PAGE ,132 TITLE DXDISK.ASM -- Dos Extender Low Level Disk Interface
; Copyright (c) Microsoft Corporation 1988-1991. All Rights Reserved.
;*********************************************************************** ; ; DXDISK.ASM -- Dos Extender Low Level Disk Interface ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; This module provides the 286 DOS extender's low level protected-to- ; real mode disk interface. It supports a subset of the BIOS Int 13h ; and DOS Int 25h/26h services. ; ;----------------------------------------------------------------------- ; ; 05/22/89 jimmat Original version ; 18-Dec-1992 sudeepb Changed cli/sti to faster FCLI/FSTI ; ;***********************************************************************
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INCLUDE FILE DEFINITIONS ; -------------------------------------------------------
.xlist .sall include segdefs.inc include gendefs.inc include pmdefs.inc include interupt.inc include intmac.inc
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; GENERAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; -------------------------------------------------------
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; EXTERNAL SYMBOL DEFINITIONS ; -------------------------------------------------------
extrn EnterIntHandler:NEAR extrn LeaveIntHandler:NEAR extrn EnterRealMode:NEAR extrn EnterProtectedMode:NEAR extrn GetSegmentAddress:NEAR extrn SetSegmentAddress:NEAR externFP NSetSegmentDscr extrn FreeSelector:NEAR extrn AllocateSelector:NEAR extrn ParaToLDTSelector:NEAR
ifdef NEC_98 ; extrn IncInBios:NEAR ; extrn DecInBios:NEAR ; endif ;NEC_98 ;
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DATA SEGMENT DEFINITIONS ; -------------------------------------------------------
DXDATA segment
extrn rgbXfrBuf0:BYTE extrn rgbXfrBuf1:BYTE ifdef NEC_98 extrn rglpfnRmISR:DWORD endif
cbSectorSize dw ? ;sector size for target drive cSectorsTransfered dw ? ;# sectors transfered so far cSectorsToTransfer dw ? ;# sectors to read/write cSectorsPerTransfer dw ? ;# sectors to R/W at a time cSectorsThisTransfer dw ? ;# sectors to R/W this time lpSectorData dd ? ;far pointer to caller's buffer
ifdef NEC_98 ; public lpRmISR endif ;NEC_98 ; lpRmISR dd ? ;real mode int service rtn to invoke
ifdef NEC_98 ; sensedata1 dw ? ;sector length sensedata2 dw ? ;cylinder sensedata3 dd ? ;head sensedata4 dd ? ;sector num
extrn fPCH98:BYTE ;for PC_H98 endif ;NEC_98 ; DXDATA ends
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; CODE SEGMENT VARIABLES ; -------------------------------------------------------
DXCODE segment
DXPMCODE segment
extrn segDXDataPM:WORD
; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 13h Mapping Services page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 13h MAPPING SERVICES ; -------------------------------------------------------
DXPMCODE segment assume cs:DXPMCODE
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; PMIntr13 -- Service routine for the Protect Mode INT 13h ; interface to the real mode BIOS. ; ; Input: Various registers ; Output: Various registers ; Errors: ; Uses: All registers preserved, other than return values ; ; Currently, the following Int 13h services are supported: ; ; ah= 0 - Reset Disk System (no mapping required) ; 1 - Get Disk System Status (no mapping required) ; 2 - Read Sector (mapping required) ; 3 - Write Sector (mapping required) ; 4 - Verify Sector (mapping required) ; 5 - Fromat Track (mapping required) ; 6 - Format Bad Track (no mapping required) ; 7 - Format Drive (no mapping required) ; 8 - Get Drive Parameters (mapping required) ; 9 - Init Fixed Disk Characteristics (no mapping required) ; C - Seek (no mapping required) ; D - Reset Disk System (no mapping required) ; 10 - Get Drive Status (no mapping required) ; 11 - Recalibrate Drive (no mapping required) ; 12 - Controller RAM Diagnostic (no mapping required) ; 13 - Controller Drive Diagnostic (no mapping required) ; 14 - Controller Internal Diagnostic (no mapping required) ; 15 - Get Disk Type (no mapping required) ; 16 - Get Disk Change Status (no mapping required) ; 17 - Set Disk Type (no mapping required) ; 18 - Set Media Type for Format (mapping required) ; 19 - Park Heads (no mapping required) ; ; Functions not listed above will most likely not work properly! ; ; NOTE: several functions take 2 bits of the cylinder number in CL ; if the operation is on a fixed disk. The code currently does ; not account for these bits, and may not work properly if ; the request must be split into smaller operations for real/ ; extended memory buffering. ;
assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:NOTHING public PMIntr13
PMIntr13 proc near
ifdef NEC_98 ; call IncInBios ; endif ;NEC_98 ; cld ;cya...
