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* INT1.C * * Routines used to implement the interrupt trapping API in * TOOLHELP.DLL * **************************************************************************/
#include <string.h>
#include "toolpriv.h"
/* ----- Global variables ----- */ WORD wIntInstalled; INTERRUPT NEAR *npIntHead;
/* InterruptRegister
* Registers an interrupt callback. */
BOOL TOOLHELPAPI InterruptRegister( HANDLE hTask, FARPROC lpfnCallback) { INTERRUPT *pInt; INTERRUPT *pTemp;
/* Make sure TOOLHELP.DLL is installed */ if (!wLibInstalled) return FALSE;
/* If the interrupt hook has not yet been installed, install it */ if (!wIntInstalled) { /* Make sure we can hook! */ if (!InterruptInit()) return FALSE; wIntInstalled = TRUE; }
/* NULL hTask means current task */ if (!hTask) hTask = GetCurrentTask();
/* Register a death signal handler for this task (does nothing if one
* is already installed. */ SignalRegister(hTask);
/* Check to see if this task is already registered */ for (pInt = npIntHead ; pInt ; pInt = pInt->pNext) if (pInt->hTask == hTask) return FALSE;
/* Allocate a new INTERRUPT structure */ pInt = (INTERRUPT *)LocalAlloc(LMEM_FIXED, sizeof (INTERRUPT)); if (!pInt) return FALSE;
/* Fill in the useful fields */ pInt->hTask = hTask; pInt->lpfn = (LPFNCALLBACK) lpfnCallback;
/* If this is the only handler, just insert it */ if (!npIntHead) { pInt->pNext = npIntHead; npIntHead = pInt; }
/* Otherwise, insert at the end of the list */ else { for (pTemp = npIntHead ; pTemp->pNext ; pTemp = pTemp->pNext) ; pInt->pNext = pTemp->pNext; pTemp->pNext = pInt; }
return TRUE; }
/* InterruptUnRegister
* Called by an app whose callback is no longer to be used. * NULL hTask uses current task. */
BOOL TOOLHELPAPI InterruptUnRegister( HANDLE hTask) { INTERRUPT *pInt; INTERRUPT *pBefore;
/* Make sure we have interrupt installed and that TOOLHELP is OK */ if (!wLibInstalled || !wIntInstalled) return FALSE;
/* NULL hTask means current task */ if (!hTask) hTask = GetCurrentTask();
/* First try to find the task */ pBefore = NULL; for (pInt = npIntHead ; pInt ; pInt = pInt->pNext) if (pInt->hTask == hTask) break; else pBefore = pInt; if (!pInt) return FALSE;
/* Unhook the death signal proc only if there is no interrupt handler */ if (!NotifyIsHooked(hTask)) SignalUnRegister(hTask);
/* Remove it from the list */ if (!pBefore) npIntHead = pInt->pNext; else pBefore->pNext = pInt->pNext;
/* Free the structure */ LocalFree((HANDLE)pInt);
/* If there are no more handlers, unhook the callback */ if (!npIntHead) { InterruptUnInit(); wIntInstalled = FALSE; }
return TRUE; }
/* ----- Helper functions ----- */
/* InterruptIsHooked
* Returns TRUE iff the parameter task already has a interrupt hook. */
BOOL PASCAL InterruptIsHooked( HANDLE hTask) { INTERRUPT *pInt;
/* Loop thorugh all interrupts */ for (pInt = npIntHead ; pInt ; pInt = pInt->pNext) if (pInt->hTask == hTask) break;
/* Return found/not found */ return (BOOL)pInt; }