/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: LEDDE.C * * Purpose: ????? * * Created: 1990 * * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation * * History: * Raor, Srinik (../../1990,91) Designed and coded * \***************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include "dde.h"
#include "dll.h"
#define LN_FUDGE 16 // [],(), 3 * 3 (2 double quotes and comma)
#define RUNITEM
// Definitions for sending the server sys command.
char *srvrSysCmd[] = {"StdNewFromTemplate", "StdNewDocument", "StdEditDocument", "StdOpenDocument" };
#define EMB_ID_INDEX 11 // index of ones digit in #00
extern char embStr[]; extern BOOL gbCreateInvisible; extern BOOL gbLaunchServer;
extern ATOM aMSDraw;
extern BOOL (FAR PASCAL *lpfnIsTask) (HANDLE);
// !!! set error hints
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeDoVerb (lpobj, verb, fShow, fActivate) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; WORD verb; BOOL fShow; BOOL fActivate; {
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); if (!QueryOpen(lpobj)) return OLE_OK;
lpobj->verb = verb; lpobj->fCmd = ACT_DOVERB;
if (fActivate) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_ACTIVATE;
if (fShow) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_SHOW;
InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_RUN, DOCSHOW); return DocShow (lpobj); }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeShow (lpobj, fActivate) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; BOOL fActivate; {
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); if (!QueryOpen(lpobj)) return OLE_OK;
lpobj->fCmd = ACT_SHOW; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_SHOW, DOCSHOW); return DocShow (lpobj); }
// DocShow : If the server is connected, show the item
// for editing. For embedded objects us NULL Item.
OLESTATUS DocShow (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { switch (lpobj->subRtn) {
case 0: SendStdShow (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 1: ProcessErr (lpobj); return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
default: DEBUG_OUT ("Unexpected subroutine", 0); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } }
void SendStdShow (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; {
WORD len; WORD size; LPSTR lpdata = NULL; HANDLE hdata = NULL; BOOL bShow;
lpobj->subErr = OLE_OK; if (lpobj->verb == OLEVERB_CONNECT) { lpobj->verb = NULL; return; } if (!(lpobj->fCmd & (ACT_SHOW | ACT_DOVERB))) return;
if (bShow = (!lpobj->bOleServer || !(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_DOVERB))) {
// show is off, do not show the server.
if (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_SHOW)) return;
SETERRHINT(lpobj, OLE_ERROR_SHOW); // and 18 "[StdShowItem(\"")for 5 extra for ",FALSE
len = 18 + 7; } else { // 19 for the string [StdDoVerbItem(\"") and
// 18 extra is for ",000,FALSE,FALSE
SETERRHINT(lpobj, OLE_ERROR_DOVERB); len = 19 + 18; }
len += GlobalGetAtomLen (lpobj->item);
len += 4; // ")]" + NULL
hdata = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE, size = len); if (hdata == NULL || (lpdata = (LPSTR)GlobalLock (hdata)) == NULL) goto errRtn;
if (bShow) lstrcpy (lpdata, "[StdShowItem(\""); else lstrcpy (lpdata, "[StdDoVerbItem(\"");
len = lstrlen (lpdata);
if (lpobj->item) GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->item , lpdata + len, size - len);
if (!bShow) {
lstrcat (lpdata, (LPSTR)"\","); // assume that the number of verbs are < 10
len = lstrlen (lpdata); #ifdef FIREWALLS
ASSERT ( (lpobj->verb & 0x000f) < 9 , "Verb value more than 9"); #endif
lpdata += len; *lpdata++ = (char)((lpobj->verb & 0x000f) + '0'); *lpdata = 0;
if (lpobj->fCmd & ACT_SHOW) lstrcat (lpdata, (LPSTR) ",TRUE"); else lstrcat (lpdata, (LPSTR) ",FALSE"); // StdVerbItem (item, verb, TRUE
// add TRUE/FALSE constant for the activate
if (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_ACTIVATE)) lstrcat (lpdata, (LPSTR) ",TRUE)]"); else lstrcat (lpdata, (LPSTR) ",FALSE)]"); // [StdDoVerb ("item", verb, FALSE, FALSE)]
} else lstrcat (lpdata, (LPSTR)"\")]"); // apps like excel and wingraph do not suuport activate at
// item level.
GlobalUnlock (hdata); DocExecute (lpobj, hdata); return;
errRtn: if (lpdata) GlobalUnlock (hdata);
if (hdata) GlobalFree (hdata);
lpobj->subErr = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; return; }
if (QueryOpen(lpobj)) return OLE_OK; else return OLE_ERROR_NOT_OPEN;
if (lpobj->pDocEdit && lpobj->pDocEdit->hClient) { if (IsServerValid (lpobj)) return TRUE; // destroy the windows and pretend as if the server was never
// connected.
DestroyWindow (lpobj->pDocEdit->hClient); if (lpobj->pSysEdit && lpobj->pSysEdit->hClient) DestroyWindow (lpobj->pSysEdit->hClient);
} return FALSE; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeActivate (lpobj, verb, fShow, fActivate, hWnd, lprc) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; WORD verb; BOOL fShow; BOOL fActivate; HWND hWnd; LPRECT lprc; {
lpobj->verb = verb; if (lpobj->head.ctype == CT_EMBEDDED) return EmbOpen (lpobj, fShow, fActivate, hWnd, lprc); #ifdef FIREWALLS
ASSERT (lpobj->head.ctype == CT_LINK, "unknown object"); #endif
return LnkOpen (lpobj, fShow, fActivate, hWnd, lprc); }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeUpdate (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { if (lpobj->head.ctype == CT_EMBEDDED) return EmbUpdate (lpobj); #ifdef FIREWALLS
ASSERT (lpobj->head.ctype == CT_LINK, "unknown object"); #endif
return LnkUpdate (lpobj); }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL EmbOpen (lpobj, fShow, fActivate, hWnd, lprc) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; BOOL fShow; BOOL fActivate; HWND hWnd; LPRECT lprc; {
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); if(QueryOpen (lpobj)) return LeDoVerb (lpobj, lpobj->verb, fShow, fActivate);
// show the window
// advise for data only on close
// and shut down the conv after the advises.
lpobj->fCmd = LN_EMBACT | ACT_DOVERB | ACT_ADVISE | ACT_CLOSE; if (fActivate) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_ACTIVATE;
if (fShow) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_SHOW;
InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_ACTIVATE, EMBOPENUPDATE); return EmbOpenUpdate (lpobj);
/***************************** Public Function ****************************\
* OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL EmbUpdate (lpobj) * * This function updates an EMB object. If the server is connected * simply send a request for the native as well as the display formats. * If the server is connected, then tries to start the conversationa and * get the data. If the conversation fails, then load the server and * start the conversation. The embeded objects may have links in it. * * Effects: * * History: * Wrote it. \***************************************************************************/
// if we are loading the server, then definitly unload.
// if the connection is established, then unload if it is
// to be unloaded, when all the previous requests are satisfied.
