// RefDial.cpp : Implementation of CRefDial
//#include "stdafx.h"
//#include "icwhelp.h"
#include <urlmon.h>
#include "commerr.h"
#include "RefDial.h"
#include "msobcomm.h"
#include "appdefs.h"
#include "commerr.h"
#include "util.h"
#include "msobdl.h"
//#include <mshtmhst.h>
const WCHAR c_szCreditsMagicNum[] = L"1 425 555 1212";
const WCHAR c_szRegStrValDigitalPID[] = L"DigitalProductId"; const WCHAR c_szSignedPIDFName[] = L"signed.pid";
const WCHAR c_szRASProfiles[] = L"RemoteAccess\\Profile"; const WCHAR c_szProxyEnable[] = L"ProxyEnable"; const WCHAR c_szURLReferral[] = L"URLReferral"; const WCHAR c_szRegPostURL[] = L"RegPostURL"; const WCHAR c_szStayConnected[] = L"Stayconnected"; static const WCHAR szOptionTag[] = L"<OPTION>%s";
WCHAR g_BINTOHEXLookup[16] = { L'0',L'1',L'2',L'3',L'4',L'5',L'6',L'7', L'8',L'9',L'A',L'B',L'C',L'D',L'E',L'F' };
extern CObCommunicationManager* gpCommMgr;
extern BOOL isAlnum(WCHAR c);
// ############################################################################
for (t=buf;*s; s++) { if (*s == L' ') *t++ = L'+'; else if (isAlnum(*s)) *t++ = *s; else { wsprintf(t, L"%%%02X", (WCHAR) *s); t += 3; } } *t = L'\0'; return hr; }
// Function: LineCallback()
// Synopsis: Call back for TAPI line
void CALLBACK LineCallback(DWORD hDevice, DWORD dwMessage, DWORD_PTR dwInstance, DWORD_PTR dwParam1, DWORD_PTR dwParam2, DWORD_PTR dwParam3) { return; }
void WINAPI MyProgressCallBack ( HINTERNET hInternet, DWORD_PTR dwContext, DWORD dwInternetStatus, LPVOID lpvStatusInformation, DWORD dwStatusInformationLength ) { CRefDial *pRefDial = (CRefDial *)dwContext; int prc;
if (!dwContext) return;
switch(dwInternetStatus) { case CALLBACK_TYPE_PROGRESS: prc = *(int*)lpvStatusInformation; // Set the status string ID
pRefDial->m_DownloadStatusID = 0;//IDS_RECEIVING_RESPONSE;
// Post a message to fire an event
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_DOWNLOAD_PROGRESS, gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, prc); break;
case CALLBACK_TYPE_URL: if (lpvStatusInformation) lstrcpy(pRefDial->m_szRefServerURL, (LPWSTR)lpvStatusInformation); break;
default: //TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, L"CONNECT:Unknown Internet Status (%d.\n"), dwInternetStatus);
pRefDial->m_DownloadStatusID = 0; break; } }
DWORD WINAPI DownloadThreadInit(LPVOID lpv) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; CRefDial *pRefDial = (CRefDial*)lpv; HINSTANCE hDLDLL = NULL; // Download .DLL
hDLDLL = LoadLibrary(DOWNLOAD_LIBRARY); if (!hDLDLL) { hr = ERROR_DOWNLOAD_NOT_FOUND; //AssertMsg(0, L"icwdl missing");
goto ThreadInitExit; }
// Set up for download
fp = GetProcAddress(hDLDLL, DOWNLOADINIT); if (fp == NULL) { hr = ERROR_DOWNLOAD_NOT_FOUND; //AssertMsg(0, L"DownLoadInit API missing");
goto ThreadInitExit; }
hr = ((PFNDOWNLOADINIT)fp)(pRefDial->m_szUrl, (DWORD FAR *)pRefDial, &pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad, gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto ThreadInitExit;
// Set up call back for progress dialog
fp = GetProcAddress(hDLDLL, DOWNLOADSETSTATUS); //Assert(fp);
hr = ((PFNDOWNLOADSETSTATUS)fp)(pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad, (INTERNET_STATUS_CALLBACK)MyProgressCallBack);
// Download stuff MIME multipart
fp = GetProcAddress(hDLDLL, DOWNLOADEXECUTE); //Assert(fp);
hr = ((PFNDOWNLOADEXECUTE)fp)(pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad); if (hr) { goto ThreadInitExit; }
fp = GetProcAddress(hDLDLL, DOWNLOADPROCESS); //Assert(fp);
hr = ((PFNDOWNLOADPROCESS)fp)(pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad); if (hr) { goto ThreadInitExit; }
// Clean up
if (pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad) { fp = GetProcAddress(hDLDLL, DOWNLOADCLOSE); //Assert(fp);
((PFNDOWNLOADCLOSE)fp)(pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad); pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad = 0; }
// Call the OnDownLoadCompelete method
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) { PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_DOWNLOAD_DONE, gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, 0); }
// Free the libs used to do the download
if (hDLDLL) FreeLibrary(hDLDLL);
return hr; }
// Function: RasErrorToIDS()
// Synopsis: Interpret and wrap RAS errors
DWORD RasErrorToIDS(DWORD dwErr) { switch(dwErr) { case SUCCESS: return 0;
case ERROR_NO_ANSWER: // No pick up
case ERROR_NO_CARRIER: // No negotiation
case ERROR_PPP_TIMEOUT: // get this on CHAP timeout
case ERROR_HARDWARE_FAILURE: // modem turned off
case ERROR_PORT_ALREADY_OPEN: // procomm/hypertrm/RAS has COM port
case ERROR_PORT_OR_DEVICE: // got this when hypertrm had the device open -- jmazner
DWORD DoConnMonitor(LPVOID lpv) { if (gpCommMgr) gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->ConnectionMonitorThread(NULL);
return 1; }
void CreateConnMonitorThread(LPVOID lpv) { DWORD dwThreadID; if (gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_hConnMonThread) gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->TerminateConnMonitorThread();
gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_hConnMonThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DoConnMonitor, (LPVOID)0, 0, &dwThreadID);
HRESULT CRefDial::OnDownloadEvent(UINT uMsg, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam, BOOL* bHandled) { if (uMsg == WM_OBCOMM_DOWNLOAD_DONE) { DWORD dwThreadResults = STILL_ACTIVE; int iRetries = 0;
// We keep the RAS connection open here, it must be explicitly
// close by the container (a call DoHangup)
// This code will wait until the download thread exists, and
// collect the download status.
if (m_hThread) { do { if (!GetExitCodeThread(m_hThread, &dwThreadResults)) { //ASSERT(0, L"CONNECT:GetExitCodeThread failed.\n");
iRetries++; if (dwThreadResults == STILL_ACTIVE) Sleep(500); } while (dwThreadResults == STILL_ACTIVE && iRetries < MAX_EXIT_RETRIES); m_hThread = NULL; }
// BUGBUG: Is bstrURL used for anything??
// See if there is an URL to pass to the container
BSTR bstrURL; if (m_szRefServerURL[0] != L'\0') bstrURL = SysAllocString(m_szRefServerURL); else bstrURL = NULL;
// The download is complete now, so we reset this to TRUE, so the RAS
// event handler does not get confused
m_bDownloadHasBeenCanceled = TRUE;
// Read and parse the download folder.
*bHandled = ParseISPInfo(NULL, ICW_ISPINFOPath, TRUE);
// Free any memory allocated above during the conversion
} return 0; }
// Function: TerminateConnMonitorThread()
// Synopsis: Termintate connection monitor thread
void CRefDial::TerminateConnMonitorThread() { DWORD dwThreadResults = STILL_ACTIVE; int iRetries = 0;
if (m_hConnMonThread) { SetEvent(m_hConnectionTerminate);
// We keep the RAS connection open here, it must be explicitly
// close by the container (a call DoHangup)
// This code will wait until the monitor thread exists, and
// collect the status.
do { if (!GetExitCodeThread(m_hConnMonThread, &dwThreadResults)) { break; }
iRetries++; if (dwThreadResults == STILL_ACTIVE) Sleep(500); } while (dwThreadResults == STILL_ACTIVE && iRetries < MAX_EXIT_RETRIES);
CloseHandle(m_hConnMonThread); m_hConnMonThread = NULL; } }
// Function: ConnectionMonitorThread()
// Synopsis: Monitor connection status
DWORD CRefDial::ConnectionMonitorThread(LPVOID pdata) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
MSG msg; DWORD dwRetCode; HANDLE hEventList[1]; BOOL bConnected;
m_hConnectionTerminate = CreateEvent(NULL, TRUE, FALSE, NULL);
hEventList[0] = m_hConnectionTerminate;
while(TRUE) { // We will wait on window messages and also the named event.
dwRetCode = MsgWaitForMultipleObjects(1, &hEventList[0], FALSE, 1000, // 1 second
QS_ALLINPUT); if(dwRetCode == WAIT_TIMEOUT) { RasGetConnectStatus(&bConnected); // If we've got disconnected, then we notify UI
if (!bConnected) { PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONDIALERROR, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)ERROR_REMOTE_DISCONNECTION); break; } } else if(dwRetCode == WAIT_OBJECT_0) { break; } else if(dwRetCode == WAIT_OBJECT_0 + 1) { if (PeekMessage(&msg, NULL, 0, 0, PM_REMOVE)) { if (WM_QUIT == msg.message) { //*pbRetVal = FALSE;
break; } else { TranslateMessage(&msg); DispatchMessage(&msg); } } }
} CloseHandle(m_hConnectionTerminate); m_hConnectionTerminate = NULL; return hr; }
// Function: RasDialFunc()
// Synopsis: Call back for RAS
void CALLBACK CRefDial::RasDialFunc(HRASCONN hRas, UINT unMsg, RASCONNSTATE rasconnstate, DWORD dwError, DWORD dwErrorEx) { if (gpCommMgr) { if (dwError) { if (ERROR_USER_DISCONNECTION != dwError) { gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->DoHangup(); //gpCommMgr->Fire_DialError((DWORD)rasconnstate);
TRACE1(L"DialError %d", dwError);
gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwRASErr = dwError; // Store dialing error
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONDIALERROR, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwRASErr); } } else { switch(rasconnstate) { case RASCS_OpenPort: //gpCommMgr->Fire_Dialing((DWORD)rasconnstate);
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONDIALING, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)0); break;
case RASCS_StartAuthentication: // WIN 32 only
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONCONNECTING, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)0); break; case RASCS_Authenticate: // WIN 32 only
if (IsNT()) PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONCONNECTING, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)0); break; case RASCS_PortOpened: break; case RASCS_ConnectDevice: break; case RASCS_DeviceConnected: case RASCS_AllDevicesConnected: PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONCONNECTING, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)0); break; case RASCS_Connected: { CreateConnMonitorThread(NULL); PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONCONNECTED, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)0); break; } case RASCS_Disconnected: {
if (CONNECTED_REFFERAL == gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType && !gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_bDownloadHasBeenCanceled) { HINSTANCE hDLDLL = LoadLibrary(DOWNLOAD_LIBRARY); if (hDLDLL) { FARPROC fp = GetProcAddress(hDLDLL, DOWNLOADCANCEL); if(fp) ((PFNDOWNLOADCANCEL)fp)(gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwDownLoad); FreeLibrary(hDLDLL); hDLDLL = NULL; gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_bDownloadHasBeenCanceled = TRUE; } }
// If we get a disconnected status from the RAS server, then
// hangup the modem here
gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->DoHangup(); //gpCommMgr->Fire_DialError((DWORD)rasconnstate);
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONDISCONNECT, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)0); break; }
default: break; } } } return; }
// CRefDial
CRefDial::CRefDial() {
HKEY hkey = NULL; DWORD dwResult = 0;
*m_szCurrentDUNFile = 0; *m_szLastDUNFile = 0; *m_szEntryName = 0; *m_szConnectoid = 0; *m_szPID = 0; *m_szRefServerURL = 0; *m_szRegServerName = 0; m_nRegServerPort = INTERNET_INVALID_PORT_NUMBER; m_fSecureRegServer = FALSE; *m_szRegFormAction = 0; *m_szISPSupportNumber = 0; *m_szISPFile = 0; m_hrDisplayableNumber = ERROR_SUCCESS; m_dwCountryCode = 0; m_RasStatusID = 0; m_dwTapiDev = 0xFFFFFFFF; // NOTE: 0 is a valid value
m_dwWizardVersion = 0; m_lCurrentModem = -1; m_lAllOffers = 0; m_PhoneNumberEnumidx = 0; m_dwRASErr = 0; m_bDownloadHasBeenCanceled = TRUE; // This will get set to FALSE when a DOWNLOAD starts
m_bQuitWizard = FALSE; m_bTryAgain = FALSE; m_bDisconnect = FALSE; m_bDialCustom = FALSE; m_bModemOverride = FALSE; //allows campus net to be used.
