// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
// Implementation of RegLoadKey, RegUnLoadKey, RegSaveKey, RegReplaceKey and
// supporting functions.
#include "pch.h"
// Maximum number of times we'll allow RgCopyBranch to be reentered.
LPSTR g_RgNameBufferPtr; // Temporary buffer for RgCopyBranch
LPBYTE g_RgDataBufferPtr; // Temporary buffer for RgCopyBranch
UINT g_RgRecursionCount; // Tracks depth of RgCopyBranch
#error Code assumes a value name can fit in a subkey buffer.
#ifdef VXD
// RgValidateHiveSubKey
// Note that unlike most parameter validation routines, this routine must be
// called with the registry lock taken because we call RgGetNextSubSubKey.
// Pass back the length of the subkey to deal with the trailing backslash
// problem.
// Returns TRUE if lpSubKey is a valid subkey string for hive functions.
BOOL INTERNAL RgValidateHiveSubKey( LPCSTR lpSubKey, UINT FAR* lpHiveKeyLength ) {
LPCSTR lpSubSubKey; UINT SubSubKeyLength;
// Verify that we have a valid subkey that has one and only one sub-subkey.
// in Win95 it was possible to load a hive with a keyname
// containing a backslash!
return !IsNullPtr(lpSubKey) && !RgIsBadSubKey(lpSubKey) && (RgGetNextSubSubKey(lpSubKey, &lpSubSubKey, lpHiveKeyLength) > 0) && (RgGetNextSubSubKey(NULL, &lpSubSubKey, &SubSubKeyLength) == 0);
// VMMRegLoadKey
// See Win32 documentation of RegLoadKey.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegLoadKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPCSTR lpFileName ) {
int ErrorCode; HKEY hSubKey; UINT SubKeyLength; LPHIVE_INFO lpHiveInfo;
if (IsBadStringPtr(lpFileName, (UINT) -1)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if ((hKey != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) && (hKey != HKEY_USERS)) return ERROR_BADKEY;
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ReturnErrorCode;
if (!RgValidateHiveSubKey(lpSubKey, &SubKeyLength)) { ErrorCode = ERROR_BADKEY; goto ReturnErrorCode; }
// Check if a subkey with the specified name already exists.
if (RgLookupKey(hKey, lpSubKey, &hSubKey, LK_OPEN) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgDestroyKeyHandle(hSubKey); ErrorCode = ERROR_BADKEY; // Win95 compatibility
goto ReturnErrorCode; }
if (IsNullPtr((lpHiveInfo = (LPHIVE_INFO) RgSmAllocMemory(sizeof(HIVE_INFO) + SubKeyLength)))) { ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ReturnErrorCode; }
// Fill in the HIVE_INFO.
StrCpy(lpHiveInfo-> Name, lpSubKey); lpHiveInfo-> NameLength = SubKeyLength; lpHiveInfo-> Hash = (BYTE) RgHashString(lpSubKey, SubKeyLength);
// Attempt to create a FILE_INFO for the specified file. If successful,
// link this HIVE_INFO into the parent FILE_INFO's hive list.
if ((ErrorCode = RgCreateFileInfoExisting(&lpHiveInfo-> lpFileInfo, lpFileName)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
lpHiveInfo-> lpFileInfo-> lpParentFileInfo = hKey-> lpFileInfo; #endif
lpHiveInfo-> lpNextHiveInfo = hKey-> lpFileInfo-> lpHiveInfoList; hKey-> lpFileInfo-> lpHiveInfoList = lpHiveInfo;
// Signal any notifications waiting on this top-level key.
