 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, ���݂̎������\������, �V����������",CR,LF "���͂𑣂��v�����v�g�ɂȂ��܂�. �ύX�����K�v���Ȃ�����, Enter�L�[�̂ݓ��͂���",CR,LF,"��������.",CR,LF 1660 T 0000 "�e�L�X�g�t�@�C���̓��e���\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "TYPE [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF 1680 T 0000 "MS-DOS �̃o�[�W�������\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "VER",CR,LF 1700 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����f�B�X�N�������������܂ꂽ�����ƍ����邩�ǂ���",CR,LF "MS-DOS �֎w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "VERIFY [ON | OFF]",CR,LF,CR,LF "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, ���݂̃x���t�@�C�̏��Ԃ��\�������܂�.",CR,LF 1720 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�̃{�����[�����x��/�V���A���ԍ����w�肳���Ă�����, �������\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "VOL [��ײ��:]",CR,LF 1740 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C��������, �ʂ̃o�b�`�t�@�C�����Ăяo���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CALL [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� [�ޯ�̧�ق̈���]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1741 T 0000 " �ޯ�̧�ق̈��� �o�b�`�t�@�C�����K�v�Ƃ����R�}���h���C���������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1760 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C���� CONFIG.SYS �̒���, �R�����g�̋L�^(�r��)���s���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "REM [����]",CR,LF 1780 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C���̎��s���ꎞ���~��, ""�������ł������ǂꂩ�L�[�������Ă�������...""",CR,LF "�Ƃ������b�Z�[�W���\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "PAUSE",CR,LF 1800 T 0000 "���b�Z�[�W�̕\��, �R�}���h�G�R�[�� ON/OFF �̎w�����s���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "ECHO [ON | OFF]",CR,LF 1801 T 0000 "ECHO ү����",CR,LF,CR,LF "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, ���݂̃G�R�[�̐ݒ肪�\�������܂�.",CR,LF 1820 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C������, ���x���Œ��`�����Ă����s�� MS-DOS �̎��s���ڂ��܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "GOTO ����",CR,LF,CR,LF 1821 T 0000 " ���� ���x���Ƃ��ăo�b�`�t�@�C�����Ŏg�p�������e�L�X�g���������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "���x����, �s�̐擪���R����(:)�Ŏn�߂Ă�������.",CR,LF 1840 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C������, �p�����[�^�̈ʒu���V�t�g���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "SHIFT",CR,LF 1860 T 0000 "�o�b�`�t�@�C������, �������������s���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL �ԍ� �����",CR,LF 1861 T 0000 "IF [NOT] ������1==������2 �����",CR,LF "IF [NOT] EXIST ̧�ٖ� �����",CR,LF,CR,LF 1862 T 0000 " NOT MS-DOS �������̋U�̂Ƃ��������s�����悤�Ɏw�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1863 T 0000 " ERRORLEVEL �ԍ� ���O�Ɏ��s���ꂽ�v���O�����̕Ԃ����I���R�[�h���w�肳�ꂽ",CR,LF " �ԍ��������傫�����������Ƃ��ɐ^�ɂȂ邱�Ƃ��w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1864 T 0000 " ����� �������^�̂Ƃ��Ɏ��s�����R�}���h���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1865 T 0000 " ������1==������2 �e�L�X�g�������v�����Ƃ��ɐ^�ɂȂ邱�Ƃ��w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1866 T 0000 " EXIST ̧�ٖ� �w�肳�ꂽ���O�����t�@�C�������݂����Ƃ��ɐ^�ɂȂ邱�Ƃ�",CR,LF " �w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 1880 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�R�}���h��, ���A�̃t�@�C���Z�b�g�̒��̊e�t�@�C�����ƂɎ��s���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "FOR %�ϐ� IN (���) DO ����� [��������Ұ�]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1881 T 0000 " �ϐ� �p�����[�^�Ƃ��Ēu�������\�ȕϐ����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF " (���) �t�@�C���Z�b�g���w�肵�܂�. ���C���h�J�[�h���g�p�\�ł�.",CR,LF 1882 T 0000 " ����� �e�t�@�C�����ƂɎ��s�������R�}���h���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF " ��������Ұ� " 1883 T 0000 "�w�肵���R�}���h�̃p�����[�^���X�C�b�`���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "FOR�R�}���h���o�b�`�t�@�C�����Ŏg���Ƃ���, %�ϐ� �̑������� %%�ϐ� �Ƃ���",CR,LF "�g�p���܂�.",CR,LF 1900 T 0000 "�\���R�}���h��",CR,LF 1920 T 0000 "�A�b�p�[�������̈��Ƀv���O�������ǂݍ��݂܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 1921 T 0000 "LOADHIGH [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� [���Ұ�]",CR,LF "LH [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� [���Ұ�]",CR,LF,CR,LF 1922 T 0000 " ���Ұ� �ǂݍ��܂������v���O�������R�}���h���C���ŗv�������������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 9002 U 0000 "Duplicate file name or file not found",CR,LF 9003 U 0000 "Invalid path or file name",CR,LF 9007 U 0000 "Out of environment space",CR,LF 9008 U 0000 "File creation error",CR,LF 9009 U 0000 "Batch file missing",CR,LF 9010 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert disk with batch file",CR,LF 9011 U 0000 "Bad command or file name",CR,LF 9016 U 0000 "Content of destination lost before copy",CR,LF 9017 U 0000 "Invalid filename or file not found",CR,LF 9018 U 0000 "%1 file(s) copied",CR,LF 9019 U 0000 "%1 file(s) " 9022 U 0000 "Code page %1 not prepared for system",CR,LF 9023 U 0000 "Code page %1 not prepared for all devices",CR,LF 9024 U 0000 "Active code page: %1",CR,LF 9025 U 0000 "NLSFUNC not installed",CR,LF 9027 U 0000 "Current drive is no longer valid" 9029 U 0000 "Label not found",CR,LF 9030 U 0000 "Syntax error",CR,LF 9032 U 0000 "Current date is %2 %1",CR,LF 9033 U 0000 "Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat " 9034 U 0000 "Enter new date (%1): " 9036 U 0000 "Current time is %1",CR,LF 9037 U 0000 "Enter new time: " 9038 U 0000 ", Delete (Y/N)?" 9039 U 0000 "All files in directory will be deleted!",CR,LF,"Are you sure (Y/N)?" 9040 U 0000 "Microsoft MS-DOS Version %1.%2" 9044 U 0000 "Invalid directory",CR,LF 9046 U 0000 "Invalid path, not directory,",CR,LF,"or directory not empty",CR,LF 9047 U 0000 "Must specify ON or OFF",CR,LF 9048 U 0000 "Directory of %1",CR,LF 9049 U 0000 "No Path",CR,LF 9050 U 0000 "Invalid drive in search path",CR,LF 9051 U 0000 "Invalid device",CR,LF 9052 U 0000 "FOR cannot be nested",CR,LF 9053 U 0000 "Intermediate file error during pipe",CR,LF 9054 U 0000 "Cannot do binary reads from a device",CR,LF 9055 U 0000 "BREAK is %1",CR,LF 9056 U 0000 "VERIFY is %1",CR,LF 9057 U 0000 "ECHO is %1",CR,LF 9059 U 0000 "off",0 9060 U 0000 "on",0 9061 U 0000 "Error writing to device",CR,LF 9063 U 0000 "%1" 9064 U 0000 "%1" 9065 U 0000 "%1" 9066 U 0000 "%1" 9067 U 0000 9 9068 U 0000 " <DIR> " 9069 U 0000 8," ",8 9070 U 0000 CR,LF 9071 U 0000 "%1" 9072 U 0000 "mm-dd-yy" 9073 U 0000 "dd-mm-yy" 9074 U 0000 "yy-mm-dd" 9075 U 0000 "%2 %1" 9076 U 0000 "%1" 9077 U 0000 " %1 %2" 9078 U 0000 "Directory already exists",CR,LF 9079 U 0000 "%1 bytes",CR,LF 9080 U 0000 "Total files listed:",CR,LF 9081 U 0000 "(Error occurred in environment variable)",CR,LF 9084 U 0000 "(continuing %1)" 9090 U 0000 "Revision %1 (Kanji Version)",CR,LF 9091 U 0000 "MS-DOS is in ROM" 9092 U 0000 "MS-DOS is in HMA" 9093 U 0000 "MS-DOS is in low memory" 9094 U 0000 "Cannot Loadhigh batch file",CR,LF 9095 U 0000 "LoadHigh: Invalid filename",CR,LF 9096 U 0000 "Cannot open specified country information file",CR,LF 9300 U 0000 "Sets or clears extended CTRL+C checking.",CR,LF,CR,LF "BREAK [ON | OFF]",CR,LF,CR,LF "Type BREAK without a parameter to display the current BREAK setting.",CR,LF 9320 U 0000 "Displays or sets the active code page number.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CHCP [nnn]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9321 U 0000 " nnn Specifies a code page number.",CR,LF,CR,LF "Type CHCP without a parameter to display the active code page number.",CR,LF 9340 U 0000 "Displays the name of or changes the current directory.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CHDIR [drive:][path]",CR,LF "CHDIR[..]",CR,LF 9341 U 0000 "CD [drive:][path]",CR,LF "CD[..]",CR,LF,CR,LF " .. Specifies that you want to change to the parent directory.",CR,LF,CR,LF 9342 U 0000 "Type CD drive: to display the current directory in the specified drive.",CR,LF "Type CD without parameters to display the current drive and directory.",CR,LF 9360 U 0000 "Clears the screen.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CLS",CR,LF 9400 U 0000 "Copies one or more files to another location.",CR,LF,CR,LF "COPY [/A | /B] source [/A | /B] [+ source [/A | /B] [+ ...]] [destination",CR,LF " [/A | /B]] [/V]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9401 U 0000 " source Specifies the file or files to be copied.",CR,LF " /A Indicates an ASCII text file.",CR,LF 9402 U 0000 " /B Indicates a binary file.",CR,LF " destination Specifies the directory and/or filename for the new file(s).",CR,LF 9403 U 0000 " /V Verifies that new files are written correctly.",CR,LF,CR,LF 9404 U 0000 "To append files, specify a single file for destination, but multiple files",CR,LF "for source (using wildcards or file1+file2+file3 format).",CR,LF 9420 U 0000 "Changes the terminal device used to control your system.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CTTY device",CR,LF,CR,LF " device The terminal device you want to use, such as Auxiliary device.",CR,LF 9440 U 0000 "Displays or sets the date.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DATE [date]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9441 U 0000 "Type DATE without parameters to display the current date setting and",CR,LF "a prompt for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same date.",CR,LF 9460 U 0000 "Deletes one or more files.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DEL [drive:][path]filename [/P]",CR,LF "ERASE [drive:][path]filename [/P]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9461 U 0000 " [drive:][path]filename Specifies the file(s) to delete. Specify multiple",CR,LF " files by using wildcards.",CR,LF 9462 U 0000 " /P Prompts for confirmation before deleting each file.",CR,LF 9480 U 0000 "Displays a list of files and subdirectories in a directory.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DIR [drive:][path][filename] [/P] [/W] [/A[[:]attributes]]",CR,LF " [/O[[:]sortorder]] [/S] [/B] [/L]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9481 U 0000 " [drive:][path][filename]",CR,LF " Specifies drive, directory, and/or files to list.",CR,LF 9482 U 0000 " /P Pauses after each screenful of information.",CR,LF " /W Uses wide list format.",CR,LF 9483 U 0000 " /A Displays files with specified attributes.",CR,LF " attributes D Directories R Read-only files",CR,LF 9484 U 0000 " H Hidden files A Files ready for archiving",CR,LF " S System files - Prefix meaning ""not""",CR,LF " /O List by files in sorted order.",CR,LF 9485 U 0000 " sortorder N By name (alphabetic) S By size (smallest first)",CR,LF " E By extension (alphabetic) D By date & time (earliest first)",CR,LF 9486 U 0000 " G Group directories first - Prefix to reverse order",CR,LF " /S Displays files in specified directory and all subdirectories.",CR,LF 9487 U 0000 " /B Uses bare format (no heading information or summary).",CR,LF " /L Uses lowercase.",CR,LF,CR,LF 9488 U 0000 "Switches may be preset in the DIRCMD environment variable. Override",CR,LF "preset switches by prefixing any switch with - (hyphen)--for example, /-W.",CR,LF 9500 U 0000 "Quits the COMMAND.COM program (command interpreter).",CR,LF,CR,LF "EXIT",CR,LF 9520 U 0000 "Creates a directory.",CR,LF,CR,LF "MKDIR [drive:]path",CR,LF "MD [drive:]path",CR,LF 9540 U 0000 "Displays or sets a search path for executable files.",CR,LF,CR,LF "PATH [[drive:]path[;...]]",CR,LF "PATH ;",CR,LF,CR,LF 9541 U 0000 "Type PATH ; to clear all search-path settings and direct MS-DOS to search",CR,LF "only in the current directory.",CR,LF 9542 U 0000 "Type PATH without parameters to display the current path.",CR,LF 9560 U 0000 "Changes the MS-DOS command prompt.",CR,LF,CR,LF "PROMPT [text]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9561 U 0000 " text Specifies a new command prompt.",CR,LF,CR,LF "Prompt can be made up of normal characters and the following special codes:",CR,LF,CR,LF 9562 U 0000 " $Q = (equal sign)",CR,LF " $$ $ (dollar sign)",CR,LF 9563 U 0000 " $T Current time",CR,LF " $D Current date",CR,LF 9564 U 0000 " $P Current drive and path",CR,LF " $V MS-DOS version number",CR,LF 9565 U 0000 " $N Current drive",CR,LF " $G > (greater-than sign)",CR,LF 9566 U 0000 " $L < (less-than sign)",CR,LF " $B | (pipe)",CR,LF 9567 U 0000 " $H Backspace (erases previous character)",CR,LF " $E Escape code (ASCII code 27)",CR,LF " $_ Carriage return and linefeed",CR,LF,CR,LF 9568 U 0000 "Type PROMPT without parameters to reset the prompt to the default setting.",CR,LF 9580 U 0000 "Removes (deletes) a directory.",CR,LF,CR,LF "RMDIR [drive:]path",CR,LF "RD [drive:]path",CR,LF 9600 U 0000 "Renames a file or files.",CR,LF,CR,LF 9601 U 0000 "RENAME [drive:][path]filename1 filename2",CR,LF "REN [drive:][path]filename1 filename2",CR,LF,CR,LF 9602 U 0000 "Note that you cannot specify a new drive or path for your destination file.",CR,LF 9620 U 0000 "Displays, sets, or removes MS-DOS environment variables.",CR,LF,CR,LF "SET [variable=[string]]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9621 U 0000 " variable Specifies the environment-variable name.",CR,LF " string Specifies a series of characters to assign to the variable.",CR,LF,CR,LF 9622 U 0000 "Type SET without parameters to display the current environment variables.",CR,LF 9640 U 0000 "Displays or sets the system time.",CR,LF,CR,LF "TIME [time]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9641 U 0000 "Type TIME with no parameters to display the current time setting and a prompt",CR,LF "for a new one. Press ENTER to keep the same time.",CR,LF 9660 U 0000 "Displays the contents of a text file.",CR,LF,CR,LF "TYPE [drive:][path]filename",CR,LF 9680 U 0000 "Displays the MS-DOS version.",CR,LF,CR,LF "VER",CR,LF 9700 U 0000 "Tells MS-DOS whether to verify that your files are written correctly to a",CR,LF "disk.",CR,LF,CR,LF "VERIFY [ON | OFF]",CR,LF,CR,LF "Type VERIFY without a parameter to display the current VERIFY setting.",CR,LF 9720 U 0000 "Displays the disk volume label and serial number, if they exist.",CR,LF,CR,LF "VOL [drive:]",CR,LF 9740 U 0000 "Calls one batch program from another.",CR,LF,CR,LF "CALL [drive:][path]filename [batch-parameters]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9741 U 0000 " batch-parameters Specifies any command-line information required by the",CR,LF " batch program.",CR,LF 9760 U 0000 "Records comments (remarks) in a batch file or CONFIG.SYS.",CR,LF,CR,LF "REM [comment]",CR,LF 9780 U 0000 "Suspends processing of a batch program and displays the message ""Press any",CR,LF "key to continue....""",CR,LF,CR,LF "PAUSE",CR,LF 9800 U 0000 "Displays messages, or turns command-echoing on or off.",CR,LF,CR,LF " ECHO [ON | OFF]",CR,LF 9801 U 0000 " ECHO [message]",CR,LF,CR,LF "Type ECHO without parameters to display the current echo setting.",CR,LF 9820 U 0000 "Directs MS-DOS to a labelled line in a batch program.",CR,LF,CR,LF "GOTO label",CR,LF,CR,LF 9821 U 0000 " label Specifies a text string used in the batch program as a label.",CR,LF,CR,LF "You type a label on a line by itself, beginning with a colon.",CR,LF 9840 U 0000 "Changes the position of replaceable parameters in a batch file.",CR,LF,CR,LF "SHIFT",CR,LF 9860 U 0000 "Performs conditional processing in batch programs.",CR,LF,CR,LF "IF [NOT] ERRORLEVEL number command",CR,LF 9861 U 0000 "IF [NOT] string1==string2 command",CR,LF "IF [NOT] EXIST filename command",CR,LF,CR,LF 9862 U 0000 " NOT Specifies that MS-DOS should carry out the command only",CR,LF " if the condition is false.",CR,LF 9863 U 0000 " ERRORLEVEL number Specifies a true condition if the last program run returned",CR,LF " an exit code equal to or greater than the number specified.",CR,LF 9864 U 0000 " command Specifies the command to carry out if the condition is",CR,LF " met.",CR,LF 9865 U 0000 " string1==string2 Specifies a true condition if the specified text strings",CR,LF " match.",CR,LF 9866 U 0000 " EXIST filename Specifies a true condition if the specified filename",CR,LF " exists.",CR,LF 9880 U 0000 "Runs a specified command for each file in a set of files.",CR,LF,CR,LF "FOR %variable IN (set) DO command [command-parameters]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9881 U 0000 " %variable Specifies a replaceable parameter.",CR,LF " (set) Specifies a set of one or more files. Wildcards may be used.",CR,LF 9882 U 0000 " command Specifies the command to carry out for each file.",CR,LF " command-parameters",CR,LF 9883 U 0000 " Specifies parameters or switches for the specified command.",CR,LF,CR,LF "To use the FOR command in a batch program, specify %%variable instead of",CR,LF "%variable.",CR,LF 9900 U 0000 "Reserved command name",CR,LF 9920 U 0000 "Loads a program into the upper memory area.",CR,LF,CR,LF 9921 U 0000 "LOADHIGH [drive:][path]filename [parameters]",CR,LF "LH [drive:][path]filename [parameters]",CR,LF,CR,LF 9922 U 0000 " parameters Specifies any command-line information required by the",CR,LF " program you want to load.",CR,LF ANSI 000090ec 0002 0010 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���Ⴂ�܂� - %1",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "Invalid parameter - %1",CR,LF APPEND 0000915f 0052 0001 T 0000 "APPEND �̃o�[�W�������Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0002 T 0000 "�p�X�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�̑g�ݍ��킹�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 "APPEND�p�X�͒��`�����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 "APPEND �� ASSIGN �̊Ԃɖ����������܂�.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 "APPEND �� TOPVIEW �̊Ԃɖ����������܂�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 "DOS �̃o�[�W�������Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 "APPEND �͂��łɑg�ݍ��܂��Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�w�肵���f�[�^�t�@�C�����J�����g�f�B���N�g���ɂ����̂Ɠ��l�ɃI�[�v������",CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "�����v���O�����֗^���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "APPEND [[��ײ��:]�߽[;...]] [/X[:ON | :OFF]] [/PATH:ON | /PATH:OFF] [/E]",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 "APPEND ;",CR,LF,CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " [��ײ��:]�߽ �A�y���h�����h���C�u���f�B���N�g�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /X:ON �A�y���h���ꂽ�f�B���N�g����, �t�@�C��������",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " �A�v���P�[�V���������g�p�\�ɂ��܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " /X:OFF �A�y���h���ꂽ�f�B���N�g�����t�@�C���I�[�v���v���ɂ̂�",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " �K�������܂�. /X:OFF �������l�ł�.",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 " /PATH:ON �A�y���h���ꂽ�f�B���N�g����, �f�B���N�g���p�X���w�肷��",CR,LF 0310 T 0000 " �t�@�C���v���ɓK�������܂�. /PATH:ON �������l�ł�.",CR,LF 0311 T 0000 " /PATH:OFF /PATH:ON �̋@�\�𒆎~���܂�.",CR,LF 0312 T 0000 " /E �A�y���h���ꂽ�f�B���N�g�����X�g�̃R�s�[�����ϐ�APPEND ��,",CR,LF 0313 T 0000 " �ێ����܂�. /E ��, �V�X�e���N����, APPEND �̏����g�p���̂�",CR,LF 0314 T 0000 " �g�����ƂɂȂ��܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0315 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�Ƃ��ăZ�~�R�����̂�(""APPEND ;"")���w�肳������, �A�y���h���ꂽ",CR,LF "�f�B���N�g�����L�����Z�����܂�.",CR,LF 0316 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, �A�y���h���ꂽ�f�B���N�g���ꗗ���\�������܂�.",CR,LF 8001 U 0000 "Incorrect APPEND version",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "Invalid path",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "Invalid parameter",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Invalid combination of parameters",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "No Append",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "APPEND / ASSIGN Conflict",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 "APPEND / TopView Conflict",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 "Incorrect DOS version",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 "APPEND already installed",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Allows programs to open data files in specified directories as if they were in",CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "the current directory.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "APPEND [[drive:]path[;...]] [/X[:ON | :OFF]] [/PATH:ON | /PATH:OFF] [/E]",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 "APPEND ;",CR,LF,CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " [drive:]path Specifies a drive and directory to append.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /X:ON Applies appended directories to file searches and",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " application execution.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " /X:OFF Applies appended directories only to requests to open files.",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /X:OFF is the default setting.",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 " /PATH:ON Applies appended directories to file requests that already",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 " specify a path. /PATH:ON is the default setting.",CR,LF 8311 U 0000 " /PATH:OFF Turns off the effect of /PATH:ON.",CR,LF 8312 U 0000 " /E Stores a copy of the appended directory list in an environment",CR,LF 8313 U 0000 " variable named APPEND. /E may be used only the first time",CR,LF 8314 U 0000 " you use APPEND after starting your system.