Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
A simple memory-based database for associating flags with a string.
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 8-Aug-1996
Revision History:
jimschm 23-Sep-1998 Expanded user flags to 24 bits (from 12 bits) calinn 12-Dec-1997 Extended MemDbMakePrintableKey and MemDbMakeNonPrintableKey jimschm 03-Dec-1997 Added multi-thread synchronization jimschm 22-Oct-1997 Split into multiple source files, added multiple memory block capability jimschm 16-Sep-1997 Hashing: delete fix jimschm 29-Jul-1997 Hashing, user flags added jimschm 07-Mar-1997 Signature changes jimschm 03-Mar-1997 PrivateBuildKeyFromOffset changes jimschm 18-Dec-1996 Fixed deltree bug
#include "pch.h"
#include "memdbp.h"
#ifndef UNICODE
#error UNICODE required
// Global delcaration
PDATABASE g_db; GROWLIST g_DatabaseList = GROWLIST_INIT; BYTE g_SelectedDatabase; PHIVE g_HeadHive; CRITICAL_SECTION g_MemDbCs;
#ifdef DEBUG
BOOL g_UseDebugStructs = TRUE;
// Private prototypes
INT pCreateDatabase ( PCWSTR Name );
BOOL pInitializeDatabase ( OUT PDATABASE Database, IN PCWSTR Name );
BOOL pFreeDatabase ( IN OUT PDATABASE Database );
VOID pFreeSelectedDatabase ( VOID );
VOID pFreeAllDatabases ( VOID );
BOOL pInitializeMemDb ( VOID );
// Implementation
BOOL MemDb_Entry ( IN HINSTANCE hinstDLL, IN DWORD Reason, IN PVOID lpv )
Routine Description:
DllMain is called after the C runtime is initialized, and its purpose is to initialize the globals for this process.
hinstDLL - (OS-supplied) Instance handle for the DLL Reason - (OS-supplied) Type of initialization or termination lpv - (OS-supplied) Unused
Return Value:
TRUE because DLL always initializes properly.
{ switch (Reason) {
case DLL_PROCESS_ATTACH: if (!pInitializeMemDb()) { return FALSE; }
InitializeCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
case DLL_PROCESS_DETACH: pFreeAllDatabases(); FreeGrowList (&g_DatabaseList); DeleteCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
break; }
return TRUE; }
BOOL pInitializeMemDb ( VOID ) { FreeGrowList (&g_DatabaseList); ZeroMemory (&g_DatabaseList, sizeof (g_DatabaseList)); g_db = NULL;
if (!InitializeHashBlock()) { return FALSE; }
if (pCreateDatabase (L"") != 0) { return FALSE; }
g_SelectedDatabase = 1; SelectDatabase (0);
return TRUE; }
BOOL pInitializeDatabase ( OUT PDATABASE Database, IN PCWSTR Name ) { UINT u;
Database->AllocSize = BLOCK_SIZE;
Database->Buf = (PBYTE) MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, Database->AllocSize);
Database->End = 0; Database->FirstLevelRoot = INVALID_OFFSET; Database->FirstDeleted = INVALID_OFFSET;
MYASSERT (INVALID_OFFSET == 0xFFFFFFFF); FillMemory (Database->TokenBuckets, sizeof (Database->TokenBuckets), 0xFF);
_wcssafecpy (Database->Hive, Name, MAX_HIVE_NAME);
return TRUE; }
BOOL pFreeDatabase ( IN OUT PDATABASE Database ) { if (Database->Buf) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, Database->Buf); Database->Buf = NULL; } Database->End = 0; Database->FirstLevelRoot = INVALID_OFFSET; Database->FirstDeleted = INVALID_OFFSET; Database->Hive[0] = 0;
return TRUE; }
INT pCreateDatabase ( PCWSTR Name ) { DATABASE Database; BYTE Index; UINT Count; UINT u;
// Does key exist already?
if (g_db) { SelectDatabase (0);
if (INVALID_OFFSET != FindKeyStruct (g_db->FirstLevelRoot, Name)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Cannot create %ls because it already exists!", Name)); SetLastError (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); return -1; } }
// Scan list for a blank spot
Count = GrowListGetSize (&g_DatabaseList); for (u = 0 ; u < Count ; u++) { if (!GrowListGetItem (&g_DatabaseList, u)) { break; } }
if (u < Count) { //
// Use empty slot
Index = (BYTE) u; } else if (Count < 256) { //
// No empty slot; grow the list
Index = (BYTE) Count; if (!GrowListAppend (&g_DatabaseList, NULL, 0)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Could not create database because GrowListAppend failed")); return -1; } } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Cannot have more than 256 databases in memdb!")); return -1; }
// Create the database memory block
pInitializeDatabase (&Database, Name);
if (!GrowListSetItem (&g_DatabaseList, (UINT) Index, (PBYTE) &Database, sizeof (Database))) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "Could not create database because GrowListSetItem failed")); pFreeDatabase (&Database); return -1; }
return (INT) Index; }
VOID pDestroySelectedDatabase ( VOID ) { //
// Free all resources for the database
pFreeSelectedDatabase ();
// For all databases except for the root, free the DATABASE
// structure in g_DatabaseList.
if (g_SelectedDatabase) { GrowListResetItem (&g_DatabaseList, (UINT) g_SelectedDatabase); } }
VOID pFreeSelectedDatabase ( VOID ) { //
// Free all resources used by a single database
if (g_db->Buf) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, g_db->Buf); }
ZeroMemory (g_db, sizeof (DATABASE)); }
VOID pFreeAllDatabases ( VOID ) { UINT Count; UINT Index;
// Free all database blocks
Count = GrowListGetSize (&g_DatabaseList); for (Index = 0 ; Index < Count ; Index++) { if (SelectDatabase ((BYTE) Index)) { pDestroySelectedDatabase(); } }
// Free global hash table
SelectDatabase(0); }
BOOL SelectDatabase ( BYTE DatabaseId ) { PDATABASE Database;
if (g_SelectedDatabase == DatabaseId) { return TRUE; }
Database = (PDATABASE) GrowListGetItem (&g_DatabaseList, (UINT) DatabaseId); if (!Database) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "MemDb: Invalid database selection!")); return FALSE; }
g_db = Database; g_SelectedDatabase = DatabaseId;
return TRUE; }
PCWSTR SelectHive ( PCWSTR FullKeyStr ) { UINT Count; UINT Index; PDATABASE Database; PCWSTR End;
// Determine if root of FullKeyStr is part of a hive
End = wcschr (FullKeyStr, L'\\'); if (End) { Count = GrowListGetSize (&g_DatabaseList); for (Index = 1 ; Index < Count ; Index++) { Database = (PDATABASE) GrowListGetItem (&g_DatabaseList, Index);
if (Database && StringIMatchABW (Database->Hive, FullKeyStr, End)) { //
// Match found; select the database and return the subkey
SelectDatabase ((BYTE) Index); End = _wcsinc (End); return End; } } } SelectDatabase (0);
return FullKeyStr; }
BOOL IsTemporaryKey ( PCWSTR FullKeyStr ) { UINT Count; UINT Index; PDATABASE Database; PCWSTR End;
End = wcschr (FullKeyStr, L'\\'); if (!End) { End = GetEndOfStringW (FullKeyStr); } Count = GrowListGetSize (&g_DatabaseList); for (Index = 1 ; Index < Count ; Index++) { Database = (PDATABASE) GrowListGetItem (&g_DatabaseList, Index);
if (Database && StringIMatchABW (Database->Hive, FullKeyStr, End)) { //
// Match found; return true
return TRUE; } } return FALSE; }
// MemDbSetValue creates or modifies KeyStr. The value of the key is changed
// when the return value is TRUE.