RgSignalWaitingNotifies(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME);
else RgFreeMemory(lpHiveInfo);
ReturnErrorCode: RgUnlockRegistry();
return ErrorCode;
// VMMRegUnLoadKey
// See Win32 documentation of RegUnLoadKey.
int ErrorCode; UINT SubKeyLength; LPFILE_INFO lpFileInfo; LPHIVE_INFO lpPrevHiveInfo; LPHIVE_INFO lpCurrHiveInfo;
if ((hKey != HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE) && (hKey != HKEY_USERS)) return ERROR_BADKEY;
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ReturnErrorCode;
ErrorCode = ERROR_BADKEY; // Assume this error code
if (!RgValidateHiveSubKey(lpSubKey, &SubKeyLength)) goto ReturnErrorCode;
lpPrevHiveInfo = NULL; lpCurrHiveInfo = hKey-> lpFileInfo-> lpHiveInfoList;
while (!IsNullPtr(lpCurrHiveInfo)) {
if (SubKeyLength == lpCurrHiveInfo-> NameLength && RgStrCmpNI(lpSubKey, lpCurrHiveInfo-> Name, SubKeyLength) == 0) {
// Unlink this HIVE_INFO structure.
if (IsNullPtr(lpPrevHiveInfo)) hKey-> lpFileInfo-> lpHiveInfoList = lpCurrHiveInfo-> lpNextHiveInfo; else lpPrevHiveInfo-> lpNextHiveInfo = lpCurrHiveInfo-> lpNextHiveInfo;
// Flush and destroy it's associated FILE_INFO structure. When we
// destroy the FILE_INFO, all open keys in this hive will be
// invalidated.
lpFileInfo = lpCurrHiveInfo-> lpFileInfo; RgFlushFileInfo(lpFileInfo); RgDestroyFileInfo(lpFileInfo);
// Free the HIVE_INFO itself.
// Signal any notifications waiting on this top-level key.
RgSignalWaitingNotifies(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_NAME);
ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; break;
lpPrevHiveInfo = lpCurrHiveInfo; lpCurrHiveInfo = lpCurrHiveInfo-> lpNextHiveInfo;
ReturnErrorCode: RgUnlockRegistry();
return ErrorCode;
// RgCopyBranchHelper
// Copies all of the values and subkeys starting at the specified source key to
// the specified destination key.
// For Win95 compatibility, we don't stop the copy process if we encounter an
// error. (But unlike Win95, we do actually check more error codes)
VOID INTERNAL RgCopyBranchHelper( HKEY hSourceKey, HKEY hDestinationKey ) {
UINT Index; DWORD cbNameBuffer; LPVALUE_RECORD lpValueRecord;
// Copy all of the values from the source key to the destination key.
Index = 0;
while (RgLookupValueByIndex(hSourceKey, Index++, &lpValueRecord) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
DWORD cbDataBuffer; DWORD Type;
cbNameBuffer = MAXIMUM_VALUE_NAME_LENGTH; cbDataBuffer = MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH + 1; // Terminating null
if (RgCopyFromValueRecord(hSourceKey, lpValueRecord, g_RgNameBufferPtr, &cbNameBuffer, &Type, g_RgDataBufferPtr, &cbDataBuffer) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // Subtract the terminating null that RgCopyFromValueRecord added
// to cbDataBuffer. We don't save that in the file.
if (Type == REG_SZ) { ASSERT(cbDataBuffer > 0); // Must have the null!
cbDataBuffer--; } RgSetValue(hDestinationKey, g_RgNameBufferPtr, Type, g_RgDataBufferPtr, cbDataBuffer); }
RgUnlockDatablock(hSourceKey-> lpFileInfo, hSourceKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex, FALSE);
// We can't recurse forever, so enforce a maximum depth like Win95.
if (g_RgRecursionCount > MAXIMUM_COPY_RECURSION) return;
// Copy all of the subkeys from the source key to the destination key.
Index = 0;
while (TRUE) {
HKEY hSubSourceKey; HKEY hSubDestinationKey;
if (RgLookupKeyByIndex(hSourceKey, Index++, g_RgNameBufferPtr, &cbNameBuffer,0 ) != ERROR_SUCCESS) break;
if (RgLookupKey(hSourceKey, g_RgNameBufferPtr, &hSubSourceKey, LK_OPEN) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (RgLookupKey(hDestinationKey, g_RgNameBufferPtr, &hSubDestinationKey, LK_CREATE) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgYield(); RgCopyBranchHelper(hSubSourceKey, hSubDestinationKey); RgDestroyKeyHandle(hSubDestinationKey); }
else TRAP();
else TRAP();
// RgCopyBranch
// Copies all of the values and subkeys starting at the specified source key to
// the specified destination key.
