Copyright (c) 2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module defines functions for the timer thread pool.
Gurdeep Singh Pall (gurdeep) Nov 13, 1997
Revision History:
lokeshs - extended/modified threadpool.
Rob Earhart (earhart) September 29, 2000 Split off from threads.c
These routines are statically linked in the caller's executable and are callable only from user mode. They make use of Nt system services.
#include <ntos.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <wow64t.h>
#include "ntrtlp.h"
#include "threads.h"
// Timer Thread Pool
// -----------------
// Clients create one or more Timer Queues and insert one shot or periodic
// timers in them. All timers in a queue are kept in a "Delta List" with each
// timer's firing time relative to the timer before it. All Queues are also
// kept in a "Delta List" with each Queue's firing time (set to the firing time
// of the nearest firing timer) relative to the Queue before it. One NT Timer
// is used to service all timers in all queues.
ULONG StartedTimerInitialization ; // Used by Timer thread startup synchronization
ULONG CompletedTimerInitialization ; // Used for to check if Timer thread is initialized
HANDLE TimerThreadHandle ; // Holds the timer thread handle
ULONG TimerThreadId ; // Used to check if current thread is a timer thread
LIST_ENTRY TimerQueues ; // All timer queues are linked in this list
HANDLE TimerHandle ; // Holds handle of NT Timer used by the Timer Thread
HANDLE TimerThreadStartedEvent ; // Indicates that the timer thread has started
ULONG NumTimerQueues ; // Number of timer queues
RTL_CRITICAL_SECTION TimerCriticalSection ; // Exclusion used by timer threads
LARGE_INTEGER Last64BitTickCount ; LARGE_INTEGER Resync64BitTickCount ; LARGE_INTEGER Firing64BitTickCount ;
#if DBG
ULONG RtlpDueTimeMax = 0; #endif
#if DBG1
ULONG NextTimerDbgId; #endif
#define RtlpGetResync64BitTickCount() Resync64BitTickCount.QuadPart
#define RtlpSetFiring64BitTickCount(Timeout) \
Firing64BitTickCount.QuadPart = (Timeout)
__inline LONGLONG RtlpGet64BitTickCount( LARGE_INTEGER *Last64BitTickCount ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is used for getting the latest 64bit tick count.
Return Value: 64bit tick count
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER liCurTime ;
liCurTime.QuadPart = NtGetTickCount() + Last64BitTickCount->HighPart ;
// see if timer has wrapped.
if (liCurTime.LowPart < Last64BitTickCount->LowPart) { liCurTime.HighPart++ ; }
return (Last64BitTickCount->QuadPart = liCurTime.QuadPart) ; }
__inline LONGLONG RtlpResync64BitTickCount( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is used for getting the latest 64bit tick count.
Return Value: 64bit tick count
Remarks: This call should be made in the first line of any APC queued to the timer thread and nowhere else. It is used to reduce the drift
--*/ { return Resync64BitTickCount.QuadPart = RtlpGet64BitTickCount(&Last64BitTickCount); }
VOID RtlpAsyncTimerCallbackCompletion( PVOID Context ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is called in a (IO)worker thread and is used to decrement the RefCount at the end and call RtlpDeleteTimer if required
Context - pointer to the Timer object,
Return Value:
--*/ { PRTLP_TIMER Timer = (PRTLP_TIMER) Context;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Calling WaitOrTimer:Timer: fn:%x context:%x bool:%d Thread<%d:%d>\n", Timer->DbgId, (ULONG_PTR)Timer->Function, (ULONG_PTR)Timer->Context, TRUE, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); #endif
RtlpWaitOrTimerCallout(Timer->Function, Timer->Context, TRUE, Timer->ActivationContext, Timer->ImpersonationToken, NULL);
// decrement RefCount after function is executed so that the context is not deleted
if ( InterlockedDecrement( &Timer->RefCount ) == 0 ) {
RtlpDeleteTimer( Timer ) ; } }
VOID RtlpFireTimers ( PLIST_ENTRY TimersToFireList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Finally all the timers are fired here.
TimersToFireList: List of timers to fire
{ PLIST_ENTRY Node ; PRTLP_TIMER Timer ; NTSTATUS Status; BOOLEAN IsSingleShotWaitTimer;
for (Node = TimersToFireList->Flink; Node != TimersToFireList; Node = TimersToFireList->Flink) { Timer = CONTAINING_RECORD (Node, RTLP_TIMER, TimersToFireList) ;
RemoveEntryList( Node ) ; InitializeListHead( Node ) ;
IsSingleShotWaitTimer = (Timer->Wait != NULL && Timer->Period == 0);
if ( (Timer->State & STATE_DONTFIRE) || (Timer->Queue->State & STATE_DONTFIRE) ) { //
// Wait timers *never* use STATE_DONTFIRE. Let's just
// make sure this isn't one:
ASSERT(Timer->Wait == NULL);
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Calling WaitOrTimer(Timer): fn:%x context:%x bool:%d Thread<%d:%d>\n", Timer->DbgId, (ULONG_PTR)Timer->Function, (ULONG_PTR)Timer->Context, TRUE, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); #endif
{ PRTL_CRITICAL_SECTION const LocksHeld[] = { &TimerCriticalSection, NULL };
RtlpWaitOrTimerCallout(Timer->Function, Timer->Context, TRUE, Timer->ActivationContext, Timer->ImpersonationToken, LocksHeld); }
} else {
// timer associated with WaitEvents should be treated differently
if ( Timer->Wait != NULL ) {
InterlockedIncrement( Timer->RefCountPtr ) ;
// Set the low bit of the context to indicate to
// RtlpAsyncWaitCallbackCompletion that this is a
// timer-initiated callback.
Status = RtlQueueWorkItem(RtlpAsyncWaitCallbackCompletion, (PVOID)(((ULONG_PTR) Timer->Wait) | 1), Timer->Flags);
} else {
InterlockedIncrement( &Timer->RefCount ) ;
Status = RtlQueueWorkItem(RtlpAsyncTimerCallbackCompletion, Timer, Timer->Flags); }
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
// NTRAID#202802-2000/10/12-earhart: we really ought
// to deal with this case in a better way, since we
// can't guarantee (with our current architecture)
// that the enqueue will work.
if ( Timer->Wait != NULL ) { InterlockedDecrement( Timer->RefCountPtr ); } else { InterlockedDecrement( &Timer->RefCount ); } }
// If it's a singleshot wait timer, we can free it now.
// (N.B. if it's *not*, the timer may be invalid by now.)
if (IsSingleShotWaitTimer) { RtlpFreeTPHeap(Timer); }
} }
VOID RtlpFireTimersAndReorder ( PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue, ULONG *NewFiringTime, PLIST_ENTRY TimersToFireList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Fires all timers in TimerList that have DeltaFiringTime == 0. After firing the timers it reorders the timers based on their periodic times OR frees the fired one shot timers.
TimerList - Timer list to work thru.
NewFiringTime - Location where the new firing time for the first timer in the delta list is returned.
Return Value:
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY TNode ; PRTLP_TIMER Timer ; LIST_ENTRY ReinsertTimerList ; PLIST_ENTRY TimerList = &Queue->TimerList ;
InitializeListHead (&ReinsertTimerList) ; *NewFiringTime = 0 ;
for (TNode = TimerList->Flink ; (TNode != TimerList) && (*NewFiringTime == 0); TNode = TimerList->Flink) {
// Fire all timers with delta time of 0
if (Timer->DeltaFiringTime == 0) {
// detach this timer from the list
RemoveEntryList (TNode) ;
// get next firing time
if (!IsListEmpty(TimerList)) {
TmpTimer = CONTAINING_RECORD (TimerList->Flink, RTLP_TIMER, List) ;
*NewFiringTime = TmpTimer->DeltaFiringTime ;
TmpTimer->DeltaFiringTime = 0 ;
} else {
*NewFiringTime = INFINITE_TIME ; }
// if timer is not periodic then remove active state. Timer will be deleted
// when cancel timer is called.
if (Timer->Period == 0) {
if ( Timer->Wait ) {
// If one shot wait was timed out, then deactivate the
// wait. Make sure that RtlpDeactivateWait knows
// we're going to continue using the timer's memory.