call EnterIntHandler ;build an interrupt stack frame assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP ; also sets up addressability
FSTI ;allow HW interrupts
call IntEntry13 ;perform translations/buffering
; Execute the real mode BIOS routine ifdef NEC_98 ; push es assume es:nothing mov ax,SEL_RMIVT OR STD_RING mov es,ax mov ax,word ptr es:[4*1bh] ;move real mode Int 13h mov word ptr [bp].lParam,ax ; handler address to mov ax,word ptr es:[4*1bh+2]; lParam on stack frame mov word ptr [bp].lParam+2,ax pop es assume es:DGROUP
mov ah,1bh ;wParam1 = int #, function else ;NEC_98 ;
push es assume es:nothing mov ax,SEL_RMIVT OR STD_RING mov es,ax mov ax,word ptr es:[4*13h] ;move real mode Int 13h mov word ptr [bp].lParam,ax ; handler address to mov ax,word ptr es:[4*13h+2]; lParam on stack frame mov word ptr [bp].lParam+2,ax pop es assume es:DGROUP
mov ah,13h ;wParam1 = int #, function endif ;NEC_98 ; mov al,byte ptr [bp].intUserAX+1 mov [bp].wParam1,ax
ifdef NEC_98 ; and al,0fh cmp al,05 ;write data? jb i13_not_rw cmp al,06 ;read data? ja i13_not_rw else ;NEC_98 ; cmp al,02 ;call special read/write routine jb i13_not_rw ; if this is a read/write sectors cmp al,03 ; request ja i13_not_rw endif ;NEC_98 ;
call ReadWriteSectors ;common Int 13h/25h/26h read/write code jmp short i13_done
i13_not_rw: SwitchToRealMode ;otherwise, do the service ourself pop es pop ds assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:DGROUP popa sub sp,8 ; make room for stack frame push bp mov bp,sp push es push ax
xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov [bp + 8],cs mov [bp + 6],word ptr (offset i13_10) ifdef NEC_98 ; mov ax,es:[1Bh*4] mov [bp + 2],ax mov ax,es:[1Bh*4 + 2] else ;NEC_98 ; mov ax,es:[13h*4] mov [bp + 2],ax mov ax,es:[13h*4 + 2] endif ;NEC_98 ; mov [bp + 4],ax pop ax pop es pop bp retf
i13_10: pushf FCLI pusha push ds push es mov bp,sp ;restore stack frame pointer SwitchToProtectedMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING
FSTI ;allow HW interrupts
; Perform fixups on the return register values.
i13_done: mov ax,[bp].pmUserAX ;get original function code call IntExit13
FCLI ;LeaveIntHandler requires ints off call LeaveIntHandler ;restore caller's registers, stack assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING
ifdef NEC_98 ; call DecInBios ; endif ;NEC_98 ; riret
PMIntr13 endp
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; IntEntry13 -- This routine performs translations and ; buffering of Int 13h requests on entry. ;
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING public IntEntry13
IntEntry13 proc near
ifdef NEC_98 ; and ah,0fh
cmp ah,05 ;Write sectors? jb @f cmp ah,06 ;Read sectors? ja @f
;----------- 90/08/13 copy segment address from ds ------- push ax mov ax,segDXDataPM mov [bp].intUserES,ax ;segment address pop ax ;------------------------------------------------------------ mov [bp].intUserBP,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 ;use DOSX buffer 90/07/13 ret @@: cmp ah,01h ;Verify sectors? jnz @f
mov [bp].intUserES,0F000h ;older versions of verify need a buff, mov [bp].intUserBP,0 ; offset adress 90/07/12 change ret @@: cmp ah,0Dh ;Format track? jnz @f
;------ 90/11/08 debug -----
push ds mov si,[bp].pmUserBP ;es:bx -> 512 byte buffer to copy down mov ds,[bp].pmUserES mov di,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 mov cx,128 ;might be good to check segment limit cld ; on callers source! rep movsw pop ds push ax mov ax,segDXDataPM mov [bp].intUserES,ax ;segment address pop ax mov [bp].intUserBP,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1
push es pop ds
ret @@: ;///// 90/09/04 PC_H98 DISK BIOS command(Read Defect Data) support///// test fPCH98,0FFh jz @f cmp ah,0Ch jz ReadDD cmp ah,2Ch jz ReadDD jmp @f
ReadDD: push ax mov ax,segDXDataPM mov [bp].intUserES,ax ;segment address pop ax mov [bp].intUserBP,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 ;use DOSX buffer 90/07/13 ;///// 90/09/04 PC_H98 DISK BIOS command(Read Defect Data) support/////
@@: ret
else ;NEC_98 ; cmp ah,02 ;Read sectors? jb @f cmp ah,03 ;Write sectors? ja @f
mov [bp].intUserBX,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 ;use DOSX buffer ret @@: cmp ah,04h ;Verify sectors? jnz @f
mov [bp].intUserES,0F000h ;older versions of verify need a buff, mov [bp].intUserBX,0 ; we just point them at the BIOS! ret @@: cmp ah,05h ;Format track? jnz @f
mov si,bx ;es:bx -> 512 byte buffer to copy down mov di,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 mov [bp].intUserBX,di mov ds,[bp].pmUserES mov cx,256 ;might be good to check segment limit cld ; on callers source! rep movsw
push es pop ds
ret @@:
ret endif ;NEC_98 ;
IntEntry13 endp
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; IntExit13 -- This routine performs translations and ; buffering of Int 13h requests on exit. ;
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING public IntExit13
IntExit13 proc near
ifdef NEC_98 ; ; Functions 06h (Read sectors) and 05h (Write sectors) return a count of ; sectors transfered in AL. Since we may break the transfer up into a ; number of transfers, we have to return the total # that we transfered, ; not the number of the last bios request.
;----- 90/11/08 debug ----- and ah,0fh ;----- 90/11/08 debug -----
;----- 90/07/06 change ----- cmp ah,05h ;Write data jb @f cmp ah,06h ;Read data ja @f
mov al,byte ptr cSectorsTransfered mov byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,al @@:
; Functions 06h (Read sectors), 05h (Write sectors), 01h (Verify sectors), ; and 0Dh (Format track) need to have the caller's value of bx restored.
