// dpmfprf.c : Dynamic Patch Module for Profile API family
// History:
// 19-jan-02 cmjones created it.
#ifdef DBG
unsigned long dwLogLevel = 0; #endif
#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include "dpmtbls.h"
#include "dpmdbg.h" // include handy debug print macros
#include "shimdb.h"
DWORD dwTlsIndex; char szShimEngDll[] = "\\ShimEng.dll";
BOOL DllInitProc(HMODULE hModule, DWORD Reason, PCONTEXT pContext) { BOOL bRet = TRUE;
switch(Reason) {
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if((hHeap = HeapCreate(0, 4096, GROW_HEAP_AS_NEEDED)) == NULL) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:Can't initialize heap!\n"); bRet = FALSE; }
dwTlsIndex = TlsAlloc(); if(dwTlsIndex == TLS_OUT_OF_INDEXES) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:Can't initialize TLS!\n"); bRet = FALSE; }
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: if(hHeap) { HeapDestroy(hHeap); } TlsFree(dwTlsIndex); break; }
return bRet; }
PFAMILY_TABLE DpmInitFamTable(PFAMILY_TABLE pgDpmFamTbl, HMODULE hMod, PVOID hSdb, PVOID pSdbQuery, LPWSTR pwszAppFilePath, PDPMMODULESETS pModSet) { int i, numApis, len; PVOID lpdpmfn; PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = NULL; PVOID *pFN = NULL; PVOID *pShimTbl = NULL; PAPIDESC pApiDesc = NULL; VDMTABLE VdmTbl; char szShimEng[MAX_PATH]; HMODULE hModShimEng = NULL; LPFNSE_SHIMNTVDM lpShimNtvdm;
DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:Initialziing File I/O API tables\n");
// Get hooked API count from global table
numApis = pgDpmFamTbl->numHookedAPIs;
// Allocate a new family table
pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof(FAMILY_TABLE)); if(!pFT) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:DpmInit:malloc 1 failed\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
// Allocate the shim dispatch table for this family in this task
pShimTbl = (PVOID *)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, numApis * sizeof(PVOID)); if(!pShimTbl) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:DpmInit:malloc 2 failed\n"); goto ErrorExit; } pFT->pDpmShmTbls = pShimTbl;
// Allocate an array of ptrs to hooked API's
pFN = (PVOID *)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, numApis * sizeof(PVOID));
if(!pFN) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:DpmInit:malloc 3 failed\n"); goto ErrorExit; } pFT->pfn = pFN;
pFT->numHookedAPIs = numApis; pFT->hMod = hMod;
// Allocate a temp array of APIDESC structs to help attach shims
pApiDesc = (PAPIDESC)HeapAlloc(hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, numApis * sizeof(APIDESC)); if(!pApiDesc) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:DpmInit:malloc 4 failed\n"); goto ErrorExit; } VdmTbl.nApiCount = numApis; VdmTbl.ppfnOrig = pShimTbl; VdmTbl.pApiDesc = pApiDesc;
// Fill in the family table with ptrs to the patch functions in this DLL.
for(i = 0; i < numApis; i++) {
// must start with 1 since EXPORT ordinals can't be == 0
lpdpmfn = (PVOID)GetProcAddress(hMod, (LPCSTR)MAKELONG(i+1, 0)); if(!lpdpmfn) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:DpmInit:Unable to get proc address\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
// save ptr to the real API in the shim table until it gets shimmed
pShimTbl[i] = pgDpmFamTbl->pfn[i];
// relate the corresponding module and API name to the API function ptr
pApiDesc[i].pszModule = (char *)pModSet->ApiModuleName; pApiDesc[i].pszApi = (char *)pModSet->ApiNames[i];
// save ptr to the patch function
pFN[i] = lpdpmfn;
// Only do this if we need to attach the shim engine.
