/************************************************************/ /* Windows Write, Copyright 1985-1992 Microsoft Corporation */ /************************************************************/
/* NOTE: the routines in this file are not written in a manner which minimizes
code space. It is anticipated that these routines will be swappable and that a reasonable optimizer will be used when compiling the code */
#define NOCTLMGR
#define NOMENUS
//#define NOGDI
#define NOCOLOR
//#define NOATOM
#define NOBITMAP
#define NOICON
#define NOBRUSH
#define NOMB
#define NOFONT
#define NOMSG
#define NOPEN
#define NOPOINT
#define NOREGION
#define NOSCROLL
#define NOSOUND
#define NOWH
#define NOCOMM
#include <windows.h>
#include "mw.h"
#include "docdefs.h"
#include "editdefs.h"
#include "cmddefs.h"
#include "str.h"
#include "txb.h"
#include "ch.h"
#include "code.h"
#include "wwdefs.h"
#include "printdef.h"
#if defined(OLE)
#include "obj.h"
#ifndef CASHMERE
#include "propdefs.h"
#endif /* not CASHMERE */
struct UAB vuab;
#ifdef ENABLE
VAL rgvalAgain[ivalMax]; #endif
extern struct WWD *pwwdCur; extern typeCP cpMacCur; extern typeCP cpMinCur; extern int vfSeeSel; extern int docMac; extern int docCur; extern int docScrap; extern int docUndo; extern int docBuffer; extern int vdocPageCache; extern struct DOD (**hpdocdod)[]; extern struct SEL selCur; extern CHAR (**hszReplace)[]; extern struct TXB (**hgtxb)[]; /*extern int idstrUndoBase;*/ extern int vfPictSel; extern int ferror; extern int docMode; extern int vfOwnClipboard; /* Whether this instance owns the clip contents */
#ifndef CASHMERE
extern int vdocSectCache; #endif /* not CASHMERE */
fnUndoEdit() { extern HCURSOR vhcIBeam; StartLongOp(); CmdUndo(); EndLongOp(vhcIBeam); }
The routines in this file implement the "undo" and "again" features in Multi-Tool Word. The basic idea is that whenever an editing operation is about to be done, the global structure "vuab" will be updated to contain information sufficient to undo or repeat that operation. The structure (defined in editdefs.h, declared in this file) looks like this: struct UAB { UNDO Action Block int uac; UNDO Action Code (see cmddefs.h) int doc; typeCP cp; typeCP dcp; int doc2; typeCP cp2; typeCP dcp2; short itxb; }; Setting up this structure is taken care of by "SetUndo()" which does a lot of plugging in of values and a couple pseudo-smart things. These smartish things are: a) If an insert is made and the last operation was a delete the two are combined into one "replace" operation. This means that undo-ing and again-ing apply to the replace and not just the insertion.
b) When needed (see the code for details) the undo buffer (docUndo) is filled with any text that needs preservation for future undo-ing or again-ing. The main example of this is storing away the old value of the scrap when an operation is about to clobber the scrap.
Here is a list of the various uac values and what info is stored other info may be clobbered by the process. are defined in cmddefs.h. Note that none of the "undo" codes (those starting with "uacU...") should be set outside of CmdUndo(), since they may assume things like contents of docUndo which could be wrong. Note: This list store information used by the again and undo commands. Other info may be clobbered by the process.