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); lpobj->fCmd = LN_EMBACT | ACT_REQUEST | (QueryOpen(lpobj) ? 0 : ACT_UNLAUNCH); InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_UPDATE, EMBOPENUPDATE); return EmbOpenUpdate (lpobj);
switch (lpobj->subRtn) {
case 0:
SKIP_TO (QueryOpen(lpobj), step6); SendSrvrMainCmd (lpobj, lpobj->lptemplate); lpobj->lptemplate = NULL; WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 1:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
// Init doc conversation should set the failure error
if (!InitDocConv (lpobj, !POPUP_NETDLG)) goto errRtn;
// If there is no native data, do not do any poke.
// creates will not have any poke data to start with
SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->hnative), step6); PokeNativeData (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 2: if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn; // Now poke the hostnames etc stuff.
PokeHostNames (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 3:
// do not worry about the poke hostname errors
PokeTargetDeviceInfo (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 4:
PokeDocDimensions (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 5:
PokeColorScheme (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 6:
// wingraph does not accept the doc dimensions
// after sttedit.
CLEAR_STEP_ERROR (lpobj); SETSTEP (lpobj, 6); STEP_NOP (lpobj); // step_nop simply increments the step numebr
// merge the steps later on
case 7:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_ADVISE), step11); lpobj->optUpdate = oleupdate_onsave; lpobj->pDocEdit->nAdviseSave = 0; AdviseOn (lpobj, cfNative, aSave); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 8:
// do not go for errors on /save. Some servers may not support
// this.
CLEAR_STEP_ERROR (lpobj); AdvisePict (lpobj, aSave); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 9:
// do not worry about the error case for save. Ignore them
CLEAR_STEP_ERROR (lpobj); lpobj->optUpdate = oleupdate_onclose; lpobj->pDocEdit->nAdviseClose = 0; AdviseOn (lpobj, cfNative, aClose); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 10: if (ProcessErr(lpobj)) goto errRtn;
AdvisePict (lpobj, aClose); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 11:
step11: SETSTEP (lpobj, 11); if (ProcessErr(lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_REQUEST), step13); // we don't want to send OLE_CHANGED when we get this data, if we
// are going to request for picture data also.
lpobj->pDocEdit->bCallLater = ((lpobj->lpobjPict) ? TRUE: FALSE); RequestOn (lpobj, cfNative); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
// If request pict fails, then native and pict are
// not in sync.
case 12: if (ProcessErr(lpobj)) goto errRtn;
lpobj->pDocEdit->bCallLater = FALSE; RequestPict (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 13:
step13: SETSTEP(lpobj, 13);
if (ProcessErr(lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SendStdShow (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 14:
if (ProcessErr(lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SKIP_TO ((lpobj->fCmd & ACT_UNLAUNCH), step15); return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
case 15:
errRtn: step15: ProcessErr (lpobj);
if ((lpobj->asyncCmd == OLE_UPDATE) && (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_UNLAUNCH))) return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj); // if we launched and error, unlaunch (send stdexit)
NextAsyncCmd (lpobj, EMBLNKDELETE); lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_UNLAUNCH; EmbLnkDelete (lpobj); return lpobj->mainErr;
default: DEBUG_OUT ("Unexpected subroutine", 0); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LnkOpen (lpobj, fShow, fActivate, hWnd, lprc) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; BOOL fShow; BOOL fActivate; HWND hWnd; LPRECT lprc; {
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); if(QueryOpen (lpobj)) return LeDoVerb (lpobj, lpobj->verb, fShow, fActivate);
// Just end the system conversation. we are not unloading
// this instance at all.
lpobj->fCmd = LN_LNKACT | ACT_DOVERB;
if (lpobj->optUpdate == oleupdate_always) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_ADVISE | ACT_REQUEST; else if (lpobj->optUpdate == oleupdate_onsave) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_ADVISE; if (fActivate) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_ACTIVATE;
if (fShow) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_SHOW;
InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_ACTIVATE, LNKOPENUPDATE); return LnkOpenUpdate (lpobj);
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LnkUpdate (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { // if we are loading the server, then definitly unload.
// if the connection is established, then unload if it is
// to be unloaded, when all the previous requests are satisfied.
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); lpobj->fCmd = LN_LNKACT | ACT_REQUEST | (QueryOpen (lpobj) ? 0 : ACT_UNLAUNCH); InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_UPDATE, LNKOPENUPDATE); return LnkOpenUpdate (lpobj); }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LnkOpenUpdate (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { switch (lpobj->subRtn) {
case 0:
SKIP_TO (QueryOpen(lpobj), step2); InitDocConv (lpobj, !POPUP_NETDLG); if (QueryOpen(lpobj)) { if (lpobj->app == aPackage) RemoveLinkStringFromTopic (lpobj); goto step2; } SendSrvrMainCmd (lpobj, NULL); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 1:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
if (lpobj->app == aPackage) RemoveLinkStringFromTopic (lpobj); if (!InitDocConv (lpobj, POPUP_NETDLG)) { lpobj->subErr = OLE_ERROR_OPEN; goto errRtn; }
case 2:
SETSTEP (lpobj, 2); PokeTargetDeviceInfo (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj); case 3:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_ADVISE), step6); SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_NATIVE), step4); AdviseOn (lpobj, cfNative, NULL); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 4: step4: SETSTEP (lpobj, 4); if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
AdvisePict (lpobj, NULL); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 5:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
// Now send advise for renaming the documnet.
AdviseOn (lpobj, cfBinary, aStdDocName); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 6:
step6: // if name advise fails ignore it
SETSTEP (lpobj, 6);
CLEAR_STEP_ERROR (lpobj); SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_REQUEST), step8); SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_NATIVE), step7); // we don't want to send OLE_CHANGED when we get this data, if we
// are going to request for picture data also.
lpobj->pDocEdit->bCallLater = ((lpobj->lpobjPict) ? TRUE: FALSE); RequestOn (lpobj, cfNative); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 7: step7:
SETSTEP (lpobj, 7); if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
lpobj->pDocEdit->bCallLater = FALSE; RequestPict (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 8:
SETSTEP (lpobj, 8); if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_TERMDOC), step10); // terminate the document conversataion.
TermDocConv (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj); case 9:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
// delete the server edit block
DeleteDocEdit (lpobj);
SKIP_TO ((lpobj->fCmd & ACT_UNLAUNCH), step14); return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
case 10:
step10: SETSTEP (lpobj, 10);
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SKIP_TO (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_TERMSRVR), step12);
// terminate the server conversataion.
TermSrvrConv (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 11:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
// delete the server edit block
DeleteSrvrEdit (lpobj); return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
case 12:
step12: SETSTEP (lpobj, 12); if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn;
SendStdShow (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 13:
if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn; SKIP_TO ((lpobj->fCmd & ACT_UNLAUNCH), step14); return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
case 14:
errRtn: step14: ProcessErr (lpobj);
if ((lpobj->asyncCmd == OLE_UPDATE) && (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_UNLAUNCH))) return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj); // if we launched and error, unlaunch (send stdexit)
NextAsyncCmd (lpobj, EMBLNKDELETE); lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_UNLAUNCH; EmbLnkDelete (lpobj); return lpobj->mainErr;
default: DEBUG_OUT ("Unexpected subroutine", 0); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } }
OLESTATUS EmbLnkClose (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { switch (lpobj->subRtn) {
case 0: TermDocConv (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 1:
// delete the edit block
DeleteDocEdit (lpobj); TermSrvrConv (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 2:
// Do not set any errors, just delete the object.
