// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// loadfile.c
// Description:
// This file implements ReadSettingsFromAnswerFile(). It is called
// from load.c only if the user chose to edit an existing answer file.
// We call GetPrivateProfileString repeatedly to figure out how to
// initialize GenSettings WizGlobals and NetSettings global vars.
// This function is called after reset.c in the case we're editting
// an answer file. Be very careful how you call GetPrivateProfileString()
// because if the setting is not present, you do not want to change
// the default already set in reset.c. Numerous examples below.
#include "pch.h"
#include "allres.h"
// Misc constants (declared as vars to save space)
static WCHAR *StrConstYes = _T("Yes"); static WCHAR *StrConstNo = _T("No"); static WCHAR *StrConstStar = _T("*");
extern BOOL GetCommaDelimitedEntry( OUT TCHAR szIPString[], IN OUT TCHAR **pBuffer );
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- make constants for each key and use them both in the save file and in this load file
const TCHAR c_szFAVORITESEX[] = _T("FavoritesEx");
// Local prototypes
static VOID ReadRegionalSettings( VOID );
static VOID ReadTapiSettings( VOID );
static VOID ReadIeSettings( VOID );
static VOID ReadIeFavorites( VOID );
static VOID ParseAddressAndPort( LPTSTR pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, LPTSTR pszAddress, DWORD cbAddressLen, LPTSTR pszPort, DWORD cbPortLen);
// Call out to loadnet.c to load the network settings
extern VOID ReadNetworkSettings( HWND );
// Function: ReadSettingsFromAnswerFile
// Purpose: This function does all of the GetPrivateProfile*() stuff
// to load up our in-memory settings.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
BOOL ReadSettingsFromAnswerFile(HWND hwnd) {
// Get the UnattendMode. In case there is garbage in the answer file,
// let the answer be UMODE_PROVIDE_DEFAULT.
temp = StrBuffSize(Buffer);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Unattended"), _T("UnattendMode"), _T(""), Buffer, temp, FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("GuiAttended")) == 0 ) GenSettings.iUnattendMode = UMODE_GUI_ATTENDED;
else if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("DefaultHide")) == 0 ) GenSettings.iUnattendMode = UMODE_DEFAULT_HIDE;
else if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("Readonly")) == 0 ) GenSettings.iUnattendMode = UMODE_READONLY;
else if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("FullUnattended")) == 0 ) GenSettings.iUnattendMode = UMODE_FULL_UNATTENDED;
else GenSettings.iUnattendMode = UMODE_PROVIDE_DEFAULT;
// Get the HAL
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Unattended"), _T("ComputerType"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Have to read in HAL and SCSI drivers a little
// differently because of the quotes on the left for the SCSI drivers
// and the different formatting with the HAL
HINF hUnattendTxt; INFCONTEXT UnattendTxtContext; BOOL bKeepReading = TRUE; BOOL bHalFound = FALSE; TCHAR szTempBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN];
hUnattendTxt = SetupOpenInfFile( FixedGlobals.ScriptName, NULL, INF_STYLE_OLDNT | INF_STYLE_WIN4, NULL ); if( hUnattendTxt == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE ) {
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo - alert an error that we couldn't open the file or just
// skip over in this case?
UnattendTxtContext.Inf = hUnattendTxt; UnattendTxtContext.CurrentInf = hUnattendTxt;
bKeepReading = SetupFindFirstLine( hUnattendTxt, _T("Unattended"), NULL, &UnattendTxtContext );
// Look for the ComputerType key to set which HAL to use
while( bKeepReading && ! bHalFound ) {
SetupGetStringField( &UnattendTxtContext, 0, szTempBuffer, MAX_INILINE_LEN, NULL );
if( LSTRCMPI( szTempBuffer, _T("ComputerType") ) == 0 ) {
SetupGetStringField( &UnattendTxtContext, 1, GenSettings.szHalFriendlyName, MAX_INILINE_LEN, NULL );
bHalFound = TRUE;
// move to the next line of the answer file
bKeepReading = SetupFindNextLine( &UnattendTxtContext, &UnattendTxtContext );
// Read in the SCSI drivers
bKeepReading = SetupFindFirstLine( hUnattendTxt, _T("MassStorageDrivers"), NULL, &UnattendTxtContext ); //
// For each MassStorageDriver entry, add it to the MassStorageDriver
// namelist
while( bKeepReading ) {
TCHAR szScsiFriendlyName[MAX_INILINE_LEN];
SetupGetStringField( &UnattendTxtContext, 0, szScsiFriendlyName, MAX_INILINE_LEN, NULL );
// Don't allow the adding of a blank name (protection against a bad input file)
if( szScsiFriendlyName[0] != _T('\0') ) {
AddNameToNameList( &GenSettings.MassStorageDrivers, szScsiFriendlyName );
// move to the next line of the answer file
bKeepReading = SetupFindNextLine( &UnattendTxtContext, &UnattendTxtContext );
SetupCloseInfFile( hUnattendTxt );
// Not reading from the [OEMBootFiles] section because this gets
// generated from whatever SCSI and HAL selections they make so
// it is not necessary to read it in.
