Leaked source code of windows server 2003
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  1. DbgPrompt
  2. ExDesktopObjectType CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  3. ExEnumHandleTable
  4. ExEventObjectType CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  5. ExWindowStationObjectType CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  6. KePulseEvent
  7. KeRaiseUserException
  8. KeServiceDescriptorTable CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  9. KeSetKernelStackSwapEnable
  10. KeUserModeCallback
  11. LdrAccessResource
  12. LdrFindResource_U
  13. LdrFindResourceDirectory_U
  14. LpcRequestPort
  15. LpcRequestWaitReplyPort
  16. MmAdjustWorkingSetSize
  17. MmCreateSection
  18. MmGrowKernelStack
  19. MmMapViewOfSection
  20. MmSectionObjectType CONSTANT
  21. MmUnmapViewOfSection
  22. NlsMbCodePageTag CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  23. NlsAnsiCodePage CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  24. NlsOemCodePage CONSTANT // Data - use pointer for access
  25. ObAssignSecurity
  26. ObCheckCreateObjectAccess
  27. ObCheckObjectAccess
  28. ObOpenObjectByName
  29. ObReferenceObjectByName
  30. ObSetSecurityDescriptorInfo
  31. PsLookupProcessByProcessId
  32. PsLookupThreadByThreadId
  33. PsReferenceImpersonationToken
  34. PsReferencePrimaryToken
  35. PsRevertToSelf
  36. RtlAddAce
  37. RtlAreAllAccessesGranted
  38. RtlAreAnyAccessesGranted
  39. RtlCreateUnicodeString
  40. RtlFindMessage
  41. RtlFormatCurrentUserKeyPath
  42. RtlGetDefaultCodePage
  43. RtlImageNtHeader
  44. RtlIntegerToChar
  45. RtlRaiseException
  46. RtlSetSaclSecurityDescriptor
  47. RtlZeroHeap
  48. SeCaptureSecurityDescriptor
  49. SeCloseObjectAuditAlarm
  50. SeCreateAccessState
  51. SeDeleteAccessState
  52. SePrivilegeCheck
  53. SePrivilegeObjectAuditAlarm
  54. SeReleaseSecurityDescriptor
  55. ZwAlertThread
  56. ZwClearEvent
  57. ZwCreateTimer
  58. ZwDuplicateToken
  59. ZwOpenProcess
  60. ZwOpenThread
  61. ZwPulseEvent
  62. ZwQueryInformationProcess
  63. ZwQueryObject
  64. ZwQuerySecurityObject
  65. ZwResetEvent
  66. ZwSetDefaultLocale
  67. ZwSetDefaultUILanguage
  68. ZwSetInformationObject
  69. ZwSetTimer
  70. ZwWaitForMultipleObjects
  71. ZwTerminateProcess