#include <windows.h>
#include "common.h"
#define BLOCKLEN 100
#ifndef DBCS
#define AnsiNext(x) ((x)+1)
LPSTR lpMerge; char szDotClasses[] = "\\.classes\\"; char szHkeyClassesRoot[] = "HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT\\";
extern HWND hWndHelp;
extern unsigned long NEAR PASCAL MySetValue(HKEY hKey, PSTR pSubKey, PSTR pVal);
NEAR PASCAL ImportWin40RegFile( VOID );
static PSTR NEAR PASCAL GetFileLine(void) { static HANDLE hFile = NULL; static PSTR pFile; static WORD wLen;
LPSTR lpStart; HANDLE hTemp; WORD wLineLen; char cFile;
/* We need a place to put the file line */ if(!hFile) { if(!(hFile=LocalAlloc(LMEM_MOVEABLE, wLen=BLOCKLEN))) goto Error1; if(!(pFile=LocalLock(hFile))) goto Error2; }
/* If we have read the whole file, then clean up and return */ if(!*lpMerge) goto Error3;
for(lpStart=lpMerge; ; ) { cFile = *lpMerge; lpMerge = AnsiNext(lpMerge);
switch(cFile) { case('\n'): case('\r'): case('\0'): /* EOL so return */ goto CopyLine; } }
CopyLine: wLineLen = lpMerge - lpStart - 1; /* Make the buffer larger if necessary */ if(wLineLen >= wLen) { LocalUnlock(hFile); wLen = wLineLen + BLOCKLEN; if(!(hTemp=LocalReAlloc(hFile, wLen, LMEM_MOVEABLE))) goto Error2; if(!(pFile=LocalLock(hFile=hTemp))) goto Error2; } RepeatMove(pFile, lpStart, wLineLen); pFile[wLineLen] = '\0'; return(pFile);
Error3: LocalUnlock(hFile); Error2: LocalFree(hFile); hFile = NULL; Error1: return(NULL); }
static VOID NEAR PASCAL MergeFileData(void) { static struct tagKEYANDROOT { PSTR szKey; HKEY hKeyRoot; } krClasses[] = { szHkeyClassesRoot, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, szDotClasses, HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT } ; #define NUM_KEYWORDS (sizeof(krClasses)/sizeof(krClasses[0]))
PSTR pLine; PSTR pLast; HKEY hKeyRoot, hSubKey; int i;
/* Get the initial line if this is the first time through */ if(!(pLine=GetFileLine())) return; /* Otherwise, open a key so that we only do one write to the disk */ if(RegCreateKey(HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT, NULL, &hSubKey) != ERROR_SUCCESS) return;
do { for (i=0; i<NUM_KEYWORDS; ++i) { char cTemp; int nCmp, nLen;
cTemp = pLine[nLen=lstrlen(krClasses[i].szKey)]; pLine[nLen] = '\0'; nCmp = lstrcmp(krClasses[i].szKey, pLine); pLine[nLen] = cTemp; if (!nCmp) { pLine += nLen; hKeyRoot = krClasses[i].hKeyRoot; goto MergeTheData; } } continue;
MergeTheData: /* This is a line that needs to get merged.
* Find a space (and then skip spaces) or "= " */ for(pLast=pLine; *pLast; pLast=AnsiNext(pLast)) { if(*pLast == ' ') { *pLast = '\0'; while(*(++pLast) == ' ') /* find the first non-space */ ; break; } }
/* There is an error if we don't have "= " */ if(*pLast=='=' && *(++pLast)==' ') ++pLast;
/* Set the value */ MySetValue(hKeyRoot, pLine, pLast); } while(pLine=GetFileLine()) ;
RegCloseKey(hSubKey); }
VOID NEAR PASCAL ProcessFiles(HWND hDlg, HANDLE hCmdLine, WORD wFlags) { HANDLE hMerge, hHeader; PSTR pHeader; int hFile; LONG lSize; LPSTR lpFileName, lpTemp; OFSTRUCT of; WORD wErrMsg;
lpFileName = GlobalLock(hCmdLine); /* We need to process all file names on the command line */ while(lpTemp=MyStrTok(lpFileName, ' ')) { /* Open the file */ wErrMsg = IDS_CANTOPENFILE; if((hFile=OpenFile(lpFileName, &of, OF_READ)) == -1) goto Error2;
/* Determine the file size; limit it to just less than 64K */ wErrMsg = IDS_CANTREADFILE; if((lSize=_llseek(hFile, 0L, 2))==-1 || lSize>0xfff0) goto Error3; _llseek(hFile, 0L, 0);
/* Allocate a block of memory for the file */ wErrMsg = IDS_OUTOFMEMORY; if(!(hMerge=GlobalAlloc(GHND, lSize+2))) goto Error3; if(!(lpMerge=GlobalLock(hMerge))) goto Error4;
/* Read in the file */ wErrMsg = IDS_CANTREADFILE; if(_lread(hFile, lpMerge, LOWORD(lSize)) != LOWORD(lSize)) goto Error5;
/* Look for the header */ wErrMsg = IDS_OUTOFMEMORY; if(!(hHeader=MyLoadString(IDS_REGHEADER, NULL, LMEM_MOVEABLE))) goto Error5; pHeader = LocalLock(hHeader);
wErrMsg = IDS_BADFORMAT; while(*lpMerge == ' ') ++lpMerge; while(*pHeader) if(*lpMerge++ != *pHeader++) goto Error6; if(*lpMerge=='4') { ImportWin40RegFile(); wErrMsg = IDS_SUCCESSREAD; goto Error6; } while(*lpMerge == ' ') ++lpMerge; if(*lpMerge!='\r' && *lpMerge!='\n') goto Error6;
/* Merge the data */ MergeFileData(); /* This makes the changes */
wErrMsg = IDS_SUCCESSREAD; Error6: LocalUnlock(hHeader); LocalFree(hHeader); Error5: GlobalUnlock(hMerge); Error4: GlobalFree(hMerge); Error3: _lclose(hFile); Error2: /* Display the status message */ if(!(wFlags&FLAG_SILENT) || wErrMsg!=IDS_SUCCESSREAD) MyMessageBox(hDlg, wErrMsg, MB_OK | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION, lstrlen(lpFileName), lpFileName);
lpFileName = lpTemp; while(*lpFileName == ' ') ++lpFileName; }
GlobalFree(hCmdLine); }