/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/
/* clipdisp.c -- Clipboard display routines */ /* This module only gets called in when the clipboard view window is up */
#define NOMENUS
#define NOCTLMGR
#include "windows.h"
#include "mw.h"
#include "docdefs.h"
#include "cmddefs.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "propdefs.h"
#include "editdefs.h"
#include "winddefs.h"
#include "dispdefs.h"
#include "wwdefs.h"
#if defined(OLE)
#include "obj.h"
#define SCRIBBLE
#include "debug.h"
extern int docCur; /* Document in current ww */ extern int docScrap; extern struct WWD rgwwd [];
int NEAR FGetClipboardDC( void ); int NEAR SetupClipboardDC( void ); int NEAR ReleaseClipboardDC( void );
MdocPaintClipboard( hWnd, hPS ) HWND hWnd; HANDLE hPS; { /* Paint portion of clipboard window indicated by hPS */ LPPAINTSTRUCT lpps;
if (wwClipboard == wwNil) return;
/* Must set the scroll bar range each time we get a PAINT message;
CLIPBRD.EXE resets it when it gets WM_DRAWCLIPBOARD */
SetScrollRange( wwdClipboard.wwptr, SB_VERT, 0, drMax-1, FALSE ); SetScrollRange( wwdClipboard.wwptr, SB_HORZ, 0, xpRightLim, FALSE );
if ( (lpps = (LPPAINTSTRUCT)GlobalLock( hPS )) != NULL ) { /* Paint the clipboard */ wwdClipboard.hDC = lpps->hdc; SetupClipboardDC(); NewCurWw( wwClipboard, TRUE ); InvalBand( &wwdClipboard, lpps->rcPaint.top, lpps->rcPaint.bottom - 1 ); UpdateWw( wwClipboard, FALSE ); NewCurWw( wwDocument, TRUE ); GlobalUnlock( hPS ); }
/* Since the DC is no longer good, we'll set it to NULL */ wwdClipboard.hDC = NULL;
#if 0
#if defined(OLE)
/* gotta delete objects loaded from scrap document */ ObjEnumInDoc(docScrap,ObjDeleteObjectInDoc); #endif
MdocSizeClipboard( hWnd, hRC ) HWND hWnd; HANDLE hRC; { /* Set clipboard window to be the rect in hRC */ /* If rectangle is 0 units high or wide, this means we're losing the
necessity for display until the next size message */ LPRECT lprc; int dypRect;
if ( (lprc = (LPRECT)GlobalLock( hRC )) == NULL ) return;
if ( (dypRect = lprc->bottom - lprc->top) <= 0 ) { /* NULL rect, means lose display until we get a nonnull size */ if (wwClipboard != wwNil) FreeWw( wwClipboard ); } else if ( (wwClipboard != wwNil) || ((wwClipboard=WwAlloc( hWnd, docScrap )) != wwNil)) { /* Have WWD entry for clipboard, set its size */
wwdClipboard.wwptr = hWnd; /* Just in case clipboard
was closed, then re-opened */ wwdClipboard.xpMin = lprc->left; wwdClipboard.xpMac = lprc->right; wwdClipboard.ypMin = lprc->top; wwdClipboard.ypMac = lprc->bottom; #ifdef WIN30
SetScrollPos(hWnd, SB_HORZ, 0, TRUE); /* suggested by sankar */ #endif
GlobalUnlock( hRC ); }
MdocVScrollClipboard( hWnd, sbMessage, wNewThumb ) HWND hWnd; int sbMessage; int wNewThumb; { if ( hWnd != wwdClipboard.wwptr || wwClipboard == wwNil) { Assert( FALSE ); return; }
if (!FGetClipboardDC()) /* Unable to create clipboard device context */ return;
NewCurWw( wwClipboard, TRUE );
switch ( sbMessage ) { case SB_THUMBPOSITION: { extern typeCP cpMacCur;
DirtyCache( wwdClipboard.cpFirst = (cpMacCur - wwdClipboard.cpMin) * wNewThumb / (drMax - 1) + wwdClipboard.cpMin); wwdClipboard.ichCpFirst = 0; wwdClipboard.fCpBad = TRUE; TrashWw( wwClipboard ); break; }
case SB_LINEUP: ScrollUpCtr( 1 ); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: ScrollDownCtr( 1 ); break; case SB_PAGEUP: ScrollUpDypWw(); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: ScrollDownCtr( 100 ); /* 100 > tr's in a page */ break; }
UpdateWw( wwClipboard, FALSE );
NewCurWw( wwDocument, TRUE ); /* Frees the memory DC */ ReleaseClipboardDC(); }
MdocHScrollClipboard( hWnd, sbMessage, wNewThumb ) HWND hWnd; int sbMessage; int wNewThumb; { if ( hWnd != wwdClipboard.wwptr || wwClipboard == wwNil) { Assert( FALSE ); return; }
if (!FGetClipboardDC()) /* Unable to create clipboard device context */ return;
NewCurWw( wwClipboard, TRUE );
switch (sbMessage) { case SB_LINEUP: /* line left */ ScrollRight(xpMinScroll); break; case SB_LINEDOWN: /* line right */ ScrollLeft(xpMinScroll); break; case SB_PAGEUP: /* page left */ ScrollRight(wwdClipboard.xpMac - xpSelBar); break; case SB_PAGEDOWN: /* page right */ ScrollLeft(wwdClipboard.xpMac - xpSelBar); break; case SB_THUMBPOSITION: /* position to posNew */ AdjWwHoriz( wNewThumb - wwdClipboard.xpMin ); break; }
UpdateWw( wwClipboard, FALSE );
NewCurWw( wwDocument, TRUE ); /* Frees the memory DC */ ReleaseClipboardDC(); }
MdocAskCBFormatName( lpchName, cchNameMax ) LPCH lpchName; int cchNameMax; { /* Copy the format name for the current contents of the clipboard
(of which we are the owner) to lpchName, copying no more than cchNameMax characters */
extern int vfOwnClipboard; extern int vfScrapIsPic; extern CHAR szWRITEText[]; int cchCopy;
Assert( vfOwnClipboard );
/* Don't give a format name for pictures; the name is covered by the
standard types */
if (!vfScrapIsPic) { if ( (cchCopy=CchSz( szWRITEText )) > cchNameMax ) { lpchName[ cchCopy = cchNameMax - 1 ] = '\0'; }
bltbx( (LPSTR)szWRITEText, (LPSTR)lpchName, cchCopy ); }
int NEAR FGetClipboardDC() { /* Get a DC for the clipboard window. Leave it in rgwwd [wwClipboard].
Call SetupClipboardDC to set up proper colors */
if ((wwdClipboard.hDC = GetDC( wwdClipboard.wwptr )) == NULL ) return FALSE;
SetupClipboardDC(); return TRUE; }
int NEAR SetupClipboardDC() { /* Select in the background brush for appropriate color behavior. */
extern long rgbBkgrnd; extern long rgbText; extern HBRUSH hbrBkgrnd;
SelectObject( wwdClipboard.hDC, hbrBkgrnd ); SetBkColor( wwdClipboard.hDC, rgbBkgrnd ); SetTextColor( wwdClipboard.hDC, rgbText ); }
int NEAR ReleaseClipboardDC() { ReleaseDC( wwdClipboard.wwptr, wwdClipboard.hDC ); wwdClipboard.hDC = NULL; /* Mark clipboard DC as invalid */ }