m_hrasconn = NULL; m_pszDisplayable = NULL; m_pcRNA = NULL; m_hRasDll = NULL; m_fpRasDial = NULL; m_fpRasGetEntryDialParams = NULL; m_lpGatherInfo = new GATHERINFO; m_reflpRasEntryBuff = NULL; m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; m_hThread = NULL; m_hDialThread = NULL; m_hConnMonThread = NULL; m_bUserInitiateHangup = FALSE; m_pszOriginalDisplayable = NULL; m_bDialAlternative = TRUE;
memset(&m_SuggestInfo, 0, sizeof(m_SuggestInfo)); memset(&m_szConnectoid, 0, RAS_MaxEntryName+1);
m_dwAppMode = 0; m_bDial = FALSE; m_dwCnType = CONNECTED_ISP_SIGNUP; m_pszISPList = FALSE; m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers = 0; m_pCSVList = NULL; m_unSelectedISP = 0;
m_bstrPromoCode = SysAllocString(L"\0"); m_bstrProductCode = SysAllocString(L"\0"); m_bstrSignedPID = SysAllocString(L"\0"); m_bstrSupportNumber = SysAllocString(L"\0"); m_bstrLoggingStartUrl = SysAllocString(L"\0"); m_bstrLoggingEndUrl = SysAllocString(L"\0");
// This Critical Section is used by DoHangup and GetDisplayableNumber
InitializeCriticalSection (&m_csMyCriticalSection);
// Initialize m_dwConnectionType.
m_dwConnectionType = 0; if ( RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ICSSETTINGSPATH,&hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSize = sizeof(DWORD); DWORD dwType = REG_DWORD;
if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, ICSCLIENT,NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&dwResult, &dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) dwResult = 0;
RegCloseKey(hkey); } if ( 0 != dwResult ) m_dwConnectionType = CONNECTION_ICS_TYPE; }
CRefDial::~CRefDial() {
if (m_hrasconn) DoHangup();
if (m_hConnMonThread) { SetEvent(m_hConnectionTerminate); }
if (NULL != m_hThread) { CloseHandle(m_hThread); m_hThread = NULL; }
if (NULL != m_hDialThread) { CloseHandle(m_hDialThread); m_hDialThread = NULL; }
if (NULL != m_hConnMonThread) { CloseHandle(m_hConnMonThread); m_hConnMonThread = NULL; }
if (m_lpGatherInfo) delete(m_lpGatherInfo);
if( (m_pcRNA!=NULL) && (*m_szConnectoid != 0) ) { m_pcRNA->RasDeleteEntry(NULL, m_szConnectoid); }
if ( m_pcRNA ) delete m_pcRNA;
if(m_reflpRasEntryBuff) { GlobalFree(m_reflpRasEntryBuff); m_reflpRasEntryBuff = NULL; } if(m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff) { GlobalFree(m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff); m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; } if (m_pszISPList) delete [] m_pszISPList; DeleteCriticalSection(&m_csMyCriticalSection);
if (m_pszOriginalDisplayable) { GlobalFree(m_pszOriginalDisplayable); m_pszOriginalDisplayable = NULL; }
CleanISPList(); }
void CRefDial::CleanISPList(void) { if (m_pCSVList) { ISPLIST* pCurr; while (m_pCSVList->pNext != NULL) { pCurr = m_pCSVList; if (NULL != m_pCSVList->pElement) { delete pCurr->pElement; } m_pCSVList = pCurr->pNext; delete pCurr; } if (NULL != m_pCSVList->pElement) delete m_pCSVList->pElement; delete m_pCSVList; m_pCSVList = NULL; m_pSelectedISPInfo = NULL; } }
// These functions come from the existing ICW code and are use to setup a
// connectiod to the referral server, dial it, and perform the download.
// Function: ReadConnectionInformation
// Synopsis: Read the contents from the ISP file
// Arguments: none
// Returns: error value - ERROR_SUCCESS = succes
// History: 1/9/98 DONALDM Adapted from ICW 1.x
//INT _convert;
DWORD CRefDial::ReadConnectionInformation(void) {
DWORD hr; WCHAR szUserName[UNLEN+1]; WCHAR szPassword[PWLEN+1]; LPWSTR pszTemp; BOOL bReboot; LPWSTR lpRunOnceCmd;
bReboot = FALSE; lpRunOnceCmd = NULL;
// Get the name of DUN file from ISP file, if there is one.
WCHAR pszDunFile[MAX_PATH]; *m_szCurrentDUNFile = 0; hr = GetDataFromISPFile(m_szISPFile, INF_SECTION_ISPINFO, INF_DUN_FILE, pszDunFile,MAX_PATH); if (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) { //
// Get the full path to the DUN File
WCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; lstrcpy(szTempPath, pszDunFile); if (!(hr = SearchPath(NULL, szTempPath,NULL,MAX_PATH,pszDunFile,&pszTemp))) { //ErrorMsg1(m_hWnd, IDS_CANTREADTHISFILE, CharUpper(pszDunFile));
goto ReadConnectionInformationExit; }
// save current DUN file name in global (for ourself)
lstrcpy(m_szCurrentDUNFile, pszDunFile); }
// Read the DUN/ISP file File
hr = m_ISPImport.ImportConnection(*m_szCurrentDUNFile != 0 ? m_szCurrentDUNFile : m_szISPFile, m_szISPSupportNumber, m_szEntryName, szUserName, szPassword, &bReboot);
lstrcpyn( m_szConnectoid, m_szEntryName, lstrlen(m_szEntryName) + 1);
if (/*(VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == g_dwPlatform) &&*/ (ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER == hr)) { // If there are only dial-out entries configured on NT, we get
// ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER returned from RasSetEntryProperties,
// which InetConfigClient returns to ImportConnection which
// returns it to us. If we get this error, we want to display
// a different error instructing the user to configure a modem
// for dial-out.
// GetSz(IDS_TITLE),
goto ReadConnectionInformationExit; } else if (ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY == hr) { //
// The disk is full, or something is wrong with the
// phone book file
// GetSz(IDS_TITLE),
goto ReadConnectionInformationExit; } else if (hr == ERROR_CANCELLED) { ////TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, L"ICWHELP: User cancelled, quitting.\n");
goto ReadConnectionInformationExit; } else if (hr == ERROR_RETRY) { //TraceMsg(TF_GENERAL, L"ICWHELP: User retrying.\n");
goto ReadConnectionInformationExit; } else if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { ////ErrorMsg1(m_hWnd, IDS_CANTREADTHISFILE, CharUpper(pszDunFile));
goto ReadConnectionInformationExit; } else {
// place the name of the connectoid in the registry
goto ReadConnectionInformationExit; } }
ReadConnectionInformationExit: return hr; }
HRESULT CRefDial::ReadPhoneBook(LPGATHERINFO lpGatherInfo, PSUGGESTINFO pSuggestInfo) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_CANNOT_FIND_PHONEBOOK_ENTRY;; if (pSuggestInfo && m_lpGatherInfo) { //
// If phonenumber is not filled in by the ISP file,
// get phone number from oobe phone book
pSuggestInfo->wNumber = 1; lpGatherInfo->m_bUsePhbk = TRUE;
WCHAR szEntrySection[3]; WCHAR szEntryName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szEntryValue[MAX_PATH]; INT nPick = 1; INT nTotal= 3;
WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pszTemp;
// Get Country ID from TAPI
m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.dwCountryCode = m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryCode;
// Get the name of phone book
GetPrivateProfileString(INF_SECTION_ISPINFO, INF_PHONE_BOOK, cszOobePhBkFile, szEntryValue, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szEntryValue), m_szISPFile);
SearchPath(NULL, szEntryValue,NULL,MAX_PATH,&szFileName[0],&pszTemp); wsprintf(szEntrySection, L"%ld", m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryID);
// Read the total number of phone numbers
nTotal = GetPrivateProfileInt(szEntrySection, cszOobePhBkCount, 1, szFileName);
GetPrivateProfileString(szEntrySection, cszOobePhBkRandom, L"No", szEntryValue, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szEntryValue), szFileName);
if (0 == lstrcmp(szEntryValue, L"Yes")) { // Pick a random number to dial
nPick = (rand() % nTotal) + 1; } else { nPick = (pSuggestInfo->dwPick % nTotal) + 1; }
// Read the name of the city
wsprintf(szEntryName, cszOobePhBkCity, nPick); GetPrivateProfileString(szEntrySection, szEntryName, L"", szEntryValue, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szEntryValue), szFileName); lstrcpy(pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szCity, szEntryValue); if (0 == lstrlen(szEntryValue)) { goto ReadPhoneBookExit; }
// Read the dunfile entry from the phonebook
// lstrcpy(pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szDataCenter, L"icwip.dun");
wsprintf(szEntryName, cszOobePhBkDunFile, nPick); GetPrivateProfileString(szEntrySection, szEntryName, L"", szEntryValue, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szEntryValue), szFileName); lstrcpy(pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szDataCenter, szEntryValue); if (0 == lstrlen(szEntryValue)) { goto ReadPhoneBookExit; }
// Pick up country code from the Phonebook
wsprintf(szEntryName, cszOobePhBkAreaCode, nPick); GetPrivateProfileString(szEntrySection, szEntryName, L"", szEntryValue, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szEntryValue), szFileName); lstrcpy(pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szAreaCode, szEntryValue); // No area code is possible
// Read the phone number (without areacode) from the Phonebook
wsprintf(szEntryName, cszOobePhBkNumber, nPick); GetPrivateProfileString(szEntrySection, szEntryName, L"", szEntryValue, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szEntryValue), szFileName); lstrcpy(pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szAccessNumber, szEntryValue); if (0 == lstrlen(szEntryValue)) { goto ReadPhoneBookExit; }
hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; } ReadPhoneBookExit: return hr; }
HRESULT CRefDial::GetDisplayableNumber() { HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry = NULL; LPRASDEVINFO lpRasDevInfo = NULL; DWORD dwRasEntrySize = 0; DWORD dwRasDevInfoSize = 0; RNAAPI *pcRNA = NULL; LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT lpOutput1 = NULL;
// Turns out that DialThreadInit can call this at the same time
// that script will call this. So, we need to prevent them from
// stepping on shared variables - m_XXX.