RtlpDeactivateWait( Timer->Wait, FALSE ) ;
// The timer does *not* go on the uncancelled
// timer list. Initialize its list head to avoid
// refering to other timers.
InitializeListHead( &Timer->List ); } else { // If a normal non-periodic timer was timed out,
// then insert it into the uncancelled timer list.
InsertHeadList( &Queue->UncancelledTimerList, &Timer->List ) ;
// should be set at the end
RtlInterlockedClearBitsDiscardReturn(&Timer->State, STATE_ACTIVE); }
RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&Timer->State, STATE_ONE_SHOT_FIRED);
} else {
// Set the DeltaFiringTime to be the next period
Timer->DeltaFiringTime = Timer->Period ;
// reinsert the timer in the list.
RtlpInsertInDeltaList (TimerList, Timer, *NewFiringTime, NewFiringTime) ; }
// Call the function associated with this timer. call it in the end
// so that RtlTimer calls can be made in the timer function
if ( (Timer->State & STATE_DONTFIRE) || (Timer->Queue->State & STATE_DONTFIRE) ) { //
// Wait timers *never* use STATE_DONTFIRE. Let's just
// make sure this isn't one:
ASSERT(Timer->Wait == NULL);
} else {
InsertTailList( TimersToFireList, &Timer->TimersToFireList ) ;
} else {
// No more Timers with DeltaFiringTime == 0
break ;
} }
if ( *NewFiringTime == 0 ) { *NewFiringTime = INFINITE_TIME ; } }
VOID RtlpInsertTimersIntoDeltaList ( IN PLIST_ENTRY NewTimerList, IN PLIST_ENTRY DeltaTimerList, IN ULONG TimeRemaining, OUT ULONG *NewFiringTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine walks thru a list of timers in NewTimerList and inserts them into a delta timers list pointed to by DeltaTimerList. The timeout associated with the first element in the new list is returned in NewFiringTime.
NewTimerList - List of timers that need to be inserted into the DeltaTimerList
DeltaTimerList - Existing delta list of zero or more timers.
TimeRemaining - Firing time of the first element in the DeltaTimerList
NewFiringTime - Location where the new firing time will be returned
Return Value:
for (TNode = NewTimerList->Flink ; TNode != NewTimerList ; TNode = TNode->Flink) {
Temp = TNode->Blink ;
RemoveEntryList (Temp->Flink) ;
if (RtlpInsertInDeltaList (DeltaTimerList, Timer, TimeRemaining, NewFiringTime)) {
TimeRemaining = *NewFiringTime ;
TNode = Temp ;
VOID RtlpServiceTimer ( PVOID NotUsedArg, ULONG NotUsedLowTimer, LONG NotUsedHighTimer ) /*++
Routine Description:
Services the timer. Runs in an APC.
NotUsedArg - Argument is not used in this function.
NotUsedLowTimer - Argument is not used in this function.
NotUsedHighTimer - Argument is not used in this function.
Return Value:
Remarks: This APC is called only for timeouts of timer threads.
--*/ { PRTLP_TIMER Timer ; PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue ; PLIST_ENTRY TNode ; PLIST_ENTRY QNode ; PLIST_ENTRY Temp ; ULONG NewFiringTime ; LIST_ENTRY ReinsertTimerQueueList ; LIST_ENTRY TimersToFireList ;
RtlpResync64BitTickCount() ;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK, "Before service timer ThreadId<%x:%x>\n", HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); RtlDebugPrintTimes (); #endif
// fire it if it even 200ms ahead. else reset the timer
if (Firing64BitTickCount.QuadPart > RtlpGet64BitTickCount(&Last64BitTickCount) + 200) {
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, RtlpGetTimeRemaining (TimerHandle), NULL) ;
InitializeListHead (&ReinsertTimerQueueList) ;
InitializeListHead (&TimersToFireList) ;
// We run thru all queues with DeltaFiringTime == 0 and fire all timers that
// have DeltaFiringTime == 0. We remove the fired timers and either free them
// (for one shot timers) or put them in aside list (for periodic timers).
// After we have finished firing all timers in a queue we reinsert the timers
// in the aside list back into the queue based on their new firing times.
// Similarly, we remove each fired Queue and put it in a aside list. After firing
// all queues with DeltaFiringTime == 0, we reinsert the Queues in the aside list
// and reprogram the NT timer to be the firing time of the first queue in the list
for (QNode = TimerQueues.Flink ; QNode != &TimerQueues ; QNode = QNode->Flink) {
// If the delta time in the timer queue is 0 - then this queue
// has timers that are ready to fire. Walk the list and fire all timers with
// Delta time of 0
if (Queue->DeltaFiringTime == 0) {
// Walk all timers with DeltaFiringTime == 0 and fire them. After that
// reinsert the periodic timers in the appropriate place.
RtlpFireTimersAndReorder (Queue, &NewFiringTime, &TimersToFireList) ;
// detach this Queue from the list
QNode = QNode->Blink ;
RemoveEntryList (QNode->Flink) ;
// If there are timers in the queue then prepare to reinsert the queue in
// TimerQueues.
if (NewFiringTime != INFINITE_TIME) {
Queue->DeltaFiringTime = NewFiringTime ;
// put the timer in list that we will process after we have
// fired all elements in this queue
InsertHeadList (&ReinsertTimerQueueList, &Queue->List) ;
} else {
// Queue has no more timers in it. Let the Queue float.
InitializeListHead (&Queue->List) ;
} else {
// No more Queues with DeltaFiringTime == 0
break ;
// At this point we have fired all the ready timers. We have two lists that need to be
// merged - TimerQueues and ReinsertTimerQueueList. The following steps do this - at the
// end of this we will reprogram the NT Timer.
if (!IsListEmpty(&TimerQueues)) {
Queue = CONTAINING_RECORD (TimerQueues.Flink, RTLP_TIMER_QUEUE, List) ;
NewFiringTime = Queue->DeltaFiringTime ;
Queue->DeltaFiringTime = 0 ;
if (!IsListEmpty (&ReinsertTimerQueueList)) {
// TimerQueues and ReinsertTimerQueueList are both non-empty. Merge them.
RtlpInsertTimersIntoDeltaList (&ReinsertTimerQueueList, &TimerQueues, NewFiringTime, &NewFiringTime) ;
// NewFiringTime contains the time the NT Timer should be programmed to.
} else {
if (!IsListEmpty (&ReinsertTimerQueueList)) {
// TimerQueues is empty. ReinsertTimerQueueList is not.
RtlpInsertTimersIntoDeltaList (&ReinsertTimerQueueList, &TimerQueues, 0, &NewFiringTime) ;
} else {
NewFiringTime = INFINITE_TIME ;
// NewFiringTime contains the time the NT Timer should be programmed to.
// Reset the timer to reflect the Delta time associated with the first Queue
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, NULL) ;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK, "After service timer:ThreadId<%x:%x>\n", HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); RtlDebugPrintTimes (); #endif
// finally fire all the timers
RtlpFireTimers( &TimersToFireList ) ;
VOID RtlpResetTimer ( HANDLE TimerHandle, ULONG DueTime, PRTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK ThreadCB ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine resets the timer object with the new due time.
