#include "component.h"
#include <wchar.h>
#include <tchar.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
// Implementation of the Component Class
// Constructor
Component::Component(){ tszComponentId[0] = 0; tszParentId[0] = 0; prlNeedList = new RelationList; prlExcludeList = new RelationList; prlChildrenList = new RelationList;
// Another constructor
Component::Component(TCHAR *tszId){ _tcscpy(tszComponentId, tszId); tszParentId[0] = 0; prlNeedList = new RelationList; prlExcludeList = new RelationList; prlChildrenList = new RelationList; }
// Destructor
if (prlNeedList) { delete prlNeedList; }
if (prlExcludeList) { delete prlExcludeList; }
if (prlChildrenList) { delete prlChildrenList; } }
// Copy constructor
Component::Component(const Component& source){
_tcscpy(tszComponentId, source.tszComponentId); _tcscpy(tszParentId, source.tszParentId);
prlNeedList = source.prlNeedList; prlExcludeList = source.prlExcludeList; prlChildrenList = source.prlChildrenList;
// Assignment operator
const Component& Component::operator=(const Component& source){
_tcscpy(tszComponentId, source.tszComponentId); _tcscpy(tszComponentId, source.tszParentId);
if (prlNeedList) { delete prlNeedList; }
if (prlExcludeList) { delete prlExcludeList; }
if (prlChildrenList) { delete prlChildrenList; }
prlNeedList = source.prlNeedList; prlExcludeList = source.prlExcludeList; prlChildrenList = source.prlChildrenList;
return *this;
// Find the parent of this component
// by searching a component list
Component* Component::GetParent(ComponentList *pclHead){
Component *pcTemp = pclHead->pcCurrent;
while (!pclHead->Done()) {
if (pclHead->GetNext()->IsParent(this)){ pclHead->pcCurrent = pcTemp; return (pclHead->GetNext()); } }
pclHead->pcCurrent = pcTemp;
return NULL; }
// If this component is the parent of the parameter
BOOL Component::IsParent(Component* pcChild){
if (_tcscmp(pcChild->tszParentId, this->tszComponentId) == 0) { if (_tcscmp(pcChild->tszComponentId, pcChild->tszParentId) == 0) { // the parameter is a top-level component
return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// If this component is the child of the parameter
BOOL Component::IsChild(Component* pcParent){
if (_tcscmp(this->tszParentId, pcParent->tszComponentId) == 0) { if (_tcscmp(this->tszParentId, this->tszComponentId) == 0 ) {
// This is a top-level component
return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Check if this component is needed by the parameter
BOOL Component::IsNeededBy(Component *pcComponent){
while (!pcComponent->prlNeedList->Done()) {
if (_tcscmp(pcComponent->prlNeedList->GetNext()->tszComponentId, this->tszComponentId) == 0){ return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Check if this component is excluded by the parameter
BOOL Component::IsExcludeBy(Component *pcComponent){
while (!pcComponent->prlExcludeList->Done()) {
if (_tcscmp(pcComponent->prlNeedList->GetNext()->tszComponentId, this->tszComponentId) == 0) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Get this component's parent id from INF file
BOOL Component::GetParentIdFromINF(HINF hinfHandle){
INFCONTEXT infContext;
BOOL bSuccess;
bSuccess = SetupFindFirstLine(hinfHandle, tszComponentId, TEXT("Parent"), &infContext);
if (bSuccess) { // Find the line
bSuccess = SetupGetStringField(&infContext, 1, tszParentId, MaxBufferSize, NULL); if (bSuccess) { return TRUE; } else{ MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Unexpected error happened"), TEXT("GetParentIdFromINF"), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
return FALSE; } } else{ // This is a top-level component
_tcscpy(tszParentId, tszComponentId); return TRUE; } }
// Check if this component is a toplevel compoent
