// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// savefile.c
// Description:
// The wizard pages plug in here to get there settings queued to
// the answer file. We read the globals in setupmgr.h and figure
// out what needs to be written or deleted.
#include "pch.h"
#include "allres.h"
#include "encrypt.h"
#include "optcomp.h"
// String constants
static const LPTSTR StrConstYes = _T("Yes"); static const LPTSTR StrConstNo = _T("No"); static const LPTSTR StrConstStar = _T("*"); static const LPTSTR StrComma = _T(",");
// local prototypes
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-551746-2002/02/27-stelo,swamip - Unused code, should be removed
static VOID WriteOutOemBootFiles( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutMassStorageDrivers( VOID );
static VOID WriteOutTapiSettings(VOID); static VOID WriteOutRegionalSettings(VOID);
static VOID WriteOutRemoteInstallSettings(VOID);
static VOID WriteOutIeSettings(VOID);
// Call out to savenet.c to save the network settings
extern VOID WriteOutNetSettings( HWND );
// Function: QueueSettingsToAnswerFile
// Purpose: This function looks at the global structs that dlgprocs
// have been scribbling into and queues up all the settings
// in preparation to be written out to disk.
// This function is called by the SaveScript page indirectly.
// See common\save.c for details.
// The answer file queue (and the .udf queue) is initialized
// with the original settings in the answer file loaded near
// the beginning of the wizard.
// Ensure that you clear settings that should not be present
// in the answer file.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: BOOL
BOOL QueueSettingsToAnswerFile(HWND hwnd) { TCHAR *lpValue; TCHAR Buffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; HRESULT hrPrintf;
// Create each of the sections in the order we want them to appear
// in the outputed answer file.
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Data"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("SetupData"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Unattended"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("GuiUnattended"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("UserData"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Display"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("LicenseFilePrintData"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("TapiLocation"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("RegionalSettings"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("MassStorageDrivers"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("OEMBootFiles"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("OEM_Ads"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("SetupMgr"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Let networking go last, then remaining RIS sections
// Set the UnattendMode
lpValue = _T("");
// Don't write out the Unattend Mode on a sysprep
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall != PRODUCT_SYSPREP ) {
switch ( GenSettings.iUnattendMode ) {
case UMODE_GUI_ATTENDED: lpValue = _T("GuiAttended"); break; case UMODE_PROVIDE_DEFAULT: lpValue = _T("ProvideDefault"); break; case UMODE_DEFAULT_HIDE: lpValue = _T("DefaultHide"); break; case UMODE_READONLY: lpValue = _T("ReadOnly"); break; case UMODE_FULL_UNATTENDED: lpValue = _T("FullUnattended"); break;
default: AssertMsg(FALSE, "Bad case for UnattendMode"); break; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("UnattendMode"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Skip the EULA if they said 'yes' on the EULA page
if( GenSettings.bSkipEulaAndWelcome ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("OemSkipEula"), StrConstYes, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); }
// Write out OemPreInstall depending how user answer StandAlone page
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL ) lpValue = StrConstNo; else if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_SYSPREP ) lpValue = _T(""); else lpValue = WizGlobals.bStandAloneScript ? StrConstNo : StrConstYes;
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("OemPreinstall"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write out the PnpDriver path that was computed in adddirs.c
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("OemPnPDriversPath"), WizGlobals.OemPnpDriversPath, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_SYSPREP ) {
TCHAR szDrive[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szSysprepPath[MAX_PATH] = _T("");
ExpandEnvironmentStrings( _T("%SystemDrive%"), szDrive, MAX_PATH );
// Note-ConcatenatePaths truncates to prevent overflow
ConcatenatePaths( szSysprepPath, szDrive, _T("\\sysprep\\i386"), NULL );
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("InstallFilesPath"), szSysprepPath, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Don't write out the AutoPartition, MsDosInitiated and the
// UnattendedInstall keys on a sysprep install.
