Copyright (c) 1990 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This function contains the setupapi debugger extensions
Mark Lucovsky (markl) 09-Apr-1991
Revision History:
#include "ntsdextp.h"
#include <setupapi.h>
extern WINDBG_EXTENSION_APIS ExtensionApis; extern HANDLE ExtensionCurrentProcess;
VOID DumpXFile( PXFILE pxf, DWORD mask ) { PVOID pst; DWORD i, offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; STRING_TABLE st; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
if ((mask & 4) == 0 ) { return; }
dprintf( "\t\t ***XFILE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t CurrentSize : 0x%x", pxf->CurrentSize ); if (pxf->CurrentSize == -1) { dprintf( " (doesn't currently exist)" ); } dprintf( "\n\t\t NewSize : 0x%x", pxf->NewSize ); if (pxf->NewSize == -1) { dprintf( " (will be deleted)" ); } dprintf("\n");
VOID DumpXDirectory( PXDIRECTORY pxd, DWORD mask ) { PVOID pst; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; STRING_TABLE st; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
if ((mask & 2) == 0 ) { return; }
dprintf( "\t\t ***XDIRECTORY structure***\n", pxd ); dprintf( "\t\t SpaceRequired : 0x%x\n", pxd->SpaceRequired ); dprintf( "\t\t FilesTable : 08%08x\n", pxd->FilesTable );
move ( st, pxd->FilesTable ) ;
dprintf("\t\t ***FilesTable***\n");
dprintf("\t\t Base Data ptr:\t0x%08x\n", st.Data); dprintf("\t\t DataSize:\t0x%08x\n", st.DataSize); dprintf("\t\t BufferSize:\t0x%08x\n", st.BufferSize); dprintf("\t\t ExtraDataSize:\t0x%08x\n", st.ExtraDataSize);
stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("\t\t Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { dprintf("\t\t Entry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset);
pxf = (PXFILE) GetStringNodeExtraData( node ); DumpXFile( pxf, mask ); free(pxf);
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
free( stdata );
VOID DumpXDrive( PXDRIVE pxd, DWORD mask ) { PVOID pst; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; STRING_TABLE st; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
if ((mask & 1) == 0) { return; }
dprintf( "\t\t***XDRIVE structure***\n", pxd ); dprintf( "\t\t SpaceRequired : 0x%x\n", pxd->SpaceRequired ); dprintf( "\t\t BytesPerCluster : 08%08x\n", pxd->BytesPerCluster ); dprintf( "\t\t Slop : 08%x\n", pxd->Slop ); dprintf( "\t\t DirsTable : 08%08x\n", pxd->DirsTable );
move ( st, pxd->DirsTable ) ;
dprintf("\t\t ***DirsTable***\n");
dprintf("\t\t Base Data ptr:\t0x%08x\n", st.Data); dprintf("\t\t DataSize:\t0x%08x\n", st.DataSize); dprintf("\t\t BufferSize:\t0x%08x\n", st.BufferSize); dprintf("\t\t ExtraDataSize:\t0x%08x\n", st.ExtraDataSize);
stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("\t\t Data at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { dprintf("\t\t Entry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset);
pxdir = (PXDIRECTORY) GetStringNodeExtraData( node ); DumpXDirectory( pxdir, mask ); free(pxdir);
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } } if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free( stdata );
DECLARE_API( space ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to a HDSKSPC structure
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; PVOID pds,pst; DISK_SPACE_LIST dsl; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; STRING_TABLE st; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
PXDRIVE pxd; DWORD Mask = 0;
//BOOL val;
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
pds = (PVOID)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
while (*lpArgumentString && (*lpArgumentString != ' ') ) { lpArgumentString++; } while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
if (*lpArgumentString) { Mask = (DWORD)GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); }
move( dsl , pds );
dprintf("DISK_SPACE_LIST at :\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) pds); dprintf("\tLock[0] : 0x%08x\n", dsl.Lock.handles[0]); dprintf("\tLock[1] : 0x%08x\n", dsl.Lock.handles[1]); dprintf("\tDrivesTable : 0x%08x\n", dsl.DrivesTable ); dprintf("\tFlags : 0x%08x\n", dsl.Flags);
move ( st, dsl.DrivesTable ) ;
dprintf("\t ***DrivesTable***\n"); DumpStringTableHeader( &st );
stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("\t\tData at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { dprintf("\t\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset);
pxd = (PXDRIVE) GetStringNodeExtraData( node ); DumpXDrive( pxd, Mask ); free(pxd);
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } free( stdata );
#include "cntxtlog.h"
#include "backup.h"
#include "fileq.h"