// Get OEM Ads data
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("OEM_Ads"), _T("Logo"), GenSettings.lpszLogoBitmap, GenSettings.lpszLogoBitmap, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.lpszLogoBitmap), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("OEM_Ads"), _T("Background"), GenSettings.lpszBackgroundBitmap, GenSettings.lpszBackgroundBitmap, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.lpszBackgroundBitmap), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Get the product ID
{ TCHAR *pStart = Buffer, *pEnd; BOOL bStop = FALSE; int CurField = 0;
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("UserData"), _T("ProductKey"), NULLSTR, Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// We did not have a ProductKey, check for the old ProductID
if ( Buffer[0] == NULLCHR ) { GetPrivateProfileString(_T("UserData"), _T("ProductID"), _T("-"), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName); }
// Have to parse out the pid1-pid2-pid3-pid4-pid5.
do {
if ( (pEnd = wcschr(pStart, _T('-'))) == NULL ) bStop = TRUE; else *pEnd++ = _T('\0');
lstrcpyn(GenSettings.ProductId[CurField++], pStart, MAX_PID_FIELD + 1);
pStart = pEnd;
} while ( ! bStop && CurField < NUM_PID_FIELDS ); }
// Get the license mode for server. If we find this section, we
// force on iProductInstall to be Server.
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("LicenseFilePrintData"), _T("AutoMode"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( Buffer[0] != _T('\0') ) {
WizGlobals.iProductInstall = PRODUCT_UNATTENDED_INSTALL;
WizGlobals.iPlatform = PLATFORM_SERVER;
if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("PerSeat")) == 0 ) { GenSettings.bPerSeat = TRUE; } else { GenSettings.bPerSeat = FALSE; GenSettings.NumConnections = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("LicenseFilePrintData"), _T("AutoUsers"), GenSettings.NumConnections, FixedGlobals.ScriptName); } }
// Get name&org
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("UserData"), _T("FullName"), GenSettings.UserName, GenSettings.UserName, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.UserName), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("UserData"), _T("OrgName"), GenSettings.Organization, GenSettings.Organization, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.Organization), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Get the computer names. It can be:
// 1. ComputerName=*
// 2. ComputerName=some_name
// 3. not specified at all
// 4. multiple computer names
// In case #4, we wrote out a .UDF, but we won't read the .UDF. Instead,
// we get the list from here:
// [SetupMgr]
// ComputerName0=some_name
// ComputerName1=another_name
{ ResetNameList(&GenSettings.ComputerNames);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("UserData"), _T("ComputerName"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if( Buffer[0] != _T('\0') ) {
if( lstrcmpi(Buffer, StrConstStar) == 0 ) {
// if ComputerName=*, it is either the auto generate case
// or the UDF case
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("SetupMgr"), _T("ComputerName0"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if( Buffer[0] == _T('\0') ) { GenSettings.bAutoComputerName = TRUE; } else { int i; TCHAR Buffer2[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; HRESULT hrPrintf;
GenSettings.bAutoComputerName = FALSE;
for( i = 0; TRUE; i++ ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer2, AS(Buffer2),_T("ComputerName%d"), i);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("SetupMgr"), Buffer2, _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( Buffer[0] == _T('\0') ) break;
AddNameToNameList(&GenSettings.ComputerNames, Buffer); } }
} else { GenSettings.bAutoComputerName = FALSE; AddNameToNameList(&GenSettings.ComputerNames, Buffer); }
// Get the IE settings
// Get the targetpath
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Unattended"), _T("TargetPath"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( lstrcmpi(Buffer, StrConstStar) == 0 ) { GenSettings.iTargetPath = TARGPATH_AUTO; GenSettings.TargetPath[0] = _T('\0'); }
else if ( lstrcmpi(Buffer, _T("")) == 0 ) { GenSettings.iTargetPath = TARGPATH_WINNT; GenSettings.TargetPath[0] = _T('\0'); }
else { GenSettings.iTargetPath = TARGPATH_SPECIFY; lstrcpyn(GenSettings.TargetPath, Buffer, MAX_TARGPATH + 1); }
// Get the administrator password.