TimerHandle - Handle to the timer object
DueTime - Relative timer due time in Milliseconds
Return Value:
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER LongDueTime ;
NtCancelTimer (TimerHandle, NULL) ;
// If the DueTime is INFINITE_TIME then set the timer to the largest integer possible
LongDueTime.LowPart = 0x1 ;
LongDueTime.HighPart = 0x80000000 ;
} else {
// set the absolute time when timer is to be fired
if (ThreadCB) {
ThreadCB->Firing64BitTickCount = DueTime + RtlpGet64BitTickCount(&ThreadCB->Current64BitTickCount) ;
} else { //
// adjust for drift only if it is a global timer
ULONG Drift ; LONGLONG llCurrentTick ;
llCurrentTick = RtlpGet64BitTickCount(&Last64BitTickCount) ;
Drift = (ULONG) (llCurrentTick - RtlpGetResync64BitTickCount()) ; DueTime = (DueTime > Drift) ? DueTime-Drift : 1 ; RtlpSetFiring64BitTickCount(llCurrentTick + DueTime) ; }
LongDueTime.QuadPart = (LONGLONG) UInt32x32To64( DueTime, 10000 ); LongDueTime.QuadPart *= -1;
#if DBG
if ((RtlpDueTimeMax != 0) && (DueTime > RtlpDueTimeMax)) {
DbgPrint("\n*** Requested timer due time %d is greater than max allowed (%d)\n", DueTime, RtlpDueTimeMax);
DbgBreakPoint(); }
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "RtlpResetTimer: %dms => %p'%p in thread:<%x:%x>\n", DueTime, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); #endif
NtSetTimer ( TimerHandle, &LongDueTime, ThreadCB ? NULL : RtlpServiceTimer, NULL, FALSE, 0, NULL ) ; }
#if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(push)
#pragma warning(disable:4715) // Not all control paths return (due to infinite loop)
LONG RtlpTimerThread ( PVOID Parameter ) /*++
Routine Description:
All the timer activity takes place in APCs.
HandlePtr - Pointer to our handle
Return Value:
--*/ { LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut ;
// no structure initializations should be done here as new timer thread
// may be created after threadPoolCleanup
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "Starting timer thread\n"); #endif
TimerThreadId = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) ;
// Reset the NT Timer to never fire initially
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, -1, NULL) ;
// Signal the thread creation path that we're ready to go
NtSetEvent(TimerThreadStartedEvent, NULL);
// Sleep alertably so that all the activity can take place
// in APCs
for ( ; ; ) {
// Set timeout for the largest timeout possible
TimeOut.LowPart = 0 ; TimeOut.HighPart = 0x80000000 ;
NtDelayExecution (TRUE, &TimeOut) ;
return 0 ; // Keep compiler happy
} #if _MSC_FULL_VER >= 13008827
#pragma warning(pop)
NTSTATUS RtlpInitializeTimerThreadPool ( ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine is used to initialize structures used for Timer Thread
Return Value:
ASSERT(! RtlIsImpersonating());
// In order to avoid an explicit RtlInitialize() function to initialize the wait thread pool
// we use StartedTimerInitialization and CompletedTimerInitialization to provide us the
// necessary synchronization to avoid multiple threads from initializing the thread pool.
// This scheme does not work if RtlInitializeCriticalSection() or NtCreateEvent fails - but in this case the
// caller has not choices left.
if (!InterlockedExchange(&StartedTimerInitialization, 1L)) {
if (CompletedTimerInitialization) InterlockedExchange(&CompletedTimerInitialization, 0 ) ;
do {
// Initialize global timer lock
Status = RtlInitializeCriticalSection( &TimerCriticalSection ) ; if (! NT_SUCCESS( Status )) { break ; }
Status = NtCreateTimer( &TimerHandle, TIMER_ALL_ACCESS, NULL, NotificationTimer ) ;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &TimerCriticalSection ); break ; }
InitializeListHead (&TimerQueues) ; // Initialize Timer Queue Structures
// initialize tick count
Resync64BitTickCount.QuadPart = NtGetTickCount() ; Firing64BitTickCount.QuadPart = 0 ;
Event = RtlpGetWaitEvent(); if (! Event) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; RtlDeleteCriticalSection(&TimerCriticalSection); NtClose(TimerHandle); TimerHandle = NULL; break; }
TimerThreadStartedEvent = Event->Handle;
Status = RtlpStartThreadpoolThread (RtlpTimerThread, NULL, &TimerThreadHandle);
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) { RtlpFreeWaitEvent(Event); RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &TimerCriticalSection ); NtClose(TimerHandle); TimerHandle = NULL; break ; }
Status = NtWaitForSingleObject(TimerThreadStartedEvent, FALSE, NULL);
RtlpFreeWaitEvent(Event); TimerThreadStartedEvent = NULL;
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { RtlDeleteCriticalSection( &TimerCriticalSection ); NtClose(TimerHandle); TimerHandle = NULL; break ; }
} while(FALSE ) ;
if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) {
StartedTimerInitialization = 0 ; InterlockedExchange (&CompletedTimerInitialization, ~0) ;
return Status ; }
InterlockedExchange (&CompletedTimerInitialization, 1L) ;
} else {
// Sleep 1 ms and see if the other thread has completed initialization
while (!*((ULONG volatile *)&CompletedTimerInitialization)) {
NtDelayExecution (FALSE, &TimeOut) ;
if (CompletedTimerInitialization != 1) Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; }
return NT_SUCCESS(Status) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : Status ; }
NTSTATUS RtlCreateTimerQueue( OUT PHANDLE TimerQueueHandle )
Routine Description:
This routine creates a queue that can be used to queue time based tasks.
TimerQueueHandle - Returns back the Handle identifying the timer queue created.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Result code from call. The following are returned
STATUS_SUCCESS - Timer Queue created successfully.
STATUS_NO_MEMORY - There was not sufficient heap to perform the requested operation.
if (LdrpShutdownInProgress) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
Status = RtlpCaptureImpersonation(FALSE, &Token); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
// Initialize the timer component if it hasnt been done already
if (CompletedTimerInitialization != 1) {
Status = RtlpInitializeTimerThreadPool () ;
if ( !NT_SUCCESS(Status) ) goto cleanup ; }
InterlockedIncrement( &NumTimerQueues ) ;
// Allocate a Queue structure
if (Queue == NULL) {
InterlockedDecrement( &NumTimerQueues ) ; Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup; }
Queue->RefCount = 1 ;
// Initialize the allocated queue
InitializeListHead (&Queue->List) ; InitializeListHead (&Queue->TimerList) ; InitializeListHead (&Queue->UncancelledTimerList) ; SET_TIMER_QUEUE_SIGNATURE( Queue ) ;
Queue->DeltaFiringTime = 0 ;
#if DBG1
Queue->DbgId = ++NextTimerDbgId ; Queue->ThreadId = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) ; #endif
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d> TimerQueue %x created by thread:<%x:%x>\n", Queue->DbgId, 1, (ULONG_PTR)Queue, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)) ; #endif
*TimerQueueHandle = Queue ;
cleanup: if (Token) { RtlpRestartImpersonation(Token); NtClose(Token); }
return Status; }
ULONG RtlpGetQueueRelativeTime ( PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue ) /*++
Routine Description:
Walks the list of queues and returns the relative firing time by adding all the DeltaFiringTimes for all queues before it.