BOOL PrivateMemDbSetValueA ( PCSTR Key, DWORD Val, DWORD SetFlags, DWORD ClearFlags, PDWORD Offset ) { PCWSTR p; BOOL b = FALSE;
p = ConvertAtoW (Key); if (p) { b = PrivateMemDbSetValueW (p, Val, SetFlags, ClearFlags, Offset); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
BOOL PrivateMemDbSetValueW ( PCWSTR Key, DWORD Val, DWORD SetFlags, DWORD ClearFlags, PDWORD Offset ) { DWORD KeyOffset; PKEYSTRUCT KeyStruct; PCWSTR SubKey; BOOL b = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try { SubKey = SelectHive (Key);
KeyOffset = FindKey (SubKey); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { KeyOffset = NewKey (SubKey, Key); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; } }
KeyStruct = GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset); FreeKeyStructBinaryBlock (KeyStruct);
KeyStruct->dwValue = Val; if (Offset) { *Offset = KeyOffset | (g_SelectedDatabase << RESERVED_BITS); } KeyStruct->Flags = KeyStruct->Flags & ~(ClearFlags & KSF_USERFLAG_MASK); KeyStruct->Flags = KeyStruct->Flags | (SetFlags & KSF_USERFLAG_MASK);
b = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
BOOL PrivateMemDbSetBinaryValueA ( IN PCSTR Key, IN PCBYTE Data, IN DWORD SizeOfData, OUT PDWORD Offset OPTIONAL ) { PCWSTR p; BOOL b = FALSE;
p = ConvertAtoW (Key); if (p) { b = PrivateMemDbSetBinaryValueW (p, Data, SizeOfData, Offset); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
BOOL PrivateMemDbSetBinaryValueW ( IN PCWSTR Key, IN PCBYTE Data, IN DWORD SizeOfData, OUT PDWORD Offset OPTIONAL ) { DWORD KeyOffset; PKEYSTRUCT KeyStruct; PCWSTR SubKey; BOOL b = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try { SubKey = SelectHive (Key);
KeyOffset = FindKey (SubKey); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { KeyOffset = NewKey (SubKey, Key); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; }
KeyStruct = GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset);
// Free existing buffer
FreeKeyStructBinaryBlock (KeyStruct);
// Alloc new buffer
KeyStruct->BinaryPtr = AllocBinaryBlock (Data, SizeOfData, KeyOffset); if (!KeyStruct->BinaryPtr) { __leave; }
KeyStruct->Flags |= KSF_BINARY;
if (Offset) { *Offset = KeyOffset | (g_SelectedDatabase << RESERVED_BITS); }
b = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbSetValueA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr, IN DWORD dwValue ) { return PrivateMemDbSetValueA (KeyStr, dwValue, 0, 0, NULL); }
BOOL MemDbSetValueW ( IN PCWSTR KeyStr, IN DWORD dwValue ) { return PrivateMemDbSetValueW (KeyStr, dwValue, 0, 0, NULL); }
BOOL MemDbSetValueAndFlagsA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr, IN DWORD dwValue, IN DWORD SetUserFlags, IN DWORD ClearUserFlags ) { return PrivateMemDbSetValueA (KeyStr, dwValue, SetUserFlags, ClearUserFlags, NULL); }
BOOL MemDbSetValueAndFlagsW ( IN PCWSTR KeyStr, IN DWORD dwValue, IN DWORD SetUserFlags, IN DWORD ClearUserFlags ) { return PrivateMemDbSetValueW (KeyStr, dwValue, SetUserFlags, ClearUserFlags, NULL); }
BOOL MemDbSetBinaryValueA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr, IN PCBYTE Data, IN DWORD DataSize ) { return PrivateMemDbSetBinaryValueA (KeyStr, Data, DataSize, NULL); }
BOOL MemDbSetBinaryValueW ( IN PCWSTR KeyStr, IN PCBYTE Data, IN DWORD DataSize ) { return PrivateMemDbSetBinaryValueW (KeyStr, Data, DataSize, NULL); }
// GetValue takes a full key string and returns the
// value to the caller-supplied DWORD. Value
// may be NULL to check only for existance of the
// value.
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyStr); if (p) { b = pPrivateMemDbGetValueW (p, Value, UserFlagsPtr); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try { SubKey = SelectHive (KeyStr);
KeyOffset = FindKey (SubKey); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; }
CopyValToPtr (GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset), Value); CopyFlagsToPtr (GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset), UserFlagsPtr);
b = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbGetValueA ( IN PCSTR Key, OUT PDWORD ValuePtr OPTIONAL ) { return pPrivateMemDbGetValueA (Key, ValuePtr, NULL); }
BOOL MemDbGetValueW ( IN PCWSTR Key, OUT PDWORD ValuePtr OPTIONAL ) { return pPrivateMemDbGetValueW (Key, ValuePtr, NULL); }
BOOL MemDbGetValueAndFlagsA ( IN PCSTR Key, OUT PDWORD ValuePtr, OPTIONAL OUT PDWORD UserFlagsPtr ) { return pPrivateMemDbGetValueA (Key, ValuePtr, UserFlagsPtr); }
BOOL MemDbGetValueAndFlagsW ( IN PCWSTR Key, OUT PDWORD ValuePtr, OPTIONAL OUT PDWORD UserFlagsPtr ) { return pPrivateMemDbGetValueW (Key, ValuePtr, UserFlagsPtr); }
PCBYTE MemDbGetBinaryValueA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr, OUT PDWORD DataSize OPTIONAL ) { PCWSTR p; BYTE const * b = NULL;
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyStr); if (p) { b = MemDbGetBinaryValueW (p, DataSize); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try { SubKey = SelectHive (KeyStr);
KeyOffset = FindKey (SubKey); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; }
KeyStruct = GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset);
if (DataSize) { *DataSize = GetKeyStructBinarySize (KeyStruct); }
Result = GetKeyStructBinaryData (KeyStruct); } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return Result; }
// GetPatternValue takes a full key string and returns the
// value to the caller-supplied DWORD. The stored value string
// is treated as a pattern, but KeyStr is not a pattern.
// The return value represents the first match found.
BOOL MemDbGetPatternValueA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr, OUT PDWORD Value ) { PCWSTR p; BOOL b = FALSE;
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyStr); if (p) { b = MemDbGetPatternValueW (p, Value); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbGetPatternValueW ( IN PCWSTR KeyStr, OUT PDWORD Value ) { DWORD KeyOffset; PCWSTR SubKey; BOOL b = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try {
SubKey = SelectHive (KeyStr);
KeyOffset = FindPatternKey (g_db->FirstLevelRoot, SubKey, FALSE); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; }
CopyValToPtr (GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset), Value);
b = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
// MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValue takes a full key string and returns the
// value to the caller-supplied DWORD. The stored value string
// is treated as a pattern, but KeyStr is not a pattern.
// The return value represents the first match found.
// If the last stored key segment is an asterisk, then the pattern
// is considered to match.
