// Copyright (C) Microsoft Corporation, 1995
// Implementation of RegSetValue, RegSetValueEx and supporting functions.
#include "pch.h"
// RgReAllocKeyRecord
int INTERNAL RgReAllocKeyRecord( HKEY hKey, DWORD Length, LPKEY_RECORD FAR* lplpKeyRecord ) {
int ErrorCode; LPKEY_RECORD lpOldKeyRecord; UINT BlockIndex; UINT KeyRecordIndex; LPDATABLOCK_INFO lpOldDatablockInfo; LPKEYNODE lpKeynode;
if (Length > MAXIMUM_KEY_RECORD_SIZE) { return ERROR_BIGKEY_NEEDED; // A big key is required
lpOldKeyRecord = *lplpKeyRecord;
BlockIndex = HIWORD(lpOldKeyRecord-> DatablockAddress); KeyRecordIndex = LOWORD(lpOldKeyRecord-> DatablockAddress);
// Check if we can simply extend this key record by taking space from an
// adjacent free record.
if (RgExtendKeyRecord(hKey-> lpFileInfo, BlockIndex, (UINT) Length, lpOldKeyRecord) == ERROR_SUCCESS) return ERROR_SUCCESS;
// Check if there's enough space in the datablock lpCurrKeyRecord is in to
// contain a key record of the specified size. If so, then we don't have
// to dirty the keynode.
if (RgAllocKeyRecordFromDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, BlockIndex, (UINT) Length, lplpKeyRecord) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// After an alloc, we must refetch these pointers because they may be
// invalid.
lpOldDatablockInfo = RgIndexDatablockInfoPtr(hKey-> lpFileInfo, BlockIndex); lpOldKeyRecord = RgIndexKeyRecordPtr(lpOldDatablockInfo, KeyRecordIndex);
// Transfer all the data to the new record, except for the allocated
// size which is already correctly set.
MoveMemory(&(*lplpKeyRecord)-> DatablockAddress, &lpOldKeyRecord-> DatablockAddress, SmallDword(lpOldKeyRecord-> RecordSize) - sizeof(DWORD));
RgFreeKeyRecord(lpOldDatablockInfo, lpOldKeyRecord);
// Update the key record table to point to the new key record.
lpOldDatablockInfo-> lpKeyRecordTable[KeyRecordIndex] = (KEY_RECORD_TABLE_ENTRY) ((LPBYTE) (*lplpKeyRecord) - (LPBYTE) lpOldDatablockInfo-> lpDatablockHeader);
// Check if we can allocate a key record from another datablock. If so,
// then copy the key to the other datablock and update the keynode.
if (RgLockInUseKeynode(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if ((ErrorCode = RgAllocKeyRecord(hKey-> lpFileInfo, (UINT) Length, lplpKeyRecord)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// After an alloc, we must refetch these pointers because they may
// be invalid.
lpOldDatablockInfo = RgIndexDatablockInfoPtr(hKey-> lpFileInfo, BlockIndex); lpOldKeyRecord = RgIndexKeyRecordPtr(lpOldDatablockInfo, KeyRecordIndex);
// Transfer all the data to the new record, except for the
// allocated size which is already correctly set.
MoveMemory(&(*lplpKeyRecord)-> RecordSize, &lpOldKeyRecord-> RecordSize, SmallDword(lpOldKeyRecord-> RecordSize) - (sizeof(DWORD) * 2));
RgFreeKeyRecord(lpOldDatablockInfo, lpOldKeyRecord); RgFreeKeyRecordIndex(lpOldDatablockInfo, KeyRecordIndex);
// Unlock the old datablock.
RgUnlockDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, BlockIndex, TRUE);
// Update the open key and keynode to point to the key record in
// the new datablock.
hKey-> BlockIndex = (*lplpKeyRecord)-> BlockIndex; hKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex = hKey-> BlockIndex; lpKeynode-> BlockIndex = hKey-> BlockIndex; hKey-> KeyRecordIndex = (BYTE) (*lplpKeyRecord)-> KeyRecordIndex; lpKeynode-> KeyRecordIndex = hKey-> KeyRecordIndex;
RgUnlockKeynode(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, TRUE);
return ErrorCode;
// RgSetValue
// (BIGKEY aware)
int INTERNAL RgSetValue( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpValueName, DWORD Type, LPBYTE lpData, UINT cbData ) { int ErrorCode; HKEY hKeyExtent; UINT Index; LPSTR ExtentKeyName; DWORD cbExtentKeyName; WORD NameID = 1; WORD MaxNameID = 0; LPKEY_RECORD lpKeyRecord; LPVALUE_RECORD lpValueRecord; LPKEYNODE lpKeynode; BOOL fTryRoot = FALSE;
ErrorCode = RgSetValueStd(hKey, lpValueName, Type, lpData, cbData, FALSE);
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_BIGKEY_NEEDED) { //
// Couldn't fit the value in the key, make it a big key
// (if it isn't one already)
// First delete its old value if it exists
ErrorCode = RgLookupValueByName(hKey, lpValueName, &lpKeyRecord, &lpValueRecord);
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // If a value record already existed, and it was not in the root of the big key
// then we should try inserting the new value record into the root, after deleting
// it from its old location.
if (hKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex != hKey-> BlockIndex) fTryRoot = TRUE;
RgDeleteValueRecord(lpKeyRecord, lpValueRecord); RgUnlockDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex, TRUE); } else if (ErrorCode != ERROR_CANTREAD16_FILENOTFOUND32) { return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY; }
if (IsNullPtr(ExtentKeyName = RgSmAllocMemory(MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH))) return ERROR_OUTOFMEMORY;
// Second, search for room in each of the big key's extents
// (we should never mark the root with an LK_BIGKEYEXT, otherwise it won't be found
// by RgLookupKey and RgLookupKeyByIndex)
if ((hKey-> Flags & KEYF_BIGKEYROOT)) { if (fTryRoot) { // This happens if the value record previously existed in a big key extension,
// but the new value record doesn't fit in the same extension, so we want to try
// the root of the big key.
if ((ErrorCode = RgSetValueStd(hKey, lpValueName, Type, lpData, cbData, TRUE)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto lFreeKeyName; } }
Index = 0; do { cbExtentKeyName = MAXIMUM_SUB_KEY_LENGTH; if (RgLookupKeyByIndex(hKey, Index++, ExtentKeyName, &cbExtentKeyName, LK_BIGKEYEXT) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto lGrowKey; }
NameID = RgAtoW(ExtentKeyName);
if (NameID > MaxNameID) MaxNameID = NameID;
if (RgLookupKey(hKey, ExtentKeyName, &hKeyExtent, LK_OPEN | LK_BIGKEYEXT) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto lGrowKey; }
ErrorCode = RgSetValueStd(hKeyExtent, lpValueName, Type, lpData, cbData, TRUE);
} while (ErrorCode == ERROR_BIGKEY_NEEDED);
goto lFreeKeyName; }
// Third, make it a big key, or if it is a big key, then grow it
lGrowKey: // Create a unique name for the big key extent
if (MaxNameID) NameID = MaxNameID + 1;
RgWtoA(NameID, ExtentKeyName);
if ((ErrorCode = RgLookupKey(hKey, ExtentKeyName, &hKeyExtent, LK_CREATE)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
// Mark the parent as the big key root, if it isn't already
if (!(hKey-> Flags & KEYF_BIGKEYROOT)) { if ((ErrorCode = RgLockInUseKeynode(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto lFreeKeyName;
lpKeynode-> Flags |= KNF_BIGKEYROOT; hKey-> Flags |= KEYF_BIGKEYROOT;