uacNil No action stored. uacInsert doc = document text was inserted into cp = location at which text was inserted dcp = length of inserted text uacUInsert doc = document from which text was removed (un-inserted) cp = location at which text was removed docUndo = text which was removed uacReplNS doc = document in which replacement occurred cp = location at which replacement occurred dcp = length of inserted text dcp2 = length of deleted text docUndo = deleted text uacUReplNS doc = document in which replace occrred cp = location of the replace dcp = length of re-inserted text dcp2 = length of un-inserted text docUndo = un-inserted text uacReplGlobal uacChLook uacChLookSect uacFormatChar uacFormatPara uacFormatSection uacGalFormatChar uacGalFormatPara uacGalFormatSection uacFormatCStyle uacFormatPStyle uacFormatSStyle uacFormatRHText uacLookCharMouse uacLookParaMouse uacClearAllTab uacFormatTabs uacClearTab uacOvertype Similar to uacReplNS except that they are agained differently. uacDelNS doc = document from which text was deleted cp = location at which text was deleted dcp = length of deleted text docUndo = deleted text uacUDelNS doc = document in which text was re-inserted cp = location at which text was re-inserted dcp = length of re-inserted text uacMove doc = document from which text was deleted cp = location at which text was deleted dcp = length of deleted text (also serves as length of inserted text) doc2 = document in which text was inserted cp2 = location at which text was inserted uacDelScrap doc = document from which text was deleted cp = location at which text was deleted dcp = length of deleted text docUndo = old contents of scrap uacUDelScrap doc = document in which text was re-inserted cp = location at which text was re-inserted dcp = length of re-inserted text uacReplScrap doc = document in which replacement occurred cp = location at which replacement occurred dcp = length of inserted text docUndo = old contents of scrap uacUReplScrap doc = document in which replacement was undone cp = location at which replacement was undone dcp = length of re-inserted text docUndo = deleted text (was originally inserted) uacDelBuf doc = document from which text was deleted cp = location at which text was deleted cp2 = location in docBuffer of old contents of buffer dcp2 = size of old contents of buffer itxb = index of buffer in question uacUDelBuf doc = document in which text was re-inserted cp = location of re-insertion dcp = amount of text re-inserted itxb = index of buffer involved uacReplBuf doc = document in which replace took place cp = location of replace dcp = length of inserted text cp2 = location of old buffer contents in docBuffer dcp2 = length of old buffer contents itxb = index of buffer involved uacUReplBuf doc = document in which original replace took place cp = location of replace dcp = length of text which was restored in document itxb = index of buffer involved docUndo = un-inserted text uacCopyBuf cp = location of old buffer contents in docBuffer dcp = length of old buffer contents itxb = index of buffer involved uacUCopyBuf cp = location of undone buffer contents in docBuffer dcp = length of undone buffer contents itxb = index of buffer involved */
CmdUndo() { /* UNDO */ typeCP dcpT,cpT,dcpT2; int docT; int f; struct DOD *pdod, *pdodUndo; int uac;
#ifndef CASHMERE
struct SEP **hsep; struct TBD (**hgtbd)[]; struct PGTB **hpgtb; struct PGTB **hpgtbUndo; struct PGTB **hpgtbT;
BOOL near FCopyPgtb(int, struct PGTB ***); #endif /* not CASHMERE */
TurnOffSel(); ClearInsertLine(); switch (uac = vuab.uac) { struct TXB *ptxb; default:/* case uacNil: */ Assert(false); /* Won't get here cause menu should be greyed */ return; case uacInsert: case uacInsertFtn: case uacUDelNS: ClobberDoc(docUndo, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); Replace(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); dcpT = cp0; vuab.uac = (uac == uacUDelNS) ? uacDelNS : uacUInsert; /* idstrUndoBase = uac == uacUDelNS ? IDSTRUndoBase : IDSTRUndoRedo;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); if (uac == uacInsertFtn) TrashAllWws(); /* Simple, but effective */ break; case uacUInsert: case uacDelNS: ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, cp0, docUndo, cp0, dcpT = vuab.dcp); vuab.uac = (uac == uacUInsert) ? uacInsert : uacUDelNS; /* idstrUndoBase = uac == uacUInsert ? IDSTRUndoBase : IDSTRUndoRedo;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); break;