// Toplevel component means no parent
BOOL Component::IsTopLevelComponent(){ if (_tcscmp(tszComponentId, tszParentId) == 0) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Check if this component is a bottomlevel component
// bottom level component doesn't have any child
BOOL Component::IsBottomComponent(){ if (prlChildrenList == NULL || prlChildrenList->prHead == NULL) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Check if this component is needed by others
BOOL Component::IsNeededByOthers(ComponentList *pclList){ Component *pcTemp = pclList->pcCurrent;
pclList->ResetList(); while (!pclList->Done()) { if (IsNeededBy(pclList->GetNext())){ pclList->pcCurrent = pcTemp; return TRUE; } }
pclList->pcCurrent = pcTemp;
return FALSE; }
// Check if this component is excluded by others
BOOL Component::IsExcludedByOthers(ComponentList *pclList){
Component *pcTemp = pclList->pcCurrent; pclList->ResetList(); while (!pclList->Done()) { if (IsExcludeBy(pclList->GetNext())){ pclList->pcCurrent = pcTemp; return TRUE; } }
pclList->pcCurrent = pcTemp;
return FALSE; }
// Check if this component is parent of other components
BOOL Component::IsParentOfOthers(){ if (prlChildrenList != NULL && prlChildrenList->prHead != NULL) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; }
// Build the children list for this component
BOOL Component::BuildChildrenList(ComponentList *pclList){ // We can't use the enumerate facility of pclList here
Component *pcComponent = pclList->pcHead;
while (pcComponent) { if (IsParent(pcComponent)) { if (!prlChildrenList) { prlChildrenList = new RelationList; } prlChildrenList->AddRelation(pcComponent->tszComponentId); } pcComponent = pcComponent->Next; }
return TRUE;
// Check if this component has a need and exclude relation with other
// component at the same time
BOOL Component::NeedAndExcludeAtSameTime(ComponentList *pclList){ TCHAR tszMsg[MaxStringSize];
Component *pcComponent; const PTSTR tszFunctionName = TEXT("Component::NeedAndExcludeAtSameTime");
// Go through the list of component it excludes
// check if any of them needs this one
while (!prlExcludeList->Done()){ pcComponent = pclList->LookupComponent(prlExcludeList->GetNext()->GetComponentId());
// Check if this needs pcComponent
if (pcComponent->IsNeededBy(this)){ _stprintf(tszMsg, TEXT("%s is needed and excluded by the same component"), this->tszComponentId); LogError(tszMsg, SEV2, tszFunctionName);
return TRUE; }
// Check if pcComponent needs this
if (this->IsNeededBy(pcComponent)){ _stprintf(tszMsg, TEXT("%s is needed and excluded by the same component"), this->tszComponentId); LogError(tszMsg, SEV2, tszFunctionName);
return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
// Check if this component needs other components
BOOL Component::NeedOthers(){ if (prlNeedList != NULL && prlNeedList->prHead != NULL) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Check if this component excludes other components
BOOL Component::ExcludeOthers(){ if (prlExcludeList != NULL && prlExcludeList->prHead != NULL) { return TRUE; } return FALSE; }
// Check if there is another component with the same
// id as this component
BOOL Component::IsThereSameId(ComponentList *pclList){
Component *pcCur; TCHAR tszMsg[MaxStringSize];
const PTSTR tszFunctionName = TEXT("Component::IsThereSameId");
pcCur = pclList->pcHead;
while (pcCur) { if (pcCur != this) { if (_tcscmp(pcCur->tszComponentId, this->tszComponentId) == 0) { _stprintf(tszMsg, TEXT("There are two component with the same ID %s"), this->tszComponentId); LogError(tszMsg, SEV2, tszFunctionName);
} } pcCur = pcCur->Next; }
return TRUE; }
// Not implemented yet
UINT Component::GetDiskSpaceRequirement(HINF hinfHandle){
// Not implemented yet.
