#include <windows.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <conio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "graftabl.h"
* * FUNCTION: 32-bit version of GRAFTABL * * Syntax: GRAFTABL [XXX] * GRAFTABL /STATUS * * COMMENTS: This program changes only Console Output CP and * cannot change console (input) CP as normal GRAFTABL * in MS-DOS 5.0 * * HISTORY: Jan. 4, 1993 * YSt * * Copyright Microsoft Corp. 1993 * \************************************************************************/ void _cdecl main( int argc, char* argv[] ) { int iCP, iPrevCP, iRet; char szArgv[128]; TCHAR szSour[256]; char szDest[256];
#ifdef DBCS
//bug fix #14165
//fix kksuzuka: #988
//Support billingual messages.
iPrevCP = GetConsoleOutputCP(); switch (iPrevCP) { case 932: case 936: case 949: case 950: SetThreadLocale( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLangID()), SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; default: SetThreadLocale( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; } #else // !DBCS
iPrevCP = 0; #endif // DBCS
if(argc > 1) { strncpy(szArgv, argv[1],127); szArgv[127]='\0'; _strupr(szArgv);
// Help option
if(!strcmp(szArgv, "/?") || !strcmp(szArgv, "-?")) { iRet = LoadString(NULL, HELP_TEXT, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); CharToOem(szSour, szDest);
puts(szDest); exit(0); } // Status option
else if(!strcmp(szArgv, "/STATUS") || !strcmp(szArgv, "-STATUS") || !strcmp(szArgv, "-STA") || !strcmp(szArgv, "/STA")) {
iRet = LoadString(NULL, ACTIVE_CP, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); CharToOem(szSour, szDest);
#ifdef DBCS
if(iPrevCP == 932) { iRet = LoadString(NULL,NONE_CP, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); printf("%s", szDest); } else #endif // DBCS
printf(szDest, GetConsoleOutputCP()); exit(0); }
// Change output CP
else { #ifdef DBCS // v-junm - 08/11/93
// Since Japanese DOS runs in graphics mode, this function is not supported.
if(((iCP = atoi(szArgv)) < 1) || (iCP > 10000) || (iCP == 932)) { #else // !DBCS
iPrevCP = GetConsoleOutputCP();
if(((iCP = atoi(szArgv)) < 1) || (iCP > 10000)) { #endif // !DBCS
iRet = LoadString(NULL, INVALID_SWITCH, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); CharToOem(szSour, szDest);
fprintf(stderr, szDest, argv[1]); exit(1); } if(!SetConsoleOutputCP(iCP)) { iRet = LoadString(NULL, NOT_ALLOWED, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); CharToOem(szSour, szDest); fprintf(stderr, szDest, iCP); exit(2); } } #ifdef DBCS
//bug fix #14165
//fix kksuzuka: #988
//Support billingual messages.
switch (iCP) { case 932: case 936: case 949: case 950: SetThreadLocale( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( PRIMARYLANGID(GetSystemDefaultLangID()), SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; default: SetThreadLocale( MAKELCID( MAKELANGID( LANG_ENGLISH, SUBLANG_ENGLISH_US ), SORT_DEFAULT ) ); break; } #endif // DBCS
} #ifdef DBCS
if(iPrevCP && iPrevCP != 932) { #else // !DBCS
if(iPrevCP) { #endif // !DBCS
iRet = LoadString(NULL,PREVIOUS_CP, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); CharToOem(szSour, szDest); printf(szDest, iPrevCP); } else { iRet = LoadString(NULL,NONE_CP, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); CharToOem(szSour, szDest); puts(szDest); }
iRet = LoadString(NULL,ACTIVE_CP, szSour, sizeof(szSour)/sizeof(TCHAR)); CharToOem(szSour, szDest); #ifdef DBCS
if ( GetConsoleOutputCP() != 932 ) #endif // DBCS
printf(szDest, GetConsoleOutputCP()); }