// delete the server edit block
DeleteSrvrEdit (lpobj); return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
default: DEBUG_OUT ("Unexpected subroutine", 0); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeClose (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); if (IS_SVRCLOSING(lpobj)) return OLE_OK; lpobj->fCmd = 0; if (lpobj->head.ctype == CT_EMBEDDED) { InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_CLOSE, EMBLNKDELETE); return EmbLnkDelete (lpobj); } else { InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_CLOSE, EMBLNKCLOSE); return EmbLnkClose (lpobj); } }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeReconnect (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { // check for the existing conversation.
// if the client window is non-null, then
// connection exits.
if (lpobj->head.ctype != CT_LINK) return OLE_ERROR_NOT_LINK; // allow only for linked
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); if (QueryOpen (lpobj)) return OLE_OK;
// start just the conversation. Do not load
// the app.
if (!InitDocConv (lpobj, !POPUP_NETDLG)) return OLE_OK; // document is not loaded , it is OK.
lpobj->fCmd = LN_LNKACT; if (lpobj->optUpdate == oleupdate_always) lpobj->fCmd |= ACT_ADVISE | ACT_REQUEST; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_RECONNECT, LNKOPENUPDATE); return LnkOpenUpdate (lpobj); }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL PokeNativeData (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { SETERRHINT(lpobj, OLE_ERROR_POKE_NATIVE); return SendPokeData (lpobj, lpobj->item, lpobj->hnative, cfNative); }
BOOL INTERNAL PostMessageToServer (pedit, msg, lparam) PEDIT_DDE pedit; WORD msg; LONG lparam; {
ASSERT (pedit, "Dde edit block is NULL"); #endif
// save the lparam and msg fpr possible reposting incase of error.
// we are in abort state. no messages except for terminate.
if (pedit->bAbort && msg != WM_DDE_TERMINATE) return FALSE;
pedit->lParam = lparam; pedit->msg = msg;
if (pedit->hClient && pedit->hServer) { while (TRUE){ if (!IsWindowValid (pedit->hServer)) return FALSE; if (PostMessage (pedit->hServer, msg, pedit->hClient, lparam) == FALSE) Yield (); else return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeCreateFromTemplate (lpclient, lptemplate, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat) LPOLECLIENT lpclient; LPSTR lptemplate; LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc; LPSTR lpobjname; LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobject; OLEOPT_RENDER optRender; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; { char buf[MAX_STR];
if (!MapExtToClass (lptemplate, (LPSTR)buf, MAX_STR)) return OLE_ERROR_CLASS;
return CreateFromClassOrTemplate (lpclient, (LPSTR) buf, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat, LN_TEMPLATE, lptemplate, lhclientdoc, lpobjname); }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeCreate (lpclient, lpclass, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat) LPSTR lpclass; LPOLECLIENT lpclient; LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc; LPSTR lpobjname; LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobject; OLEOPT_RENDER optRender; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; { if (gbCreateInvisible) { // this is in fact a call for invisible create
return LeCreateInvisible (lpclient, lpclass, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat, gbLaunchServer); } return CreateFromClassOrTemplate (lpclient, lpclass, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat, LN_NEW, NULL, lhclientdoc, lpobjname); }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL CreateFromClassOrTemplate (lpclient, lpclass, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat, lnType, lptemplate, lhclientdoc, lpobjname) LPOLECLIENT lpclient; LPSTR lpclass; LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobject; OLEOPT_RENDER optRender; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; WORD lnType; LPSTR lptemplate; LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc; LPSTR lpobjname; { OLESTATUS retval = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; LPOBJECT_LE lpobj = NULL; ATOM aServer; char chVerb [2]; if (!(aServer = GetAppAtom (lpclass))) return OLE_ERROR_CLASS; if(!(lpobj = LeCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_EMBEDDED))) { GlobalDeleteAtom (aServer); goto errRtn; } // Now set the server.
lpobj->head.lpclient = lpclient; lpobj->app = GlobalAddAtom (lpclass); SetEmbeddedTopic (lpobj); lpobj->item = NULL; lpobj->bOleServer = QueryVerb (lpobj, 0, (LPSTR)&chVerb, 2); lpobj->aServer = aServer;
// launch the app and start the system conversation.
if (!CreatePictObject (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lpobj, optRender, cfFormat, lpclass)) goto errRtn;
// show the window. Advise for data and close on receiving data
lpobj->fCmd = lnType | ACT_SHOW | ACT_ADVISE | ACT_CLOSE; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, lptemplate? OLE_CREATEFROMTEMPLATE : OLE_CREATE, EMBOPENUPDATE); *lplpoleobject = (LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj;
lpobj->lptemplate = lptemplate; if ((retval = EmbOpenUpdate (lpobj)) <= OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) return retval;
// If there is error afterwards, then the client app should call
// to delete the object.
// for error termination OleDelete will terminate any conversation
// in action.
if (lpobj) { // This oledelete will not result in asynchronous command.
OleDelete ((LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj); *lplpoleobject = NULL; } return retval; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL CreateEmbLnkFromFile (lpclient, lpclass, lpfile, lpitem, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat, objType) LPOLECLIENT lpclient; LPSTR lpclass; LPSTR lpfile; LPSTR lpitem; LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc; LPSTR lpobjname; LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobject; OLEOPT_RENDER optRender; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; LONG objType; { OLESTATUS retval = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; LPOBJECT_LE lpobj = NULL; ATOM aServer; char buf[MAX_STR]; OLE_RELEASE_METHOD releaseMethod; WORD wFlags = NULL; char chVerb[2];
if (!lpclass && (lpclass = (LPSTR) buf) && !MapExtToClass (lpfile, (LPSTR)buf, MAX_STR)) return OLE_ERROR_CLASS; if (!(aServer = GetAppAtom (lpclass))) return OLE_ERROR_CLASS; if (!(lpobj = LeCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_LINK))) { GlobalDeleteAtom (aServer); goto errFileCreate; } lpobj->head.lpclient = lpclient; lpobj->app = GlobalAddAtom (lpclass); lpobj->topic = GlobalAddAtom (lpfile); lpobj->aServer = aServer; lpobj->bOleServer = QueryVerb (lpobj, 0, (LPSTR)&chVerb, 2); if ((retval = SetNetName (lpobj)) != OLE_OK) goto errFileCreate; if (lpitem) lpobj->item = GlobalAddAtom (lpitem);
if (!CreatePictObject (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lpobj, optRender, cfFormat, lpclass)) { retval = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; goto errFileCreate; } *lplpoleobject = (LPOLEOBJECT) lpobj; if (objType == CT_EMBEDDED) { releaseMethod = OLE_CREATEFROMFILE; if ((optRender == olerender_format) && (cfFormat == cfNative)) wFlags = 0; else wFlags = ACT_NATIVE; } else { // caller wants linked object to be created
// if no presentation data is requested and the link is to the whole
// file, then there is no need to launch the server.
if ((optRender == olerender_none) && !lpobj->item) return FileExists (lpobj); // we want to establish hot link
lpobj->fCmd = LN_LNKACT | ACT_REQUEST | ACT_UNLAUNCH | wFlags; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, releaseMethod , LNKOPENUPDATE); if ((retval = LnkOpenUpdate (lpobj)) <= OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) return retval; // If there is error afterwards, then the client app should call
// to delete the object.
if (lpobj) { // This oledelete will not result in asynchronous command.