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8315 U 0000 "Type APPEND ; to clear the appended directory list.",CR,LF 8316 U 0000 "Type APPEND without parameters to display the appended directory list.",CR,LF ASSIGN 00009fcf 0014 0002 T 0000 "���� %1: �� %2: �ɐݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�h���C�u�ւ̃f�B�X�N�����v�����ʃh���C�u�֊��蓖�Ă܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "ASSIGN [X[:]=Y[:][...]]",CR,LF "ASSIGN /STATUS",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " X �A�T�C�������h���C�u�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " Y X: ���A�T�C���������h���C�u�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /STATUS ���݂̃h���C�u�A�T�C�����Ԃ��\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0305 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, �A�T�C�����Ԃ̓��Z�b�g�����܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "Original %1: set to %2:",cr,lf 8300 U 0000 "Redirects requests for disk operations on one drive to a different drive.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "ASSIGN [x[:]=y[:][...]]",CR,LF "ASSIGN /STATUS",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " x Specifies the drive letter to reassign.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " y Specifies the drive that x: will be assigned to.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /STATUS Displays current drive assignments.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8305 U 0000 "Type ASSIGN without parameters to reset all drive letters to original",CR,LF "assignments.",CR,LF ATTRIB 0000a41f 0054 0004 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�̐����Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 "�p�X�̎w�肪�Ⴄ��, �܂��̓t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 "���@���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 " %1" 0009 T 0000 "%1 %2",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 "%1",CR,LF,"%2",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 "%1, �R�[�h�y�[�W�����v���܂���.",CR,LF,"���낵���ł��� <Y/N>?" 0012 T 0000 "%1",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 CR,LF 0015 T 0000 "�t�@�C���^�C�v���s���ł�.",CR,LF 0199 T 0000 "�A�g���r���[�g�g���G���[.",CR,LF 0201 T 0000 "�A�g���r���[�g�g���G���[: �t�@�C�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0204 T 0000 "�A�g���r���[�g�g���G���[: �t�@�C�������ݒ��ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0205 T 0000 "�A�g���r���[�g�g���G���[: �t�@�C�����͂��̃t�@�C���V�X�e���ł͈����܂���.",CR,LF 0206 T 0000 "�A�g���r���[�g�g���G���[: �^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0208 T 0000 "�A�g���r���[�g�g���G���[: ���̒l�͈����܂���.",CR,LF 0216 T 0000 "�V�X�e���t�@�C���͍Đݒ��ł��܂��� %1",CR,LF 0217 T 0000 "�B���t�@�C���͍Đݒ��ł��܂��� %1",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�t�@�C���������\��/�ύX���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [[��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�] [/S]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " + �����̐ݒ����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " - �����̉������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " R �ǂݏo�����p�t�@�C���̑����ł�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " A �A�[�J�C�u�t�@�C���̑����ł�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " S �V�X�e���t�@�C���̑����ł�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " H �B���t�@�C���̑����ł�.",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " /S �w�肵���p�X�ȉ��̑S�f�B���N�g�����̃t�@�C�����Ώۂɂ��܂�.",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Invalid number of parameters",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "Invalid path or file not found",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "Syntax error",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 " %1" 8009 U 0000 "%1 %2",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "%1",CR,LF,"%2",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 "%1, Code page mismatch",CR,LF,"Are you sure (Y/N)?" 8012 U 0000 "%1",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 CR,LF 8015 U 0000 "Invalid file type value",CR,LF 8199 U 0000 "Extended attribute error",CR,LF 8201 U 0000 "Extended attribute name not found",CR,LF 8204 U 0000 "Extended attribute name cannot be set",CR,LF 8205 U 0000 "Extended attribute name known to this file system but not supported",CR,LF 8206 U 0000 "Extended attribute type mismatch",CR,LF 8208 U 0000 "Extended attribute value not supported",CR,LF 8216 U 0000 "Not resetting system file %1",CR,LF 8217 U 0000 "Not resetting hidden file %1",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Displays or changes file attributes.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "ATTRIB [+R | -R] [+A | -A] [+S | -S] [+H | -H] [[drive:][path]filename] [/S]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " + Sets an attribute.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " - Clears an attribute.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " R Read-only file attribute.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " A Archive file attribute.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " S System file attribute.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " H Hidden file attribute.",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /S Processes files in all directories in the specified path.",CR,LF BACKUP 0000af99 0080 0002 T 0000 CR,LF,"�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 CR,LF,"���葤�Ǝ��̃h���C�u�������ł�.",CR,LF 0015 T 0001 CR,LF,"FORMAT �̎��s���ɃG���[���������܂���.",CR,LF 0016 T 0001 CR,LF,"FORMAT.COM ���������܂���.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 CR,LF,"���O�t�@�C�����I�[�v���ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 �Ƀ��O���o�͂��܂�.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 CR,LF,"�Ō��̃o�b�N�A�b�v�f�B�X�N�͑}�������܂����ł���.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� !",CR,LF "���h���C�u %1: �ɂ�����, ���[�g�f�B���N�g���̉��͂��ׂď��������܂�.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� !",CR,LF "���h���C�u %1: �ɂ�����, �T�u�f�B���N�g�� BACKUP �̉��͂��ׂď��������܂�.",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 CR,LF,"*** �t�@�C�����h���C�u %1: �Ƀo�b�N�A�b�v���܂�. ***",CR,LF 0023 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�ԍ�: %1",CR,LF 0024 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� ! �o�b�N�A�b�v�̂��߂̃t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0025 T 0000 CR,LF,"���葤�f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0026 T 0000 CR,LF,"�o�b�N�A�b�v�f�B�X�N %1 ���h���C�u %2: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0027 T 0000 CR,LF,"*** �t�@�C�����o�b�N�A�b�v�ł��܂���. ***",CR,LF 0028 T 0000 CR,LF,"�Ō��̃o�b�N�A�b�v�f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0029 T 0000 CR,LF,"���̓o�b�N�A�b�v�ɂ͎g���܂���.",CR,LF 0030 T 0000 CR,LF,"*** �Ō��̃t�@�C���̓o�b�N�A�b�v�����܂����ł���. ***",CR,LF 0031 T 0000 CR,LF,"�o�b�N�A�b�v�h���C�u %1: �������ς��ł�.",CR,LF 0032 T 0000 CR,LF,"���O�t�@�C���̏������ݒ��Ƀf�B�X�N�������ς��ɂȂ��܂���.",CR,LF 0034 T 0000 CR,LF 0035 T 0001 CR,LF,"�n�[�h�f�B�X�N %1: �̓t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0040 T 0000 CR,LF, "���h���C�u�� ASSIGN �����Ă��邩, JOIN �����Ă��邩, SUBST �����Ă���", CR, LF, "�Ώۃh���C�u�Ɠ����ɂȂ��Ă��܂�." CR, LF 0041 T 0000 CR,LF, "�Ώۃh���C�u�� ASSIGN �����Ă��邩, JOIN �����Ă��邩, SUBST �����Ă���", CR, LF, "���h���C�u�Ɠ����ɂȂ��Ă��܂�.", CR, LF 0042 T 0000 "�Ώۃt���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�̓t�H�[�}�b�g�����Ă��܂���. �܂�,",CR,LF 0043 T 0000 "�t�H�[�}�b�g�v���O�������������܂���.",CR,LF "�t�H�[�}�b�g�v���O�����̂����ʂ̃t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�������܂��� <Y/N>? " 0044 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u A: �Ƀt�H�[�}�b�g�v���O�����̂����t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�������Ă�������.",CR,LF 0045 T 0000 CR,LF,"�V�����t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�������đ����܂��� <Y/N>? " 0300 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N���̃t�@�C��(������)���ʂ̃h���C�u�փo�b�N�A�b�v���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "BACKUP ���葤 ����ײ�� [/S] [/M] [/A] [/F[:����]] [/D:���t[/T:����]]",CR,LF " [/L[:[��ײ��:][�߽]۸�̧��]]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " ���葤 �o�b�N�A�b�v�����h���C�u, �f�B���N�g��, �t�@�C�����w��",CR,LF " ���܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " ����ײ�� �o�b�N�A�b�v�R�s�[�������h���C�u���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /S �T�u�f�B���N�g�����܂߂ăo�b�N�A�b�v���܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /M �O���o�b�N�A�b�v�ȍ~�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����o�b�N�A�b�v",CR,LF " ���܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /A �����o�b�N�A�b�v�f�B�X�N�Ƀo�b�N�A�b�v�t�@�C�����lj����܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " /F:[����] ���o�b�N�A�b�v�f�B�X�N�̃t�H�[�}�b�g�T�C�Y���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " /D:���t �w�肵�����t�ȍ~�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����o�b�N�A�b�v���܂�.",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " /T:���� �w�肵�������ȍ~�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����o�b�N�A�b�v���܂�.",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 " /L[:[��ײ��:][�߽]۸�̧��]",CR,LF " �o�b�N�A�b�v���ꂽ�t�@�C���̑����菇�̃��O�t�@�C����, �G���g��",CR,LF " ���쐬���܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insufficient memory",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid drive specification",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 CR,LF,"Source and target drives are the same",CR,LF 8015 U 0001 CR,LF,"Error executing FORMAT",CR,LF 8016 U 0001 CR,LF,"Cannot find FORMAT.COM",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 CR,LF,"Error opening logfile",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 CR,LF,"Logging to file %1",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 CR,LF,"Last backup diskette not inserted",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING! Files in the target drive",CR,LF "%1:\ root directory will be erased",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING! Files in the target drive",CR,LF "%1:\BACKUP directory will be erased",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 CR,LF,"*** Backing up files to drive %1: ***",CR,LF 8023 U 0000 "Diskette Number: %1",CR,LF 8024 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING! No files were found to back up",CR,LF 8025 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert backup source diskette in drive %1:",CR,LF 8026 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert backup diskette %1 in drive %2:",CR,LF 8027 U 0000 CR,LF,"*** Not able to backup file ***",CR,LF 8028 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert last backup diskette in drive %1:",CR,LF 8029 U 0000 CR,LF,"Target cannot be used for backup",CR,LF 8030 U 0000 CR,LF,"*** Last file not backed up ***",CR,LF 8031 U 0000 CR,LF,"Fixed backup device %1: is full",CR,LF 8032 U 0000 CR,LF,"Disk full error writing to BACKUP Log File",CR,LF 8034 U 0000 CR,LF 8035 U 0001 CR,LF,"Cannot FORMAT nonremovable drive %1:",CR,LF 8040 U 0000 CR, LF, "Because your source drive is either ASSIGNed, JOINed, or SUBSTed", CR, LF, "it is actually the same as the target drive", CR, LF 8041 U 0000 CR, LF, "Because your target drive is either ASSIGNed, JOINed, or SUBSTed", CR, LF, "it is actually the same as the source drive", CR, LF 8042 U 0000 "Your target diskette is unformatted and " 8043 U 0000 "No FORMAT program was found.",CR,LF "Do you have another diskette with FORMAT on it (Y/N)? " 8044 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert the diskette with FORMAT in drive A:",CR,LF 8045 U 0000 CR,LF,"Do you want to continue by inserting a new disk (Y/N)? " 8300 U 0000 "Backs up one or more files from one disk to another.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "BACKUP source destination-drive: [/S] [/M] [/A] [/F[:size]]",CR,LF " [/D:date[/T:time]] [/L[:[drive:][path]logfile]]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " source Specifies the file(s), drive, or directory to back up.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " destination-drive: Specifies the drive to save backup copies onto.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /S Backs up contents of subdirectories.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /M Backs up only files that have changed since the last",CR,LF " backup.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /A Adds backup files to an existing backup disk.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " /F:[size] Specifies the size of the disk to be formatted.",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /D:date Backs up only files changed on or after the specified",CR,LF " date.",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 " /T:time Backs up only files changed at or after the specified",CR,LF " time.",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 " /L[:[drive:][path]logfile]",CR,LF " Creates a log file and entry to record the backup",CR,LF " operation.",CR,LF BASIC 0000ca33 0002 0001 T 0001 "BASICA.COM�����s�ł��܂���." 8001 U 0001 "Cannot exec BASICA.COM" BOOT 0000ca9c 0002 0001 T 0000 13,10,"Non-System disk or disk error",13,10 "Replace and press any key when ready",13,10,0 8001 T 0000 13,10,"Non-System disk or disk error",13,10 "Replace and press any key when ready",13,10,0 CHKDSK 0000cb88 0142 0003 T 0000 "�j���`�F�[�����t�@�C���ɕϊ����܂��� <Y/N>?" 0004 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g���͏C���s�\�ł�." 0005 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�����t�@�C���ɕϊ����܂��� <Y/N>?" 0007 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �S�f�B�X�N�e��" 0008 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �s�ǃZ�N�^" 0009 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : %2 �̉B���t�@�C��" 0010 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : %2 �̃f�B���N�g��" 0011 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : %2 �̃��[�U�[�t�@�C��" 0012 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : %2 �̏C�������t�@�C��" 0013 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : %2 �̏C���\�t�@�C��" 0014 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �g�p�\�f�B�X�N�e��" 0015 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �S������" 0016 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �g�p�\������" 0017 T 0000 "�l�b�g���[�N�h���C�u�� CHKDSK �ł��܂���." 0018 T 0000 "ASSIGN �܂��� SUBST ���ꂽ�h���C�u�� CHKDSK �ł��܂���." 0019 T 0000 "���̃f�B�X�N�͎g���܂���.",CR,LF,"���s���܂��� <Y/N>?" 0020 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�G���[ <�ǂݎ��蒆> FAT %1",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�� %1" 0022 T 0000 "%1",CR,LF " �� %2 �̕s�A���u���b�N���܂݂܂�." 0023 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ���ׂẴt�@�C���͘A�����Ă��܂�." 0024 T 0000 "�G���[�����������܂���.",CR,LF,"F�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ă��Ȃ��̂Ńf�B�X�N�̏C���͍s�����܂���." 0025 T 0000 " �����s�ł��܂���. %1%2" 0026 T 0000 " �t�@�C���A���P�[�V�����e�[�u�����s�ǂł�. �h���C�u %1:" 0029 T 0000 " <..> �Ɂ@CHDIR �ł��܂���. ���̕��@�Ŏ����Ă��܂�." 0030 T 0001 " �s�ǃN���X�^���܂݂܂�. �t�@�C�������̂Ă܂���." 0031 T 0000 " �T�u�f�B���N�g���̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�." 0032 T 0000 " ���݂��܂���." 0033 T 0001 " �N���X�^�ԍ����s�ǂł�.",CR,LF " ���̂Ă܂���." 0034 T 0000 " �A���P�[�V�����G���[�ł�. �T�C�Y�����܂���." 0035 T 0000 " <..> ���C���ł��܂���. �����s���܂�." 0036 T 0000 " �f�B���N�g�������ł�. <.>��<..>�������܂���." 0037 T 0000 " �f�B���N�g���� JOIN �����Ă��܂�." 0038 T 0000 " <..> ���C���ł��܂���." 0039 T 0000 " �����N���s�ǂł�." 0040 T 0000 " �������s�ǂł�." 0041 T 0000 " �T�C�Y���s�ǂł�." 0042 T 0001 " �N���X�^ %1 ���d�����ă����N���Ă��܂�." 0043 T 0000 " %1 �� CHDIR �ł��܂���.",CR,LF," �����͎��s�����܂����ł���." 0044 T 0000 " �����͎��s�����܂����ł���." 0045 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g�̃f�B�X�N���Ԃ����������܂���." 0046 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g�̃f�B�X�N���Ԃ������\�ł�." 0047 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N %1 �� %2 %3 �ɍ쐬�����܂���.",CR,LF 0048 T 0000 "%1 �� : �S�N���X�^" 0049 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �N���X�^�T�C�Y" 0050 T 0000 "�h���C�u %1: �ɂ� CHKDSK �ł��܂���." 0053 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�." 0055 T 0000 "�p�X���������܂���." 0056 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����������܂���." 0058 T 0001 " %1 �̔j���N���X�^�� %2 �`�F�[�����ɔ��������܂���." 0059 T 0000 CR,LF 0060 T 0000 " ���[�g�f�B���N�g���̏������ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0061 T 0000 " �f�B�X�N�G���[ <�������ݒ�> FAT %1" 0062 T 0000 " %1" 0063 T 0000 "���݂̃f�B���N�g���͖����ł�.",0 ;C05 0064 T 0000 "%1",CR,LF 0065 T 0000 " ���[�g�f�B���N�g���������ς��ł�.",CR,LF," �s�K�v�ȃt�@�C����������, �������x CHKDSK ���s���Ă�������." 0066 T 0000 "%1 %2 %3" 0067 T 0000 "%1 %2, %3" 0068 T 0000 "%1%2%3%4%5" 0069 T 0000 "%1%2%3%4" 0070 T 0000 "%1 �� : �g�p�\�N���X�^" 0075 T 0000 "CHKDSK /F �� Windows/DOSSHELL �̃R�}���h�v�����v�g�ł͎��s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0076 T 0000 " - �������������܂���.",0 0077 T 0000 " - �t�@�C���A���P�[�V�����e�[�u�����s���ł�.",0 0300 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�̃`�F�b�N, �����я��Ԃ̕\�������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "CHKDSK [��ײ��:][[�߽]̧�ٖ�] [/F] [/V]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽] �`�F�b�N�����h���C�u���f�B���N�g�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " ̧�ٖ� �`�F�b�N�����t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /F �f�B�X�N�̃G���[���C�����܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /V �f�B�X�N�̊e�t�@�C���̃t���p�X�����\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0306 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, �J�����g�f�B�X�N���`�F�b�N���܂�.",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "Convert lost chains to files (Y/N)?" 8004 U 0000 "Unrecoverable error in directory" 8005 U 0000 "Convert directory to file (Y/N)?" 8007 U 0000 "%1 bytes total disk space" 8008 U 0000 "%1 bytes in bad sectors" 8009 U 0000 "%1 bytes in %2 hidden files" 8010 U 0000 "%1 bytes in %2 directories" 8011 U 0000 "%1 bytes in %2 user files" 8012 U 0000 "%1 bytes in %2 recovered files" 8013 U 0000 "%1 bytes would be in %2 recovered files" 8014 U 0000 "%1 bytes available on disk" 8015 U 0000 "%1 total bytes memory" 8016 U 0000 "%1 bytes free" 8017 U 0000 "Cannot CHKDSK a network drive" 8018 U 0000 "Cannot CHKDSK a SUBSTed or ASSIGNed drive" 8019 U 0000 "Probable non-DOS disk",CR,LF,"Continue (Y/N)?" 8020 U 0000 "Disk error reading FAT %1",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 "Directory %1" 8022 U 0000 "%1 Contains %2 non-contiguous blocks" 8023 U 0000 "All specified file(s) are contiguous" 8024 U 0000 "Errors found, F parameter not specified",CR,LF,"Corrections will not be written to disk" 8025 U 0000 " Processing cannot continue %1%2" 8026 U 0000 " File allocation table bad, drive %1" 8029 U 0000 " CHDIR .. failed, trying alternate method" 8030 U 0001 " Has invalid allocation unit, file truncated" 8031 U 0000 " Invalid sub-directory entry" 8032 U 0000 " Does not exist" 8033 U 0001 " First allocation unit is invalid, entry truncated" 8034 U 0000 " Allocation error, size adjusted" 8035 U 0000 " Cannot recover .. entry, processing continued" 8036 U 0000 " Directory is totally empty, no . or .." 8037 U 0000 " Directory is joined" 8038 U 0000 " Cannot recover .. entry" 8039 U 0000 " Entry has a bad link" 8040 U 0000 " Entry has a bad attribute" 8041 U 0000 " Entry has a bad size" 8042 U 0001 " Is cross linked on allocation unit %1" 8043 U 0000 " Cannot CHDIR to %1,",CR,LF,"tree past this point not processed" 8044 U 0000 " tree past this point not processed" 8045 U 0000 "%1 bytes disk space freed" 8046 U 0000 "%1 bytes disk space would be freed" 8047 U 0000 "Volume %1 created %2 %3",CR,LF 8048 U 0000 "%1 total allocation units on disk" 8049 U 0000 "%1 bytes in each allocation unit" 8050 U 0000 "CHKDSK not available on drive %1" 8053 U 0000 "Invalid parameter" 8055 U 0000 "Path not found" 8056 U 0000 "File not found" 8058 U 0001 " %1 lost allocation units found in %2 chains." 8059 U 0000 CR,LF 8060 U 0000 " Cannot CHDIR to root",CR,LF 8061 U 0000 " Disk error writing FAT %1" 8062 U 0000 "%1" ;C05 8063 U 0000 "Invalid current directory",0 8064 U 0000 "%1",CR,LF 8065 U 0000 " Insufficient room in root directory",CR,LF," Move files from root directory and repeat CHKDSK" 8066 U 0000 "%1 %2 %3" 8067 U 0000 "%1 %2, %3" 8068 U 0000 "%1%2%3%4%5" 8069 U 0000 "%1%2%3%4" 8070 U 0000 "%1 available allocation units on disk" 8075 U 0000 "CHKDSK /F cannot be done in a Windows/DosShell Command Prompt",CR,LF 8076 U 0000 " - Insufficient Memory",0 8077 U 0000 " - File allocation table bad",0 8300 U 0000 "Checks a disk and displays a status report.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "CHKDSK [drive:][[path]filename] [/F] [/V]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " [drive:][path] Specifies the drive and directory to check.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " filename Specifies the file(s) to check for fragmentation.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /F Fixes errors on the disk.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /V Displays the full path and name of every file on the disk.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8306 U 0000 "Type CHKDSK without parameters to check the current disk.",CR,LF DEBUG 0000e912 0136 0004 T 0000 "���蓖�Ă̎��s, �������͎w�肵���o�b�t�@�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 "���u�����Ⴂ�܂�." 