BOOL MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValueA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr, OUT PDWORD Value ) { PCWSTR p; BOOL b = FALSE;
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyStr); if (p) { b = MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValueW (p, Value); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbGetStoredEndPatternValueW ( IN PCWSTR KeyStr, OUT PDWORD Value ) { DWORD KeyOffset; PCWSTR SubKey; BOOL b = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try {
SubKey = SelectHive (KeyStr);
KeyOffset = FindPatternKey (g_db->FirstLevelRoot, SubKey, TRUE); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; }
CopyValToPtr (GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset), Value);
b = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
// GetValueWithPattern takes a full key string that may contain
// wildcards between the backslashes, and returns the value
// to the caller-supplied DWORD. The stored value string
// is not treated as a pattern. The return value represents
// the first match found.
BOOL MemDbGetValueWithPatternA ( IN PCSTR KeyPattern, OUT PDWORD Value ) { PCWSTR p; BOOL b = FALSE;
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyPattern); if (p) { b = MemDbGetValueWithPatternW (p, Value); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbGetValueWithPatternW ( IN PCWSTR KeyPattern, OUT PDWORD Value ) { DWORD KeyOffset; PCWSTR SubKey; BOOL b = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try { SubKey = SelectHive (KeyPattern);
KeyOffset = FindKeyUsingPattern (g_db->FirstLevelRoot, SubKey); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; }
CopyValToPtr (GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset), Value);
b = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbGetPatternValueWithPatternA ( IN PCSTR KeyPattern, OUT PDWORD Value ) { PCWSTR p; BOOL b = FALSE;
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyPattern); if (p) { b = MemDbGetPatternValueWithPatternW (p, Value); FreeConvertedStr (p); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbGetPatternValueWithPatternW ( IN PCWSTR KeyPattern, OUT PDWORD Value ) { DWORD KeyOffset; PCWSTR SubKey; BOOL b = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try { SubKey = SelectHive (KeyPattern);
KeyOffset = FindPatternKeyUsingPattern (g_db->FirstLevelRoot, SubKey); if (KeyOffset == INVALID_OFFSET) { __leave; }
CopyValToPtr (GetKeyStruct (KeyOffset), Value);
b = TRUE; } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
VOID MemDbDeleteValueA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr ) { PCWSTR p;
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyStr); if (p) { MemDbDeleteValueW (p); FreeConvertedStr (p); } }
VOID MemDbDeleteValueW ( IN PCWSTR KeyStr ) { PCWSTR SubKey;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
SubKey = SelectHive (KeyStr); DeleteKey (SubKey, &g_db->FirstLevelRoot, TRUE);
LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
VOID MemDbDeleteTreeA ( IN PCSTR KeyStr ) { PCWSTR p;
p = ConvertAtoW (KeyStr); if (p) { MemDbDeleteTreeW (p); FreeConvertedStr (p); } }
VOID MemDbDeleteTreeW ( IN PCWSTR KeyStr ) { PCWSTR SubKey;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
SubKey = SelectHive (KeyStr); DeleteKey (SubKey, &g_db->FirstLevelRoot, FALSE);
LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
// Enum functions
BOOL MemDbEnumFirstValueA ( OUT PMEMDB_ENUMA EnumPtr, IN PCSTR PatternStr, IN INT Depth, IN DWORD Flags ) { BOOL b = FALSE; PCWSTR p; PCSTR str; MEMDB_ENUMW enumw;
p = ConvertAtoW (PatternStr); if (p) { b = MemDbEnumFirstValueW (&enumw, p, Depth, Flags); FreeConvertedStr (p); } else { b = FALSE; }
if (b) { str = ConvertWtoA (enumw.szName); if (str) { // ANSI struct is padded to match UNICODE
MYASSERT (sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMW) == sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMA)); CopyMemory (EnumPtr, &enumw, sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMW));
// Only the output key name needs to be converted
StringCopyA (EnumPtr->szName, str); FreeConvertedStr (str); } else { b = FALSE; } }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbEnumFirstValueW ( OUT PMEMDB_ENUMW EnumPtr, IN PCWSTR PatternStr, IN INT Depth, IN DWORD Flags ) { PCWSTR Start; PCWSTR wstrLastWack; PCWSTR SubPatternStr;
SubPatternStr = SelectHive (PatternStr);
// Init the EnumPtr struct
ZeroMemory (EnumPtr, sizeof (MEMDB_ENUM));
if (!Depth) { Depth = MAX_ENUM_POS; }
EnumPtr->Depth = Depth; EnumPtr->Flags = Flags;
// If pattern has wack, locate the starting level by
// counting the number of parts that do not have
// wildcard characters.
Start = SubPatternStr; while (wstrLastWack = wcschr (Start, L'\\')) {
// See if part has a wildcard character
while (Start < wstrLastWack) { if (*Start == L'*' || *Start == L'?') break; Start++; }
// If a wildcard character was found, we have to stop here
if (Start < wstrLastWack) break;
// Otherwise, look at next part of the pattern
Start = wstrLastWack + 1; EnumPtr->Start++; }
EnumPtr->PosCount = 1; EnumPtr->LastPos[0] = INVALID_OFFSET; StringCopyW (EnumPtr->PatternStr, PatternStr);
return MemDbEnumNextValueW (EnumPtr); }
BOOL MemDbEnumNextValueA ( IN OUT PMEMDB_ENUMA EnumPtr ) { BOOL b = FALSE; PCSTR str; MEMDB_ENUMW enumw;
// ANSI struct is padded to match UNICODE
MYASSERT (sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMW) == sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMA)); CopyMemory (&enumw, EnumPtr, sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMW));
// ANSI output members are ignored (i.e. EnumPtr->szName)
b = MemDbEnumNextValueW (&enumw);
if (b) { str = ConvertWtoA (enumw.szName); if (str) { // ANSI struct is padded to match UNICODE
MYASSERT (sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMW) == sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMA)); CopyMemory (EnumPtr, &enumw, sizeof (MEMDB_ENUMW));
// Only the output key name needs to be converted
StringCopyA (EnumPtr->szName, str); FreeConvertedStr (str); } else { b = FALSE; } }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbEnumNextValueW ( IN OUT PMEMDB_ENUMW EnumPtr ) { // no init allowed in declarations
PKEYSTRUCT KeyStruct = NULL; int Count; int Level; WCHAR PartBuf[MEMDB_MAX]; PWSTR PartStr; PWSTR Src, Dest; int Pos; BOOL Wildcard; BOOL MatchNotFound; PCWSTR SubPatternStr;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
SubPatternStr = SelectHive (EnumPtr->PatternStr);
MatchNotFound = TRUE;
do {
Wildcard = FALSE;
// The following states exist upon entry:
// First time through PosCount == 1, LastPos[0] == INVALID_OFFSET
// Not first time LastPos[PosCount - 1] == INVALID_OFFSET
// through
// Not first time LastPos[PosCount - 1] != INVALID_OFFSET
// through, last match
// hit the depth
// ceiling
// PosCount points to the current unprocessed level, or when the
// depth ceiling is reached, it points to the level of the last
// match.
do { //
// Build PartStr
Pos = EnumPtr->PosCount - 1; Count = Pos + 1;
// Locate start of pattern part (if it is long enough)
PartStr = PartBuf; for (Src = (PWSTR) SubPatternStr ; Count > 1 ; Count--) {
Src = wcschr (Src, L'\\');
if (!Src) { break; }
Src++; }
// Copy part from pattern to buffer
if (Src) { Dest = PartStr; while (*Src && *Src != L'\\') { *Dest = *Src; Wildcard = Wildcard || (*Dest == L'*') || (*Dest == L'?'); Dest++; Src++; }
// Truncate
*Dest = 0; }
// Use asterisk when pattern is shorter than current level
else { PartStr = L"*"; Wildcard = TRUE; }
// If current level is set to invalid offset, we have not yet
// tried it.
if (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] == INVALID_OFFSET) {
// Initialize the level
if (Pos == 0) { EnumPtr->LastPos[0] = g_db->FirstLevelRoot; } else { KeyStruct = GetKeyStruct (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos - 1]); EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] = KeyStruct->NextLevelRoot; }
// If still invalid, the level is complete, and we need to
// go back.
if (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] == INVALID_OFFSET) { EnumPtr->PosCount--; continue; }
// Level ready to be processed
if (!Wildcard) { //
// Use binary tree to locate this item. If no match, the pattern
// will not match anything. Otherwise, we found something to
// return.
EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] = FindKeyStruct (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos], PartStr); if (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] == INVALID_OFFSET) { //
// Non-wildcard ot found. We can try going back because
// there might be a pattern at a higher level.
if (Pos > 0) { PCWSTR p; INT ParentLevel = 0; INT LastParentLevel;
LastParentLevel = 0;
// Locate the previous pattern level
p = SubPatternStr; while (*p && ParentLevel < Pos) { // Locate wack, pattern or nul
while (*p && *p != L'\\') { if (*p == L'?' || *p == L'*') { break; } p++; }
// If pattern or nul, set last pattern level
if (*p != L'\\') { LastParentLevel = ParentLevel + 1;
// Jump to wack if not at nul
while (*p && *p != L'\\') { p++; } }
// If more pattern exists, skip wack
if (p[0] && p[1]) { MYASSERT (p[0] == L'\\'); p++; } ParentLevel++; }
// Default: when no pattern, last pattern level is parent
// (Pos is zero-based while LastParentLevel is one-based)
if (!(*p)) { LastParentLevel = Pos; }
if (LastParentLevel) { // Yes, a pattern does exist at a higher level
EnumPtr->PosCount = LastParentLevel; continue; } }
// Pattern not found, we have exhausted all possibilities
LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); return FALSE; }
// If level is before start, keep searching forward instead
// of reporting a result.
if (EnumPtr->PosCount <= EnumPtr->Start) { EnumPtr->PosCount++; EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos + 1] = INVALID_OFFSET; continue; }
// Break out of last nested loop
break; } else { //
// Because of pattern, each item in the level must be examined.
// Set the pos to the first item and fall through to the pattern
// search code.
EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] = GetFirstOffset (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos]); }
// Else if current level is not invalid, last time through we had a
// match and we need to increment the offset (wildcard patterns only).
} else {
if (Wildcard) { EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] = GetNextOffset (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos]);
// If there are no more items, go back a level
if (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] == INVALID_OFFSET) { EnumPtr->PosCount--; continue; } } }
// If we are here, it is because we are looking at a level, trying
// to find a pattern match. Loop until either a match is found,
// or we run out of items.
// The only exception is when the last match hit the depth ceiling
// and PartStr does not have a wildcard. In this case, we must
// reset the last pos and go back one level.
if (Wildcard) { do { // Get current key, advance, then check current key against pattern
KeyStruct = GetKeyStruct (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos]); if (IsPatternMatch (PartStr, GetKeyToken (KeyStruct->KeyToken))) break;
EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] = GetNextOffset (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos]); } while (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] != INVALID_OFFSET);
// Match found so break out of last nested loop
if (EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] != INVALID_OFFSET) break; } else { EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] = INVALID_OFFSET; }
// We ran out of items before finding a match, so it is time to
// go back up a level.
EnumPtr->PosCount--; } while (EnumPtr->PosCount);
// Return if no items found
if (!EnumPtr->PosCount) { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); return FALSE; }
// A match was found. Build output string and prepare position for
// next level.
// Build the name of the item and get the value
EnumPtr->szName[0] = 0; for (Level = EnumPtr->Start ; Level < EnumPtr->PosCount ; Level++) { PWSTR namePointer = EnumPtr->szName; KeyStruct = GetKeyStruct (EnumPtr->LastPos[Level]); if (Level > EnumPtr -> Start) { namePointer = _wcsappend(namePointer,L"\\"); } _wcsappend (namePointer, GetKeyToken (KeyStruct->KeyToken)); }
MYASSERT (KeyStruct); EnumPtr->bEndpoint = (KeyStruct->Flags & KSF_ENDPOINT) != 0; EnumPtr->bBinary = (KeyStruct->Flags & KSF_BINARY) != 0; EnumPtr->bProxy = (KeyStruct->Flags & KSF_PROXY_NODE) != 0; EnumPtr->UserFlags = (KeyStruct->Flags & KSF_USERFLAG_MASK); EnumPtr->BinaryPtr = GetKeyStructBinaryData (KeyStruct); EnumPtr->BinarySize = GetKeyStructBinarySize (KeyStruct); if (EnumPtr->bBinary) { EnumPtr->dwValue = 0; } else { EnumPtr->dwValue = KeyStruct->dwValue; }
EnumPtr->Offset = EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos] | (g_SelectedDatabase << RESERVED_BITS);
// Prepare position for next level
if ((EnumPtr->PosCount + 1) <= (EnumPtr->Depth + EnumPtr->Start)) { EnumPtr->LastPos[Pos + 1] = INVALID_OFFSET; EnumPtr->PosCount++; }
switch (EnumPtr->Flags) {
case MEMDB_ALL_MATCHES: MatchNotFound = FALSE; break;
case MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY: MatchNotFound = (KeyStruct->Flags & (KSF_ENDPOINT|KSF_PROXY_NODE)) != KSF_ENDPOINT; break;
case MEMDB_BINARY_NODES_ONLY: MatchNotFound = (KeyStruct->Flags & KSF_BINARY) == 0; break;
case MEMDB_PROXY_NODES_ONLY: MatchNotFound = (KeyStruct->Flags & KSF_PROXY_NODE) == 0; break;
case MEMDB_ALL_BUT_PROXY: MatchNotFound = (KeyStruct->Flags & KSF_PROXY_NODE) != 0; break; }
// Loop until flag match is found
} while (MatchNotFound);
LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); return TRUE; }
// Save and restore functions
BOOL pPrivateMemDbSave ( PCWSTR FileName, BOOL bUnicode ) { HANDLE FileHandle; BOOL b = FALSE; DWORD BytesWritten;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try {
if (bUnicode) { FileHandle = CreateFileW (FileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } else { FileHandle = CreateFileA ((PCSTR) FileName, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); }
if (FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { if (bUnicode) { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't open %s", FileName)); } else { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't open %s", FileName)); } __leave; }
// entire file written in UNICODE char set
b = WriteFile (FileHandle, FILE_SIGNATURE, sizeof(FILE_SIGNATURE), &BytesWritten, NULL);
if (b) { b = WriteFile (FileHandle, g_db, sizeof (DATABASE), &BytesWritten, NULL); }
if (b) { b = WriteFile (FileHandle, g_db->Buf, g_db->AllocSize, &BytesWritten, NULL); if (BytesWritten != g_db->AllocSize) b = FALSE; }
if (b) { b = SaveHashBlock (FileHandle); }
if (b) { b = SaveBinaryBlocks (FileHandle); }
PushError(); CloseHandle (FileHandle); PopError();
