Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  2. ; Optimzed Code Path - on x86 builds effectively excecutes USER32 code.
  3. ;
  4. ; Created:
  5. ; 16-DEC-93 nandurir
  6. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  8. PAGE ,132
  9. .286p
  10. .xlist
  11. include ks386p.inc
  12. .286p
  13. NOEXTERNS=1 ; to suppress including most of the stuff in user.inc
  14. include wow.inc
  15. include wowusr.inc
  16. ;;;;;include cmacros.inc
  17. include user.inc
  18. .list
  19. externFP WOW16Call
  22. defgrp DGROUP,DATA
  23. externFP WowSetCompatHandle
  24. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  25. ; Optimized thunks for x86 only
  26. ;
  27. ;
  28. ;---------------------------------------------------------------------------
  29. ifndef PMODE32
  30. USER16CLIENTTHUNK macro Iapi, api, argtypeslist, returntype, api32, apispecificcode, callserver
  31. sBegin CODE
  32. index = 0
  33. IRP argtype, <argtypeslist>
  34. index = index + 1
  35. ENDM
  36. IFE index
  37. &Iapi &api, 0
  38. ELSE
  39. &Iapi &api
  40. ENDIF
  41. sEnd CODE
  42. endm
  43. else
  44. externFP OutputDebugString
  45. LOGARGS macro apiname
  46. push dx
  47. push ax
  48. push cs
  49. push OFFSET afterlog_&apiname
  50. call OutputDebugString
  51. pop ax
  52. pop dx
  53. jmp short afterlogname_&apiname
  54. afterlog_&apiname: DB 'USER: ','&apiname','()', 0dh, 0ah, 0
  55. afterlogname_&apiname:
  56. endm
  57. ; flat selector values
  58. ;
  61. ; set flat ds and fs
  62. ;
  64. .386p
  65. mov ax, FLATDS
  66. mov ds, ax
  67. mov ax, FLATFS
  68. mov fs, ax
  69. endm
  70. externFP GetSelectorBase
  71. GETFLATADDRESS macro farpointer
  72. ; check for null
  73. xor dx, dx
  74. mov ax, word ptr &farpointer+2
  75. or ax, ax
  76. jz @F
  77. cCall GetSelectorBase, <ax>
  78. ; check for base address 0
  79. mov cx, ax
  80. or cx, dx
  81. jz @F
  82. ; now its ok
  83. add ax, word ptr &farpointer
  84. adc dx, 0
  85. @@:
  86. endm
  87. ; generates code like: parmW arg1
  88. ;
  89. GENPARAM macro argtype, argname
  90. parm&argtype &argname
  91. endm
  92. pushWORD_DWORD macro argname
  93. movzx eax, &argname
  94. push eax
  95. endm
  96. pushINT_LONG macro argname
  97. movsx eax, &argname
  98. push eax
  99. endm
  100. pushDWORD_DWORD macro argname
  101. push dword ptr &argname
  102. endm
  103. pushPSZ_DWORD macro argname, apiname, argnumber
  104. GETFLATADDRESS &argname
  105. push dx
  106. push ax
  107. IFNB <apiname>
  108. or ax, dx
  109. jnz @F
  110. add sp, argnumber * 4
  111. xor eax, eax
  112. jmp short FailCall_&apiname
  113. @@:
  114. ENDIF
  115. endm
  116. pushHHOOK_DWORD macro argname
  117. push dword ptr -1 ; unreferenced parameter
  118. ; effectively an assertion
  119. endm
  120. pushARG16 macro argname
  121. push &argname
  122. endm
  123. CALLORDECLARE macro typestring, api32, totalbytes
  124. &typestring api32&@&totalbytes
  125. endm
  127. mov edx, DWORD PTR _wow16CsrFlag
  128. test BYTE PTR [edx], 1
  129. endm
  130. ; assumes eax is pointer to the flag
  132. mov BYTE PTR [edx], 0
  133. endm
  134. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  135. ; Iapi = either DUserThunk or UserThunk
  136. ; api = actual name
  137. ; argtypeslist = list of argument 'types' like <WORD, INT, HWND>
  138. ; api32 = this function is called instead of _Api
  139. ; apispecificcode = flag indicating additional code needed for this api.