0007 T 0000 "�o�͑��u�� PRN ���I�[�v���ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�o�͑��u�������͂��Ă�������." 0008 T 0000 CR,LF 0009 T 0000 "�v���O�����͐����ɏI�����܂���.",CR,LF 0010 T 0001 "�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0012 T 0001 "�t�@�C���������܂���.",CR,LF 0013 T 0001 "�f�B�X�N�������ς��ł�.",CR,LF 0014 T 0001 "�h���C�u %1: �̓ǂݍ��݃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0015 T 0001 "�h���C�u %1: �̏������݃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0016 T 0001 "�h���C�u %1: �͏������֎~�ł�.",CR,LF 0017 T 0001 "�h���C�u %1: �͏������֎~�ł�.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 "%1^ �װ" 0020 T 0001 "EXE �܂��� HEX �t�@�C���ɃG���[�������܂�.",CR,LF 0021 T 0001 "EXE �� HEX �t�@�C���ɂ͏������݂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 "���s�ł��܂����ł���." 0023 T 0001 "<W>�������݃R�}���h�G���[. �]���悪���`�����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0024 T 0001 "�A�N�Z�X�͋��ۂ����܂���.",CR,LF 0025 T 0000 "�������G���[���������܂���." 0026 T 0000 "-" 0027 T 0000 "%1 -" 0032 T 0000 "%1%2" 0033 T 0000 "%1:%2 %3" 0034 T 0000 "%1 %2" 0035 T 0000 "%1 %2",CR,LF,":" 0036 T 0000 "%1=%2 " 0037 T 0000 "%1 �װ" 0038 T 0000 "%2%1 �o�C�g�������ݒ�." 0039 T 0000 "%1:%2=" 0040 T 0000 "%1" 0041 T 0000 "%1" 0042 T 0000 "%1:%2 %3 %4 %5:%6" 0044 T 0000 32,8 0046 T 0000 "%1" 0047 T 0000 "%1" 0050 T 0000 "%2 �� EMS�y�[�W���� %1 �y�[�W�����蓖�Ă����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0051 T 0000 "%2 �� EMS�n���h������ %1 �̃n���h�������蓖�Ă����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0055 T 0000 "�n���h�� %1 ���쐬�����܂���.",CR,LF 0056 T 0000 "�_���y�[�W %1 �������y�[�W %2 �Ƀ}�b�v�����܂���.",CR,LF 0057 T 0001 "EMS�n�[�h�E�F�A/�\�t�g�E�F�A�̃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0058 T 0000 "�n���h�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0059 T 0000 "�����ȃt�@���N�V�����R�[�h�ł�.",CR,LF 0060 T 0000 "�n���h���������ς��ł�.",CR,LF 0061 T 0000 "�Z�[�u/���X�g�A�̃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0062 T 0000 "�S�y�[�W�����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0063 T 0000 "�y�[�W���Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0064 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0065 T 0000 "�_���y�[�W�͈̔͂��܂���.",CR,LF 0066 T 0000 "�����y�[�W�͈̔͂��܂���.",CR,LF 0067 T 0000 "�Z�[�u�̈��͂��łɎg�p�����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0068 T 0000 "�Z�[�u�̈��͎g�p�����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0070 T 0001 "EMS�G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0071 T 0000 "EMS�p�����[�^�������ł�.",CR,LF 0072 T 0000 "�n���h�� %1 �ɂ� %2 �y�[�W�����蓖�Ă����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0075 T 0000 "�����y�[�W %1 = �t���[���Z�O�����g %2",CR,LF 0076 T 0003 "�n���h�� %1 ���������܂���.",CR,LF 0078 T 0000 "EMS ���g�ݍ��܂��Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0090 T 0000 "�v���O�����̃e�X�g/�ҏW�c�[���ł����f�o�b�K���N�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0091 T 0000 "DEBUG [[��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� [ý�̧��-���Ұ�]]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0092 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " �e�X�g�����t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0093 T 0000 " ý�̧��-���Ұ� �e�X�g�����t�@�C�����K�v�Ƃ����R�}���h���C��������",CR,LF " �w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0094 T 0000 "DEBUG �N������, ? �����͂����ƃf�o�b�K�̃R�}���h�ꗗ���\�������܂�.",CR,LF 0100 T 0000 "������ A [���ڽ]",CR,LF "���r C �͈� ���ڽ",CR,LF "����� D [�͈�] (�\��Ӱ�ޕύX��, KA - ASCII�����, KK - ���������)",CR,LF "���� E ���ڽ [ؽ�]",CR,LF 0101 T 0000 "���ߍ��� F �͈� ؽ�",CR,LF "���s G [=���ڽ] [���ڽ]",CR,LF "16 �i���v�Z H ���l1 ���l2",CR,LF "���� I �߰�",CR,LF 0102 T 0000 "�ǂݍ��� L [���ڽ] [��ײ��] [�擪���] [���l]",CR,LF "�ړ� M �͈� ���ڽ",CR,LF "���O�t�� N [�߽��] [����ؽ�]",CR,LF "�o�� O �߰� �Ēl",CR,LF 0103 T 0000 "���s P [=���ڽ] [���l]",CR,LF "�I�� Q",CR,LF "ڼ����� �@�@R [ڼ�]",CR,LF "���� S �͈� ؽ�",CR,LF 0104 T 0000 "�ǐ� T [=���ڽ] [���l]",CR,LF "�t������ U [�͈�]",CR,LF "�������� W [���ڽ] [��ײ��] [�擪���] [���l]",CR,LF 0105 T 0000 "EMS��̊����t�� XA [�߰�ސ�]",CR,LF "EMS��̊����t������ XD [�����]",CR,LF "EMS�߰�ނ�ϯ�� XM [�_���߰��] [�����߰��] [�����]",CR,LF "EMS��ؽð���̕\�� XS",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Allocation failed or specified buffer too small",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "Bad device name" 8007 U 0000 "Cannot open list device PRN",CR,LF "Enter name of list device? " 8008 U 0000 CR,LF 8009 U 0000 CR,LF,"Program terminated normally",CR,LF 8010 U 0001 "Invalid drive specification",CR,LF 8012 U 0001 "File creation error",CR,LF 8013 U 0001 "Insufficient space on disk",CR,LF 8014 U 0001 "Disk error reading drive %1",CR,LF 8015 U 0001 "Disk error writing drive %1",CR,LF 8016 U 0001 "Write protect error reading drive %1",CR,LF 8017 U 0001 "Write protect error writing drive %1",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 "%1^ Error" 8020 U 0001 "Error in EXE or HEX file",CR,LF 8021 U 0001 "EXE and HEX files cannot be written",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 "EXEC failure" 8023 U 0001 "(W)rite error, no destination defined",CR,LF 8024 U 0001 "Access denied",CR,LF 8025 U 0000 "Parity error or nonexistent memory error detected" 8026 U 0000 "-" 8027 U 0000 "%1 -" 8032 U 0000 "%1%2" 8033 U 0000 "%1:%2 %3" 8034 U 0000 "%1 %2" 8035 U 0000 "%1 %2",CR,LF,":" 8036 U 0000 "%1=%2 " 8037 U 0000 "%1 Error" 8038 U 0000 "Writing %2%1 bytes" ;C02 8039 U 0000 "%1:%2=" 8040 U 0000 "%1" 8041 U 0000 "%1" 8042 U 0000 "%1:%2 %3 %4 %5:%6" 8044 U 0000 32,8 8046 U 0000 "%1" 8047 U 0000 "%1" 8050 U 0000 "%1 of a total %2 EMS pages have been allocated",cr,lf 8051 U 0000 "%1 of a total %2 EMS handles have been allocated",cr,lf 8055 U 0000 "Handle created = %1 ",cr,lf 8056 U 0000 "Logical page %1 mapped to physical page %2 ",cr,lf 8057 U 0001 "EMS hardware/software failure",cr,lf 8058 U 0000 "Handle not found",cr,lf 8059 U 0000 "Invalid function code",cr,lf 8060 U 0000 "No free handles",cr,lf 8061 U 0000 "Save/Restore error",cr,lf 8062 U 0000 "Total pages exceeded",cr,lf 8063 U 0000 "Free pages exceeded",cr,lf 8064 U 0000 "Parameter error",cr,lf 8065 U 0000 "Logical Page out of range",cr,lf 8066 U 0000 "Physical Page out of range",cr,lf 8067 U 0000 "Save area already in use",cr,lf 8068 U 0000 "Save area not in use",cr,lf 8070 U 0001 "General EMS error",cr,lf 8071 U 0000 "Missing or invalid EMS parameter",cr,lf 8072 U 0000 "Handle %1 has %2 pages allocated",cr,lf 8075 U 0000 "Physical page %1 = Frame segment %2",cr,lf 8076 U 0003 "Handle %1 deallocated",cr,lf 8078 U 0000 "EMS not installed",cr,lf 8090 U 0000 "Runs Debug, a program testing and editing tool.",cr,lf,cr,lf 8091 U 0000 "DEBUG [[drive:][path]filename [testfile-parameters]]",cr,lf,cr,lf 8092 U 0000 " [drive:][path]filename Specifies the file you want to test.", cr,lf 8093 U 0000 " testfile-parameters Specifies command-line information required by",cr,lf " the file you want to test.",cr,lf,cr,lf 8094 U 0000 "After Debug starts, type ? to display a list of debugging commands.",cr,lf 8100 U 0000 "assemble A [address]",CR,LF "compare C range address",CR,LF "dump D [range]",CR,LF "enter E address [list]",CR,LF 8101 U 0000 "fill F range list",CR,LF "go G [=address] [addresses]",CR,LF "hex H value1 value2",CR,LF "input I port",CR,LF 8102 U 0000 "load L [address] [drive] [firstsector] [number]",CR,LF "move M range address",CR,LF "name N [pathname] [arglist]",CR,LF "output O port byte",CR,LF 8103 U 0000 "proceed P [=address] [number]",CR,LF "quit Q",CR,LF "register R [register]",CR,LF "search S range list",CR,LF 8104 U 0000 "trace T [=address] [value]",CR,LF "unassemble U [range]",CR,LF "write W [address] [drive] [firstsector] [number]",CR,LF 8105 U 0000 "allocate expanded memory XA [#pages]",CR,LF "deallocate expanded memory XD [handle]",CR,LF "map expanded memory pages XM [Lpage] [Ppage] [handle]",CR,LF "display expanded memory status XS",CR,LF DISKCOMP 0001088a 0040 0004 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����̎w���͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�g�p�@: DISKCOMP [��ײ��1: [��ײ��2:]] [/1][/8]",LF,CR 0005 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF "�w���̃h���C�u��, ���݂��Ȃ������邢�̓n�[�h�f�B�X�N�ł�.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 CR,LF,"�l�b�g���[�N�h���C�u�ɑ��Ă� DISKCOMP �ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 CR,LF,"1���ڂ̃f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 CR,LF,"2���ڂ̃f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 CR,LF,"1���ڂ̃f�B�X�N�̕s�ǂ�, �^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 CR,LF,"2���ڂ̃f�B�X�N�̕s�ǂ�, �^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 CR,LF,"�ʂ̃f�B�X�N�����r���܂��� <Y/N>?" 0015 T 0000 CR,LF,"�g���b�N��: %1, �Z�N�^��: %2 �Z�N�^/�g���b�N, �T�C�h��: %3",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u��, �f�B�X�N�̃^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u %2 �̃T�C�h %3, �g���b�N %4 �ŏC���s�\��",CR,LF "�ǂݍ��݃G���[���������܂���.",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 CR,LF,"���r�G���[�ł�. �T�C�h %3, �g���b�N %4",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N���������h���C�u�ɑ}�������Ă��邩, �m�F���Ă�������.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�B�X�N�̔��r���I�����܂���.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�B�X�N�ɈႢ�͂����܂���.",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "2�̃t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�̓��e�����r���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "DISKCOMP [��ײ��1: [��ײ��2:]] [/1] [/8]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " /1 �f�B�X�N�̍ŏ��̖ʂ��������r���܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /8 �e�g���b�N�̍ŏ��� 8�Z�N�^���������r���܂�.",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Do not specify filename(s)",CR,LF "Command format: DISKCOMP [drive1: [drive2:]] [/1] [/8]",LF,CR 8005 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid drive specification",CR,LF "Specified drive does not exist",CR,LF "or is non-removable",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot DISKCOMP to or from",CR,LF "a network drive",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert FIRST diskette in drive %1:",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert SECOND diskette in drive %1:",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 CR,LF,"FIRST diskette bad or incompatible",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 CR,LF,"SECOND diskette bad or incompatible",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 CR,LF,"Compare another diskette (Y/N) ?" 8015 U 0000 CR,LF,"Comparing %1 tracks",CR,LF "%2 sectors per track, %3 side(s)",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 CR,LF,"Drive types or diskette types",CR,LF "not compatible",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 CR,LF,"Unrecoverable read error on drive %2",CR,LF "side %3, track %4",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 CR,LF,"Compare error on",CR,LF,"side %3, track %4",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 "Make sure a diskette is inserted into",CR,LF "the drive and the door is closed",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 CR,LF,"Compare process ended",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 CR,LF,"Compare OK",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Compares the contents of two floppy disks.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "DISKCOMP [drive1: [drive2:]] [/1] [/8]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " /1 Compares the first side of the disks.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /8 Compares only the first eight sectors of each track.",CR,LF DISKCOPY 00011416 0052 0002 T 0000 CR,LF 0004 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����̎w���͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�g�p�@: DISKCOPY [��ײ��1: [��ײ��2:]] [/1] [/V]",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF "�w���̃h���C�u��, ���݂��Ȃ������邢�̓n�[�h�f�B�X�N�ł�.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 CR,LF,"�l�b�g���[�N�h���C�u�ɑ��Ă� DISKCOPY �ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 CR,LF,"�t�H�[�}�b�g���Ȃ����R�s�[���Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 CR,LF,"���葤�̃f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 CR,LF,"���̃f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�B�X�N���������h���C�u�ɑ}�������Ă��邩�m�F���Ă�������.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 CR,LF,"���f�B�X�N�͎g���Ȃ��\���������܂�.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 CR,LF,"���f�B�X�N�͎g���܂���.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 CR,LF,"�ʂ̃f�B�X�N���R�s�[���܂��� <Y/N>?" 0017 T 0000 CR,LF,"�g���b�N��: %1, �g���b�N�������̃Z�N�^��: %2, �T�C�h��: %3",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u��, �f�B�X�N�̃^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u %1 �̃T�C�h %2, �g���b�N %3 �ŏC���s�\��",CR,LF "�ǂݍ��݃G���[���������܂���.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 CR,LF,"�������݃G���[�ł�. �h���C�u %1: �g���b�N %3 �T�C�h %2",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�B�X�N�̃R�s�[���I�����܂���.",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 CR,LF,"���葤�̕s�ǂ��f�B�X�N�̃^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�." 0023 T 0000 CR,LF,"���̕s�ǂ��f�B�X�N�̃^�C�v���Ⴂ�܂�." 0030 T 0000 CR,LF,"���葤�̃��f�B�A�͎��̃��f�B�A���������e�ʂł�.",CR,LF "�����܂��� <Y/N>?" 0031 T 0000 CR,LF,"CTRL+C ��������, �I�����Ă�������.",CR,LF "��������, ���������f�B�A���}����, �ǂꂩ���̃L�[�������đ����Ă������� . . .",CR,LF 0032 U 0000 CR,LF,"DISKCOPY �̓������[�J�[�h (CMCDD) �f�o�C�X���R�s�[���邱�Ƃ͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�̓��e���ʂ̃t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�ɃR�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "DISKCOPY [��ײ��1: [��ײ��2:]] [/1] [/V]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " /1 �f�B�X�N�̍ŏ��̖ʂ������R�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /V ���������R�s�[���ꂽ���x���t�@�C���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0304 T 0000 "2�̃t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�͓����^�C�v�łȂ����Ȃ��܂���.",CR,LF "�h���C�u1 �ƃh���C�u2 �͓����h���C�u���w�肷�邱�Ƃ��ł��܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Do not specify filename(s)",CR,LF "Command Format: DISKCOPY [drive1: [drive2:]] [/1] [/V]",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid drive specification",CR,LF "Specified drive does not exist",CR,LF "or is non-removable",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot DISKCOPY to or from",CR,LF "a network drive",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 CR,LF,"Formatting while copying",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert SOURCE diskette in drive %1:",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert TARGET diskette in drive %1:",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "Make sure a diskette is inserted into",CR,LF "the drive and the door is closed",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 CR,LF,"Target diskette may be unusable",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 CR,LF,"Target diskette unusable",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 CR,LF,"Copy another diskette (Y/N)? " 8017 U 0000 CR,LF,"Copying %1 tracks",CR,LF "%2 sectors per track, %3 side(s)",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 CR,LF,"Drive types or diskette types",CR,LF "not compatible",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 CR,LF,"Unrecoverable read error on drive %1",CR,LF "Side %2, track %3",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 CR,LF,"Unrecoverable write error on drive %1",CR,LF "Side %2, track %3",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 CR,LF,"Copy process ended",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 CR,LF,"SOURCE diskette bad or incompatible" 8023 U 0000 CR,LF,"TARGET diskette bad or incompatible" 8030 U 0000 CR,LF,"TARGET media has lower capacity than SOURCE",CR,LF "Continue anyway (Y/N)?" 8031 U 0000 CR,LF,"Press CTRL+C to abort,",CR,LF "or correct this problem and press any other key to continue . . .",CR,LF 8032 U 0000 CR,LF,"DISKCOPY cannot copy memory card (CMCDD) devices.",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Copies the contents of one floppy disk to another.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "DISKCOPY [drive1: [drive2:]] [/1] [/V]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " /1 Copies only the first side of the disk.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /V Verifies that the information is copied correctly.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8304 U 0000 "The two floppy disks must be the same type.",CR,LF "You may specify the same drive for drive1 and drive2.",CR,LF DISPLAY 00012483 0006 0002 T 0000 "%1 �R�[�h�y�[�W�h���C�o�͏������ł��܂���.",CR,LF,BELL 0008 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W�̎w�肪�������܂�.",CR,LF,BELL 0012 T 0000 "DISPLAY.SYS�R�[�h�y�[�W�h���C�o�̕��@���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF,BELL 8002 U 0000 "%1 code page driver cannot be initialized",CR,LF,BELL 8008 U 0000 "Too many code pages specified",CR,LF,BELL 8012 U 0000 "Invalid syntax on DISPLAY.SYS code page driver",CR,LF,BELL DOSKEY 0001262a 0020 0001 T 0000 7,"�݊����̂Ȃ� DOSKEY �����łɑg�ݍ��܂��Ă��܂�.$" 0002 T 0000 7,"BUFSIZE ���ύX�ł��܂���.$" 0003 T 0000 "DOSKEY ���g�ݍ��܂��܂���.$" 0004 T 0000 "�}�N�����`�������ł�.$" 0005 T 0000 "�R�}���h���C���̕ҏW, MS-DOS�R�}���h�̍ČĂяo��, �}�N���̐��������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DOSKEY [/REINSTALL] [/BUFSIZE=����] [/MACROS] [/HISTORY]",CR,LF " [/INSERT | /OVERSTRIKE] [ϸۖ�=[÷��]]",CR,LF,CR,LF " /REINSTALL �V���� DOSKEY �̃R�s�[���g�ݍ��݂܂�.",CR,LF " /BUFSIZE=���� �R�}���h�����o�b�t�@�̃T�C�Y���ݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF " /MACROS DOSKEY �̑S�}�N�����\�����܂�.",CR,LF " /HISTORY �������ɑޔ������S�R�}���h���\�����܂�.",CR,LF " /INSERT �V���ȓ��͂����e�L�X�g���ɑ}���������悤�Ɏw�肵�܂�.",CR,LF " /OVERSTRIKE �V���ȓ��͂����e�L�X�g�ɏ㏑���������悤�Ɏw�肵�܂�.",CR,LF " ϸۖ� �쐬�����}�N�������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF " ÷�� �o�^�����R�}���h���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "�㉺�����L�[�̓R�}���h�̍ČĂяo�������܂�. F7 �̓R�}���h�������\�����܂�.",CR,LF "ALT+F7 �̓R�}���h�������N���A���܂�. F8 �̓R�}���h�������������܂�.",CR,LF "F9 �͐����ɂ����R�}���h�̑I�������܂�. ALT+F10 �̓}�N�����`���N���A���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "�ȉ���, DOSKEY �̃}�N�����`�Ŏg�p���������R�[�h�ł�:",CR,LF "$T �R�}���h�Z�p���[�^�ł�. �}�N�����ŃR�}���h�̑��d���`���ł��܂�.",CR,LF "$1-$9 �o�b�`�p�����[�^�ł�. �o�b�`�t�@�C������ %1-%9 �Ɠ����Ӗ��ł�.",CR,LF "$* �R�}���h���C�����̃}�N�����ɑ����e�L�X�g�Œu�������������V���{���ł�.",CR,LF,0 0006 T 0000 7,"�}�N�����i�[���郁�����������܂���. DOSKEY�R�}���h��, /BUFSIZE�X�C�b�`�t����",CR,LF "�g�p��, �g�p�\�ȃ������𑝂₵�Ă�������.$",0 0007 T 0000 7,"DOS �̃o�[�W�������Ⴂ�܂�.$" 0008 T 0000 CR,LF,'$' 0020 T 0000 CR,LF,"-- More --",0 0021 T 0000 "�s�ԍ�: ",0 8001 U 0000 7,"An incompatible DOSKey is already installed.$" 8002 U 0000 7,"Cannot change BUFSIZE.$" 8003 U 0000 "DOSKey installed.$" 8004 U 0000 "Invalid macro definition.$" 8005 U 0000 "Edits command lines, recalls MS-DOS commands, and creates macros.",CR,LF,CR,LF "DOSKEY [/REINSTALL] [/BUFSIZE=size] [/MACROS] [/HISTORY]",CR,LF " [/INSERT | /OVERSTRIKE] [macroname=[text]]",CR,LF,CR,LF " /REINSTALL Installs a new copy of Doskey.",CR,LF " /BUFSIZE=size Sets size of command history buffer.",CR,LF " /MACROS Displays all Doskey macros.",CR,LF " /HISTORY Displays all commands stored in memory.",CR,LF " /INSERT Specifies that new text you type is inserted in old text.",CR,LF " /OVERSTRIKE Specifies that new text overwrites old text.",CR,LF " macroname Specifies a name for a macro you create.",CR,LF " text Specifies commands you want to record.",CR,LF,CR,LF "UP and DOWN ARROWS recall commands; ESC clears command line; F7 displays",CR,LF "command history; ALT+F7 clears command history; F8 searches command",CR,LF "history; F9 selects a command by number; ALT+F10 clears macro definitions.",CR,LF,CR,LF "The following are some special codes in Doskey macro definitions:",CR,LF "$T Command separator. Allows multiple commands in a macro.",CR,LF "$1-$9 Batch parameters. Equivalent to %1-%9 in batch programs.",CR,LF "$* Symbol replaced by everything following macro name on command line.",CR,LF,0 8006 U 0000 7,"Insufficent memory to store macro. Use the DOSKEY command with the /BUFSIZE",CR,LF "switch to increase available memory.$",0 8007 U 0000 7,"Incorrect DOS version$" 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,'$' 8020 U 0000 CR,LF,"-- More --",0 8021 U 0000 "Line number: ",0 DRIVER 00013449 0004 0002 T 0000 "�h���C�u�̎w�肪�����܂���.",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 "%1 �h���C�u�Ƃ���, �O���f�B�X�N�h���C�o���g�ݍ��݂܂���.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "No drive specified",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "Loaded External Disk Driver for Drive %1",CR,LF EDLIN 00013546 0070 0006 T 0000 "*" 0007 T 0000 "�h���C�u�܂��̓t�@�C�����̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 "�t�@�C�������w�肵�Ă�������.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 "���̃t�@�C���͏������݂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 "�t�@�C���������܂���.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 "�I�[�v�������Ă����t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 "%1 �ɓǂݍ��݃G���[�������܂���.