// AdminPassword == * means bSpecifyPassword to blank
// AdminPassword[0] == '\0' means !bSpecifyPassword
// Always set ConfirmPassword == AdminPassword on an edit so that
// the user can breeze past this page.
// Check to see if the password is encrypted
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("EncryptedAdminPassword"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName); if (lstrcmpi(Buffer, StrConstYes) == 0) { // If it is encrypted, don't bother reading it, just blank it out
GenSettings.AdminPassword[0] = _T('\0'); GenSettings.bSpecifyPassword = TRUE; }
else { GetPrivateProfileString(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("AdminPassword"), GenSettings.AdminPassword, GenSettings.AdminPassword, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.AdminPassword), FixedGlobals.ScriptName); if ( GenSettings.AdminPassword[0] == _T('\0') ) GenSettings.bSpecifyPassword = FALSE; else GenSettings.bSpecifyPassword = TRUE;
if ( lstrcmpi(GenSettings.AdminPassword, StrConstStar) == 0 ) GenSettings.AdminPassword[0] = _T('\0'); } lstrcpyn(GenSettings.ConfirmPassword, GenSettings.AdminPassword, AS(GenSettings.ConfirmPassword)); GetPrivateProfileString(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("AutoLogon"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( lstrcmpi(Buffer, StrConstYes) == 0 ) GenSettings.bAutoLogon = TRUE; else GenSettings.bAutoLogon = FALSE;
GenSettings.nAutoLogonCount = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("AutoLogonCount"), GenSettings.nAutoLogonCount, FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("OEMDuplicatorstring"), GenSettings.szOemDuplicatorString, GenSettings.szOemDuplicatorString, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szOemDuplicatorString), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Get the display settings.
GenSettings.DisplayColorBits = GetPrivateProfileInt( _T("Display"), _T("BitsPerPel"), GenSettings.DisplayColorBits, FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GenSettings.DisplayXResolution = GetPrivateProfileInt( _T("Display"), _T("XResolution"), GenSettings.DisplayXResolution, FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GenSettings.DisplayYResolution = GetPrivateProfileInt( _T("Display"), _T("YResolution"), GenSettings.DisplayYResolution, FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GenSettings.DisplayRefreshRate = GetPrivateProfileInt( _T("Display"), _T("Vrefresh"), GenSettings.DisplayRefreshRate, FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Get the runonce commands. They are listed like this:
// [GuiRunOnce]
// Command0=some_cmd
// Command0=another_cmd
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo -Need to investigate this biz about running these commands
// in sequence or in parrallel.
{ int i; TCHAR Buffer2[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; HRESULT hrPrintf;
for ( i=0; TRUE; i++ ) {
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer2, AS(Buffer2),_T("Command%d"), i);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("GuiRunOnce"), Buffer2, _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( Buffer[0] == _T('\0') ) break;
AddNameToNameList(&GenSettings.RunOnceCmds, Buffer); } }
// Loop through the commands and parse out any add printer commands
// NOTE: This code works if the user never edits the commands.
// However, the user might want to modify it and put
// different switches on it on the RunOnce page. The
// parsing below could be more robust.
// If /n means 'name', then it should parse for /n then
// the next arg is the printer name no matter what switches
// the user added or re-ordered.