OleDelete ((LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj); *lplpoleobject = NULL; } return retval; }
// OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeCreateInvisible (lpclient, lpclass, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat, bActivate)
// Arguments:
// lpclient -
// lpclass -
// lhclientdoc -
// lpobjname -
// lplpoleobject -
// optRender -
// cfFormat -
// fActivate -
// Returns:
// OLE_OK -
// EmbOpenUpdate (lpobj) -
// retval -
// Effects:
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeCreateInvisible (lpclient, lpclass, lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lplpoleobject, optRender, cfFormat, fActivate) LPSTR lpclass; LPOLECLIENT lpclient; LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc; LPSTR lpobjname; LPOLEOBJECT FAR * lplpoleobject; OLEOPT_RENDER optRender; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; BOOL fActivate; { OLESTATUS retval = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; LPOBJECT_LE lpobj = NULL; ATOM aServer; char chVerb [2]; if (!(aServer = GetAppAtom (lpclass))) return OLE_ERROR_CLASS; if(!(lpobj = LeCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_EMBEDDED))) { GlobalDeleteAtom (aServer); goto errRtn; } // Now set the server.
lpobj->head.lpclient = lpclient; lpobj->app = GlobalAddAtom (lpclass); lpobj->item = NULL; lpobj->bOleServer = QueryVerb (lpobj, 0, (LPSTR)&chVerb, 2); lpobj->aServer = aServer; lpobj->lptemplate = NULL; SetEmbeddedTopic (lpobj); if (!CreatePictObject (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lpobj, optRender, cfFormat, lpclass)) goto errRtn;
*lplpoleobject = (LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj; if (!fActivate) return OLE_OK;
// show the window. Advise for data and close on receiving data
// launch the app and start the system conversation.
if ((retval = EmbOpenUpdate (lpobj)) <= OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) return retval;
// If there is error afterwards, then the client app should call
// to delete the object.
// for error termination OleDelete will terminate any conversation
// in action.
if (lpobj) { // This oledelete will not result in asynchronous command.
OleDelete ((LPOLEOBJECT)lpobj); *lplpoleobject = NULL; } return retval; }
// LeSetUpdateOptions: sets the update options. If the server
// is connectd then it unadvises for the current options and
// advises for the new options.
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeSetUpdateOptions (lpobj, options) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; OLEOPT_UPDATE options; {
PROBE_OLDLINK (lpobj); PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); //!!! make sure the options are within range.
if (lpobj->head.ctype != CT_LINK) return (OLE_ERROR_OBJECT);
if (options > oleupdate_oncall) return OLE_ERROR_OPTION;
if (lpobj->optUpdate == options) return OLE_OK;
if (!QueryOpen (lpobj) || IS_SVRCLOSING(lpobj)) { lpobj->optUpdate = options; return OLE_OK; }
lpobj->optNew = options; lpobj->fCmd = 0; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_SETUPDATEOPTIONS, LNKSETUPDATEOPTIONS); return LnkSetUpdateOptions (lpobj);
OLESTATUS LnkSetUpdateOptions (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; {
switch (lpobj->subRtn) {
case 0:
if (lpobj->optUpdate == oleupdate_oncall) goto step1;
// If the server is active then unadvise for old
// options.
UnAdvisePict (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 1: step1:
SETSTEP (lpobj, 1); ProcessErr (lpobj);
lpobj->optUpdate = lpobj->optNew; if (lpobj->optUpdate == oleupdate_oncall) goto step3;
AdvisePict (lpobj, NULL); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 2: SETSTEP (lpobj, 2); if (ProcessErr (lpobj)) goto errRtn; if (lpobj->optUpdate == oleupdate_onsave) goto step3;
RequestPict (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj); case 3: errRtn: step3: ProcessErr (lpobj); return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
default: DEBUG_OUT ("Unexpected subroutine", 0); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } }
//AdvisePict: Sends advise for pict data
void INTERNAL AdvisePict (lpobj, aAdvItem) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; ATOM aAdvItem; { int cftype;
if (cftype = GetPictType (lpobj)) AdviseOn (lpobj, cftype, aAdvItem); }
//UnAdvisePict: Sends unadvise for pict data
void INTERNAL UnAdvisePict (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { int cftype; SETERRHINT (lpobj, OLE_ERROR_ADVISE_PICT); if (cftype = GetPictType (lpobj)) UnAdviseOn (lpobj, cftype); }
// GetPictType: Given the object, returns the pict type.
int INTERNAL GetPictType (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { if (lpobj->lpobjPict) return (int)(*lpobj->lpobjPict->lpvtbl->EnumFormats) (lpobj->lpobjPict, NULL); return NULL; }
// AdviseOn : Sends advise for a given picture type
// Send advise only if the advise options is not on call.
void INTERNAL AdviseOn (lpobj, cftype, advItem) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; int cftype; ATOM advItem; { HANDLE hopt = NULL; DDEADVISE FAR *lpopt = NULL; ATOM item = NULL; PEDIT_DDE pedit; OLESTATUS retval;
if (cftype == (int)cfNative) SETERRHINT (lpobj, OLE_ERROR_ADVISE_NATIVE); else { if (cftype == (int)cfBinary) SETERRHINT (lpobj, OLE_ERROR_ADVISE_RENAME); else SETERRHINT (lpobj, OLE_ERROR_ADVISE_PICT);
} if (lpobj->optUpdate == oleupdate_oncall) return;
if(!(hopt = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, sizeof(DDEADVISE)))) goto errRtn;
retval = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; if(!(lpopt = (DDEADVISE FAR *) GlobalLock (hopt))) goto errRtn;
pedit = lpobj->pDocEdit; lpopt->fAckReq = TRUE;
// get data always. Currently there is no way for the
// deferred updates.
lpopt->fDeferUpd = 0; lpopt->cfFormat = cftype; GlobalUnlock (hopt);
pedit->hopt = hopt; if (advItem == aStdDocName) item = DuplicateAtom (advItem); else item = ExtendAtom (lpobj, lpobj->item);
retval = OLE_ERROR_COMM; if (!PostMessageToServer(pedit, WM_DDE_ADVISE, MAKELONG (hopt, item))) goto errRtn;
ASSERT (!pedit->bTerminating, "trying to post while termination") ASSERT (pedit->awaitAck == NULL, "Trying to Post msg while waiting for ack") #endif
pedit->awaitAck = AA_ADVISE; lpobj->bAsync = TRUE; if (advItem == aClose) lpobj->pDocEdit->nAdviseClose++; else if (advItem == aSave) lpobj->pDocEdit->nAdviseSave++; return;
if (item) GlobalDeleteAtom (item);
if (lpopt) GlobalUnlock (hopt);
if (hopt) GlobalFree (hopt); lpobj->subErr = retval;
return ;
//UnAdviseOn: Sends unadvise for an item.