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 "BAK�t�@�C���͕ҏW�ł��܂���. �t�@�C�������ς��Ă�������.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g���������ς��ł�.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�������ς��ł�. �������݂��������܂����ł���.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 "���̓G���[",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 "�V�����t�@�C���ł�.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 "�������܂���.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 "���낵���ł��� <Y/N>?" 0022 T 0000 "���s���������܂�.",CR,LF 0023 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����I�����܂œǂݍ��݂܂���.",CR,LF 0024 T 0000 "�ҏW�𒆎~���܂��� <Y/N>?" 0025 T 0000 "�]�����̍s�ԍ����w�肵�Ȃ����Ȃ��܂���.",CR,LF 0026 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����ǂݍ��ނ��߂̃������������܂���.",CR,LF 0027 T 0000 CR,LF 0028 T 0000 LF 0029 T 0000 "�����܂��� <Y/N>?" 0030 T 0000 "���b�Z�[�W�������ł��܂���",CR,LF 0031 T 0000 "%1" 0032 T 0000 "%1:%2" 0033 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W�����v���܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�s�P�ʂ̃e�L�X�g�G�f�B�^�ł���, EDLIN ���N�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF "EDLIN [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� [/B]",CR,LF,CR,LF " /B �G���h�I�u�t�@�C��(EOF; CTRL+Z)�L�����N�^�����܂�.",CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "�s�ҏW �s�ԍ�",CR,LF "�lj� [�s��]A",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "��߰ [�擪�s],[�I���s],�ړI�s[,����]C",CR,LF "�폜 [�擪�s][,�I���s]D",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 "�I�� (̧�ٕۑ�) E",CR,LF "�}�� [�s]I",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 "ؽ� [�擪�s][,�I���s]L",CR,LF "�ړ� [�擪�s],[�I���s],�ړI�sM",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 "�߰�� [�擪�s][,�I���s]P",CR,LF "�I�� (�ҏW���ʔj��) Q",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 "�u�� [�擪�s][,�I���s][?]R[��÷��][CTRL+Z�V÷��]",CR,LF "���� [�擪�s][,�I���s][?]S÷��",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 "�]�� [�ړI�s]T[��ײ�ޖ�:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF "�������� [�s��]W",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "*" 8007 U 0000 "Invalid drive or file name",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 "File name must be specified",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "File is READ-ONLY",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 "File Creation Error",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 "Too many files open",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 "Read error in:",CR,LF,"%1",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 "Cannot edit .BAK file--rename file",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 "No room in directory for file",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 "Disk full. Edits lost.",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 "File not found",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 "Entry error",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 "New file",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 "Not found",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 "O.K.? " 8022 U 0000 "Line too long",CR,LF 8023 U 0000 "End of input file",CR,LF 8024 U 0000 "Abort edit (Y/N)? " 8025 U 0000 "Must specify destination line number",CR,LF 8026 U 0000 "Not enough room to merge the entire file",CR,LF 8027 U 0000 CR,LF 8028 U 0000 LF 8029 U 0000 "Continue (Y/N)?" 8030 U 0000 "Unable to print message",CR,LF 8031 U 0000 "%1" 8032 U 0000 "%1:%2" 8033 U 0000 "Cannot merge - code page mismatch",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Starts Edlin, a line-oriented text editor.",CR,LF,CR,LF "EDLIN [drive:][path]filename [/B]",CR,LF,CR,LF " /B Ignores end-of-file (CTRL+Z) characters.",CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "Edit line line#",CR,LF "Append [#lines]A",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "Copy [startline],[endline],toline[,times]C",CR,LF "Delete [startline][,endline]D",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 "End (save file) E",CR,LF "Insert [line]I",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 "List [startline][,endline]L",CR,LF "Move [startline],[endline],tolineM",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 "Page [startline][,endline]P",CR,LF "Quit (throw away changes) Q",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 "Replace [startline][,endline][?]R[oldtext][CTRL+Znewtext]",CR,LF "Search [startline][,endline][?]Stext",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 "Transfer [toline]T[drive:][path]filename",CR,LF "Write [#lines]W",CR,LF EXE2BIN 00014604 0024 0002 T 0000 "�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 "���b�Z�[�W���������܂���.",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 "�A�N�Z�X�����ۂ����܂���.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 "�t�@�C���͕ϊ��ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 "�t�@�C���������܂���.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 "�Z�O�����g���w�肵�Ă������� (16�i):" 0012 T 0000 "�t�@�C�������w�肵�Ă�������.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 ".EXE(���s�\)�t�@�C�����o�C�i���t�@�C���֕ϊ����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "EXE2BIN [��ײ��1:][�߽1]����̧�� [[��ײ��2:][�߽2]�o��̧��]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " ����̧�� �ϊ������� .EXE(���s�\)�t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " �o��̧�� �쐬�������o�C�i���t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "Insufficient memory",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "Cannot find messages",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Access denied",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "File cannot be converted",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "File not found",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 "File creation error",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 "Fix-ups needed - base segment (hex):" 8012 U 0000 "File name must be specified",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Converts .EXE (executable) files to binary format.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "EXE2BIN [drive1:][path1]input-file [[drive2:][path2]output-file]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " input-file Specifies the .EXE file to be converted.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " output-file Specifies the binary file to be created.",CR,LF FASTOPEN 00014b72 0042 0004 T 0000 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN ���g�ݍ��܂��܂���.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN �͂��łɑg�ݍ��܂��Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 CR,LF,"�p�����[�^�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u�̎w�肪�������܂�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 CR,LF,"�����h���C�u�̎w�肪���������܂�.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 CR,LF,"�p�����[�^�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 CR,LF,"�X�C�b�`�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0012 T 0001 CR,LF,"�t�@�C��/�f�B���N�g���G���g�����Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 CR,LF,"EMS�������̃Z�b�g�A�b�v���ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 CR,LF,"EMS�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�. %1",CR,LF 0016 T 0002 CR,LF,"EMS �̃G���g���J�E���g���Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN �̓h���C�u %1 �ɂ͎g�p�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 CR,LF,"�t�@�C��/�f�B���N�g���G���g�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN �� DOSSHELL �̊����őg�ݍ��ނ��Ƃ͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����f�B���N�g�����I�[�v�����鎞�Ԃ��Z�k���܂�." 0301 T 0000 CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "FASTOPEN ��ײ��:[[=]n] [��ײ��:[[=]n][ ...]] [/X]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " ��ײ��: FASTOPEN ���ғ����������h���C�u���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " n FASTOPEN ���t�@�C�����L���b�V���̒��ɕێ������ő��t�@�C������",CR,LF " �w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /X �t�@�C�����L���b�V����EMS ���������ɓW�J���܂�.",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN installed",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN already installed",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 CR,LF,"Incorrect parameter",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 CR,LF,"Too many drive entries",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,"Same drive specified more than once",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid parameter",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid switch type",CR,LF 8012 U 0001 CR,LF,"Invalid number of file/directory entries",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot setup expanded memory",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 CR,LF,"Expanded memory not available",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid drive specification %1",CR,LF 8016 U 0002 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN EMS entry count exceeded. Use fewer entries",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot use FASTOPEN for drive %1",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 CR,LF,"Too many file/directory entries",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 CR,LF,"FASTOPEN cannot be installed under DosShell",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Decreases the amount of time needed to open frequently used files",CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "and directories.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "FASTOPEN drive:[[=]n] [drive:[[=]n][ ...]] [/X]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " drive: Specifies the hard disk drive you want Fastopen to work with.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " n Specifies the maximum number of file locations Fastopen retains",CR,LF " in its filename cache.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /X Creates the filename cache in expanded memory.",CR,LF FDISK 00015656 0280 0004 T 0000 "�l�b�g���[�N�����[�h�����Ă����̂Ŏ��s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�͂����܂���.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�̓ǂݎ����G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�̏������݃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0009 T 0003 "Y",0 0010 T 0003 "N",0 0011 T 0000 "�}�X�^�u�[�g�R�[�h�͍X�V�����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "MS-DOS �Ŏg�p���邽�߂̃n�[�h�f�B�X�N���\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "FDISK",CR,LF 1001 T 0000 " MS-DOS �ް�ޮ� 5.00" 1002 T 0000 " �n�[�h�f�B�X�N�Z�b�g�A�b�v�v���O����" 1003 T 0000 " (C)Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1983 - 1991,1993" 1004 T 0000 " FDISK�I�v�V����" 1005 T 0000 "1. <R>�c�n�r�̈��܂��͘_���c�n�r�h���C�u�̍쐬" 1006 T 0000 "2. <R>�A�N�e�B�u�̈��̕ύX" 1007 T 0000 "3. <R>�c�n�r�̈��܂��͘_���c�n�r�h���C�u�̍폜" 1008 T 0000 "4. <R>�̈������̕\\��" 1009 T 0000 "<H>ESC<R>�L�[�������� FDISK ���I�����܂�." 1010 T 0000 "���̓����� 1���I���ł�������:" 1011 T 0000 "5. <R>�ʂ̃n�[�h�f�B�X�N�I��" 1012 T 0000 "���݂̃n�[�h�f�B�X�N: <H><I>" 1013 T 0000 "�x�� ! <R>�A�N�e�B�u�ȗ̈悪�����܂���. �A�N�e�B�u�ȗ̈悪�Ȃ���" 1014 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N 1�Ԃ����N���ł��܂���." 1015 T 0000 "�ԍ������͂��Ă�������: [<S> ]" 1016 T 0000 " �c�n�r�̈��܂��͘_���c�n�r�̈��̍쐬" 1017 T 0000 "1. <R>�c�n�r�̈��̍쐬" 1018 T 0000 "2. <R>�g���c�n�r�̈��̍쐬" 1019 T 0000 "3. <R>�g���c�n�r�̈����̘_���c�n�r�h���C�u�̍쐬" 1020 T 0000 "<H>ESC<R>�L�[�������� FDISK�I�v�V�����ɖ߂��܂�." 1021 T 0000 " �c�n�r�̈��̍쐬" 1022 T 0000 "�g�p�\\�Ȃ��ׂĂ̗̈����c�n�r�̈��ɂ��܂���" 1023 T 0000 "�i�����ɗ̈����A�N�e�B�u�ɂ��܂��j (<Y>/<N>)................? <H>[<S> ]" 1024 T 0000 "(<Y>/<N>)...................................................? <H>[<S> ]" 1025 T 0000 "�̈� �ð�� ���� ��ح������ M�� ���� �g�p" ;C25 1026 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�̑S�e�ʂ� <HIIIIR> M�o�C�g�ł�. ( 1M�o�C�g = 1048576 �o�C�g )" 1027 T 0000 "�̈��̍ő劄�蓖�ăT�C�Y�� <HIIIIR> M�o�C�g�ł�. (<HIIIIR>)" 1028 T 0000 "�̈��̑傫���� M�o�C�g�܂��� �S�̂̊��� (%) �œ��͂��Ă�������." 1029 T 0000 "�c�n�r�̈����쐬���܂�.........................................: <H>[<IIISI>]" 1030 T 0000 " �g���c�n�r�̈��̍쐬" 1031 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈����쐬���܂�....................................: <H>[<IIISI>]" 1032 T 0000 "<H>ESC<R>�L�[�������Ă�������.<S>" 1033 T 0000 " �g���c�n�r�̈����̘_���c�n�r�h���C�u�̍쐬" 1034 T 0000 "Drv ��ح������ M�� ���� ����" 1035 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̗̈��� <HIIIIR> M�o�C�g�ł�. ( 1M�o�C�g = 1048576 �o�C�g )" 1036 T 0000 "�_���h���C�u�Ɋ��蓖�ĉ\\�ȃT�C�Y�� <HIIIIR> M�o�C�g�ł�. <H>(<IIII>)" 1037 T 0000 "�_���h���C�u�̑傫���� M�o�C�g���S�̂̊��� (%)�œ��͂��Ă�������..<H>[<IIISI>]" 1038 T 0000 " �A�N�e�B�u�̈��̕ύX" 1039 T 0000 "�A�N�e�B�u�ɂ������̈������͂��Ă�������............................: <H>[<S> ]" 1040 T 0000 " �c�n�r�̈��܂��͘_���c�n�r�h���C�u�̍폜" 1041 T 0000 "1. <R>�c�n�r�̈��̍폜" 1042 T 0000 "2. <R>�g���c�n�r�̈��̍폜" 1043 T 0000 "3. <R>�g���c�n�r�̈����̘_���h���C�u�̍폜" 1044 T 0000 " �c�n�r�̈��̍폜" 1045 T 0000 "�x�� ! <OR>�c�n�r�̈����̑S�f�[�^�͎������܂�." 1046 T 0000 "���낵���ł��� (<Y>/<N>)..........................? <H>[<S> ]" 1047 T 0000 " �g���c�n�r�̈��̍폜" 1048 T 0000 "�x�� ! <OR>�g���c�n�r�̈����̑S�f�[�^�͎������܂�." 1049 T 0000 "���낵���ł��� (<Y>/<N>)..........................? <H>[<S> ]" 1050 T 0000 " �g���c�n�r�̈����̘_���h���C�u�̍폜" 1051 T 0000 "�x�� ! <OR>�_���h���C�u���̑S�f�[�^�͎������܂�." 1052 T 0000 "�ǂ̃h���C�u���폜���܂���.....................................? <H>[<S> ]" 1053 T 0000 "���낵���ł��� (<Y>/<N>)............................? <H>[<S> ]" 1054 T 0000 "�{�����[�����x�������͂��Ă�������..............? <H>[<S> ]" 1055 T 0000 " �̈������̕\\��" 1056 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈��ɂ�, �_���c�n�r�h���C�u���܂܂��Ă��܂�." 1057 T 0000 "�_���h���C�u�������\\�����܂��� (<Y>/<N>)............................?<H>[<S> ]" 1058 T 0000 " �_���c�n�r�h���C�u�����̕\\��" 1059 T 0000 "�V�X�e�����ăX�^�[�g���܂�." 1060 T 0001 "�V�X�e���f�B�X�N���h���C�u A: �ɑ}�����Ă�������." 1061 T 0000 "�������ł������ǂꂩ�L�[�������Ă������� . . .<S>" 1062 T 0000 "�c�n�r�̈����폜���܂���." 1063 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈����폜���܂���." 1064 T 0000 "�h���C�u���폜���܂���." 1065 T 0000 "�̈� <I> ���A�N�e�B�u�ɂ��܂���." 1066 T 0000 "�c�n�r�̈����쐬���܂���." 1067 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈����쐬���܂���." 1068 T 0000 "�_���c�n�r�h���C�u���쐬���܂���. �h���C�u���͕ύX�������͒lj������܂���.<W>" 1069 T 0000 "�̈悪�����܂���." 1070 T 0000 "�_���h���C�u�������܂���." 1071 T 0000 "�h���C�u���͕ύX�������͍폜�����܂���.<W>" 1072 T 0000 "�h���C�u�̓��_�C���N�g�����܂���." 1073 T 0000 "�c�n�r�̈����쐬���܂���. �h���C�u���͕ύX�������͒lj������܂���." 1074 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�͂����܂���." 1075 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�̓ǂݎ����G���[�ł�." 1076 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�̏������݃G���[�ł�." 1077 T 0000 "DOS�̃o�[�W�������Ⴂ�܂�." 1078 T 0000 "�l�b�g���[�N���ǂݍ����Ԃł� FDISK �͎��s�ł��܂���." 1079 T 0000 "�c�n�r�̈��͂����܂���." 1080 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈��͂����܂���." 1081 T 0000 "�c�n�r�̈��͂��łɑ��݂��Ă��܂�." 1082 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈��͂��łɑ��݂��Ă��܂�." 1083 T 0000 "�c�n�r�^�g���c�n�r�̈����쐬�����X�y�[�X�������܂���." 1084 T 0000 "�_���h���C�u�̑傫�������蓖�ĉ\\�Ȕ͈͂��Ă��܂�.<W>" 1085 T 0000 "�̈��̑傫�������蓖�ĉ\\�Ȕ͈͂��Ă��܂�.<W>" 1086 T 0000 "�̈��͂����܂���." 1087 T 0000 "���łɃA�N�e�B�u�ł�.<W>" 1088 T 0000 "�A�N�e�B�u�ɂł����̈��͂����܂���." 1089 T 0000 "�̈� (<I>) �̓A�N�e�B�u�ɂł��܂���. �A�N�e�B�u�̈��͕ύX�����܂����ł���.<W>" 1090 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N 1�Ԃɂc�n�r�̈悪���݂��܂���." 1091 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈��͍쐬�ł��܂���.<W>" 1092 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈��̎g�p�\\�X�y�[�X��," 1093 T 0000 "�_���h���C�u�Ɋ��蓖�Ă����܂���.<W>" 1094 T 0000 "�_���h���C�u�����݂��܂�. �g���c�n�r�̈��͍폜�ł��܂���.<W>" 1095 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈����̂��ׂĂ̘_���h���C�u���폜���܂���.<W>" 1096 T 0000 " �͐����������܂���. <III> �܂ł̒l�����͂��Ă�������.<W>" 1097 T 0000 "�x�� ! �A�N�e�B�u�̈��͋N���\\�ł͂����܂���.<W>" 1098 T 0000 " �N���s�\\�ȗ̈悵�������܂���." 1099 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N 1�Ԃ̗̈悵���A�N�e�B�u�ɂ��邱�Ƃ��ł��܂���.<W>" 1100 T 0000 "�ő��l�̘_���c�n�r�h���C�u���g�ݍ��܂��܂���.<W>" 1101 T 0000 "�傫���� 0 �̗̈��͍쐬�ł��܂���." 1102 T 0000 "�h���C�u <II> �͍폜�����Ă��܂�." 1103 T 0000 "�h���C�u <I> �ɃA�N�Z�X�ł��܂���.<OW>" 1104 T 0000 "���͂��Ⴂ�܂�. <III> �̒l�����͂��Ă�������.<W>" 1105 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈悪���݂��Ă��܂�." 1106 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N 1�Ԃ̂c�n�r�̈��͍폜�ł��܂���.<W>" 1107 T 0000 "���͂��Ⴂ�܂�. Enter�L�[�������Ă�������.<W>" 1108 T 0000 "�{�����[�����x�������v���܂���.<W>" 1109 T 0000 "�g���c�n�r�̈悪���݂��܂���." 1110 T 0000 "�_���c�n�r�h���C�u�͍쐬�ł��܂���." 1111 T 0000 "�_���c�n�r�h���C�u�������܂���." 1112 T 0000 "���b�Z�[�W�������G���[�ł� <I>. �G���[���`FDISKC.MSG�̃w�b�_���Q�Ƃ��Ă�������." 1113 T 0000 "�����G���[�ł�." 1114 T 0001 "�̈��e�[�u���������ł�.",0 1115 T 0001 "�I�y���[�e�B���O�V�X�e���ǂݍ��ݒ��ɃG���[�ł�.",0 1116 T 0001 "�I�y���[�e�B���O�V�X�e�����������܂���.",0 1117 T 0000 " ���݂̃n�[�h�f�B�X�N�h���C�u���ύX���Ă�������" 1118 T 0000 " �ި�� ��ײ�� M�� ���� �g�p" 1119 T 0000 "(1 M�o�C�g = 1048576 �o�C�g)" 1120 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�h���C�u�ԍ������͂��Ă������� (1-<I>)..................<H>[<SI>]" 1121 T 0000 "* Remote * ",0 1122 T 0000 " �n�[�h�f�B�X�N�h���C�u����" 1123 T 0000 "�폜�������v���C�}���̈���..? <H>[<S> ]<R>" ;C01 1124 T 0000 "�I�������̈��̓v���C�}���c�n�r�̈��ł͂����܂���" ;C01 1125 T 0000 "4. <R>�c�n�r�łȂ��̈��̍폜" ;C14 1126 T 0000 " �c�n�r�łȂ��̈��̍폜" ;C14 1127 T 0000 "�x�� ! �c�n�r�łȂ��̈��̃f�[�^�͎������܂�." ;C14 1128 T 0000 "�폜�������c�n�r�łȂ��̈���..? <H>[<S> ]<R>" ;C14 1129 T 0000 "�c�n�r�łȂ��̈��͍폜�����܂���" ;C14 1130 T 0000 "�폜�����c�n�r�łȂ��̈��͂����܂���." ;C14 1131 U 0000 "�I�������̈��͂c�n�r�łȂ��̈��ł͂����܂���" ;C14 8004 U 0000 "Cannot FDISK with network loaded",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "No fixed disks present",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "Error reading fixed disk",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 "Error writing fixed disk",CR,LF 8009 U 0003 "Y",0 8010 U 0003 "N",0 8011 U 0000 "The master boot code has NOT been updated.",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Configures a hard disk for use with MS-DOS.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "FDISK",CR,LF 9001 U 0000 " MS-DOS Version 5.00" 9002 U 0000 " Fixed Disk Setup Program" 9003 U 0000 " (C)Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1983 - 1991,1993" 9004 U 0000 " FDISK Options" 9005 U 0000 "1. <R>Create DOS partition or Logical DOS Drive" 9006 U 0000 "2. <R>Set active partition" 9007 U 0000 "3. <R>Delete partition or Logical DOS Drive" 9008 U 0000 "4. <R>Display partition information" 9009 U 0000 "Press <H>Esc<R> to exit FDISK" 9010 U 0000 "Choose one of the following:" 9011 U 0000 "5. <R>Change current fixed disk drive" 9012 U 0000 "Current fixed disk drive: <H><I>" 9013 U 0000 "WARNING! <R>No partitions are set active - disk 1 is not startable unless" 9014 U 0000 "a partition is set active" 9015 U 0000 "Enter choice: <H>[<S> ]" 9016 U 0000 " Create DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive" 9017 U 0000 "1. <R>Create Primary DOS Partition" 9018 U 0000 "2. <R>Create Extended DOS Partition" 9019 U 0000 "3. <R>Create Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition" 9020 U 0000 "Press <H>Esc<R> to return to FDISK Options" 9021 U 0000 " Create Primary DOS Partition" 9022 U 0000 "Do you wish to use the maximum available size for a Primary DOS Partition" 9023 U 0000 "and make the partition active (<Y>/<N>).....................? <H>[<S> ]" 9024 U 0000 "(<Y>/<N>)...................................................? <H>[<S> ]" 9025 U 0000 "Partition Status Type Volume Label Mbytes System Usage" ;C25 9026 U 0000 "Total disk space is <HIIIIR> Mbytes (1 Mbyte = 1048576 bytes)" 9027 U 0000 "Maximum space available for partition is <HIIIIR> Mbytes (<HIIIIR>)" 9028 U 0000 "Enter partition size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%) to" 9029 U 0000 "create a Primary DOS Partition.................................: <H>[<IIISI>]" 9030 U 0000 " Create Extended DOS Partition" 9031 U 0000 "create an Extended DOS Partition..............................: <H>[<IIISI>]" 9032 U 0000 "Press <H>Esc<R> to continue<S>" 9033 U 0000 " Create Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition" 9034 U 0000 "Drv Volume Label Mbytes System Usage" 9035 U 0000 "Total Extended DOS Partition size is <HIIIIR> Mbytes (1 MByte = 1048576 bytes)" 9036 U 0000 "Maximum space available for logical drive is <HIIIIR> Mbytes <H>(<IIII>)" 9037 U 0000 "Enter logical drive size in Mbytes or percent of disk space (%)...