/****************************** Module Header ******************************\
* Module Name: utils.c * * Purpose: Conatains all the utility routines * * Created: 1990 * * Copyright (c) 1990, 1991 Microsoft Corporation * * History: * Raor, srinik (../../1990,91) Designed and coded * \***************************************************************************/
#include <windows.h>
#include <shellapi.h>
#include "dll.h"
#define KB_64 65536
extern ATOM aPackage; extern OLEOBJECTVTBL vtblMF, vtblBM, vtblDIB, vtblGEN;
// QuerySize API support
DWORD dwObjSize = NULL; OLESTREAMVTBL dllStreamVtbl; OLESTREAM dllStream;
#pragma alloc_text(_DDETEXT, UtilMemClr, MapStrToH, MapExtToClass, FileExists)
BOOL PutStrWithLen(lpstream, lpbytes) LPOLESTREAM lpstream; LPSTR lpbytes; { LONG len;
len = (LONG) lstrlen(lpbytes) + 1;
if (PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR)&len, sizeof(len))) return TRUE;
return PutBytes(lpstream, lpbytes, len);
BOOL GetStrWithLen(lpstream, lpbytes) LPOLESTREAM lpstream; LPSTR lpbytes; { if (GetBytes (lpstream, lpbytes, sizeof(LONG))) return TRUE;
return GetBytes (lpstream, lpbytes + sizeof(LONG), (*(LONG FAR *)lpbytes)); }
ATOM GetAtomFromStream(lpstream) LPOLESTREAM lpstream; { BOOL err = TRUE; LONG len; char str[MAX_STR+1];
if (GetBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR)&len, sizeof(len))) return NULL;
if (len == 0) return NULL;
if (GetBytes(lpstream, (LPSTR)str, len)) return NULL;
return GlobalAddAtom(str);
BOOL PutAtomIntoStream(lpstream, at) LPOLESTREAM lpstream; ATOM at; { LONG len = 0; char buf[MAX_STR + 1];
if (at == 0) return (PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR)&len, sizeof(len)));
len = GlobalGetAtomName (at,(LPSTR)buf, MAX_STR) + 1;
if (PutBytes (lpstream, (LPSTR)&len, sizeof(len))) return TRUE;
return PutBytes(lpstream, buf, len); }
// DuplicateAtom: Bump the use count up on a global atom.
ATOM FARINTERNAL DuplicateAtom (ATOM atom) { char buffer[MAX_ATOM+1];
if (!atom) return NULL;
GlobalGetAtomName (atom, buffer, MAX_ATOM); return GlobalAddAtom (buffer); }
BOOL GetBytes(lpstream, lpstr, len) LPOLESTREAM lpstream; LPSTR lpstr; LONG len; {
ASSERT (lpstream->lpstbl->Get , "stream get function is null"); return (((*lpstream->lpstbl->Get)(lpstream, lpstr, (DWORD)len)) != (DWORD)len); }
BOOL PutBytes(lpstream, lpstr, len) LPOLESTREAM lpstream; LPSTR lpstr; LONG len; {
ASSERT (lpstream->lpstbl->Put , "stream get function is null"); return (((*lpstream->lpstbl->Put)(lpstream, lpstr, (DWORD)len)) != (DWORD)len); }
BOOL FARINTERNAL UtilMemCmp (lpmem1, lpmem2, dwCount) LPSTR lpmem1; LPSTR lpmem2; DWORD dwCount; { WORD HUGE * hpmem1; WORD HUGE * hpmem2; WORD FAR * lpwMem1; WORD FAR * lpwMem2; DWORD words; DWORD bytes; bytes = dwCount % 2; words = dwCount >> 1; //* we should compare DWORDS
//* in the 32 bit version