void INTERNAL UnAdviseOn (lpobj, cftype) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; int cftype; { ATOM item; PEDIT_DDE pedit;
pedit = lpobj->pDocEdit; item = ExtendAtom (lpobj, lpobj->item);
if (!PostMessageToServer(pedit, WM_DDE_UNADVISE, MAKELONG (NULL, item))) lpobj->subErr = OLE_ERROR_COMM; else { #ifdef FIREWALLS
ASSERT (!pedit->bTerminating, "trying to post while termination") ASSERT (pedit->awaitAck == NULL, "Trying to Post msg while waiting for ack") #endif
lpobj->bAsync = TRUE; pedit->awaitAck = AA_UNADVISE; } }
// RequestOn: Semd WM_DDE_REQUEST for the item of the
// for a given type;
void INTERNAL RequestOn (lpobj, cftype) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; int cftype; { ATOM item = NULL; PEDIT_DDE pedit; OLESTATUS retval = OLE_ERROR_COMM;
if (cftype == (int)cfNative) SETERRHINT (lpobj, OLE_ERROR_REQUEST_NATIVE); else SETERRHINT (lpobj, OLE_ERROR_REQUEST_PICT);
pedit = lpobj->pDocEdit;
item = DuplicateAtom (lpobj->item); if (!PostMessageToServer (pedit, WM_DDE_REQUEST, MAKELONG (cftype, item))) goto errRtn;
ASSERT (!pedit->bTerminating, "trying to post while termination") ASSERT (pedit->awaitAck == NULL, "Trying to Post msg while waiting for ack") #endif
lpobj->bAsync = TRUE; pedit->awaitAck = AA_REQUEST; return;
if (item) GlobalDeleteAtom (item); return ;
//RequestPict: Sends request for apicture type.
void INTERNAL RequestPict (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { int cftype; if (cftype = GetPictType (lpobj)) RequestOn (lpobj, cftype); }
// LeSetHostNames: Sets the host names. If the server is connected
// send the host names to the server.
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeSetHostNames (lpobj, lpclientName, lpdocName) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; LPSTR lpclientName; LPSTR lpdocName; { OLESTATUS retval = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY;
if (lpobj->head.ctype != CT_EMBEDDED) return OLE_ERROR_OBJECT;
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); if ((retval = SetHostNamesHandle (lpobj, lpclientName, lpdocName)) != OLE_OK) return retval;
// If the server is connected poke the hostnames
InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_OTHER, NULL); if ((retval = PokeHostNames (lpobj)) != OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) CLEARASYNCCMD(lpobj);
return retval; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeSetTargetDevice (lpobj, hdata) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; HANDLE hdata; { HANDLE hdup = NULL; OLESTATUS retval;
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); if (!hdata) { // hdata == NULL means we should not make the target device sticky.
// This will give the flexibility to the client app. Note that this
// will not be effective till the next activation.
if (lpobj->htargetDevice) { GlobalFree (lpobj->htargetDevice); lpobj->htargetDevice = NULL; } return OLE_OK; } if(!(hdup = DuplicateGlobal (hdata, GMEM_MOVEABLE))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY;
if (lpobj->htargetDevice) GlobalFree (lpobj->htargetDevice);
lpobj->htargetDevice = hdup; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_OTHER, NULL); if ((retval = PokeTargetDeviceInfo (lpobj)) != OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) CLEARASYNCCMD(lpobj); return retval; }
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); if (lpobj->head.ctype != CT_EMBEDDED) return OLE_ERROR_OBJECT;
if(!(hdata = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (WORD)sizeof (BOUNDSRECT)))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY;
if (!(lprc = (LPBOUNDSRECT)GlobalLock (hdata))) goto errrtn;
// Now set the data
lprc->defaultWidth = lprcBounds->right - lprcBounds->left;; lprc->defaultHeight = -(lprcBounds->bottom - lprcBounds->top); lprc->maxWidth = lprcBounds->right - lprcBounds->left;; lprc->maxHeight = -(lprcBounds->bottom - lprcBounds->top);
GlobalUnlock (hdata);
if (lpobj->hdocDimensions) GlobalFree (lpobj->hdocDimensions);
lpobj->hdocDimensions = hdata; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_OTHER, NULL); if ((retval = PokeDocDimensions (lpobj)) != OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) CLEARASYNCCMD(lpobj);
return retval; errrtn: if (lprc) GlobalUnlock (hdata); if (hdata) GlobalFree (hdata); return retval; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeSetData (lpobj, cfFormat, hData) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; HANDLE hData; { OLESTATUS retVal = OLE_OK; BOOL fKnown = FALSE; PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); if ((cfFormat == cfObjectLink) || (cfFormat == cfOwnerLink)) return ChangeDocAndItem (lpobj, hData); if (fKnown = (cfFormat && (cfFormat == ((WORD) GetPictType (lpobj))))) { retVal = (*lpobj->lpobjPict->lpvtbl->ChangeData) (lpobj->lpobjPict, hData, lpobj->head.lpclient, FALSE); (*lpobj->lpobjPict->lpvtbl->GetData) (lpobj->lpobjPict, cfFormat, &hData); } else if (fKnown = (cfFormat == cfNative)) { retVal = LeChangeData (lpobj, hData, lpobj->head.lpclient, FALSE); hData = lpobj->hnative; } if (retVal != OLE_OK) return retVal; if (fKnown) ContextCallBack (lpobj, OLE_CHANGED); if (!QueryOpen (lpobj) || IS_SVRCLOSING(lpobj)) { if (!fKnown) return OLE_ERROR_NOT_OPEN; return OLE_OK; }
// except for the following formats all the other data will be copied
// into DDEPOKE block. So there is no need to duplicate the data of the
// other formats
if ((cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) || (cfFormat == CF_BITMAP) || (cfFormat == CF_DIB)) { if (!(hData = DuplicateGDIdata (hData, cfFormat))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; } // *** The last parameter must be NULL, don't change it ***
InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_SETDATA, NULL); if ((retVal = SendPokeData (lpobj, lpobj->item, hData, cfFormat)) != OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) CLEARASYNCCMD(lpobj); return retVal; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeSetColorScheme (lpobj, lplogpal) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; LPLOGPALETTE lplogpal; { HANDLE hdup = NULL; DWORD cblogpal; OLESTATUS retval; LPBYTE lptemp; lptemp = (LPBYTE) lplogpal; if (lpobj->head.ctype != CT_EMBEDDED) return OLE_ERROR_OBJECT;
PROBE_ASYNC (lpobj); if (!lplogpal) { // lplogpal == NULL means we should not make color scheme sticky.