RgUnlockKeynode(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, TRUE); }
// Mark the new key as a big key extent
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockInUseKeynode(hKeyExtent-> lpFileInfo, hKeyExtent-> KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto lFreeKeyName;
lpKeynode-> Flags |= KNF_BIGKEYEXT; RgUnlockKeynode(hKeyExtent-> lpFileInfo, hKeyExtent-> KeynodeIndex, TRUE);
// Now add the value record to the new key
ErrorCode = RgSetValueStd(hKeyExtent, lpValueName, Type, lpData, cbData, TRUE);
ASSERT(ErrorCode != ERROR_BIGKEY_NEEDED); RgDestroyKeyHandle(hKeyExtent); }
lFreeKeyName: RgSmFreeMemory(ExtentKeyName);
return ErrorCode; }
// RgSetValueStd
int INTERNAL RgSetValueStd( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpValueName, DWORD Type, LPBYTE lpData, UINT cbData, BOOL fBigKeyExtent ) {
int ErrorCode; UINT ValueNameLength; UINT NewValueRecordLength; LPKEY_RECORD lpKeyRecord; LPVALUE_RECORD lpValueRecord; UINT CurrentValueRecordLength; LPBYTE lpDestination; UINT BytesToExtend; UINT TempCount; LPKEYNODE lpKeynode;
ValueNameLength = (IsNullPtr(lpValueName) ? 0 : (UINT) StrLen(lpValueName));
NewValueRecordLength = sizeof(VALUE_RECORD) + ValueNameLength + cbData - 1;
if (!fBigKeyExtent) { ErrorCode = RgLookupValueByName(hKey, lpValueName, &lpKeyRecord, &lpValueRecord); } else { // If we didn't find it searching from the root of a bigkey, then we won't
// find it beginning from an extent.
// A value with this name already exists, so update the existing
// VALUE_RECORD with the new information.
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
CurrentValueRecordLength = sizeof(VALUE_RECORD) + lpValueRecord-> NameLength + lpValueRecord-> DataLength - 1;
// Is the value record staying the same?
if (NewValueRecordLength == CurrentValueRecordLength) { if (lpValueRecord-> DataLength == cbData && lpValueRecord-> DataType == Type && CompareMemory((LPBYTE) lpValueRecord-> Name + ValueNameLength, lpData, cbData) == 0) { RgUnlockDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex, FALSE); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } }
// Is the value record shrinking?
if (NewValueRecordLength < CurrentValueRecordLength) { lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize -= (CurrentValueRecordLength - NewValueRecordLength); }
// Is the value record growing?
else if (NewValueRecordLength > CurrentValueRecordLength) {
BytesToExtend = NewValueRecordLength - CurrentValueRecordLength;
// Does the value record fit in the allocated key size?
if (BytesToExtend > SmallDword(lpKeyRecord-> AllocatedSize) - SmallDword(lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize)) {
TempCount = (LPBYTE) lpValueRecord - (LPBYTE) lpKeyRecord;
// Grow the key record
if ((ErrorCode = RgReAllocKeyRecord(hKey, lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize + BytesToExtend, &lpKeyRecord)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgUnlockDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex, FALSE); return ErrorCode; }
lpValueRecord = (LPVALUE_RECORD) ((LPBYTE) lpKeyRecord + TempCount);
lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize += BytesToExtend;
lpDestination = (LPBYTE) lpValueRecord + NewValueRecordLength; TempCount = (UINT) ((LPBYTE) lpKeyRecord + SmallDword(lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize) - lpDestination);
if (TempCount > 0) { MoveMemory(lpDestination, (LPBYTE) lpValueRecord + CurrentValueRecordLength, TempCount); }
// No value exists with this name. Place a new VALUE_RECORD at the end of
// the KEY_RECORD.
else if (ErrorCode == ERROR_CANTREAD16_FILENOTFOUND32) {
// Handle Win95 registries that don't have a key record for the root
// key. We don't check if this is really the root key, but it doesn't
// matter much.