if (dwCount <= KB_64) { lpwMem1 = (WORD FAR *) lpmem1; lpwMem2 = (WORD FAR *) lpmem2; while (words--) { if (*lpwMem1++ != *lpwMem2++) return FALSE; }
if (bytes) { if (* (char FAR *) lpwMem1 != *(char FAR *) lpwMem2) return FALSE; }
} else { hpmem1 = (WORD HUGE *) lpmem1; hpmem2 = (WORD HUGE *) lpmem2; while (words--) { if (*hpmem1++ != *hpmem2++) return FALSE; }
if (bytes) { if (* (char HUGE *) hpmem1 != * (char HUGE *) hpmem2) return FALSE; } } return TRUE; }
void FARINTERNAL UtilMemCpy (lpdst, lpsrc, dwCount) LPSTR lpdst; LPSTR lpsrc; DWORD dwCount; { WORD HUGE * hpdst; WORD HUGE * hpsrc; WORD FAR * lpwDst; WORD FAR * lpwSrc; DWORD words; DWORD bytes; bytes = dwCount % 2; words = dwCount >> 1; //* we should compare DWORDS
//* in the 32 bit version
if (dwCount <= KB_64) { lpwDst = (WORD FAR *) lpdst; lpwSrc = (WORD FAR *) lpsrc; while (words--) *lpwDst++ = *lpwSrc++;
if (bytes) * (char FAR *) lpwDst = * (char FAR *) lpwSrc; } else { hpdst = (WORD HUGE *) lpdst; hpsrc = (WORD HUGE *) lpsrc; while (words--) *hpdst++ = *hpsrc++;
if (bytes) *(char HUGE *) hpdst = * (char HUGE *) hpsrc; } }
//DuplicateData: Duplicates a given Global data handle.
HANDLE FARINTERNAL DuplicateGlobal (hdata, flags) HANDLE hdata; WORD flags; { LPSTR lpdst = NULL; LPSTR lpsrc = NULL; HANDLE hdup = NULL; DWORD size; BOOL err = TRUE;
if (!hdata) return NULL; if(!(lpsrc = GlobalLock (hdata))) return NULL;
hdup = GlobalAlloc (flags, (size = GlobalSize(hdata)));
if(!(lpdst = GlobalLock (hdup))) goto errRtn;;
err = FALSE; UtilMemCpy (lpdst, lpsrc, size);
errRtn: if(lpsrc) GlobalUnlock (hdata);
if(lpdst) GlobalUnlock (hdup);
if (err && hdup) { GlobalFree (hdup); hdup = NULL; } return hdup; }
BOOL FARINTERNAL CmpGlobals (hdata1, hdata2) HANDLE hdata1; HANDLE hdata2; { LPSTR lpdata1 = NULL; LPSTR lpdata2 = NULL; DWORD size1; DWORD size2; BOOL retval = FALSE;
size1 = GlobalSize (hdata1); size2 = GlobalSize (hdata2);
if (size1 != size2) return FALSE;
if (!(lpdata1 = GlobalLock (hdata1))) goto errRtn;
if (!(lpdata2 = GlobalLock (hdata2))) goto errRtn;
retval = UtilMemCmp (lpdata1, lpdata2, size1);
errRtn: if (lpdata1) GlobalUnlock (hdata1);
if (lpdata2) GlobalUnlock (hdata2);
return retval; }
int FARINTERNAL GlobalGetAtomLen (aItem) ATOM aItem; { // !!! Change this
char buf[MAX_STR];
if (!aItem) return NULL; return (GlobalGetAtomName (aItem, (LPSTR)buf, MAX_STR));
BOOL FARINTERNAL MapExtToClass (lptemplate, lpbuf, len) LPSTR lptemplate; LPSTR lpbuf; int len; { LONG cb; while (*lptemplate && *lptemplate != '.') lptemplate++; cb = len; if (*(lptemplate+1) == NULL) return FALSE;
if (RegQueryValue (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, lptemplate, lpbuf, &cb)) return FALSE;
return TRUE; }
// Get exe name from aClass and set it as aServer
void INTERNAL SetExeAtom (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { char key[MAX_STR]; // if old link object assume the class same as the exe file name.