// This will give the flexibility to the client app. Note that this
// will not be effective till next activation.
if (lpobj->hlogpal) { GlobalFree (lpobj->hlogpal); lpobj->hlogpal = NULL; } return OLE_OK; } FARPROBE_READ(lptemp + (cblogpal = 2*sizeof(WORD))); cblogpal += ((sizeof(PALETTEENTRY) * lplogpal->palNumEntries) -1); if (!FarCheckPointer (lptemp + cblogpal, READ_ACCESS)) return OLE_ERROR_PALETTE;
if (!(hdup = CopyData ((LPSTR) lplogpal, cblogpal))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; if (lpobj->hlogpal) GlobalFree (lpobj->hlogpal);
lpobj->hlogpal = hdup; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_OTHER, NULL); if ((retval = PokeColorScheme (lpobj)) != OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE) CLEARASYNCCMD(lpobj);
return retval; }
//PokeHostNames: Pokes hostname data to the server
// if the server is connectd then poke the host names
if (!QueryOpen (lpobj) || IS_SVRCLOSING(lpobj)) return OLE_OK;
if (!lpobj->hhostNames) return OLE_OK; aStdHostNames = GlobalAddAtom ("StdHostNames"); return SendPokeData (lpobj,aStdHostNames,lpobj->hhostNames,cfBinary); }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL PokeTargetDeviceInfo (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; {
// if the server is connectd then poke the host names
if (!QueryOpen (lpobj) || IS_SVRCLOSING(lpobj)) return OLE_OK;
if (!lpobj->htargetDevice) return OLE_OK;
aStdTargetDevice = GlobalAddAtom ("StdTargetDevice"); return SendPokeData (lpobj, aStdTargetDevice, lpobj->htargetDevice, cfBinary); }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL PokeDocDimensions (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; {
// if the server is connectd then poke the host names
if (!QueryOpen (lpobj) || IS_SVRCLOSING(lpobj)) return OLE_OK;
if (!lpobj->hdocDimensions) return OLE_OK;
aStdDocDimensions = GlobalAddAtom ("StdDocDimensions"); return SendPokeData (lpobj, aStdDocDimensions, lpobj->hdocDimensions, cfBinary); }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL PokeColorScheme (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { // if the server is connected then poke the palette info
if (!QueryOpen (lpobj) || IS_SVRCLOSING(lpobj)) return OLE_OK;
if (!lpobj->hlogpal) return OLE_OK;
aStdColorScheme = GlobalAddAtom ("StdColorScheme"); return SendPokeData (lpobj, aStdColorScheme, lpobj->hlogpal, cfBinary); }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL SendPokeData (lpobj, aItem, hdata, cfFormat) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; ATOM aItem; HANDLE hdata; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; { HANDLE hdde = NULL; DDEPOKE FAR * lpdde = NULL; LPSTR lpdst = NULL; LPSTR lpsrc = NULL; OLESTATUS retval = OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; DWORD dwSize = NULL; PEDIT_DDE pedit; BOOL bGDIdata = FALSE;
pedit = lpobj->pDocEdit;
// If it is GDI data then we can stuff the handle into POKE block.
// Otherwise we have to copy the data into DDE data block. There
// is a special case with old MSDraw, that will be handled by
// the routine CanPutHandleInPokeBlock()
if (!(bGDIdata = CanPutHandleInPokeBlock (lpobj, cfFormat))) { if (!(dwSize = GlobalSize (hdata))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; if (!(lpsrc = (LPSTR) GlobalLock (hdata))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; GlobalUnlock (hdata); } // Now allocate the DDE data block
if (!(hdde = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE | GMEM_ZEROINIT, (dwSize + sizeof(DDEPOKE) - sizeof(BYTE) + sizeof(HANDLE))))) goto errRtn;
if (!(lpdde = (DDEPOKE FAR *)GlobalLock (hdde))) goto errRtn;
GlobalUnlock (hdde);
// !!! We may want to set it TRUE, for performance reasons. But it
// will require some rework on the server side
lpdde->fRelease = 0; lpdde->cfFormat = cfFormat;
if (bGDIdata) *(LPHANDLE)lpdde->Value = hdata; else { lpdst = (LPSTR)lpdde->Value; UtilMemCpy (lpdst, lpsrc, dwSize); // For the CF_METAFILEPICT format, we would come here only if we are
// dealing with the old version of MSDraw. In that case we want to
// free the handle to METAFILEPICT strcuture, because we've already
// copied its contents to DDEPOKE structure.
// Note that that the old MSDraw expects the contents of METAFILEPICT
// structure to be part of DDEPOKE, rather than the handle to it.
if (cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) { GlobalFree (hdata); hdata = NULL; } }
// *** From here onwards if there is an error call FreePokeData(), don't
// jump to errRtn
aItem = DuplicateAtom (aItem);
ASSERT(pedit->hData == NULL, "Poke data is not null");
pedit->hData = hdde; if (!PostMessageToServer (pedit, WM_DDE_POKE, MAKELONG (hdde, aItem))) { if (aItem) GlobalDeleteAtom (aItem); FreePokeData (lpobj, pedit); return (lpobj->subErr = OLE_ERROR_COMM); }
ASSERT (!pedit->bTerminating, "trying to post while termination") ASSERT (pedit->awaitAck == NULL, "Trying to Post msg while waiting for ack") #endif
if (lpobj->asyncCmd == OLE_NONE) lpobj->asyncCmd = OLE_OTHER;
lpobj->bAsync = TRUE; pedit->awaitAck = AA_POKE; // !!! after poke of the hostnames etc. we are not processing error.,
// Data is freed after the Poke is acknowledged. OLE_RELEASE will be sent
// to when ACK comes.
errRtn: if (hdata) FreeGDIdata (hdata, cfFormat); if (hdde) GlobalFree (hdde);
pedit->hData = NULL;
return (lpobj->subErr = retval); }
// FreePokeData: Frees the poked data.
void INTERNAL FreePokeData (lpobj, pedit) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; PEDIT_DDE pedit; { DDEPOKE FAR * lpdde; #ifdef FIREWALLS
ASSERT (pedit->hData, "Poke data handle is null");
if (lpdde = (DDEPOKE FAR *) GlobalLock (pedit->hData)) { GlobalUnlock (pedit->hData); // The old version of MSDraw expects the contents of METAFILEPICT
// structure to be part of DDEPOKE, rather than the handle to it.
if (!lpobj->bOleServer && (lpobj->app == aMSDraw) && (lpdde->cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT)) { DeleteMetaFile (((LPMETAFILEPICT) ((LPSTR) &lpdde->Value))->hMF); } else { FreeGDIdata (*(LPHANDLE)lpdde->Value, lpdde->cfFormat); } } GlobalFree (pedit->hData); pedit->hData = NULL; }
BOOL INTERNAL SendSrvrMainCmd (lpobj, lptemplate) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; LPSTR lptemplate; { WORD size; WORD len; OLESTATUS retval; int cmd; HANDLE hInst = NULL; LPSTR lpdata= NULL; HANDLE hdata = NULL; BOOL bLaunch = TRUE;
Puts("Launch App and Send Sys command");
ASSERT (lpobj->aServer, "Serevr is NULL"); #endif
if (!lpobj->aServer) { retval = OLE_ERROR_REGISTRATION; goto errRtn; } if (!lpobj->bOldLink) { bLaunch = !(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_NOLAUNCH); cmd = lpobj->fCmd & LN_MASK; } if (cmd == LN_LNKACT) { // take care of network based document
char cDrive = lpobj->cDrive; if ((retval = CheckNetDrive (lpobj, POPUP_NETDLG)) != OLE_OK) { lpobj->cDrive = cDrive; goto errRtn; } if (cDrive != lpobj->cDrive) ContextCallBack (lpobj, OLE_RENAMED); } if (!InitSrvrConv (lpobj, hInst)) {
if (!bLaunch) goto errRtn; if (!(hInst = LeLaunchApp (lpobj))) { // We failed to launch the app. If it is a linked object, see
// whether the docname is valid for new servers. We wouldn't
// have given the doc name on the command line for the old
// servers. So, there is no point in checking for file existance
// in that case.
if (lpobj->bOleServer && (lpobj->bOldLink || (cmd == LN_LNKACT))){ if ((retval = FileExists (lpobj)) != OLE_OK) goto errRtn; } retval = OLE_ERROR_LAUNCH; goto errRtn; } if (lpobj->bOldLink) return TRUE;
if (lpobj->bOleServer && (cmd == LN_LNKACT)) { // We are not using any data blocks if the object is old link.