<H>[<IIISI>]" 9038 U 0000 " Set Active Partition" 9039 U 0000 "Enter the number of the partition you want to make active...........: <H>[<S> ]" 9040 U 0000 " Delete DOS Partition or Logical DOS Drive" 9041 U 0000 "1. <R>Delete Primary DOS Partition" 9042 U 0000 "2. <R>Delete Extended DOS Partition" 9043 U 0000 "3. <R>Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition" 9044 U 0000 " Delete Primary DOS Partition" 9045 U 0000 "WARNING! <OR>Data in the deleted Primary DOS Partition will be lost." 9046 U 0000 "Do you wish to continue (<Y>/<N>).................? <H>[<S> ]" 9047 U 0000 " Delete Extended DOS Partition" 9048 U 0000 "WARNING! <OR>Data in the deleted Extended DOS Partition will be lost." 9049 U 0000 "Do you wish to continue (<Y>/<N>).................? <H>[<S> ]" 9050 U 0000 " Delete Logical DOS Drive(s) in the Extended DOS Partition" 9051 U 0000 "WARNING! <OR>Data in a deleted Logical DOS Drive will be lost." 9052 U 0000 "What drive do you want to delete...............................? <H>[<S> ]" 9053 U 0000 "Are you sure (<Y>/<N>)..............................? <H>[<S> ]" 9054 U 0000 "Enter Volume Label..............................? <H>[<S> ]" 9055 U 0000 " Display Partition Information" 9056 U 0000 "The Extended DOS Partition contains Logical DOS Drives." 9057 U 0000 "Do you want to display the logical drive information (<Y>/<N>)......?<H>[<S> ]" 9058 U 0000 " Display Logical DOS Drive Information" 9059 U 0000 "System will now restart" 9060 U 0001 "Insert DOS system diskette in drive A:" 9061 U 0000 "Press any key when ready . . .<S>" 9062 U 0000 "Primary DOS Partition deleted" 9063 U 0000 "Extended DOS Partition deleted" 9064 U 0000 "Drive deleted" 9065 U 0000 "Partition <I> made active" 9066 U 0000 "Primary DOS Partition created" 9067 U 0000 "Extended DOS Partition created" 9068 U 0000 "Logical DOS Drive created, drive letters changed or added<W>" 9069 U 0000 "No partitions defined" 9070 U 0000 "No logical drives defined" 9071 U 0000 "Drive letters have been changed or deleted<W>" 9072 U 0000 "Drive redirected" 9073 U 0000 "Primary DOS Partition created, drive letters changed or added" 9074 U 0000 "No fixed disks present." 9075 U 0000 "Error reading fixed disk." 9076 U 0000 "Error writing fixed disk." 9077 U 0000 "Incorrect DOS version." 9078 U 0000 "Cannot FDISK with network loaded." 9079 U 0000 "No Primary DOS Partition to delete." 9080 U 0000 "No Extended DOS Partition to delete." 9081 U 0000 "Primary DOS Partition already exists." 9082 U 0000 "Extended DOS Partition already exists." 9083 U 0000 "No space to create a DOS partition." 9084 U 0000 "Requested logical drive size exceeds the maximum available space.<W>" 9085 U 0000 "Requested partition size exceeds the maximum available space.<W>" 9086 U 0000 "No partitions to delete." 9087 U 0000 "The only startable partition on Drive 1 is already set active.<W>" 9088 U 0000 "No partitions to make active." 9089 U 0000 "Partition selected (<I>) is not startable, active partition not changed.<W>" 9090 U 0000 "Cannot create Extended DOS Partition without" 9091 U 0000 "Primary DOS Partition on disk 1.<W>" 9092 U 0000 "All available space in the Extended DOS Partition" 9093 U 0000 "is assigned to logical drives.<W>" 9094 U 0000 "Cannot delete Extended DOS Partition while logical drives exist.<W>" 9095 U 0000 "All logical drives deleted in the Extended DOS Partition.<W>" 9096 U 0000 " is not a choice. Please enter <III>.<W>" 9097 U 0000 "WARNING! The partition set active is not startable.<W>" 9098 U 0000 " Only non-startable partitions exist." 9099 U 0000 "Only partitions on Drive 1 can be made active.<W>" 9100 U 0000 "Maximum number of Logical DOS Drives installed.<W>" 9101 U 0000 "Cannot create a zero size partition." 9102 U 0000 "Drive <II> already deleted." 9103 U 0000 "Unable to access Drive <I>.<OW>" 9104 U 0000 "Invalid entry, please enter <III>.<W>" 9105 U 0000 "Cannot delete Primary DOS Partition on drive 1 " 9106 U 0000 "when an Extended DOS Partition exists.<W>" 9107 U 0000 "Invalid entry.<W>" 9108 U 0000 "Volume label does not match.<W>" 9109 U 0000 "Cannot create Logical DOS Drive without" 9110 U 0000 "an Extended DOS Partition on the current drive.<W>" 9111 U 0000 "No Logical DOS Drive(s) to delete." 9112 U 0000 "Message string error <I>. See header of FDISKC.MSG for error definition" 9113 U 0000 "Internal error" 9114 U 0001 "Invalid partition table",0 9115 U 0001 "Error loading operating system",0 9116 U 0001 "Missing operating system",0 9117 U 0000 " Change Current Fixed Disk Drive" 9118 U 0000 " Disk Drv Mbytes Free Usage" 9119 U 0000 "(1 MByte = 1048576 bytes)" 9120 U 0000 "Enter Fixed Disk Drive Number (1-<I>).......................<H>[<SI>]" 9121 U 0000 "* Remote * ",0 9122 U 0000 " Fixed Disk Drive Status" 9123 U 0000 "What primary partition do you want to delete..? <H>[<S> ]<R>" ;C01 9124 U 0000 "Partition selected is not a Primary DOS Partition" ;C01 9125 U 0000 "4. <R>Delete Non-DOS Partition" ;C14 9126 U 0000 " Delete Non-DOS Partition" ;C14 9127 U 0000 "WARNING! <OR>Data in the deleted Non-DOS Partition will be lost." ;C14 9128 U 0000 "What Non-DOS partition do you want to delete..? <H>[<S> ]<R>" ;C14 9129 U 0000 "Non-DOS Partition deleted" ;C14 9130 U 0000 "No Non-DOS Partition to delete." ;C14 9131 U 0000 "Partition selected is not a Non-DOS Partition" ;C14 FIND 00019a03 0024 0004 T 0000 "FIND: " 0300 T 0000 "�t�@�C��(������)�̒������e�L�X�g���������������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "FIND [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] ""������"" [[��ײ��:][[�߽]̧�ٖ�[ ...]]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " /V �w�肵�������܂܂��Ȃ����ׂĂ̍s���\�����܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /C �w�肵�����������܂ލs���������\�����܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /N �s�ԍ������ĕ\�����܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /I �啶��/�������̈Ⴂ�����Č������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " ""������"" ���������e�L�X�g���������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " ���������t�@�C��(������)���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0309 T 0000 "�p�X�����w�肳���Ȃ�����, �v�����v�g�������͂������e�L�X�g���邢�͑���",CR,LF 0310 T 0000 "�R�}���h�����p�C�v�Ŏn�������e�L�X�g���������܂�.",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "FIND: " 8300 U 0000 "Searches for a text string in a file or files.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "FIND [/V] [/C] [/N] [/I] ""string"" [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " /V Displays all lines NOT containing the specified string.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /C Displays only the count of lines containing the string.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /N Displays line numbers with the displayed lines.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /I Ignores the case of characters when searching for the string.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " ""string"" Specifies the text string to find.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " [drive:][path]filename",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " Specifies a file or files to search.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8309 U 0000 "If a pathname is not specified, FIND searches the text typed at the prompt",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 "or piped from another command.",CR,LF FORMAT 0001a0e7 0164 0002 T 0000 CR,"%1 �p�[�Z���g�I�����܂���. ",CR ; max 39 chars (not counting CR,LF) 0004 T 0003 CR,"�t�H�[�}�b�g�������ɏI�����܂���. ",CR,LF ; padded with blanks to 1 more than length of 0002 (%1 takes 3 characters) 0007 T 0000 "�V�����f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɍ�������,",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɍ��������ł�������.",CR,LF 0010 T 0001 "�{�����[�����x�������͂��Ă�������.",CR,LF "������ 5����, �p�����p�� 11�����܂�,",CR,LF "�K�v�Ȃ����� <Enter�L�[> :" 0011 T 0000 CR,"�t�H�[�}�b�g�R�}���h�̓h���C�u %1: �������܂���.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 CR,"�f�o�C�X�h���C�o�����̃f�o�C�X�p�����[�^���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 CR,"IOCTL �v���̃G���[�ł�. ",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 CR,"�f�B�X�N���u�ł͂����܂���. ",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 CR,"FAT �̏������݃G���[�ł�. ",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 CR,"�f�B���N�g���̏������݃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 CR,"ASSIGN �܂��� SUBST ���ꂽ�h���C�u�̓t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 CR,"�V�X�e���t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 CR,"�l�b�g���[�N�h���C�u�̓t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 CR,"�����Ȃ��p�����[�^�ł�.",CR,LF 0022 T 0003 CR,"�t�H�[�}�b�g�𒆒f���܂���. ",CR,LF 0023 T 0000 CR,"���̃f�B�X�N�̓V�X�e���f�B�X�N�Ƃ��Ďg���܂���.",CR,LF 0024 T 0000 CR,"�g���b�N0 ���s�ǂł�. ���̃f�B�X�N�͎g���܂���.",CR,LF 0025 T 0000 CR,"�u�[�g�����������݂ł��܂���. ",CR,LF 0026 T 0000 CR,"�f�B���N�g���̓ǂݎ����G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0028 T 0000 CR,"�������ł�����<Enter�L�[>�������Ă�������." 0029 T 0000 CR,"�{�����[�����x�����Ⴂ�܂�. ",CR,LF 0031 T 0000 CR,"�h���C�u %1: �̃f�B�X�N�̃{�����[�����x�������͂��Ă�������. " 0032 T 0000 CR,"�����Ɉ����Ȃ��p�����[�^�ł�.",CR,LF 0035 T 0000 CR,"�̈��e�[�u���̓ǂݎ����G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0037 T 0000 CR,"�t�H�[�}�b�g�����f�����܂���.",CR,LF 0038 T 0000 CR,"�h���C�u %1: �̓t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���." 0039 T 0000 CR,"�V�X�e���f�B�X�N�łȂ����f�B�X�N�̃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0040 T 0000 CR,"�̈��e�[�u���̕s�ǂł�. ",CR,LF 0041 T 0000 CR,"�h���C�u�������Ȃ��p�����[�^�ł�.",CR,LF 0042 T 0000 CR,LF 0043 T 0000 CR,LF,LF 0044 T 0000 CR,"�V�X�e���f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0045 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� !",CR,LF "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N�h���C�u %1: ���̑S�f�[�^���������܂�.",CR,LF "���낵���ł��� <Y/N>?" 0046 T 0000 CR,"�ʂ̃f�B�X�N���t�H�[�}�b�g���܂��� <Y/N>?" 0047 T 0000 CR,"�̈��e�[�u���̓ǂݎ����G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0048 T 0000 CR,"�̈��e�[�u���̏������݃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0049 T 0000 CR,"�����Ɉ����Ȃ��p�����[�^�ł�.",CR,LF 0050 T 0000 "%1 �� : �g�p�\�N���X�^",CR,LF 0051 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �N���X�^�T�C�Y",CR,LF 0052 T 0000 CR,"�̈��e�[�u���̏������݃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0053 T 0000 CR,"�����p�����[�^���w�肵�Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0054 T 0000 CR,"/T �� /N �͓����Ɏw�肵�Ȃ����Ȃ��܂���.",CR,LF 0055 T 0000 CR,"�N���X�^ %1 �Ԃ��C�����Ă��܂�. ",CR 0056 T 0000 CR,"�ޔ��t�@�C�����쐬�������Ԃ��\���ɂ����܂���.",CR,LF "�A���t�H�[�}�b�g���[�e�B���e�B�͎g�p�ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�t�H�[�}�b�g�𑱂��܂��� <Y/N>?" 0057 T 0000 CR,"�V�X�e���t�@�C���̂��߂̃f�B�X�N���Ԃ��\���ɂ����܂���.",CR,LF 0058 T 0000 CR,"�f�B�X�N�͈قȂ��o�[�W������ DOS �Ńt�H�[�}�b�g�����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF "���̃f�B�X�N�̓A���t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�t�H�[�}�b�g�𑱂��܂��� <Y/N>?" 0059 T 0000 CR,"�t�H�[�}�b�g�����t�@�C���̍쐬���ɃG���[���������܂���.",CR,LF "���̃f�B�X�N�̓A���t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�t�H�[�}�b�g�𑱂��܂��� <Y/N>?" 0060 T 0000 CR,"/8 �p�����[�^���w�肵���Ƃ��̓{�����[�����x���̓T�|�[�g�����܂���.",CR,LF 0070 T 0000 CR,"�V�X�e���t�@�C�������[�h���邽�߂̃������������܂���.",CR,LF 0075 T 0000 CR,"�ʂ̃f�B�X�N���N�C�b�N�t�H�[�}�b�g���܂��� <Y/N>?" 0076 T 0000 CR,"�w���̂��̂ƈႤ�`�Ńt�H�[�}�b�g�����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF "���̃f�B�X�N�̓A���t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�t�H�[�}�b�g�𑱂��܂��� <Y/N>?" 0077 T 0000 CR,"�����̃t�H�[�}�b�g�͖����ł�.",CR,LF "���̃f�B�X�N�̓N�C�b�N�t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF "�������t�H�[�}�b�g�𑱂��܂��� <Y/N>?" 0078 T 0000 CR,"%1K �o�C�g�@�t�H�[�}�b�g���ł�.",CR,LF 0079 T 0000 CR,"%1M �o�C�g�@�t�H�[�}�b�g���ł�.",CR,LF 0080 T 0000 CR,"%1.%2M �o�C�g�@�t�H�[�}�b�g���ł�.",CR,LF 0081 T 0000 CR,"�x��: �V�X�e���t�@�C�����]�����ꂽ�ꍇ, ���̃f�B�X�N�̓A���t�H�[�}�b�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF "���̂܂܃V�X�e���t�@�C���̓]���𑱂��܂��� <Y/N>?" 0082 T 0000 CR,"%1K �o�C�g �x���t�@�C���ł�.",CR,LF 0083 T 0000 CR,"%1M �o�C�g �x���t�@�C���ł�.",CR,LF 0084 T 0000 CR,"%1.%2M �o�C�g �x���t�@�C���ł�.",CR,LF 0085 T 0000 CR,"�A���t�H�[�}�b�g�������ۑ����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0086 T 0000 CR,"�f�B�X�N�̃t�H�[�}�b�g�`�����`�F�b�N���Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0087 T 0000 CR,"%1K �o�C�g �N�C�b�N�t�H�[�}�b�g���ł�.",CR,LF 0088 T 0000 CR,"%1M �o�C�g �N�C�b�N�t�H�[�}�b�g���ł�.",CR,LF 0089 T 0000 CR,"%1.%2M �o�C�g �N�C�b�N�t�H�[�}�b�g���ł�.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "MS-DOS �Ŏg�p���邽�߂̃f�B�X�N���t�H�[�}�b�g���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "FORMAT ��ײ��: [/V[:����]] [/Q] [/U] [/F:����] [/B | /S]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "FORMAT ��ײ��: [/V[:����]] [/Q] [/U] [/T:�ׯ��� /N:�����] [/B | /S]",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 "FORMAT ��ײ��: [/V[:����]] [/Q] [/U] [/1] [/4] [/B | /S]",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 "FORMAT ��ײ��: [/Q] [/U] [/1] [/4] [/8] [/B | /S]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /V[:����] �{�����[�����x�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /Q �N�C�b�N�t�H�[�}�b�g�����s���܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " /U �����I�Ƀt�H�[�}�b�g�����s���܂�.",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " /F:���� �w�肳�ꂽ�T�C�Y�Ńt���b�s�[�f�B�X�N���t�H�[�}�b�g���܂�.",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 " (160, 180, 320, 360, 720, 1.2, 1.44, 2.88 �̂悤��)",CR,LF 0310 T 0000 " /B �V�X�e���t�@�C���̂��߂̋��Ԃ�, �t�H�[�}�b�g����",CR,LF " �f�B�X�N���Ɋ��蓖�Ă܂�.",CR,LF 0311 T 0000 " /S �I�y���[�e�B���O�V�X�e���t�@�C����, �t�H�[�}�b�g����",CR,LF " �f�B�X�N�ɃR�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF 0312 T 0000 " /T:�ׯ��� �f�B�X�N�ʓ������̃g���b�N�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0313 T 0000 " /N:����� �g���b�N�������̃Z�N�^�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0314 T 0000 " /1 �t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N�̕Жʂ����t�H�[�}�b�g���܂�.",CR,LF 0315 T 0000 " /4 5.25�C���` �����x�h���C�u�� 360K�t���b�s�[�f�B�X�N��",CR,LF " �t�H�[�}�b�g���܂�.",CR,LF 0316 T 0000 " /8 �g���b�N������ 8�Z�N�^�Ƃ��ăt�H�[�}�b�g���܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 CR,"%1 percent completed. ",CR ; max 39 chars (not counting CR,LF) 8004 U 0003 CR,"Format complete. ",CR,LF ; padded with blanks to 1 more than length of 0002 (%1 takes 3 characters) 8007 U 0000 "Insert new diskette for drive %1:",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 "Reinsert diskette for drive %1:",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 CR,"Format not supported on drive %1:", CR,LF 8012 U 0000 CR,"Invalid device parameters from device driver.",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 CR,"Error in IOCTL call. ",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 CR,"Not a block device. ",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 CR,"Error writing FAT. ",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 CR,"Error writing directory.",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 CR,"Cannot format an ASSIGNed or SUBSTed drive. ",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 CR,"Cannot find System Files.",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 CR,"Cannot format a network drive.",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 CR,"Parameters not supported.",CR,LF 8022 U 0003 CR,"Format terminated. ",CR,LF 8023 U 0000 CR,"Disk unsuitable for system disk.",CR,LF 8024 U 0000 CR,"Invalid media or Track 0 bad - disk unusable.",CR,LF 8025 U 0000 CR,"Unable to write BOOT. ",CR,LF 8026 U 0000 CR,"Error reading directory.",CR,LF 8028 U 0000 CR,"and press ENTER when ready..." 8029 U 0000 CR,"Invalid Volume ID. ",CR,LF 8031 U 0000 CR,"Enter current volume label for drive %1: " 8032 U 0000 CR,"Parameters not compatible",CR,LF,"with fixed disk.",CR,LF 8035 U 0000 CR,"Error reading partition table.",CR,LF 8037 U 0000 CR,"Format broken.",CR,LF 8038 U 0000 CR,"Format not available on drive %1:",CR,LF 8039 U 0000 CR,"Non-System disk or disk error.",CR,LF 8040 U 0000 CR,"Bad Partition Table. ",CR,LF 8041 U 0000 CR,"Parameters not supported by drive.",CR,LF 8042 U 0000 CR,LF 8043 U 0000 CR,LF,LF 8044 U 0000 CR,"Insert DOS disk in drive %1:",CR,LF 8045 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING, ALL DATA ON NON-REMOVABLE DISK",CR,LF "DRIVE %1: WILL BE LOST!",CR,LF "Proceed with Format (Y/N)?" 8046 U 0000 CR,"Format another (Y/N)?" 8047 U 0000 CR,"Error reading partition table.",CR,LF 8048 U 0000 CR,"Error writing partition table.",CR,LF 8049 U 0000 CR,"Parameters not compatible.", CR,LF 8050 U 0000 "%1 allocation units available on disk.",CR,LF 8051 U 0000 "%1 bytes in each allocation unit.",CR,LF 8052 U 0000 CR, "Error writing partition table.",CR,LF 8053 U 0000 CR,"Same parameter entered twice.",CR,LF 8054 U 0000 CR,"Must enter both /T and /N parameters.",CR,LF 8055 U 0000 CR,"Trying to recover allocation unit %1. ",CR 8056 U 0000 CR,"There is not enough room to create a restore file.",CR,LF "You will not be able to use the unformat utility.",CR,LF "Proceed with Format (Y/N)?" 8057 U 0000 CR,"There is not enough disk space for system files. ",CR,LF 8058 U 0000 CR,"Disk was formatted under a different version of DOS.",CR,LF "This disk cannot be unformatted.",CR,LF "Proceed with Format (Y/N)?" 8059 U 0000 CR,"There was an error creating the format recovery file.",CR,LF "This disk cannot be unformatted.",CR,LF "Proceed with Format (Y/N)?" 8060 U 0000 CR,"Volume label is not supported with /8 parameter.",CR,LF 8070 U 0000 CR,"Insufficient memory to load system files.",CR,LF 8071 U 0000 CR,"Insufficient memory.",CR,LF 8075 U 0000 CR,"QuickFormat another (Y/N)?" 8076 U 0000 CR,"Existing format differs from that specified.",CR,LF "This disk cannot be unformatted.",CR,LF "Proceed with Format (Y/N)?" 8077 U 0000 CR,"Invalid existing format.",CR,LF "This disk cannot be QuickFormatted.",CR,LF "Proceed with Unconditional Format (Y/N)?" 8078 U 0000 CR,"Formatting %1K",CR,LF 8079 U 0000 CR,"Formatting %1M",CR,LF 8080 U 0000 CR,"Formatting %1.%2M",CR,LF 8081 U 0000 CR,"WARNING: This disk cannot be unformatted if system files are transferred.",CR,LF "Proceed with system transfer anyway (Y/N)?" 8082 U 0000 CR,"Verifying %1K",CR,LF 8083 U 0000 CR,"Verifying %1M",CR,LF 8084 U 0000 CR,"Verifying %1.%2M",CR,LF 8085 U 0000 CR,"Saving UNFORMAT information.",CR,LF 8086 U 0000 CR,"Checking existing disk format.",CR,LF 8087 U 0000 CR,"QuickFormatting %1K",CR,LF 8088 U 0000 CR,"QuickFormatting %1M",CR,LF 8089 U 0000 CR,"QuickFormatting %1.%2M",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Formats a disk for use with MS-DOS.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/U] [/F:size] [/B | /S]",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/U] [/T:tracks /N:sectors] [/B | /S]",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 "FORMAT drive: [/V[:label]] [/Q] [/U] [/1] [/4] [/B | /S]",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 "FORMAT drive: [/Q] [/U] [/1] [/4] [/8] [/B | /S]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /V[:label] Specifies the volume label.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /Q Performs a quick format.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " /U Performs an unconditional format.",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /F:size Specifies the size of the floppy disk to format (such ",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 " as 160, 180, 320, 360, 720, 1.2, 1.44, 2.88).",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 " /B Allocates space on the formatted disk for system files.",CR,LF 8311 U 0000 " /S Copies system files to the formatted disk.",CR,LF 8312 U 0000 " /T:tracks Specifies the number of tracks per disk side.",CR,LF 8313 U 0000 " /N:sectors Specifies the number of sectors per track.",CR,LF 8314 U 0000 " /1 Formats a single side of a floppy disk.",CR,LF 8315 U 0000 " /4 Formats a 5.25-inch 360K floppy disk in a high-density drive.",CR,LF 8316 U 0000 " /8 Formats eight sectors per track.",CR,LF GRAFTABL 0001d004 0016 0002 T 0000 "���݂̃R�[�h�y�[�W: %1",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 "���܂ł̃R�[�h�y�[�W: %1",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 "�����`",NULL 0005 T 0000 "���W��",NULL 0300 T 0000 "MS-DOS ���O���t�B�b�N���[�h�Ŋg���L�����N�^�Z�b�g�\�����ł����悤�ɂ��܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "GRAFTABL [xxx]",CR,LF "GRAFTABL /STATUS",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " xxx �R�[�h�y�[�W�ԍ����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /STATUS GRAFTABL �̂��߂Ɍ��ݑI�������Ă����R�[�h�y�[�W���\�����܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "Active Code Page: %1",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "Previous Code Page: %1",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "None",NULL 8005 U 0000 "Non-standard",NULL 8300 U 0000 "Enables MS-DOS to display an extended character set in graphics mode.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "GRAFTABL [xxx]",CR,LF "GRAFTABL /STATUS",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " xxx Specifies a code page number.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /STATUS Displays the current code page selected for use with GRAFTABL.",CR,LF GRAPHICS 0001d3c7 0040 0005 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���Ⴂ�܂�: %1",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 "�����̃p�����[�^���w�肷�邱�Ƃ͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 "�s�ԍ� %1 �̑O�ɕK�v�ȃv���t�B�[�����߂������܂���.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[�����߂Ɍ��肪�����܂�. �s�ԍ� %1",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[���̃G���[�ł�. �s�ԍ� %1",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[���̓ǂݍ��ݒ��ɃG���[���������܂���.