Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This function contains the default ntsd debugger extensions
Bob Day (bobday) 29-Feb-1992 Grabbed standard header
Revision History:
Neil Sandlin (NeilSa) 15-Jan-1996 Merged with vdmexts
#include <precomp.h>
#pragma hdrstop
BOOL bWalkOnly = FALSE;
ULONG GetHeapBase( VOID ) { WORD selector; SELECTORINFO si;
if (!ReadMemExpression("ntvdmd!DbgWowhGlobalHeap", &selector, sizeof(selector))) { return 0; }
GetInfoFromSelector(selector, PROT_MODE, &si);
return(si.Base + GetIntelBase());
void GetFileNameFromOwner( LPSTR filename, LPSTR OwnerName ) { }
VOID GetHeapOwnerInfo( HEAPENTRY *he ) { BOOL b; NEHEADER owner; ULONG base; UCHAR len; int i; ULONG offset; WORD wTemp;
he->SegmentNumber = -1; he->OwnerName[0] = 0; if (he->gnode.pga_owner == 0) { strcpy(he->OwnerName, "free"); return; } else if (he->gnode.pga_owner>=0xFFF8) { strcpy(he->OwnerName, "sentinel"); return; }
base = GetInfoFromSelector(he->gnode.pga_owner, PROT_MODE, NULL) + GetIntelBase();
b = READMEM((LPVOID)base, &owner, sizeof(owner));
if (b) { if (owner.ne_magic == 0x454e) {
len = ReadByteSafe(base+owner.ne_restab); if (len>8) { len=8; } READMEM((LPVOID)(base+owner.ne_restab+1), he->OwnerName, 8);
he->OwnerName[len] = 0; if (!_stricmp(he->OwnerName, "kernel")) { strcpy(he->FileName, "krnl386"); } else { strcpy(he->FileName, he->OwnerName); }
offset = owner.ne_segtab;
for (i=0; i<owner.ne_cseg; i++) { wTemp = ReadWordSafe(base+offset+8); //get handle
if (wTemp == he->gnode.pga_handle) { he->SegmentNumber = i; break; } offset += 10; }
} }
BOOL CheckGlobalHeap( BOOL bVerbose ) { PGHI32 pghi; DWORD offset, prevoffset; DWORD count, heapcount; DWORD p; GNODE32 gnode; PBYTE pFault = NULL; BOOL bError = FALSE;
pghi = (PGHI32)GetHeapBase(); prevoffset = offset = (DWORD) ReadWord(&pghi->hi_first); heapcount = count = ReadWord(&pghi->hi_count);
if (bVerbose) { PRINTF("Global Heap is at %08X\n", pghi); }
while ((offset != 0) && (count)) {
if (offset&0x1f) { PRINTF("Error! Kernel heap entry(%08X) contains invalid forward link (%08X)\n", prevoffset, offset); return FALSE; }
p = (DWORD)pghi + offset;
if (!ReadGNode32Safe(p, &gnode)) {
PRINTF("Error! Kernel heap entry(%08X) contains invalid forward link (%08X)\n", prevoffset, offset); return FALSE;
if (count == heapcount) { // first entry
if (offset != gnode.pga_prev) { PRINTF("Error! Kernel heap entry (%08X) contains invalid back link (%08X)\n", offset, gnode.pga_prev); PRINTF(" expecting (%08X)\n", offset); return FALSE; } } else { if (prevoffset != gnode.pga_prev) { PRINTF("Error! Kernel heap entry (%08X) contains invalid back link (%08X)\n", offset, gnode.pga_prev); PRINTF(" expecting (%08X)\n", prevoffset); return FALSE; } }
prevoffset = offset;
count--; if (offset == gnode.pga_next) { if (!count) { if (bVerbose) { PRINTF("%d entries scanned\n", heapcount); } return TRUE; } else { PRINTF("Error! Kernel heap count (%d) larger then forward chain (%d)\n", heapcount, heapcount-count); } } offset = gnode.pga_next; }
PRINTF("Error! Kernel heap count (%d) smaller then forward chain\n", heapcount); return FALSE; }
BOOL FindHeapEntry( HEAPENTRY *he, UINT FindMethod, BOOL bVerbose ) { PGHI32 pghi; DWORD offset; DWORD MaxEntries, count; DWORD p; PBYTE pFault = NULL; BOOL bError = FALSE;
pghi = (PGHI32)GetHeapBase();
// Verify that we are looking at a heap
offset = (DWORD) ReadWordSafe(&pghi->hi_first); p = (DWORD)pghi + offset; if (!ReadGNode32Safe(p, &he->gnode)) { if (bVerbose) { PRINTF("Heap not available\n"); } return FALSE; } if (offset != he->gnode.pga_prev) { if (bVerbose) { PRINTF("Heap not valid\n"); } return FALSE; }
// The caller has requested that we return the next heap
// entry since the last invocation, or the first entry.
