/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/
#define NOCTLMGR
#define NOMENUS
#define NOSOUND
#define NOCOMM
#define NOPEN
#define NOICON
#define NOATOM
#define NOBITMAP
#define NOBRUSH
#define NOCOLOR
#define NOMB
#define NOPOINT
#define NOMSG
#include <windows.h>
#include "mw.h"
#include "docdefs.h"
#include "dispdefs.h"
#include "fmtdefs.h"
#include "cmddefs.h"
#include "wwdefs.h"
#include "propdefs.h"
/* Globals used here only */ struct TR { /* Text Row info for CtrBackDyp Cache */ typeCP cp; int dcpDepend; /* dcpDepend for PREVIOUS edl */ int ichCp; int dyp; }; struct TR rgtrCache[ itrMaxCache ]; int wwCache=wwNil;
extern struct PAP vpapAbs; extern typeCP vcpFirstParaCache; extern struct WWD *pwwdCur; extern struct SEL selCur; extern int docCur; extern typeCP cpCacheHint; extern typeCP cpMinCur; extern typeCP cpMacCur; extern struct FLI vfli; extern int wwCur; extern int ctrCache; extern int itrFirstCache; extern int itrLimCache; extern int vfOutOfMemory;
/* P U T C P I N W W V E R T*/ PutCpInWwVert(cp) typeCP cp;
{ /* vertical case */ typeCP cpMac; struct EDL (**hdndl) [] = pwwdCur->hdndl; int dlMac=pwwdCur->dlMac; struct EDL *pedl = &(**hdndl) [dlMac - 1]; struct EDL *pedlFirst = &(**hdndl) [0];
if ((pedl->yp > pwwdCur->ypMac) && (pedl > pedlFirst)) /* Partial line at the bottom of the window -- this doesn't count
unless it's all we've got */ { pedl--; dlMac--; } if (cp < pwwdCur->cpFirst || cp > (cpMac = pedl->cpMin + pedl->dcpMac) || (cp == cpMac && !pedl->fIchCpIncr) || /* Covers insertion points before pictures reached via curs keys */ (CachePara( docCur, cp ), (vpapAbs.fGraphics && (selCur.cpFirst == selCur.cpLim) && (pedlFirst->cpMin == selCur.cpFirst) && (pedlFirst->ichCpMin > 0)))) { DirtyCache(pwwdCur->cpFirst = cp); pwwdCur->ichCpFirst = 0; CtrBackDypCtr( 9999, dlMac >> 1 ); } }
SetCurWwVScrollPos( ) { typeCP cp; int dr; struct EDL (**hdndl)[] = pwwdCur->hdndl;
/* calculate desired elevator position dr */
if ((cp = pwwdCur->cpMac - pwwdCur->cpMin) == (typeCP) 0) dr = 0; else { typeCP CpWinGraphic(); typeCP cpWinFirst = ((**hdndl) [0].fGraphics && !pwwdCur->fDirty) ? CpWinGraphic( pwwdCur ) : pwwdCur->cpFirst;
dr = min(drMax - 1, (int)(((cpWinFirst - pwwdCur->cpMin) * (drMax - 1) + (cp >> 1)) / cp)); }
/* Contemplating this 'if' statement should elevate one to a higher plane
of existence. */ if (dr != pwwdCur->drElevator) /* reset the value of the vertical scroll bar */ SetScrollPos( pwwdCur->hVScrBar, pwwdCur->sbVbar, pwwdCur->drElevator = dr, TRUE); }
/* A D J W W V E R T */ /* Scroll a window down vertically so that UpdateWw can re-use the text
that is still visible. Otherwise, UpdateWw would write over the very lines it will need later on near the bottom of the window. */ AdjWwVert(cdl, dyp) int cdl; { #if defined(JAPAN) & defined(DBCS_IME)
extern void IMEManage( ); #endif
struct EDL *pedl; int dl;
if (cdl == 0) return;
cdl = umin( cdl, pwwdCur->dlMac ); /* ! don't let it run off the end */
Assert( dyp > 0 );
ClearInsertLine(); DypScroll(wwCur, 0, cdl, pwwdCur->ypMin + dyp); /* invalidate the first cdl dl's */ pedl = &(**(pwwdCur->hdndl))[0]; for (dl = 0; dl < cdl; dl++) (pedl++)->fValid = FALSE; pwwdCur->fDirty = fTrue; #if defined(JAPAN) & defined(DBCS_IME)
IMEManage( FALSE ); #endif
ScrollDownCtr(ddr) int ddr; { /* Scroll down in the document by ddr text lines (but < 1 screenful) */ struct EDL *pedl;
UpdateWw(wwCur, FALSE); /* Dl's must be correct */
ddr = min(ddr, max(1, pwwdCur->dlMac - 1));
pedl = &(**(pwwdCur->hdndl))[ddr - 1]; /* pedl is first line above new screen */ while (ddr > 0 && pedl->cpMin + pedl->dcpMac > cpMacCur) { /* Don't scroll the endmark off the screen */ --pedl; --ddr; }
/* Change the cpFirst of the window and dirty it */ if (ddr > 0) { struct TR tr; int dcpDepend;