{ int i, NumCmds; TCHAR *pName; TCHAR PrinterName[MAX_PRINTERNAME + 1];
NumCmds = GetNameListSize(&GenSettings.RunOnceCmds);
for ( i=0; i<NumCmds; i++ ) { pName = GetNameListName(&GenSettings.RunOnceCmds, i);
PrinterName[0] = _T('\0'); if ( ( swscanf(pName, _T("rundll32 printui.dll,PrintUIEntry /in /n %s"), PrinterName) > 0 ) && ( PrinterName[0] ) ) { AddNameToNameList(&GenSettings.PrinterNames, PrinterName); } } }
// Get the timezone
GetPrivateProfileString( _T("GuiUnattended"), _T("TimeZone"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("%TIMEZONE%")) == 0 ) { GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx = TZ_IDX_SETSAMEASSERVER; } else if ( ( Buffer[0] == _T('\0') ) || ( swscanf(Buffer, _T("%d"), &GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx) <= 0 ) ) { GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx = TZ_IDX_DONOTSPECIFY; }
// Init the settings for the 2 Distribution Folder pages. OemPreInstall
// indicates whether the script is stand-alone or not. The others are
// saved in the [SetupMgr] section.
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Unattended"), _T("OemPreInstall"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if ( lstrcmpi(Buffer, StrConstYes) == 0 ) WizGlobals.bStandAloneScript = FALSE; else WizGlobals.bStandAloneScript = TRUE;
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("SetupMgr"), _T("DistFolder"), WizGlobals.DistFolder, WizGlobals.DistFolder, StrBuffSize(WizGlobals.DistFolder), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("SetupMgr"), _T("DistShare"), WizGlobals.DistShareName, WizGlobals.DistShareName, StrBuffSize(WizGlobals.DistShareName), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
WizGlobals.bCreateNewDistFolder = FALSE;
// Get tapi & regional settings
ReadTapiSettings(); ReadRegionalSettings();
// Purposely grabbing the JoinWorkgroup key twice. Once to determine if
// there a value for the key and once to set the value for the global
// NetSettings.WorkGroupName string.
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Identification"), _T("JoinWorkgroup"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Identification"), _T("JoinWorkgroup"), NetSettings.WorkGroupName, NetSettings.WorkGroupName, StrBuffSize(NetSettings.WorkGroupName), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Identification"), _T("JoinDomain"), NetSettings.DomainName, NetSettings.DomainName, StrBuffSize(NetSettings.DomainName), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// If they didn't specify a workgroup in the answerfile and they did
// specify a domain, chose to Join a Domain (i.e. not join a workgroup)
if( Buffer[0] == _T('\0') && NetSettings.DomainName[0] != _T('\0') ) { NetSettings.bWorkgroup = FALSE; }
if( lstrcmp( NetSettings.DomainName, _T("%MACHINEDOMAIN%") ) == 0 ) { WizGlobals.iProductInstall = PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL; }
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Identification"), _T("DomainAdmin"), NetSettings.DomainAccount, NetSettings.DomainAccount, StrBuffSize(NetSettings.DomainAccount), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Identification"), _T("DomainAdminPassword"), NetSettings.DomainPassword, NetSettings.DomainPassword, StrBuffSize(NetSettings.DomainPassword), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if( NetSettings.DomainAccount[0] == _T('\0') ) { NetSettings.bCreateAccount = FALSE; } else { NetSettings.bCreateAccount = TRUE; }
// Make the domain password and the confirm the same so user can
// breeze past the page if they want to
lstrcpyn( NetSettings.ConfirmPassword, NetSettings.DomainPassword ,AS(NetSettings.ConfirmPassword));
// Read in the Network settings
ReadNetworkSettings( hwnd );
return( TRUE ); }
// Function: ReadTapiSettings
// Purpose: Read the tapi settings keys from the answerfile.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID ReadTapiSettings( VOID ) {
// Note: if it doesn't find the CountryCode key then it defaults to
// "Don't specify setting"
GenSettings.dwCountryCode = GetPrivateProfileInt(_T("TapiLocation"), _T("CountryCode"), DONTSPECIFYSETTING, FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("TapiLocation"), _T("Dialing"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("Tone")) == 0 ) GenSettings.iDialingMethod = TONE; else if ( LSTRCMPI(Buffer, _T("Pulse")) == 0 ) GenSettings.iDialingMethod = PULSE; else GenSettings.iDialingMethod = DONTSPECIFYSETTING;
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("TapiLocation"), _T("AreaCode"), GenSettings.szAreaCode, GenSettings.szAreaCode, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szAreaCode), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("TapiLocation"), _T("LongDistanceAccess"), GenSettings.szOutsideLine, GenSettings.szOutsideLine, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szOutsideLine), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Function: ReadRegionalSettings