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall != PRODUCT_SYSPREP ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("AutoPartition"), _T("1"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("MsDosInitiated"), _T("\"0\""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("UnattendedInstall"), _T("\"Yes\""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Product ID
Buffer[0] = _T('\0');
if ( GenSettings.ProductId[0][0] != _T('\0') ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%s-%s-%s-%s-%s"), GenSettings.ProductId[0], GenSettings.ProductId[1], GenSettings.ProductId[2], GenSettings.ProductId[3], GenSettings.ProductId[4]); }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("UserData"), _T("ProductKey"), Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("UserData"), _T("ProductId"), NULLSTR, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Username & org
{ TCHAR szName[MAX_PATH], szOrg[MAX_PATH];
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(szName, AS(szName), _T("\"%s\""), GenSettings.UserName); hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(szOrg, AS(szOrg), _T("\"%s\""), GenSettings.Organization); SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("UserData"), _T("FullName"), szName, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("UserData"), _T("OrgName"), szOrg, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); }
#ifdef OPTCOMP
// Write out the windows component settings only if doing an unattended installation
if ( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_UNATTENDED_INSTALL ) { DWORD dwIndex; BOOL bInstallComponent = FALSE;
// Iterate through each component and determine if we should install
for (dwIndex=0;dwIndex<AS(s_cComponent);dwIndex++) { // Determine if the component should be installed and write out proper setting
bInstallComponent = (GenSettings.dwWindowsComponents & s_cComponent[dwIndex].dwComponent) ? TRUE : FALSE; SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Components"), s_cComponent[dwIndex].lpComponentString, (bInstallComponent ? _T("On") : _T("Off")), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); } } #endif
// Write out IE settings
// Set the [LicenseFilePrintData] section.
// Note that we'll allow changing product type between workstation and
// server on an edit, so be sure to clear these settings in case we're
// changing from server to workstation.
{ TCHAR *pAutoMode = _T(""); TCHAR *pAutoUsers = _T("");
if ( WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_SERVER || WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_ENTERPRISE || WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_WEBBLADE) { if ( GenSettings.bPerSeat ) { pAutoMode = _T("PerSeat"); } else { pAutoMode = _T("PerServer"); hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%d"), GenSettings.NumConnections); pAutoUsers = Buffer; } }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("LicenseFilePrintData"), _T("AutoMode"), pAutoMode, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("LicenseFilePrintData"), _T("AutoUsers"), pAutoUsers, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); }
// Computer name(s).
// ComputerName=* means setup should autogenerate a name
{ INT nEntries = GetNameListSize(&GenSettings.ComputerNames); INT i; LPTSTR pName;
// Figure out computername setting. Make sure it is not present
// in the case of multiple computer names.
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL ) pName = _T("%MACHINENAME%"); else if ( (GenSettings.bAutoComputerName && GenSettings.Organization[0]) || ( nEntries > 1 ) ) pName = StrConstStar; else if ( nEntries == 1 ) pName = GetNameListName(&GenSettings.ComputerNames, 0); else pName = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("UserData"), _T("ComputerName"), pName, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// If multiple computer names, we need to queue the proper settings
// to the .udf.
// ISSUE-2002/02/27-stelo -Should read the .udf instead of saving in [SetupMgr]
// Here is a sample udf
// [UniqueIds]
// foo0=UserData
// foo1=UserData
// [foo0:UserData]
// ComputerName=foo0
// [foo1:UserData]
// ComputerName=foo1
if ( nEntries > 1 ) {
for ( i=0; i<nEntries; i++ ) {
pName = GetNameListName(&GenSettings.ComputerNames, i);
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("ComputerName%d"), i);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("SetupMgr"), Buffer, pName, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write the UniqueIds entry to the udf
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("UniqueIds"), pName, _T("UserData"), SETTING_QUEUE_UDF);
// Now write the foo0:UserData section for this pName
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%s:UserData"), pName);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(Buffer, _T("ComputerName"), pName, SETTING_QUEUE_UDF); } } }
// Targetpath
if ( GenSettings.iTargetPath == TARGPATH_WINNT ) lpValue = _T("\\WINDOWS"); else if ( GenSettings.iTargetPath == TARGPATH_SPECIFY ) lpValue = GenSettings.TargetPath; else if ( GenSettings.iTargetPath == TARGPATH_AUTO ) lpValue = StrConstStar; else lpValue = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("TargetPath"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write out the HAL to be used
// ISSUE-2002/02/27-stelo -There are spaces in the friendly name so it gets quoted but I assume