;----- 90/07/06 change -----
cmp ah,01h ;Verify sectors? je @f cmp ah,05h ;Write sectors? je @f cmp ah,06h ;Read sectors? je @f cmp ah,0Dh ;Format track? jne other ;offset adress 90/07/12 change ;----------- 90/08/13 copy segment address from ES ------- mov ax,[bp].pmUserES mov [bp].intUserES,ax ;------------------------------------------------------------ @@: mov ax,[bp].pmUserBP ;restore caller's BP value mov [bp].intUserBP,ax other: ret
else ;NEC_98 ; ; Functions 02h (Read sectors) and 03h (Write sectors) return a count of ; sectors transfered in AL. Since we may break the transfer up into a ; number of transfers, we have to return the total # that we transfered, ; not the number of the last bios request.
cmp ah,02h jb @f cmp ah,03h ja @f
mov al,byte ptr cSectorsTransfered mov byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,al @@:
; Functions 02h (Read sectors), 03h (Write sectors), 04h (Verify sectors), ; and 05h (Format track) need to have the caller's value of bx restored.
cmp ah,02h ;Read sectors? jb @f cmp ah,05 ;Format track? ja @f
mov ax,[bp].pmUserBX ;restore caller's BX value mov [bp].intUserBX,ax ret @@:
; Functions 08h (Get Drive Parameters) and 18h (Set Drive Type for Format) ; return a pointer in ES:DI. Map the segment in ES to a selector
cmp ah,08h ;Get Drive Parameters jz i13_map_es cmp ah,18h jnz @f
i13_map_es: test byte ptr [bp].intUserFL,1 ;don't bother to map ES if jnz @f ; function failed (carry set)
i13_do_it: mov ax,[bp].intUserES ;returns a pointer in ES:DI, get mov bx,STD_DATA ; a selector for it call ParaToLDTSelector mov [bp].pmUserES,ax ret @@:
ret endif ;NEC_98 ;
IntExit13 endp
; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl INT 25h/26h Absolute Disk Read/Write page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; INT 25h/26h ABSOLUTE DISK READ/WRITE ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; PMIntr25 -- This routine provides the protected-to-real ; mode mapping for Int 25h (Absolute Disk Read) ; ; In: al - drive # (0 = A, 1 = B, ...) ; cx - # of sectors to read ; dx - starting sector # ; ds:bx - selector:offset of buffer ; ; -- or -- ; ; al - drive # ; cx - -1 ; ds:bx - pointer to 5 word parameter block ; ; Out: if successful, carry clear ; if unsuccessful, carry set and ; ax - error code
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public PMIntr25
PMIntr25 proc near
ifdef NEC_98 ; call IncInBios ; endif ;NEC_98 ; cld ;cya...
call EnterIntHandler ;build an interrupt stack frame assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP ; also sets up addressability
FSTI ;allow HW interrupts
mov ah,25h call IntEntry2X ;perform translations/buffering
; Do the read
push es mov ax,SEL_RMIVT OR STD_RING mov es,ax assume es:nothing mov ax,word ptr es:[4*25h] ;move real mode Int 25h mov word ptr [bp].lParam,ax ; handler address to mov ax,word ptr es:[4*25h+2]; lParam on stack frame mov word ptr [bp].lParam+2,ax pop es assume es:DGROUP
mov ah,25h ;wParam1 = int # mov [bp].wParam1,ax
call ReadWriteSectors ;common Int 13h/25h/26h read/write code
; Perform fixups on the return register values.
mov ah,25h call IntExit2X ;perform translations/buffering
FCLI call LeaveIntHandler ;restore caller's registers, stack assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING
; Int 25 & 26 leave the caller's flags on the stack, but we want to return ; with the flags returned by the real mode ISR (which LeaveIntHandler has ; incorporated into the caller's flags), so make a copy of the flags and ; pop them into the flags register before returning.
push ax push bp mov bp,sp ;bp -> BP AX IP CS FL mov ax,[bp+8] xchg ax,[bp+2] ;bp -> BP FL IP CS FL pop bp ifdef NEC_98 ; call DecInBios ; endif ;NEC_98 ; npopf
PMIntr25 endp
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; PMIntr26 -- This routine provides the protected-to-real ; mode mapping for Int 26h (Absolute Disk Write) ; ; In: al - drive # (0 = A, 1 = B, ...) ; cx - # of sectors to write ; dx - starting sector # ; ds:bx - selector:offset of buffer ; ; -- or -- ; ; al - drive # ; cx - -1 ; ds:bx - pointer to 5 word parameter block ; ; Out: if successful, carry clear ; if unsuccessful, carry set and ; ax - error code
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP public PMIntr26
PMIntr26 proc near
ifdef NEC_98 ; call IncInBios ; endif ;NEC_98 ; cld ;cya...
call EnterIntHandler ;build an interrupt stack frame assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP ; also sets up addressability
FSTI ;allow HW interrupts
mov ah,26h call IntEntry2X ;perform translations/buffering
; Do the write
push es mov ax,SEL_RMIVT OR STD_RING mov es,ax assume es:nothing mov ax,word ptr es:[4*26h] ;move real mode Int 25h mov word ptr [bp].lParam,ax ; handler address to mov ax,word ptr es:[4*26h+2]; lParam on stack frame mov word ptr [bp].lParam+2,ax pop es assume es:DGROUP
mov ah,26h ;wParam1 = int # mov [bp].wParam1,ax
call ReadWriteSectors ;common Int 13h/25h/26h read/write code
; Perform fixups on the return register values.
mov ah,26h call IntExit2X ;perform translations/buffering
FCLI call LeaveIntHandler ;restore caller's registers, stack assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING
; Int 25 & 26 leave the caller's flags on the stack, but we want to return ; with the flags returned by the real mode ISR (which LeaveIntHandler has ; incorporated into the caller's flags), so make a copy of the flags and ; pop them into the flags register before returning.
