#pragma warning( disable:4786 )
#include <section.h>
#include <cstdlib>
#include <strutil.h>
#include <compfile.h>
#include <iomanip>
#include <media.h>
extern "C" { DWORD SourceInstallType; CHAR *SourcePaths[] = { 0}; DWORD OsVersion; VOID GetSourceInstallType(LPDWORD InstallVariation); };
// ValueSection methods
void ValueSection::parse() { vector<string>::const_iterator iter = lines().begin();
while (iter != lines().end()) { vector<string> tokens;
Tokenize((const string&)(*iter), string(" ="), tokens);
if (tokens.size() != 2) throw InvalidSectionFormat(name());
m_values[tokens[0]] = toUnsignedLong(tokens[1].c_str()); iter++; } }
// TestSection methods
void TestSection::parse() { vector<string>::const_iterator iter = lines().begin();
while (iter != lines().end()) { m_testCases.push_back(testCaseFactory().create(*this, *iter)); iter++; } }
TestSection& TestSection::operator=(const TestSection& rhs){ cerr << "Copying section " << endl; *(Section *)this = (Section&)rhs;
vector<TestCase*>::const_iterator iter = rhs.m_testCases.begin();
while (iter != rhs.m_testCases.end()) { m_testCases.push_back(testCaseFactory().create(**iter)); iter++; }
return *this; }
void TestSection::executeTestCases(ostream& os) { vector<TestCase*>::iterator iter = m_testCases.begin();
bool allpassed = true;
os << endl << endl; if( iter != m_testCases.end() && (*iter)->mediamatched()) { os << "Media Matched:"; }
os << "Executing test cases for {" << name() << "}" << endl << endl;
while (iter != m_testCases.end()) { if( bVerbose) { os << dec << setw(3) << setfill('0') << (iter - m_testCases.begin() + 1) << ": TestCase : [" << (*iter)->line() << "]" << " " << endl; } (*iter)->execute(os);
if (!(*iter)->passed()) { if( !bVerbose) { os << dec << setw(3) << setfill('0') << (iter - m_testCases.begin() + 1) << ": TestCase : [" << (*iter)->line() << "]" << " FAILED" << endl; } (*iter)->dump(os); allpassed = false; }
iter++; }
if (allpassed) os << "all the test cases passed for this section" << endl; }
// ComplianceTestCase methods
void ComplianceTestCase::parse() { vector<string> tokens;
Tokenize(line(), string("#=,"), tokens);
if (tokens.size() == 7) { m_expectedResult = ((tokens[6][0] == 'y') || (tokens[6][0] == 'Y')); sourceDetails(); installationDetails(tokens); } else { throw InvalidFormat(line(), section().name()); } }
void ComplianceTestCase::sourceDetails() { vector<string> tokens; char *pstr;
Tokenize(section().name(), string("[#]"), tokens);
if ((tokens.size() == 7) && (tokens[0] == "test")) { m_sourceSKU = section().file().sourcesSection().value(tokens[1] + "#" + tokens[6]); m_sourceVAR = section().file().varsSection().value(tokens[5]); m_sourceVer = atol(tokens[2].c_str()) * 100; // (major * 100 + minor)
pstr = strchr( tokens[2].c_str(), '.'); if( pstr != NULL && *(pstr+1) != NULL) { m_sourceVer += atol( pstr+1); } m_sourceBuild = atol(tokens[3].c_str());
//wprintf( TEXT("SKU=%d, VAR=%d, Ver=%d, Build=%d\n"), m_sourceSKU, m_sourceVAR, m_sourceVer, m_sourceBuild);
if( m_sourceSKU == SourceSku && m_sourceVAR == SourceSkuVariation && m_sourceVer == SourceVersion && m_sourceBuild == SourceBuildNum) { m_mediamatched = TRUE; //printf("Media matched\n");
} else { m_mediamatched = FALSE; } } else { throw Section::InvalidSectionName(section().name()); } }
void ComplianceTestCase::installationDetails(const vector<string>& tokens) { int length,i; int version;
if ((tokens.size() == 7)) { m_errExpected = section().file().errorsSection().value(tokens[5]); m_cd.InstallType = section().file().typesSection().value(tokens[0]); m_cd.InstallVariation = section().file().varsSection().value(tokens[4]); m_cd.InstallSuite = section().file().suitesSection().value(tokens[3]); m_cd.RequiresValidation = (section().name().find("#ccp") != section().name().npos); //m_cd.MinimumVersion = ::strtod(tokens[1].c_str()) * 100;
length = tokens[1].size(); i = 0; version = 0; while (i < length) { if ( tokens[1][i] != '.') { version = version*10 + tokens[1][i] - '0'; } else { if (i == (length-3)) { // two decimal places
version = version*100+ (tokens[1][i+1] - '0')*10 + (tokens[1][i+2]-'0'); } else { version = version*100+ (tokens[1][i+1] - '0'); } i = length; } i++; } m_cd.MinimumVersion = version; // cerr << "minimum version" << m_cd.MinimumVersion << endl;
m_cd.MaximumKnownVersionNt = 510; if ( m_cd.InstallType & COMPLIANCE_INSTALLTYPE_WIN9X) { m_cd.BuildNumberWin9x = toUnsignedLong(tokens[2].c_str()); m_cd.BuildNumberNt = 0; } else { m_cd.BuildNumberNt = toUnsignedLong(tokens[2].c_str()); m_cd.BuildNumberWin9x = 0; } } else throw Section::InvalidSectionName(section().name()); }
bool ComplianceTestCase::passed() { bool result = false;
if (m_errExpected) { // negative testcase
if (m_cd.RequiresValidation) { // should have failed with expected error code & upgrade flag
result = (!m_passed && (m_errExpected == m_reason) && (m_allowUpgrade == m_expectedResult)); } else { // should pass with expected error code & upgrade flag
// target errors are special case
result = ((m_reason != 0x5) ? m_passed : !m_passed) && (m_errExpected == m_reason) && (m_allowUpgrade == m_expectedResult); } } else { result = (m_passed && (m_allowUpgrade == m_expectedResult) && (m_errExpected == m_reason)); }
return result; }
void ComplianceTestCase::execute(ostream &os) { m_reason = 0; m_noUpgrade = true;
if( bUITest) { m_passed = UITest( m_sourceSKU, m_sourceVAR, m_sourceVer, m_sourceBuild, &m_cd, &m_reason, &m_noUpgrade) ? true : false; }else { m_passed = CheckCompliance(m_sourceSKU, m_sourceVAR, m_sourceVer, m_sourceBuild, &m_cd, &m_reason, &m_noUpgrade) ? true : false;
} m_allowUpgrade = (m_noUpgrade) ? false : true; }
void ComplianceTestCase::dump(ostream &os) { // (Error expected or not, The error that was expected in hex, Upgrade allowed)
os << "Expected result : (error=" << hex << m_errExpected << ",upgradeallowed=" << ((m_expectedResult) ? "true" : "false") << ")" << endl;
// (Compliant or not(can we do clean install?), Reason in hex, Upgrade allowed)
os << "Actual result : (compliant=" << (m_passed ? "true" : "false") << ",error=" << hex << m_reason << ",upgradeallowed=" << ((m_allowUpgrade) ? "true" : "false") << ")" << endl; }