  140. ; This is intended for handling 'compatibility'.
  141. ;
  142. ; If this argument is not blank, then there must exist a macro
  143. ; APISPECIFICCODE_api, which expands to the desired code.
  144. ; At present it is included just before the 'return' to
  145. ; the app.
  146. ;
  147. ; callserver = flag indication that it may be necessary to actually call
  148. ; USER32.
  149. ;
  150. ; If this argument is not blank, then there must exist a macro
  151. ; CALLSERVERCONDITION_api which expands to the desired code and
  152. ; clears or sets the zero flag. If ZF is clear, the actual
  153. ; thunk gets called, else nop.
  154. ;
  155. ;
  156. ; generates code similar to:
  157. ;
  158. ; externFP _Api OR Api32
  159. ; sBegin CODE
  160. ; if necessary
  161. ; FUN_WOWApi equ FUN_Api
  162. ; DUserThunk WOWApi, %(size Api16)
  163. ; endif
  164. ;
  165. ; cProc Api, <PUBLIC, FAR, PASCAL>, <ds>
  166. ; parmW arg1
  167. ; cBegin
  168. ; movzx, eax, arg1
  169. ; push eax
  170. ; call far ptr _Api OR Api32 (decorates the names)
  171. ;
  172. ; if necessary checks the callservercondtion
  173. ; resets the callservercondition
  174. ; push arg1
  175. ; call WOWApi ; the actual thunk to wow32/server
  176. ; @@:
  177. ; endif
  178. ;
  179. ; if exists, includes code in apispecificcode_api
  180. ; endif
  181. ; cEnd
  182. ; sEnd CODE
  183. ;
  184. ; - nanduri
  185. ;--------------------------------------------------------------------------
  186. USER16CLIENTTHUNK macro Iapi, api, argtypeslist, returntype, api32, apispecificcode, callserver
  187. ;*** declare api
  188. ;
  189. index = 0
  190. IRP argtype, <argtypeslist>
  191. index = index + 1
  192. ENDM
  193. IFB <api32>
  194. CALLORDECLARE <externFP>, _&api, %(index*4)
  195. ELSE
  196. CALLORDECLARE <externFP>, _&api32, %(index*4)
  197. ENDIF
  198. sBegin CODE ; _&api
  199. ;*** create thunk to wow32
  200. ;
  201. IFNB <callserver>
  202. FUN_WOW&api equ FUN_&api
  203. DUserThunk WOW&api, %(size api&16)
  204. ENDIF
  205. ;*** create thea Api label
  206. ;
  207. IFNB <api>
  208. IFIDNI <Iapi>, <DUSERTHUNK>
  209. cProc &api, <PUBLIC, FAR, PASCAL>, <ds>
  210. ELSE
  211. cProc I&api, <PUBLIC, FAR, PASCAL>, <ds>
  212. ENDIF
  213. ENDIF
  214. ;*** declare args
  215. ;
  216. nargcount = 0
  217. IRP argtype, <argtypeslist>
  218. nargcount = nargcount + 1
  219. IFIDNI <argtype>, <WORD>
  220. genparam W, arg%(nargcount)
  221. ENDIF
  222. IFIDNI <argtype>, <INT>
  223. genparam W, arg%(nargcount)
  224. ENDIF
  225. IFIDNI <argtype>, <SHORT>
  226. genparam W, arg%(nargcount)
  227. ENDIF
  228. IFIDNI <argtype>, <DWORD>
  229. genparam D, arg%(nargcount)
  230. ENDIF
  231. IFIDNI <argtype>, <LONG>
  232. genparam D, arg%(nargcount)
  233. ENDIF
  234. IFIDNI <argtype>, <ULONG>
  235. genparam D, arg%(nargcount)
  236. ENDIF
  237. IFIDNI <argtype>, <PSZ>
  238. genparam D, arg%(nargcount)
  239. ENDIF
  240. IFIDNI <argtype>, <NONOPTPSZ>
  241. genparam D, arg%(nargcount)
  242. ENDIF
  243. IFIDNI <argtype>, <HWND>
  244. genparam W, arg%(nargcount)
  245. ENDIF
  246. IFIDNI <argtype>, <HHOOK>
  247. genparam D, arg%(nargcount)
  248. ENDIF
  249. ENDM
  250. ;*** begin body
  251. ;
  252. cBegin
  253. ;*** set 32bit registers
  254. ;
  256. ;*** push args in reverse
  257. ;
  258. FailCall = 0
  259. argtopush = nargcount
  260. REPT nargcount
  261. inputargindex = 0
  262. IRP argtype, <argtypeslist>