if (lpobj->bOldLink) lpobj->aServer = DuplicateAtom (lpobj->app); else { if (GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->app, key, sizeof(key))) lpobj->aServer = GetAppAtom ((LPSTR)key); } }
ATOM FARINTERNAL GetAppAtom (lpclass) LPSTR lpclass; { char buf1[MAX_STR];
if (!QueryApp (lpclass, PROTOCOL_EDIT, buf1)) { return NULL; } return GlobalAddAtom ((LPSTR)buf1); }
BOOL FARINTERNAL QueryVerb (lpobj, verb, lpbuf, cbmax) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; WORD verb; LPSTR lpbuf; LONG cbmax; { LONG cb = MAX_STR; char key[MAX_STR]; // do not need 256 bytes buffer
char class[MAX_STR]; int len;
if (!GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->app, (LPSTR)class, sizeof(class))) return FALSE;
lstrcpy (key, (LPSTR)class); lstrcat (key, "\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\verb\\"); len = lstrlen (key); key [len++] = (char) ('0' + verb); key [len++] = 0;
if (RegQueryValue (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key, lpbuf, &cbmax)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
BOOL QueryApp (lpclass, lpprotocol, lpbuf) LPSTR lpclass; LPSTR lpprotocol; LPSTR lpbuf; { LONG cb = MAX_STR; char key[MAX_STR];
lstrcpy (key, lpclass); lstrcat (key, "\\protocol\\"); lstrcat (key, lpprotocol); lstrcat (key, "\\server");
if (RegQueryValue (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, key, lpbuf, &cb)) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
HANDLE MapStrToH (lpstr) LPSTR lpstr; {
HANDLE hdata = NULL; LPSTR lpdata = NULL;
hdata = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_DDESHARE, lstrlen (lpstr) + 1); if (hdata == NULL || (lpdata = (LPSTR)GlobalLock (hdata)) == NULL) goto errRtn;
lstrcpy (lpdata, lpstr); GlobalUnlock (hdata); return hdata;
errRtn: if (lpdata) GlobalUnlock (hdata);
if (hdata) GlobalFree (hdata); return NULL; }
HANDLE FARINTERNAL CopyData (lpsrc, dwBytes) LPSTR lpsrc; DWORD dwBytes; { HANDLE hnew; LPSTR lpnew; BOOL retval = FALSE;
if (hnew = GlobalAlloc (GMEM_MOVEABLE, dwBytes)){ if (lpnew = GlobalLock (hnew)){ UtilMemCpy (lpnew, lpsrc, dwBytes); GlobalUnlock (hnew); return hnew; } else GlobalFree (hnew); } return NULL; }
void UtilMemClr (pstr, size) PSTR pstr; WORD size; {
while (size--) *pstr++ = 0;
OLESTATUS FAR PASCAL ObjQueryName (lpobj, lpBuf, lpcbBuf) LPOLEOBJECT lpobj; LPSTR lpBuf; WORD FAR * lpcbBuf; { if (lpobj->ctype != CT_LINK && lpobj->ctype != CT_EMBEDDED && lpobj->ctype != CT_STATIC) return OLE_ERROR_OBJECT; PROBE_WRITE(lpBuf); if (!*lpcbBuf) return OLE_ERROR_SIZE; if (!CheckPointer(lpBuf+*lpcbBuf-1, WRITE_ACCESS)) return OLE_ERROR_SIZE;
ASSERT(lpobj->aObjName, "object name ATOM is NULL\n"); *lpcbBuf = GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->aObjName, lpBuf, *lpcbBuf); return OLE_OK; }
OLESTATUS FAR PASCAL ObjRename (lpobj, lpNewName) LPOLEOBJECT lpobj; LPSTR lpNewName; { if (lpobj->ctype != CT_LINK && lpobj->ctype != CT_EMBEDDED && lpobj->ctype != CT_STATIC) return OLE_ERROR_OBJECT; PROBE_READ(lpNewName); if (!lpNewName[0]) return OLE_ERROR_NAME; if (lpobj->aObjName) GlobalDeleteAtom (lpobj->aObjName); lpobj->aObjName = GlobalAddAtom (lpNewName); return OLE_OK; }
BOOL QueryHandler(cfFormat) WORD cfFormat; { HANDLE hInfo = NULL; LPSTR lpInfo = NULL; BOOL fRet = FALSE, fOpen = FALSE; LONG cb = MAX_STR; char str[MAX_STR]; HKEY hKey; // we don't have the client app window handle, use the screen handle
fOpen = OpenClipboard (NULL);
if (!(hInfo = GetClipboardData (cfFormat))) goto errRtn; if (!(lpInfo = GlobalLock(hInfo))) goto errRtn; // First string of lpInfo is CLASS. See whether any handler is installed
// for this class.