GetSystemDirectory(szShimEng, MAX_PATH); strcat(szShimEng, szShimEngDll); hModShimEng = LoadLibrary(szShimEng); pFT->hModShimEng = hModShimEng;
if(NULL == hModShimEng) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::dpmfprf:DpmInit:ShimEng load failed\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
lpShimNtvdm = (LPFNSE_SHIMNTVDM)GetProcAddress(hModShimEng, "SE_ShimNTVDM");
if(!lpShimNtvdm) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:DpmInit:GetProcAddress failed\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
// Patch the shim dispatch table with the shim function ptrs
// If this fails we will stick with ptrs to the original API's
(lpShimNtvdm)(pwszAppFilePath, hSdb, pSdbQuery, &VdmTbl);
// Do this if you want dispatch directly to the shim functions
// for(i = 0; i < numApis; i++) {
// pFN[i] = pShimTbl[i];
// }
// HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pShimTbl);
// pFT->pDpmShmTbls = NULL;
if(!TlsSetValue(dwTlsIndex, pFT)) { DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:DpmInit:TLS set failed\n"); goto ErrorExit; }
if(pApiDesc) { HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pApiDesc); }
DPMDBGPRN1(" DpmfPrf:Returning File I/o API tables: %#lx\n",pFT); return(pFT);
ErrorExit: DPMDBGPRN(" DpmfPrf:Init failed: Returning NULL\n"); DpmDestroyFamTable(pgDpmFamTbl, pFT);
if(pApiDesc) { HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pApiDesc); } return(NULL); }
void DpmDestroyFamTable(PFAMILY_TABLE pgDpmFamTbl, PFAMILY_TABLE pFT) { PVDM_TIB pVdmTib; PVOID *pShimTbl; LPFNSE_REMOVENTVDM lpfnSE_RemoveNtvdmTask = NULL;
DPMDBGPRN("NTVDM::DpmfPrf:Destroying Profile API tables for task\n");
// if this task is using the global table for this family, nothing to do
if(!pFT || pFT == pgDpmFamTbl) return;
pShimTbl = pFT->pDpmShmTbls;
if(pShimTbl) { HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pShimTbl); }
if(pFT->pfn) { HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pFT->pfn); }
// See if the shim engine is attached & detach it
if(pFT->hModShimEng) {
lpfnSE_RemoveNtvdmTask = (LPFNSE_REMOVENTVDM)GetProcAddress(pFT->hModShimEng, "SE_RemoveNTVDMTask");
if(lpfnSE_RemoveNtvdmTask) { (lpfnSE_RemoveNtvdmTask)(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread); } FreeLibrary(pFT->hModShimEng); }
HeapFree(hHeap, 0, pFT); }
// ^^^^^^^^^^ All the above should be in every DPM module. ^^^^^^^^^^^^
// vvvvvvvvvv Define module specific stuff below. vvvvvvvvvvvv
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileInt(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszEntry, int iDefault, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileInt: ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileInt(lpszSection, lpszEntry, iDefault, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileString(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszEntry, LPCSTR lpszDefault, LPSTR lpszRetBuf, int cbRetBuf, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileString: ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszDefault, lpszRetBuf, cbRetBuf, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetProfileInt(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszEntry, int iDefault) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetProfileInt: ");
ret = SHM_GetProfileInt(lpszSection, lpszEntry, iDefault);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetProfileString(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszEntry, LPCSTR lpszDefault, LPSTR lpszRetBuf, int cbRetBuf) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetProfileString: ");
ret = SHM_GetProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszDefault, lpszRetBuf, cbRetBuf);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWritePrivateProfileString(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszEntry, LPCSTR lpszString, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WritePrivateProfileString: ");
ret = SHM_WritePrivateProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszString, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWriteProfileString(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszEntry, LPCSTR lpszString) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WriteProfileString: ");
ret = SHM_WriteProfileString(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszString);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWritePrivateProfileSection(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszString, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WritePrivateProfileSection: ");
ret = SHM_WritePrivateProfileSection(lpszSection, lpszString, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileSection(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPSTR lpszRetString, DWORD dwSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileSection: ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileSection(lpszSection, lpszRetString, dwSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetProfileSection(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPSTR lpszRetString, DWORD dwSize) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetProfileSection: ");
ret = SHM_GetProfileSection(lpszSection, lpszRetString, dwSize);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileSectionNames(LPSTR lpszRetBuf, DWORD dwSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileSectionNames: ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(lpszRetBuf, dwSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