  263. inputargindex = inputargindex + 1
  264. IFE argtopush - inputargindex
  265. IFIDNI <argtype>, <WORD>
  266. pushWORD_DWORD arg%argtopush
  267. ENDIF
  268. IFIDNI <argtype>, <INT>
  269. pushINT_LONG arg%argtopush
  270. ENDIF
  271. IFIDNI <argtype>, <SHORT>
  272. pushINT_LONG arg%argtopush
  273. ENDIF
  274. IFIDNI <argtype>, <DWORD>
  275. pushDWORD_DWORD arg%argtopush
  276. ENDIF
  277. IFIDNI <argtype>, <LONG>
  278. pushDWORD_DWORD arg%argtopush
  279. ENDIF
  280. IFIDNI <argtype>, <ULONG>
  281. pushDWORD_DWORD arg%argtopush
  282. ENDIF
  283. IFIDNI <argtype>, <PSZ>
  284. pushPSZ_DWORD arg%argtopush
  285. ENDIF
  286. IFIDNI <argtype>, <NONOPTPSZ>
  287. FailCall = argtopush ; fails call if null
  288. pushPSZ_DWORD arg%argtopush, &api, %argtopush
  289. ENDIF
  290. IFIDNI <argtype>, <HWND>
  291. pushINT_LONG arg%argtopush
  292. ENDIF
  293. IFIDNI <argtype>, <HHOOK>
  294. pushHHOOK_DWORD arg%argtopush
  295. ENDIF
  296. ENDIF
  297. ENDM
  298. argtopush = argtopush - 1
  299. ENDM
  300. ;*** called user32/client api
  301. ;
  302. IFB <api32>
  303. CALLORDECLARE <call>, _&api, %(nargcount*4)
  304. ELSE
  305. CALLORDECLARE <call>, _&api32, %(nargcount*4)
  306. ENDIF
  307. ;*** check if we ever need to call server
  308. ;*** calls the real wow thunk
  309. IFNB <callserver>
  311. jz @F
  313. index = 0;
  314. IRP argtype, <argtypeslist>
  315. index = index + 1
  316. pushARG16 arg%index
  317. ENDM
  318. call WOW&api
  319. @@:
  320. ENDIF
  321. ;*** check for any api specific compatibility code to execute
  322. ;
  323. IFNB <apispecificcode>
  325. ENDIF
  326. IF FailCall
  327. FailCall_&api:
  328. ENDIF
  329. IFNB <returntype>
  330. IRP argtype, <dword, long, ulong>
  331. IFIDNI <returntype>, <argtype>
  332. mov edx, eax
  333. shr edx, 16
  334. EXITM
  335. ENDIF
  336. ENDM
  337. IFIDNI <returntype>, <boolzero>
  338. xor ax, ax
  339. ENDIF
  340. ENDIF
  341. ifdef DEBUG
  342. ;LOGARGS &api
  343. endif
  344. cEnd
  345. ; end body
  346. sEnd CODE ; _&api
  347. endm
  348. endif ; PMODE32
  349. assumes CS,CODE
  350. assumes DS,DATA
  351. assumes ES,NOTHING
  352. ;;;;;;;;;;sBegin CODE ; macro will generate this
  354. xor eax, eax
  355. endm
  357. mov cl, ah
  358. and cl, 080h
  359. or al, cl
  360. endm
  362. xor eax, eax
  363. endm
  364. ; The following call is only for a dBase for Windows 5.0 bug. Notice however, that this
  365. ; means that the internal KERNEL api WowSetCompatHandle will be called for every
  366. ; single invocation of GetDlgItem, no matter what app is running. This is bad, but
  367. ; on X86 platforms we don't transition to WOW32, and the cost of testing for it
  368. ; is just about as expensive as just saving it. Still, this should be removed as
  369. ; soon as we are convinced that the dBase bug has been fixed. -NeilSa
  371. push ax
  372. call WowSetCompatHandle
  373. endm
  374. public _wow16gpsi
  375. public _wow16CsrFlag
  376. public _wow16gHighestUserAddress
  377. sBegin CODE
  378. _wow16gpsi DD 0
  379. _wow16CsrFlag DD 0
  380. _wow16gHighestUserAddress DD 0
  381. sEnd CODE
  382. ; the following may end up calling wow32
  383. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, DEFHOOKPROC, <int, word, dword, hhook>, dword, WOW16DefHookProc,,srvcond
  384. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, ENABLEMENUITEM, <hwnd, word, word>, word,,,srvcond
  385. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, GETKEYSTATE, <int>, int,, compatcode, srvcond