push ax push bp mov bp,sp ;bp -> BP AX IP CS FL mov ax,[bp+8] xchg ax,[bp+2] ;bp -> BP FL IP CS FL pop bp ifdef NEC_98 ; call DecInBios ; endif ;NEC_98 ; npopf
PMIntr26 endp
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; IntEntry2X -- This routine performs translations and ; buffering of Int 25h and 26h requests on entry. ;
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING public IntEntry2X
IntEntry2X proc near
cmp [bp].intUserCX,-1 ;DOS 4.0 extended read/write? jnz e2x_dsbx ; no, just go map DS:BX
mov ds,[bp].pmUserDS ; yes, copy down parameter blk assume ds:NOTHING mov si,[bp].pmUserBX mov di,offset rgbXfrBuf0 cld movsw ;32-bit sector # movsw movsw ;# sectors to read/write
mov ax,offset rgbXfrBuf1 ;replace pointer with addr of stosw ; our own low buffer mov ax,segDXDataPM ;segment, not selector stosw
push es pop ds assume ds:DGROUP
mov [bp].intUserBX,offset rgbXfrBuf0
e2x_dsbx: ;standard read/write, just redirect DS:BX
mov [bp].intUserBX,offset rgbXfrBuf1
IntEntry2X endp
; ------------------------------------------------------- ; IntExit2X -- This routine performs translations and ; buffering of Int 25h and 26h requests on exit. ;
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING public IntExit2X
IntExit2X proc near
mov ax,[bp].pmUserBX ;restore caller's BX mov [bp].intUserBX,ax
IntExit2X endp
; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl Disk Utility Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DISK UTILITY ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; ReadWriteSectors -- Common code to read/write disk sectors for ; Int 13h/25h/26h. ; ; In: lParam - seg:off of real mode interrupt handler ; wParam1 - int #, and possible subfunction ; regs on stack
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING public ReadWriteSectors
ReadWriteSectors proc near
ifdef NEC_98 ; pop [bp].wParam2 ;save return addr higher on stack
; Setup the global data items for the read/write--pointer to caller's ; buffer, # sectors to read/write, and sector size.
cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,1Bh ;Int 1Bh? jz DISK_BIOS jmp DOSReadWriteSectors ;;;;;;;; jmp rws_dos_size
DISK_BIOS: ;offset adress 90/07/12 change mov ax,[bp].pmUserBP ;ES:BP points to caller's buf mov word ptr lpSectorData,ax mov ax,[bp].pmUserES mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax
;US:sector num, but :data length 90/07/13
;-------------------------- 90/07/23 in --------------------------- ; to adjust to US, we get a data with sense command on HDD, ; and set a data with 1MB/640KB on FDD. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------- mov al,byte ptr [bp].intUserAX ; ; push ax and al,10h ;DA:4th bit on :FDD pop ax jnz FDBIOS mov ah,84h ;SENSE command
push ax SwitchToRealMode pop ax
pushf ;have BIOS get the drive data call rglpfnRmISR[1Bh*4] ;90/07/04
mov sensedata1,bx ;sector length mov sensedata2,cx ;cylinder mov byte ptr sensedata3,dh ;DH = head mov byte ptr sensedata4,dl ;DL = sector num
SwitchToProtectedMode jmp SECTOR
push ax mov cx,[bp].intUserCX ;sector size shift factor (0,1,2,3) ;;;;;;;; mov cl,byte ptr [bp].intUserCX ;sector size shift factor (0,1,2,3) mov ax,128 xchg ch,cl shl ax,cl ;ax now = sector size mov cx,ax mov sensedata1,cx ;sector length pop ax cmp al,90h ;1MB floppy disk,1MB/640KBdual modefloppy disk(1MB FD access) jb fd640k cmp al,93h ja fd640k ;set the max value to the buffer with 1MBFD mov sensedata2,77 ;cylinder mov word ptr sensedata3,1 ;head mov word ptr sensedata4,26 ;sector num jmp SECTOR
fd640k: cmp al,70h ;640KB floppy disk jb @f cmp al,73h ja @f mov sensedata2,79 ;cylinder mov word ptr sensedata3,1 ;head mov word ptr sensedata4,16 ;sector num jmp SECTOR @@: cmp al,10h ;1MB/640KB dual modefloppy disk(640KB FD access) jb @f cmp al,13h ja @f mov sensedata2,79 ;cylinder mov word ptr sensedata3,1 ;head mov word ptr sensedata4,16 ;sector num jmp SECTOR @@: cmp al,30h ;1.44MBfloppy disk '93 1/5 By S.Kurokawa jb fdother cmp al,33h ja fdother mov sensedata2,79 ;cylinder mov word ptr sensedata3,1 ;head mov word ptr sensedata4,18 ;sector num jmp SECTOR
;------------------------ 90/07/23 ------------------------------ ; for the media except for 1MB FD,640KB FD ::�i10MB FD�j ; we do not know that we can certainly issue a sense command ;-------------------------------------------------------------------- fdother: mov ah,84h ;SENSE command
push ax SwitchToRealMode pop ax
pushf ;have BIOS get the drive data call rglpfnRmISR[1Bh*4] ;90/07/04
mov sensedata1,bx ;sector length mov sensedata2,cx ;cylinder mov byte ptr sensedata3,dh ;DH = head mov byte ptr sensedata4,dl ;DL = sector num
SECTOR: push dx xor dx,dx mov cx,sensedata1 ;sector length mov ax,[bp].intUserBX ;# sectors caller wants to div cx mov cSectorsToTransfer,ax ;bytes�^sector len��sector num pop dx
;;;; mov cx,1 ;90/07/13 FSTI ;don't need them disabled
if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------
cmp cx,512 jz @f Debug_Out "Odd sector size = #CX" @@:
endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------
; CX now has the drive's sector size. Determine how many sectors we can ; transfer at a time
mov cbSectorSize,cx ;save sector size for later
xor dx,dx mov ax,CB_XFRBUF1 ;buf size / sector size = sectors per div cx ; transfer
if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ or ax,ax jnz @f Debug_Out "Sectors per transfer = 0!" @@: endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------
mov cSectorsPerTransfer,ax
xor ax,ax mov cSectorsTransfered,ax ;sectors transfered so far = 0 mov cSectorsThisTransfer,ax ;sectors transfered last time = 0
; Get/init a selector that we'll use to reference the caller's buffer.
mov ax,word ptr [lpSectorData+2] ;get lma of caller's buffer call GetSegmentAddress add dx,word ptr lpSectorData adc bx,0
call AllocateSelector ;build a sel/dscr pointing mov cx,0FFFFh cCall NSetSegmentDscr,<ax,bx,dx,0,cx,STD_DATA> xor bx,bx mov word ptr lpSectorData,bx ;use that as the buffer ptr mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax
; ====================================================================== ; Main sector read/write loop ------------------------------------------ ; ======================================================================
; Calculate how many sectors to transfer this time around, set starting ; sector number based on how many transfered last time.