/* This isn't an API
ULONG dpmGetProfileSectionNames(LPSTR lpszRetBuf, DWORD dwSize) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetProfileSectionNames: ");
ret = SHM_GetProfileSectionNames(lpszRetBuf, dwSize);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); } */
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileStruct(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszKey, LPVOID lpStruct, UINT cbSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileStruct: ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileStruct(lpszSection, lpszKey, lpStruct, cbSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWritePrivateProfileStruct(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszKey, LPVOID lpStruct, UINT cbSize, LPCSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WritePrivateProfileStruct: ");
ret = SHM_WritePrivateProfileStruct(lpszSection, lpszKey, lpStruct, cbSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWriteProfileSection(LPCSTR lpszSection, LPCSTR lpszString) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WriteProfileSection: ");
ret = SHM_WriteProfileSection(lpszSection, lpszString);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileIntW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, int iDefault, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileIntW ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileIntW(lpszSection, lpszEntry, iDefault, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileStringW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, LPCWSTR lpszDefault, LPWSTR lpszRetBuf, int cbRetBuf, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileStringW ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileStringW(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszDefault, lpszRetBuf, cbRetBuf, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetProfileIntW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, int iDefault) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetProfileIntW ");
ret = SHM_GetProfileIntW(lpszSection, lpszEntry, iDefault);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetProfileStringW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, LPCWSTR lpszDefault, LPWSTR lpszRetBuf, int cbRetBuf) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetProfileStringW ");
ret = SHM_GetProfileStringW(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszDefault, lpszRetBuf, cbRetBuf);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWritePrivateProfileStringW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, LPCWSTR lpszString, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WritePrivateProfileStringW ");
ret = SHM_WritePrivateProfileStringW(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszString, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWriteProfileStringW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszEntry, LPCWSTR lpszString) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WriteProfileStringW ");
ret = SHM_WriteProfileStringW(lpszSection, lpszEntry, lpszString);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWritePrivateProfileSectionW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszString, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WritePrivateProfileSectionW ");
ret = SHM_WritePrivateProfileSectionW(lpszSection, lpszString, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileSectionW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPWSTR lpszRetString, DWORD dwSize, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileSectionW ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileSectionW(lpszSection, lpszRetString, dwSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetProfileSectionW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPWSTR lpszRetString, DWORD dwSize) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetProfileSectionW ");
ret = SHM_GetProfileSectionW(lpszSection, lpszRetString, dwSize);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW(LPWSTR lpszRetBuf, DWORD dwSize, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileSectionNamesW(lpszRetBuf, dwSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmGetPrivateProfileStructW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszKey, LPVOID lpStruct, UINT cbSize, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("GetPrivateProfileStructW ");
ret = SHM_GetPrivateProfileStructW(lpszSection, lpszKey, lpStruct, cbSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWritePrivateProfileStructW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszKey, LPVOID lpStruct, UINT cbSize, LPCWSTR lpszFileName) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WritePrivateProfileStructW ");
ret = SHM_WritePrivateProfileStructW(lpszSection, lpszKey, lpStruct, cbSize, lpszFileName);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }
ULONG dpmWriteProfileSectionW(LPCWSTR lpszSection, LPCWSTR lpszString) { PFAMILY_TABLE pFT = (PFAMILY_TABLE)TlsGetValue(dwTlsIndex); ULONG ret = 0;
DPMDBGPRN("WriteProfileSectionW ");
ret = SHM_WriteProfileSectionW(lpszSection, lpszString);
DPMDBGPRN1(" -> %d\n", ((int)(ret))); return(ret); }