Leaked source code of windows server 2003
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

452 lines
18 KiB

  1. /************************************************************/
  2. /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */
  3. /************************************************************/
  4. /* This is the source file for the resource file for Windows Write. The
  5. resource file is generated by running this file through the resouce compiler
  6. RC.EXE. */
  7. /* Version Stamping */
  8. #include "write.rcv"
  9. #include "bitmaps.h"
  10. mw_icon ICON write.ico
  11. mwlores CURSOR mwlores.cur
  12. mwhires CURSOR mwhires.cur
  13. pmscur CURSOR pmscur.cur
  14. idBmBtnsCGA BITMAP cgabtns.bmp
  15. idBmBtnsEGA BITMAP egabtns.bmp
  16. idBmBtnsVGA BITMAP vgabtns.bmp
  17. idBmBtns8514 BITMAP 8514btns.bmp
  18. idBmMarksCGA BITMAP cgamarks.bmp
  19. idBmMarksEGA BITMAP egamarks.bmp
  20. idBmMarksVGA BITMAP vgamarks.bmp
  21. idBmMarks8514 BITMAP 8514mrks.bmp
  22. /* ONLINEHELP was the define for the (never-implemented) Write 2.x help system */
  23. #define INTL /* International version */
  24. #define NOGDICAPMASKS
  25. #define NOWINMESSAGES
  26. #define NOSYSMETRICS
  27. #define NOICON
  28. #define NOKEYSTATE
  29. #define NOSYSCOMMANDS
  30. #define NOSHOWWINDOW
  31. #define NOATOM
  32. #define NOGDI
  33. #define NOFONT
  34. #define NOBRUSH
  35. #define NOCLIPBOARD
  36. #define NOCOLOR
  37. #define NOCREATESTRUCT
  38. #define NODRAWTEXT
  39. #define NOMB
  40. #define NOMEMMGR
  41. #define NOMETAFILE
  42. #define NOMINMAX
  43. #define NOOPENFILE
  44. #define NOPEN
  45. #define NOREGION
  46. #define NOSCROLL
  47. #define NOSOUND
  48. #define NOTEXTMETRIC
  49. #define NOWH
  50. #define NOWINOFFSETS
  51. #define NOWNDCLASS
  52. #define NOCOMM
  53. #include <windows.h>
  54. #define OLE /* also defined in mw.h 01/24/91 -- dougk */
  55. #define PENWIN /* pen windows: also defined in mw.h (6.21.91) v-dougk */
  56. #include "menudefs.h"
  57. #if defined(OLE)
  58. #include "obj.h"
  59. #endif
  60. #include "dlgdefs.h"
  61. #include "str.h"
  62. #define DI_QUESTION 32514 /* have to match windows.h MAKEINTRESOURCE(n) */
  63. #define DI_EXCLAMATION 32515 /* have to match windows.h MAKEINTRESOURCE(n) */
  65. /* Note IDSTR's below must be <= cchMaxIDSTR chars! */
  66. IDS_MERGE1 "%s" /* relocatable message symbol */
  67. /* Menu and Undo strings */
  68. /* WARNING: The length of the longest UNDO string is kept as a constant
  69. in str.h. This constant must be updated along with the strings */
  70. IDSTRUndoBase,"&Undo "
  71. IDSTRUndoEdit,"Editing"
  72. IDSTRUndoLook,"Formatting"
  73. IDSTRUndoTyping,"Typing"
  74. IDSTRShowRuler,"&Ruler On"
  75. IDSTRHideRuler,"&Ruler Off"
  76. IDSTREdit "Edit"
  77. /*
  78. For localizing Edit.Object menu item: 'v'erb, 'c'lass, 'o'bject.
  79. You can omit any word in the menu string by omitting the
  80. character from the control string. Both control strings *must* be
  81. defined because each is used in different circumstances (single and
  82. popup cases). Any characters besides v,c, and o are interpreted
  83. literally and are inserted into the menu string (spaces, hyphens, etc).