if (!b) { if (bUnicode) { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_ERROR, "Error writing %s", FileName)); DeleteFileW (FileName); } else { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Error writing %s", FileName)); DeleteFileA ((PCSTR) FileName); } __leave; }
MYASSERT (b == TRUE); } __finally { PushError(); LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); PopError(); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbSaveA ( PCSTR FileName ) { return pPrivateMemDbSave ((PCWSTR) FileName, FALSE); // FALSE=ANSI
BOOL MemDbSaveW ( PCWSTR FileName ) { return pPrivateMemDbSave (FileName, TRUE); // TRUE=UNICODE
BOOL pPrivateMemDbLoad ( IN PCWSTR FileName, IN BOOL bUnicode, OUT PMEMDB_VERSION Version, OPTIONAL IN BOOL QueryVersionOnly ) { HANDLE FileHandle; BOOL b; DWORD BytesRead; WCHAR Buf[sizeof(FILE_SIGNATURE)]; PBYTE TempBuf = NULL; PCWSTR VerPtr;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
if (Version) { ZeroMemory (Version, sizeof (MEMDB_VERSION)); }
// Blow away existing resources
if (!QueryVersionOnly) { pFreeAllDatabases(); }
// Load in file
if (*FileName && FileName) { if (bUnicode) { FileHandle = CreateFileW (FileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } else { FileHandle = CreateFileA ((PCSTR) FileName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL); } } else { FileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
b = (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE);
__try { //
// Obtain the file signature
// NOTE: Entire file read is in UNICODE char set
if (b) { b = ReadFile (FileHandle, Buf, sizeof(FILE_SIGNATURE), &BytesRead, NULL);
if (Version) { if (StringMatchByteCountW ( VERSION_BASE_SIGNATURE, Buf, sizeof (VERSION_BASE_SIGNATURE) - sizeof (WCHAR) )) {
Version->Valid = TRUE;
// Identify version number
VerPtr = (PCWSTR) ((PBYTE) Buf + sizeof (VERSION_BASE_SIGNATURE) - sizeof (WCHAR));
if (StringMatchByteCountW ( MEMDB_VERSION, VerPtr, sizeof (MEMDB_VERSION) - sizeof (WCHAR) )) { Version->CurrentVersion = TRUE; }
Version->Version = (UINT) _wtoi (VerPtr + 1);
// Identify checked or free build
VerPtr += (sizeof (MEMDB_VERSION) / sizeof (WCHAR)) - 1;
if (StringMatchByteCountW ( MEMDB_DEBUG_SIGNATURE, VerPtr, sizeof (MEMDB_DEBUG_SIGNATURE) - sizeof (WCHAR) )) {
Version->Debug = TRUE;
} else if (!StringMatchByteCountW ( VerPtr, MEMDB_NODBG_SIGNATURE, sizeof (MEMDB_NODBG_SIGNATURE) - sizeof (WCHAR) )) { Version->Valid = FALSE; } } } }
if (QueryVersionOnly) { b = FALSE; }
if (b) { b = StringMatchW (Buf, FILE_SIGNATURE);
#ifdef DEBUG
// This code allows a debug build of memdb to work with both
// debug and retail versions of the DAT file
if (!b) { if (StringMatchW (Buf, DEBUG_FILE_SIGNATURE)) { g_UseDebugStructs = TRUE; b = TRUE; } else if (StringMatchW (Buf, RETAIL_FILE_SIGNATURE)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "memdb dat file is from free build; checked version expected")); g_UseDebugStructs = FALSE; b = TRUE; } } #else
if (!b) { SetLastError (ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); LOG ((LOG_WARNING, "Warning: data file could be from checked build; free version expected")); } #endif
// Obtain the database struct
if (b) { b = ReadFile (FileHandle, (PBYTE) g_db, sizeof (DATABASE), &BytesRead, NULL); if (BytesRead != sizeof (DATABASE)) { b = FALSE; SetLastError (ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); } }
// Allocate the memory block
if (b) { TempBuf = (PBYTE) MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, g_db->AllocSize); if (TempBuf) { g_db->Buf = TempBuf; TempBuf = NULL; } else { b = FALSE; } }
// Read the memory block
if (b) { b = ReadFile (FileHandle, g_db->Buf, g_db->AllocSize, &BytesRead, NULL); if (BytesRead != g_db->AllocSize) { b = FALSE; SetLastError (ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); } }
// Read the hash table
if (b) { b = LoadHashBlock (FileHandle); }
// Read binary blocks
if (b) { b = LoadBinaryBlocks (FileHandle); } }
__except (TRUE) { b = FALSE; PushError(); LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "MemDb dat file %s could not be loaded because of an exception", FileName));
FreeAllBinaryBlocks(); PopError(); }
PushError(); if (FileHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (FileHandle); }
if (!b && !QueryVersionOnly) { pFreeAllDatabases(); pInitializeMemDb(); }
LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); PopError();
if (QueryVersionOnly) { return TRUE; }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbLoadA ( IN PCSTR FileName ) { return pPrivateMemDbLoad ((PCWSTR) FileName, FALSE, NULL, FALSE); }
BOOL MemDbLoadW ( IN PCWSTR FileName ) { return pPrivateMemDbLoad (FileName, TRUE, NULL, FALSE); }
BOOL MemDbValidateDatabase ( VOID ) { MEMDB_ENUMW e;
if (MemDbEnumFirstValueW (&e, L"*", 0, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) {
do { if (!pPrivateMemDbGetValueW (e.szName, NULL, NULL)) { return FALSE; } } while (MemDbEnumNextValueW (&e)); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL MemDbCreateTemporaryKeyA ( IN PCSTR KeyName ) { PCWSTR KeyNameW; BOOL b = FALSE;
KeyNameW = ConvertAtoW (KeyName);
if (KeyNameW) { b = MemDbCreateTemporaryKeyW (KeyNameW); FreeConvertedStr (KeyNameW); }
return b; }
BOOL MemDbCreateTemporaryKeyW ( IN PCWSTR KeyName ) { UINT Count; UINT Index; PDATABASE Database; DWORD KeyOffset; PCWSTR SubKey; BOOL b = FALSE;
EnterCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs);
__try {
if (wcslen (KeyName) >= MAX_HIVE_NAME) { SetLastError (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); __leave; }
SubKey = SelectHive (KeyName);
KeyOffset = FindKey (SubKey); if (KeyOffset != INVALID_OFFSET) { SetLastError (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); __leave; }
Count = GrowListGetSize (&g_DatabaseList); for (Index = 1 ; Index < Count ; Index++) { Database = (PDATABASE) GrowListGetItem (&g_DatabaseList, Index);
if (Database && StringIMatchW (Database->Hive, KeyName)) { SetLastError (ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS); __leave; } }
b = pCreateDatabase (KeyName); } __finally { LeaveCriticalSection (&g_MemDbCs); }
return b; }
Routine Description:
MemDbMakeNonPrintableKey converts the double-backslashe pairs in a string to ASCII 1, a non-printable character. This allows the caller to store properly escaped strings in MemDb.
This routine is desinged to be expanded for other types of escape processing.
KeyName - Specifies the key text; receives the converted text. The DBCS version may grow the text buffer, so the text buffer must be twice the length of the inbound string.
Flags - Specifies the type of conversion. Currently only MEMDB_CONVERT_DOUBLEWACKS_TO_ASCII_1 is supported.