// This function sets and cleans up for RgCopyBranchHelper who does all
// the real copying.
// The backing store of the destination file is flushed if successful.
int INTERNAL RgCopyBranch( HKEY hSourceKey, HKEY hDestinationKey ) {
int ErrorCode;
if (IsNullPtr(g_RgNameBufferPtr = RgSmAllocMemory(MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH))) ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
else {
if (IsNullPtr(g_RgDataBufferPtr = RgSmAllocMemory(MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH + 1))) // + terminating null
else {
g_RgRecursionCount = 0; RgCopyBranchHelper(hSourceKey, hDestinationKey);
// Everything should be copied over, so flush the file now since
// all callers will be immediately destroying this FILE_INFO
// anyways.
ErrorCode = RgFlushFileInfo(hDestinationKey-> lpFileInfo);
return ErrorCode;
// RgSaveKey
// Worker routine for VMMRegSaveKey and VMMRegReplaceKey. Saves all the keys
// and values starting at hKey, which must point at a valid KEY structure, to
// the location specified by lpFileName. The file must not currently exist.
int INTERNAL RgSaveKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpFileName ) {
int ErrorCode; HKEY hHiveKey;
if (IsNullPtr(hHiveKey = RgCreateKeyHandle())) ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
else {
// Artificially increment the count, so the below destroy will work.
if ((ErrorCode = RgCreateFileInfoNew(&hHiveKey-> lpFileInfo, lpFileName, CFIN_SECONDARY)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (((ErrorCode = RgInitRootKeyFromFileInfo(hHiveKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) || ((ErrorCode = RgCopyBranch(hKey, hHiveKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { RgSetFileAttributes(hHiveKey-> lpFileInfo-> FileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); RgDeleteFile(hHiveKey-> lpFileInfo-> FileName); }
// If successful, then RgCopyBranch has already flushed the file.
RgDestroyFileInfo(hHiveKey-> lpFileInfo);
return ErrorCode;
// VMMRegSaveKey
// See Win32 documentation of RegSaveKey.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegSaveKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpFileName, LPVOID lpSecurityAttributes ) {
int ErrorCode;
if (IsBadStringPtr(lpFileName, (UINT) -1)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) ErrorCode = RgSaveKey(hKey, lpFileName);
return ErrorCode;
// RgGetKeyName
LPSTR lpKeyName; LPKEY_RECORD lpKeyRecord;
if (RgLockKeyRecord(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BlockIndex, hKey-> KeyRecordIndex, &lpKeyRecord) != ERROR_SUCCESS) lpKeyName = NULL;
else {
// A registry is corrupt if we ever hit this. We'll continue to
// allocate a buffer and let downstream code fail when we try to use
// the string.
ASSERT(lpKeyRecord-> NameLength < MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH);
if (!IsNullPtr(lpKeyName = (LPSTR) RgSmAllocMemory(lpKeyRecord-> NameLength + 1))) { // + terminating null
MoveMemory(lpKeyName, lpKeyRecord-> Name, lpKeyRecord-> NameLength); lpKeyName[lpKeyRecord-> NameLength] = '\0'; }
RgUnlockDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BlockIndex, FALSE);
return lpKeyName;
// RgCreateRootKeyForFile
// Creates a KEY and a FILE_INFO to access the specified file.
int INTERNAL RgCreateRootKeyForFile( LPHKEY lphKey, LPCSTR lpFileName ) {
int ErrorCode; HKEY hKey;
if (IsNullPtr(hKey = RgCreateKeyHandle())) ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
else {
// Artificially increment the count, so RgDestroyKeyHandle will work.
if ((ErrorCode = RgCreateFileInfoExisting(&hKey-> lpFileInfo, lpFileName)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ((ErrorCode = RgInitRootKeyFromFileInfo(hKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { *lphKey = hKey; return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
RgDestroyFileInfo(hKey-> lpFileInfo);
return ErrorCode;
// RgDestroyRootKeyForFile
// Destroys the resources allocated by RgCreateRootKeyForFile.