  386. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETKEYBOARDSTATE, <nonoptpsz>, boolzero,,,srvcond
  387. ; the following are all thunked locally
  388. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, CLIENTTOSCREEN, <hwnd, psz>,boolzero
  389. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETCLASSNAME, <hwnd, psz, word>, word, GETCLASSNAMEA
  390. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETCLIENTRECT, <hwnd, psz>, bool,,compatcode
  391. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETCURSORPOS, <psz>, boolzero
  394. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETDLGITEM, <hwnd, word>, hwnd,,compatcode
  395. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETMENU, <hwnd>, hmenu
  397. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETMENUITEMID, <hwnd, int>, uint
  398. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETMENUSTATE, <hwnd, word, word>, uint
  399. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, GETNEXTWINDOW, <hwnd, word>, hwnd, GETWINDOW
  400. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETPARENT, <hwnd>, hwnd
  401. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETSUBMENU, <hwnd, int>, hmenu
  402. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETSYSCOLOR, <int>, dword
  404. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETTOPWINDOW, <hwnd>, hwnd
  405. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETWINDOW, <hwnd, word>, hwnd
  406. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, GETWINDOWRECT, <hwnd, psz>, bool,,compatcode
  407. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, ISWINDOW, <hwnd>, bool
  408. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, SCREENTOCLIENT, <hwnd, psz>, boolzero
  409. ifdef DEBUG
  410. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, ISCHILD, <hwnd, hwnd>, bool
  411. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, ISICONIC, <hwnd>, bool
  412. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, ISWINDOWENABLED, <hwnd>, bool
  413. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, ISWINDOWVISIBLE, <hwnd>, bool
  414. USER16CLIENTTHUNK UserThunk, ISZOOMED, <hwnd>, bool
  415. else
  416. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, ISCHILD, <hwnd, hwnd>, bool
  417. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, ISICONIC, <hwnd>, bool
  418. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, ISWINDOWENABLED, <hwnd>, bool
  419. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, ISWINDOWVISIBLE, <hwnd>, bool
  420. USER16CLIENTTHUNK DUserThunk, ISZOOMED, <hwnd>, bool
  421. endif
  422. ;;;;;;;;;sEnd CODE ; macro will generate this
  423. sBegin CODE
  424. ifndef PMODE32
  425. DUserThunk GETTICKCOUNT, 0
  426. DUserThunk GETCURRENTTIME, 0
  427. else
  430. ; the TickCount is accessible from client address space.
  431. ; refer sdk\inc\ntexapi.h
  432. ; - nanduri
  433. .386p
  434. ; set 32bit ds
  435. push ds
  436. mov ax, FLATDS
  437. mov ds, ax
  438. ; from sdk\inc\ntexapi.h NtGetTickCount - equivalent code
  439. mov edx, MM_SHARED_USER_DATA_VA
  440. mov eax, [edx].UsTickCountLow
  441. mul dword ptr [edx].UsTickCountMultiplier
  442. shrd eax,edx,24
  443. mov edx, eax
  444. shr edx, 010h
  445. and ax, NOT GRAINYTIC_RES ; round off to lower 64 boundary
  446. ;this is a cheap implemention of WOWCF_GRAINYTICS flag
  447. pop ds
  448. retf
  449. .286p
  450. endif
  451. sEnd CODE
  452. end