// Purpose: Read the regional settings keys from the answerfile.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID ReadRegionalSettings( VOID ) {
TCHAR Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR OemSkipBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szLanguageGroup[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T("");
TCHAR *pLanguageGroup = NULL; DWORD dwOemSkipSize = 0; DWORD dwLanguageSize = 0; DWORD dwSystemSize = 0; DWORD dwNumberSize = 0; DWORD dwKeyboardSize = 0;
dwOemSkipSize = GetPrivateProfileString(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("OEMSkipRegionalSettings"), _T(""), OemSkipBuffer, StrBuffSize(OemSkipBuffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("LanguageGroup"), _T(""), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Loop grabbing the Language Groups and inserting them into
// the NameList
pLanguageGroup = Buffer; while( GetCommaDelimitedEntry( szLanguageGroup, &pLanguageGroup ) ) {
AddNameToNameList( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups, szLanguageGroup );
dwLanguageSize = GetPrivateProfileString(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("Language"), _T(""), GenSettings.szLanguage, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szLanguage), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
dwSystemSize = GetPrivateProfileString(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("SystemLocale"), _T(""), GenSettings.szMenuLanguage, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szMenuLanguage), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
dwNumberSize = GetPrivateProfileString(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("UserLocale"), _T(""), GenSettings.szNumberLanguage, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szNumberLanguage), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
dwKeyboardSize = GetPrivateProfileString(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("InputLocale"), _T(""), GenSettings.szKeyboardLayout, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szKeyboardLayout), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// If the OEMSkipRegionalSettings was specified in the answerfile, set
// its value and return. Else set the language locales appropriately.
if( dwOemSkipSize > 0 ) {
if( lstrcmp( OemSkipBuffer, _T("0") ) == 0 ) {
GenSettings.iRegionalSettings = REGIONAL_SETTINGS_SKIP;
} else if( lstrcmp( OemSkipBuffer, _T("1") ) == 0 ) {
GenSettings.iRegionalSettings = REGIONAL_SETTINGS_DEFAULT;
} else {
// if it was set to some strange settings, just set it to use default
GenSettings.iRegionalSettings = REGIONAL_SETTINGS_DEFAULT;
} else {
if( dwLanguageSize != 0 ) {
GenSettings.iRegionalSettings = REGIONAL_SETTINGS_SPECIFY;
} else if( dwSystemSize != 0 || dwNumberSize != 0 || dwKeyboardSize != 0 ) {
GenSettings.iRegionalSettings = REGIONAL_SETTINGS_SPECIFY;
GenSettings.bUseCustomLocales = TRUE;
} else {
// If no keys were specified, set it to not specified
GenSettings.iRegionalSettings = REGIONAL_SETTINGS_NOT_SPECIFIED;
// Function: ReadIeSettings
// Purpose: Read the IE settings keys from the answerfile and store them in
// the global structs.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID ReadIeSettings( VOID ) {
TCHAR szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort[2048 + 1]; TCHAR szAddress[MAX_PROXY_LEN]; TCHAR szPort[MAX_PROXY_PORT_LEN]; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR *pLocalString;
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Branding"), _T("IEBrandingFile"), GenSettings.szInsFile, GenSettings.szInsFile, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szInsFile), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if( GenSettings.szInsFile[0] != _T('\0') ) { GenSettings.IeCustomizeMethod = IE_USE_BRANDING_FILE; } else { GenSettings.IeCustomizeMethod = IE_SPECIFY_SETTINGS; }
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("URL"), _T("AutoConfig"), _T("1"), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if( lstrcmpi( Buffer, _T("1") ) == 0 ) { GenSettings.bUseAutoConfigScript = TRUE; } else { GenSettings.bUseAutoConfigScript = FALSE; }
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("URL"), _T("AutoConfigURL"), GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrl, GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrl, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrl), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("URL"), _T("AutoConfigJSURL"), GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrlJscriptOrPac, GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrlJscriptOrPac, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrlJscriptOrPac), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if( GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrl[0] != _T('\0') || GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrlJscriptOrPac[0] != _T('\0') ) { GenSettings.bUseAutoConfigScript = TRUE; } else { GenSettings.bUseAutoConfigScript = FALSE; }