EnterCriticalSection (&m_csMyCriticalSection);
// Get phone number from connectoid
hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties(NULL, m_szConnectoid, &lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, &lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS || NULL == lpRasEntry) { goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
// If this is a dial as is number, just get it from the structure
m_bDialAsIs = !(lpRasEntry->dwfOptions & RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes); if (m_bDialAsIs) { if (m_pszDisplayable) GlobalFree(m_pszDisplayable); m_pszDisplayable = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber)); if (!m_pszDisplayable) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } lstrcpy(m_szPhoneNumber, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber); lstrcpy(m_pszDisplayable, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber); WCHAR szAreaCode[MAX_AREACODE+1]; WCHAR szCountryCode[8]; if (SUCCEEDED(tapiGetLocationInfo(szCountryCode, szAreaCode))) { if (szCountryCode[0] != L'\0') m_dwCountryCode = _wtoi(szCountryCode); else m_dwCountryCode = 1; } else { m_dwCountryCode = 1;
} else { //
// If there is no area code, don't use parentheses
if (lpRasEntry->szAreaCode[0]) wsprintf(m_szPhoneNumber, L"+%lu (%s) %s\0",lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode, lpRasEntry->szAreaCode, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber); else wsprintf(m_szPhoneNumber, L"+%lu %s\0",lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber);
// Initialize TAPIness
dwNumDev = 0;
DWORD dwVer = 0x00020000;
hr = lineInitializeEx(&m_hLineApp, NULL, LineCallback, NULL, &dwNumDev, &dwVer, NULL);
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto GetDisplayableNumberExit;
lpExtensionID = (LPLINEEXTENSIONID )GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(LINEEXTENSIONID)); if (!lpExtensionID) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
if (m_dwTapiDev == 0xFFFFFFFF) { m_dwTapiDev = 0; }
// ChrisK Olympus 5558 6/11/97
// PPTP device will choke the version negotiating
do { //E_FAIL here?
hr = lineNegotiateAPIVersion(m_hLineApp, m_dwTapiDev, 0x00010004, 0x00020000, &m_dwAPIVersion, lpExtensionID);
} while (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS && m_dwTapiDev++ < dwNumDev - 1);
if (m_dwTapiDev >= dwNumDev) { m_dwTapiDev = 0; }
// ditch it since we don't use it
if (lpExtensionID) GlobalFree(lpExtensionID); lpExtensionID = NULL; if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto GetDisplayableNumberExit;
// Format the phone number
lpOutput1 = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT)); if (!lpOutput1) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } lpOutput1->dwTotalSize = sizeof(LINETRANSLATEOUTPUT);
// Turn the canonical form into the "displayable" form
hr = lineTranslateAddress(m_hLineApp, m_dwTapiDev,m_dwAPIVersion, m_szPhoneNumber, 0, LINETRANSLATEOPTION_CANCELCALLWAITING, lpOutput1);
// We've seen hr == ERROR_SUCCESS but the size is too small,
// Also, the docs hint that some error cases are due to struct too small.
if (lpOutput1->dwNeededSize > lpOutput1->dwTotalSize) { lpOutput2 = (LPLINETRANSLATEOUTPUT)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t)lpOutput1->dwNeededSize); if (!lpOutput2) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; } lpOutput2->dwTotalSize = lpOutput1->dwNeededSize; GlobalFree(lpOutput1); lpOutput1 = lpOutput2; lpOutput2 = NULL; hr = lineTranslateAddress(m_hLineApp, m_dwTapiDev, m_dwAPIVersion, m_szPhoneNumber,0, LINETRANSLATEOPTION_CANCELCALLWAITING, lpOutput1); }
if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
if (m_pszDisplayable) { GlobalFree(m_pszDisplayable); } m_pszDisplayable = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ((size_t)lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringSize+1)); if (!m_pszDisplayable) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto GetDisplayableNumberExit; }
lstrcpyn(m_pszDisplayable, (LPWSTR)&((LPBYTE)lpOutput1)[lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringOffset], (int)(lpOutput1->dwDisplayableStringSize/sizeof(WCHAR)));
WCHAR szAreaCode[MAX_AREACODE+1]; WCHAR szCountryCode[8]; if (SUCCEEDED(tapiGetLocationInfo(szCountryCode, szAreaCode))) { if (szCountryCode[0] != L'\0') m_dwCountryCode = _wtoi(szCountryCode); else m_dwCountryCode = 1; } else { m_dwCountryCode = 1;
if (lpOutput1) GlobalFree(lpOutput1); if (m_hLineApp) lineShutdown(m_hLineApp);
// Release ownership of the critical section
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_csMyCriticalSection);
return hr; }
BOOL CRefDial::FShouldRetry(HRESULT hrErr) { BOOL bRC;
bRC = bRC && m_uiRetry < MAX_RETIES;
return bRC; } DWORD CRefDial:: DialThreadInit(LPVOID pdata) {
WCHAR szPassword[PWLEN+1]; WCHAR szUserName[UNLEN + 1]; WCHAR szDomain[DNLEN+1]; LPRASDIALPARAMS lpRasDialParams = NULL; LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS lpRasDialExtentions = NULL; HRESULT hr = ERROR_SUCCESS; BOOL bPW; DWORD dwResult; // Initialize the dial error member
m_dwRASErr = 0; if (!m_pcRNA) { hr = E_FAIL; goto DialExit; }
// Get connectoid information
lpRasDialParams = (LPRASDIALPARAMS)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS)); if (!lpRasDialParams) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto DialExit; } lpRasDialParams->dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALPARAMS); lstrcpyn(lpRasDialParams->szEntryName, m_szConnectoid,MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(lpRasDialParams->szEntryName)); bPW = FALSE; hr = m_pcRNA->RasGetEntryDialParams(NULL, lpRasDialParams,&bPW); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto DialExit; }
lpRasDialExtentions = (LPRASDIALEXTENSIONS)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(RASDIALEXTENSIONS)); if (lpRasDialExtentions) { lpRasDialExtentions->dwSize = sizeof(RASDIALEXTENSIONS); lpRasDialExtentions->dwfOptions = RDEOPT_UsePrefixSuffix; }
// Add the user's password
szPassword[0] = 0; szUserName[0] = 0;
GetPrivateProfileString(INFFILE_USER_SECTION, INFFILE_PASSWORD, NULLSZ, szPassword, PWLEN + 1, *m_szCurrentDUNFile != 0 ? m_szCurrentDUNFile : m_szISPFile);
if (m_lpGatherInfo->m_bUsePhbk) { if (GetPrivateProfileString(DUN_SECTION, USERNAME, NULLSZ, szUserName, UNLEN + 1, szOOBEInfoINIFile)) { if(szUserName[0]) lstrcpy(lpRasDialParams->szUserName, szUserName); }
if(szPassword[0]) lstrcpy(lpRasDialParams->szPassword, szPassword);
GetPrivateProfileString(INFFILE_USER_SECTION, INFFILE_DOMAIN, NULLSZ, szDomain, DNLEN + 1, *m_szCurrentDUNFile != 0 ? m_szCurrentDUNFile : m_szISPFile); szDomain[0] = 0; if (szDomain[0]) lstrcpy(lpRasDialParams->szDomain, szDomain);
dwResult = m_pcRNA->RasDial( lpRasDialExtentions, NULL, lpRasDialParams, 1, CRefDial::RasDialFunc, &m_hrasconn);
if (( dwResult != ERROR_SUCCESS)) { // We failed to connect for some reason, so hangup
if (m_hrasconn) { if (m_pcRNA) { m_pcRNA->RasHangUp(m_hrasconn); m_hrasconn = NULL; } } goto DialExit; }
if (m_bFromPhoneBook && (GetDisplayableNumber() == ERROR_SUCCESS)) { if (m_pszOriginalDisplayable) GlobalFree(m_pszOriginalDisplayable); m_pszOriginalDisplayable = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(m_pszDisplayable)); lstrcpy(m_pszOriginalDisplayable, m_pszDisplayable);
TRACE1(L"DialThreadInit: Dialing phone number %s", m_pszOriginalDisplayable);
m_bFromPhoneBook = FALSE; }
DialExit: if (lpRasDialParams) GlobalFree(lpRasDialParams); lpRasDialParams = NULL;
if (lpRasDialExtentions) GlobalFree(lpRasDialExtentions); lpRasDialExtentions = NULL;
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_DIAL_DONE, 0, 0); //m_dwRASErr = RasErrorToIDS(hr);
m_dwRASErr = hr; return S_OK; }
DWORD WINAPI DoDial(LPVOID lpv) { if (gpCommMgr) gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->DialThreadInit(NULL);
return 1; }
// This function will perform the actual dialing
HRESULT CRefDial::DoConnect(BOOL * pbRetVal) {
//Fix for redialing, on win9x we need to make sure we "hangup"
//and free the rna resources in case we are redialing.
//NT - is smart enough not to need it but it won't hurt.
if (m_hrasconn) { if (m_pcRNA) m_pcRNA->RasHangUp(m_hrasconn); m_hrasconn = NULL; }
if (CONNECTED_REFFERAL == m_dwCnType) FormReferralServerURL(pbRetVal);
#if defined(PRERELEASE)
if (FCampusNetOverride()) { m_bModemOverride = TRUE; if (gpCommMgr) { // Pretend we have the connection
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONCONNECTED, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType , (LPARAM)0);
// Pretend we have connection and downloaded
//PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_DOWNLOAD_DONE, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType, (LPARAM)0);
} } #endif
if (!m_bModemOverride) { DWORD dwThreadID; if (m_hThread) CloseHandle(m_hThread);
m_hDialThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DoDial, (LPVOID)0, 0, &dwThreadID); }
m_bModemOverride = FALSE;
*pbRetVal = (NULL != m_hThread);
return S_OK; }
// Function: MyRasGetEntryProperties()
// Synopsis: Performs some buffer size checks and then calls RasGetEntryProperties()
// See the RasGetEntryProperties() docs to understand why this is needed.
// Arguments: Same as RasGetEntryProperties with the following exceptions:
// lplpRasEntryBuff -- pointer to a pointer to a RASENTRY struct. On successfull
// return, *lplpRasEntryBuff will point to the RASENTRY struct
// and buffer returned by RasGetEntryProperties.
// NOTE: should not have memory allocated to it at call time!
// To emphasize this point, *lplpRasEntryBuff must be NULL
// lplpRasDevInfoBuff -- pointer to a pointer to a RASDEVINFO struct. On successfull
// return, *lplpRasDevInfoBuff will point to the RASDEVINFO struct
// and buffer returned by RasGetEntryProperties.
// NOTE: should not have memory allocated to it at call time!
// To emphasize this point, *lplpRasDevInfoBuff must be NULL
// NOTE: Even on a successfull call to RasGetEntryProperties,
// *lplpRasDevInfoBuff may return with a value of NULL
// (occurs when there is no extra device info)
// Returns: ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY if unable to allocate either RASENTRY or RASDEVINFO buffer
// Otherwise, it retuns the error code from the call to RasGetEntryProperties.
// NOTE: if return is anything other than ERROR_SUCCESS, *lplpRasDevInfoBuff and
// *lplpRasEntryBuff will be NULL,
// and *lpdwRasEntryBuffSize and *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize will be 0
// Example:
// LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry = NULL;
// DWORD dwRasEntrySize, dwRasDevInfoSize;
// hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties( NULL,
// g_pcDialErr->m_szConnectoid,
// &lpRasEntry,
// &dwRasEntrySize,
// &lpRasDevInfo,
// &dwRasDevInfoSize);
// if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS)
// {
// //handle errors here
// } else
// {
// //continue processing
// }
// History: 9/10/96 JMazner Created for icwconn2
// 9/17/96 JMazner Adapted for icwconn1
// 1/8/98 DONALDM Moved to the new ICW/GetConn project
HRESULT CRefDial::MyRasGetEntryProperties(LPWSTR lpszPhonebookFile, LPWSTR lpszPhonebookEntry, LPRASENTRY *lplpRasEntryBuff, LPDWORD lpdwRasEntryBuffSize, LPRASDEVINFO *lplpRasDevInfoBuff, LPDWORD lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize) {
HRESULT hr; DWORD dwOldDevInfoBuffSize;
//Assert( NULL != lplpRasEntryBuff );
//Assert( NULL != lpdwRasEntryBuffSize );
//Assert( NULL != lplpRasDevInfoBuff );
//Assert( NULL != lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize );
*lpdwRasEntryBuffSize = 0; *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize = 0;
if (!m_pcRNA) { m_pcRNA = new RNAAPI; hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; }
// use RasGetEntryProperties with a NULL lpRasEntry pointer to find out size buffer we need
// As per the docs' recommendation, do the same with a NULL lpRasDevInfo pointer.
hr = m_pcRNA->RasGetEntryProperties(lpszPhonebookFile, lpszPhonebookEntry, (LPBYTE) NULL, lpdwRasEntryBuffSize, (LPBYTE) NULL, lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize);
// we expect the above call to fail because the buffer size is 0
// If it doesn't fail, that means our RasEntry is messed, so we're in trouble
if( ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL != hr ) { goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; }
// dwRasEntryBuffSize and dwRasDevInfoBuffSize now contain the size needed for their
// respective buffers, so allocate the memory for them
// dwRasEntryBuffSize should never be less than the size of the RASENTRY struct.