case uacDelScrap: /* UNDO CUT */ if ( !vfOwnClipboard ) ferror = TRUE; else { ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, cp0, docScrap, cp0, dcpT = CpMacText(docScrap)); vuab.uac = uacUDelScrap; /* idstrUndoBase = IDSTRUndoRedo;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); ClobberDoc( docScrap, docUndo, cp0, CpMacText( docUndo ) ); ChangeClipboard(); } break;
case uacUDelScrap: /* REDO CUT */ ClobberDoc( docUndo, docScrap, cp0, CpMacText( docScrap ) ); /* idstrUndoBase = IDSTRUndoBase;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); vuab.uac = uacDelScrap;
ClobberDoc(docScrap, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); Replace(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); ChangeClipboard();
dcpT = 0; break; case uacReplScrap: /* UNDO COPY */ if (!vfOwnClipboard) ferror = TRUE; else { dcpT = CpMacText(docScrap); ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, vuab.cp + vuab.dcp, cp0, docScrap, cp0, dcpT);
ClobberDoc( docScrap, docUndo, cp0, CpMacText( docUndo ) );
/* idstrUndoBase = IDSTRUndoRedo;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); vuab.uac = uacUReplScrap;
ClobberDoc(docUndo, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); Replace(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.dcp = dcpT; ChangeClipboard(); } break; case uacUReplScrap: /* REDO COPY */ dcpT = CpMacText(docUndo); ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, vuab.cp + vuab.dcp, cp0, docUndo, cp0, dcpT);
ClobberDoc( docUndo, docScrap, cp0, CpMacText( docScrap )); /* idstrUndoBase = IDSTRUndoBase;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); vuab.uac = uacReplScrap;
ClobberDoc(docScrap, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); Replace(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.dcp = dcpT;
ChangeClipboard(); break; #ifdef DEBUG
case uacUCopyBuf: case uacCopyBuf: case uacUReplBuf: case uacReplBuf: case uacUDelBuf: case uacDelBuf:
Assert( FALSE ); /* No buffers in MEMO */ #ifdef ENABLE
DoUndoTxb(); /* Moved to txb.c */ #endif
break; #endif /* DEBUG */
case uacMove: if (!FMoveText(vuab.doc2, vuab.cp2, vuab.dcp, vuab.doc, &vuab.cp, fFalse)) return; dcpT = vuab.dcp; cpT = vuab.cp; vuab.cp = vuab.cp2; vuab.cp2 = cpT; docT = vuab.doc; vuab.doc = vuab.doc2; vuab.doc2 = docT; CheckMove(); break; case uacUReplNS: case uacChLook: case uacChLookSect: case uacReplNS: case uacFormatChar: case uacFormatPara: case uacGalFormatChar: case uacGalFormatPara: case uacGalFormatSection: case uacReplGlobal: case uacFormatCStyle: case uacFormatPStyle: case uacFormatSStyle: case uacFormatRHText: case uacLookCharMouse: case uacLookParaMouse: case uacClearAllTab: case uacClearTab: case uacOvertype:
case uacFormatTabs: case uacFormatSection: #endif /* CASHMERE */
#ifdef BOGUS
/* Must do insertion first, in front, in case footnote */ /* if (uac == uacOvertype)
vuab.dcp2 = CpMin(vuab.dcp, vuab.dcp2);*/ dcpT = vuab.dcp2; ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, cp0, docUndo, cp0, dcpT); ClobberDoc(docUndo, vuab.doc, vuab.cp + dcpT, vuab.dcp); Replace(vuab.doc, vuab.cp + dcpT, vuab.dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.dcp2 = vuab.dcp; vuab.dcp = dcpT; if(uac == uacReplNS) vuab.uac = uacUReplNS; else if(uac == uacUReplNS) vuab.uac = uacReplNS; /* idstrUndoBase = uac != uacUReplNS ? IDSTRUndoRedo : IDSTRUndoBase;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); break; #endif
case uacReplPic: case uacUReplPic: case uacPictSel: dcpT = uac != uacPictSel ? vuab.dcp2 : vuab.dcp; ReplaceCps(docUndo, dcpT, cp0, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp, docUndo, cp0, dcpT); Replace(docUndo, cp0, dcpT, fnNil, fc0, fc0); if (uac != uacPictSel) { vuab.dcp2 = vuab.dcp; vuab.dcp = dcpT; } if (uac == uacPictSel) { dcpT = (**hpdocdod)[vuab.doc].cpMac - vuab.cp; AdjustCp(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, dcpT, dcpT); } if(uac == uacReplPic) vuab.uac = uacUReplPic; else if(uac == uacUReplPic) vuab.uac = uacReplPic; else if(uac == uacReplNS) vuab.uac = uacUReplNS; else if(uac == uacUReplNS) vuab.uac = uacReplNS; /* switch(uac) */ /* { */ /* case uacUReplPic: */ /* case uacUReplNS: */ /* idstrUndoBase = IDSTRUndoBase; */ /* break; */ /* case uacReplPic: */ /* case uacReplNS: */ /* idstrUndoBase = IDSTRUndoRedo; */ /* break; */ /* default: */ /* idstrUndoBase = (idstrUndoBase == */ /* IDSTRUndoRedo) ? IDSTRUndoBase : IDSTRUndoRedo;*/ /* break; */ /* } */ /*--- idstrUndoBase = (uac != uacUReplPic && uac != uacUReplNS) ?