Queue - Queue for which to find the relative firing time
Return Value:
Time in milliseconds
--*/ { PLIST_ENTRY Node ; ULONG RelativeTime ; PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE CurrentQueue ;
RelativeTime = 0 ;
// It the Queue is not attached to TimerQueues List because it has no timer
// associated with it simply returns 0 as the relative time. Else run thru
// all queues before it in the list and compute the relative firing time
if (!IsListEmpty (&Queue->List)) {
for (Node = TimerQueues.Flink; Node != &Queue->List; Node=Node->Flink) {
RelativeTime += CurrentQueue->DeltaFiringTime ;
// Add the queue's delta firing time as well
RelativeTime += Queue->DeltaFiringTime ;
return RelativeTime ;
VOID RtlpDeactivateTimer ( PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue, PRTLP_TIMER Timer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine executes in an APC and cancels the specified timer if it exists
Timer - Specifies pointer to a timer structure that contains Queue and Timer information
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG TimeRemaining, QueueRelTimeRemaining ; ULONG NewFiringTime ;
// Remove the timer from the appropriate queue
TimeRemaining = RtlpGetTimeRemaining (TimerHandle) ; QueueRelTimeRemaining = TimeRemaining + RtlpGetQueueRelativeTime (Queue) ;
#if DBG
if ((RtlpDueTimeMax != 0) && (QueueRelTimeRemaining > RtlpDueTimeMax)) { DbgPrint("\n*** Queue due time %d is greater than max allowed (%d) in RtlpDeactivateTimer\n", QueueRelTimeRemaining, RtlpDueTimeMax);
DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
if (RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList (&Queue->TimerList, Timer, QueueRelTimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime)) {
// If we removed the last timer from the queue then we should remove the queue
// from TimerQueues, else we should readjust its position based on the delta time change
if (IsListEmpty (&Queue->TimerList)) {
// Remove the queue from TimerQueues
if (RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList (&TimerQueues, Queue, TimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime)) {
// There is a new element at the head of the queue we need to reset the NT
// timer to fire later
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, NULL) ;
InitializeListHead (&Queue->List) ;
} else {
// If we remove from the head of the timer delta list we will need to
// make sure the queue delta list is readjusted
if (RtlpReOrderDeltaList (&TimerQueues, Queue, TimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime, NewFiringTime)) {
// There is a new element at the head of the queue we need to reset the NT
// timer to fire later
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, NULL) ;
} }
VOID RtlpCancelTimerEx ( PRTLP_TIMER Timer, BOOLEAN DeletingQueue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine cancels the specified timer.
Timer - Specifies pointer to a timer structure that contains Queue and Timer information DeletingQueue - FALSE: routine executing in an APC. Delete timer only. TRUE : routine called by timer queue which is being deleted. So dont reset the queue's position Return Value:
--*/ { PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue ;
RtlpResync64BitTickCount() ; CHECK_SIGNATURE( Timer ) ; SET_DEL_SIGNATURE( Timer ) ;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d> RtlpCancelTimerEx: Timer: %p Thread<%d:%d>\n", Timer->Queue->DbgId, Timer->DbgId, Timer, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); #endif
Queue = Timer->Queue ;
if ( Timer->State & STATE_ACTIVE ) {
// if queue is being deleted, then the timer should not be reset
if ( ! DeletingQueue ) RtlpDeactivateTimer( Queue, Timer ) ;
} else {
// remove one shot Inactive timer from Queue->UncancelledTimerList
// called only when the time queue is being deleted
RemoveEntryList( &Timer->List ) ;
// Set the State to deleted
RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&Timer->State, STATE_DELETE);
// delete timer if refcount == 0
if ( InterlockedDecrement( &Timer->RefCount ) == 0 ) {
RtlpDeleteTimer( Timer ) ; } }
VOID RtlpDeleteTimerQueueComplete ( PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine frees the queue and sets the event.
Queue - queue to delete
Event - Event Handle used for signalling completion of request
Return Value:
--*/ { #if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Queue: %x: deleted\n", Queue->DbgId, (ULONG_PTR)Queue) ; #endif
InterlockedDecrement( &NumTimerQueues ) ;
// Notify the thread issuing the cancel that the request is completed
if ( Queue->CompletionEvent ) NtSetEvent (Queue->CompletionEvent, NULL) ;
RtlpFreeTPHeap( Queue ) ; }
NTSTATUS RtlpDeleteTimerQueue ( PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine deletes the queue specified in the Request and frees all timers
Queue - queue to delete
Event - Event Handle used for signalling completion of request
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG TimeRemaining ; ULONG NewFiringTime ; PLIST_ENTRY Node ; PRTLP_TIMER Timer ;
RtlpResync64BitTickCount() ;
// If there are no timers in the queue then it is not attached to TimerQueues
// In this case simply free the memory and return. Otherwise we have to first
// remove the queue from the TimerQueues List, update the firing time if this
// was the first queue in the list and then walk all the timers and free them
// before freeing the Timer Queue.
if (!IsListEmpty (&Queue->List)) {
TimeRemaining = RtlpGetTimeRemaining (TimerHandle) + RtlpGetQueueRelativeTime (Queue) ;
#if DBG
if ((RtlpDueTimeMax != 0) && (TimeRemaining > RtlpDueTimeMax)) { DbgPrint("\n*** Queue due time %d is greater than max allowed (%d) in RtlpDeleteTimerQueue\n", TimeRemaining, RtlpDueTimeMax);
DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
if (RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList (&TimerQueues, Queue, TimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime)) {
// If removed from head of queue list, reset the timer
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, NULL) ; }
// Free all the timers associated with this queue
for (Node = Queue->TimerList.Flink ; Node != &Queue->TimerList ; ) {
Node = Node->Flink ;
RtlpCancelTimerEx( Timer ,TRUE ) ; // Queue being deleted
} }
// Free all the uncancelled one shot timers in this queue
for (Node = Queue->UncancelledTimerList.Flink ; Node != &Queue->UncancelledTimerList ; ) {
Node = Node->Flink ;
RtlpCancelTimerEx( Timer ,TRUE ) ; // Queue being deleted
// delete the queue completely if the RefCount is 0
if ( InterlockedDecrement( &Queue->RefCount ) == 0 ) {
RtlpDeleteTimerQueueComplete( Queue ) ;
} else {
NTSTATUS RtlDeleteTimerQueueEx ( HANDLE QueueHandle, HANDLE Event ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine deletes the queue specified in the Request and frees all timers. This call is blocking or non-blocking depending on the value passed for Event. Blocking calls cannot be made from ANY Timer callbacks. After this call returns, no new Callbacks will be fired for any timer associated with the queue.
QueueHandle - queue to delete
Event - Event to wait upon. (HANDLE)-1: The function creates an event and waits on it. Event : The caller passes an event. The function marks the queue for deletion, but does not wait for all callbacks to complete. The event is signalled after all callbacks have completed. NULL : The function is non-blocking. The function marks the queue for deletion, but does not wait for all callbacks to complete.
Return Value:
STATUS_SUCCESS - All timer callbacks have completed. STATUS_PENDING - Non-Blocking call. Some timer callbacks associated with timers in this queue may not have completed.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; LARGE_INTEGER TimeOut ; PRTLP_EVENT CompletionEvent = NULL ; PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue = (PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE)QueueHandle ; #if DBG
ULONG QueueDbgId; #endif
if (LdrpShutdownInProgress) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if (!Queue) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1 ; }
Status = RtlpCaptureImpersonation(FALSE, &Token); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
#if DBG1
Queue->ThreadId2 = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) ; #endif
#if DBG
QueueDbgId = Queue->DbgId; DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d> Queue Delete(Queue:%x Event:%x by Thread:<%x:%x>)\n", QueueDbgId, Queue->RefCount, (ULONG_PTR)Queue, (ULONG_PTR)Event, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)) ; #endif
if (Event == (HANDLE)-1 ) {
// Get an event from the event cache
CompletionEvent = RtlpGetWaitEvent () ;
if (!CompletionEvent) {
Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; goto cleanup;
} }
Queue->CompletionEvent = CompletionEvent ? CompletionEvent->Handle : Event ;
// once this flag is set, no timer will be fired
// queue an APC
Status = NtQueueApcThread( TimerThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpDeleteTimerQueue, (PVOID) QueueHandle, NULL, NULL );
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
if ( CompletionEvent ) { RtlpFreeWaitEvent( CompletionEvent ) ; }
goto cleanup; }
if (CompletionEvent) {
// wait for Event to be fired. Return if the thread has been killed.