// If it is, we'll run into problems sticking values into the struct's fields
//Assert( *lpdwRasEntryBuffSize >= sizeof(RASENTRY) );
if (m_reflpRasEntryBuff) { if (*lpdwRasEntryBuffSize > m_reflpRasEntryBuff->dwSize) { LPRASENTRY lpRasEntryTemp = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalReAlloc(m_reflpRasEntryBuff, *lpdwRasEntryBuffSize, GPTR); if (lpRasEntryTemp) { m_reflpRasEntryBuff = lpRasEntryTemp; } else { GlobalFree(m_reflpRasEntryBuff); m_reflpRasEntryBuff = NULL; } } } else { m_reflpRasEntryBuff = (LPRASENTRY)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, *lpdwRasEntryBuffSize); }
if (!m_reflpRasEntryBuff) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; }
// This is a bit convoluted: lpRasEntrySize->dwSize needs to contain the size of _only_ the
// RASENTRY structure, and _not_ the actual size of the buffer that lpRasEntrySize points to.
// This is because the dwSize field is used by RAS for compatability purposes to determine which
// version of the RASENTRY struct we're using.
// Same holds for lpRasDevInfo->dwSize
m_reflpRasEntryBuff->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY);
// Allocate the DeviceInfo size that RasGetEntryProperties told us we needed.
// If size is 0, don't alloc anything
if( *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize > 0 ) { //Assert( *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize >= sizeof(RASDEVINFO) );
if (m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff) { // check if existing size is not sufficient
if ( *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize > m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff->dwSize ) { LPRASDEVINFO lpRasDevInfoTemp = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalReAlloc(m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff, *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize, GPTR); if (lpRasDevInfoTemp) { m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff = lpRasDevInfoTemp; } else { GlobalFree(m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff); m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; } } } else { m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff = (LPRASDEVINFO)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize); }
if (!m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff) { hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; goto MyRasGetEntryPropertiesErrExit; } } else { m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; }
if( m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff ) { m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); }
// now we're ready to make the actual call...
// jmazner see below for why this is needed
dwOldDevInfoBuffSize = *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize;
hr = m_pcRNA->RasGetEntryProperties(lpszPhonebookFile, lpszPhonebookEntry, (LPBYTE) m_reflpRasEntryBuff, lpdwRasEntryBuffSize, (LPBYTE) m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff, lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize);
// jmazner 10/7/96 Normandy #8763
// For unknown reasons, in some cases on win95, devInfoBuffSize increases after the above call,
// but the return code indicates success, not BUFFER_TOO_SMALL. If this happens, set the
// size back to what it was before the call, so the DevInfoBuffSize and the actuall space allocated
// for the DevInfoBuff match on exit.
if( (ERROR_SUCCESS == hr) && (dwOldDevInfoBuffSize != *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize) ) { *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize = dwOldDevInfoBuffSize; }
*lplpRasEntryBuff = m_reflpRasEntryBuff; *lplpRasDevInfoBuff = m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff;
return( hr );
if(m_reflpRasEntryBuff) { GlobalFree(m_reflpRasEntryBuff); m_reflpRasEntryBuff = NULL; *lplpRasEntryBuff = NULL; } if(m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff) { GlobalFree(m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff); m_reflpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; *lplpRasDevInfoBuff = NULL; } *lpdwRasEntryBuffSize = 0; *lpdwRasDevInfoBuffSize = 0;
return( hr ); }
HRESULT MyGetFileVersion(LPCWSTR pszFileName, LPGATHERINFO lpGatherInfo) { HRESULT hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; DWORD dwSize = 0; DWORD dwTemp = 0; LPVOID pv = NULL, pvVerInfo = NULL; UINT uiSize; DWORD dwVerPiece; //int idx;
// verify parameters
//Assert(pszFileName && lpGatherInfo);
// Get version
dwSize = GetFileVersionInfoSize((LPWSTR)pszFileName, &dwTemp); if (!dwSize) { hr = GetLastError(); goto MyGetFileVersionExit; } pv = (LPVOID)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (size_t)dwSize); if (!pv) goto MyGetFileVersionExit; if (!GetFileVersionInfo((LPWSTR)pszFileName, dwTemp,dwSize,pv)) { hr = GetLastError(); goto MyGetFileVersionExit; }
if (!VerQueryValue(pv, L"\\\0",&pvVerInfo,&uiSize)) { hr = GetLastError(); goto MyGetFileVersionExit; } pvVerInfo = (LPVOID)((DWORD_PTR)pvVerInfo + sizeof(DWORD)*4); lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion[0] = L'\0'; dwVerPiece = (*((LPDWORD)pvVerInfo)) >> 16; wsprintf(lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion, L"%d.",dwVerPiece);
dwVerPiece = (*((LPDWORD)pvVerInfo)) & 0x0000ffff; wsprintf(lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion, L"%s%d.",lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion,dwVerPiece);
dwVerPiece = (((LPDWORD)pvVerInfo)[1]) >> 16; wsprintf(lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion, L"%s%d.",lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion,dwVerPiece);
dwVerPiece = (((LPDWORD)pvVerInfo)[1]) & 0x0000ffff; wsprintf(lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion, L"%s%d",lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion,dwVerPiece);
if (!VerQueryValue(pv, L"\\VarFileInfo\\Translation",&pvVerInfo,&uiSize)) { hr = GetLastError(); goto MyGetFileVersionExit; }
// separate version information from character set
lpGatherInfo->m_lcidApps = (LCID)(LOWORD(*(DWORD*)pvVerInfo));
MyGetFileVersionExit: if (pv) GlobalFree(pv);
return hr; }
DWORD CRefDial::FillGatherInfoStruct(LPGATHERINFO lpGatherInfo) { HKEY hkey = NULL; SYSTEM_INFO si; WCHAR szTempPath[MAX_PATH]; DWORD dwRet = ERROR_SUCCESS;
lpGatherInfo->m_lcidUser = GetUserDefaultLCID(); lpGatherInfo->m_lcidSys = GetSystemDefaultLCID();
OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if (!GetVersionEx(&osvi)) { // Nevermind, we'll just assume the version is 0.0 if we can't read it
ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); }
lpGatherInfo->m_dwOS = osvi.dwPlatformId; lpGatherInfo->m_dwMajorVersion = osvi.dwMajorVersion; lpGatherInfo->m_dwMinorVersion = osvi.dwMinorVersion;
ZeroMemory(&si, sizeof(SYSTEM_INFO)); GetSystemInfo(&si);
lpGatherInfo->m_wArchitecture = si.wProcessorArchitecture;
// Sign-up version
lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion[0] = L'\0'; if( MyGetModuleFileName(0/*_Module.GetModuleInstance()*/, szTempPath, MAX_PATH)) { if ((MyGetFileVersion(szTempPath, lpGatherInfo)) != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return (GetLastError()); } } else return( GetLastError() );
// 2/20/97 jmazner Olympus #259
if ( RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, ICWSETTINGSPATH,&hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; dwType = REG_SZ; dwSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_CCH(MAX_RELPROD + 1); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, RELEASEPRODUCTKEY,NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&lpGatherInfo->m_szRelProd[0],&dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) lpGatherInfo->m_szRelProd[0] = L'\0';
dwSize = BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_CCH(MAX_RELVER + 1); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, RELEASEVERSIONKEY,NULL,&dwType,(LPBYTE)&lpGatherInfo->m_szRelVer[0],&dwSize) != ERROR_SUCCESS) lpGatherInfo->m_szRelVer[0] = L'\0';
RegCloseKey(hkey); }
// PromoCode
lpGatherInfo->m_szPromo[0] = L'\0';
WCHAR szPIDPath[MAX_PATH]; // Reg path to the PID
// Form the Path, it is HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\Windows[ NT]\\CurrentVersion
lstrcpy(szPIDPath, L"");
// Form the Path, it is HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\Windows[ NT]\\CurrentVersion
lstrcpy(szPIDPath, L"Software\\Microsoft\\Windows"); lstrcat(szPIDPath, L"\\CurrentVersion");
// Get the Product ID for this machine
if ( RegOpenKey(HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szPIDPath,&hkey) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { DWORD dwSize; DWORD dwType; dwType = REG_BINARY; dwSize = sizeof(byDigitalPID); if (RegQueryValueEx(hkey, c_szRegStrValDigitalPID, NULL, &dwType, (LPBYTE)byDigitalPID, &dwSize) == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // BINHEX the digital PID data so we can send it to the ref_server
int i = 0; BYTE by; for (DWORD dwX = 0; dwX < dwSize; dwX++) { by = byDigitalPID[dwX]; m_szPID[i++] = g_BINTOHEXLookup[((by & 0xF0) >> 4)]; m_szPID[i++] = g_BINTOHEXLookup[(by & 0x0F)]; } m_szPID[i] = L'\0'; } else { m_szPID[0] = L'\0'; } RegCloseKey(hkey); } return( dwRet ); }
// ############################################################################
HRESULT CRefDial::CreateEntryFromDUNFile(LPWSTR pszDunFile) { WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szUserName[UNLEN+1]; WCHAR szPassword[PWLEN+1]; LPWSTR pszTemp; HRESULT hr; BOOL fNeedsRestart=FALSE;
// Get fully qualified path name
if (!SearchPath(NULL, pszDunFile,NULL,MAX_PATH,&szFileName[0],&pszTemp)) { hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto CreateEntryFromDUNFileExit; }
// save current DUN file name in global
lstrcpy(m_szCurrentDUNFile, &szFileName[0]);
hr = m_ISPImport.ImportConnection (&szFileName[0], m_szISPSupportNumber, m_szEntryName, szUserName, szPassword, &fNeedsRestart);
// place the name of the connectoid in the registry
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (StoreInSignUpReg((LPBYTE)m_szEntryName, BYTES_REQUIRED_BY_SZ(m_szEntryName), REG_SZ, RASENTRYVALUENAME))) { goto CreateEntryFromDUNFileExit; } lstrcpy(m_szLastDUNFile, pszDunFile);
CreateEntryFromDUNFileExit: return hr; }
HRESULT CRefDial::SetupForRASDialing ( LPGATHERINFO lpGatherInfo, HINSTANCE hPHBKDll, LPDWORD lpdwPhoneBook, PSUGGESTINFO pSuggestInfo, WCHAR *pszConnectoid, BOOL FAR *bConnectiodCreated ) {
// Load the connectoid
if (!m_pcRNA) m_pcRNA = new RNAAPI; if (!m_pcRNA) goto SetupForRASDialingExit;
prasentry = (RASENTRY*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(RASENTRY)+2); //Assert(prasentry);
if (!prasentry) { hr = GetLastError(); goto SetupForRASDialingExit; } prasentry->dwSize = sizeof(RASENTRY); dwRasentrySize = sizeof(RASENTRY);
prasdevinfo = (RASDEVINFO*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, sizeof(RASDEVINFO));
if (!prasdevinfo) { hr = GetLastError(); goto SetupForRASDialingExit; } prasdevinfo->dwSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO); dwRasdevinfoSize = sizeof(RASDEVINFO);
hr = ReadSignUpReg((LPBYTE)&szEntry[0], &dwSize, REG_SZ, RASENTRYVALUENAME); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto SetupForRASDialingExit;
hr = m_pcRNA->RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, szEntry, (LPBYTE)prasentry, &dwRasentrySize, (LPBYTE)prasdevinfo, &dwRasdevinfoSize); if (hr == ERROR_BUFFER_TOO_SMALL) { GlobalFree(prasentry); prasentry = (RASENTRY*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ((size_t)dwRasentrySize)); prasentry->dwSize = dwRasentrySize;
GlobalFree(prasdevinfo); prasdevinfo = (RASDEVINFO*)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ((size_t)dwRasdevinfoSize)); prasdevinfo->dwSize = dwRasdevinfoSize; hr = m_pcRNA->RasGetEntryProperties(NULL, szEntry, (LPBYTE)prasentry, &dwRasentrySize, (LPBYTE)prasdevinfo, &dwRasdevinfoSize); } if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto SetupForRASDialingExit;
// Check to see if the phone number was filled in
if (lstrcmp(&prasentry->szLocalPhoneNumber[0], DUN_NOPHONENUMBER) == 0) { //
// If phonenumber is not filled in by the ISP file,
// get phone number from oobe phone book
m_bFromPhoneBook = TRUE; hr = ReadPhoneBook(lpGatherInfo, pSuggestInfo); } else { ZeroMemory(pszConnectoid, dwSize); hr = ReadSignUpReg((LPBYTE)pszConnectoid, &dwSize, REG_SZ, RASENTRYVALUENAME); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto SetupForRASDialingExit;
// Use the RASENTRY that we have to create the connectiod
hr = m_pcRNA->RasSetEntryProperties(NULL, pszConnectoid, (LPBYTE)prasentry, dwRasentrySize, (LPBYTE)prasdevinfo, dwRasdevinfoSize); *bConnectiodCreated = TRUE; }
SetupForRASDialingExit: if (prasentry) GlobalFree(prasentry); if (prasdevinfo) GlobalFree(prasdevinfo);
return hr; }
// 10/22/96 jmazner Normandy #9923
// Since in SetupConnectoidExit we're treating results other than ERROR_SUCCESS as
// indicating successfull completion, we need bSuccess to provide a simple way for the
// caller to tell whether the function completed.