if (he->CurrentEntry == 0) {
// get first entry
offset = (DWORD) ReadWord(&pghi->hi_first);
} else { if (he->CurrentEntry == he->NextEntry) { return FALSE; }
// get next entry
offset = he->NextEntry;
he->CurrentEntry = offset;
if ((he->Selector == 0) && (FindMethod != FHE_FIND_MOD_ONLY)) {
p = (DWORD)pghi + offset; if (!ReadGNode32(p, &he->gnode)) {
return FALSE;
he->NextEntry = he->gnode.pga_next; GetHeapOwnerInfo(he); return TRUE; }
// If we get here, the caller wants us to scan the heap
MaxEntries = ReadWord(&pghi->hi_count); count = 0;
while ((offset != 0) && (count <= MaxEntries)) {
p = (DWORD)pghi + offset;
if (!ReadGNode32(p, &he->gnode)) {
return FALSE;
} else {
if (FindMethod == FHE_FIND_ANY) { WORD sel = he->Selector;
if (((sel|1)==((WORD)he->gnode.pga_handle|1)) || ((sel|1)==((WORD)he->gnode.pga_owner|1)) || (sel==offset))
{ he->NextEntry = he->gnode.pga_next; GetHeapOwnerInfo(he); return TRUE; }
} else if (FindMethod == FHE_FIND_MOD_ONLY) {
GetHeapOwnerInfo(he); if (!_stricmp(he->OwnerName, he->ModuleArg)) { he->NextEntry = he->gnode.pga_next; return TRUE; }
} else { if ((he->Selector|1)==((WORD)he->gnode.pga_handle|1)) { he->NextEntry = he->gnode.pga_next; GetHeapOwnerInfo(he); return TRUE; } } }
count++; if (offset == he->gnode.pga_next) { break; } offset = he->gnode.pga_next; he->CurrentEntry = offset; }
return FALSE; }
VOID chkheap( CMD_ARGLIST ) { CMD_INIT(); if (CheckGlobalHeap(TRUE)) { PRINTF("Heap checks OK\n"); }
// dumpgheap xxx
// where xxx is the 16-bit protect mode selector of the
// Kernel global heap info.
VOID dgh( CMD_ARGLIST ) { HEAPENTRY he = {0}; SELECTORINFO si; ULONG TotalAllocated = 0; ULONG TotalFree = 0; ULONG CountPrinted = 0;
if (GetNextToken()) { he.Selector = (WORD) EXPRESSION( lpArgumentString ); }
PRINTF("Arena Base Limit Hnd Own Fl Lk Module Type Resid"); PRINTF("\n");
PRINTF("===== ======== ======== ==== ==== == == ======== ==== ====="); PRINTF("\n");
while (FindHeapEntry(&he, FHE_FIND_ANY, FHE_FIND_VERBOSE)) {
PRINTF("%.5x", he.CurrentEntry); PRINTF(" %.8x", he.gnode.pga_address); PRINTF(" %.8X", he.gnode.pga_size); PRINTF(" %.4X", he.gnode.pga_handle); PRINTF(" %.4X", he.gnode.pga_owner); PRINTF(" %.2X", he.gnode.pga_flags); PRINTF(" %.2X", he.gnode.pga_count); PRINTF(" %-8.8s", he.OwnerName);
GetInfoFromSelector((WORD)(he.gnode.pga_handle | 1), PROT_MODE, &si);
PRINTF(" %s", si.bCode ? "Code" : "Data");
if (he.SegmentNumber != -1) { PRINTF(" %d", he.SegmentNumber+1); } PRINTF("\n");
if (!he.gnode.pga_owner) { TotalFree += he.gnode.pga_size; } else { TotalAllocated += he.gnode.pga_size; } CountPrinted++; }
if (CountPrinted > 1) { PRINTF("\n Allocated = %dK, Free = %dK\n", TotalAllocated/1024, TotalFree/1024); } }
VOID UpdateLockCount( int count ) { HEAPENTRY he = {0}; BYTE LockCount;
if (GetNextToken()) { he.Selector = (WORD) EXPRESSION( lpArgumentString ); } else { PRINTF("Please enter a selector or handle\n"); return; }
if (FindHeapEntry(&he, FHE_FIND_SEL_ONLY, FHE_FIND_VERBOSE)) {
if (READMEM((LPVOID)(GetHeapBase()+he.CurrentEntry+0x14), &LockCount, 1)) {
LockCount = (BYTE)((int) LockCount + count); WRITEMEM((LPVOID)(GetHeapBase()+he.CurrentEntry+0x14), &LockCount, 1); PRINTF("Lock count for %.4X is now %d\n", he.Selector, LockCount);
} else {
PRINTF("<can't read memory at that location>\n");
} else { PRINTF("Can't find selector %4X in WOW heap\n", he.Selector); } }
UpdateLockCount(1); }
UpdateLockCount(-1); }