// the ,OEM has to be outside the quotes
if( GenSettings.szHalFriendlyName[0] != _T('\0') ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("\"%s\",OEM"), GenSettings.szHalFriendlyName );
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("ComputerType"), Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); }
// Write out OEM Ads Logo and Background bitmaps
if ( ! (lpValue = MyGetFullPath( GenSettings.lpszLogoBitmap ) ) ) lpValue = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OEM_Ads"), _T("Logo"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
if ( ! (lpValue = MyGetFullPath( GenSettings.lpszBackgroundBitmap ) ) ) lpValue = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OEM_Ads"), _T("Background"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Admin password
if ( GenSettings.bSpecifyPassword ) { if ( GenSettings.AdminPassword[0] ) { lpValue = GenSettings.AdminPassword; // See if we should encrypt the admin password
if (GenSettings.bEncryptAdminPassword) { TCHAR owfPwd[STRING_ENCODED_PASSWORD_SIZE];
if (StringEncodeOwfPassword (lpValue, owfPwd, NULL)) { lpValue = (LPTSTR) owfPwd; } else { // Error Case. Popup up a message box asking if the user
// wants to continue using an non-encrypted password
if ( iRet == IDYES ) { GenSettings.bEncryptAdminPassword = FALSE; } else { SetLastError(ERROR_CANCELLED); return FALSE; } } } // Now make sure that the password is surrounded by quotes (if it hasn't been encrypted)
if (!GenSettings.bEncryptAdminPassword) { TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PASSWORD + 3]; // +3 is for surrounding quotes and terminating '\0"
lstrcpyn(szTemp, GenSettings.AdminPassword,AS(szTemp)); hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(GenSettings.AdminPassword,AS(GenSettings.AdminPassword), _T("\"%s\""), szTemp); } } else { lpValue = StrConstStar; // blank password
GenSettings.bEncryptAdminPassword = FALSE; // Cannot encrypt a blank password
} } else { lpValue = _T(""); // prompt user
GenSettings.bEncryptAdminPassword = FALSE; // Cannot encrypt nothing
} SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("AdminPassword"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); // set the value in the answer file indicating that
// state of the admin password
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("EncryptedAdminPassword"), GenSettings.bEncryptAdminPassword ? _T("Yes") : _T("NO"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); {
TCHAR *lpAutoLogonCount;
if( GenSettings.bAutoLogon ) { lpValue = StrConstYes;
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%d"), GenSettings.nAutoLogonCount );
lpAutoLogonCount = Buffer; } else { lpValue = _T("");
lpAutoLogonCount= _T(""); }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("AutoLogon"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("AutoLogonCount"), lpAutoLogonCount, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write out whether to show Regional Settings pages in NT setup
lpValue = _T("");
// If they didn't do advanced pages and
if( ! WizGlobals.bDoAdvancedPages ) {
if( GenSettings.iUnattendMode == UMODE_FULL_UNATTENDED ) {
lpValue = _T("1");
} else {
switch( GenSettings.iRegionalSettings ) {
AssertMsg(FALSE, "User went to the regional settings page but regional settings data never got set.");
lpValue = _T("0"); break;
lpValue = _T("1"); break;
default: AssertMsg(FALSE, "Bad case for Regional Settings"); break;
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("OEMSkipRegional"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write out Sysprep OEM Duplicator string
lpValue = _T("");
if ( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_SYSPREP ) lpValue = GenSettings.szOemDuplicatorString;
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("OEMDuplicatorstring"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Display settings
lpValue = _T("");
if ( GenSettings.DisplayColorBits >= 0 ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%d"), GenSettings.DisplayColorBits); lpValue = Buffer; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Display"), _T("BitsPerPel"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
lpValue = _T("");
if ( GenSettings.DisplayXResolution >= 0 ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%d"), GenSettings.DisplayXResolution); lpValue = Buffer; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Display"), _T("Xresolution"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
lpValue = _T("");
if ( GenSettings.DisplayYResolution >= 0 ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%d"), GenSettings.DisplayYResolution); lpValue = Buffer; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Display"), _T("YResolution"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
lpValue = _T("");
if ( GenSettings.DisplayRefreshRate >= 0 ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer), _T("%d"), GenSettings.DisplayRefreshRate); lpValue = Buffer; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Display"), _T("Vrefresh"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// RunOnce commands
{ TCHAR szCommandLineBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN + 1]; INT nEntries = GetNameListSize(&GenSettings.RunOnceCmds); INT i; LPTSTR pName;
for ( i=0; i<nEntries; i++ ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer,AS(Buffer), _T("Command%d"), i);
