// Copyright (c) 1997-1999 Microsoft Corporation
// All rights reserved.
// File Name:
// savenet.c
// Description:
// Adds the appropriate settings to the output queue for each of the
// Clients, Services and Protocols installed.
#include "pch.h"
#include "allres.h"
// String constants
static const LPTSTR StrConstYes = _T("Yes"); static const LPTSTR StrConstNo = _T("No"); static const LPTSTR StrConstStar = _T("*"); static const LPTSTR StrComma = _T(",");
// local prototypes
static VOID WriteOutCustomNetSettings( HWND ); static VOID WriteOutAppleTalkSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutDlcProtocolSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutFileAndPrintSharingSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutIpxSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutMSClientSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutNetBeuiSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutNetWareSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutNetworkMonitorSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutPacketSchedulingDriverSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutSapAgentSettings( VOID ); static VOID WriteOutTcpipSettings( IN HWND hwnd ); static VOID WriteOutAdapterSpecificTcpipSettings( IN HWND hwnd, IN TCHAR *szSectionName, IN NETWORK_ADAPTER_NODE *pAdapter );
extern VOID NamelistToCommaString( IN NAMELIST* pNamelist, OUT TCHAR *szBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize);
// Function: WriteOutNetSettings
// Purpose: Writes out network settings
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog
// Returns: VOID
extern VOID WriteOutNetSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
if( NetSettings.iNetworkingMethod == CUSTOM_NETWORKING ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Networking"), _T("InstallDefaultComponents"), StrConstNo, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS); WriteOutCustomNetSettings( hwnd ); } else {
SettingQueue_AddSetting(_T("Networking"), _T("InstallDefaultComponents"), StrConstYes, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS);
// Function: WriteOutCustomNetSettings
// Purpose: Add to the output queue the settings for each of the Clients,
// Services and Protocols installed.
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutCustomNetSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
INT iCount;
TCHAR szAdapter[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szParams[MAX_STRING_LEN] = _T(""); HRESULT hrPrintf;
// Don't write out [NetAdapters] or params section on a sysprep because
// they aren't supported.
if( WizGlobals.iProductInstall != PRODUCT_SYSPREP ) {
for( pAdapter = NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead, iCount = 1; pAdapter; pAdapter = pAdapter->next, iCount++ ) {
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szAdapter, AS(szAdapter), _T("Adapter%d"), iCount );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szParams, AS(szParams), _T("params.%s"), szAdapter );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetAdapters"), szAdapter, szParams, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// If more than 1 network adapter will be installed then we have
// to specify the Plug and Play IDs
if( NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards > 1) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szParams, _T("INFID"), pAdapter->szPlugAndPlayID, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
szAdapter[0] = _T('\0'); szParams[0] = _T('\0');
if( NetSettings.iNumberOfNetworkCards == 1 ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.Adapter1"), _T("INFID"), StrConstStar, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Iterate over the Net list writing out settings for the
// installed components
for( pNetComponent = NetSettings.NetComponentsList; pNetComponent; pNetComponent = pNetComponent->next ) {
if( pNetComponent->bInstalled ) {
// find the appropriate function to call to write its settings
switch( pNetComponent->iPosition ) {
if( WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_WORKSTATION || WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_PERSONAL ) { WriteOutNetWareSettings(); }
if( WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_SERVER || WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_ENTERPRISE || WizGlobals.iPlatform == PLATFORM_WEBBLADE) { WriteOutNetWareSettings(); }
WriteOutSapAgentSettings(); break; case APPLETALK_POSITION:
WriteOutAppleTalkSettings(); break;
WriteOutDlcProtocolSettings(); break; case TCPIP_POSITION:
WriteOutTcpipSettings( hwnd ); break;
WriteOutNetBeuiSettings(); break; case NETWORK_MONITOR_AGENT_POSITION:
WriteOutNetworkMonitorSettings(); break; case IPX_POSITION:
WriteOutIpxSettings(); break;
AssertMsg( FALSE, "Bad case in Net Save switch block." );
// Function: WriteOutMSClientSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for the Client for MS Networks to the
// output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutMSClientSettings( VOID ) {