HRESULT CRefDial::SetupConnectoid ( PSUGGESTINFO pSuggestInfo, int irc, WCHAR *pszConnectoid, DWORD dwSize, BOOL *pbSuccess ) {
HRESULT hr = ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; RASENTRY *prasentry = NULL; RASDEVINFO *prasdevinfo = NULL; DWORD dwRasentrySize = 0; DWORD dwRasdevinfoSize = 0; HINSTANCE hPHBKDll = NULL; HINSTANCE hRasDll =NULL;
LPWSTR lpszSetupFile; LPRASCONN lprasconn = NULL;
if (!pSuggestInfo) { hr = ERROR_PHBK_NOT_FOUND; goto SetupConnectoidExit; }
lpszSetupFile = *m_szCurrentDUNFile != 0 ? m_szCurrentDUNFile : m_szISPFile;
WCHAR szFileName[MAX_PATH]; LPWSTR pszTemp;
SearchPath(NULL, pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szDataCenter,NULL,MAX_PATH,&szFileName[0],&pszTemp);
if(0 != lstrcmpi(m_szCurrentDUNFile, szFileName)) { hr = CreateEntryFromDUNFile(pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szDataCenter); if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { ZeroMemory(pszConnectoid, dwSize); hr = ReadSignUpReg((LPBYTE)pszConnectoid, &dwSize, REG_SZ, RASENTRYVALUENAME); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS) goto SetupConnectoidExit;
if( prasentry ) { GlobalFree( prasentry ); prasentry = NULL; dwRasentrySize = NULL; }
if( prasdevinfo ) { GlobalFree( prasdevinfo ); prasdevinfo = NULL; dwRasdevinfoSize = NULL; } } else { // 10/22/96 jmazner Normandy #9923
goto SetupConnectoidExit; } }
hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties(NULL, pszConnectoid, &prasentry, &dwRasentrySize, &prasdevinfo, &dwRasdevinfoSize); if (hr != ERROR_SUCCESS || NULL == prasentry) goto SetupConnectoidExit; /*
else { goto SetupConnectoidExit; }*/
prasentry->dwCountryID = pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.dwCountryID;
lstrcpyn(prasentry->szAreaCode, pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szAreaCode, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(prasentry->szAreaCode)); lstrcpyn(prasentry->szLocalPhoneNumber, pSuggestInfo->AccessEntry.szAccessNumber, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(prasentry->szLocalPhoneNumber));
prasentry->dwCountryCode = 0; prasentry->dwfOptions |= RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes;
// 10/19/96 jmazner Multiple modems problems
// If no device name and type has been specified, grab the one we've stored
// in ConfigRasEntryDevice
if( 0 == lstrlen(prasentry->szDeviceName) ) { // doesn't make sense to have an empty device name but a valid device type
//Assert( 0 == lstrlen(prasentry->szDeviceType) );
// double check that we've already stored the user's choice.
//Assert( lstrlen(m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceName) );
//Assert( lstrlen(m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceType) );
lstrcpyn( prasentry->szDeviceName, m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceName, lstrlen(m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceName) ); lstrcpyn( prasentry->szDeviceType, m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceType, lstrlen(m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceType) ); }
// Write out new connectoid
if (m_pcRNA) hr = m_pcRNA->RasSetEntryProperties(NULL, pszConnectoid, (LPBYTE)prasentry, dwRasentrySize, (LPBYTE)prasdevinfo, dwRasdevinfoSize);
// Set this connetiod to have not proxy enabled
lstrcpy(szConnectionProfile, c_szRASProfiles); lstrcat(szConnectionProfile, L"\\"); lstrcat(szConnectionProfile, pszConnectoid);
reg.CreateKey(HKEY_CURRENT_USER, szConnectionProfile); reg.SetValue(c_szProxyEnable, (DWORD)0);*/
*pbSuccess = FALSE;
if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS) *pbSuccess = TRUE; return hr; }
void CRefDial::GetISPFileSettings(LPWSTR lpszFile) {
(LPWSTR)cszBrandingSection, (LPWSTR)cszBrandingFlags, (int FAR *)&m_lBrandingFlags, BRAND_DEFAULT);*/
// Read the Support Number
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetDataFromISPFile(lpszFile, (LPWSTR)cszSupportSection, (LPWSTR)cszSupportNumber, szTemp, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szTemp))) { m_bstrSupportNumber= SysAllocString(szTemp); } else m_bstrSupportNumber = NULL;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetDataFromISPFile(lpszFile, (LPWSTR)cszLoggingSection, (LPWSTR)cszStartURL, szTemp, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szTemp))) { m_bstrLoggingStartUrl = SysAllocString(szTemp); } else m_bstrLoggingStartUrl = NULL;
if (ERROR_SUCCESS == GetDataFromISPFile(lpszFile, (LPWSTR)cszLoggingSection, (LPWSTR)cszEndURL, szTemp, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szTemp))) { m_bstrLoggingEndUrl = SysAllocString(szTemp); } else m_bstrLoggingEndUrl = NULL;
// This function will accept user selected values that are necessary to
// setup a connectiod for dialing
// Returns:
// TRUE OK to dial
// FALSE Some kind of problem
// QuitWizard - TRUE, then terminate
// UserPickNumber - TRUE, then display Pick a Number DLG
// QuitWizard and UserPickNumber both FALSE, then just
// display the page prior to Dialing UI.
HRESULT CRefDial::SetupForDialing ( UINT nType, BSTR bstrISPFile, DWORD dwCountry, BSTR bstrAreaCode, DWORD dwFlag, DWORD dwAppMode, DWORD dwMigISPIdx, LPCWSTR szRasDeviceName ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; long lRC = 0; HINSTANCE hPHBKDll = NULL; DWORD dwPhoneBook = 0; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bConnectiodCreated = FALSE; LPWSTR pszTemp; WCHAR szISPPath[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szShortISPPath[MAX_PATH];
m_dwCnType = nType; if (!bstrAreaCode) goto SetupForDialingExit;
{ if (!m_pCSVList) ParseISPInfo(NULL, ICW_ISPINFOPath, TRUE); if (m_pCSVList && (dwMigISPIdx < m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers)) { ISPLIST* pCurr = m_pCSVList; for( UINT i = 0; i < dwMigISPIdx && pCurr->pNext != NULL; i++) pCurr = pCurr->pNext;
if (NULL != (m_pSelectedISPInfo = (CISPCSV *) pCurr->pElement)) { lstrcpy(szShortISPPath, m_pSelectedISPInfo->get_szISPFilePath()); } } } else // ISP FILE SIGNUP
{ if (!bstrISPFile) goto SetupForDialingExit; lstrcpyn(szShortISPPath, bstrISPFile, MAX_PATH);
// Locate ISP file
if (!SearchPath(NULL, szShortISPPath,INF_SUFFIX,MAX_PATH,szISPPath,&pszTemp)) { hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto SetupForDialingExit; }
if(0 == lstrcmpi(m_szISPFile, szISPPath) && 0 == lstrcmpi(m_lpGatherInfo->m_szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode) && m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryID == dwCountry) { if (m_bDialCustom) { m_bDialCustom = FALSE; return S_OK; } // If ISP file is the same, no need to recreate connectoid
// Modify the connectiod here
// If we used the phonebook for this connectoid, we need to
// continue and import the dun files. Otherwise, we are done
if (!m_lpGatherInfo->m_bUsePhbk) { return S_OK; } if (m_bDialAlternative) { m_SuggestInfo.dwPick++; } } else { BOOL bRet; RemoveConnectoid(&bRet); m_SuggestInfo.dwPick = 0; m_bDialCustom = FALSE; }
if (CONNECTED_REFFERAL == m_dwCnType) { // Check whether the isp file is ICW capable by reading the referral URL
GetPrivateProfileString(INF_SECTION_ISPINFO, c_szURLReferral, L"", m_szRefServerURL, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, szISPPath); }
lstrcpy(m_szISPFile, szISPPath);
m_dwAppMode = dwAppMode;
// Initialize failure codes
m_bQuitWizard = FALSE; m_bUserPickNumber = FALSE; m_lpGatherInfo->m_bUsePhbk = FALSE;
// Stuff the Area Code, and Country Code into the GatherInfo struct
m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryID = dwCountry; m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryCode = dwFlag;
lstrcpyn( m_lpGatherInfo->m_szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(m_lpGatherInfo->m_szAreaCode) );
m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.dwCountryID = dwCountry; m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.dwCountryCode = dwFlag; lstrcpy(m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode);
lstrcpyn( m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceName, szRasDeviceName, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(m_ISPImport.m_szDeviceName) );
// Read the Connection File information which will create
// a connectiod from the passed in ISP file
hr = ReadConnectionInformation();
// If we failed for some reason above, we need to return
// the error to the caller, and Quit The Wizard.