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Queue %p delete waiting Thread<%d:%d>\n", QueueDbgId, (ULONG_PTR)Queue, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)) ; #endif
Status = RtlpWaitForEvent( CompletionEvent->Handle, TimerThreadHandle ) ;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Queue %p delete completed\n", QueueDbgId, (ULONG_PTR) Queue) ; #endif
RtlpFreeWaitEvent( CompletionEvent ) ;
Status = NT_SUCCESS( Status ) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : Status ; goto cleanup;
} else { Status = STATUS_PENDING ; goto cleanup; }
cleanup: if (Token) { RtlpRestartImpersonation(Token); NtClose(Token); }
return Status; }
NTSTATUS RtlDeleteTimerQueue( IN HANDLE TimerQueueHandle )
Routine Description:
This routine deletes a previously created queue. This call is non-blocking and can be made from Callbacks. Pending callbacks already queued to worker threads are not cancelled.
TimerQueueHandle - Handle identifying the timer queue created.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Result code from call.
STATUS_PENDING - Timer Queue created successfully.
{ return RtlDeleteTimerQueueEx( TimerQueueHandle, NULL ) ; }
VOID RtlpAddTimer ( PRTLP_TIMER Timer, PRTLP_EVENT StartEvent ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs as an APC into the Timer thread. It adds a new timer to the specified queue.
Timer - Pointer to the timer to add
Return Value:
--*/ { PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue = Timer->Queue; ULONG TimeRemaining, QueueRelTimeRemaining ; ULONG NewFiringTime ;
ASSERT(StartEvent); NtWaitForSingleObject(StartEvent->Handle, FALSE, NULL); RtlpFreeWaitEvent(StartEvent);
RtlpResync64BitTickCount() ;
// the timer was set to be deleted in a callback function.
if (Timer->State & STATE_DELETE ) {
RtlpDeleteTimer( Timer ) ; return ; }
// Check if the timer queue is already deleted -- that is, if it's
// delete has already been fully processed, not just enqueued.
if (IS_DEL_SIGNATURE_SET(Queue)) { RtlpDeleteTimer(Timer); return; }
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d> RtlpAddTimer: Timer: %p Delta: %dms Period: %dms Thread<%d:%d>\n", Timer->Queue->DbgId, Timer->DbgId, Timer, Timer->DeltaFiringTime, Timer->Period, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); #endif
// TimeRemaining is the time left in the current timer + the relative time of
// the queue it is being inserted into
TimeRemaining = RtlpGetTimeRemaining (TimerHandle) ; QueueRelTimeRemaining = TimeRemaining + RtlpGetQueueRelativeTime (Queue) ;
#if DBG
if ((RtlpDueTimeMax != 0) && (QueueRelTimeRemaining > RtlpDueTimeMax)) { DbgPrint("\n*** Queue due time %d is greater than max allowed (%d) in RtlpAddTimer\n", QueueRelTimeRemaining, RtlpDueTimeMax);
DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
if (RtlpInsertInDeltaList (&Queue->TimerList, Timer, QueueRelTimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime)) {
// If the Queue is not attached to TimerQueues since it had no timers
// previously then insert the queue into the TimerQueues list, else just
// reorder its existing position.
if (IsListEmpty (&Queue->List)) {
Queue->DeltaFiringTime = NewFiringTime ;
if (RtlpInsertInDeltaList (&TimerQueues, Queue, TimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime)) {
// There is a new element at the head of the queue we need to reset the NT
// timer to fire sooner.
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, NULL) ; }
} else {
// If we insert at the head of the timer delta list we will need to
// make sure the queue delta list is readjusted
if (RtlpReOrderDeltaList(&TimerQueues, Queue, TimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime, NewFiringTime)){
// There is a new element at the head of the queue we need to reset the NT
// timer to fire sooner.
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, NULL) ;
} }
RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&Timer->State, STATE_REGISTERED | STATE_ACTIVE); }
VOID RtlpTimerReleaseWorker(ULONG Flags) { if (! (Flags & WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD)) { RtlpReleaseWorker(Flags); } }
NTSTATUS RtlCreateTimer( IN HANDLE TimerQueueHandle, OUT HANDLE *Handle, IN WAITORTIMERCALLBACKFUNC Function, IN PVOID Context, IN ULONG DueTime, IN ULONG Period, IN ULONG Flags ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine puts a timer request in the queue identified in by TimerQueueHandle. The timer request can be one shot or periodic.
TimerQueueHandle - Handle identifying the timer queue in which to insert the timer request.
Handle - Specifies a location to return a handle to this timer request
Function - Routine that is called when the timer fires
Context - Opaque pointer passed in as an argument to WorkerProc
DueTime - Specifies the time in milliseconds after which the timer fires.
Period - Specifies the period of the timer in milliseconds. This should be 0 for one shot requests.
Flags - Can be one of:
WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD - if WorkerProc should be invoked in the wait thread it this should only be used for small routines.
WT_EXECUTELONGFUNCTION - if WorkerProc can possibly block for a long time.
WT_EXECUTEINIOTHREAD - if WorkerProc should be invoked in IO worker thread
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Result code from call. The following are returned
STATUS_SUCCESS - Timer Queue created successfully.
STATUS_NO_MEMORY - There was not sufficient heap to perform the requested operation.