LPTSTR lpNameServiceProvider = _T(""); LPTSTR lpNameServiceNetworkAddress = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetClients"), _T("MS_MSClient"), _T("params.MS_MSClient"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
if( NetSettings.NameServiceProvider == MS_CLIENT_WINDOWS_LOCATOR ) { lpNameServiceProvider = _T(""); } else if( NetSettings.NameServiceProvider == MS_CLIENT_DCE_CELL_DIR_SERVICE ) { lpNameServiceProvider = _T("ncacn_ip_tcp");
lpNameServiceNetworkAddress = NetSettings.szNetworkAddress; } else { AssertMsg( FALSE, "Invalid case for NameServiceProvider" ); } SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_MSClient"), _T("NameServiceProtocol"), lpNameServiceProvider, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_MSClient"), _T("NameServiceNetworkAddress"), lpNameServiceNetworkAddress, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutNetWareSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for Netware to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutNetWareSettings( VOID ) {
LPTSTR lpPreferredServer = _T(""); LPTSTR lpDefaultTree = _T(""); LPTSTR lpDefaultContext = _T(""); LPTSTR lpLogonScript = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetClients"), _T("MS_NWClient"), _T("params.MS_NWClient"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
if( NetSettings.bDefaultTreeContext ) {
lpDefaultTree = NetSettings.szDefaultTree; lpDefaultContext = NetSettings.szDefaultContext;
} else {
lpPreferredServer = NetSettings.szPreferredServer;
if( NetSettings.bNetwareLogonScript ) {
lpLogonScript = StrConstYes;
} else {
lpLogonScript = StrConstNo;
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NWClient"), _T("PreferredServer"), lpPreferredServer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NWClient"), _T("DefaultTree"), lpDefaultTree, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NWClient"), _T("DefaultContext"), lpDefaultContext, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NWClient"), _T("LogonScript"), lpLogonScript, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutFileAndPrintSharingSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for File and Print Sharing to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutFileAndPrintSharingSettings( VOID ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetServices"), _T("MS_SERVER"), _T("params.MS_SERVER"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_SERVER"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutPacketSchedulingDriverSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for the QoS Packet Scheduler to the
// output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutPacketSchedulingDriverSettings( VOID ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetServices"), _T("MS_PSched"), _T("params.MS_PSched"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_PSched"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutSapAgentSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for the SAP Agent to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutSapAgentSettings( VOID ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetServices"), _T("MS_NwSapAgent"), _T("params.MS_NwSapAgent"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NwSapAgent"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutAppleTalkSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for AppleTalk to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutAppleTalkSettings( VOID ) {
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- fill in the parameters, once I know what ones to use
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_AppleTalk"), _T("params.MS_AppleTalk"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_AppleTalk"), _T("DefaultZone"), NetSettings.szDefaultZone, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS ); */
// Function: WriteOutDlcProtocolSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for the DLC protocol to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutDlcProtocolSettings( VOID ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_DLC"), _T("params.MS_DLC"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_DLC"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutNetBeuiSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for Net BEUI to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutNetBeuiSettings( VOID ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_NetBEUI"), _T("params.MS_NetBEUI"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NetBEUI"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutNetworkMonitorSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for the Network Monitor to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutNetworkMonitorSettings( VOID ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_NetMon"), _T("params.MS_NetMon"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NetMon"), _T(""), _T(""), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutIpxSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for the IPX protocol to the output queue.