if (S_OK != hr) goto SetupForDialingExit; FillGatherInfoStruct(m_lpGatherInfo);
// Setup, and possible create a connectiod
hr = SetupForRASDialing(m_lpGatherInfo, hPHBKDll, &dwPhoneBook, &m_SuggestInfo, &m_szConnectoid[0], &bConnectiodCreated); if (ERROR_SUCCESS != hr) { m_bQuitWizard = TRUE; goto SetupForDialingExit; }
// If we have a RASENTRY struct from SetupForRASDialing, then just use it
// otherwise use the suggest info
if (!bConnectiodCreated) {
// If there is only 1 suggested number, then we setup the
// connectiod, and we are ready to dial
if (1 == m_SuggestInfo.wNumber) { hr = SetupConnectoid(&m_SuggestInfo, 0, &m_szConnectoid[0], sizeof(m_szConnectoid), &bSuccess); if( !bSuccess ) { goto SetupForDialingExit; } } else { // More than 1 entry in the Phonebook, so we need to
// ask the user which one they want to use
hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto SetupForDialingExit; } }
// Success if we get to here
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != hr) *m_szISPFile = 0; return hr; }
HRESULT CRefDial::CheckPhoneBook ( BSTR bstrISPFile, DWORD dwCountry, BSTR bstrAreaCode, DWORD dwFlag, BOOL *pbRetVal ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; long lRC = 0; HINSTANCE hPHBKDll = NULL; DWORD dwPhoneBook = 0; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bConnectiodCreated = FALSE; LPWSTR pszTemp; WCHAR szISPPath[MAX_PATH];
*pbRetVal = FALSE; if (!bstrISPFile || !bstrAreaCode) { hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto CheckPhoneBookExit; }
// Locate ISP file
if (!SearchPath(NULL, bstrISPFile,INF_SUFFIX,MAX_PATH,szISPPath,&pszTemp)) { hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; goto CheckPhoneBookExit; }
//lstrcpy(m_szISPFile, szISPPath);
// Stuff the Area Code, and Country Code into the GatherInfo struct
m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryID = dwCountry; m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryCode = dwFlag;
lstrcpy(m_lpGatherInfo->m_szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode);
m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.dwCountryID = dwCountry; m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.dwCountryCode = dwFlag; lstrcpy(m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode);
// If phonenumber is not filled in by the ISP file,
// get phone number from oobe phone book
hr = ReadPhoneBook(m_lpGatherInfo, &m_SuggestInfo);
CheckPhoneBookExit: return hr; }
// This function will determine if we can connect to the next server in
// the same phone call
// Returns:
// S_OK OK to stay connected
// E_FAIL Need to redial
HRESULT CRefDial::CheckStayConnected(BSTR bstrISPFile, BOOL *pbVal) { BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; LPWSTR pszTemp; WCHAR szISPPath[MAX_PATH];
*pbVal = FALSE; // Locate ISP file
if (SearchPath(NULL, bstrISPFile,INF_SUFFIX,MAX_PATH,szISPPath,&pszTemp)) { if (GetPrivateProfileInt(INF_SECTION_CONNECTION, c_szStayConnected, 0, szISPPath)) { *pbVal = TRUE; } } return S_OK; } HRESULT CRefDial::RemoveConnectoid(BOOL * pVal) { if (m_hrasconn) DoHangup();
if( (m_pcRNA!=NULL) && (m_szConnectoid[0]!=L'\0') ) { m_pcRNA->RasDeleteEntry(NULL, m_szConnectoid); } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::GetDialPhoneNumber(BSTR * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Generate a Displayable number
if (GetDisplayableNumber() == ERROR_SUCCESS) *pVal = SysAllocString(m_pszDisplayable); else *pVal = SysAllocString(m_szPhoneNumber);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::GetPhoneBookNumber(BSTR * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Generate a Displayable number
if (m_pszOriginalDisplayable) *pVal = SysAllocString(m_pszOriginalDisplayable); else if (GetDisplayableNumber() == ERROR_SUCCESS) *pVal = SysAllocString(m_pszDisplayable); else *pVal = SysAllocString(m_szPhoneNumber);
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::PutDialPhoneNumber(BSTR bstrNewVal) {
LPRASENTRY lpRasEntry = NULL; LPRASDEVINFO lpRasDevInfo = NULL; DWORD dwRasEntrySize = 0; DWORD dwRasDevInfoSize = 0; RNAAPI *pcRNA = NULL; HRESULT hr;
// Get the current RAS entry properties
hr = MyRasGetEntryProperties(NULL, m_szConnectoid, &lpRasEntry, &dwRasEntrySize, &lpRasDevInfo, &dwRasDevInfoSize);
if (NULL ==lpRasDevInfo) { dwRasDevInfoSize = 0; }
if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS && NULL != lpRasEntry) { // Replace the phone number with the new one
lstrcpy(lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber, bstrNewVal);
// non-zero dummy values are required due to bugs in win95
lpRasEntry->dwCountryID = 1; lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode = 1; lpRasEntry->szAreaCode[1] = L'\0'; lpRasEntry->szAreaCode[0] = L'8';
// Set to dial as is
lpRasEntry->dwfOptions &= ~RASEO_UseCountryAndAreaCodes;
pcRNA = new RNAAPI; if (pcRNA) { TRACE6(L"CRefDial::put_DialPhoneNumber - MyRasGetEntryProperties()" L"lpRasEntry->dwfOptions: %ld" L"lpRasEntry->dwCountryID: %ld" L"lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode: %ld" L"lpRasEntry->szAreaCode: %s" L"lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber: %s" L"lpRasEntry->dwAlternateOffset: %ld", lpRasEntry->dwfOptions, lpRasEntry->dwCountryID, lpRasEntry->dwCountryCode, lpRasEntry->szAreaCode, lpRasEntry->szLocalPhoneNumber, lpRasEntry->dwAlternateOffset );
pcRNA->RasSetEntryProperties(NULL, m_szConnectoid, (LPBYTE)lpRasEntry, dwRasEntrySize, (LPBYTE)lpRasDevInfo, dwRasDevInfoSize);
delete pcRNA; m_bDialCustom = TRUE; } }
// Regenerate the displayable number
return S_OK; }
// Function: SetDialAlternative
// Synopsis: Set whether or not to look for another number in phonebook
// when dialing next time
HRESULT CRefDial::SetDialAlternative(BOOL bVal) { m_bDialAlternative = bVal;
return S_OK; }
// Function: DoHangup
// Synopsis: Hangup the modem for the currently active RAS session
HRESULT CRefDial::DoHangup() { // Set the disconnect flag as the system may be too busy with dialing.
// Once we get a chance to terminate dialing, we know we have to hangu
EnterCriticalSection (&m_csMyCriticalSection);
// Your code to access the shared resource goes here.
if (NULL != m_hrasconn) { RNAAPI* pRNA = new RNAAPI(); if (pRNA) { pRNA->RasHangUp(m_hrasconn); m_hrasconn = NULL; delete pRNA; } } // Release ownership of the critical section
LeaveCriticalSection (&m_csMyCriticalSection);
return (m_hrasconn == NULL) ? S_OK : E_POINTER; }
BOOL CRefDial::get_QueryString(WCHAR* szTemp, DWORD cchMax) { WCHAR szOOBEInfoINIFile[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szISPSignup[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szOEMName[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szQueryString[MAX_SECTIONS_BUFFER*2]; WCHAR szBroadbandDeviceName[MAX_STRING]; WCHAR szBroadbandDevicePnpid[MAX_STRING];
OSVERSIONINFO osvi; ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO);
if (!GetVersionEx(&osvi)) ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO));
if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_WINDOWS == osvi.dwPlatformId) m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwOS = 1; else if (VER_PLATFORM_WIN32_NT == osvi.dwPlatformId) m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwOS = 2; else m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwOS = 0;
DWORD dwOfferCode = 0; if(m_dwAppMode == APMD_MSN) { lstrcpy(szISPSignup, L"MSN"); } else { GetPrivateProfileString(cszSignup, cszISPSignup, L"", szISPSignup, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szISPSignup), szOOBEInfoINIFile); dwOfferCode = GetPrivateProfileInt(cszSignup, cszOfferCode, 0, szOOBEInfoINIFile); } GetPrivateProfileString(cszBranding, cszOEMName, L"", szOEMName, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szOEMName), szOOBEInfoINIFile);
GetPrivateProfileString(cszOptions, cszBroadbandDeviceName, L"", szBroadbandDeviceName, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szBroadbandDeviceName), szOOBEInfoINIFile); GetPrivateProfileString(cszOptions, cszBroadbandDevicePnpid, L"", szBroadbandDevicePnpid, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szBroadbandDevicePnpid), szOOBEInfoINIFile);
//DT tells the ISP if the query is coming from fullscreen OOBE or the desktop (windowed) version of OOBE. DT=1 means desktop version, DT=0 means fullscreen.
INT nDT = (m_dwAppMode == APMD_OOBE) ? 0 : 1;
wsprintf(szQueryString, L"LCID=%lu&TCID=%lu&ISPSignup=%s&OfferCode=%lu&OS=%lu%&BUILD=%ld&DT=%lu&OEMName=%s&BroadbandDeviceName=%s&BroadbandDevicePnpid=%s", GetUserDefaultUILanguage(), m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryID, szISPSignup, dwOfferCode, m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwOS, LOWORD(osvi.dwBuildNumber), nDT, szOEMName, szBroadbandDeviceName, szBroadbandDevicePnpid);
// Parse the ISP section in the INI file to find query pair to append
WCHAR *pszKeys = NULL; PWSTR pszKey = NULL; WCHAR szValue[MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulRetVal = 0; BOOL bEnumerate = TRUE; ULONG ulBufferSize = MAX_SECTIONS_BUFFER; WCHAR szOobeinfoPath[MAX_PATH + 1];
//BUGBUG :: this search path is foir the same file as the previous one and is redundant.
SearchPath(NULL, cszOOBEINFOINI, NULL, MAX_PATH, szOobeinfoPath, NULL);
// Loop to find the appropriate buffer size to retieve the ins to memory
ulBufferSize = MAX_KEYS_BUFFER; ulRetVal = 0;
if (!(pszKeys = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ulBufferSize*sizeof(WCHAR)))) { return FALSE; } while (ulRetVal < (ulBufferSize - 2)) {
ulRetVal = ::GetPrivateProfileString(cszISPQuery, NULL, L"", pszKeys, ulBufferSize, szOobeinfoPath); if (0 == ulRetVal) bEnumerate = FALSE;
if (ulRetVal < (ulBufferSize - 2)) { break; } GlobalFree( pszKeys ); ulBufferSize += ulBufferSize; pszKeys = (LPWSTR)GlobalAlloc(GPTR, ulBufferSize*sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!pszKeys) { bEnumerate = FALSE; }
if (bEnumerate) { // Enumerate each key value pair in the section
pszKey = pszKeys; while (*pszKey) { ulRetVal = ::GetPrivateProfileString(cszISPQuery, pszKey, L"", szValue, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szValue), szOobeinfoPath); if ((ulRetVal != 0) && (ulRetVal < MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szValue) - 1)) { // Append query pair
wsprintf(szQueryString, L"%s&%s=%s", szQueryString, pszKey, szValue); } pszKey += lstrlen(pszKey) + 1; } }
if(GetPrivateProfileInt(INF_SECTION_URL, ISP_MSNSIGNUP, 0, m_szISPFile)) { lstrcat(szQueryString, QUERY_STRING_MSNSIGNUP); }
if (pszKeys) GlobalFree( pszKeys );
if (cchMax < (DWORD)lstrlen(szQueryString) + 1) return FALSE;
lstrcpy(szTemp, szQueryString); return TRUE;
if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Get the URL from the ISP file, and then convert it
WCHAR szQuery[MAX_PATH * 4] = L"\0"; get_QueryString(szQuery, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szQuery));
wsprintf(szUrl, L"%s%s", szTemp, szQuery);
*pVal = SysAllocString(szUrl); } else *pVal = NULL;
} else { *pVal = NULL; } return S_OK; }
//BUGBUG:: this should be combined with get_SignupURL
HRESULT CRefDial::get_ReconnectURL(BSTR * pVal) { WCHAR szTemp[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH] = L"\0";
if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Get the URL from the ISP file, and then convert it
if(*szTemp) { get_QueryString(szQuery, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szQuery));
if (m_dwRASErr) dwErr = 1;
wsprintf(szUrl, L"%s%s&Error=%ld", szTemp, szQuery, dwErr);
*pVal = SysAllocString(szUrl); } else *pVal = NULL; } else { *pVal = NULL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::GetConnectionType(DWORD * pdwVal) { *pdwVal = m_dwConnectionType; return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::GetDialErrorMsg(BSTR * pVal) {
if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::GetSupportNumber(BSTR * pVal) {
WCHAR szSupportNumber[MAX_PATH];
if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
if (m_SupportInfo.GetSupportInfo(szSupportNumber, m_dwCountryCode)) *pVal = SysAllocString(szSupportNumber); else *pVal = NULL; */ return S_OK; }
BOOL CRefDial::IsDBCSString( CHAR *sz ) { if (!sz) return FALSE;
while( NULL != *sz ) { if (IsDBCSLeadByte(*sz)) return FALSE; sz++; }
return TRUE; }
// Function: RasGetConnectStatus
// Synopsis: Checks for existing Ras connection; return TRUE for connected
// Return FALSE for disconnect.
HRESULT CRefDial::RasGetConnectStatus(BOOL *pVal) { HRESULT hr = E_FAIL;
*pVal = FALSE;
if (NULL != m_hrasconn) { RASCONNSTATUS rasConnectState; rasConnectState.dwSize = sizeof(RASCONNSTATUS); if (m_pcRNA) { if (0 == m_pcRNA->RasGetConnectStatus(m_hrasconn, &rasConnectState)) { if (RASCS_Disconnected != rasConnectState.rasconnstate) *pVal = TRUE; }
hr = S_OK; } }
return hr; }
// Function: DoOfferDownload
// Synopsis: Download the ISP offer from the ISP server
HRESULT CRefDial::DoOfferDownload(BOOL *pbRetVal) { HRESULT hr; RNAAPI *pcRNA;
// Hide RNA window on Win95 retail
// MinimizeRNAWindow(m_pszConnectoid, g_hInst);
// 4/2/97 ChrisK Olympus 296
// g_hRNAZapperThread = LaunchRNAReestablishZapper(g_hInst);
// The connection is open and ready. Start the download.
m_dwThreadID = 0; m_hThread = CreateThread(NULL, 0, (LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)DownloadThreadInit, (LPVOID)this, 0, &m_dwThreadID);
// 5-1-97 ChrisK Olympus 2934
// m_objBusyMessages.Start(m_hWnd, IDC_LBLSTATUS,m_hrasconn);
// If we dont get the donwload thread, then kill the open
// connection
if (!m_hThread) { hr = GetLastError(); if (m_hrasconn) { pcRNA = new RNAAPI; if (pcRNA) { pcRNA->RasHangUp(m_hrasconn); m_hrasconn = NULL; delete pcRNA; pcRNA = NULL; } }
*pbRetVal = FALSE; } else { // Download has started.
m_bDownloadHasBeenCanceled = FALSE; *pbRetVal = TRUE; } return S_OK; }
// Form the Dialing URL. Must be called after setting up for dialing.