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[�����ɕ��@�̌��肪�����܂�.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[���Ƀv�����g�{�b�N�X ID �������܂���.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[�����ɊY�������v�����^�������܂���.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 "�P�F�v�����^�ɂ� /B�X�C�b�`�͎w���ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 "�v���t�B�[�����ă��[�h�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�O���t�B�b�N���ʂ����������v���O�������ǂݍ��݂܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "GRAPHICS [����] [[��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�] [/R] [/B] [/LCD]",CR,LF " [/PRINTBOX:STD | /PRINTBOX:LCD]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " ���� �v�����^�^�C�v(���[�U�[�Y�K�C�h&���t�@�����X�Q��)���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " �v�����^�̃T�|�[�g�������܂t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /R ���ʂƓ��������z�F�ň������܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /B 4�F, 8�F�v�����^�Ŕw�i���������܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /LCD LCD �̏c�������g�p���Ĉ������܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " /PRINTBOX:STD | /PRINTBOX:LCD",CR,LF " �v�����g�{�b�N�X�T�C�Y�� STD �� LCD �Ŏw�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "Invalid parameter: %1",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 "Duplicate parameters not allowed",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 "Cannot find GRAPHICS profile",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "Required profile statement missing before line %1",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 "Invalid profile statement on line %1",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 "Profile statement out of sequence on line %1",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 "Error reading GRAPHICS profile",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 "Syntax errors in GRAPHICS profile",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 "Printbox ID not in GRAPHICS profile",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 "Printer type not in GRAPHICS profile",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 "/B invalid with a black and white printer",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 "Unable to reload with profile supplied",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Loads a program that can print graphics.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "GRAPHICS [type] [[drive:][path]filename] [/R] [/B] [/LCD]",CR,LF " [/PRINTBOX:STD | /PRINTBOX:LCD]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " type Specifies a printer type (see User's Guide and Reference).",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " [drive:][path]filename",CR,LF " Specifies the file containing information on supported printers.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /R Prints white on black as seen on the screen.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /B Prints the background in color for COLOR4 and COLOR8 printers.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /LCD Prints using LCD aspect ratio.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " /PRINTBOX:STD | /PRINTBOX:LCD",CR,LF " Specifies the print-box size, either STD or LCD.",CR,LF JOIN 0001df70 0018 0002 T 0001 "�f�B���N�g�������ł͂����܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�h���C�u���ʃh���C�u�̃f�B���N�g���Ƃ��Đڑ����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "JOIN [��ײ��1: [��ײ��2:]�߽]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "JOIN ��ײ��1: /D",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " ��ײ��1: �h���C�u2 �̃f�B���N�g���Ƃ��Đڑ��������f�B�X�N�h���C�u��",CR,LF " �w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " ��ײ��2: �h���C�u1 ���ڑ��������h���C�u���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " �߽ �h���C�u1 ���ڑ��������f�B���N�g�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF " ���̃f�B���N�g���͋��łȂ����Ȃ��܂���.",CR,LF " �܂�, ���[�g�f�B���N�g���͎w���ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /D �w�肳�ꂽ�h���C�u�̐ڑ����������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0307 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, �ڑ������Ă����h���C�u�̈ꗗ���\�������܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0001 "Directory not empty",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Joins a disk drive to a directory on another drive.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "JOIN [drive1: [drive2:]path]",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "JOIN drive1: /D",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " drive1: Specifies a disk drive that will appear as a directory on",CR,LF " drive2.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " drive2: Specifies a drive to which you want to join drive1.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " path Specifies the directory to which you want to join drive1. It",CR,LF " must be empty and cannot be the root directory.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /D Cancels any previous JOIN commands for the specified drive.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8307 U 0000 "Type JOIN without parameters to list currently joined drives.",CR,LF KEYB 0001e5dd 0046 0002 T 0000 "���݂̃L�[�{�[�h�R�[�h: %1" 0003 T 0000 "���݂̃L�[�{�[�h ID: %1" 0004 T 0000 " �R�[�h�y�[�W: %1",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 "���݂�CON�R�[�h�y�[�W: %1",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�L�[�{�[�h�R�[�h�͖����ł�.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�L�[�{�[�hID �͖����ł�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�R�[�h�y�[�W�͖����ł�.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 "�L�[�{�[�h���`�t�@�C�����Ȃ���, �܂��͈Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 "KEYB �͑g�ݍ��܂��܂����ł���.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 "CON�f�o�C�X����, ���݂̃R�[�h�y�[�W�͎g�p�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�R�[�h�y�[�W�͏��������Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 "1 �ȏ��� CON �R�[�h�y�[�W��, �^�����ꂽ�L�[�{�[�h�R�[�h�Ƃ��Ă͖����ł�.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 "�v���̂������R�[�h�y�[�W(%1)��, �^�����ꂽ�L�[�{�[�h�R�[�h�Ƃ��Ă͖����ł�.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�R�[�h�y�[�W�͑I�����ꂽ�R�[�h�y�[�W�ƈ��v���܂���.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�L�[�{�[�h ID �͑I�����ꂽ�L�[�{�[�h���C�A�E�g�ƈ��v���܂���.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 "�풓���������� KEYB �e�[�u�����쐬�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�w�肳�ꂽ�����p�̃L�[�{�[�h���\�z���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "KEYB [xx[,[yyy][,[��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�]]] [/E] [/ID:nnn]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " xx �L�[�{�[�h�R�[�h( 2����)���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " yyy �L�����N�^�Z�b�g�̃R�[�h�y�[�W���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " �L�[�{�[�h���`�t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /E �g�ݍ��܂��Ă����g���L�[�{�[�h���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /ID:nnn �g�p���̃L�[�{�[�h���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "Current keyboard code: %1" 8003 U 0000 "Current keyboard ID: %1" 8004 U 0000 " code page: %1",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "Current CON code page: %1",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 "Invalid keyboard code specified",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 "Invalid keyboard ID specified",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 "Invalid code page specified",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 "Bad or missing Keyboard Definition File",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "KEYB has not been installed",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 "Active code page not available from CON device",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 "Code page specified has not been prepared",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 "One or more CON code pages invalid for given keyboard code",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 "Code page requested (%1) is not valid for given keyboard code",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 "Code page specified is inconsistent with the selected code page",CR,LF 8016 U 0001 "Keyboard ID specified is inconsistent with the selected keyboard layout",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 "Unable to create KEYB table in resident memory",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Configures a keyboard for a specific language.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "KEYB [xx[,[yyy][,[drive:][path]filename]]] [/E] [/ID:nnn]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " xx Specifies a two-letter keyboard code.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " yyy Specifies the code page for the character set.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " [drive:][path]filename Specifies the keyboard definition file.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /E Specifies that an enhanced keyboard is installed.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /ID:nnn Specifies the keyboard in use.",CR,LF MEM 0001f23e 0134 0010 T 0000 CR,LF 0011 T 0000 " �A�h���X ���O �T�C�Y �^�C�v",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 " -------- -------- ------ ------",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 " �n���h�� EMS�� �T�C�Y ",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 " -------- -------- ------ ",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 " %1 %2 %3 %4",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 " %1 %2 %3 ",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 " %1 %2 ",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �R���x���V���i��������",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �g�p�\ MS-DOS ������",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �ő��v���O�����T�C�Y",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �S EMS������",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �g�p�\ EMS������",CR,LF 0023 T 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �S�G�N�X�e���h������",CR,LF 0024 T 0000 "������� ��",0 0025 T 0000 "ROM �Эƹ���� �ر",0 0026 T 0000 "DOS �Эƹ���� �ر",0 0027 T 0000 "IO",0 0028 T 0000 "MSDOS",0 0029 T 0000 "���� �ް�",0 0030 T 0000 "���� ��۸���",0 0031 T 0000 "���� ���� ��ײ��",0 0032 T 0000 "���� ��ײ��",0 0033 T 0000 "%1:",0 0034 T 0000 "%1: - %2:",0 0035 T 0000 "BUFFERS=",0 0036 T 0000 "FILES=",0 0037 T 0000 "FCBS=",0 0038 T 0000 "STACKS=",0 0039 T 0000 "DEVICE=",0 0040 T 0000 "IFS=",0 0041 T 0000 "LASTDRIVE=",0 0042 T 0000 "----------",0 0043 T 0000 " ",0 0044 T 0000 " %1 %2 %3",CR,LF 0045 T 0001 "INSTALL=",0 0046 T 0001 "%1 �o�C�g : �g�p�\�G�N�X�e���h������",CR,LF 0047 T 0000 "���� ����",0 0048 T 0000 "-- ���� --",0 0049 T 0000 "��۸���",0 0050 T 0000 "��",0 0051 T 0000 "�ް�",0 0052 N 0000 "%1 �o�C�g : �g�p�\ XMS������",CR,LF 0053 N 0000 " 64K�o�C�g �n�C�������̈��g�p�\",CR,LF 0054 N 0000 " �n�C�������̈��g�p��",CR,LF 0055 N 0000 " MS-DOS ��, �n�C�������̈��ɏ풓���Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0056 T 0000 "IBMBIO",0 ;*EGH 0057 T 0000 "IBMDOS",0 ;*EGH 0058 T 0000 " MS-DOS ��, �n�C�������̈��� ROM���ɏ풓���Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0059 T 0000 "�R���x���V���i�������� :",CR,LF 0060 T 0000 "�A�b�p�[������ :",CR,LF 0061 T 0000 "�S�ذ��� : %1 %2",CR,LF 0062 T 0000 "�ذ",0 0063 U 0000 " ���O �T�C�Y(10�i��) �T�C�Y(16�i��)",CR,LF 0064 U 0000 "------------- --------------------- -------------",CR,LF 0065 T 0000 "��۸��тւ̎g�p�\�S�Đ�(����ݼ���+���߰) : %1 %2",CR,LF 0066 T 0000 "���s�\��۸��эő廲�� : %1 %2",CR,LF 0067 T 0000 "�g�p�\�ő屯�߰�����ۯ� : %1 %2",CR,LF 0068 T 0000 "�������f�Ђ��������܂�; MEM /C �����s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0069 T 0000 "����",0 0070 T 0000 "��۸��� �ւ̎g�p�\�S�Đ� : %1 %2",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�V�X�e�����̎g�p/�������ʂ��\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "MEM [/PROGRAM | /DEBUG | /CLASSIFY]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " /PROGRAM (/P) ���������Ƀ��[�h�����Ă����v���O�����̏��Ԃ��\�����܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /DEBUG (/D) �v���O����, �����h���C�o��, ���̑��̏������\�����܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /CLASSIFY (/C) �������g�p���@�ɂ����ăv���O�����ނ��܂�.",CR,LF " �v���O�����T�C�Y, �g�p���̃������̊T��, �g�p�\�ő�",CR,LF " �������u���b�N�̃��X�g���ꗗ�\�����܂�.",CR,LF 0400 T 0000 "ADDDRV",0 8010 U 0000 CR,LF 8011 U 0000 " Address Name Size Type ",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 " ------- -------- ------ ------",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 " Handle EMS Name Size ",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 " ------- -------- ------ ",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 " %1 %2 %3 %4",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 " %1 %2 %3 ",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 " %1 %2 ",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 "%1 bytes total conventional memory",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 "%1 bytes available to MS-DOS",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 "%1 largest executable program size",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 "%1 bytes total EMS memory",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 "%1 bytes free EMS memory",CR,LF 8023 U 0000 "%1 bytes total contiguous extended memory",CR,LF 8024 U 0000 "Interrupt Vector",0 8025 U 0000 "ROM Communication Area",0 8026 U 0000 "DOS Communication Area",0 8027 U 0000 "IO",0 8028 U 0000 "MSDOS",0 8029 U 0000 "System Data",0 8030 U 0000 "System Program",0 8031 U 0000 "System Device Driver",0 8032 U 0000 "Installed Device Driver",0 8033 U 0000 "%1:",0 8034 U 0000 "%1: - %2:",0 8035 U 0000 "BUFFERS=",0 8036 U 0000 "FILES=",0 8037 U 0000 "FCBS=",0 8038 U 0000 "STACKS=",0 8039 U 0000 "DEVICE=",0 8040 U 0000 "IFS=",0 8041 U 0000 "LASTDRIVE=",0 8042 U 0000 "----------",0 8043 U 0000 " ",0 8044 U 0000 " %1 %2 %3",CR,LF 8045 U 0001 "INSTALL=",0 8046 U 0001 "%1 bytes available contiguous extended memory",CR,LF 8047 U 0000 "System Stacks",0 8048 U 0000 "-- Free --",0 8049 U 0000 "Program",0 8050 U 0000 "Environment",0 8051 U 0000 "Data",0 8052 N 0000 "%1 bytes available XMS memory",CR,LF 8053 N 0000 " 64Kb High Memory Area available",CR,LF 8054 N 0000 " High Memory Area in use",CR,LF 8055 N 0000 " MS-DOS resident in High Memory Area",CR,LF 8056 U 0000 "IBMBIO",0 ;*EGH 8057 U 0000 "IBMDOS",0 ;*EGH 8058 N 0000 " MS-DOS resident in ROM using High Memory Area",CR,LF 8059 U 0000 "Conventional Memory :",CR,LF 8060 U 0000 "Upper Memory :",CR,LF 8061 U 0000 "Total FREE : %1 %2 ",CR,LF 8062 U 0000 "FREE",0 8063 U 0000 " Name Size in Decimal Size in Hex",CR,LF 8064 U 0000 "------------- --------------------- -------------",CR,LF 8065 U 0000 "Total bytes available to programs (Conventional+Upper) : %1 %2",CR,LF 8066 U 0000 "Largest executable program size : %1 %2",CR,LF 8067 U 0000 "Largest available upper memory block : %1 %2",CR,LF 8068 U 0000 "Too much of memory fragmentation; MEM /C cannot be done",CR,LF 8069 U 0000 "SYSTEM",0 8070 U 0000 "Total bytes available to programs : %1 %2",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Displays the amount of used and free memory in your system.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "MEM [/PROGRAM | /DEBUG | /CLASSIFY]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " /PROGRAM or /P Displays status of programs currently loaded in memory.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /DEBUG or /D Displays status of programs, internal drivers, and other",CR,LF " information.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /CLASSIFY or /C Classifies programs by memory usage. Lists the size of",CR,LF " programs, provides a summary of memory in use, and lists",CR,LF " largest memory block available.",CR,LF 8400 T 0000 "ADDDRV",0 MODE 00020d3a 0158 0003 T 0000 CR,LF,"COM1, COM2, COM3 �܂��� COM4 ���w�肵�Ȃ����Ȃ��܂���.",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 CR,LF,"MODE�R�}���h�̏풓�����g�ݍ��܂��܂���.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�o�C�X���̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 CR,LF,"�v�����^�̃G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 CR,LF,"LPT%1: 80���ɐݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 CR,LF,"LPT%1: 132���ɐݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 CR,LF,"�v�����^�� 1�C���`�������̍s�����ݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 CR,LF,"�{�[���[�g�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 CR,LF,"COM%1: %2,%3,%4,%5,%6",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 "0123456789" 0013 T 0001 CR,LF,"%1 �������܂��� <Y/N>?" 0015 T 0000 "LPT%1: �� COM%2: �Ƀ��_�C���N�g���܂�.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 "LPT%1: �̓��_�C���N�g�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 CR,LF,"�p�������v�����^�̃^�C���A�E�g��,%1",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 �ւ̕\���ʒu�̈ړ��͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 CR,LF,"�p�����[�^�̐����Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 CR,LF,"NET 042: �v�����ꂽ�R�}���h�͎��s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0022 T 0001 CR,LF,"�l�b�g���[�N�v�����^�͖����̃��g���C���T�|�[�g���܂���.",CR,LF 0023 T 0001 CR,LF,"�R�[�h�y�[�W �t�H���g�t�@�C���ɃA�N�Z�X�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0024 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�o�C�X %1 �ɃA�N�Z�X�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0025 T 0001 CR,LF,"�t�H���g�t�@�C���̃f�o�C�X�܂��̓R�[�h�y�[�W�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0026 T 0000 CR,LF,"�t�H���g�t�@�C�����Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0027 T 0001 CR,LF,"�O�ɐݒ肳�ꂽ�R�[�h�y�[�W�ƒu�������܂���.",CR,LF 0028 T 0001 CR,LF,"�f�o�C�X %1 �̌��݂̃R�[�h�y�[�W�� %2",CR,LF 0029 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�o�C�X %1 �͏��������Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0030 T 0001 "%1 �R�[�h�y�[�W:",CR,LF 0031 T 0001 " �R�[�h�y�[�W %1",CR,LF 0032 T 0001 CR,LF,"MODE: �R�[�h�y�[�W�@�\��%1���I�����܂���.",CR,LF 0033 T 0002 CR,LF,"���݂̃R�[�h�y�[�W�̐ݒ�:",CR,LF 0034 T 0002 " %1 - %2 �R�[�h�y�[�W",CR,LF 0035 T 0002 " �R�[�h�y�[�W���o�^�����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0036 T 0002 CR,LF,"�f�o�C�X�̓R�[�h�y�[�W�@�\�������܂���.",CR,LF 0037 T 0002 CR,LF,"�R�[�h�y�[�W�͑I�������Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0038 T 0002 "%1���Ƀf�o�C�X�G���[���������܂���.",CR,LF 0039 T 0002 "�R�[�h�y�[�W���o�^�����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0040 T 0002 CR,LF,"�L�[�{�[�h�͎w�肳�ꂽ�R�[�h�y�[�W���T�|�[�g���Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0041 T 0002 CR,LF,"�t�H���g�t�@�C���̓ǂݍ��ݒ��ɃG���[���������܂���.",CR,LF 0042 T 0002 CR,LF,"���t���b�V���@�\�����s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0043 T 0002 CR,LF 0044 T 0002 CR,LF,"�f�o�C�X %1 �̏���:",CR,LF 0045 T 0002 "------------------" 0046 T 0002 "----",CR,LF 0047 T 0002 "-----",CR,LF 0048 T 0002 "LINES= %1",CR,LF 0049 T 0002 "COLUMNS= %1",CR,LF 0050 T 0002 CR,LF,"RATE �� DELAY �͓����Ɏw�肵�Ȃ����Ȃ��܂���.",CR,LF 0051 T 0002 "RATE= %1",CR,LF 0052 T 0002 "DELAY= %1",CR,LF 0053 T 0002 CR,LF,"���̋@�\�̓n�[�h�E�F�A�ŃT�|�[�g���Ă��܂���. - %1",CR,LF 0054 T 0002 CR,LF,"�K�v�ȃt�H���g�����[�h�����܂���.",CR,LF 0055 T 0002 CR,LF,"ANSI.SYS ���g�ݍ��܂��Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0056 T 0002 CR,LF,"�{�[���[�g���w�肵�Ă�������.",CR,LF 0057 T 0002 "RETRY=%1",CR,LF 0059 T 0002 "�E�[�� 9",0 0060 T 0002 "���[�� 0",0 0061 T 0002 "�Ď��s���s���܂���.",0 0062 T 0002 "�����ɍĎ��s�𑱂��܂�.",0 0063 T 0002 "��",0 0064 T 0002 "�E",0 0065 T 0002 "�n�[�h�E�F�A�",0 0066 T 0002 "�o�^�����Ă���",0 0067 T 0002 "���ԕ\��",0 0068 T 0002 "����",0 0069 T 0002 "�I��",0 0070 T 0002 "���t���b�V��",0 0071 T 0002 "�t�H���g�t�@�C�����f�o�C�X�ɏo��",0 0072 T 0002 "�o�^�����Ă���",0 0073 T 0002 "�V�X�e��",0 0300 T 0000 "�V�X�e���f�o�C�X���\�z���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "�v�����^�|�[�g: MODE LPTn[:] [COLS=c] [LINES=l] [RETRY=r]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "�V���A���|�[�g: MODE COMm[:] [BAUD=b] [PARITY=p][DATA=d] [STOP=s] [RETRY=r]",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 "�f�o�C�X����: MODE [����] [/STATUS]",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 "���_�C���N�g����: MODE LPTn[:]=COMm[:]",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W����: MODE ���� CP PREPARE=((yyy[...]) [��ײ��:] [�߽]̧�ٖ�)",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W�I��: MODE ���� CP SELECT=yyy",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W�X�V: MODE ���� CP REFRESH",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 "�R�[�h�y�[�W����: MODE ���� CP [/STATUS]",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 "�\�����[�h: MODE [�ި���ڲ������][,n]",CR,LF " MODE CON[:] [COLS=c] [LINES=n]",CR,LF 0310 T 0000 "�^�C�v�}�`�b�N��: MODE CON[:] [RATE=r DELAY=d]",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 CR,LF,"Must specify COM1, COM2, COM3 or COM4",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 CR,LF,"Resident portion of MODE loaded",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 CR,LF,"Illegal device name",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 CR,LF,"Printer error",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 CR,LF,"LPT%1: set for 80",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,"LPT%1: set for 132",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 CR,LF,"Printer lines per inch set",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid baud rate specified",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 CR,LF,"COM%1: %2,%3,%4,%5,%6",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 "0123456789" 8013 U 0001 CR,LF,"Do you see the %1? (Y/N) " 8015 U 0000 "LPT%1: rerouted to COM%2:",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 "LPT%1: not rerouted",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 CR,LF,"%1 retry on parallel printer time-out",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 CR,LF," Unable to shift screen %1",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid number of parameters",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 CR,LF,"NET 042: Unable to do requested command",CR,LF 8022 U 0001 CR,LF,"Infinite retry not supported on network printer",CR,LF 8023 U 0001 CR,LF,"Failure to access code page font file",cr,lf 8024 U 0000 CR,LF,"Failure to access device: %1",CR,LF 8025 U 0001 CR,LF,"Device or code page missing from font file",CR,LF 8026 U 0000 CR,LF,"Font file contents invalid",CR,LF 8027 U 0001 CR,LF,"Previously prepared code page replaced",CR,LF 8028 U 0001 CR,LF,"Active code page for device %1 is %2",CR,LF 8029 U 0000 CR,LF,"Device %1 not prepared",CR,LF 8030 U 0001 "%1 code pages:",CR,LF 8031 U 0001 " code page %1",CR,LF 8032 U 0001 CR,LF,"MODE %1 code page function completed",CR,LF 8033 U 0002 CR,LF,"Current code page settings:",CR,LF 8034 U 0002 " %1 - %2 code page",CR,LF 8035 U 0002 " code page not prepared",CR,LF 8036 U 0002 CR,LF,"Code page operation not supported on this device",CR,LF 8037 U 0002 CR,LF,"No code page has been selected",CR,LF 8038 U 0002 "Device error during %1",CR,LF 8039 U 0002 "Code page not prepared",CR,LF 8040 U 0002 CR,LF,"Current keyboard does not support this code page",CR,LF 8041 U 0002 CR,LF,"Error during read of font file",CR,LF 8042 U 0002 CR,LF,"Unable to perform refresh operation",CR,LF 8043 U 0002 CR,LF 8044 U 0002 CR,LF,"Status for device %1:",CR,LF 8045 U 0002 "------------------" 8046 U 0002 "----",CR,LF 8047 U 0002 "-----",CR,LF 8048 U 0002 "Lines=%1",CR,LF 8049 U 0002 "Columns=%1",CR,LF 8050 U 0002 CR,LF,"Rate and delay must be specified together",CR,LF 8051 U 0002 "Rate=%1",CR,LF 8052 U 0002 "Delay=%1",CR,LF 8053 U 0002 CR,LF,"Function not supported on this computer - %1",CR,LF 8054 U 0002 CR,LF,"Required font not loaded",CR,LF 8055 U 0002 CR,LF,"ANSI.SYS must be installed to perform requested function",CR,LF 8056 U 0002 CR,LF,"Baud rate required",CR,LF 8057 U 0002 "Retry=%1",CR,LF 8059 U 0002 "rightmost 9",0 8060 U 0002 "leftmost 0",0 8061 U 0002 "No",0 8062 U 0002 "Infinite",0 8063 U 0002 "left",0 8064 U 0002 "right",0 8065 U 0002 "Hardware",0 8066 U 0002 "Prepared",0 8067 U 0002 "status",0 8068 U 0002 "prepare",0 8069 U 0002 "select",0 8070 U 0002 "refresh",0 8071 U 0002 "write of font file to device",0 8072 U 0002 "selected",0 8073 U 0002 "system",0 8300 U 0000 "Configures system devices.