  84. */
  85. IDSTRSingleVerb "v c o"
  86. IDSTRPopupVerbs "c o"
  87. IDSTRCancel "&Cancel"
  88. #ifdef ONLINEHELP
  89. IDSTRAbout, "About...\tF1"
  90. #else /* not ONLINEHELP */
  91. IDSTRAbout, "About..."
  92. #endif /* not ONLINEHELP */
  94. /* Backup button in commdlg */
  95. IDSTRBackup "&Backup"
  96. /* clipboard format names */
  97. IDSTRBitmap "Bitmap"
  98. IDSTRPicture "Picture"
  99. IDSTRDIB "Device Independent Bitmap"
  100. IDSTRText "Text"
  101. /* OLE strings */
  102. #if defined(OLE)
  103. IDSTRMenuVerb, "&Object"
  104. IDSTRMenuVerbP, "&Objects"
  105. IDSTRObject, "Object" /* paste special list box */
  106. IDSTRAuto, "Automatic"
  107. IDSTRManual, "Manual"
  108. IDSTRFrozen, "Unavailable"
  109. IDSTRAllFilter, "All Files (*.*)"
  110. IDSTRUpdate, "The selected links to %s have been updated; %s contains additional links to %s.\n\nDo you want to update these additional links now?"
  111. IDSTRRename, "The selected links to %s have been changed; %s contains additional links to %s.\n\nDo you want to change these additional links now?"
  112. IDSTRChangelink , "Change Link"
  113. IDSTRLoading, "Loading..."
  114. #endif
  115. /* commdlg strings */
  116. IDSTROpenfile , "Open"
  117. IDSTRSavefile , "Save As"
  118. IDSTRDefWriExtension , "WRI"
  119. IDSTRDefDocExtension , "DOC"
  120. IDSTRDefTxtExtension , "TXT"
  121. IDSTRTxtDescr , "Text Files (*.TXT)"
  122. IDSTRWriDescr , "Write Files (*.WRI)"
  123. IDSTRDocDescr , "Word for DOS (*.DOC)"
  124. IDSTRDocTextDescr , "Word for DOS/Txt Only (*.DOC)"
  125. IDSTRAllFilesDescr , "All Files (*.*)"
  126. IDSTROldWriteDescr , "3.0 Write (*.WRI)"
  127. /* Search/Change strings */
  128. IDSTRChangeSel,"Replace &Selection"
  129. IDSTRChangeAll,"Replace &All"
  130. /* String for "(page)" and "Page nnnn" */
  131. IDSTRChPage,"page"
  132. IDSTROn, " on "
  133. IDSTRReplaceFile,"Replace Existing %s?"
  134. /* '%d' is for the number of characters saved to a file. Total length
  135. with %d (counting '\0') should be <= 30!!!! Assume 7 chars in %d
  136. (in English). */
  137. IDSTRChars, "%ld Chars."
  138. IDSTRSearching, "Finding..."
  139. IDSTRConvertText, "Text document"
  140. IDSTRConvertWord, "Microsoft Word for DOS document"
  142. IDPMTSearchDone,"Search operation complete."
  143. IDPMTNotFound,"Text not found."
  144. IDPMTNoReplace,"No replacements were made."
  145. IDPMTCancelSearch, "Search operation cancelled."
  147. IDPMTTruncateSz, "Can only search on text containing no more than 255 characters.\n\nSearch for the first 255 characters entered?"
  148. IDPMTConvert, "%s\nDo you want to convert this file to Write format?"
  150. IDPMTRottenFile,"This document is corrupt and cannot be accessed."
  151. IDPMTBadFileName,"%s\nThis filename is not valid."
  152. IDPMTBadFile,"The document you are opening may be damaged. Write may not run correctly if this document is opened.\n\nDo you want open this document?"
  153. IDPMTCantOpen,"%s\nFile not found.\n\nPlease verify that the correct path and filename are given."
  154. IDPMTCantShare,"%s\nThis file is in use.\n\nUse a new filename or close the file in use by another application."
  155. IDPMTFileNotFound, "%s\nCannot find this file.\n\nEither something has happened to the network or possibly the file has been renamed or moved. Do you want to try again?"
  156. IDPMTDirtyDoc,"%s\nThis document has changed.\n\nSave current changes?"
  157. IDPMTCantRunM,"Not enough memory for Write to complete this operation.\n\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
  158. IDPMTCantRunF,"Not enough disk space for Write to complete this operation.\n\nDelete one or more files to increase available disk space, and then try again."