; int 3 ;------ 90/11/08 debug ------
mov ax,cSectorsToTransfer ;total sector sub ax,cSectorsTransfered ;total sector - transferred sector = remain jnz @f jmp rws_done @@: cmp ax,cSectorsPerTransfer ;buffer size / sector len = sectors in buffer jna @f ;sectors in buffer > remain sectors = remain mov ax,cSectorsPerTransfer ;sectors in buffer < remain = sectors in buffer @@: mov bx,cSectorsThisTransfer ;still # R/W from last loop
push [bp].pmUserAX ;the BIOS does not save pop [bp].intUserAX ; registers across calls to push [bp].pmUserCX ; it so if we're doing pop [bp].intUserCX ; multiple calls to buffer ; push [bp].pmUserDX ; data, restore the initial ; pop [bp].intUserDX ; register values
; Previous two lines include bug. '93 1/15 Debugged by S.Kurokawa.
;in data transmits with a byte, so mov AX to BX 90/07/18 ;;;; mov byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,al ;# sectors in AL = sectors push ax ;90/11/08 xor ah,ah ;for calc a data len, ah=0 90/07/25 mov cx,cbSectorSize mul cx ;sector num * sector len 90/07/25 mov [bp].intUserBX,ax ;# sectors in BX = data len pop ax ;90/11/08 ;;;; add byte ptr [bp].intUserCX,bl ;update new start sector in CL add byte ptr [bp].intUserDX,bl ;update new start sector in DL = sector num�@90/07/13
; At this point, AX has the number of sectors to transfer. If this is a ; write, copy a buffer of data from the caller's buffer.
mov cSectorsThisTransfer,ax ;in case it's a read ;cSectorsThisTransfer = sectors in buffer or remained sectors
;----------------90/11/08 debug ------------------------------------- push ax mov ax,[bp].wParam1 ;BIOS write? and ax,0ff0fh cmp ax,1B05h ;BIOS write? pop ax ;----------------90/11/08 debug ------------------------------------- jnz rws_not_write ; call DBIOS_DEVICE
mul cbSectorSize ;AX now = # bytes to transfer mov cx,ax ;can safely assume < 64k shr cx,1 ;# words to move ; lds si,lpSectorData ; assume ds:NOTHING push ds mov si,[bp].pmUserBP ;90/11/09 mov ds,[bp].pmUserES ;90/11/09
; mov di,offset rgbXfrBuf1 mov di,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 cld rep movsw pop ds push es pop ds assume ds:DGROUP
mov word ptr [bp].pmUserBP,si ;update src ptr for next time ; mov word ptr lpSectorData,si ;update src ptr for next time ; call NormalizeBufPtr ; and normalize it
;------------------------------------------------------------ push ax ;90/11/09 ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov ax,segDXDataPM ; mov ax,[bp].pmUserES ;debug ;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;; mov [bp].intUserES,ax ;segment address pop ax mov [bp].intUserBP,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 ;------------------------------------------------------------
; Switch to real mode, do the transfer.
SwitchToRealMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP
push word ptr [bp].lParam pop word ptr lpRmISR push word ptr [bp].lParam+2 pop word ptr lpRmISR+2
pop es pop ds assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:DGROUP popa call lpRmISR pushf FCLI
pusha push ds push es mov bp,sp ;restore stack frame pointer
SwitchToProtectedMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING
FSTI ;allow HW interrupts
; If the call failed, then cut out now without further processing...
test byte ptr [bp].intUserFL,1 ;CY set? jnz rws_done
; If this was a successful read, copy the data back to the caller.
;----------------90/11/08 debug ------------------------------------- push ax mov ax,[bp].wParam1 ;BIOS write? and ax,0ff0fh cmp ax,1B06h ;BIOS write? pop ax ;----------------90/11/08 debug ------------------------------------- jnz rws_not_read ; call DBIOS_DEVICE
rws_buf_read: mov ax,cSectorsThisTransfer ;calc size of data to move mul cbSectorSize mov cx,ax shr cx,1 ;in words ;;;;;;;; les di,lpSectorData ;caller's buffer pointer ;;;;;;;; assume es:NOTHING push es mov di,[bp].pmUserBP mov es,[bp].pmUserES mov si,offset DGROUP:rgbXfrBuf1 cld rep movsw pop es push ds pop es assume es:DGROUP
mov word ptr [bp].pmUserBP,di ;update dest ptr for next time ; mov word ptr lpSectorData,di ;update dest ptr for next time ; call NormalizeBufPtr ; and normailize it
mov ax,cSectorsThisTransfer ;count total sectors transfered add cSectorsTransfered,ax ;add sectors transmitted ;to previous sectors ;----------- 90/11/09 copy the segment address ------- push ax mov ax,[bp].pmUserES ;90/09/19 BX regster restor mov [bp].intUserES,ax mov ax,[bp].pmUserBP mov [bp].intUserBP,ax pop ax ;------------------------------------------------------------
jmp rws_do_it_loop ;go do another buffer full
mov ax,word ptr [lpSectorData+2] ;release our temp buffer sel call FreeSelector
jmp [bp].wParam2 else ;NEC_98 ; pop [bp].wParam2 ;save return addr higher on stack
; Setup the global data items for the read/write--pointer to caller's ; buffer, # sectors to read/write, and sector size.
cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,13h ;Int 13h? jnz rws_dos_size
mov ax,[bp].pmUserBX ;ES:BX points to caller's buf mov word ptr lpSectorData,ax mov ax,[bp].pmUserES mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax
mov al,byte ptr [bp].intUserAX ;# sectors caller wants to xor ah,ah ; read or write mov cSectorsToTransfer,ax
mov ah,08h ;get drive parameters mov dx,[bp].intUserDX ; for drive in DL
push ax SwitchToRealMode pop ax
pushf ;have BIOS get the drive data sub sp,8 ; make room for stack frame push bp mov bp,sp push es push ax
xor ax,ax mov es,ax mov [bp + 8],cs mov [bp + 6],word ptr (offset rws_10) mov ax,es:[13h*4] mov [bp + 2],ax mov ax,es:[13h*4 + 2] mov [bp + 4],ax pop ax pop es pop bp retf rws_10: jnc @f
mov cx,512 ;according to PS/2 tech ref, some jmp short rws_to_pm ; old bios versions may fail this, @@: ; just use 512 in that case
mov cl,es:[di+3] ;sector size shift factor (0,1,2,3) mov ax,128 shl ax,cl ;ax now = sector size mov cx,ax
rws_to_pm: SwitchToProtectedMode
FSTI ;don't need them disabled
if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------
cmp cx,512 jz @f Debug_Out "Odd sector size = #CX" @@:
endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------
jmp short rws_have_size
; Before DOS 4.0, CX was the # sectors to read/write. Starting with 4.0, ; if CX == -1, DS:BX points to a parameter block which contains the ; sector size at offset 4.
mov cx,[bp].intUserCX ;caller's cs == -1? inc cx jcxz rws_dos_4 dec cx ; no, then cx has sector count
mov ax,[bp].pmUserBX ; and DS:BX points to buffer mov word ptr lpSectorData,ax mov ax,[bp].pmUserDS mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax
jmp short rws_dos_num_secs
mov cx,word ptr rgbXfrBuf0+4 ; yes, get count from low param block
push ds ; and DS:BX points to param block mov ds,[bp].pmUserDS ; which contains pointer to buffer assume ds:NOTHING mov bx,[bp].pmUserBX mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+6] mov word ptr lpSectorData,ax mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+8] mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax pop ds assume DS:DGROUP
rws_dos_num_secs: mov cSectorsToTransfer,cx ;number sectors to read/write
mov cx,512 ;I've been assured by a WINFILE developer ; that the Int 25/26 sector size will always ; be 512 bytes.
; CX now has the drive's sector size. Determine how many sectors we can ; transfer at a time
mov cbSectorSize,cx ;save sector size for later
xor dx,dx mov ax,CB_XFRBUF1 ;buf size / sector size = sectors per div cx ; transfer
if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ or ax,ax jnz @f Debug_Out "Sectors per transfer = 0!" @@: endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------
mov cSectorsPerTransfer,ax
xor ax,ax mov cSectorsTransfered,ax ;sectors transfered so far = 0 mov cSectorsThisTransfer,ax ;sectors transfered last time = 0
; Get/init a selector that we'll use to reference the caller's buffer.
mov ax,word ptr [lpSectorData+2] ;get lma of caller's buffer call GetSegmentAddress add dx,word ptr lpSectorData adc bx,0
call AllocateSelector ;build a sel/dscr pointing mov cx,0FFFFh cCall NSetSegmentDscr,<ax,bx,dx,0,cx,STD_DATA> xor bx,bx mov word ptr lpSectorData,bx ;use that as the buffer ptr mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax
; ====================================================================== ; Main sector read/write loop ------------------------------------------ ; ======================================================================
; Calculate how many sectors to transfer this time around, set starting ; sector number based on how many transfered last time.
mov ax,cSectorsToTransfer sub ax,cSectorsTransfered jnz @f jmp rws_done @@: cmp ax,cSectorsPerTransfer jna @f mov ax,cSectorsPerTransfer @@: mov bx,cSectorsThisTransfer ;STIll # R/W from last loop
cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,13h ;BIOS read/write? jnz rws_use_dos_size
push [bp].pmUserAX ;the BIOS does not save pop [bp].intUserAX ; registers across calls to push [bp].pmUserCX ; it so if we're doing pop [bp].intUserCX ; multiple calls to buffer push [bp].pmUserDX ; data, restore the initial pop [bp].intUserDX ; register values
mov byte ptr [bp].intUserAX,al ;# sectors in AL
add byte ptr [bp].intUserCX,bl ;update new start sector in CL
jmp short rws_size_start_set
cmp [bp].intUserCX,0FFFFh ;normal or extended DOS? jz rws_dos4_size mov [bp].intUserCX,ax ; normal, # sectors in CX
add [bp].intUserDX,bx ; new start sector in DX
jmp short rws_size_start_set
mov word ptr rgbXfrBuf0+4,ax ; extended, # sectors & 32 bit add word ptr rgbXfrBuf0,bx ; start sector in parameter adc word ptr rgbXfrBuf0+2,0 ; block
; At this point, AX has the number of sectors to transfer. If this is a ; write, copy a buffer of data from the caller's buffer.
mov cSectorsThisTransfer,ax ;in case it's a read
cmp [bp].wParam1,1303h ;BIOS write? jz rws_buf_write cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,26h ;DOS write? jnz rws_not_write
mul cbSectorSize ;AX now = # bytes to transfer mov cx,ax ;can safely assume < 64k shr cx,1 ;# words to move lds si,lpSectorData assume ds:NOTHING mov di,offset rgbXfrBuf1 cld rep movsw
push es pop ds assume ds:DGROUP
mov word ptr lpSectorData,si ;update src ptr for next time call NormalizeBufPtr ; and normalize it
; Switch to real mode, do the transfer.
SwitchToRealMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP
push word ptr [bp].lParam pop word ptr lpRmISR push word ptr [bp].lParam+2 pop word ptr lpRmISR+2
cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,13h jnz rws_call_dos
pop es pop ds assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:DGROUP popa call lpRmISR pushf FCLI jmp short rws_save_regs
rws_call_dos: pop es pop ds assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:DGROUP popa call lpRmISR pop word ptr lpRmISR ;int 25/26 leave flags on stack, pushf ; pop them to nowhere FCLI
rws_save_regs: pusha push ds push es mov bp,sp ;restore stack frame pointer
SwitchToProtectedMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING
FSTI ;allow HW interrupts
; If the call failed, then cut out now without further processing...
test byte ptr [bp].intUserFL,1 ;CY set? jnz rws_done
; If this was a successful read, copy the data back to the caller.
cmp [bp].wParam1,1302h ;BIOS read? jz rws_buf_read cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,25h ;DOS read? jnz rws_not_read
rws_buf_read: mov ax,cSectorsThisTransfer ;calc size of data to move mul cbSectorSize mov cx,ax shr cx,1 ;in words les di,lpSectorData ;caller's buffer pointer assume es:NOTHING mov si,offset rgbXfrBuf1 cld rep movsw
push ds pop es assume es:DGROUP
mov word ptr lpSectorData,di ;update dest ptr for next time call NormalizeBufPtr ; and normailize it
mov ax,cSectorsThisTransfer ;count total sectors transfered add cSectorsTransfered,ax
jmp rws_do_it_loop ;go do another buffer full
mov ax,word ptr [lpSectorData+2] ;release our temp buffer sel call FreeSelector
jmp [bp].wParam2 endif ;NEC_98 ;
ReadWriteSectors endp
ifdef NEC_98 ; ; ------------------------------------------------------- subttl Disk Utility Routines page ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DISK UTILITY ROUTINES ; ------------------------------------------------------- ; DOSReadWriteSectors -- Common code to read/write disk sectors for ; Int 13h/25h/26h. ; ; In: lParam - seg:off of real mode interrupt handler ; wParam1 - int #, and possible subfunction ; regs on stack
assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING public DOSReadWriteSectors
DOSReadWriteSectors proc near
; int 3 ;------ 90/11/08 debug ------
; pop [bp].wParam3 ;save return addr higher on stack
; Setup the global data items for the read/write--pointer to caller's ; buffer, # sectors to read/write, and sector size.
; Before DOS 4.0, CX was the # sectors to read/write. Starting with 4.0, ; if CX == -1, DS:BX points to a parameter block which contains the ; sector size at offset 4.
mov cx,[bp].intUserCX ;caller's cs == -1? inc cx jcxz rws_dos_4 dec cx ; no, then cx has sector count
mov ax,[bp].pmUserBX ; and DS:BX points to buffer mov word ptr lpSectorData,ax mov ax,[bp].pmUserDS mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax
jmp short rws_dos_num_secs
mov cx,word ptr rgbXfrBuf0+4 ; yes, get count from low param block
push ds ; and DS:BX points to param block mov ds,[bp].pmUserDS ; which contains pointer to buffer assume ds:NOTHING mov bx,[bp].pmUserBX mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+6] mov word ptr lpSectorData,ax mov ax,word ptr ds:[bx+8] mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax pop ds assume DS:DGROUP
rws_dos_num_secs: mov cSectorsToTransfer,cx ;number sectors to read/write
; ; We will need the sector size if we have to break up the transfer. ; if 0 push ds push bx mov dl,byte ptr [bp].pmUserAX inc dl mov ah,1ch assume DS:NOTHING int 21h pop bx pop ds assume DS:DGROUP cmp al,0ffh jne rws_have_size ; ; Call to DOS to get drive data failed, probably due to invalid ; drive number. Assume 512, let INT 25h/26h return the failure. ; rws_use_default: �@�@ mov cx,512
else push bx mov bl, byte ptr [bp].pmUserAX inc bl call GetSectorSize pop bx endif
; CX now has the drive's sector size. Determine how many sectors we can ; transfer at a time
mov cbSectorSize,cx ;save sector size for later
xor dx,dx mov ax,CB_XFRBUF1 ;buf size / sector size = sectors per div cx ; transfer
if DEBUG ;------------------------------------------------------------ or ax,ax jnz @f Debug_Out "Sectors per transfer = 0!" @@: endif ;DEBUG --------------------------------------------------------
mov cSectorsPerTransfer,ax
xor ax,ax mov cSectorsTransfered,ax ;sectors transfered so far = 0 mov cSectorsThisTransfer,ax ;sectors transfered last time = 0
; Get/init a selector that we'll use to reference the caller's buffer.
mov ax,word ptr [lpSectorData+2] ;get lma of caller's buffer call GetSegmentAddress add dx,word ptr lpSectorData adc bx,0
call AllocateSelector ;build a sel/dscr pointing mov cx,0FFFFh cCall NSetSegmentDscr,<ax,bx,dx,0,cx,STD_DATA> xor bx,bx mov word ptr lpSectorData,bx ;use that as the buffer ptr mov word ptr [lpSectorData+2],ax
; ====================================================================== ; Main sector read/write loop ------------------------------------------ ; ======================================================================
; Calculate how many sectors to transfer this time around, set starting ; sector number based on how many transfered last time.