IDSTRUndoRedo : IDSTRUndoBase;---*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); Select( CpFirstSty( selCur.cpFirst, styChar ), CpLastStyChar( selCur.cpLim ) ); break;
#ifndef CASHMERE
case uacRepaginate: /* Make a copy of the document's page table. */ if (!FCopyPgtb(vuab.doc, &hpgtb) || !FCopyPgtb(docUndo, &hpgtbUndo)) { break; }
/* Swap the contents of the entire document with docUndo. */ dcpT = CpMacText(vuab.doc); dcpT2 = CpMacText(docUndo); ReplaceCps(docUndo, dcpT2, cp0, vuab.doc, cp0, dcpT); ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, cp0, dcpT, docUndo, cp0, dcpT2); Replace(docUndo, cp0, dcpT2, fnNil, fc0, fc0);
/* Swap the page tables of the two documents. */ if ((hpgtbT = (**hpdocdod)[vuab.doc].hpgtb) != NULL) { FreeH(hpgtbT); } (**hpdocdod)[vuab.doc].hpgtb = hpgtbUndo; if ((hpgtbT = (**hpdocdod)[docUndo].hpgtb) != NULL) { FreeH(hpgtbT); } (**hpdocdod)[docUndo].hpgtb = hpgtb; vdocPageCache = docNil; break; case uacFormatSection: pdod = &(**hpdocdod)[vuab.doc]; pdodUndo = &(**hpdocdod)[docUndo]; hsep = pdod->hsep; pdod->hsep = pdodUndo->hsep; pdodUndo->hsep = hsep; hpgtb = pdod->hpgtb; pdod->hpgtb = pdodUndo->hpgtb; pdodUndo->hpgtb = hpgtb; /* idstrUndoBase = (idstrUndoBase == IDSTRUndoRedo) ? IDSTRUndoBase :*/ /* IDSTRUndoRedo;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); vdocSectCache = vdocPageCache = docMode = docNil; TrashAllWws(); break; case uacRulerChange: ReplaceCps(docUndo, vuab.dcp2, cp0, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); ReplaceCps(vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp, docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp2); Replace(docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp2, fnNil, fc0, fc0); dcpT = vuab.dcp; vuab.dcp = vuab.dcp2; vuab.dcp2 = dcpT;
/* This is a kludge to indicate that this is an undone ruler change.
*/ vuab.itxb = 1 - vuab.itxb; case uacFormatTabs: pdod = &(**hpdocdod)[vuab.doc]; pdodUndo = &(**hpdocdod)[docUndo]; hgtbd = pdod->hgtbd; pdod->hgtbd = pdodUndo->hgtbd; pdodUndo->hgtbd = hgtbd; /* idstrUndoBase = (idstrUndoBase == IDSTRUndoRedo) ? IDSTRUndoBase :*/ /* IDSTRUndoRedo;*/ SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); TrashAllWws(); break; #endif /* not CASHMERE */
#if defined(OLE)
case uacObjUpdate: case uacUObjUpdate: ObjDoUpdateUndo(vuab.doc,vuab.cp); if (uac == uacObjUpdate) { vuab.uac = uacUObjUpdate; SetUndoMenuStr(IDSTRUndoBase); } break; #endif
} if (ferror) NoUndo(); pdod = &(**hpdocdod)[vuab.doc]; pdodUndo = &(**hpdocdod)[docUndo]; f = pdod->fDirty; pdod->fDirty = pdodUndo->fDirty; pdodUndo->fDirty = f; f = pdod->fFormatted; pdod->fFormatted = pdodUndo->fFormatted; pdodUndo->fFormatted = f;
if (uac != uacMove #else /* not CASHMERE */
if (uac != uacMove && uac != uacFormatTabs && uac != uacFormatSection && uac != uacRulerChange #endif /* not CASHMERE */
&& docCur != docNil && vuab.doc == docCur && vuab.cp >= cpMinCur && vuab.cp + dcpT <= cpMacCur) { if (uac == uacPictSel) { Select(vuab.cp, CpLimSty(vuab.cp, styPara)); vfPictSel = true; } else #ifdef BOGUS
Select( vuab.cp, (dcpT == cp0) ? CpLastStyChar( vuab.cp ) : vuab.cp + dcpT ); #endif
Select( vuab.cp, vuab.cp + dcpT ); vfSeeSel = true; } }
BOOL near FCopyPgtb(doc, phpgtb) int doc; struct PGTB ***phpgtb; { /* This sets *phpgtb to a copy of the page table associated with doc. FALSE