  159. IDPMTNoPath,"Path does not exist.\n\nPlease verify that the correct path is given."
  160. //IDPMTOverwrite,"%s\nThis file already exists.\n\nReplace existing file?"
  161. IDPMTReadOnly,"The file is read-only.\n\nUse a different filename."
  162. IDPMTCantRead,"%s\nCannot read this file.\n\nEither something has happened to the network or possibly the file has been renamed or moved."
  163. IDPMTDelObjects, "If you save this document in the Write 3.0 format, the linked or embedded objects will be deleted from the saved file.\n\nDo you want to save this document in Write 3.0 format?"
  164. IDPMTDelPicture, "If you save this document in this format no pictures, including linked or embedded objects, will be saved.\n\nDo you want to save?"
  165. #if defined(OLE)
  166. /* New OLE error messages */
  167. IDPMTOLEError "Problem with object/link."
  168. IDPMTFailedToFreeze,"Not enough memory to cancel the link.\n\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
  169. IDPMTFailedToDeleteObject "Failed to delete object."
  170. IDPMTFailedToUpdate "Failed to update object."
  171. IDPMTServerBusy "The action cannot be completed because the application needed by the object is busy.\n\nSwitch to the unavailable application and complete or cancel the action that is causing it to be unavailable."
  172. IDPMTFailedToCreateObject "Failed to create object."
  173. IDPMTFailedToCommWithServer "Failed to communicate with the source application."
  174. IDPMTFailedToLaunchServer "The server application cannot be found.\n\nMake sure that the application is properly installed, or exists in your DOS path, and that it has not been deleted, moved, or renamed."
  175. IDPMTFailedToUpdateLink "Failed to update link information."
  176. IDPMTFailedToActivate "Failed to edit/play object."
  177. IDPMTFailedToLoadObject "Failed to load object.\n\nClose other applications to free memory, then reopen this document."
  178. IDPMTFailedToDraw "Problem drawing or printing object."
  179. IDSTRUpdateObject "This document contains links to other documents.\n\nDo you want to update links now?"
  180. IDPMTLinkUnavailable "The source document cannot be found.\n\nMake sure that the object still exists in the source document, the link has not been corrupted or the source document has not been deleted, moved, or renamed."
  181. IDPMTFormat "The contents of the Clipboard have changed and the format you selected is no longer available. Use the Clipboard Viewer to see what is currently there."
  182. IDPMTStatic "This is not an embedded or linked object. You cannot activate it."
  183. /* only from OLEQueryReleaseError(): */
  184. IDPMTFailedToReadObject "Failed to read object."
  185. IDPMTGetFromClipboardFailed "Failed to paste object. Possibly there is not enough memory to complete this operation.\n\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
  186. IDPMTImproperLinkOptionsError "Failed to change link update options."
  187. IDPMTDeleteOpenEmb "This selection contains open embedded objects that will be deleted."
  188. IDPMTCutOpenEmb "This selection contains open embedded objects that will be closed."
  189. IDPMTSaveOpenEmb "This document contains open embedded objects that may need updating.\n\nDo you want to update open embedded objects before saving?"
  190. IDPMTExitOpenEmb "This document contains open embedded objects that may need updating.\n\nDo you want to update open embedded objects before closing?"
  191. IDPMTInsertOpenEmb "You are inserting over a selection that contains open embedded objects.\n\nClose the open embedded objects by quitting the server application, and then try again."
  192. #endif
  193. /* Dialog field errors */
  194. IDPMTNoPage,"No such page."
  195. IDPMTNOTNUM,"Not a valid number."
  196. IDPMTBFS,"You can only specify a font size between 4 and 127 points."
  197. IDPMTNPI,"You can only specify a whole number between 1 and 32767."
  198. IDPMTNOTDXA,"Measurement not in expected range.\n\nPlease enter a valid positive number."
  199. IDPMTNPDXA,"Measurement must be a number larger than zero."
  200. IDPMTMTL,"The margin values are too large and don't fit the dimensions of the page.\n\nEnter a smaller number to decrease the margins."
  201. IDPMTBadMove,"Cannot move text to that position."
  202. IDPMTDFULL,"Not enough disk space to complete this operation.\n\nDelete one or more files to increase available disk space and then try again."