pName = GetNameListName(&GenSettings.RunOnceCmds, i);
// Force the command line to always be quoted
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szCommandLineBuffer,AS(szCommandLineBuffer), _T("\"%s\""), pName );
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiRunOnce"), Buffer, pName, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); } }
// Timezone
// Must handle the case that the user never went to the timezone page
if ( GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx == TZ_IDX_UNDEFINED ) { if ( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL ) GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx = TZ_IDX_SETSAMEASSERVER; else GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx = TZ_IDX_DONOTSPECIFY; }
if( GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx == TZ_IDX_SETSAMEASSERVER ) lpValue = _T("%TIMEZONE%"); else if ( GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx == TZ_IDX_DONOTSPECIFY ) lpValue = _T(""); else { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer),_T("%d"), GenSettings.TimeZoneIdx); lpValue = Buffer; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("TimeZone"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Skip the Welcome page if they said 'yes' on the EULA page
if( GenSettings.bSkipEulaAndWelcome ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("GuiUnattended"), _T("OemSkipWelcome"), _T("1"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); }
// Write out the distribution share to the [SetupMgr] section so
// that we remember it on an edit.
if( WizGlobals.bStandAloneScript ) { lpValue = _T(""); } else { lpValue = WizGlobals.DistFolder; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("SetupMgr"), _T("DistFolder"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
lpValue = !WizGlobals.bStandAloneScript ? WizGlobals.DistShareName : _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("SetupMgr"), _T("DistShare"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write out [Identification] section
{ LPTSTR lpWorkgroup = _T(""); LPTSTR lpDomain = _T(""); LPTSTR lpAdmin = _T(""); LPTSTR lpPassword = _T("");
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL ) {
lpDomain = _T("%MACHINEDOMAIN%");
} else if ( NetSettings.bWorkgroup ) {
lpWorkgroup = NetSettings.WorkGroupName;
} else {
lpDomain = NetSettings.DomainName;
if ( NetSettings.bCreateAccount ) { lpAdmin = NetSettings.DomainAccount; lpPassword = NetSettings.DomainPassword; }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Identification"), _T("JoinWorkgroup"), lpWorkgroup, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Identification"), _T("JoinDomain"), lpDomain, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Identification"), _T("DomainAdmin"), lpAdmin, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Identification"), _T("DomainAdminPassword"), lpPassword, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); }
// Write out network settings
WriteOutNetSettings( hwnd );
// TAPI and regional settings
WriteOutTapiSettings(); WriteOutRegionalSettings();
// Write out the remaining RIS specific settings
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall == PRODUCT_REMOTEINSTALL ) {
return TRUE; }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-551746-2002/02/27-stelo,swamip - Unused code, should be removed
// Function: WriteOutMassStorageDrivers
// Purpose:
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutMassStorageDrivers( VOID ) {
INT i; TCHAR *lpValue; INT iEntries = GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.MassStorageDrivers );
for( i = 0; i < iEntries; i++ ) {
lpValue = GetNameListName( &GenSettings.MassStorageDrivers, i );
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("MassStorageDrivers"), lpValue, _T("OEM"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); }
// NTRAID#NTBUG9-551746-2002/02/27-stelo,swamip - Unused code, should be removed
// Function: WriteOutOemBootFiles
// Purpose: Write out OEM Boot files (this includes the filenames for the
// HAL and SCSI drivers)
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutOemBootFiles( VOID ) {
INT i; TCHAR *lpValue; INT iHalEntries = GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.OemHalFiles ); INT iScsiEntries = GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.OemScsiFiles );
if( iHalEntries != 0 || iScsiEntries != 0 ) {
// Write out the txtsetup.oem file
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OEMBootFiles"), _T(""), OEM_TXTSETUP_NAME, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write out all the HAL and SCSI files
for( i = 0; i < iHalEntries; i++ ) {
lpValue = GetNameListName( &GenSettings.OemHalFiles, i );
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OEMBootFiles"), _T(""), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
for( i = 0; i < iScsiEntries; i++ ) { lpValue = GetNameListName( &GenSettings.OemScsiFiles, i );
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OEMBootFiles"), _T(""), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Function: WriteOutTapiSettings
// Purpose: Queue up the remaining settings that need to be in the
// answerfile tapi settings.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutTapiSettings( VOID ) {
// Set or clear the country code. If user selected DONTSPECIFY, be
// sure the setting is removed.