HRESULT CRefDial::FormReferralServerURL(BOOL * pbRetVal) {
WCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR szPromo[MAX_PATH]= L"\0"; WCHAR szProd[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR szArea[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; WCHAR szOEM[MAX_PATH] = L"\0"; DWORD dwCONNWIZVersion = 500; // Version of CONNWIZ.HTM
// ChrisK Olympus 3997 5/25/97
// Build URL complete with name value pairs
hr = GetDataFromISPFile(m_szISPFile, INF_SECTION_ISPINFO, INF_REFERAL_URL,&szTemp[0],256); if (L'\0' == szTemp[0]) { //MsgBox(IDS_MSNSU_WRONG, MB_MYERROR);
return hr; }
Sz2URLValue(m_szOEM, szOEM,0); Sz2URLValue(m_lpGatherInfo->m_szAreaCode, szArea,0); if (m_bstrProductCode) Sz2URLValue(m_bstrProductCode, szProd,0); else Sz2URLValue(DEFAULT_PRODUCTCODE, szProd,0);
if (m_bstrPromoCode) Sz2URLValue(((BSTR)m_bstrPromoCode), szPromo,0); else Sz2URLValue(DEFAULT_PROMOCODE, szPromo,0);
// ChrisK Olympus 3997 5/25/97
Sz2URLValue(m_lpGatherInfo->m_szRelProd, szRelProd, 0); Sz2URLValue(m_lpGatherInfo->m_szRelVer, szRelProdVer, 0); ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); osvi.dwOSVersionInfoSize = sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO); if (!GetVersionEx(&osvi)) { ZeroMemory(&osvi, sizeof(OSVERSIONINFO)); }
// Autoconfig will set alloffers always.
if ( m_lAllOffers || (m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwFlag & ICW_CFGFLAG_AUTOCONFIG) ) { m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwFlag |= ICW_CFGFLAG_ALLOFFERS; } wsprintf(m_szUrl, L"%slcid=%lu&sysdeflcid=%lu&appslcid=%lu&icwos=%lu&osver=%lu.%2.2d%s&arch=%u&promo=%s&oem=%s&area=%s&country=%lu&icwver=%s&prod=%s&osbld=%d&icwrp=%s&icwrpv=%s&wizver=%lu&PID=%s&cfgflag=%lu", szTemp, m_lpGatherInfo->m_lcidUser, m_lpGatherInfo->m_lcidSys, m_lpGatherInfo->m_lcidApps, m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwOS, m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwMajorVersion, m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwMinorVersion, ICW_OS_VER, m_lpGatherInfo->m_wArchitecture, szPromo, szOEM, szArea, m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryCode, &m_lpGatherInfo->m_szSUVersion[0], szProd, LOWORD(osvi.dwBuildNumber), szRelProd, szRelProdVer, dwCONNWIZVersion, m_szPID, m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwFlag);
StoreInSignUpReg( (LPBYTE)m_lpGatherInfo, sizeof(GATHERINFO), REG_BINARY, GATHERINFOVALUENAME); return hr; }
NAME: ParseISPInfo
SYNOPSIS: Called when page is displayed
ENTRY: hDlg - dialog window fFirstInit - TRUE if this is the first time the dialog is initialized, FALSE if this InitProc has been called before (e.g. went past this page and backed up)
********************************************************************/ BOOL CRefDial::ParseISPInfo ( HWND hDlg, WCHAR *pszCSVFileName, BOOL bCheckDupe ) { // On the first init, we will read the ISPINFO.CSV file, and populate the ISP LISTVIEW
CleanISPList(); ISPLIST* pCurr = NULL;
DWORD dwCurrISPListSize = 1; m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers = 0; m_unSelectedISP = 0;
// Open and process the CSV file
pcCSVFile = new CCSVFile; if (!pcCSVFile) { // BUGBUG: Show Error Message
return (FALSE); }
if (!pcCSVFile->Open(pszCSVFileName)) { // BUGBUG: Show Error Message
delete pcCSVFile; pcCSVFile = NULL;
return (FALSE); }
// Read the first line, since it contains field headers
pcISPCSV = new CISPCSV; if (!pcISPCSV) { // BUGBUG Show error message
delete pcCSVFile; return (FALSE); }
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != (hr = pcISPCSV->ReadFirstLine(pcCSVFile))) { // Handle the error case
delete pcCSVFile; pcCSVFile = NULL;
return (FALSE); } delete pcISPCSV; // Don't need this one any more
// Create the SELECT tag for the html so it can get all the country names in one shot.
if (m_pszISPList) delete [] m_pszISPList; m_pszISPList = new WCHAR[1024]; if (!m_pszISPList) return FALSE;
memset(m_pszISPList, 0, sizeof(m_pszISPList));
do { // Allocate a new ISP record
pcISPCSV = new CISPCSV; if (!pcISPCSV) { // BUGBUG Show error message
bRet = FALSE; break;
// Read a line from the ISPINFO file
hr = pcISPCSV->ReadOneLine(pcCSVFile); if (hr == ERROR_SUCCESS) { // If this line contains a nooffer flag, then leave now
if (!(pcISPCSV->get_dwCFGFlag() & ICW_CFGFLAG_OFFERS)) { m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers = 0; break; } if ((pcISPCSV->get_dwCFGFlag() & ICW_CFGFLAG_AUTOCONFIG) && (bISDNMode ? (pcISPCSV->get_dwCFGFlag() & ICW_CFGFLAG_ISDN_OFFER) : TRUE) ) { // Form the ISP list option tag for HTML
WCHAR szBuffer[MAX_PATH]; wsprintf(szBuffer, szOptionTag, pcISPCSV->get_szISPName()); DWORD dwSizeReq = (DWORD)lstrlen(m_pszISPList) + lstrlen(szBuffer) + 1; if (dwCurrISPListSize < dwSizeReq) { WCHAR *szTemp = new WCHAR[dwSizeReq]; if (szTemp) lstrcpy(szTemp, m_pszISPList); dwCurrISPListSize = dwSizeReq; delete [] m_pszISPList; m_pszISPList = szTemp; }
// Add the isp to the list.
if (m_pszISPList) lstrcat(m_pszISPList, szBuffer);
if (m_pCSVList == NULL) // First one
{ // Add the CSV file object to the first node of linked list
ISPLIST* pNew = new ISPLIST; pNew->pElement = pcISPCSV; pNew->uElem = m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers; pNew->pNext = NULL; pCurr = pNew; m_pCSVList = pCurr; } else { // Append CSV object to the end of list
ISPLIST* pNew = new ISPLIST; pNew->pElement = pcISPCSV; pNew->uElem = m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers; pNew->pNext = NULL; pCurr->pNext = pNew; pCurr = pCurr->pNext; } ++m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers;
} else { delete pcISPCSV; } } else if (hr == ERROR_NO_MORE_ITEMS) { delete pcISPCSV; // We don't need this one
break; } else if (hr == ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND) { // do not show this ISP when its data is invalid
// we don't want to halt everything. Just let it contine
delete pcISPCSV; } else { // Show error message Later
delete pcISPCSV; //iNumOfAutoConfigOffers = ISP_INFO_NO_VALIDOFFER;
bRet = FALSE; break; }
} while (TRUE);
delete pcCSVFile;
return bRet; }
HRESULT CRefDial::GetISPList(BSTR* pbstrISPList) {
if (pbstrISPList) *pbstrISPList = NULL; else return E_FAIL;
if (!m_pszISPList) { ParseISPInfo(NULL, ICW_ISPINFOPath, TRUE); } if (m_pszISPList && *m_pszISPList) { *pbstrISPList = SysAllocString(m_pszISPList); return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }
HRESULT CRefDial::Set_SelectISP(UINT nVal) { if (nVal < m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers) { m_unSelectedISP = nVal; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::Set_ConnectionMode(UINT nVal) { if (nVal < m_dwNumOfAutoConfigOffers) { m_unSelectedISP = nVal; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::Get_ConnectionMode(UINT *pnVal) { if (pnVal) { *pnVal = m_dwCnType; return S_OK; } return E_FAIL; }
HRESULT CRefDial::ProcessSignedPID(BOOL * pbRetVal) { HANDLE hfile; DWORD dwFileSize; DWORD dwBytesRead; LPBYTE lpbSignedPID; LPWSTR lpszSignedPID;
*pbRetVal = FALSE;
// Open the PID file for Binary Reading. It will be in the CWD
if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != (hfile = CreateFile(c_szSignedPIDFName, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL))) { dwFileSize = GetFileSize(hfile, NULL);
// Allocate a buffer to read the file, and one to store the BINHEX version
lpbSignedPID = new BYTE[dwFileSize]; lpszSignedPID = new WCHAR[(dwFileSize * 2) + 1];
if (lpbSignedPID && lpszSignedPID) { if (ReadFile(hfile, (LPVOID) lpbSignedPID, dwFileSize, &dwBytesRead, NULL) && (dwFileSize == dwBytesRead)) { // BINHEX the signed PID data so we can send it to the signup server
DWORD dwX = 0; BYTE by; for (DWORD dwY = 0; dwY < dwFileSize; dwY++) { by = lpbSignedPID[dwY]; lpszSignedPID[dwX++] = g_BINTOHEXLookup[((by & 0xF0) >> 4)]; lpszSignedPID[dwX++] = g_BINTOHEXLookup[(by & 0x0F)]; } lpszSignedPID[dwX] = L'\0';
// Convert the signed pid to a BSTR
m_bstrSignedPID = SysAllocString(lpszSignedPID);
// Set the return value
*pbRetVal = TRUE; } }
// Free the buffers we allocated
if (lpbSignedPID) { delete[] lpbSignedPID; } if (lpszSignedPID) { delete[] lpszSignedPID; }
// Close the File
#ifndef DEBUG
// Delete the File
// defer removal of this file until the container app exits.