if (wwCur != wwCache) { /* If window has changed, invalidate cache here
so cp's cached below will be used */ TrashCacheS(); wwCache = wwCur; }
HideSel(); /* Don't scroll selection if machine can't handle it */ ClearInsertLine();
pwwdCur->cpFirst = pedl->cpMin + pedl->dcpMac; pwwdCur->ichCpFirst = pedl->fIchCpIncr ? pedl->ichCpMin + 1 : 0; pwwdCur->dcpDepend = pedl->dcpDepend; /* Remember hot spot */
/* Make tr cache entries for the disappearing lines */ pedl = &(**(pwwdCur->hdndl))[0]; if (ctrCache == 0) /* We don't have top line yet */ { tr.cp = pedl->cpMin; tr.ichCp = pedl->ichCpMin; tr.dyp = pedl->dyp; tr.dcpDepend = pwwdCur->dcpDepend; AppendCachePtr( &tr ); }
while ( ddr-- ) { tr.cp = pedl->cpMin + pedl->dcpMac; tr.ichCp = pedl->fIchCpIncr ? pedl->ichCpMin + 1 : 0; tr.dcpDepend = pedl->dcpDepend; tr.dyp = (++pedl)->dyp; AppendCachePtr( &tr ); }
pwwdCur->fDirty = true; SetCurWwVScrollPos(); CheckMode(); } else { _beep(); } }
ScrollUpDypWw() { /* Scroll up in the document by one screenfull less 1 line */ int dypKeep=8; struct EDL *pedl = &(**pwwdCur->hdndl) [0];
if (pedl->fValid) { dypKeep = pedl->dyp; }
if (CtrBackDypCtr( pwwdCur->ypMac - pwwdCur->ypMin - dypKeep,9999 ) == 0) { _beep(); } else CheckMode(); }
ScrollUpCtr( ctr ) int ctr; { /* Scroll Up ctr text rows in the doc (scroll window down) */ if (CtrBackDypCtr( 9999, ctr ) == 0) { _beep(); } else CheckMode(); }
int CtrBackDypCtr( dypLim, ctrLim ) int dypLim; int ctrLim; { /* Set pwwdCur->cpFirst to the cpFirst of the text line
dypLim pixels or ctrLim text rows before the value of pwwdCur->cpFirst, whichever limit is reached first. Adjust the position of the vert scroll bar according to the new cpFirst. Return the number of text rows (tr) we went back. */
int fAdj = ( (pwwdCur->cpFirst == (**(pwwdCur->hdndl))[0].cpMin) || !(**(pwwdCur->hdndl))[0].fValid ); typeCP cpFirst = pwwdCur->cpFirst; int ichCpFirst = pwwdCur->ichCpFirst; int ctrGrant = 0; /* ctr we've backed over so far */ int dypGrant = 0; /* dyp we've backed over so far */ int ichFake = 0;
pwwdCur->fCpBad = false; /* Reset hot spot warning */ pwwdCur->fDirty = true;
/* Cache is only valid for one ww -- invalidate if ww has changed */ if (wwCur != wwCache) { TrashCacheS(); wwCache = wwCur; }
if (ctrCache == 0) /* Don't have cache entry for first line in Ww -- force formatting
THROUGH first line of Ww instead of TO it. */ ++ichFake;
for ( ;; ) { /* If there is no info in the cache, must replenish it. */
if (ctrCache <= 1) /* <=: also replenish if 1st line of Ww is only entry */ { typeCP cpStart; /* cp to start formatting from */ int dcpDepend; /* Dependency of line containing cpStart */ typeCP cp; int ichCp; int itrTempCacheLim = 0; struct TR rgtrTempCache[ itrMaxCache ]; int fTempCacheOverflow = false;
if ((cpFirst <= cpMinCur) && (ichCpFirst == 0)) { /* Reached top of document */ if (fAdj) AdjWwVert( ctrGrant, dypGrant ); pwwdCur->cpFirst = cpMinCur; pwwdCur->ichCpFirst = 0; pwwdCur->dcpDepend = 0; goto SetScroll; }
/* Want to go back BEFORE the earliest point we have in the cache */
if (ichFake > 0) /* Force formatting THROUGH { cpFirst, ichCpFirst }
instead of TO */ --ichFake; else if (ichCpFirst > 0) --ichCpFirst; else --cpFirst;
cpStart = CpHintCache( cpFirst ); if ( ( CachePara( docCur, cpFirst ), vcpFirstParaCache ) >= cpStart ) { cpStart = vcpFirstParaCache; dcpDepend = 0; /* At para start; we know dependency is 0 */ } else dcpDepend = cpMaxTl; /* real value unknown; use max */
/* Add TR info for lines from { cpStart, 0 } THROUGH
{ cpFirst, ichCpFirst } to temporary cache */
for ( cp = cpStart, ichCp = 0; (cp < cpFirst) || ((cp == cpFirst) && (ichCp <= ichCpFirst)); ) { struct TR *ptr;
if (itrTempCacheLim == itrMaxCache) { /* Overflowed the temp cache */ fTempCacheOverflow = fTrue; itrTempCacheLim = 0; }