Return Value:
VOID MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyA ( IN OUT PSTR KeyName, IN DWORD Flags ) { while (*KeyName) { if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_DOUBLEWACKS_TO_ASCII_1) { if (_mbsnextc (KeyName) == '\\' && _mbsnextc (_mbsinc (KeyName)) == '\\' ) { _setmbchar (KeyName, 1); KeyName = _mbsinc (KeyName); MYASSERT (_mbsnextc (KeyName) == '\\'); _setmbchar (KeyName, 1); }
DEBUGMSG_IF (( _mbsnextc (KeyName) == 1, DBG_WHOOPS, "MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyA: Non-printable character " "collision detected; key was damaged" )); } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_STAR_TO_ASCII_2) { if (_mbsnextc (KeyName) == '*') { _setmbchar (KeyName, 2); }
DEBUGMSG_IF (( _mbsnextc (_mbsinc (KeyName)) == 2, DBG_WHOOPS, "MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyA: Non-printable character " "collision detected; key was damaged" )); } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_QMARK_TO_ASCII_3) { if (_mbsnextc (KeyName) == '?') { _setmbchar (KeyName, 3); }
DEBUGMSG_IF (( _mbsnextc (_mbsinc (KeyName)) == 3, DBG_WHOOPS, "MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyA: Non-printable character " "collision detected; key was damaged" )); } KeyName = _mbsinc (KeyName); } }
VOID MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyW ( IN OUT PWSTR KeyName, IN DWORD Flags ) { while (*KeyName) { if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_DOUBLEWACKS_TO_ASCII_1) { if (KeyName[0] == L'\\' && KeyName[1] == L'\\') { KeyName[0] = 1; KeyName[1] = 1; KeyName++; }
DEBUGMSG_IF (( KeyName[0] == 1, DBG_WHOOPS, "MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyW: Non-printable character " "collision detected; key was damaged" )); } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_STAR_TO_ASCII_2) { if (KeyName[0] == L'*') { KeyName[0] = 2; }
DEBUGMSG_IF (( KeyName[1] == 2, DBG_WHOOPS, "MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyW: Non-printable character " "collision detected; key was damaged" )); } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_QMARK_TO_ASCII_3) { if (KeyName[0] == L'*') { KeyName[0] = 3; }
DEBUGMSG_IF (( KeyName[1] == 3, DBG_WHOOPS, "MemDbMakeNonPrintableKeyW: Non-printable character " "collision detected; key was damaged" )); } KeyName++; } }
Routine Description:
MemDbMakePrintableKey converts the ASCII 1 characters to backslashes, restoring the string converted by MemDbMakeNonPrintableKey.
This routine is desinged to be expanded for other types of escape processing.
KeyName - Specifies the key text; receives the converted text. The DBCS version may grow the text buffer, so the text buffer must be twice the length of the inbound string.
Flags - Specifies the type of conversion. Currently only MEMDB_CONVERT_DOUBLEWACKS_TO_ASCII_1 is supported.
Return Value:
VOID MemDbMakePrintableKeyA ( IN OUT PSTR KeyName, IN DWORD Flags ) { while (*KeyName) { if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_DOUBLEWACKS_TO_ASCII_1) { if (_mbsnextc (KeyName) == 1) { _setmbchar (KeyName, '\\'); } } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_STAR_TO_ASCII_2) { if (_mbsnextc (KeyName) == 2) { _setmbchar (KeyName, '*'); } } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_QMARK_TO_ASCII_3) { if (_mbsnextc (KeyName) == 3) { _setmbchar (KeyName, '?'); } } KeyName = _mbsinc (KeyName); } }
VOID MemDbMakePrintableKeyW ( IN OUT PWSTR KeyName, IN DWORD Flags ) { while (*KeyName) { if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_DOUBLEWACKS_TO_ASCII_1) { if (KeyName[0] == 1) { KeyName[0] = L'\\'; } } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_STAR_TO_ASCII_2) { if (KeyName[0] == 2) { KeyName[0] = L'*'; } } if (Flags & MEMDB_CONVERT_WILD_QMARK_TO_ASCII_3) { if (KeyName[0] == 3) { KeyName[0] = L'?'; } } KeyName++; } }
VOID GetFixedUserNameA ( IN OUT PSTR SrcUserBuf )
Routine Description:
GetFixedUserName looks in memdb for the user specified in SrcUserBuf, and if found, returns the changed name.
SrcUserBuf - Specifies the user to look up as returned from the Win9x registry. Receives the user name to create on NT.
Return Value:
{ CHAR EncodedName[MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR FixedName[MEMDB_MAX];
if (MemDbGetEndpointValueExA ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_FIXEDUSERNAMESA, EncodedName, NULL, FixedName )) { StringCopyA (SrcUserBuf, FixedName); } }
VOID GetFixedUserNameW ( IN OUT PWSTR SrcUserBuf )
Routine Description:
GetFixedUserName looks in memdb for the user specified in SrcUserBuf, and if found, returns the changed name.
SrcUserBuf - Specifies the user to look up as returned from the Win9x registry. Receives the user name to create on NT.
Return Value:
if (MemDbGetEndpointValueExW ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_FIXEDUSERNAMESW, EncodedName, NULL, FixedName )) { StringCopyW (SrcUserBuf, FixedName); } }
The format of the binary file for MemDb export
DWORD Signature
DWORD Version
DWORD GlobalFlags// 0x00000001 mask for Ansi format
// 0x00000002 mask for Temporary key
BYTE Root[]; // The root of the tree (zero terminated).
struct _KEY {
WORD Flags; // 0xF000 mask for accessing the entry flags
// - 0x1000 - Mask for Key name (0 - root relative, 1 - previous key relative)
// - 0x2000 - Mask for existing data (0 - no data, 1 - some data)
// - 0x4000 - Mast for data type (0 - DWORD, 1 - binary data)
// - 0x8000 - Mast for key flags (0 - nonexistent, 1 - existent)
// 0x0FFF mask for accessing size of the entry (except the data)
BYTE Key[]; // Should be PCSTR or PCWSTR (not zero terminated)
DWORD KeyFlags; //optional (dependant on Flags).
BYTE Data[]; // optional (dependant on Flags).