if (LdrpShutdownInProgress) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
Status = RtlpCaptureImpersonation(Flags & WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION, &Token); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
if (Flags&0xffff0000) { MaxThreads = (Flags & 0xffff0000)>>16; }
// check if timer queue already deleted
if (IS_DEL_PENDING_SIGNATURE_SET(Queue)) { Status = STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE; goto cleanup_token; }
StartEvent = RtlpGetWaitEvent(); if (! StartEvent) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup_token; }
if (! (Flags & WT_EXECUTEINTIMERTHREAD)) { Status = RtlpAcquireWorker(Flags); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup_waitevent; } }
Timer = (PRTLP_TIMER) RtlpAllocateTPHeap ( sizeof (RTLP_TIMER), HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY ) ;
if (Timer == NULL) { Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY; goto cleanup_worker; }
// Initialize the allocated timer
Status = RtlpThreadPoolGetActiveActivationContext(&Timer->ActivationContext); if (!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { if (Status == STATUS_SXS_THREAD_QUERIES_DISABLED) { Timer->ActivationContext = INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT; Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; } else { goto cleanup_timerblock; } }
if (Token && (Flags & WT_TRANSFER_IMPERSONATION)) { Status = NtDuplicateToken(Token, TOKEN_IMPERSONATE | TOKEN_DUPLICATE, NULL, FALSE, TokenImpersonation, &Timer->ImpersonationToken); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { goto cleanup_actctx; } } else { Timer->ImpersonationToken = NULL; }
Timer->DeltaFiringTime = DueTime ; Timer->Queue = Queue; Timer->RefCount = 1 ; Timer->Flags = Flags ; Timer->Function = Function ; Timer->Context = Context ; //todo:remove below
Timer->Period = (Period == -1) ? 0 : Period; InitializeListHead( &Timer->TimersToFireList ) ; InitializeListHead( &Timer->List ) ; SET_TIMER_SIGNATURE( Timer ) ;
#if DBG1
Timer->DbgId = ++ Timer->Queue->NextDbgId ; Timer->ThreadId = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) ; #endif
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d:%d> Timer: created by Thread:<%x:%x>\n", Timer->Queue->DbgId, Timer->DbgId, 1, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)) ; #endif
// Increment the total number of timers in the queue
InterlockedIncrement( &((PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE)TimerQueueHandle)->RefCount ) ;
// Queue APC to timer thread
Status = NtQueueApcThread( TimerThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpAddTimer, (PVOID)Timer, (PVOID)StartEvent, NULL ) ;
if (NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { // We successfully queued the APC -- the timer is now valid
*Handle = Timer ; NtSetEvent(StartEvent->Handle, NULL); Status = STATUS_SUCCESS; goto cleanup_token; }
// Error path
if (InterlockedDecrement(&((PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE)TimerQueueHandle)->RefCount) == 0) { RtlpDeleteTimerQueueComplete(Queue); }
if (Timer->ImpersonationToken) { NtClose(Timer->ImpersonationToken); }
cleanup_actctx: if (Timer->ActivationContext != INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT) RtlReleaseActivationContext (Timer->ActivationContext);
cleanup_timerblock: RtlpFreeTPHeap(Timer);
cleanup_worker: RtlpTimerReleaseWorker(Flags);
cleanup_waitevent: RtlpFreeWaitEvent(StartEvent);
// Common cleanup path
cleanup_token: if (Token) { RtlpRestartImpersonation(Token); NtClose(Token); }
return Status ; }
VOID RtlpUpdateTimer ( PRTLP_TIMER Timer, PRTLP_TIMER UpdatedTimer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine executes in an APC and updates the specified timer if it exists
Timer - Timer that is actually updated UpdatedTimer - Specifies pointer to a timer structure that contains Queue and Timer information
Return Value:
--*/ { PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue ; ULONG TimeRemaining, QueueRelTimeRemaining ; ULONG NewFiringTime ;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d> RtlpUpdateTimer: Timer: %p Updated: %p Delta: %dms Period: %dms Thread<%d:%d>\n", Timer->Queue->DbgId, Timer->DbgId, Timer, UpdatedTimer, UpdatedTimer->DeltaFiringTime, UpdatedTimer->Period, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); #endif
try { RtlpResync64BitTickCount( ) ;
Queue = Timer->Queue ;
if (IS_DEL_SIGNATURE_SET(Queue)) { leave; } // Update the periodic time on the timer
Timer->Period = UpdatedTimer->Period ;
// if timer is not in active state, then dont update it
if ( ! ( Timer->State & STATE_ACTIVE ) ) { leave; }
// Get the time remaining on the NT timer
TimeRemaining = RtlpGetTimeRemaining (TimerHandle) ; QueueRelTimeRemaining = TimeRemaining + RtlpGetQueueRelativeTime (Queue) ; #if DBG
if ((RtlpDueTimeMax != 0) && (QueueRelTimeRemaining > RtlpDueTimeMax)) { DbgPrint("\n*** Queue due time %d is greater than max allowed (%d) in RtlpUpdateTimer\n", QueueRelTimeRemaining, RtlpDueTimeMax);
DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
// Update the timer based on the due time
if (RtlpReOrderDeltaList (&Queue->TimerList, Timer, QueueRelTimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime, UpdatedTimer->DeltaFiringTime)) {
// If this update caused the timer at the head of the queue to change, then reinsert
// this queue in the list of queues.
if (RtlpReOrderDeltaList (&TimerQueues, Queue, TimeRemaining, &NewFiringTime, NewFiringTime)) {
// NT timer needs to be updated since the change caused the queue at the head of
// the TimerQueues to change.
RtlpResetTimer (TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, NULL) ;
} } finally { RtlpFreeTPHeap( UpdatedTimer ) ; } }
NTSTATUS RtlUpdateTimer( IN HANDLE TimerQueueHandle, IN HANDLE Timer, IN ULONG DueTime, IN ULONG Period ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine updates the timer
TimerQueueHandle - Handle identifying the queue in which the timer to be updated exists
Timer - Specifies a handle to the timer which needs to be updated
DueTime - Specifies the time in milliseconds after which the timer fires.
Period - Specifies the period of the timer in milliseconds. This should be 0 for one shot requests.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Result code from call. The following are returned
STATUS_SUCCESS - Timer updated successfully.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PRTLP_TIMER TmpTimer, ActualTimer=(PRTLP_TIMER)Timer ; PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue = (PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE) TimerQueueHandle;
if (LdrpShutdownInProgress) { return STATUS_UNSUCCESSFUL; }
if (!TimerQueueHandle) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1; }
if (!Timer) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2; }
// check if timer queue already deleted
TmpTimer = (PRTLP_TIMER) RtlpAllocateTPHeap ( sizeof (RTLP_TIMER), 0 ) ;
if (TmpTimer == NULL) { return STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; }
TmpTimer->DeltaFiringTime = DueTime; //todo:remove below
if (Period==-1) Period = 0; TmpTimer->Period = Period ;
#if DBG1
ActualTimer->ThreadId2 = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) ; #endif
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d:%d> Timer: updated by Thread:<%x:%x>\n", ((PRTLP_TIMER)Timer)->Queue->DbgId, ((PRTLP_TIMER)Timer)->DbgId, ((PRTLP_TIMER)Timer)->RefCount, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)) ; #endif
// queue APC to update timer
Status = NtQueueApcThread ( TimerThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpUpdateTimer, (PVOID)Timer, //Actual timer
(PVOID)TmpTimer, NULL ); if (!NT_SUCCESS (Status)) { RtlpFreeTPHeap(TmpTimer); }
return Status ; }
VOID RtlpCancelTimer ( PRTLP_TIMER Timer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine executes in an APC and cancels the specified timer if it exists
Timer - Specifies pointer to a timer structure that contains Queue and Timer information
Return Value:
--*/ { RtlpCancelTimerEx( Timer, FALSE ) ; // queue not being deleted
NTSTATUS RtlDeleteTimer ( IN HANDLE TimerQueueHandle, IN HANDLE TimerToCancel, IN HANDLE Event ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine cancels the timer
TimerQueueHandle - Handle identifying the queue from which to delete timer
TimerToCancel - Handle identifying the timer to cancel
Event - Event to be signalled when the timer is deleted (HANDLE)-1: The function creates an event and waits on it. Event : The caller passes an event. The function marks the timer for deletion, but does not wait for all callbacks to complete. The event is signalled after all callbacks have completed. NULL : The function is non-blocking. The function marks the timer for deletion, but does not wait for all callbacks to complete.
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Result code from call. The following are returned
STATUS_SUCCESS - Timer cancelled. No pending callbacks. STATUS_PENDING - Timer cancelled. Some callbacks still not completed.