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Proxy"), _T("Use_Same_Proxy"), _T("0"), Buffer, StrBuffSize(Buffer), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
if( lstrcmpi( Buffer, _T("1") ) == 0 ) { GenSettings.bUseSameProxyForAllProtocols = TRUE; } else { GenSettings.bUseSameProxyForAllProtocols = FALSE; }
// Get the HTTP Proxy server
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Proxy"), _T("HTTP_Proxy_Server"), _T(""), szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, StrBuffSize(szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
ParseAddressAndPort( szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, szAddress, AS(szAddress), szPort, AS(szPort));
lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szHttpProxyAddress, szAddress, AS(GenSettings.szHttpProxyAddress) ); lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szHttpProxyPort, szPort, AS(GenSettings.szHttpProxyPort) );
if( GenSettings.szHttpProxyAddress[0] != _T('\0') ) { GenSettings.bUseProxyServer = TRUE; } else { GenSettings.bUseProxyServer = FALSE; }
// Get the Secure Proxy server
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Proxy"), _T("Secure_Proxy_Server"), _T(""), szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, StrBuffSize(szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
ParseAddressAndPort( szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, szAddress, AS(szAddress), szPort, AS(szPort) );
lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szSecureProxyAddress, szAddress, AS(GenSettings.szSecureProxyAddress) ); lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szSecureProxyPort, szPort, AS(GenSettings.szSecureProxyPort) );
// Get the FTP Proxy server
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Proxy"), _T("FTP_Proxy_Server"), _T(""), szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, StrBuffSize(szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
ParseAddressAndPort( szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, szAddress, AS(szAddress), szPort, AS(szPort) );
lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szFtpProxyAddress, szAddress, AS(GenSettings.szFtpProxyAddress) ); lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szFtpProxyPort, szPort, AS(GenSettings.szFtpProxyPort) );
// Get the Gopher Proxy server
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Proxy"), _T("Gopher_Proxy_Server"), _T(""), szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, StrBuffSize(szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
ParseAddressAndPort( szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, szAddress, AS(szAddress), szPort, AS(szPort) );
lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szGopherProxyAddress, szAddress, AS(GenSettings.szGopherProxyAddress) ); lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szGopherProxyPort, szPort, AS(GenSettings.szGopherProxyPort) );
// Get the Socks Proxy server
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Proxy"), _T("Socks_Proxy_Server"), _T(""), szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, StrBuffSize(szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
ParseAddressAndPort( szBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, szAddress, AS(szAddress), szPort, AS(szPort) );
lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szSocksProxyAddress, szAddress, AS(GenSettings.szSocksProxyAddress) ); lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szSocksProxyPort, szPort, AS(GenSettings.szSocksProxyPort) );
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("Proxy"), _T("Proxy_Override"), _T(""), GenSettings.szProxyExceptions, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szProxyExceptions), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
pLocalString = _tcsstr( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions, _T("<local>") );
// Initialize the GenSettings Proxy Bypass boolean value...
GenSettings.bBypassProxyForLocalAddresses = FALSE;
if( pLocalString != NULL ) { TCHAR *pChar; TCHAR *pEndLocal; LPTSTR lpszExceptionBuffer; DWORD cbExceptionBufferLen;
// Remove the false entry, so it doesn't get added to the exception edit box
pEndLocal = pLocalString + lstrlen( _T("<local>") );
// Allocate the exception buffer...
cbExceptionBufferLen= lstrlen(pEndLocal)+1; lpszExceptionBuffer = MALLOC( cbExceptionBufferLen * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( lpszExceptionBuffer ) { GenSettings.bBypassProxyForLocalAddresses = TRUE;
// strcpy is undefined if source and dest overlap so I have to go through
// an intermediate buffer
lstrcpyn( lpszExceptionBuffer, pEndLocal, cbExceptionBufferLen);
lstrcpyn( pLocalString, lpszExceptionBuffer, AS(GenSettings.szProxyExceptions)- (int)(pLocalString-GenSettings.szProxyExceptions) );
// If the first or last char is a semicolon(;) then remove it.