  203. IDPMTPRFAIL, "Not enough memory to repaginate or print this document.\n\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
  204. IDPMTClipLarge,"Not enough memory to increase the contents of the Clipboard.\n\nEither quit one or more applications to free up memory or copy information to the Clipboard in smaller pieces."
  205. IDPMTClipQuest,"There is not enough memory available for the contents of the Clipboard.\n\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
  206. IDPMTCantPrint, "Cannot print.\n\nBe sure that your printer is connected properly, and use the Printers option in Control Panel to verify that the printer is configured properly."
  207. IDPMTRenameFail, "%s\nCannot rename this file.\n\nEither something has happened to the network or possibly the file has been renamed or moved."
  208. IDPMTPrPictErr, "Cannot print picture. Picture will be ignored."
  209. IDPMTPrDiskErr, "Not enough disk space to print this document.\n\nDelete one or more files to increase available disk space, and then try again."
  211. IDPMTSDE,"Cannot operate on file.\n\nMake sure the file or disk is not damaged or write-protected."
  212. IDPMTNoMemory,"Not enough memory to complete this operation.\n\nSave your document to increase available memory."
  213. IDPMTWinFailure, "Low on memory.\n\nQuit one or more applications to increase available memory, and then try again."
  214. IDPMTSDE2,"Cannot save file.\n\nMake sure that the file or disk is not damaged."
  216. /***** Win 3.0. This has been moved here to make localization easier */
  217. IDSTRModeDef, "Page 1" /* buffer for "Page nnn" message */
  218. IDSTRWriteDocPromptDef , "Write Document" /* OpenFile prompts */
  219. IDSTRScratchFilePromptDef , "Write Program"
  220. IDSTRSaveFilePromptDef , "Write Save"
  221. IDSTRAppNameDef , "Write" /* For message box headings */
  222. IDSTRUntitledDef , "(Untitled)" /* Unnamed doc */
  223. IDSTRiCountryDefaultDef, "001" /* default country is USA */
  224. /* see msdos manual for meaning of codes */
  225. /* used in clipdisp.c */
  226. IDSTRWRITETextDef , "WRITE Formatted Text"
  227. /* used in cmd.c */
  228. IDSTRFreeDef, " words"
  229. /* used in menu.c */
  230. IDSTRAltBSDef, " \tCtrl+Z"
  231. /* used in initwin.c */
  232. IDSTRNoneDef, "None"
  233. /* used in running.c */
  234. IDSTRHeaderDef , "HEADER"
  235. IDSTRFooterDef , "FOOTER"
  236. /* used in trans.c */
  237. IDSTRLoadFileDef, "Loading file..."
  238. IDSTRCvtLoadFileDef, "Converting and loading file..."
  239. /* used in util2.c abbreviations for units */
  240. IDSTRInchDef, """"
  241. IDSTRCmDef, " cm"
  242. IDSTRP10Def, " p10"
  243. IDSTRP12Def, " p12"
  244. IDSTRPointDef, " pt"
  245. IDSTRLineDef, " li"
  246. END
  247. /* Windows Write accelerator table */
  248. /* WARNING: The Accelerator table is duplicated in a switch statement in
  249. cmd.c. If the accelerator table is changed, the switch statement must
  250. be changed */
  251. mw_acctb ACCELERATORS
  252. BEGIN
  253. #ifndef NOHELP
  254. VK_F1, imiHelp, VIRTKEY
  255. #endif
  256. VK_F2, imiCopy, VIRTKEY
  257. VK_F3, imiFindAgain, VIRTKEY
  258. VK_F4, imiGoTo, VIRTKEY
  259. VK_F5, imiCharNormal, VIRTKEY
  260. VK_F6, imiBold, VIRTKEY
  261. VK_F7, imiItalic, VIRTKEY
  262. VK_F8, imiUnderline, VIRTKEY
  263. "^B", imiBold
  264. "^I", imiItalic
  265. "^U", imiUnderline