if (IsNullBlockIndex(hKey-> BlockIndex)) {
if (RgLockInUseKeynode(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, &lpKeynode) != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto LockKeynodeFailed;
if (RgAllocKeyRecord(hKey-> lpFileInfo, sizeof(KEY_RECORD) + NewValueRecordLength, &lpKeyRecord) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgUnlockKeynode(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, FALSE); LockKeynodeFailed: TRAP(); return ERROR_CANTOPEN; // Win95 compatibility
lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize = sizeof(KEY_RECORD); lpKeyRecord-> NameLength = 1; // Win95 compatibility
lpKeyRecord-> Name[0] = '\0'; // Win95 compatibility
lpKeyRecord-> ValueCount = 0; lpKeyRecord-> ClassLength = 0; lpKeyRecord-> Reserved = 0;
lpKeynode-> BlockIndex = lpKeyRecord-> BlockIndex; lpKeynode-> KeyRecordIndex = lpKeyRecord-> KeyRecordIndex;
hKey-> BlockIndex = (WORD) lpKeynode-> BlockIndex; hKey-> KeyRecordIndex = (BYTE) lpKeynode-> KeyRecordIndex;
RgUnlockKeynode(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, TRUE);
ErrorCode = ERROR_SUCCESS; goto AddValueRecord;
if ((ErrorCode = RgLockKeyRecord(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BlockIndex, hKey-> KeyRecordIndex, &lpKeyRecord)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
if (NewValueRecordLength > SmallDword(lpKeyRecord-> AllocatedSize) - SmallDword(lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize)) {
if ((ErrorCode = RgReAllocKeyRecord(hKey, lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize + NewValueRecordLength, &lpKeyRecord)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgUnlockDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BlockIndex, FALSE); return ErrorCode; }
AddValueRecord: hKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex = hKey-> BlockIndex; lpValueRecord = (LPVALUE_RECORD) ((LPBYTE) lpKeyRecord + SmallDword(lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize)); lpKeyRecord-> RecordSize += NewValueRecordLength; lpKeyRecord-> ValueCount++;
// If we're successful at this point, then lpValueRecord is valid and we
// should copy the data into this record.
if (ErrorCode == ERROR_SUCCESS) {
lpValueRecord-> DataType = Type;
lpValueRecord-> NameLength = (WORD) ValueNameLength; MoveMemory(lpValueRecord-> Name, lpValueName, ValueNameLength);
lpValueRecord-> DataLength = (WORD) cbData; MoveMemory((LPBYTE) lpValueRecord-> Name + ValueNameLength, lpData, cbData);
RgUnlockDatablock(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> BigKeyLockedBlockIndex, TRUE);
return ErrorCode;
// VMMRegSetValueEx
// See Win32 documentation of RegSetValueEx.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegSetValueEx( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpValueName, DWORD Reserved, DWORD Type, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData ) {
int ErrorCode;
if (IsBadOptionalStringPtr(lpValueName, (UINT) -1)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
// bad Windows 95 compatibility problem. If the type is REG_SZ,
// then override cbData with the length of the string pointed to by lpData.
// This should have only been done in RegSetValue, but we're stuck with it
// now...
if (Type == REG_SZ) { if (IsBadStringPtr(lpData, (UINT) -1)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; cbData = StrLen(lpData);
// Must leave room for the null terminator
if (cbData >= MAXIMUM_DATA_LENGTH) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } else { if (cbData > 0 && IsBadHugeReadPtr(lpData, cbData)) return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; }
if (!RgLockRegistry()) return ERROR_LOCK_FAILED;
if ((ErrorCode = RgValidateAndConvertKeyHandle(&hKey)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { if (IsDynDataKey(hKey) || (hKey-> lpFileInfo-> Flags & FI_READONLY)) ErrorCode = ERROR_ACCESS_DENIED; else { if ((ErrorCode = RgSetValue(hKey, lpValueName, Type, lpData, (UINT) cbData)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { RgSignalWaitingNotifies(hKey-> lpFileInfo, hKey-> KeynodeIndex, REG_NOTIFY_CHANGE_LAST_SET); } } }
return ErrorCode;
// VMMRegSetValue
// See Win32 documentation of RegSetValue.
LONG REGAPI VMMRegSetValue( HKEY hKey, LPCSTR lpSubKey, DWORD Type, LPBYTE lpData, DWORD cbData ) {
LONG ErrorCode; HKEY hSubKey;
if ((ErrorCode = RgCreateOrOpenKey(hKey, lpSubKey, &hSubKey, LK_CREATE)) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ErrorCode = VMMRegSetValueEx(hSubKey, NULL, 0, REG_SZ, lpData, 0); VMMRegCloseKey(hSubKey); }
return ErrorCode;