Buffer[0] = _T('\0');
if( GenSettings.dwCountryCode != DONTSPECIFYSETTING ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf(Buffer, AS(Buffer),_T("%d"), GenSettings.dwCountryCode); }
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("TapiLocation"), _T("CountryCode"), Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Set or clear the dialing method. Make sure it is cleared if "Don't
// specify setting" was selected.
if ( GenSettings.iDialingMethod == TONE ) lpValue = _T("Tone"); else if ( GenSettings.iDialingMethod == PULSE ) lpValue = _T("Pulse"); else lpValue = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("TapiLocation"), _T("Dialing"), lpValue, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("TapiLocation"), _T("AreaCode"), GenSettings.szAreaCode, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
Buffer[0] = _T('\0');
if( GenSettings.szOutsideLine[0] != _T('\0') ) { hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Buffer,AS(Buffer), _T("\"%s\""), GenSettings.szOutsideLine ); }
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("TapiLocation"), _T("LongDistanceAccess"), Buffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS ); }
// Function: WriteOutRegionalSettings
// Purpose: Queue up the remaining settings that need to be in the
// answerfile regional settings.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutRegionalSettings( VOID ) {
LPTSTR lpLanguageGroup = _T(""); LPTSTR lpLanguage = _T(""); LPTSTR lpSystemLocale = _T(""); LPTSTR lpUserLocale = _T(""); LPTSTR lpInputLocale = _T("");
if( GenSettings.iRegionalSettings == REGIONAL_SETTINGS_SPECIFY ) {
if( GenSettings.bUseCustomLocales ) {
lpSystemLocale = GenSettings.szMenuLanguage;
lpUserLocale = GenSettings.szNumberLanguage;
lpInputLocale = GenSettings.szKeyboardLayout;
} else {
lpLanguage = GenSettings.szLanguage;
if( GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups ) > 0 ) {
NamelistToCommaString( &GenSettings.LanguageGroups, Buffer, AS(Buffer) );
lpLanguageGroup = Buffer;
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("LanguageGroup"), lpLanguageGroup, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("Language"), lpLanguage, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("SystemLocale"), lpSystemLocale, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("UserLocale"), lpUserLocale, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("RegionalSettings"), _T("InputLocale"), lpInputLocale, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Function: WriteOutRemoteInstallSettings
// Purpose: Queue up the remaining settings that need to be in the
// answerfile for a remote install to work.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
// Some long string constants used by this function
#define RIS_ORISRC _T("\"\\\\%SERVERNAME%\\RemInst\\%INSTALLPATH%\"")
#define RIS_SRCDEVICE _T("\"\\Device\\LanmanRedirector\\") \
#define RIS_LAUNCHFILE _T("\"%INSTALLPATH%\\%MACHINETYPE%\\templates\\startrom.com\"")
static VOID WriteOutRemoteInstallSettings(VOID) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("floppyless"), _T("\"1\""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("msdosinitiated"), _T("\"1\""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("OriSrc"), RIS_ORISRC, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("OriTyp"), _T("\"4\""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Data"), _T("LocalSourceOnCD"), _T("1"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); //
// [SetupData] section. This section is only written out if RIS.
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("SetupData"), _T("OsLoadOptions"), _T("/noguiboot /fastdetect"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("SetupData"), _T("SetupSourceDevice"), RIS_SRCDEVICE, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write some RIS specific settings to [Unattended]. Only write settings
// that QueueSettingsToAnswerFile() does not write.