return 0; }
// Check if this another component with the same description
BOOL Component::IsThereSameDesc(ComponentList *pclList){
const PTSTR tszFunctionName = TEXT("Component::IsThereSameDesc");
TCHAR tszMsg[MaxStringSize];
Component *pcCur = pclList->pcHead;
while (pcCur) { if (pcCur != this) { if (_tcscmp(pcCur->pDescAndTip->tszDesc, this->pDescAndTip->tszDesc) == 0) { if ((this->IsTopLevelComponent() && pcCur->IsTopLevelComponent()) || this->HasSameParentWith(pcCur)) {
// ahha, found one
_stprintf(tszMsg, TEXT("Two components with the same description %s"), pDescAndTip->tszDesc); LogError(tszMsg, SEV2, tszFunctionName);
} } } pcCur = pcCur->Next; }
return TRUE; }
// Check if this component has the same parent as the parameter
BOOL Component::HasSameParentWith(Component *pcComponent){ if (_tcscmp(tszParentId, pcComponent->tszParentId) == 0) { return TRUE; } else{ return FALSE; } }
// Implementation of the ComponentList class
// Constructor
pcHead = NULL;
pcCurrent = NULL; }
// destructor
// Go through the list and delete each component
Component *pcComponent;
if (pcHead == NULL) { // Empty list
return; }
while(pcHead != NULL){ pcComponent = pcHead->Next;
delete pcHead;
pcHead = pcComponent;
} }
// List iteration facility
// reset the iterator
void ComponentList::ResetList(){
pcCurrent = pcHead; }
// Check if the iterator has reached the end
BOOL ComponentList::Done(){
return (pcCurrent == NULL); }
// Get the next node in the list
Component* ComponentList::GetNext(){
Component *pcReturn; pcReturn = pcCurrent; if (pcCurrent != NULL) { pcCurrent = pcReturn->Next; return pcReturn; }
else{ MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Something is seriously wrong"), TEXT("ComponentList.GetNext()"), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
return NULL; } } // Add a component into the list
Component* ComponentList::AddComponent(TCHAR *tszId){
if (tszId == NULL) { return NULL; }
Component *pcNewComponent = new Component(tszId);
if (!pcHead) { pcHead = pcNewComponent; pcNewComponent->Next = NULL; return pcNewComponent; }
pcNewComponent->Next = pcHead; pcHead = pcNewComponent; return pcNewComponent; }
// Remove a component from the list according to the id given
BOOL ComponentList::RemoveComponent(TCHAR *tszId){ if (tszId == NULL) { return NULL; }
// Find the component in the list
Component *pcPrev = pcHead; Component *pcCur = pcHead;
while (pcCur) { if (_tcscmp(pcCur->tszComponentId, tszId) == 0) { // Found the node to delete
pcPrev->Next = pcCur->Next; delete pcCur; return TRUE; } pcPrev = pcCur; pcCur = pcCur->Next; } return FALSE; }
// Find a component from the list
Component* ComponentList::LookupComponent(TCHAR *tszId){ if (tszId == NULL) { return NULL; }
Component *pcCur = pcHead;
while (pcCur) { if (_tcscmp(pcCur->tszComponentId, tszId) == 0) { return pcCur; } pcCur = pcCur->Next; }
return NULL; }
// Implementation of RelationList
// Constructor
prHead = NULL; prCurrent = NULL; }
// destructor
// deallocate all the memory
Relation *prNext;
if (prHead == NULL) { // The list is empty
while (prNext = prHead->Next) { delete prHead; prHead = prNext; } }
// List iteration facility
// reset the iterator
void RelationList::ResetList(){ prCurrent = prHead; }
// Check if the iterator has reached the end of the list
BOOL RelationList::Done(){ if (prCurrent == NULL) { return TRUE; } else{ return FALSE; } }
// Get the next node in the list
Relation* RelationList::GetNext(){ Relation *prReturn = prCurrent;
if (prCurrent != NULL) { prCurrent = prCurrent->Next; return prReturn; } else{ MessageBox(NULL, TEXT("Something is seriously wrong"), TEXT("RelationList::GetNext()"), MB_ICONERROR | MB_OK);
return NULL; } }
// Add a node to the list
Relation* RelationList::AddRelation(TCHAR *tszId){ Relation *newRelation = new Relation;
_tcscpy(newRelation->tszComponentId, tszId);
if (!prHead) { prHead = newRelation; newRelation->Next = NULL; return newRelation; }
newRelation->Next = prHead;
prHead = newRelation;
return newRelation; }
// Remove a node from the list
BOOL RelationList::RemoveRelation(TCHAR *tszId){ // First find the node from the list
Relation *prPrev = prHead; prCurrent = prHead;
while (prCurrent) { if (_tcscmp(prCurrent->tszComponentId, tszId) == 0) { prPrev->Next = prCurrent->Next; delete prCurrent; return TRUE; } prPrev = prCurrent; prCurrent = prCurrent->Next; } return FALSE; }