pChar = GenSettings.szProxyExceptions;
if( *pChar == _T(';') ) { lstrcpyn( lpszExceptionBuffer, GenSettings.szProxyExceptions, cbExceptionBufferLen);
pChar = lpszExceptionBuffer;
lstrcpyn( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions, pChar, AS(GenSettings.szProxyExceptions) );
pChar = GenSettings.szProxyExceptions + lstrlen( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions );
if( *pChar == _T(';') ) { *pChar = _T('\0'); }
FREE( lpszExceptionBuffer ); } }
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("URL"), _T("Home_Page"), _T(""), GenSettings.szHomePage, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szHomePage), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("URL"), _T("Help_Page"), _T(""), GenSettings.szHelpPage, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szHelpPage), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
GetPrivateProfileString(_T("URL"), _T("Search_Page"), _T(""), GenSettings.szSearchPage, StrBuffSize(GenSettings.szSearchPage), FixedGlobals.ScriptName);
// Function: ReadIeFavorites
// Purpose:
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID ReadIeFavorites( VOID ) {
const TCHAR c_szTITLE[] = _T("Title"); const TCHAR c_szURL[] = _T("URL"); const INT c_nMAX_URLS = 1000;
INT i = 1; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_INILINE_LEN + 1]; TCHAR szUrl[MAX_INILINE_LEN + 1]; TCHAR szNumberBuffer[10]; TCHAR szFavoriteFriendlyName[MAX_INILINE_LEN + 1]; TCHAR szFavoriteAddress[MAX_INILINE_LEN + 1]; TCHAR *pszDotUrl; HRESULT hrCat;
// We really always should hit the break to exit the loop. The max count
// is just to avoid a infinite loop for some strange reason.
while( i < c_nMAX_URLS ) {
_itot( i, szNumberBuffer, 10 );
lstrcpyn( szTitle, c_szTITLE, AS(szTitle) ); hrCat=StringCchCat( szTitle, AS(szTitle), szNumberBuffer);
lstrcpyn( szUrl, c_szURL, AS(szUrl) ); hrCat=StringCchCat( szUrl, AS(szUrl), szNumberBuffer );
GetPrivateProfileString( c_szFAVORITESEX, szTitle, _T(""), szFavoriteFriendlyName, StrBuffSize( szFavoriteFriendlyName ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
if( szFavoriteFriendlyName[0] != _T('\0') ) {
// Strip off the .url portion of the title
pszDotUrl = _tcsstr( szFavoriteFriendlyName, _T(".url") );
if( pszDotUrl != NULL ) { *pszDotUrl = _T('\0'); } else { // skip it if it is a malformed title
continue; }
GetPrivateProfileString( c_szFAVORITESEX, szUrl, _T(""), szFavoriteAddress, StrBuffSize( szFavoriteAddress ), FixedGlobals.ScriptName );
AddNameToNameList( &GenSettings.Favorites, szFavoriteFriendlyName );
AddNameToNameList( &GenSettings.Favorites, szFavoriteAddress );
} else { break; }
// Function: ParseAddressAndPort
// Purpose: LPTCSTR pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort - the string to parse the
// web address and port from
// LPTSTR pszAddress - web address returned in this string
// DWORD cbAddressLen - length of adress buffer
// LPTSTR pszPort - web port returned in this string
// DWORD cbPortLen - length of port buffer
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID ParseAddressAndPort( LPTSTR pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, LPTSTR pszAddress, DWORD cbAddressLen, LPTSTR pszPort, DWORD cbPortLen) {
INT i; INT iStrLen; BOOL bColonFound = FALSE;
lstrcpyn( pszAddress, _T(""), cbAddressLen);
lstrcpyn( pszPort, _T(""), cbPortLen);
iStrLen = lstrlen( pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort );
for( i = 0; i < iStrLen; i++ ) {
if( pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort[i] == _T(':') ) {
// We have found the colon(:) separating the address and the port
// if the next char is a digit. This prevents the colon in
// http://www.someaddress.com from looking like the port.
if( _istdigit( pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort[i + 1] ) ) { bColonFound = TRUE; break; }
if( bColonFound ) { LPTSTR pPortSection;
pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort[i] = _T('\0');
pPortSection = &( pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort[i + 1] );
lstrcpyn( pszAddress, pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, cbAddressLen);
lstrcpyn( pszPort, pPortSection, cbPortLen); } else {
// it doesn't contain a colon so it doesn't have a port, the whole
// string is the address
lstrcpyn( pszAddress, pszBufferForProxyAddressAndPort, cbAddressLen);