; int 3 ;------ 90/11/08 debug ------
mov ax,cSectorsToTransfer ;totak sectors sub ax,cSectorsTransfered ;total sectors - sectors transmitted = remaine sectors jnz @f jmp DOS_rws_done @@: cmp ax,cSectorsPerTransfer ;buffer size / sector len = sectors in buffer jna @f ;sectors in buffer > remain = remain mov ax,cSectorsPerTransfer ;sectors in buf < remain = sectors in buffer @@: mov bx,cSectorsThisTransfer ;still # R/W from last loop
cmp [bp].intUserCX,0FFFFh ;normal or extended DOS? jz rws_dos4_size mov [bp].intUserCX,ax ; normal, # sectors in CX
add [bp].intUserDX,bx ; new start sector in DX
jmp short DOS_rws_size_start_set
mov word ptr rgbXfrBuf0+4,ax ; extended, # sectors & 32 bit add word ptr rgbXfrBuf0,bx ; start sector in parameter adc word ptr rgbXfrBuf0+2,0 ; block
; At this point, AX has the number of sectors to transfer. If this is a ; write, copy a buffer of data from the caller's buffer.
mov cSectorsThisTransfer,ax ;in case it's a read ;cSectorsThisTransfer = sectors in buffer or remain sectors
;----------------- 90/07/24 ----------------------------------------- cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,26h ;DOS write? jz DOS_rws_buf_write jmp DOS_rws_not_write
mul cbSectorSize ;AX now = # bytes to transfer mov cx,ax ;can safely assume < 64k shr cx,1 ;# words to move lds si,lpSectorData assume ds:NOTHING mov di,offset rgbXfrBuf1 cld rep movsw
push es pop ds assume ds:DGROUP
mov word ptr lpSectorData,si ;update src ptr for next time call NormalizeBufPtr ; and normalize it
; Switch to real mode, do the transfer.
SwitchToRealMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP
push word ptr [bp].lParam pop word ptr lpRmISR push word ptr [bp].lParam+2 pop word ptr lpRmISR+2
rws_call_dos: pop es pop ds assume ds:NOTHING,es:NOTHING,ss:DGROUP popa pusha ; This trashes all registers call lpRmISR mov bp,sp jnc @F ; If carry, AX = error code mov [bp+14],ax @@: popa pop word ptr lpRmISR ; int 25/26 leave flags on stack, ; pop them to nowhere pushf FCLI
; int 3
pusha push ds push es mov bp,sp ;restore stack frame pointer
SwitchToProtectedMode assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING
FSTI ;allow HW interrupts
; If the call failed, then cut out now without further processing...
test byte ptr [bp].intUserFL,1 ;CY set? jnz DOS_rws_done
; If this was a successful read, copy the data back to the caller.
;----------------- 90/07/23 ----------------------------------------- cmp byte ptr [bp].wParam1+1,25h ;DOS read? jz DOS_rws_buf_read jmp DOS_rws_not_read
DOS_rws_buf_read: mov ax,cSectorsThisTransfer ;calc size of data to move mul cbSectorSize mov cx,ax shr cx,1 ;in words les di,lpSectorData ;caller's buffer pointer assume es:NOTHING mov si,offset rgbXfrBuf1 cld rep movsw
push ds pop es assume es:DGROUP
mov word ptr lpSectorData,di ;update dest ptr for next time call NormalizeBufPtr ; and normailize it
mov ax,cSectorsThisTransfer ;count total sectors transfered add cSectorsTransfered,ax ;add sectors transmitted ;to previous sectors
jmp DOS_rws_do_it_loop ;go do another buffer full
mov ax,word ptr [lpSectorData+2] ;release our temp buffer sel call FreeSelector
jmp [bp].wParam2
DOSReadWriteSectors endp endif ;NEC_98 ;
; -------------------------------------------------------
; This routine 'normalizes' the far pointer in lpSectorData such that ; the selector/descriptor points to where the selector:offset currently ; points
assume ds:DGROUP,es:NOTHING
NormalizeBufPtr proc near
mov ax,word ptr [lpSectorData+2] ;get segment base address call GetSegmentAddress add dx,word ptr lpSectorData ;add in current offset adc bx,0 call SetSegmentAddress ;make that the new seg base xor bx,bx mov word ptr lpSectorData,bx ; with a zero offset
NormalizeBufPtr endp
ifdef NEC_98 ; public GetSectorSize GetSectorSize proc near
push ax push bx push dx push ds sub sp, 40h mov dx, sp push ss pop ds mov ax, 440Dh mov cx, 0860h int 21h ifdef NEC_98 mov cx, 1024 ; if 440D doesn't work, 512 bytes! else ;NEC_98 mov cx, 512 ; if 440D doesn't work, 512 bytes! endif ;NEC_98 jc @F mov bx, dx mov cx, word ptr ds:[bx+7] ; bytes per sector first field @@: add sp, 40h pop ds ; in BPB at offset 7. pop dx pop bx pop ax ret
GetSectorSize endp
;-------------------------- DBIOS_DEVICE -------------------------------- ; for difference of cylinders, heads, sectors between all devices ; if reached at each max value, we change the cylinders, heads ; to have a READ/WRITE process ;------------------------------------------------------------------------ assume ds:DGROUP,es:DGROUP,ss:NOTHING public DBIOS_DEVICE
DBIOS_DEVICE proc near
mov ax,[bp].intUserDX ;DH = head num�CDL = sector num cmp byte ptr sensedata4,al ;maximum sector num ? jnz DBIOS_RET ;NO = JMP cmp byte ptr sensedata3,ah ;maximum head num ? jnz HEADINC ;NO = JMP mov [bp].intUserDX,0 ;DH = head num�CDL = sector num 0 mov ax,[bp].intUserCX ;set the next cylinder add al,1 ; mov [bp].intUserCX,ax ; DBIOS_RET: ret ; HEADINC: add ah,1 ;increase head num mov al,0 ;sector num 0 mov [bp].intUserDX,ax ;set ret DBIOS_DEVICE endp endif ;NEC_98 ; DXPMCODE ends
;**************************************************************** end