// if BLOB first DWORD is the size of the BLOB
// if DWORD then has exactly 4 bytes
} ... */
#define MEMDB_EXPORT_VERSION 0x00000001
#define MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_ANSI 0x00000001
#define MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_TEMP_KEY 0x00000002
BOOL pMemDbExportWorkerA ( IN PCSTR RootTree, IN PCSTR FileName ) { HANDLE fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PCWSTR uRootTree; PCSTR lastWackPtr; DWORD globalFlags; WORD localFlags; CHAR key[MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD keySize; DWORD copySize; MEMDB_ENUMA e; WORD blobSize; DWORD written;
if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; }
globalFlags = MEMDB_EXPORT_SIGNATURE; WriteFile (fileHandle, &globalFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL);
globalFlags = MEMDB_EXPORT_VERSION; WriteFile (fileHandle, &globalFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL);
// get the information if this key is a temporary key and set the flags if true
uRootTree = ConvertAtoW (RootTree); if (IsTemporaryKey (uRootTree)) { globalFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_TEMP_KEY; } FreeConvertedStr (uRootTree);
WriteFile (fileHandle, &globalFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL);
// now write the root tree
WriteFile (fileHandle, RootTree, SizeOfStringA (RootTree), &written, NULL);
MemDbBuildKeyA (key, RootTree, "*", NULL, NULL);
if (MemDbEnumFirstValueA (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { key [0] = 0; keySize = 0; do { // initialize the flags
localFlags = 0; if (e.bBinary) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT; localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_BINARY_DATA; } else { if (e.dwValue) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT; } } if (e.UserFlags) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_FLAGS_PRESENT; }
// let's compute the size for this blob
blobSize = sizeof (WORD); // Flags
if (keySize && StringIMatchByteCountA (key, e.szName, keySize - sizeof (CHAR)) && (e.szName [keySize - 1] == '\\') ) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_PREV_RELATIVE; copySize = SizeOfStringA (e.szName) - keySize - sizeof (CHAR); } else { copySize = SizeOfStringA (e.szName) - sizeof (CHAR); keySize = 0; } MYASSERT (copySize < 4096); blobSize += (WORD) copySize;
localFlags |= blobSize;
// write the flags
WriteFile (fileHandle, &localFlags, sizeof (WORD), &written, NULL);
// write the key
WriteFile (fileHandle, ((PBYTE) e.szName) + keySize, copySize, &written, NULL);
// write the key flags if appropriate
if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_FLAGS_PRESENT) { WriteFile (fileHandle, &e.UserFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL); }
// write the data if appropriate
if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT) { if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_BINARY_DATA) { WriteFile (fileHandle, &e.BinarySize, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL); WriteFile (fileHandle, e.BinaryPtr, e.BinarySize, &written, NULL); } else { WriteFile (fileHandle, &e.dwValue, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL); } } lastWackPtr = _mbsrchr (e.szName, '\\'); if (lastWackPtr) { keySize = ByteCountABA (e.szName, lastWackPtr) + sizeof (CHAR); StringCopyByteCountA (key, e.szName, keySize); } else { keySize = 0; }
} while (MemDbEnumNextValueA (&e)); }
localFlags = 0;
// finally write the zero terminator
WriteFile (fileHandle, &localFlags, sizeof (WORD), &written, NULL);
CloseHandle (fileHandle);
return TRUE; }
BOOL pMemDbExportWorkerW ( IN PCWSTR RootTree, IN PCWSTR FileName ) { HANDLE fileHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PCWSTR lastWackPtr; DWORD globalFlags; WORD localFlags; WCHAR key[MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD keySize; DWORD copySize; MEMDB_ENUMW e; WORD blobSize; DWORD written;
if (fileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { return FALSE; }
globalFlags = MEMDB_EXPORT_SIGNATURE; WriteFile (fileHandle, &globalFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL);
globalFlags = MEMDB_EXPORT_VERSION; WriteFile (fileHandle, &globalFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL);
// get the information if this key is a temporary key and set the flags if true
if (IsTemporaryKey (RootTree)) { globalFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_TEMP_KEY; }
WriteFile (fileHandle, &globalFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL);
// now write the root tree
WriteFile (fileHandle, RootTree, SizeOfStringW (RootTree), &written, NULL);
MemDbBuildKeyW (key, RootTree, L"*", NULL, NULL);
if (MemDbEnumFirstValueW (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { key [0] = 0; keySize = 0; do { // initialize the flags
localFlags = 0; if (e.bBinary) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT; localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_BINARY_DATA; } else { if (e.dwValue) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT; } } if (e.UserFlags) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_FLAGS_PRESENT; }
// let's compute the size for this blob
blobSize = sizeof (WORD); // Flags
if (keySize && StringIMatchByteCountW (key, e.szName, keySize - sizeof (WCHAR)) && (e.szName [keySize - 1] == L'\\') ) { localFlags |= MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_PREV_RELATIVE; copySize = SizeOfStringW (e.szName) - keySize - sizeof (WCHAR); } else { copySize = SizeOfStringW (e.szName) - sizeof (WCHAR); keySize = 0; } MYASSERT (copySize < 4096); blobSize += (WORD) copySize;
localFlags |= blobSize;
// write the flags
WriteFile (fileHandle, &localFlags, sizeof (WORD), &written, NULL);
// write the key
WriteFile (fileHandle, ((PBYTE) e.szName) + keySize, copySize, &written, NULL);
// write the key flags if appropriate
if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_FLAGS_PRESENT) { WriteFile (fileHandle, &e.UserFlags, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL); }
// write the data if appropriate
if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT) { if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_BINARY_DATA) { WriteFile (fileHandle, &e.BinarySize, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL); WriteFile (fileHandle, e.BinaryPtr, e.BinarySize, &written, NULL); } else { WriteFile (fileHandle, &e.dwValue, sizeof (DWORD), &written, NULL); } } lastWackPtr = wcsrchr (e.szName, L'\\'); if (lastWackPtr) { keySize = ByteCountABW (e.szName, lastWackPtr) + sizeof (WCHAR); StringCopyByteCountW (key, e.szName, keySize); } else { keySize = 0; }
} while (MemDbEnumNextValueW (&e)); }
localFlags = 0;
// finally write the zero terminator
WriteFile (fileHandle, &localFlags, sizeof (WORD), &written, NULL);
CloseHandle (fileHandle);
return TRUE; }
BOOL MemDbExportA ( IN PCSTR RootTree, IN PCSTR FileName, IN BOOL AnsiFormat )
Routine Description:
MemDbExportA exports a tree in a private binary format. The format is described above.
RootTree - Specifies the tree to be exported FileName - Name of the binary format file to export to. AnsiFormat - Keys should be written in ANSI rather than in Unicode.
Return Value:
TRUE is successfull, FALSE if not.
{ PCWSTR uRootTree, uFileName; BOOL result = TRUE;
if (AnsiFormat) { result = pMemDbExportWorkerA (RootTree, FileName); } else { uRootTree = ConvertAtoW (RootTree); uFileName = ConvertAtoW (FileName); result = pMemDbExportWorkerW (uRootTree, uFileName); FreeConvertedStr (uFileName); FreeConvertedStr (uRootTree); } return result; }
BOOL MemDbExportW ( IN PCWSTR RootTree, IN PCWSTR FileName, IN BOOL AnsiFormat )
Routine Description:
MemDbExportW exports a tree in a private binary format. The format is described above.
RootTree - Specifies the tree to be exported FileName - Name of the binary format file to export to. AnsiFormat - Keys should be written in ANSI rather than in Unicode.
Return Value:
TRUE is successfull, FALSE if not.