is returned iff an error occurs in creating the copy of the page table. */
struct PGTB **hpgtbT;
if ((hpgtbT = (**hpdocdod)[doc].hpgtb) == NULL) { *phpgtb = NULL; } else { int cwpgtb = cwPgtbBase + (**hpgtbT).cpgdMax * cwPGD;
if (FNoHeap(*phpgtb = (struct PGTB **)HAllocate(cwpgtb))) { return (FALSE); } blt(*hpgtbT, **phpgtb, cwpgtb); } return (TRUE); }
#ifdef CASHMERE /* No Repeat-last-command in MEMO */
CmdAgain() { /* use the undo action block to repeat a command */ int uac; typeCP dcpT; typeCP cpFirst; typeCP cpLim; typeCP dcp; struct DOD *pdod, *pdodUndo;
/* First check error conditions; this may change selCur */ switch (uac = vuab.uac) { case uacReplBuf: case uacUReplBuf: case uacDelBuf: case uacUDelBuf: case uacUDelNS: case uacDelNS: case uacUDelScrap: case uacDelScrap: case uacUReplNS: case uacOvertype: case uacReplNS: case uacReplGlobal: case uacReplScrap: case uacUReplScrap: /* Ensure OK to delete here */ if (!FWriteOk(fwcDelete)) return; break; case uacUCopyBuf: case uacCopyBuf: if (false) return; break; case uacUInsert: case uacInsert: if (!FWriteOk(fwcInsert)) return; break; case uacMove: /* Ensure OK to edit here */ if (!FWriteOk(fwcInsert)) return; break; default: break; }
/* Now set up cp's and dispatch */ cpFirst = selCur.cpFirst; cpLim = selCur.cpLim; dcp = cpLim - cpFirst; switch (uac = vuab.uac) { struct TXB *ptxb; default: /* case uacNil: */ _beep(); return; #ifdef ENABLE /* NO GLOSSARY IN MEMO */
case uacReplBuf: case uacUReplBuf: case uacDelBuf: case uacUDelBuf: case uacUCopyBuf: case uacCopyBuf: DoAgainTxb(dcp, cpFirst); break; #endif /* ENABLE */
case uacUInsert: ReplaceCps(docCur, cpFirst, cp0, docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp); vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; Select(cpFirst+vuab.dcp, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst+vuab.dcp)); vuab.uac = uacInsert; break; case uacInsert: ClobberDoc(docUndo, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); ReplaceCps(docCur, cpFirst, cp0, docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp); vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; Select(cpFirst+vuab.dcp, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst+vuab.dcp)); break; case uacUDelNS: case uacDelNS: ClobberDoc(docUndo, docCur, cpFirst, dcp); Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; vuab.dcp = dcp; vuab.uac = uacDelNS; Select(cpFirst,CpLastStyChar(cpFirst)); break; case uacUDelScrap: case uacDelScrap: ClobberDoc(docUndo,docScrap,cp0,CpMacText(docScrap)); ClobberDoc(docScrap, docCur, cpFirst, dcp); Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; vuab.dcp = dcp; vuab.uac = uacDelScrap; Select(cpFirst, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst)); break; case uacUReplNS: vuab.dcp2 = vuab.dcp; ReplaceCps(docCur, cpLim, cp0, docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp = CpMacText(docUndo)); ClobberDoc(docUndo, docCur, cpFirst, dcp); Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; Select(cpFirst+vuab.dcp, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst + vuab.dcp)); vuab.uac = uacReplNS; break; case uacOvertype: /* for this one vuab.cp2 is the DCP of how much was actually