// we launched with docname, and don't have to establish system
// level and also we don't have to send exec strings.
// for non-ole servers like excel, we do want to connect at
// the system level, so that we can send "StdOpen". We also
// have to send "StdExit" for the server to exit in the
// invisible launch case.
return TRUE; }
retval = OLE_ERROR_COMM; if(!InitSrvrConv (lpobj, hInst)) goto errRtn; #ifdef OLD
if (!lpobj->bOleServer && (cmd == LN_LNKACT)) return TRUE; #endif
if (!lpobj->bOldLink) { cmd = lpobj->fCmd & LN_MASK; len = lstrlen (srvrSysCmd[cmd >> LN_SHIFT]);
// for template and new, add the class name also
if (cmd == LN_NEW || cmd == LN_TEMPLATE) len += GlobalGetAtomLen (lpobj->app);
// Now add the document length.
len += GlobalGetAtomLen (lpobj->topic);
// add the length of the template name
if (lptemplate) len += lstrlen (lptemplate);
// now add the fudge factor for the Quotes etc.
len += LN_FUDGE;
// allocate the buffer and set the command.
hdata = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE, size = len);
if (hdata == NULL || (lpdata = (LPSTR)GlobalLock (hdata)) == NULL) goto errRtn; } lstrcpy (lpdata, (LPSTR)"["); // [
lstrcat (lpdata, srvrSysCmd[cmd >> LN_SHIFT]); // [Std....
lstrcat (lpdata, "(\""); // [std...("
if (cmd == LN_NEW || cmd == LN_TEMPLATE) { len = lstrlen (lpdata); GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->app, (LPSTR)lpdata + len, size - len); // [std...("class
lstrcat (lpdata, "\",\""); // [std...("class", "
} len = lstrlen (lpdata); // now get the topic name.
GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->topic, lpdata + len, (WORD)size - len); // [std...("class","doc
if (lptemplate) { lstrcat (lpdata, "\",\""); // [std...("class","doc","
lstrcat (lpdata, lptemplate); // [std...("class","doc","temp
lstrcat (lpdata, "\")]"); // [std...("class","doc","temp")]
GlobalUnlock (hdata);
// !!!optimize with mapping.
return SrvrExecute (lpobj, hdata);
errRtn: if (lpdata) GlobalUnlock (hdata);
if (hdata) GlobalFree (hdata); lpobj->subErr = retval; return FALSE; }
// ExtendAtom: Create a new atom, which is the old one plus extension
ATOM INTERNAL ExtendAtom (lpobj, item) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; ATOM item; { char buffer[MAX_ATOM+1]; LPSTR lpext;
buffer[0] = 0; if (item) GlobalGetAtomName (item, buffer, MAX_ATOM);
switch (lpobj->optUpdate) {
case oleupdate_always: lpext = (LPSTR)""; break;
case oleupdate_onsave: lpext = (LPSTR)"/Save"; break;
case oleupdate_onclose: lpext = (LPSTR)"/Close"; break;
default: ASSERT (FALSE, "on call options not expected here"); break;
} lstrcat (buffer, lpext); if (buffer[0]) return GlobalAddAtom (buffer); else return NULL; }
BOOL INTERNAL CreatePictObject (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, lpobj, optRender, cfFormat, lpclass) LHCLIENTDOC lhclientdoc; LPSTR lpobjname; LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; OLEOPT_RENDER optRender; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; LPSTR lpclass; { LPOLEOBJECT lpPictObj = NULL; ATOM aClass; lpobj->lpobjPict = NULL; if (optRender == olerender_format) { switch (cfFormat) { case NULL: return FALSE; case CF_METAFILEPICT: if (!(lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) MfCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE))) return FALSE; break;
case CF_DIB: if (!(lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) DibCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE))) return FALSE; break; case CF_BITMAP: if (!(lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) BmCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE))) return FALSE; break; default: aClass = GlobalAddAtom (lpclass); if (!(lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) GenCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE, aClass))) return FALSE;
((LPOBJECT_GEN)lpPictObj)->cfFormat = cfFormat; break; } } else if (optRender == olerender_draw) { if (!(lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) MfCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE))) return FALSE; #ifdef LATER
if (AdviseOn (lpobj, (cfFormat = CF_METAFILEPICT), NULL)) lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) MfCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE); // !!! for the time being take assume we need to get metafile.
else if (AdviseOn (lpobj, (cfFormat = CF_DIB), NULL)) lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) DibCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE); else if (AdviseOn (lpobj, (cfFormat = CF_BITMAP), NULL)) lpPictObj = (LPOLEOBJECT) BmCreateBlank (lhclientdoc, lpobjname, CT_PICTURE); else goto errPict; #endif
} else return (optRender == olerender_none);
if (lpobj->lpobjPict = lpPictObj) lpobj->lpobjPict->lpParent = (LPOLEOBJECT) lpobj; return TRUE; }
OLESTATUS LnkChangeLnk (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; {
switch (lpobj->subRtn) {
case 0: TermDocConv (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 1:
// delete the edit block
DeleteDocEdit (lpobj); TermSrvrConv (lpobj); WAIT_FOR_ASYNC_MSG (lpobj);
case 2:
// Do not set any errors, just delete the object.
// delete the server edit block
DeleteSrvrEdit (lpobj);
// now try to activate the new link.
SKIP_TO (!InitDocConv (lpobj, !POPUP_NETDLG), step3); lpobj->fCmd = LN_LNKACT | ACT_ADVISE | ACT_REQUEST; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_SETDATA, LNKOPENUPDATE); return LnkOpenUpdate (lpobj);
case 3: step3: return EndAsyncCmd (lpobj);
default: DEBUG_OUT ("Unexpected subroutine", 0); return OLE_ERROR_GENERIC; } }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL ChangeDocAndItem (lpobj, hinfo) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; HANDLE hinfo; { LPSTR lpinfo; ATOM aNewTopic, aNewItem = NULL, aOldTopic; OLESTATUS retVal = OLE_ERROR_BLANK;
PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); if (!(lpinfo = GlobalLock (hinfo))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; lpinfo += lstrlen (lpinfo) + 1; aNewTopic = GlobalAddAtom (lpinfo); lpinfo += lstrlen (lpinfo) + 1; if (*lpinfo) aNewItem = GlobalAddAtom (lpinfo);
if (!aNewTopic && (lpobj->head.ctype == CT_LINK)) goto errRtn;
aOldTopic = lpobj->topic; lpobj->topic = aNewTopic; if ((retVal = SetNetName (lpobj)) != OLE_OK) { if (lpobj->topic) GlobalDeleteAtom (lpobj->topic); lpobj->topic = aOldTopic; goto errRtn; }
if (aOldTopic) GlobalDeleteAtom (aOldTopic); if (lpobj->item) GlobalDeleteAtom (lpobj->item); lpobj->item = aNewItem; // As the atoms have already changed, lpobj->hLink becomes irrelevant.