--*/ { NTSTATUS Status; PRTLP_EVENT CompletionEvent = NULL ; PRTLP_TIMER Timer = (PRTLP_TIMER) TimerToCancel ; ULONG TimerRefCount ; HANDLE Token = NULL; #if DBG
ULONG QueueDbgId ; #endif
if (LdrpShutdownInProgress) { return STATUS_SUCCESS; }
if (!TimerQueueHandle) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_1 ; } if (!TimerToCancel) { return STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER_2 ; }
Status = RtlpCaptureImpersonation(FALSE, &Token); if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { return Status; }
#if DBG
QueueDbgId = Timer->Queue->DbgId ; #endif
if (Event == (HANDLE)-1 ) {
// Get an event from the event cache
CompletionEvent = RtlpGetWaitEvent () ;
if (!CompletionEvent) {
Status = STATUS_NO_MEMORY ; goto cleanup; } }
#if DBG1
Timer->ThreadId2 = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) ; #endif
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d:%d:%d> Timer: Cancel:(Timer:%x, Event:%x)\n", Timer->Queue->DbgId, Timer->DbgId, Timer->RefCount, (ULONG_PTR)Timer, (ULONG_PTR)Event) ; #endif
Timer->CompletionEvent = CompletionEvent ? CompletionEvent->Handle : Event ;
ACQUIRE_GLOBAL_TIMER_LOCK(); RtlInterlockedSetBitsDiscardReturn(&Timer->State, STATE_DONTFIRE); TimerRefCount = Timer->RefCount ; RELEASE_GLOBAL_TIMER_LOCK();
Status = NtQueueApcThread( TimerThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpCancelTimer, (PVOID)TimerToCancel, NULL, NULL );
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) {
if ( CompletionEvent ) { RtlpFreeWaitEvent( CompletionEvent ) ; }
goto cleanup; }
if ( CompletionEvent ) {
// wait for the event to be signalled
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Timer: %x: Cancel waiting Thread<%d:%d>\n", QueueDbgId, (ULONG_PTR)Timer, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)) ; #endif
Status = RtlpWaitForEvent( CompletionEvent->Handle, TimerThreadHandle ) ;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Timer: %x: Cancel waiting done\n", QueueDbgId, (ULONG_PTR)Timer) ; #endif
RtlpFreeWaitEvent( CompletionEvent ) ;
Status = NT_SUCCESS(Status) ? STATUS_SUCCESS : Status ;
} else {
Status = (TimerRefCount > 1) ? STATUS_PENDING : STATUS_SUCCESS; }
cleanup: if (Token) { RtlpRestartImpersonation(Token); NtClose(Token); }
return Status; }
VOID RtlpDeleteTimer ( PRTLP_TIMER Timer ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine executes in worker or timer thread and deletes the timer whose RefCount == 0. The function can be called outside timer thread, so no structure outside Timer can be touched (no list etc).
Timer - Specifies pointer to a timer structure that contains Queue and Timer information
Return Value:
--*/ { PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue = Timer->Queue ; HANDLE Event;
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "<%d> Timer: %x: deleted\n", Timer->Queue->DbgId, (ULONG_PTR)Timer) ; #endif
// safe to call this. Either the timer is in the TimersToFireList and
// the function is being called in time context or else it is not in the
// list
RemoveEntryList( &Timer->TimersToFireList ) ;
Event = Timer->CompletionEvent;
// decrement the total number of timers in the queue
if ( InterlockedDecrement( &Queue->RefCount ) == 0 )
RtlpDeleteTimerQueueComplete( Queue ) ;
RtlpTimerReleaseWorker(Timer->Flags); if (Timer->ActivationContext != INVALID_ACTIVATION_CONTEXT) RtlReleaseActivationContext(Timer->ActivationContext);
if (Timer->ImpersonationToken) { NtClose(Timer->ImpersonationToken); }
RtlpFreeTPHeap( Timer ) ;
if ( Event ) { NtSetEvent( Event, NULL ) ; } }
ULONG RtlpGetTimeRemaining ( HANDLE TimerHandle ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets the time remaining on the specified NT timer
TimerHandle - Handle to the NT timer
Return Value:
Time remaining on the timer
Status = NtQueryTimer (TimerHandle, TimerBasicInformation, &Info, sizeof(Info), &InfoLen) ;
if (! NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { ASSERTMSG ("NtQueryTimer failed", Status == STATUS_SUCCESS) ; return 0; }
#if DBG
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_TRACE_MASK, "RtlpGetTimeRemaining: Read SignalState %d, time %p'%p in thread:<%x:%x>\n", Info.TimerState, Info.RemainingTime.HighPart, Info.RemainingTime.LowPart, HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread), HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueProcess)); #endif
// Due to an executive bug, Info.TimerState and Info.RemainingTime
// may be out of sync -- it's possible for us to be told that the
// timer has not fired, but that it will fire very far into the
// future (because we use ULONGLONGs), when in fact it's *just* fired.
// So: if the time remaining on the timer is negative, we'll
// assume that it just fired, and invert it. We'll use this as
// our signal state, too, instead of trusting the one from the
// executive.
if (Info.RemainingTime.QuadPart < 0) {
// The timer has fired.
return 0;
} else {
// Capture the remaining time.
RemainingTime = Info.RemainingTime;
// Translate the remaining time from 100ns units to ms,
// clamping at PSEUDO_INFINITE_TIME.
RemainingTime.QuadPart /= (10 * 1000); /* 100ns per ms */
if (RemainingTime.QuadPart > PSEUDO_INFINITE_TIME) { RemainingTime.QuadPart = PSEUDO_INFINITE_TIME; }
ASSERT(RemainingTime.HighPart == 0);
#if DBG
if ((RtlpDueTimeMax != 0) && ((ULONG) RemainingTime.LowPart > RtlpDueTimeMax)) { DbgPrint("\n*** Discovered timer due time %d is greater than max allowed (%d)\n", RemainingTime.LowPart, RtlpDueTimeMax);
DbgBreakPoint(); } #endif
return RemainingTime.LowPart;
BOOLEAN RtlpInsertInDeltaList ( PLIST_ENTRY DeltaList, PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER NewTimer, ULONG TimeRemaining, ULONG *NewFiringTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Inserts the timer element in the appropriate place in the delta list.
DeltaList - Delta list to insert into
NewTimer - Timer element to insert into list
TimeRemaining - This time must be added to the head of the list to get "real" relative time.
NewFiringTime - If the new element was inserted at the head of the list - this will contain the new firing time in milliseconds. The caller can use this time to re-program the NT timer. This MUST NOT be changed if the function returns FALSE.
Return Value:
TRUE - If the timer was inserted at head of delta list
FALSE - otherwise
if (IsListEmpty (DeltaList)) {
InsertHeadList (DeltaList, &NewTimer->List) ;
*NewFiringTime = NewTimer->DeltaFiringTime ;
NewTimer->DeltaFiringTime = 0 ;
return TRUE ;
// Adjust the head of the list to reflect the time remaining on the NT timer
Head->DeltaFiringTime += TimeRemaining ;
// Find the appropriate location to insert this element in
for (Node = DeltaList->Flink ; Node != DeltaList ; Node = Node->Flink) {
if (Temp->DeltaFiringTime <= NewTimer->DeltaFiringTime) {
NewTimer->DeltaFiringTime -= Temp->DeltaFiringTime ;
} else {
// found appropriate place to insert this timer
break ;
// Either we have found the appopriate node to insert before in terms of deltas.
// OR we have come to the end of the list. Insert this timer here.
InsertHeadList (Node->Blink, &NewTimer->List) ;
// If this isnt the last element in the list - adjust the delta of the
// next element
if (Node != DeltaList) {
Temp->DeltaFiringTime -= NewTimer->DeltaFiringTime ;
// Check if element was inserted at head of list
if (DeltaList->Flink == &NewTimer->List) {
// Set NewFiringTime to the time in milliseconds when the new head of list
// should be serviced.
*NewFiringTime = NewTimer->DeltaFiringTime ;
// This means the timer must be programmed to service this request
NewTimer->DeltaFiringTime = 0 ;
return TRUE ;
} else {
// No change to the head of the list, set the delta time back
Head->DeltaFiringTime -= TimeRemaining ;
return FALSE ;
BOOLEAN RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList ( PLIST_ENTRY DeltaList, PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER Timer, ULONG TimeRemaining, ULONG* NewFiringTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Removes the specified timer from the delta list
DeltaList - Delta list to insert into
Timer - Timer element to insert into list
TimerHandle - Handle of the NT Timer object
TimeRemaining - This time must be added to the head of the list to get "real" relative time.