  266. "^Z", imiUndo
  267. "^X", imiCut
  268. "^C", imiCopy
  269. "^V", imiPaste
  270. END
  271. /* Windows Write Command Menu */
  272. mw_menu MENU
  273. begin
  274. popup "&File"
  275. begin
  276. menuitem "&New", imiNew
  277. menuitem "&Open...", imiOpen
  278. menuitem "&Save", imiSave
  279. menuitem "Save &As...", imiSaveAs
  280. menuitem SEPARATOR
  281. menuitem "&Print...", imiPrint
  282. menuitem "P&rint Setup...", imiPrintSetup
  283. menuitem "R&epaginate...", imiRepaginate
  284. menuitem SEPARATOR
  285. menuitem "E&xit", imiQuit
  286. end
  287. popup "&Edit"
  288. begin
  289. menuitem "&Undo\tCtrl+Z", imiUndo
  290. menuitem SEPARATOR
  291. menuitem "Cu&t\tCtrl+X", imiCut
  292. menuitem "&Copy\tCtrl+C", imiCopy
  293. menuitem "&Paste\tCtrl+V", imiPaste
  294. #if defined(OLE)
  295. menuitem "Paste Sp&ecial...", imiPasteSpecial
  296. #if !defined(SMALL_OLE_UI)
  297. menuitem "Paste &Link", imiPasteLink
  298. #endif
  300. #if !defined(SMALL_OLE_UI)
  301. MENUITEM "Lin&ks...", imiProperties
  302. #endif
  303. MENUITEM "&Object...", imiVerb
  304. MENUITEM "&Insert Object...", imiInsertNew
  305. #endif
  306. menuitem SEPARATOR
  307. menuitem "&Move Picture", imiMovePicture
  308. menuitem "&Size Picture", imiSizePicture
  309. end
  310. popup "Fi&nd"
  311. begin
  312. menuitem "&Find...", imiFind
  313. menuitem "Repeat &Last Find\tF3", imiFindAgain
  314. menuitem "R&eplace...", imiChange
  315. menuitem SEPARATOR
  316. menuitem "&Go To Page...\tF4", imiGoTo
  317. end
  318. popup "&Character"
  319. begin
  320. menuitem "Re&gular\tF5", imiCharNormal
  321. menuitem SEPARATOR
  322. menuitem "&Bold\tCtrl+B", imiBold
  323. menuitem "&Italic\tCtrl+I", imiItalic
  324. menuitem "&Underline\tCtrl+U", imiUnderline
  325. menuitem "Su&perscript", imiSuper
  326. menuitem "Subs&cript", imiSub
  327. menuitem SEPARATOR
  328. menuitem "&Reduce Font", imiSmFont
  329. menuitem "&Enlarge Font", imiLgFont
  330. menuitem SEPARATOR
  331. menuitem "&Fonts...", imiCharFormats
  332. end
  333. popup "&Paragraph"
  334. begin
  335. menuitem "&Normal", imiParaNormal
  336. menuitem SEPARATOR
  337. menuitem "&Left", imiLeft
  338. menuitem "&Centered", imiCenter
  339. menuitem "&Right", imiRight
  340. menuitem "&Justified", imiJustified
  341. menuitem SEPARATOR
  342. menuitem "&Single Space", imiSingleSpace
  343. menuitem "&1 1/2 Space", imiOneandhalfSpace
  344. menuitem "&Double Space", imiDoubleSpace
  345. menuitem SEPARATOR
  346. menuitem "&Indents...", imiParaFormats
  347. end
  348. popup "&Document"
  349. begin
  350. menuitem "&Header...", imiHeader
  351. menuitem "&Footer...", imiFooter
  352. menuitem SEPARATOR
  353. menuitem "&Ruler On", imiShowRuler
  354. menuitem "&Tabs...", imiTabs
  355. menuitem SEPARATOR
  356. menuitem "&Page Layout...", imiDivFormats
  357. end
  358. #ifndef NOHELP
  359. popup "&Help"
  360. begin
  361. menuitem "&Contents", imiIndex
  362. menuitem "&Search for Help on...", imiHelpSearch
  363. menuitem "&How to Use Help", imiUsingHelp
  364. menuitem SEPARATOR
  365. menuitem "&About Write...", imiAbout
  366. end
  367. #else
  368. popup "&Info"
  369. begin
  370. menuitem "&About Write...", imiAbout
  371. end
  372. #endif /*NOHELP*/
  373. end
  374. rcinclude write.dlg
  375. #if defined(OLE)
  376. rcinclude ole.dlg /* OLE */
  377. #endif