/* Add one tr to the cache */
FormatLine( docCur, cp, ichCp, cpMacCur, flmSandMode ); if (vfOutOfMemory) return ctrGrant; ptr = &rgtrTempCache[ itrTempCacheLim++ ]; ptr->cp = cp; ptr->ichCp = ichCp; ptr->dyp = vfli.dypLine; ptr->dcpDepend = dcpDepend; /* Save dcpDepend for prev line */ dcpDepend = vfli.dcpDepend;
/* Continue with next line */
cp = vfli.cpMac; ichCp = vfli.ichCpMac; } /* end for */
/* Add our temporary cache in front of the real one */ PrependCacheRgtr( rgtrTempCache, itrTempCacheLim ); if (fTempCacheOverflow) /* We wrapped around the end of the temp cache; include the
rest of the circle */ PrependCacheRgtr( &rgtrTempCache[ itrTempCacheLim ], itrMaxCache - itrTempCacheLim ); } /* end for */
/* Walk backward in the cache, eliminating entries,
until: (1) We have run through enough yp's or tr's (return) OR (2) We have exhausted the cache (loop back to refill it) NOTE: Case 2 catches the case when we hit the beginning of the doc */
Assert( ctrCache >= 1 ); Assert( itrLimCache > 0 ); for ( ;; ) { struct TR *ptr = &rgtrCache[ itrLimCache - 1 ];
if (ctrCache == 1) { /* Only one thing left in cache: the 1st line of the Ww */ cpFirst = ptr->cp; ichCpFirst = ptr->ichCp; break; /* Exhausted cache; loop back to refill it */ }
if ( (dypGrant >= dypLim) || (ctrGrant >= ctrLim) ) { /* Passed through enough yp's or tr's -- we're done */ if (fAdj) AdjWwVert( ctrGrant, dypGrant ); pwwdCur->cpFirst = ptr->cp; pwwdCur->ichCpFirst = ptr->ichCp; pwwdCur->dcpDepend = ptr->dcpDepend; goto SetScroll; }
/* Remove end entry from the cache */ if (--itrLimCache <= 0) itrLimCache = itrMaxCache; ctrCache--;
/* Update ctrGrant, dypGrant -- we've granted 1 line of scrollback */
ctrGrant++; dypGrant += rgtrCache [itrLimCache - 1].dyp; } /* end for */
Assert( ctrCache == 1 ); } /* end for */
SetScroll: /* All done; set vert scroll bar according to new cpFirstWw */ SetCurWwVScrollPos(); return ctrGrant; }
/* A P P E N D C A C H E P T R */ AppendCachePtr( ptr ) struct TR *ptr; { /* Say we are scrolling up a line, append *ptr to tr cache */
if (++ctrCache > itrMaxCache) { /* Have to push one off the top */ if (++itrFirstCache == itrMaxCache) itrFirstCache = 0; --ctrCache; } /* Now add one onto the end */ if (itrLimCache++ == itrMaxCache) itrLimCache = 1; rgtrCache[ itrLimCache - 1 ] = *ptr; }
/* P R E P E N D C A C H E R G T R */ PrependCacheRgtr( rgtr, ctr ) struct TR rgtr[]; int ctr; { /* PREPEND one or more lines JUST BEFORE the ones in the cache */ /* The tr cache is a ring buffer. rgtrCache[ itrLimCache - 1 ] is the
tr entry describing the cpFirst of wwCur; rgtrCache[ itrFirstCache ] is the tr for the earliest line we know of. All between are contiguous. ctrCache is the number of tr's we have cached. */
struct TR *ptr = &rgtr[ ctr ];
ctrCache += (ctr = min(ctr, itrMaxCache - ctrCache));
/* Compensate for state introduced by TrashCache -- itrLimCache == 0 */ if (itrLimCache == 0) itrLimCache = itrMaxCache;
while (ctr-- != 0) { /* Now add each tr */ if (itrFirstCache-- == 0) itrFirstCache = itrMaxCache - 1; rgtrCache[ itrFirstCache ] = *(--ptr); } }
/* T R A S H C A C H E s */ TrashCacheS() { /* Invalidate scrolling cache */ ctrCache = 0; cpCacheHint = cp0; itrFirstCache = itrLimCache = 0; }
/* C P H I N T C A C H E */ typeCP CpHintCache(cp) typeCP cp; { /* Give the latest cp <= arg cp that begins a line */ return (cpCacheHint <= cp) ? cpCacheHint : cpMinCur; }
DirtyCache(cp) typeCP cp; { /* Invalidate cache beyond cp */ while (ctrCache-- > 1) { typeCP cpT = rgtrCache[itrLimCache - 1].cp; if (--itrLimCache == 0) itrLimCache = itrMaxCache; if (cpT < cp) { /* Found our hint; dirty one extra line for word wrap */ cpCacheHint = rgtrCache [itrLimCache - 1].cp; itrLimCache = itrFirstCache; ctrCache = 0; return; } }
TrashCacheS(); }