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "Printer port: MODE LPTn[:] [COLS=c] [LINES=l] [RETRY=r]",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "Serial port: MODE COMm[:] [BAUD=b] [PARITY=p] [DATA=d] [STOP=s] [RETRY=r]",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 "Device Status: MODE [device] [/STATUS]",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 "Redirect printing: MODE LPTn[:]=COMm[:]",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 "Prepare code page: MODE device CP PREPARE=((yyy[...]) [drive:][path]filename)",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 "Select code page: MODE device CP SELECT=yyy",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 "Refresh code page: MODE device CP REFRESH",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 "Code page status: MODE device CP [/STATUS]",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 "Display mode: MODE [display-adapter][,n]",CR,LF " MODE CON[:] [COLS=c] [LINES=n]",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 "Typematic rate: MODE CON[:] [RATE=r DELAY=d]",CR,LF MORE 00022d48 0014 0002 T 0000 "-- More --" 0003 T 0000 "�R�}���h���C���̈������������܂�.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "1�x�� 1���ʂ��o�͂��\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "MORE < [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "����ޖ� | MORE",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " 1�x�� 1���ʂ��\�������t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " ����ޖ� ���ʂ̏o�͂��\�������R�}���h���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "-- More --" 8003 U 0000 "Too many arguments in command line",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Displays output one screen at a time.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "MORE < [drive:][path]filename",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "command-name | MORE",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " [drive:][path]filename Specifies a file to display one screen at a time.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " command-name Specifies a command whose output will be displayed.",CR,LF MSBIO 000230bb 0045 0003 T 0000 13,10,"CONFIG.SYS �ɖ����ȃR�}���h���p�����[�^�������܂�.",13,10,"$" 0004 T 0000 13,10,"$" 0005 T 0000 13,10,"�f�o�C�X�h���C�o�Ŏw�肳���Ă����Z�N�^�T�C�Y���傫�����܂�.$" 0006 T 0000 ":�ȉ��̃t�@�C���������܂��͌������܂���:$" 0007 T 0000 "����������",0 0008 T 0000 13,10,"�J���g���[�R�[�h�܂��̓R�[�h�y�[�W���Ⴂ�܂�.",13,10,"$" 0009 T 0000 13,10,"COUNTRY�R�}���h�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",13,10,"$" 0010 T 0000 13,10,"COUNTRY.SYS �̂��߂̃������������܂���.",13,10,"$" 0011 T 0000 13,10,"CONFIG.SYS ���傫�����܂�.",13,10,"$" 0012 T 0000 13,10,"�f�B�X�N���u���������܂�.",13,10,"$" 0013 T 0000 13,10,"STACK�R�}���h�̃p�����[�^���Ⴂ�܂�.",13,10,"$" 0014 T 0000 13,10,"CONFIG.SYS �̋L�q�̏������Ⴂ�܂�. ","$" 0015 T 0000 "CONFIG.SYS �ɃG���[�������܂�. �s�ԍ��� ","$" 0016 T 0000 13,10,"�������̃A���P�[�V�����G���[�ł�.","$",0,13,10,"Memory allocation error ","$" 0017 T 0001 0DH,0AH,7,0DH,0AH, "�����X�^�b�N���I�[�o�[�t���[���܂���.",0DH,0AH "���Z�b�g���Ă�������.",0DH,0AH,"$" 0018 T 0000 "HMA ���L���ł͂����܂��� : ���ʂ� MS-DOS �����[�h���܂�.",13,10,"$",0,"HMA not available : Loading MS-DOS low",13,10,"$" 0019 T 0000 13,10,"�u�[�g�Ɏ��s���܂��� - ���[�J���h���C�o ���ُ��ł�. $" 0020 T 0000 13,10,"�f�B�X�N���h���C�u " 0021 T 0000 "A: �ɓ����Ă�������.",13,10 "�������ł������ǂꂩ�L�[�������Ă������� . . .",13,10,10,0 0022 T 0000 13,10,"�R�}���h�܂��̓p�����[�^���Ⴂ�܂�. - $" 0023 T 0002 "�v���I�G���[�F MS-DOS �Ƀ����������蓖�Ă����܂���.",13,10,"$",0,"Fatal Error:Cannot allocate Memory for MS-DOS", 13, 10, "$" 0024 T 0000 "�x�� ! �����h���C�u�� Z: ���܂���. �������܂�.",13,10,"$" 0025 U 0000 "This version of MS-DOS will boot only on IBM machines",13,10,0 0026 U 0000 CR,LF,"Microsoft Power Manager �ް�ޮ� 1.0",10,13 "(C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1986, 1991,1993",10,13,"$" 8003 U 0000 13,10,"Unrecognized command in CONFIG.SYS",13,10,"$" 8005 U 0000 13,10,"Sector size too large in file $" 8006 U 0000 13,10,"Bad or missing $" 8007 U 0000 "Command Interpreter",0 8008 U 0000 13,10,"Invalid country code or code page",13,10,"$" 8009 U 0000 13,10,"Error in COUNTRY command",13,10,"$" 8010 U 0000 13,10, "Insufficient memory for COUNTRY.SYS file",13,10,"$" 8011 U 0000 13,10,"Configuration too large for memory",13,10,"$" 8012 U 0000 13,10,"Too many block devices",13,10,"$" 8013 U 0000 13,10,"Invalid STACK parameters",13,10,"$" 8014 U 0000 13,10,"Incorrect order in CONFIG.SYS line ","$" 8015 U 0000 "Error in CONFIG.SYS line ","$" 8017 U 0001 0DH,0AH,7,0DH,0AH, "Internal stack overflow",0DH,0AH "System halted",0DH,0AH,"$" 8018 U 0000 "HMA not available : Loading MS-DOS low",13,10,"$" 8019 U 0000 13,10,"failed to boot - missing local driver $" 8020 U 0000 13,10,"Insert diskette for drive " 8021 U 0000 "A: and press any key when ready",13,10,10,0 8022 U 0000 13,10,"Bad command or parameters - $" 8023 U 0000 "Fatal Error:Cannot allocate Memory for MS-DOS", 13, 10, "$" 8024 U 0000 "WARNING! Logical drives past Z: exist and will be ignored",13,10,"$" 8026 U 0000 CR,LF,"Microsoft Power Manager Version 1.0",10,13 "(C) Copyright Microsoft Corporation 1986, 1991,1993",10,13,"$" MSDOS 00023d3f 0014 0001 T 0001 13,10,"0 �ŏ��Z�����܂���.",13,10 0002 T 0002 "y" 0003 T 0002 "n" 0004 T 0003 13,10,"A20 Hardware Error",13,10,"$" 0005 T 0000 "Y" 0006 T 0000 "N" 0007 T 0000 "Windows 3.0 ���g�����[�h�œ��삳���邽�߂ɂ�, �u�[�g�h���C�u��",13,10 "���[�g�f�B���N�g���� WINA20.386�t�@�C�����K�v�ł�.",13,10 8001 U 0001 13,10,"Divide overflow",13,10 8002 U 0002 "y" 8003 U 0002 "n" 8004 U 0003 13,10,"A20 Hardware Error",13,10,"$" 8005 U 0000 "Y" 8006 U 0000 "N" 8007 U 0000 "You must have the file WINA20.386 in the root of your boot drive",13,10 "to run Windows in Enhanced Mode",13,10 NLSFUNC 00023fae 0006 0300 T 0000 "���ʏ������ǂݍ��݂܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "NLSFUNC [[��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " ���ʏ������܂t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Loads country-specific information.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "NLSFUNC [[drive:][path]filename]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " [drive:][path]filename Specifies the file containing country-specific",CR,LF " information.",CR,LF PRINT 000241a0 0068 0002 T 0000 CR,LF 0006 T 0000 " �t�@�C���̓ǂݍ��ݒ��ɃG���[���������܂���.",CR,LF,"$" 0007 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����������܂���.$" 0008 T 0000 "�t�@�C�� $" 0009 T 0000 " �̈����͎����������܂���.$" 0010 T 0000 CR,LF,LF,"���ׂẴt�@�C���̈����͎����������܂���.$" 0011 T 0000 "�t�@�C���A���P�[�V�����e�[�u�����s�ǂł�. X" 0012 T 0000 "A.",CR,LF,"$" 0013 T 0000 "�o�͑��u�����蓖�Ă����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 "PRINT�R�}���h�̏풓�����g�ݍ��܂��܂���.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 "PRINT�R�}���h�͎g���܂���. NET PRINT ���g���Ă�������.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 "�����҂��̃t�@�C���������ς��ɂȂ��܂���.",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 "�����҂��̃t�@�C���͂����܂���.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 "�A�N�Z�X�͋��ۂ����܂���.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 "�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 "�o�͑��u���ڑ������Ă��邩�`�F�b�N���Ă�������.",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 CR,LF,LF,"%1 �����݈������ł�.",CR,LF 0023 T 0000 "%1 �͈������҂��Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0025 T 0001 "�p�X�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0026 T 0001 "�����҂����X�g���ɂ����܂���.",CR,LF 0027 T 0000 "�o�͑��u�����͂��Ă�������. [PRN]:" 0300 T 0000 "���� MS-DOS�R�}���h�g�p����, �e�L�X�g�t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "PRINT [/D:����] [/B:����] [/U:���l1] [/M:���l2] [/S:���l3]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " [/Q:����] [/T] [[��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�[ ...]] [/C] [/P]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /D:���� �v�����^�f�o�C�X���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /B:���� �����o�b�t�@�T�C�Y���o�C�g�P�ʂŐݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /U:���l1 �v�����^���g�p�\�ɂ��邽�߂ɑ҂��Ԃ̍ő吔���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /M:���l2 �������������邽�߂̎��Ԃ̍ő吔���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " /S:���l3 �o�b�N�O���E���h�ł̈����ɐ��l3 �Ŏw�肵�����ԕ�����",CR,LF " �X�P�W���[�������蓖�Ă܂�.",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " /Q:���� �����҂��s���ɋ������t�@�C���̍ő吔���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 " /T �����҂��s�̂��ׂẴt�@�C�����폜���܂�.",CR,LF 0310 T 0000 " /C ���O�̃t�@�C�����Ƃ����ɑ����t�@�C�����̈������L�����Z�����܂�.",CR,LF 0311 T 0000 " /P �����҂��s����, ���O�̃t�@�C�����Ƃ����ɑ����t�@�C������",CR,LF " �lj����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0312 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, �����҂��s���̓��e���\�������܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 CR,LF 8006 U 0000 " error reading file",CR,LF,"$" 8007 U 0000 "File not found",CR,LF,"$" 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,LF,"File $" 8009 U 0000 " canceled by operator$" 8010 U 0000 CR,LF,LF,"All files canceled by operator$" 8011 U 0000 "File allocation table bad drive " 8012 U 0000 "A.",CR,LF,"$" 8013 U 0000 "List output is not assigned to a device",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 "Resident part of PRINT installed",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 "Cannot use PRINT - Use NET PRINT",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 "PRINT queue is full",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 "PRINT queue is empty",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 "Access denied",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 "Invalid drive specification",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 "Errors on list device indicate that it",CR,LF "may be off-line. Please check it.",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 CR,LF,LF," %1 is currently being printed",CR,LF 8023 U 0000 " %1 is in queue",CR,LF 8025 U 0001 "Pathname too long",CR,LF 8026 U 0001 "File not in PRINT queue",CR,LF 8027 U 0000 "Name of list device [PRN]: " 8300 U 0000 "Prints a text file while you are using other MS-DOS commands.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "PRINT [/D:device] [/B:size] [/U:ticks1] [/M:ticks2] [/S:ticks3]",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " [/Q:qsize] [/T] [[drive:][path]filename[ ...]] [/C] [/P]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /D:device Specifies a print device.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /B:size Sets the internal buffer size, in bytes.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /U:ticks1 Waits the specified maximum number of clock ticks for the printer",CR,LF " to be available.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /M:ticks2 Specifies the maximum number of clock ticks it takes to print a",CR,LF " character.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " /S:ticks3 Allocates the scheduler the specified number of clock ticks for",CR,LF " background printing.",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /Q:qsize Specifies the maximum number of files allowed in the print queue.",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 " /T Removes all files from the print queue.",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 " /C Cancels printing of the preceding filename and subsequent",CR,LF " filenames.",CR,LF 8311 U 0000 " /P Adds the preceding filename and subsequent filenames to the print",CR,LF " queue.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8312 U 0000 "Type PRINT without parameters to display the contents of the print queue.",CR,LF PRINTER 0002539d 0004 0002 T 0000 "%1 �R�[�h�y�[�W�h���C�o�͏������ł��܂���.",CR,LF,BELL 0012 T 0000 "PRINTER.SYS �R�[�h�y�[�W�h���C�o�̕��@���Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF,BELL 8002 U 0000 "%1 code page driver cannot be initialized",CR,LF,BELL 8012 U 0000 "Invalid syntax on PRINTER.SYS code page driver",CR,LF,BELL RECOVER 000254d3 0034 0002 T 0000 CR,LF,"�t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 CR,LF,"ASSIGN �܂��� SUBST ���ꂽ�h���C�u�� RECOVER �ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u�܂��̓t�@�C�����̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� ! �f�B���N�g���������ς��ł�.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 CR,LF,"�l�b�g���[�N�h���C�u�� RECOVER �ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 �̃t�@�C�����C�����܂���.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 �o�C�g(%2 �o�C�g��)�C�����܂���.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u %1 �̃t�@�C���C�����n�߂܂�.",CR,LF "�ǂꂩ�L�[�������Ă�������.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 CR,LF,"FAT ���ǂݍ��߂܂���.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 CR,LF,"FAT �֏������߂܂���.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�ǂݏo���\�ȏ������s��/���׃f�B�X�N���畜�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "RECOVER [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "RECOVER ��ײ��:",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 "RECOVER �R�}���h���g���O��, �}�j���A�����Q�Ƃ��Ă�������.",CR,LF 0400 T 0000 "���݂̃f�B���N�g���\���͔j���܂�.",CR,LF "���ׂẴt�@�C�������[�g�f�B���N�g���Ɉڂ��܂�.",CR,LF "���낵���ł��� <Y/N>? " 0401 T 0000 "�h���C�u�S�̂��č\�������܂�.",CR,LF "�f�B���N�g���\���͔j���܂�.",CR,LF "���낵���ł��� <Y/N>? " 8002 U 0000 CR,LF,"File not found",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot RECOVER an ASSIGNed or SUBSTed drive",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid drive or file name",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING - directory full",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot RECOVER a network drive", CR,LF 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,"%1 file(s) recovered",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 CR,LF,"%1 of %2 bytes recovered",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 CR,LF,"Press any key to begin recovery of the",CR,LF,"file(s) on drive %1",CR,LF,CR,LF 8011 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot read file allocation table",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 CR,LF,"Cannot write file allocation table",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Recovers readable information from a bad or defective disk.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "RECOVER [drive:][path]filename",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "RECOVER drive:",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 "Consult your User's Guide and Reference before using the RECOVER command.",CR,LF 8400 U 0000 "The current directory structure will be destroyed.",CR,LF "All files will be placed in the root directory.",CR,LF "Are you sure (Y/N)? " 8401 U 0000 "The entire drive will be reconstructed,",CR,LF "directory structures will be destroyed.", CR, LF "Are you sure (Y/N)? " REPLACE 00025e3b 0038 0003 T 0000 CR,LF,"�u���������t�@�C���͂����܂���.",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 CR,LF,"�lj������t�@�C���͂����܂���.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 ���u�������Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 ���lj����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 �̃t�@�C�����u�������܂���.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 �̃t�@�C�����lj����܂���.",CR,LF 0017 T 0000 CR,LF,"�t�@�C�����������܂���. - %1",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 ���u�������܂��� <Y/N>?" 0023 T 0000 CR,LF,"%1 ���lj����܂��� <Y/N>?" 0300 T 0000 "�t�@�C�����u�������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "REPLACE [��ײ��1:][�߽1]̧�ٖ� [��ײ��2:][�߽2] [/A] [/P] [/R] [/W]",CR,LF "REPLACE [��ײ��1:][�߽1]̧�ٖ� [��ײ��2:][�߽2] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/W] [/U]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " [��ײ��1:][�߽1]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " �u�������鑗�葤�̃t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " [��ײ��2:][�߽2]",CR,LF " �u�������������t�@�C���̂������f�B���N�g�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /A �V�K�t�@�C�������̃f�B���N�g���ɒlj����܂�.",CR,LF " /S �� /U �Ƃ͈ꏏ�Ɏg�p�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /P ���葤�����t�@�C�����lj�/�u�������O�Ƀv�����v�g���o���Ċm�F���܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /R �ǂݏo�����p�t�@�C�����u�������܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " /S ���̑S�T�u�f�B���N�g�����̃t�@�C�����u�������܂�.",CR,LF " /A �Ɠ����ɂ͎g�p�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " /W �n�߂��O�Ƀf�B�X�N�̑}�����҂��܂�.",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 " /U ���葤�������Â��t�@�C���݂̂��u������(�X�V)�܂�.",CR,LF " /A �Ɠ����ɂ͎g�p�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 CR,LF,"No files replaced",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 CR,LF,"No files added",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 CR,LF,"Replacing %1",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 CR,LF,"Adding %1",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 CR,LF,"%1 file(s) replaced",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 CR,LF,"%1 file(s) added",CR,LF 8017 U 0000 CR,LF,"No files found - %1",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 CR,LF,"Replace %1? (Y/N)" 8023 U 0000 CR,LF,"Add %1? (Y/N)" 8300 U 0000 "Replaces files.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/A] [/P] [/R] [/W]",CR,LF "REPLACE [drive1:][path1]filename [drive2:][path2] [/P] [/R] [/S] [/W] [/U]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " [drive1:][path1]filename Specifies the source file or files.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " [drive2:][path2] Specifies the directory where files are to be",CR,LF " replaced.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /A Adds new files to destination directory. Cannot",CR,LF " use with /S or /U switches.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /P Prompts for confirmation before replacing a file or",CR,LF " adding a source file.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /R Replaces read-only files as well as unprotected",CR,LF " files.