// Arguments: VOID
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutIpxSettings( VOID ) {
INT iCount = 0; INT iCharCount = 0;
TCHAR szAdapterSectionsBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szAdapter[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szParams[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T("");
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_NWIPX"), _T("params.MS_NWIPX"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NWIPX"), _T("VirtualNetworkNumber"), NetSettings.szInternalNetworkNumber, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Build up the AdapterSections string by iterating over the list and
// appending a string for each entry and then write out the IPX settings
// specific for that adapter
for( pAdapter = NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead, iCount = 1; pAdapter; pAdapter = pAdapter->next, iCount++ ) {
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szParams, AS(szParams), _T("params.MS_NWIPX.Adapter%d"), iCount ); iCharCount= lstrlen(szParams);
// Break out of the for loop if there is no more room in the buffer
// - the +1 is to take into account the space the comma takes up
if( ( lstrlen( szAdapterSectionsBuffer ) + iCharCount + 1 ) >= MAX_INILINE_LEN ) {
// Don't add the comma before the first item in the list
if( iCount != 1 ) {
hrCat=StringCchCat( szAdapterSectionsBuffer, AS(szAdapterSectionsBuffer), StrComma );
hrCat=StringCchCat( szAdapterSectionsBuffer, AS(szAdapterSectionsBuffer), szParams );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szAdapter, AS(szAdapter), _T("Adapter%d"), iCount );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szParams, _T("SpecificTo"), szAdapter, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szParams, _T("PktType"), pAdapter->szFrameType, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szParams, _T("NetworkNumber"), pAdapter->szNetworkNumber, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_NWIPX"), _T("AdapterSections"), szAdapterSectionsBuffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutTcpipSettings
// Purpose: Adds the settings for TCPIP to the output queue.
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutTcpipSettings( IN HWND hwnd ) {
LPTSTR lpDns; LPTSTR lpDomainNameDevolution; LPTSTR lpLmHosts;
INT iCount; INT iCharCount;
TCHAR szAdapterSectionsBuffer[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szAdapter[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); TCHAR szParams[MAX_INILINE_LEN] = _T(""); HRESULT hrCat; HRESULT hrPrintf;
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("NetProtocols"), _T("MS_TCPIP"), _T("params.MS_TCPIP"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out if DNS is going to be configured automatically or if not,
// the actual IP addresses
if( NetSettings.bObtainDNSServerAutomatically ) {
lpDns = StrConstYes; } else {
lpDns = StrConstNo;
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_TCPIP"), _T("DNS"), lpDns, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out the DNS suffix names
NamelistToCommaString( &NetSettings.TCPIP_DNS_Domains, szBuffer, AS(szBuffer) );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_TCPIP"), _T("DNSSuffixSearchOrder"), szBuffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out if we are using Domain Name Devolution or not
// (another name for "Include parent Domains"
if( NetSettings.bIncludeParentDomains ) {
lpDomainNameDevolution = StrConstYes;
} else {
lpDomainNameDevolution = StrConstNo;
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_TCPIP"), _T("UseDomainNameDevolution"), lpDomainNameDevolution, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out if LM Hosts is enabled or not
if( NetSettings.bEnableLMHosts ) {
lpLmHosts = StrConstYes;
} else {
lpLmHosts = StrConstNo;
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_TCPIP"), _T("EnableLMHosts"), lpLmHosts, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Setup for and write out the Adapter Specific TCP/IP Settings
for( pAdapter = NetSettings.NetworkAdapterHead, iCount = 1; pAdapter; pAdapter = pAdapter->next, iCount++ ) {
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szParams, AS(szParams), _T("params.MS_TCPIP.Adapter%d"), iCount ); iCharCount= lstrlen(szParams);
// Break out of the for loop if there is no more room in the buffer
// - the +1 is to take into account the space the comma takes up
if( ( lstrlen( szAdapterSectionsBuffer ) + iCharCount + 1 ) >= MAX_INILINE_LEN ) {
// Don't add the comma before the first item in the list
if( iCount != 1) {
hrCat=StringCchCat( szAdapterSectionsBuffer, AS(szAdapterSectionsBuffer), StrComma );
hrCat=StringCchCat( szAdapterSectionsBuffer, AS(szAdapterSectionsBuffer), szParams );
hrPrintf=StringCchPrintf( szAdapter, AS(szAdapter), _T("Adapter%d"), iCount );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szParams, _T("SpecificTo"), szAdapter, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
WriteOutAdapterSpecificTcpipSettings( hwnd, szParams, pAdapter );
SettingQueue_AddSetting( _T("params.MS_TCPIP"), _T("AdapterSections"), szAdapterSectionsBuffer, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: WriteOutAdapterSpecificTcpipSettings
// Purpose: Writes out settings to the output queue that are specific to a
// particular network adapter.