// RIS requires these settings to be present in the .sif and requires
// them to have a fixed value. We will not preserve the value we read
// on an edit (in case user changed it by hand).
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("FileSystem"), _T("LeaveAlone"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("NtUpgrade"), StrConstNo, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Unattended"), _T("OverwriteOemFilesOnUpgrade"), StrConstNo, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Additional settings for
// [RemoteInstall]
// [Display]
// [Networking]
// [Identification]
// [OSChooser]
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("RemoteInstall"), _T("Repartition"), StrConstYes, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Networking"), _T("ProcessPageSections"), StrConstYes, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Identification"), _T("DoOldStyleDomainJoin"), StrConstYes, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OSChooser"), _T("Description"), GenSettings.szSifDescription, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OSChooser"), _T("Help"), GenSettings.szSifHelpText, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OSChooser"), _T("LaunchFile"), RIS_LAUNCHFILE, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("OSChooser"), _T("ImageType"), _T("Flat"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Write out the IE Favorites
static VOID WriteOutIeFavorites( VOID ) { INT nEntries = GetNameListSize( &GenSettings.Favorites ); INT i; INT iEntryNumber; LPTSTR pFriendlyName; LPTSTR pWebAddress; TCHAR Key[MAX_INILINE_LEN + 1]; TCHAR Value[MAX_INILINE_LEN + 1]; HRESULT hrPrintf;
// ISSUE-2002/02/27-stelo - make sure to clear the entries if they are no favorites
for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i = i + 2 ) {
iEntryNumber = ( i / 2 ) + 1;
pFriendlyName = GetNameListName( &GenSettings.Favorites, i );
pWebAddress = GetNameListName( &GenSettings.Favorites, i + 1 );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Key,AS(Key), _T("Title%d"), iEntryNumber );
// Always quote the friendly name
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Value,AS(Value), _T("\"%s.url\""), pFriendlyName );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("FavoritesEx"), Key, Value, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Key,AS(Key), _T("URL%d"), iEntryNumber );
// Always quote the web address
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( Value,AS(Value), _T("\"%s\""), pWebAddress );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("FavoritesEx"), Key, Value, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS ); } }
static LPTSTR AllocateAddressPortString( LPTSTR lpszAddressString, LPTSTR lpszPortString ) { LPTSTR lpszAddressPortString; int iAddressPortStringLen; HRESULT hrCat;
iAddressPortStringLen=(lstrlen(lpszAddressString) + lstrlen(lpszPortString) + 2); lpszAddressPortString = MALLOC(iAddressPortStringLen * sizeof(TCHAR) ); if ( lpszAddressPortString ) { lstrcpyn( lpszAddressPortString, lpszAddressString, iAddressPortStringLen);
if ( *lpszPortString ) { hrCat=StringCchCat( lpszAddressPortString, iAddressPortStringLen, _T(":") ); hrCat=StringCchCat( lpszAddressPortString, iAddressPortStringLen, lpszPortString ); } }
return lpszAddressPortString; }
// Function: WriteOutIeSettings
// Purpose: Queue up the answerfile settings for IE.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutIeSettings( VOID ) { LPTSTR lpIeBrandingFile = _T(""); LPTSTR lpAutoConfig = _T(""); LPTSTR lpAutoConfigUrl = _T(""); LPTSTR lpAutoConfigUrlJscript = _T(""); LPTSTR lpUseProxyServer = _T(""); LPTSTR lpUseSameProxyForAllProtocols = _T(""); LPTSTR lpProxyExceptions = _T(""); LPTSTR lpHomePage = _T(""); LPTSTR lpHelpPage = _T(""); LPTSTR lpSearchPage = _T(""); LPTSTR lpHttpProxy = NULL; LPTSTR lpSecureProxy = NULL; LPTSTR lpFtpProxy = NULL; LPTSTR lpGopherProxy = NULL; LPTSTR lpSocksProxy = NULL;
LPTSTR lpUseUnattendFileForBranding = _T("Yes"); HRESULT hrCat;
if( GenSettings.IeCustomizeMethod == IE_NO_CUSTOMIZATION ) { //
// Don't write out any IE keys when the choose not to customize IE
return; } else if( GenSettings.IeCustomizeMethod == IE_USE_BRANDING_FILE ) {
lpIeBrandingFile = GenSettings.szInsFile;
lpUseUnattendFileForBranding = _T("No");
// Write out the Auto Config settings
if( GenSettings.bUseAutoConfigScript ) {
lpAutoConfig = _T("1");
lpAutoConfigUrl = GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrl;
lpAutoConfigUrlJscript = GenSettings.szAutoConfigUrlJscriptOrPac;
} else { lpAutoConfig = _T("0"); }
// Write out the proxy settings
if( GenSettings.bUseProxyServer ) { lpUseProxyServer = _T("1"); } else { lpUseProxyServer = _T("0"); }
if( GenSettings.bUseSameProxyForAllProtocols ) {
lpUseSameProxyForAllProtocols = _T("1"); } else { lpUseSameProxyForAllProtocols = _T("0"); }
// For each proxy server, if the port is not empty concatenate it.