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " /S Replaces files in all subdirectories of the",CR,LF " destination directory. Cannot use with the /A",CR,LF " switch.",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /W Waits for you to insert a disk before beginning.",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 " /U Replaces (updates) only files that are older than",CR,LF " source files. Cannot use with the /A switch.",CR,LF RESTORE 00026b4a 0070 0002 T 0000 CR,LF,"���葤�Ǝ��̃h���C�u�������ł�.",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 CR,LF,"�p�����[�^�̐����Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0006 T 0000 CR,LF,"�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� ! ���X�g�A���邽�߂̃t�@�C���������܂���.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 CR,LF,"�o�b�N�A�b�v�f�B�X�N %1 ���h���C�u %2: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0009 T 0000 CR,LF,"���f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1: �ɑ}�����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� ! �f�B�X�N���A�����Ă��܂���.",CR,LF "�f�B�X�N�������ւ��邩, �����ǂ������̂܂ܑ����Ă�������.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 CR,LF,"�Ō��̃t�@�C���̓��X�g�A�����܂����ł���.",CR,LF 0013 T 0000 CR,LF,"*** �t�@�C����, %1 �Ƀo�b�N�A�b�v�����܂���. ***",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 CR,LF,"���葤�̓o�b�N�A�b�v�t�@�C�����܂��ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0015 T 0000 CR,LF,"�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� ! �t�@�C�� %1 �͓ǂݏo�����p�t�@�C���ł�.",CR,LF "�t�@�C���������ւ��܂��� <Y/N>?" 0017 T 0000 CR,LF,"���X�g�A�t�@�C���̏����������Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0018 T 0000 CR,LF,"�t�@�C���������܂���.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 CR,LF,"�f�B�X�N�������ς��ł�.",CR,LF 0020 T 0000 CR,LF,"*** �t�@�C�������X�g�A�ł��܂���. ***",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 CR,LF,"*** �t�@�C�����h���C�u %1: ���烊�X�g�A���܂�. ***",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 CR,LF,"�x�� ! �t�@�C�� %1 �̓o�b�N�A�b�v���ɕύX�����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF "�t�@�C���������ւ��܂��� <Y/N>?",CR,LF 0023 T 0000 "�f�B�X�N�ԍ�: %1",CR,LF 0032 T 0000 CR,LF,"*** �h���C�u %1: �̃t�@�C���ꗗ ***",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "BACKUP�R�}���h�ɂ����ăo�b�N�A�b�v���ꂽ�t�@�C�������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "RESTORE ��ײ��1: ��ײ��2:[�߽[̧�ٖ�]] [/S] [/P] [/B:���t] [/A:���t] [/E:����]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " [/L:����] [/M] [/N] [/D]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " ��ײ��1: �o�b�N�A�b�v�t�@�C�����ۑ������Ă����h���C�u���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " ��ײ��2:[�߽[̧�ٖ�]]",CR,LF " ���������t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /S �p�X���ȉ��̑S�T�u�f�B���N�g�����̃t�@�C�������܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /P �ǂݏo�����p�t�@�C��, �������̓o�b�N�A�b�v���ɕύX�̂�����",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " �t�@�C���̕����O��, �v�����v�g���o���܂�.",CR,LF " (�������������ݒ肳���Ă����ꍇ)",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " /B �w�肳�ꂽ���t�ȑO�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 " /A �w�肳�ꂽ���t�ȍ~�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF " /E �w�肳�ꂽ�����ȑO�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0310 T 0000 " " 0311 T 0000 " /L �w�肳�ꂽ�����ȍ~�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0312 T 0000 " /M �O���̃o�b�N�A�b�v�ȍ~�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0313 T 0000 " /N ���f�B�X�N�ɑ��݂��Ȃ��t�@�C�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0314 T 0000 " /D �w���ƈ��v�����o�b�N�A�b�v�t�@�C�����\�����܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 CR,LF,"Source and target drives are the same",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid number of parameters",CR,LF 8006 U 0000 CR,LF,"Invalid drive specification",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING! No files were found to restore",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert backup diskette %1 in drive %2:",CR,LF 8009 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insert restore target in drive %1:",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING! Diskette is out of sequence",CR,LF "Replace diskette or continue if OK",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 CR,LF,"The last file was not restored",CR,LF 8013 U 0000 CR,LF,"*** Files were backed up %1 ***",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 CR,LF,"Source does not contain backup files",CR,LF 8015 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insufficient memory",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING! File %1",CR,LF "is a read-only file",CR,LF "Replace the file (Y/N)?" 8017 U 0000 CR,LF,"Restore file sequence error",CR,LF 8018 U 0000 CR,LF,"File creation error",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 CR,LF,"Insufficient disk space",CR,LF 8020 U 0000 CR,LF,"*** Not able to restore file ***",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 CR,LF,"*** Restoring files from drive %1: ***",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 CR,LF,"WARNING! File %1",CR,LF "was changed after it was backed up",CR,LF "Replace the file (Y/N)?",CR,LF 8023 U 0000 "Diskette: %1",CR,LF 8032 U 0000 CR,LF,"*** Listing files on drive %1: ***",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Restores files that were backed up by using the BACKUP command.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "RESTORE drive1: drive2:[path[filename]] [/S] [/P] [/B:date] [/A:date] [/E:time]",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " [/L:time] [/M] [/N] [/D]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " drive1: Specifies the drive on which the backup files are stored.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " drive2:[path[filename]]",CR,LF " Specifies the file(s) to restore.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /S Restores files in all subdirectories in the path.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /P Prompts before restoring read-only files or files changed since",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " the last backup (if appropriate attributes are set).",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /B Restores only files last changed on or before the specified date.",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 " /A Restores only files changed on or after the specified date.",CR,LF " /E Restores only files last changed at or earlier than the specified",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 " time.",CR,LF 8311 U 0000 " /L Restores only files changed at or later than the specified time.",CR,LF 8312 U 0000 " /M Restores only files changed since the last backup.",CR,LF 8313 U 0000 " /N Restores only files that no longer exist on the destination disk.",CR,LF 8314 U 0000 " /D Displays files on the backup disk that match specifications.",CR,LF SHARE 000280ed 0010 0003 T 0000 "DOSSHELL�ォ���� SHARE ���g�ݍ��ނ��Ƃ͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�n�[�h�f�B�X�N���̃t�@�C�����L/���b�N���s���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "SHARE [/F:̧�ٽ�߰�] [/L:ۯ���]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " /F:̧�ٽ�߰� �t�@�C�����L�����̂��߂̃t�@�C������(�o�C�g�P��)�����蓖�Ă܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /L:ۯ��� ���x�Ƀ��b�N�ł����t�@�C�������ݒ肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "SHARE cannot be installed under DOSSHELL.",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Installs file-sharing and locking capabilities on your hard disk.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "SHARE [/F:space] [/L:locks]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " /F:space Allocates file space (in bytes) for file-sharing information.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /L:locks Sets the number of files that can be locked at one time.",CR,LF SORT 00028418 0018 0005 T 0000 "SORT: " 0300 T 0000 "���͂���������, ���̌��ʂ�����, �t�@�C�����ʂ̃f�o�C�X�ɏo�͂��܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "SORT [/R] [/+n] < [��ײ��1:][�߽1]̧�ٖ�1 [> [��ײ��2:][�߽2]̧�ٖ�2]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "[����� |] SORT [/R] [/+n] [> [��ײ��2:][�߽2]̧�ٖ�2]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /R ���������̋t��; Z ���� A, 9 ���� 0 �̏��ɂ��܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /+n n ���̕����ɂ����t�@�C���̕��������w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " [��ײ��1:][�߽1]̧�ٖ�1",CR,LF " ���������t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " [��ײ��2:][�߽2]̧�ٖ�2",CR,LF " ���������ꂽ���͂��������܂����t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " ����� �o�͌��ʂ����ъ����������R�}���h���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "SORT: " 8300 U 0000 "Sorts input and writes results to the screen, a file, or another device.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "SORT [/R] [/+n] < [drive1:][path1]filename1 [> [drive2:][path2]filename2]",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "[command |] SORT [/R] [/+n] [> [drive2:][path2]filename2]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /R Reverses the sort order; that is, sorts Z to A,",CR,LF " then 9 to 0.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /+n Sorts the file according to characters in",CR,LF " column n.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " [drive1:][path1]filename1 Specifies a file to be sorted.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " [drive2:][path2]filename2 Specifies a file where the sorted input is to be ",CR,LF " stored.",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " command Specifies a command whose output is to be sorted.",CR,LF SUBST 00028ab6 0018 0002 T 0001 "�p�����[�^�̐����Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0005 T 0000 "�h���C�u�͂��ł� SUBST �����Ă��܂�.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "�p�X���h���C�u���Œu�������܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "SUBST [��ײ��1: [��ײ��2:]�߽]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 "SUBST ��ײ��1: /D",CR,LF,CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " ��ײ��1: �p�X�̒u�����������鉼�z�h���C�u���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " [��ײ��2:]�߽ ���z�h���C�u�ɒu�������镨���h���C�u�ƃp�X���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " /D SUBST ���ꂽ(���z)�h���C�u���폜���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0306 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���w�肳���Ȃ�����, SUBST �����Ă��鉼�z�h���C�u�̈ꗗ���\�����܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0001 "Incorrect number of parameters",CR,LF 8005 U 0000 "Drive already SUBSTed",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Associates a path with a drive letter.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "SUBST [drive1: [drive2:]path]",CR,LF 8302 U 0000 "SUBST drive1: /D",CR,LF,CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " drive1: Specifies a virtual drive to which you want to assign a path.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " [drive2:]path Specifies a physical drive and path you want to assign to",CR,LF " a virtual drive.",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " /D Deletes a substituted (virtual) drive.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8306 U 0000 "Type SUBST with no parameters to display a list of current virtual drives.",CR,LF SYS 00028fe2 0030 0004 T 0000 "�h���C�u�̎w�肪�Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0007 T 0000 "���f�B�X�N�ɃV�X�e���̈悪�����܂���.",CR,LF 0008 T 0001 "�p�X�̎w�肪�Ⴄ��, �܂��̓V�X�e���t�@�C�����������܂���.",CR,LF 0010 T 0000 "�J�����g�h���C�u�ɃV�X�e���������܂���.",CR,LF 0011 T 0000 "�J�����g�h���C�u�͎w���ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 "�������݂Ɏ��s���܂���. ���̃f�B�X�N�͎g���܂���.",CR,LF 0014 T 0000 "�V�X�e���f�B�X�N���h���C�u %1 �ɍ�������,",CR,LF 0016 T 0000 "%1 �t�@�C���V�X�e���ɂ̓V�X�e�����]���ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0019 T 0000 "���葤�p�X�Ǝ��h���C�u�͓����ɂł��܂���.",CR,LF ;C04 0025 T 0000 CR,LF,"���f�B�X�N�� COMMAND.COM ���R�s�[�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0026 T 0000 "�������������܂���.",CR,LF 0300 T 0000 "MS-DOS �V�X�e���t�@�C���ƃR�}���h�C���^�v���^���w�肵���f�B�X�N�ɃR�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "SYS [��ײ��1:][�߽] ��ײ��2:",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " [��ײ��1:][�߽] �V�X�e���t�@�C���̂����ʒu���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " ��ײ��2 �V�X�e���t�@�C�����]�������h���C�u���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Invalid drive specification",CR,LF 8007 U 0000 "No room for system on destination disk",CR,LF 8008 U 0001 "Invalid path or System files not found",CR,LF 8010 U 0000 "No system on default drive",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 "Cannot specify default drive",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 "Write failure, diskette unusable",CR,LF 8014 U 0000 "Insert system disk in drive %1",CR,LF 8016 U 0000 "Not able to SYS to %1 file system",CR,LF 8019 U 0000 "Source path and target drive cannot be the same",CR,LF ;C04 8025 U 0000 CR,LF,"Could not copy COMMAND.COM onto target disk",CR,LF 8026 U 0000 "Insufficient memory",CR,LF 8300 U 0000 "Copies MS-DOS system files and command interpreter to a disk you specify.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "SYS [drive1:][path] drive2:",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " [drive1:][path] Specifies the location of the system files.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " drive2: Specifies the drive the files are to be copied to.",CR,LF TREE 000297bf 0016 0002 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�� �p�X �ꗗ �{�����[�� %1",CR,LF 0003 T 0000 "�f�B���N�g�� �p�X �ꗗ",CR,LF 0004 T 0000 "�T�u�f�B���N�g���������܂���.",CR,LF,LF 0007 T 0000 "�-+|" 0300 T 0000 "�h���C�u, �܂��̓p�X�̃f�B���N�g���\�����}���\�����܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "TREE [��ײ��:][�߽] [/F] [/A]",CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " /F �e�f�B���N�g�����̃t�@�C�������\�����܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " /A �r�������̑������� ASCII�������g���܂�.",CR,LF 8002 U 0000 "Directory PATH listing for Volume %1",CR,LF 8003 U 0000 "Directory PATH listing",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "No sub-directories exist",CR,LF,LF 8007 U 0000 "��ó" 8300 U 0000 "Graphically displays the directory structure of a drive or path.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "TREE [drive:][path] [/F] [/A]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " /F Displays the names of the files in each directory.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " /A Uses ASCII instead of extended characters.",CR,LF XCOPY 00029b6f 0066 0004 T 0000 "%1 �͎��̃t�@�C�����ł���. �����Ƃ��f�B���N�g�����ł���.",CR,LF "<F = �t�@�C����, D = �f�B���N�g����>?" 0005 T 0000 "�ǂꂩ�L�[�������Ă�������. �R�s�[���n�߂܂�." 0006 T 0000 "�p�X�����������܂�.",CR,LF 0008 T 0000 "�����̌J���Ԃ��ɂȂ��R�s�[�͎��s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0012 T 0000 "�\���ςݑ��u�����̓R�s�[�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0021 T 0000 "�p�����[�^�̐����Ⴂ�܂�.",CR,LF 0022 T 0000 "�\���ςݑ��u�ւ̓R�s�[�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0024 T 0000 "�t�@�C���쐬�G���[�ł�.",CR,LF 0025 T 0000 "���葤�̃t�@�C�����ǂݍ��ݒ��ł�. . .",CR,LF 0026 T 0000 CR,LF 0027 T 0000 "%1 �̃t�@�C�����R�s�[���܂���.",CR,LF 0028 T 0000 "�t�@�C�� %1 ���������܂���.",CR,LF 0029 T 0000 "F D " 0030 T 0000 "%1%2",CR,LF 0031 T 0000 "%1\%2",CR,LF 0032 T 0000 "%1",CR,LF 0033 T 0000 "%1%2 <Y/N>?" 0034 T 0000 "%1\%2 <Y/N>?" 0036 T 0000 "�����ȃp�X�ł�. ���ׂẴf�B���N�g��/�t�@�C�����R�s�[���Ă��܂���.",CR,LF ;C02 0300 T 0000 "�t�@�C��(�B���������V�X�e�������̃t�@�C��������)���f�B���N�g���\����",CR,LF "�R�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF,CR,LF 0301 T 0000 "XCOPY ���葤 [��] [/A | /M] [/D:���t] [/P] [/S [/E]] [/V] [/W]",CR,LF,CR,LF 0302 T 0000 " ���葤 �R�s�[�����t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0303 T 0000 " �� �V�t�@�C���̈ʒu���w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0304 T 0000 " /A �A�[�J�C�u�����̃t�@�C�����R�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF 0305 T 0000 " �R�s�[�������葤�̃A�[�J�C�u�����͕ύX���܂���.",CR,LF 0306 T 0000 " /M �A�[�J�C�u�����̃t�@�C�����R�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF 0307 T 0000 " �R�s�[���͑��葤�̃A�[�J�C�u�������N���A���܂�.",CR,LF 0308 T 0000 " /D:���t �w�肵�����t�ȍ~�ɕύX���ꂽ�t�@�C�����R�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF 0309 T 0000 " /P ���̊e�t�@�C�����쐬�����O�Ƀv�����v�g���o���܂�.",CR,LF 0310 T 0000 " /S ���̏ꍇ��������, �T�u�f�B���N�g�����R�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF 0311 T 0000 " /E �T�u�f�B���N�g�������ł����Ă��R�s�[���܂�.",CR,LF 0312 T 0000 " /V �������e�t�@�C�����x���t�@�C���܂�.",CR,LF 0313 T 0000 " /W �R�s�[���n�߂��O�ɃL�[���͂������܂ő҂��܂�.",CR,LF 8004 U 0000 "Does %1 specify a file name",CR,LF "or directory name on the target",CR,LF "(F = file, D = directory)?" 8005 U 0000 "Press any key to begin copying file(s)" 8006 U 0000 "Path too long",CR,LF 8008 U 0000 "Cannot perform a cyclic copy",CR,LF 8012 U 0000 "Cannot XCOPY from a reserved device",CR,LF 8021 U 0000 "Invalid number of parameters",CR,LF 8022 U 0000 "Cannot XCOPY to a reserved device",CR,LF 8024 U 0000 "File creation error",CR,LF 8025 U 0000 "Reading source file(s)...",CR,LF 8026 U 0000 CR,LF 8027 U 0000 "%1 File(s) copied",CR,LF 8028 U 0000 "%1 File not found",CR,LF 8029 U 0000 "F D " 8030 U 0000 "%1%2",CR,LF 8031 U 0000 "%1\%2",CR,LF 8032 U 0000 "%1",CR,LF 8033 U 0000 "%1%2 (Y/N)?" 8034 U 0000 "%1\%2 (Y/N)?" 8036 U 0000 "Invalid Path, not all directories/files copied",CR,LF ;C02 8300 U 0000 "Copies files (except hidden and system files) and directory trees.",CR,LF,CR,LF 8301 U 0000 "XCOPY source [destination] [/A | /M] [/D:date] [/P] [/S [/E]] [/V] [/W]",CR,LF,CR,LF 8302 U 0000 " source Specifies the file(s) to copy.",CR,LF 8303 U 0000 " destination Specifies the location and/or name of new files.",CR,LF 8304 U 0000 " /A Copies files with the archive attribute set,",CR,LF 8305 U 0000 " doesn't change the attribute.",CR,LF 8306 U 0000 " /M Copies files with the archive attribute set,",CR,LF 8307 U 0000 " turns off the archive attribute.",CR,LF 8308 U 0000 " /D:date Copies files changed on or after the specified date.",CR,LF 8309 U 0000 " /P Prompts you before creating each destination file.",CR,LF 8310 U 0000 " /S Copies directories and subdirectories except empty ones.",CR,LF 8311 U 0000 " /E Copies any subdirectories, even if empty.",CR,LF 8312 U 0000 " /V Verifies each new file.",CR,LF 8313 U 0000 " /W Prompts you to press a key before copying.",CR,LF ADDDRV 0002ab47 0046 0011 T 0000 "Microsoft (R) ����^������ײ�ޑg�ݍ���/�����O����۸��� �ް�ޮ� 5.00",CR,LF "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1987-1990,1993. All rights reserved.",CR,LF,LF 0012 T 0000 "���`�t�@�C�����w�肵�Ă�������." 0013 T 0000 "ADDDRV�R�}���h�őg�ݍ��܂ꂽ�f�o�C�X�h���C�o�������܂�." 0014 T 0000 "�f�o�C�X�h���C�o�̑g�ݍ��݂��ł��܂���." 0015 T 0000 "���`�t�@�C���Ɏg�p�ł��Ȃ��R�}���h�������܂�." 0016 T 0000 "CTRL+C �����͂����܂���. ���f���܂�." 0017 T 0000 "�f�o�C�X�h���C�o�͑g�ݍ��܂��܂����ł���." 0018 T 0000 "���`�t�@�C�����I�[�v���ł��܂���." 0019 T 0000 "���`�t�@�C���̃T�C�Y�邱�Ƃ��ł��܂���." 0020 T 0000 "���`�t�@�C���̃T�C�Y���傫�����܂�." 0021 T 0000 "���`�t�@�C�����ǂ߂܂���." 0022 T 0000 "�n�[�h�G���[�ł�. ���f���܂�." 0023 T 0000 "�������̊����t�����ł��܂���." 0024 T 0000 "�������������ł��܂���." 0025 T 0000 "���������ύX�ł��܂���." 0026 T 0000 "���������ő��Ɋ����t���ł��܂���." 0027 T 0000 "ADDDRV�R�}���h�őg�ݍ��܂ꂽ�f�o�C�X�h���C�o�͂����܂���." 0028 T 0000 CR,LF 0029 T 0000 "�p�����[�^���������܂�." 0030 T 0000 "�L�����N�^�^�f�o�C�X�h���C�o���g�ݍ��݂܂�.",CR,LF,LF "ADDDRV [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ�",CR,LF " [��ײ��:][�߽]̧�ٖ� ���`�t�@�C�����w�肵�܂�.",CR,LF 0031 T 0000 "ADDDRV �őg�ݍ��f�o�C�X�h���C�o�������O���܂�.",CR,LF,LF "DELDRV",CR,LF 0032 T 0000 "Windows/DOSSHELL �̃R�}���h�v�����v�g�ł͎��s�ł��܂���.",CR,LF 0033 T 0000 "MS-DOS���� ADDDRV �����f�o�C�X�h���C�o�� Windows���� DELDRV ���邱�Ƃ͂ł��܂���.",CR,LF 8011 U 0000 "Microsoft (R) Character Device driver install and deinstall utility Version 5.00", cr, lf "Copyright (C) Microsoft Corp 1987-1991,1993. All rights reserved.", cr, lf, lf 8012 U 0000 "Definition file is not specified" 8013 U 0000 "Device driver installed by ADDDRV already exists" 8014 U 0000 "Cannot execute the installation of device driver" 8015 U 0000 "Invalid command in definition file" 8016 U 0000 "Operation aborted by CTRL-C" 8017 U 0000 "There is no available installed device driver" 8018 U 0000 "Cannot open the definition file" 8019 U 0000 "Cannot obtain the size of definition file" 8020 U 0000 "The size of definition file is too large" 8021 U 0000 "Cannot read the definition file" 8022 U 0000 "Hard error occured. Installation aborted" 8023 U 0000 "Cannot allocate memory" 8024 U 0000 "Cannot release memory" 8025 U 0000 "Cannot modify memory" 8026 U 0000 "Allocation of largest chunk of memory is not possible" 8027 U 0000 "No installed device driver exist through ADDDRV command" 8028 U 0000 cr,lf 8029 U 0000 "Too many parameters",CR,LF 8030 U 0000 "Install character device drivers.",CR,LF,LF "ADDDRV [drive:][path]filename",CR,LF " [drive:][path]filename specifies a definition file.",CR,LF 8031 U 0000 "Deinstall device driver installed by ADDDRV.",CR,LF,LF "DELDRV",CR,LF 8032 U 0000 "Cannot be done in a Windows/DosShell Command Prompt",CR,LF 8033 U 0000 "Cannot DELDRV the device drivers installed through MS-DOS at Windows",CR,LF