inserted */ vuab.dcp = vuab.cp2; /* fall through...*/ case uacReplNS: ClobberDoc(docUndo, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); ReplaceCps(docCur, cpLim, cp0, docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp); ClobberDoc(docUndo, docCur, cpFirst, dcp); Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); dcpT = vuab.dcp; vuab.dcp2 = dcp; vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; vuab.uac = uacReplNS; if (ferror) /* the operation (cmd "a") could not be completed
due to out of memory */ NoUndo(); else Select(cpFirst+vuab.dcp, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst + dcpT)); break; case uacChLook: case uacChLookSect: #ifdef ENABLE /* ChLook stuff is not hooked up yet */
DoChLook(chAgain,0); #endif
break; case uacReplGlobal: ClobberDoc(docUndo, docCur, cpFirst, dcp); Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.dcp2 = dcp; dcp = (typeCP)(CchSz(**hszReplace) - 1); InsertRgch(docCur, cpFirst, **hszReplace, dcp, 0, 0); vuab.dcp = dcp; vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; Select(cpFirst+vuab.dcp, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst + vuab.dcp)); vuab.uac = uacReplNS; break; case uacReplScrap: ClobberDoc(docUndo, vuab.doc, vuab.cp, vuab.dcp); ReplaceCps(docCur, cpLim, cp0, docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp); ClobberDoc(docUndo,docScrap,cp0,CpMacText(docScrap)); ClobberDoc(docScrap, docCur, cpFirst, dcp); Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; Select(cpFirst+vuab.dcp, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst + vuab.dcp)); break; #ifdef ENABLE /* Not used in SAND */
case uacFormatCStyle: DoFormatCStyle(rgvalAgain); break; case uacFormatPStyle: DoFormatPStyle(rgvalAgain); break; case uacFormatSStyle: DoFormatSStyle(rgvalAgain); break; #endif /* ENABLE */
#ifdef ENABLE /* Not hooked up yet */
case uacLookCharMouse: AgainLookCharMouse(); break; case uacLookParaMouse: AgainLookParaMouse(); break; #endif /* ENABLE */
#ifdef ENABLE /* Not used in SAND */
case uacClearTab: DoClearTab(true); vuab.uac = uac; break; case uacClearAllTab: CmdClearAllTab(); vuab.uac = uac; break; #endif /* ENABLE */
#ifdef ENABLE /* Formatting menu stuff is not hooked up yet */
case uacFormatTabs: DoFormatTabs(true); vuab.uac = uac; break; case uacFormatRHText: DoFormatRHText(rgvalAgain); break; case uacFormatChar: DoFormatChar(rgvalAgain); break; case uacFormatPara: DoFormatPara(rgvalAgain); break; case uacFormatSection: DoFormatSection(rgvalAgain); break; #endif /* ENABLE */
#ifdef STYLES
case uacGalFormatChar: DoGalFormatChar(rgvalAgain); break; case uacGalFormatPara: DoGalFormatPara(rgvalAgain); break; case uacGalFormatSection: DoGalFormatSection(rgvalAgain); break; #endif /* STYLES */
case uacUReplScrap: ReplaceCps(docCur, cpLim, cp0, docUndo, cp0, vuab.dcp = CpMacText(docUndo)); ClobberDoc(docUndo,docScrap,cp0,CpMacText(docScrap)); ClobberDoc(docScrap, docCur, cpFirst, dcp); Replace(docCur, cpFirst, dcp, fnNil, fc0, fc0); vuab.doc = docCur; vuab.cp = cpFirst; Select(cpFirst+vuab.dcp, CpLastStyChar(cpFirst + vuab.dcp)); vuab.uac = uacReplScrap; break; case uacMove: if (!FMoveText(vuab.doc2, vuab.cp2, vuab.dcp, docCur, &cpFirst, fFalse)) return; vuab.cp = vuab.cp2; vuab.cp2 = cpFirst; vuab.doc = vuab.doc2; vuab.doc2 = docCur; CheckMove(); break; } vfSeeSel = true; } #endif /* CASHMERE */