if (lpobj->hLink) { GlobalFree (lpobj->hLink); lpobj->hLink = NULL; } GlobalUnlock(hinfo); // Now disconnect the old link and try to connect to the new one.
lpobj->fCmd = 0; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_SETDATA, LNKCHANGELNK); return LnkChangeLnk (lpobj);
if (aNewItem) GlobalDeleteAtom (aNewItem); GlobalUnlock (hinfo); return retVal; }
BOOL QueryUnlaunch (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { if (!(lpobj->fCmd & ACT_UNLAUNCH)) return FALSE; // only if we loaded the app
if (lpobj->pSysEdit && lpobj->pSysEdit->hClient && lpobj->pSysEdit->hInst) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
BOOL QueryClose (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { if (!((lpobj->fCmd & ACT_UNLAUNCH) || (lpobj->head.ctype == CT_EMBEDDED))) return FALSE;
// only if we loaded the documnet
if (lpobj->pSysEdit && lpobj->pSysEdit->hClient) return TRUE; return FALSE; }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL SetHostNamesHandle (lpobj, lpclientName, lpdocName) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; LPSTR lpclientName; LPSTR lpdocName; { WORD cbClient; WORD size; HANDLE hhostNames = NULL; LPHOSTNAMES lphostNames = NULL; LPSTR lpdata; // 4 bytes is for the two offsets
size = (cbClient = lstrlen(lpclientName)+1) + (lstrlen(lpdocName)+1) + 4;
if ((hhostNames = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, (DWORD) size)) == NULL) goto errRtn;
if ((lphostNames = (LPHOSTNAMES)GlobalLock (hhostNames)) == NULL) goto errRtn;
lphostNames->clientNameOffset = 0; lphostNames->documentNameOffset = cbClient;
lpdata = (LPSTR)lphostNames->data; lstrcpy (lpdata, lpclientName); lstrcpy (lpdata + cbClient, lpdocName); if (lpobj->hhostNames) GlobalFree ( lpobj->hhostNames); GlobalUnlock (hhostNames); lpobj->hhostNames = hhostNames; return OLE_OK;
errRtn: if (lphostNames) GlobalUnlock (hhostNames);
if (hhostNames) GlobalFree (hhostNames);
#if 0
BOOL bAbort = FALSE; PEDIT_DDE pedit;
// check whether the any transaction pending for
// the document level.
// channel open
// any transaction pending.
// and we are not in terminate mode.
if ((pedit = lpobj->pDocEdit) && pedit->hServer && pedit->awaitAck && !pedit->bTerminating) { pedit->bAbort = bAbort = TRUE; // delete any data we need to delete. Ricght now
// we kill only the timer. We can not delete any
// since the server could potentially look at the data.
DeleteAbortData (lpobj, pedit); }
if ((pedit = lpobj->pSysEdit) && pedit->hServer && pedit->awaitAck && !pedit->bTerminating) { pedit->bAbort = bAbort = TRUE; DeleteAbortData (lpobj, pedit);
if (!bAbort) return OLE_OK;
// Now send the EndAsync
lpobj->mainErr = OLE_ERROR_ABORT; EndAsyncCmd (lpobj); return OLE_OK;
} #endif
if (lpobj->asyncCmd == OLE_NONE) return OLE_OK;
if (!IsServerValid (lpobj)) {
// Now send the EndAsync
lpobj->mainErr = OLE_ERROR_TASK; EndAsyncCmd (lpobj); return OLE_OK; }
return OLE_BUSY; }
BOOL INTERNAL IsWindowValid (hwnd) HWND hwnd; {
#define TASK_OFFSET 0x00FA
LPSTR lptask; HANDLE htask;
if (!IsWindow (hwnd)) return FALSE;
if (bWLO) return TRUE; // now get the task handle and find out it is valid.
htask = GetWindowTask (hwnd);
if ((wWinVer == 0x0003) || !lpfnIsTask) { lptask = (LPSTR)(MAKELONG (TASK_OFFSET, htask));
if (!FarCheckPointer(lptask, READ_ACCESS)) return FALSE;
// now check for the signature bytes of task block in kernel
if (*lptask++ == 'T' && *lptask == 'D') return TRUE; } else { // From win31 onwards the API IsTask can be used for task validation
if ((*lpfnIsTask)(htask)) return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
BOOL INTERNAL IsServerValid (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; {
MSG msg; BOOL retval = FALSE;
if (lpobj->pDocEdit && lpobj->pDocEdit->hServer) {
retval = TRUE;
if (!IsWindowValid (lpobj->pDocEdit->hServer)) { if (!PeekMessage ((LPMSG)&msg, lpobj->pDocEdit->hClient, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)){ #ifdef FIREWALLS
ASSERT (FALSE, "Server truely died"); #endif
return FALSE; }
if (lpobj->pSysEdit && lpobj->pSysEdit->hServer) { retval = TRUE;
if (!IsWindowValid (lpobj->pSysEdit->hServer)) {
if (!PeekMessage ((LPMSG)&msg, lpobj->pSysEdit->hClient, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, WM_DDE_TERMINATE, PM_NOREMOVE | PM_NOYIELD)){ #ifdef FIREWALLS
ASSERT (FALSE, "Server truely died"); #endif
return FALSE;
} }
return retval; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL LeExecute (lpobj, hCmds, wReserve) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; HANDLE hCmds; WORD wReserve; { // Assumes all the creates are in order
PROBE_CREATE_ASYNC(lpobj); PROBE_SVRCLOSING(lpobj); if (!(lpobj = (*lpobj->head.lpvtbl->QueryProtocol) (lpobj, PROTOCOL_EXECUTE))) return OLE_ERROR_PROTOCOL;
if (!QueryOpen (lpobj)) return OLE_ERROR_NOT_OPEN; if (!(hCmds = DuplicateGlobal (hCmds, GMEM_MOVEABLE|GMEM_DDESHARE))) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; InitAsyncCmd (lpobj, OLE_OTHER, NULL); SETERRHINT(lpobj, OLE_ERROR_COMMAND); if (DocExecute(lpobj, hCmds)) return OLE_WAIT_FOR_RELEASE; else return OLE_ERROR_COMMAND; }
void INTERNAL FreeGDIdata (hData, cfFormat) HANDLE hData; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; { if (cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) { LPMETAFILEPICT lpMfp; if (lpMfp = (LPMETAFILEPICT) GlobalLock (hData)) { GlobalUnlock (hData); DeleteMetaFile (lpMfp->hMF); }
GlobalFree (hData); } else if (cfFormat == CF_BITMAP) DeleteObject (hData); else if (cfFormat == CF_DIB) GlobalFree (hData); }
// This routine figures out whether the handle to data block can be copied
// to DDEPOKE block rather than the contents of the handle
BOOL INTERNAL CanPutHandleInPokeBlock (lpobj, cfFormat) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; OLECLIPFORMAT cfFormat; { if (cfFormat == CF_BITMAP || cfFormat == CF_DIB) return TRUE;
if (cfFormat == CF_METAFILEPICT) { // The old version of MSDraw expects the contents of METAFILEPICT
// structure to be part of DDEPOKE, rather than the handle to it.
if (!lpobj->bOleServer && lpobj->app == aMSDraw) return FALSE; return TRUE; } return FALSE; }