VOID INTERNAL RgDestroyRootKeyForFile( HKEY hKey ) {
RgDestroyFileInfo(hKey-> lpFileInfo); RgDestroyKeyHandle(hKey);
// RgDeleteHiveFile
// Deletes the specified hive file after clearing its file attributes.
BOOL INTERNAL RgDeleteHiveFile( LPCSTR lpFileName ) {
RgSetFileAttributes(lpFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONE); // RgSetFileAttributes may fail, but try to delete the file anyway.
return RgDeleteFile(lpFileName);
// VMMRegReplaceKey
// See Win32 documentation of RegReplaceKey.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegReplaceKey( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, LPCSTR lpNewFileName, LPCSTR lpOldFileName ) {
int ErrorCode; HKEY hSubKey; LPKEYNODE lpKeynode; DWORD KeynodeIndex; HKEY hParentKey; char ReplaceFileName[MAX_PATH]; BOOL fCreatedReplaceFile; HKEY hReplaceKey; HKEY hNewKey; HKEY hReplaceSubKey; LPSTR lpReplaceSubKey;
if (IsBadOptionalStringPtr(lpSubKey, (UINT) -1) || IsBadStringPtr(lpNewFileName, (UINT) -1) || IsBadStringPtr(lpOldFileName, (UINT) -1)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorReturn;
if ((ErrorCode = RgLookupKey(hKey, lpSubKey, &hSubKey, LK_OPEN)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorReturn;
// The provided key handle must an immediate child from the same backing
// store (not a hive) as either HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or HKEY_USERS.
if (RgLockInUseKeynode(hSubKey-> lpFileInfo, hSubKey-> KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ErrorDestroySubKey; }
KeynodeIndex = lpKeynode-> ParentIndex; RgUnlockKeynode(hSubKey-> lpFileInfo, hSubKey-> KeynodeIndex, FALSE);
// Find an open key on the parent check if it's HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE or
// HKEY_USERS. If not, bail out. KeynodeIndex may be REG_NULL, but
// RgFindOpenKeyHandle handles that case.
if (IsNullPtr(hParentKey = RgFindOpenKeyHandle(hSubKey-> lpFileInfo, KeynodeIndex)) || ((hParentKey != &g_RgLocalMachineKey) && (hParentKey != &g_RgUsersKey))) { ErrorCode = ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; goto ErrorDestroySubKey; }
// All parameters have been validated, so begin the real work of the API.
// Because we'll be doing a file copy below, all changes must be flushed
// now.
if ((ErrorCode = RgFlushFileInfo(hSubKey-> lpFileInfo)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorDestroySubKey;
// Make a backup of the current contents of the subkey.
if ((ErrorCode = RgSaveKey(hSubKey, lpOldFileName)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorDestroySubKey;
RgGenerateAltFileName(hSubKey-> lpFileInfo-> FileName, ReplaceFileName, 'R');
// Check if the magic replacement file already exists and if not, create
// it.
if (RgGetFileAttributes(ReplaceFileName) == (DWORD) -1) { if ((ErrorCode = RgCopyFile(hSubKey-> lpFileInfo-> FileName, ReplaceFileName)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorDeleteOldFile; fCreatedReplaceFile = TRUE; }
else fCreatedReplaceFile = FALSE;
if ((ErrorCode = RgCreateRootKeyForFile(&hNewKey, lpNewFileName)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorDeleteReplaceFile;
if ((ErrorCode = RgCreateRootKeyForFile(&hReplaceKey, ReplaceFileName)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ErrorDestroyNewRootKey;
// The original key that we were given may reference the subkey, so
// lpSubKey would be a NULL or empty string. But we need the name that
// this subkey refers to, so we have to go back to the file to pull out
// the name.
if (hKey != hSubKey) lpReplaceSubKey = (LPSTR) lpSubKey;
else { // We allocate this from the heap to reduce the requirements of an
// already strained stack. If this fails, we're likely out of memory.