Return Value:
TRUE if the timer was removed from head of timer list FALSE otherwise
Next = Timer->List.Flink ;
RemoveEntryList (&Timer->List) ;
if (IsListEmpty (DeltaList)) {
*NewFiringTime = INFINITE_TIME ;
return TRUE ;
if (Next == DeltaList) {
// If we removed the last element in the list nothing to do either
return FALSE ;
} else {
Temp->DeltaFiringTime += Timer->DeltaFiringTime ;
// Check if element was removed from head of list
if (DeltaList->Flink == Next) {
*NewFiringTime = Temp->DeltaFiringTime + TimeRemaining ;
Temp->DeltaFiringTime = 0 ;
return TRUE ;
} else {
return FALSE ;
BOOLEAN RtlpReOrderDeltaList ( PLIST_ENTRY DeltaList, PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER Timer, ULONG TimeRemaining, ULONG *NewFiringTime, ULONG ChangedFiringTime ) /*++
Routine Description:
Called when a timer in the delta list needs to be re-inserted because the firing time has changed.
DeltaList - List in which to re-insert
Timer - Timer for which the firing time has changed
TimeRemaining - Time before the head of the delta list is fired
NewFiringTime - If the new element was inserted at the head of the list - this will contain the new firing time in milliseconds. The caller can use this time to re-program the NT timer.
ChangedFiringTime - Changed Time for the specified timer.
Return Value:
TRUE if the timer was removed from head of timer list FALSE otherwise
--*/ { ULONG NewTimeRemaining ; PRTLP_GENERIC_TIMER Temp ;
// Remove the timer from the list
if (RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList (DeltaList, Timer, TimeRemaining, NewFiringTime)) {
// If element was removed from the head of the list we should record that
NewTimeRemaining = *NewFiringTime ;
} else {
// Element was not removed from head of delta list, the current TimeRemaining is valid
NewTimeRemaining = TimeRemaining ;
// Before inserting Timer, set its delta time to the ChangedFiringTime
Timer->DeltaFiringTime = ChangedFiringTime ;
// Reinsert this element back in the list
if (!RtlpInsertInDeltaList (DeltaList, Timer, NewTimeRemaining, NewFiringTime)) {
// If we did not add at the head of the list, then we should return TRUE if
// RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList() had returned TRUE. We also update the NewFiringTime to
// the reflect the new firing time returned by RtlpRemoveFromDeltaList()
*NewFiringTime = NewTimeRemaining ;
return (NewTimeRemaining != TimeRemaining) ;
} else {
// NewFiringTime contains the time the NT timer must be programmed for
return TRUE ;
VOID RtlpAddTimerQueue ( PVOID Queue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine runs as an APC into the Timer thread. It does whatever necessary to create a new timer queue
Queue - Pointer to the queue to add
Return Value:
--*/ {
// We do nothing here. The newly created queue is free floating until a timer is
// queued onto it.
VOID RtlpProcessTimeouts ( PRTLP_WAIT_THREAD_CONTROL_BLOCK ThreadCB ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine processes timeouts for the wait thread
ThreadCB - The wait thread to add the wait to
Return Value:
--*/ { ULONG NewFiringTime, TimeRemaining ; LIST_ENTRY TimersToFireList ; //
// check if incorrect timer fired
if (ThreadCB->Firing64BitTickCount > RtlpGet64BitTickCount(&ThreadCB->Current64BitTickCount) + 200 ) { RtlpResetTimer (ThreadCB->TimerHandle, RtlpGetTimeRemaining (ThreadCB->TimerHandle), ThreadCB) ;
return ; }
InitializeListHead( &TimersToFireList ) ;
// Walk thru the timer list and fire all waits with DeltaFiringTime == 0
RtlpFireTimersAndReorder (&ThreadCB->TimerQueue, &NewFiringTime, &TimersToFireList) ;
// Reset the NT timer
RtlpResetTimer (ThreadCB->TimerHandle, NewFiringTime, ThreadCB) ;
RtlpFireTimers( &TimersToFireList ) ; }
NTSTATUS RtlpTimerCleanup( VOID ) { BOOLEAN Cleanup;
IS_COMPONENT_INITIALIZED(StartedTimerInitialization, CompletedTimerInitialization, Cleanup ) ;
if ( Cleanup ) {
if (NumTimerQueues != 0 ) {
NtQueueApcThread( TimerThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlpThreadCleanup, NULL, NULL, NULL );
NtClose( TimerThreadHandle ) ; TimerThreadHandle = NULL ;
#if DBG
Queue = CONTAINING_RECORD (QNode, RTLP_TIMER_QUEUE, List) ; DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK, "<%1d> Queue: %x FiringTime:%d\n", Count, (ULONG_PTR)Queue, Queue->DeltaFiringTime); for (Tnode=Queue->TimerList.Flink; Tnode!=&Queue->TimerList; Tnode=Tnode->Flink) { Timer = CONTAINING_RECORD (Tnode, RTLP_TIMER, List) ; Delta += Timer->DeltaFiringTime ; DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK, " Timer: %x Delta:%d Period:%d\n",(ULONG_PTR)Timer, Delta, Timer->Period); }
} #endif
VOID RtlDebugPrintTimes ( ) { #if DBG
PLIST_ENTRY QNode ; ULONG Count = 0 ; ULONG Delta = RtlpGetTimeRemaining (TimerHandle) ; ULONG CurrentThreadId = HandleToUlong(NtCurrentTeb()->ClientId.UniqueThread) ;
if (CompletedTimerInitialization != 1) {
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_ERROR_MASK, "RtlTimerThread not yet initialized\n"); return ; }
if (CurrentThreadId == TimerThreadId) { PRTLP_TIMER_QUEUE Queue ;
DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK, "================Printing timerqueues====================\n"); DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK, "TimeRemaining: %d\n", Delta); for (QNode = TimerQueues.Flink; QNode != &TimerQueues; QNode = QNode->Flink) { Queue = CONTAINING_RECORD (QNode, RTLP_TIMER_QUEUE, List) ; Delta += Queue->DeltaFiringTime ;
PrintTimerQueue(QNode, Delta, ++Count);
} DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_VERBOSE_MASK, "================Printed ================================\n"); }
else { NtQueueApcThread( TimerThreadHandle, (PPS_APC_ROUTINE)RtlDebugPrintTimes, NULL, NULL, NULL ); } #endif
return; }
static ULONG Count = 0; if (Count++ ==0 ) { DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_ERROR_MASK, "Using obsolete function call: RtlSetTimer\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_ERROR_MASK, "Using obsolete function call: RtlSetTimer\n"); } #endif
return RtlCreateTimer(TimerQueueHandle, Handle, Function, Context, DueTime, Period, Flags ) ; }
NTSTATUS RtlCancelTimer( IN HANDLE TimerQueueHandle, IN HANDLE TimerToCancel ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine cancels the timer. This call is non-blocking. The timer Callback will not be executed after this call returns.
TimerQueueHandle - Handle identifying the queue from which to delete timer
TimerToCancel - Handle identifying the timer to cancel
Return Value:
NTSTATUS - Result code from call. The following are returned
STATUS_SUCCESS - Timer cancelled. All callbacks completed. STATUS_PENDING - Timer cancelled. Some callbacks still not completed.
--*/ { #if DBG
static ULONG Count = 0; if (Count++ ==0) { DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_ERROR_MASK, "Using obsolete function call: RtlCancelTimer\n"); DbgBreakPoint(); DbgPrintEx(DPFLTR_RTLTHREADPOOL_ID, RTLP_THREADPOOL_ERROR_MASK, "Using obsolete function call: RtlCancelTimer\n"); } #endif
return RtlDeleteTimer( TimerQueueHandle, TimerToCancel, NULL ) ; }