{ PCSTR aRootTree, aFileName; BOOL result = TRUE;
if (!AnsiFormat) { result = pMemDbExportWorkerW (RootTree, FileName); } else { aRootTree = ConvertWtoA (RootTree); aFileName = ConvertWtoA (FileName); result = pMemDbExportWorkerA (aRootTree, aFileName); FreeConvertedStr (aFileName); FreeConvertedStr (aRootTree); } return result; }
BOOL pMemDbImportWorkerA ( IN PBYTE FileBuffer ) { DWORD globalFlags; WORD localFlags; PCSTR rootTree; CHAR lastKey [MEMDB_MAX]; PSTR lastKeyPtr; CHAR node [MEMDB_MAX]; CHAR localKey [MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD flags = 0;
globalFlags = *((PDWORD) FileBuffer);
// FileBuffer will point to the tree that's imported
FileBuffer += sizeof (DWORD); rootTree = (PCSTR) FileBuffer;
if (globalFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_TEMP_KEY) { // a temporary key was exported
MemDbCreateTemporaryKeyA ((PCSTR) FileBuffer); }
// let's pass the string
FileBuffer = GetEndOfStringA ((PCSTR) FileBuffer) + sizeof (CHAR);
// ok from this point on we read and add all keys
lastKey [0] = 0; localFlags = *((PWORD) FileBuffer);
while (localFlags) {
localKey [0] = 0;
StringCopyByteCountA (localKey, (PSTR)(FileBuffer + sizeof (WORD)), (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_SIZE_MASK) - sizeof (WORD) + sizeof (CHAR));
MemDbBuildKeyA (node, rootTree, (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_PREV_RELATIVE)?lastKey:NULL, localKey, NULL);
FileBuffer += (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_SIZE_MASK);
flags = *(PDWORD)FileBuffer; FileBuffer += sizeof (DWORD); }
if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT) { if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_BINARY_DATA) { MemDbSetBinaryValueA (node, FileBuffer + sizeof (DWORD), *(PDWORD)FileBuffer); FileBuffer += (*(PDWORD)FileBuffer + sizeof (DWORD)); } else { MemDbSetValueAndFlagsA (node, *(PDWORD)FileBuffer, flags, 0); FileBuffer += sizeof (DWORD); } } else { MemDbSetValueA (node, 0); }
StringCatA (lastKey, "\\"); StringCatA (lastKey, localKey); lastKeyPtr = _mbsrchr (lastKey, '\\'); if (lastKeyPtr) { *lastKeyPtr = 0; } else { lastKey [0] = 0; } } else {
StringCopyA (lastKey, localKey); lastKeyPtr = _mbsrchr (lastKey, '\\'); if (lastKeyPtr) { *lastKeyPtr = 0; } else { lastKey [0] = 0; } } localFlags = *((PWORD) FileBuffer); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL pMemDbImportWorkerW ( IN PBYTE FileBuffer ) { DWORD globalFlags; WORD localFlags; PCWSTR rootTree; WCHAR lastKey [MEMDB_MAX]; PWSTR lastKeyPtr; WCHAR node [MEMDB_MAX]; WCHAR localKey [MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD flags = 0;
globalFlags = *((PDWORD) FileBuffer);
// FileBuffer will point to the tree that's imported
FileBuffer += sizeof (DWORD); rootTree = (PCWSTR) FileBuffer;
if (globalFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_TEMP_KEY) { // a temporary key was exported
MemDbCreateTemporaryKeyW ((PCWSTR) FileBuffer); }
// let's pass the string
FileBuffer = (PBYTE)GetEndOfStringW ((PCWSTR) FileBuffer) + sizeof (WCHAR);
// ok from this point on we read and add all keys
lastKey [0] = 0; localFlags = *((PWORD) FileBuffer);
while (localFlags) {
localKey [0] = 0;
StringCopyByteCountW (localKey, (PWSTR)(FileBuffer + sizeof (WORD)), (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_SIZE_MASK) - sizeof (WORD) + sizeof (WCHAR));
MemDbBuildKeyW (node, rootTree, (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_PREV_RELATIVE)?lastKey:NULL, localKey, NULL);
FileBuffer += (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_SIZE_MASK);
flags = *(PDWORD)FileBuffer; FileBuffer += sizeof (DWORD); }
if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_DATA_PRESENT) { if (localFlags & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_BINARY_DATA) { MemDbSetBinaryValueW (node, FileBuffer + sizeof (DWORD), *(PDWORD)FileBuffer); FileBuffer += (*(PDWORD)FileBuffer + sizeof (DWORD)); } else { MemDbSetValueAndFlagsW (node, *(PDWORD)FileBuffer, flags, 0); FileBuffer += sizeof (DWORD); } } else { MemDbSetValueW (node, 0); }
StringCatW (lastKey, L"\\"); StringCatW (lastKey, localKey); lastKeyPtr = wcsrchr (lastKey, L'\\'); if (lastKeyPtr) { *lastKeyPtr = 0; } else { lastKey [0] = 0; } } else {
StringCopyW (lastKey, localKey); lastKeyPtr = wcsrchr (lastKey, L'\\'); if (lastKeyPtr) { *lastKeyPtr = 0; } else { lastKey [0] = 0; } } localFlags = *((PWORD) FileBuffer); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL MemDbImportA ( IN PCSTR FileName )
Routine Description:
MemDbImportA imports a tree from a private binary format. The format is described above.
FileName - Name of the binary format file to import from.
Return Value:
TRUE is successfull, FALSE if not.
{ PBYTE fileBuff; HANDLE fileHandle; HANDLE mapHandle; BOOL result = TRUE;
fileBuff = MapFileIntoMemoryA (FileName, &fileHandle, &mapHandle); if (fileBuff == NULL) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Could not execute MemDbImport for %s", FileName)); return FALSE; }
__try { if (*((PDWORD) fileBuff) != MEMDB_EXPORT_SIGNATURE) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Unknown signature for file to import: %s", FileName)); result = FALSE; } else {
fileBuff += sizeof (DWORD);
if (*((PDWORD) fileBuff) != MEMDB_EXPORT_VERSION) {
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Unknown version for file to import: %s", FileName)); result = FALSE;
} else {
fileBuff += sizeof (DWORD);
if (*((PDWORD) fileBuff) & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_ANSI) { result = pMemDbImportWorkerA (fileBuff); } else { result = pMemDbImportWorkerW (fileBuff); } } } } __except (1) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Access violation while importing: %s", FileName)); }
UnmapFile (fileBuff, mapHandle, fileHandle);
return result; }
BOOL MemDbImportW ( IN PCWSTR FileName )
Routine Description:
MemDbImportW imports a tree from a private binary format. The format is described above.
FileName - Name of the binary format file to import from.
Return Value:
TRUE is successfull, FALSE if not.
{ PBYTE fileBuff; HANDLE fileHandle; HANDLE mapHandle; BOOL result;
fileBuff = MapFileIntoMemoryW (FileName, &fileHandle, &mapHandle); if (fileBuff == NULL) { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_ERROR, "Could not execute MemDbImport for %s", FileName)); return FALSE; }
__try { if (*((PDWORD) fileBuff) != MEMDB_EXPORT_SIGNATURE) {
DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_ERROR, "Unknown signature for file to import: %s", FileName)); result = FALSE;
} else {
fileBuff += sizeof (DWORD);
if (*((PDWORD) fileBuff) != MEMDB_EXPORT_VERSION) {
DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_ERROR, "Unknown version for file to import: %s", FileName)); result = FALSE;
} else {
fileBuff += sizeof (DWORD);
if (*((PDWORD) fileBuff) & MEMDB_EXPORT_FLAGS_ANSI) { result = pMemDbImportWorkerA (fileBuff); } else { result = pMemDbImportWorkerW (fileBuff); } } } } __except (1) { DEBUGMSGW ((DBG_ERROR, "Access violation while importing: %s", FileName)); }
UnmapFile (fileBuff, mapHandle, fileHandle);
return result; }
BOOL MemDbQueryVersionA ( PCSTR FileName, PMEMDB_VERSION Version ) { pPrivateMemDbLoad ((PCWSTR) FileName, FALSE, Version, TRUE);
return Version->Valid; }
BOOL MemDbQueryVersionW ( PCWSTR FileName, PMEMDB_VERSION Version ) { pPrivateMemDbLoad (FileName, TRUE, Version, TRUE);
return Version->Valid; }