// Even if that's not why we failed, this is such an infrequent path
// that it's a good enough error code.
if (IsNullPtr(lpReplaceSubKey = RgGetKeyName(hSubKey))) { ErrorCode = ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; goto ErrorDestroyReplaceRootKey; } }
// Check if the specified subkey already exists and if it does, delete it.
if (RgLookupKey(hReplaceKey, lpReplaceSubKey, &hReplaceSubKey, LK_OPEN) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgDeleteKey(hReplaceSubKey); RgDestroyKeyHandle(hReplaceSubKey); }
// Create the specified subkey in the replacement registry and copy the
// new hive to that key.
if ((ErrorCode = RgLookupKey(hReplaceKey, lpReplaceSubKey, &hReplaceSubKey, LK_CREATE)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// If successful, tag the FILE_INFO so that on system exit, we'll go
// and rename the replacement file to actual filename.
if ((ErrorCode = RgCopyBranch(hNewKey, hReplaceSubKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) hKey-> lpFileInfo-> Flags |= FI_REPLACEMENTEXISTS;
if (lpSubKey != lpReplaceSubKey) RgSmFreeMemory(lpReplaceSubKey);
ErrorDestroyReplaceRootKey: RgDestroyRootKeyForFile(hReplaceKey);
ErrorDestroyNewRootKey: RgDestroyRootKeyForFile(hNewKey);
ErrorDeleteReplaceFile: if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS && fCreatedReplaceFile) RgDeleteHiveFile(ReplaceFileName);
ErrorDeleteOldFile: if (ErrorCode != ERROR_SUCCESS) RgDeleteHiveFile(lpOldFileName);
ErrorDestroySubKey: RgDestroyKeyHandle(hSubKey);
ErrorReturn: RgUnlockRegistry();
return ErrorCode;
#ifdef VXD
// RgReplaceFileOnSysExit
// Essentially the same algorithm as rlReplaceFile from the Win95 registry
// code with modifications for how file I/O is handled in this library.
int INTERNAL RgReplaceFileOnSysExit( LPCSTR lpFileName ) {
int ErrorCode; char ReplaceFileName[MAX_PATH]; char SaveFileName[MAX_PATH];
if (RgGenerateAltFileName(lpFileName, ReplaceFileName, 'R') && RgGetFileAttributes(ReplaceFileName) == (FILE_ATTRIBUTE_READONLY | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN)) {
// If we were able to generate the replace file name, then we must be
// able to generate the save file name, so ignore the result.
RgGenerateAltFileName(lpFileName, SaveFileName, 'S'); RgDeleteHiveFile(SaveFileName);
// Preserve the current hive in case something fails below.
if (!RgSetFileAttributes(lpFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONE) || !RgRenameFile(lpFileName, SaveFileName)) ErrorCode = ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED;
else { // Now try to move the replacement in.
if (!RgSetFileAttributes(ReplaceFileName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NONE) || !RgRenameFile(ReplaceFileName, lpFileName)) { ErrorCode = ERROR_REGISTRY_IO_FAILED; RgRenameFile(SaveFileName, lpFileName); } else RgDeleteFile(SaveFileName); }
return ErrorCode;
// RgReplaceFileInfo
// Called during registry detach to do any necessary file replacements as a
// result of calling RegReplaceKey.
int INTERNAL RgReplaceFileInfo( LPFILE_INFO lpFileInfo ) {
if (lpFileInfo-> Flags & FI_REPLACEMENTEXISTS) RgReplaceFileOnSysExit(lpFileInfo-> FileName);