// Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// strings.c
// Description:
// Contains all of the strings constants for DOS based MAKEBOOT program.
// To localize this file for a new language do the following:
// - change the unsigned int CODEPAGE variable to the code page
// of the language you are translating to
// - translate the strings in the EngStrings array into the
// LocStrings array. Be very careful that the 1st string in the
// EngStrings array corresponds to the 1st string in the LocStrings
// array, the 2nd corresponds to the 2nd, etc...
// NOTE: To add more strings to this file, you need to:
// - add the new #define descriptive constant to the makeboot.h file
// - add the new string to the English language array and then make
// sure localizers add the string to the Localized arrays
// - the #define constant must match the string's index in the array
#include <stdlib.h>
unsigned int CODEPAGE = 852;
const char *EngStrings[] = {
"Windows XP", "Spou�t�c� instala�n� disketa syst�mu Windows XP", "Instala�n� disketa �. 2 syst�mu Windows XP", "Instala�n� disketa �. 3 syst�mu Windows XP", "Instala�n� disketa �. 4 syst�mu Windows XP",
"Nepoda�ilo se nal�zt soubor %s.\n", "Pro dokon�en� po�adavku nen� dostatek pam�ti.\n", "%s nen� spustiteln� soubor.\n", "****************************************************",
"Tento program vytvo�� spou�t�c� instala�n� diskety", "pro syst�m Microsoft %s.", "K vytvo�en� t�chto disket budete pot�ebovat sedm pr�zdn�ch,", "naform�tovan�ch disket s vysokou hustotou z�znamu.",
"Vlo�te jednu z disket do jednotky %c:. Pojmenujte disketu", "%s.",
"Vlo�te dal�� disketu do jednotky %c:. Pojmenujte disketu", "%s.",
"Pot� stiskn�te libovolnou kl�vesu.",
"Spou�t�c� instala�n� diskety byly �sp��n� vytvo�eny.", "Dokon�eno",
"P�i pokusu spustit %s do�lo k nezn�m� chyb�.", "Zadejte c�lovou disketovou jednotku pro zkop�rov�n� bitov�ch kopi�: ", "P�smeno jednotky je neplatn�.\n", "Jednotka %c: nen� disketov� jednotka.\n",
"Chcete se pokusit vytvo�it disketu znovu?", "Pokra�ujte stisknut�m kl�vesy Enter, nebo kl�vesou Esc program ukon�ete.",
"Chyba: Disk je chr�n�n proti z�pisu.\n", "Chyba: Nezn�m� diskov� jednotka.\n", "Chyba: Jednotka nen� p�ipravena.\n", "Chyba: Nezn�m� p��kaz.\n", "Chyba: Chyba dat (chybn� kontroln� sou�et CRC).\n", "Chyba: Chybn� d�lka ��dosti.\n", "Chyba: Chyba vystaven�.\n", "Chyba: Typ m�dia nebyl nalezen.\n", "Chyba: Sektor nebyl nalezen.\n", "Chyba: Chyba z�pisu.\n", "Chyba: Obecn� chyba.\n", "Chyba: Neplatn� ��dost nebo chybn� p��kaz.\n", "Chyba: Adresn� zna�ka nebyla nalezena.\n", "Chyba: Chyba z�pisu na disk.\n", "Chyba: Do�lo k p�eb�hu DMA (Direct Memory Access).\n", "Chyba: Chyba �ten� dat (chybn� CRC nebo ECC).\n", "Chyba: Chyba �adi�e.\n", "Chyba: �asov� limit diskov� operace vypr�el nebo disk neodpov�d�l.\n", "Instala�n� disketa �. 5 syst�mu Windows XP", "Instala�n� disketa �. 6 syst�mu Windows XP", "Instala�n� disketa �. 7 syst�mu Windows XP" }; const char *LocStrings[] = {"\0"};