// Arguments: IN HWND hwnd - handle to the dialog window
// IN TCHAR *szSectionName - section name to write in settings under
// IN NETWORK_ADAPTER_NODE *pAdapter - the network adapter that has
// the settings to write out
// Returns: VOID
static VOID WriteOutAdapterSpecificTcpipSettings( IN HWND hwnd, IN TCHAR *szSectionName, IN NETWORK_ADAPTER_NODE *pAdapter ) {
INT nEntries;
LPTSTR lpNetBios = NULL;
TCHAR szIpAddresses[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR szSubnetMaskAddresses[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR szGatewayAddresses[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR szDnsAddresses[MAX_INILINE_LEN]; TCHAR szWinsServerAddresses[MAX_INILINE_LEN];
// Write out if we are using DHCP or not
// If we are not then write the IP, Subnet masks and Gateway
// IP addresses
if( pAdapter->bObtainIPAddressAutomatically ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("DHCP"), _T("Yes"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
} else {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("DHCP"), _T("No"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out the IP addresses
NamelistToCommaString( &pAdapter->Tcpip_IpAddresses, szIpAddresses, AS(szIpAddresses));
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("IPAddress"), szIpAddresses, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS ); //
// Write out the Subnet Masks
NamelistToCommaString( &pAdapter->Tcpip_SubnetMaskAddresses, szSubnetMaskAddresses, AS(szSubnetMaskAddresses));
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("SubnetMask"), szSubnetMaskAddresses, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out the gateways
NamelistToCommaString( &pAdapter->Tcpip_GatewayAddresses, szGatewayAddresses, AS(szGatewayAddresses));
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("DefaultGateway"), szGatewayAddresses, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out the DNS Server addresses
if( ! NetSettings.bObtainDNSServerAutomatically ) {
NamelistToCommaString( &pAdapter->Tcpip_DnsAddresses, szDnsAddresses, AS(szGatewayAddresses));
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("DNSServerSearchOrder"), szDnsAddresses, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Write out if we are using WINS or not
nEntries = GetNameListSize( &pAdapter->Tcpip_WinsAddresses );
// ISSUE-2002/02/28-stelo- is this the correct way of detecting if we are using WINS
// or not, just checking to see if they added anything in the
// list box?
if( nEntries == 0 ) {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("WINS"), _T("No"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
} else {
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("WINS"), _T("Yes"), SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
NamelistToCommaString( &pAdapter->Tcpip_WinsAddresses, szWinsServerAddresses, AS(szWinsServerAddresses));
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("WinsServerList"), szWinsServerAddresses, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS ); }
// Write out the NetBIOS option
switch( pAdapter->iNetBiosOption ) {
case 0: lpNetBios = _T("0"); break; // Use value generated by DHCP
case 1: lpNetBios = _T("1"); break; // Enable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
case 2: lpNetBios = _T("2"); break; // Disable NetBIOS over TCP/IP
default: AssertMsg( FALSE, "Bad case in Net BIOS switch" );
if ( lpNetBios ) { SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("NetBIOSOptions"), lpNetBios, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS ); }
// Write out the DNS Domain name
SettingQueue_AddSetting( szSectionName, _T("DNSDomain"), pAdapter->szDNSDomainName, SETTING_QUEUE_ANSWERS );
// Function: NamelistToCommaString
// Purpose: takes the elements of a Namelist and concatenates them together
// into a string with each element separated by a comma
// For instance, the namelist 1->2->3->4 becomes the string 1,2,3,4
// it does NOT preserve the string inside of szBuffer
// assumes szBuffer is of size MAX_INILINE_LEN
// Arguments:
// Returns: VOID
VOID NamelistToCommaString( IN NAMELIST* pNamelist, OUT TCHAR *szBuffer, IN DWORD cbSize ) {
INT i; INT nEntries; TCHAR *pString; HRESULT hrCat;
szBuffer[0] = _T('\0');
nEntries = GetNameListSize( pNamelist );
for( i = 0; i < nEntries; i++ ) {
// Separate entries by a comma (but leave it off the first one)
if( i != 0 ) {
hrCat=StringCchCat( szBuffer, cbSize, StrComma );
} //
// Get the new string
pString = GetNameListName( pNamelist, i );
// Append the IP string to the buffer
hrCat=StringCchCat( szBuffer, cbSize, pString ); }