lstrcpy (str, lpInfo); lstrcat (str, "\\protocol\\StdFileEditing\\handler"); if (RegOpenKey (HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, str, &hKey)) goto errRtn; RegCloseKey (hKey); fRet = TRUE;
errRtn: if (lpInfo) GlobalUnlock (hInfo); if (fOpen) CloseClipboard(); return fRet; }
OLESTATUS INTERNAL FileExists (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { char filename[MAX_STR]; OFSTRUCT ofstruct; if (!GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->topic, filename, MAX_STR)) return OLE_ERROR_MEMORY; // For package with link we append "/LINK" to the filename. We don't want
// to check for it's existence here.
if (lpobj->app != aPackage) { // when OF_EXIST is specified, file is opened and closed immediately
if (OpenFile (filename, &ofstruct, OF_EXIST) == -1) return OLE_ERROR_OPEN; } return OLE_OK; }
BOOL FARINTERNAL UtilQueryProtocol (lpobj, lpprotocol) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; LPSTR lpprotocol; { char buf[MAX_STR]; ATOM aExe; if (!GlobalGetAtomName (lpobj->app, (LPSTR) buf, MAX_STR)) return FALSE; if (!QueryApp (buf, lpprotocol, (LPSTR) buf)) return FALSE; aExe = GlobalAddAtom (buf); if (aExe) GlobalDeleteAtom (aExe); if (aExe != lpobj->aServer) return FALSE; return TRUE; }
WORD FARINTERNAL FarCheckPointer (lp, iAccessType) LPVOID lp; int iAccessType; { return (CheckPointer (lp, iAccessType)); }
DWORD PASCAL FAR DllPut (lpstream, lpstr, dwSize) LPOLESTREAM lpstream; LPSTR lpstr; DWORD dwSize; { dwObjSize += dwSize; return dwSize; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL ObjQueryType (lpobj, lptype) LPOLEOBJECT lpobj; LPLONG lptype; { Puts("ObjQueryType");
if (lpobj->ctype != CT_STATIC) return OLE_ERROR_OBJECT; *lptype = lpobj->ctype; return OLE_OK; }
OLESTATUS FARINTERNAL ObjQuerySize (lpobj, lpdwSize) LPOLEOBJECT lpobj; DWORD FAR * lpdwSize; { Puts("ObjQuerySize");
*lpdwSize = dwObjSize = NULL; if ((*lpobj->lpvtbl->SaveToStream) (lpobj, &dllStream) == OLE_OK) { *lpdwSize = dwObjSize; return OLE_OK; }
BOOL FARINTERNAL IsObjectBlank (lpobj) LPOBJECT_LE lpobj; { LPOLEOBJECT lpPictObj; BOOL retval; // Cleaner way is to provide a method like QueryBlank()
if (!lpobj->hnative) return TRUE; if (!(lpPictObj = lpobj->lpobjPict)) return FALSE; if (lpPictObj->lpvtbl == (LPOLEOBJECTVTBL)&vtblMF) retval = (BOOL) (((LPOBJECT_MF)lpPictObj)->hmfp); else if (lpPictObj->lpvtbl == (LPOLEOBJECTVTBL)&vtblBM) retval = (BOOL) (((LPOBJECT_BM)lpPictObj)->hBitmap); if (lpPictObj->lpvtbl == (LPOLEOBJECTVTBL)&vtblDIB) retval = (BOOL) (((LPOBJECT_DIB)lpPictObj)->hDIB); if (lpPictObj->lpvtbl == (LPOLEOBJECTVTBL)&vtblGEN) retval = (BOOL) (((LPOBJECT_GEN)lpPictObj)->hData); return retval; }