// see BUG 373.
return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::get_SignedPID(BSTR * pVal) { if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER; *pVal = SysAllocString(m_bstrSignedPID); return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::get_ISDNAutoConfigURL(BSTR * pVal) { WCHAR szTemp[256];
if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Get the URL from the ISP file, and then convert it
if (SUCCEEDED(GetDataFromISPFile(m_szISPFile, INF_SECTION_URL, INF_ISDN_AUTOCONFIG_URL,&szTemp[0],256))) { *pVal = SysAllocString(szTemp); } else { *pVal = NULL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::get_ISPName(BSTR * pVal) { if (m_pSelectedISPInfo) { *pVal = SysAllocString(m_pSelectedISPInfo->get_szISPName()); } else { *pVal = NULL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::get_AutoConfigURL(BSTR * pVal) { WCHAR szTemp[256];
if (pVal == NULL) return E_POINTER;
// Get the URL from the ISP file, and then convert it
if (SUCCEEDED(GetDataFromISPFile(m_szISPFile, INF_SECTION_URL, INF_AUTOCONFIG_URL,&szTemp[0],256))) { *pVal = SysAllocString(szTemp); } else { *pVal = NULL; } return S_OK; }
HRESULT CRefDial::DownloadISPOffer(BOOL *pbVal, BSTR *pVal) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; // Download the ISP file, and then copy its contents
// If Ras is complete
if (pbVal && pVal) {
// Download the first page from Webgate
BSTR bstrURL = NULL; BSTR bstrQueryURL = NULL; BOOL bRet;
*pVal = NULL; *pbVal = FALSE;
m_pISPData = new CICWISPData;
WCHAR szTemp[10]; // Big enough to format a WORD
// Add the PID, GIUD, and Offer ID to the ISP data object
ProcessSignedPID(&bRet); if (bRet) { m_pISPData->PutDataElement(ISPDATA_SIGNED_PID, m_bstrSignedPID, FALSE); } else { m_pISPData->PutDataElement(ISPDATA_SIGNED_PID, NULL, FALSE); }
// GUID comes from the ISPCSV file
m_pISPData->PutDataElement(ISPDATA_GUID, m_pSelectedISPInfo->get_szOfferGUID(), FALSE);
// Offer ID comes from the ISPCSV file as a WORD
// NOTE: This is the last one, so besure AppendQueryPair does not add an Ampersand
if (m_pSelectedISPInfo) { wsprintf (szTemp, L"%d", m_pSelectedISPInfo->get_wOfferID()); m_pISPData->PutDataElement(ISPDATA_OFFERID, szTemp, FALSE); }
// BUGBUG: If ISDN get the ISDN Autoconfig URL
if (m_ISPImport.m_bIsISDNDevice) { get_ISDNAutoConfigURL(&bstrURL); } else { get_AutoConfigURL(&bstrURL); }
if (*bstrURL) { // Get the full signup url with Query string params added to it
m_pISPData->GetQueryString(bstrURL, &bstrQueryURL);
// Setup WebGate
if (S_OK != gpCommMgr->FetchPage(bstrQueryURL, pVal)) { // Download problem:
// User has disconnected
if (TRUE == m_bUserInitiateHangup) { hr = E_FAIL; } } else { *pbVal = TRUE; } }
// Now that webgate is done with it, free the queryURL
// Memory cleanup
delete m_pISPData; m_pISPData = NULL;
} return hr; }
HRESULT CRefDial::RemoveDownloadDir() { DWORD dwAttribs; WCHAR szDownloadDir[MAX_PATH]; WCHAR szSignedPID[MAX_PATH];
// form the ICW98 dir. It is basically the CWD
if(!GetOOBEPath(szDownloadDir)) return S_OK;
// remove the signed.pid file from the ICW directory (see BUG 373)
wsprintf(szSignedPID, L"%s%s", szDownloadDir, L"\\signed.pid"); if (GetFileAttributes(szSignedPID) != 0xFFFFFFFF) { SetFileAttributes(szSignedPID, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(szSignedPID); }
lstrcat(szDownloadDir, L"\\download");
// See if the directory exists
dwAttribs = GetFileAttributes(szDownloadDir); if (dwAttribs != 0xFFFFFFFF && dwAttribs & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) DeleteDirectory(szDownloadDir); return S_OK; }
void CRefDial::DeleteDirectory (LPCWSTR szDirName) { WIN32_FIND_DATA fdata; WCHAR szPath[MAX_PATH]; HANDLE hFile; BOOL fDone;
wsprintf(szPath, L"%s\\*.*", szDirName); hFile = FindFirstFile (szPath, &fdata); if (INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE != hFile) fDone = FALSE; else fDone = TRUE;
while (!fDone) { wsprintf(szPath, L"%s\\%s", szDirName, fdata.cFileName); if (fdata.dwFileAttributes == FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { if (lstrcmpi(fdata.cFileName, L".") != 0 && lstrcmpi(fdata.cFileName, L"..") != 0) { // recursively delete this dir too
DeleteDirectory(szPath); } } else { SetFileAttributes(szPath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile(szPath); } if (FindNextFile(hFile, &fdata) == 0) { FindClose(hFile); fDone = TRUE; } } SetFileAttributes(szDirName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); RemoveDirectory(szDirName); }
HRESULT CRefDial::PostRegData(DWORD dwSrvType, LPWSTR szPath) { static WCHAR hdrs[] = L"Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"; static WCHAR accept[] = L"Accept: */*"; static LPCWSTR rgsz[] = {accept, NULL}; WCHAR szRegPostURL[INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH] = L"\0"; HRESULT hRet = E_FAIL;
if (POST_TO_MS & dwSrvType) { // Get the RegPostURL from Reg.isp file for MS registration
GetPrivateProfileString(INF_SECTION_URL, c_szRegPostURL, L"", szRegPostURL, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, m_szISPFile); } else if (POST_TO_OEM & dwSrvType) { WCHAR szOOBEInfoINIFile[MAX_PATH]; SearchPath(NULL, cszOOBEINFOINI, NULL, MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(szOOBEInfoINIFile), szOOBEInfoINIFile, NULL); GetPrivateProfileString(INF_OEMREGPAGE, c_szRegPostURL, L"", szRegPostURL, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, szOOBEInfoINIFile); }
// Connecting to http://mscomdev.dns.microsoft.com/register.asp.
if (CrackUrl( szRegPostURL, m_szRegServerName, m_szRegFormAction, &m_nRegServerPort, &m_fSecureRegServer)) {
if (hSession) { HINTERNET hConnect = InternetConnect( hSession, m_szRegServerName, m_nRegServerPort, NULL, NULL, INTERNET_SERVICE_HTTP, 0, 1 );
if (hConnect) { // INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE is needed KB Q168151
HINTERNET hRequest = HttpOpenRequest( hConnect, L"POST", m_szRegFormAction, NULL, NULL, rgsz, (m_fSecureRegServer) ? INTERNET_FLAG_SECURE : 0, 1 );
if (hRequest) { // The data for the HttpSendRequest has to be in ANSI. The server side does
// not understand a UNICODE string. If the server side gets changed to understand
// UNICODE data, the conversion below needs to be removed.
LPSTR szAnsiData = NULL; INT iLength; // compute the length
iLength = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szPath, -1, NULL, 0, NULL, NULL); if (iLength > 0) { szAnsiData = new char[iLength]; if (szAnsiData) { WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, szPath, -1, szAnsiData, iLength, NULL, NULL); szAnsiData[iLength - 1] = 0; } } if (szAnsiData) { // 2nd/3rd params are a string/char length pair,
// but 4th/5th params are a buffer/byte length pair.
if (HttpSendRequest(hRequest, hdrs, lstrlen(hdrs), szAnsiData, lstrlenA(szAnsiData))) { // Get size of file in bytes.
WCHAR bufQuery[32] ; DWORD dwFileSize ; DWORD cchMaxBufQuery = MAX_CHARS_IN_BUFFER(bufQuery); BOOL bQuery = HttpQueryInfo(hRequest, HTTP_QUERY_CONTENT_LENGTH, bufQuery, &cchMaxBufQuery, NULL) ; if (bQuery) { // The Query was successful, so allocate the memory.
dwFileSize = (DWORD)_wtol(bufQuery) ; } else { // The Query failed. Allocate some memory. Should allocate memory in blocks.
dwFileSize = 5*1024 ; }
// BUGBUG: What is the purpose of this code?? It
// appears to read a file, null-terminate the buffer,
// then delete the buffer. Why??
BYTE* rgbFile = new BYTE[dwFileSize+1] ; if (rgbFile) { DWORD dwBytesRead ; BOOL bRead = InternetReadFile(hRequest, rgbFile, dwFileSize+1, &dwBytesRead); if (bRead) { rgbFile[dwBytesRead] = 0 ; hRet = S_OK; } // InternetReadFile
delete [] rgbFile; }
} else { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); } delete [] szAnsiData; } InternetCloseHandle(hRequest); hRet = S_OK; } InternetCloseHandle(hConnect); } InternetCloseHandle(hSession); } }
if (hRet != S_OK) { DWORD dwErr = GetLastError(); hRet = HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(dwErr); }
TRACE2(TEXT("Post registration data to %s 0x%08lx"), szRegPostURL, hRet);
return hRet;
// This function will accept user selected values that are necessary to
// setup a connectiod for dialing
// Returns:
// TRUE OK to dial
// FALSE Some kind of problem
// QuitWizard - TRUE, then terminate
// UserPickNumber - TRUE, then display Pick a Number DLG
// QuitWizard and UserPickNumber both FALSE, then just
// display the page prior to Dialing UI.
HRESULT CRefDial::Connect ( UINT nType, BSTR bstrISPFile, DWORD dwCountry, BSTR bstrAreaCode, DWORD dwFlag, DWORD dwAppMode ) { HRESULT hr = S_OK; BOOL bSuccess = FALSE; BOOL bRetVal = FALSE;
m_dwCnType = nType;
if (!bstrISPFile || !bstrAreaCode) { return E_FAIL; }
// Locate ISP file
if (!SearchPath(NULL, bstrISPFile,INF_SUFFIX,MAX_PATH,szISPPath,&pszTemp)) { hr = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; return hr; }
// Check whether the isp file is ICW capable by reading the referral URL
GetPrivateProfileString(INF_SECTION_ISPINFO, c_szURLReferral, L"", m_szRefServerURL, INTERNET_MAX_URL_LENGTH, szISPPath);
lstrcpy(m_szISPFile, szISPPath);
m_dwAppMode = dwAppMode;
// Initialize failure codes
m_bQuitWizard = FALSE; m_bUserPickNumber = FALSE; m_lpGatherInfo->m_bUsePhbk = FALSE;
// Stuff the Area Code, and Country Code into the GatherInfo struct
m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryID = dwCountry; m_lpGatherInfo->m_dwCountryCode = dwFlag;
lstrcpy(m_lpGatherInfo->m_szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode);
m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.dwCountryID = dwCountry; m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.dwCountryCode = dwFlag; lstrcpy(m_SuggestInfo.AccessEntry.szAreaCode, bstrAreaCode);
if (CONNECTED_REFFERAL == m_dwCnType) FormReferralServerURL(&bRetVal);
// LAN connection support in desktop mode
if (gpCommMgr) { // Pretend we have the connection
PostMessage(gpCommMgr->m_hwndCallBack, WM_OBCOMM_ONCONNECTED, (WPARAM)gpCommMgr->m_pRefDial->m_dwCnType , (LPARAM)0);
return hr; }
HRESULT CRefDial::CheckOnlineStatus(BOOL *pbVal) { // #if defined(DEBUG)
// *pbVal = TRUE;
// return S_OK;
// #endif
*pbVal = (BOOL)(m_hrasconn != NULL); return S_OK; }
BOOL CRefDial::CrackUrl( const WCHAR* lpszUrlIn, WCHAR* lpszHostOut, WCHAR* lpszActionOut, INTERNET_PORT* lpnHostPort, BOOL* lpfSecure) { URL_COMPONENTS urlcmpTheUrl;
LPURL_COMPONENTS lpUrlComp = &urlcmpTheUrl;
urlcmpTheUrl.dwStructSize = sizeof(urlcmpTheUrl);
urlcmpTheUrl.lpszScheme = NULL; urlcmpTheUrl.lpszHostName = NULL; urlcmpTheUrl.lpszUserName = NULL; urlcmpTheUrl.lpszPassword = NULL; urlcmpTheUrl.lpszUrlPath = NULL; urlcmpTheUrl.lpszExtraInfo = NULL;
urlcmpTheUrl.dwSchemeLength = 1; urlcmpTheUrl.dwHostNameLength = 1; urlcmpTheUrl.dwUserNameLength = 1; urlcmpTheUrl.dwPasswordLength = 1; urlcmpTheUrl.dwUrlPathLength = 1; urlcmpTheUrl.dwExtraInfoLength = 1;
if (!InternetCrackUrl(lpszUrlIn, lstrlen(lpszUrlIn),0, lpUrlComp) || !lpszHostOut || !lpszActionOut || !lpnHostPort || !lpfSecure) { return FALSE; } else {
if (urlcmpTheUrl.dwHostNameLength != 0) { lstrcpyn(lpszHostOut, urlcmpTheUrl.lpszHostName, urlcmpTheUrl.dwHostNameLength+1); }
if (urlcmpTheUrl.dwUrlPathLength != 0) { lstrcpyn(lpszActionOut, urlcmpTheUrl.lpszUrlPath, urlcmpTheUrl.dwUrlPathLength+1); }
*lpfSecure = (urlcmpTheUrl.nScheme == INTERNET_SCHEME_HTTPS) ? TRUE : FALSE; *lpnHostPort = urlcmpTheUrl.nPort;
return TRUE; } }