lpHttpProxy = AllocateAddressPortString( GenSettings.szHttpProxyAddress, GenSettings.szHttpProxyPort );
// Only write out the proxy server if they aren't using the same one
if( ! GenSettings.bUseSameProxyForAllProtocols ) { lpSecureProxy = AllocateAddressPortString( GenSettings.szSecureProxyAddress, GenSettings.szSecureProxyPort );
lpFtpProxy = AllocateAddressPortString( GenSettings.szFtpProxyAddress, GenSettings.szFtpProxyPort );
lpGopherProxy = AllocateAddressPortString( GenSettings.szGopherProxyAddress, GenSettings.szGopherProxyPort );
lpSocksProxy = AllocateAddressPortString( GenSettings.szSocksProxyAddress, GenSettings.szSocksProxyPort ); }
// Append the string <local> to the exception list if the user wants to
// bypass the proxy for local addresses
if( GenSettings.bBypassProxyForLocalAddresses ) {
if( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions[0] != _T('\0') ) {
INT iLastChar;
iLastChar = lstrlen( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions );
if( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions[iLastChar - 1] != _T(';') ) { hrCat=StringCchCat( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions, AS(GenSettings.szProxyExceptions),_T(";") ); }
hrCat=StringCchCat( GenSettings.szProxyExceptions, AS(GenSettings.szProxyExceptions),_T("<local>") );
lpProxyExceptions = GenSettings.szProxyExceptions;
lpHomePage = GenSettings.szHomePage;
lpHelpPage = GenSettings.szHelpPage;
lpSearchPage = GenSettings.szSearchPage;
// Write out the IE Favorites...
WriteOutIeFavorites( );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Branding"), _T("BrandIEUsingUnattended"), lpUseUnattendFileForBranding, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Branding"), _T("IEBrandingFile"), lpIeBrandingFile, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("URL"), _T("AutoConfig"), lpAutoConfig, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("URL"), _T("AutoConfigURL"), lpAutoConfigUrl, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("URL"), _T("AutoConfigJSURL"), lpAutoConfigUrlJscript, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("Proxy_Enable"), lpUseProxyServer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("Use_Same_Proxy"), lpUseSameProxyForAllProtocols, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("HTTP_Proxy_Server"), lpHttpProxy ? lpHttpProxy : _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("Secure_Proxy_Server"), lpSecureProxy ? lpSecureProxy : _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("FTP_Proxy_Server"), lpFtpProxy ? lpFtpProxy : _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("Gopher_Proxy_Server"), lpGopherProxy ? lpGopherProxy : _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("Socks_Proxy_Server"), lpSocksProxy ? lpSocksProxy : _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("Proxy"), _T("Proxy_Override"), lpProxyExceptions, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("URL"), _T("Home_Page"), lpHomePage, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("URL"), _T("Help_Page"), lpHelpPage, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("URL"), _T("Search_Page"), lpSearchPage, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Free any memory we may have allocated...
if ( lpHttpProxy ) FREE ( lpHttpProxy );
if ( lpSecureProxy ) FREE ( lpSecureProxy );
if ( lpFtpProxy ) FREE ( lpFtpProxy );
if ( lpGopherProxy ) FREE ( lpGopherProxy );
if ( lpSocksProxy ) FREE ( lpSocksProxy ); }