VOID DumpAltPlatformInfo( PSP_ALTPLATFORM_INFO api, DWORD mask ); VOID DumpFileQueueNodeList( PSP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE pfqn, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ) ; VOID DumpSourceMediaInfoList( PSOURCE_MEDIA_INFO smi, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ); VOID DumpCatalogInfoList( PSPQ_CATALOG_INFO ci, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ); VOID DumpUnwindList( PSP_UNWIND_NODE pun, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ); VOID DumpDelayMoveList( PSP_DELAYMOVE_NODE pdn, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive );
VOID DumpAltPlatformInfo( PSP_ALTPLATFORM_INFO api, DWORD mask ) { //if ((mask & 4) == 0 ) {
// return;
dprintf( "\t\t***SP_ALT_PLATFORM_INFO structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t cbSize : 0x%x\n", api->cbSize ); dprintf( "\t\t Platform : 0x%x\n", api->Platform ); dprintf( "\t\t MajorVersion : 0x%x\n", api->MajorVersion ); dprintf( "\t\t MinorVersion : 0x%x\n", api->MinorVersion ); dprintf( "\t\t ProcessorArchitecture : 0x%x\n", api->ProcessorArchitecture ); dprintf( "\t\t Reserved : 0x%x\n", api->Reserved );
VOID DumpFileQueueNodeList( PSP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE pfqn, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ) { //PVOID pst;
//DWORD i, offset;
//PVOID stdata,pextradata;
//PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
//if ((mask & 4) == 0 ) {
// return;
dprintf( "\t\t***SP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t Next : 0x%x\n", pfqn->Next ); dprintf( "\t\t Operation : 0x%x ( %s )\n", pfqn->Operation, (pfqn->Operation == FILEOP_DELETE) ? "DELETE" : (pfqn->Operation == FILEOP_RENAME) ? "RENAME" : "COPY" );
dprintf( "\t\t SourceRootPath : 0x%x\n", pfqn->SourceRootPath ); dprintf( "\t\t SourcePath : 0x%x\n", pfqn->SourcePath ); dprintf( "\t\t SourceFilename : 0x%x\n", pfqn->SourceFilename ); dprintf( "\t\t TargetDirectory : 0x%x\n", pfqn->TargetDirectory ); dprintf( "\t\t SecurityDesc : 0x%x\n", pfqn->SecurityDesc );
dprintf( "\t\t SourceMediaInfo : 0x%x\n", pfqn->SourceMediaInfo ); if (pfqn->SourceMediaInfo && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } move( smi, pfqn->SourceMediaInfo ); DumpSourceMediaInfoList( &smi, mask, FALSE ); }
dprintf( "\t\t StyleFlags : 0x%x\n", pfqn->StyleFlags ); dprintf( "\t\t InternalFlags : 0x%x\n", pfqn->InternalFlags );
dprintf( "\t\t CatalogInfo : 0x%x\n", pfqn->CatalogInfo ); if (pfqn->CatalogInfo && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } move( ci, pfqn->CatalogInfo); DumpCatalogInfoList( &ci, mask, FALSE ); }
if (pfqn->Next && recursive) { move( next, pfqn->Next ); DumpFileQueueNodeList( &next, mask, TRUE ); }
VOID DumpSourceMediaInfoList( PSOURCE_MEDIA_INFO smi, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ) { //PVOID pst;
//DWORD i, offset;
//PVOID stdata,pextradata;
//PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
//if ((mask & 4) == 0 ) {
// return;
dprintf( "\t\t***SOURCE_MEDIA_INFO structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t Next : 0x%x\n", smi->Next ); dprintf( "\t\t Description : 0x%x\n", smi->Description ); dprintf( "\t\t DescriptionDisplayName : 0x%x\n", smi->DescriptionDisplayName ); dprintf( "\t\t Tagfile : 0x%x\n", smi->Tagfile ); dprintf( "\t\t SourceRootPath : 0x%x\n", smi->SourceRootPath ); dprintf( "\t\t CopyQueue : 0x%x\n", smi->CopyQueue );
if (smi->CopyQueue && (mask & 8) && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } move ( queue, smi->CopyQueue ) ; DumpFileQueueNodeList( &queue, mask, FALSE ); }
dprintf( "\t\t CopyNodeCount : 0x%x\n", smi->CopyNodeCount ); dprintf( "\t\t Flags : 0x%x\n", smi->Flags );
if (smi->Next && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } move ( next, smi->Next ) ; DumpSourceMediaInfoList( &next, mask, TRUE ); }
VOID DumpCatalogInfoList( PSPQ_CATALOG_INFO ci, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ) { //PVOID pst;
//DWORD i, offset;
//PVOID stdata,pextradata;
//PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
//if ((mask & 4) == 0 ) {
// return;
dprintf( "\t\t***SPQ_CATALOG_INFO structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t Next : 0x%x\n", ci->Next ); dprintf( "\t\t CatalogFileFromInf : 0x%x\n", ci->CatalogFileFromInf ); dprintf( "\t\t AltCatalogFileFromInf : 0x%x\n", ci->AltCatalogFileFromInf ); dprintf( "\t\t AltCatalogFileFromInfPending : 0x%x\n", ci->AltCatalogFileFromInfPending ); dprintf( "\t\t InfFullPath : 0x%x\n", ci->InfFullPath ); dprintf( "\t\t InfOriginalName : 0x%x\n", ci->InfOriginalName ); dprintf( "\t\t InfFinalPath : 0x%x\n", ci->InfFinalPath ); dprintf( "\t\t VerificationFailureError : 0x%x\n", ci->VerificationFailureError ); dprintf( "\t\t Flags : 0x%x\n", ci->Flags ); dprintf( "\t\t CatalogFilenameOnSystem : %ws\n", ci->CatalogFilenameOnSystem );
if (ci->Next && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } move(next, ci->Next ); DumpCatalogInfoList( &next, mask, TRUE ) ; }
VOID DumpUnwindList( PSP_UNWIND_NODE pun, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ) { SP_UNWIND_NODE next;
dprintf( "\t\t***SP_UNWIND_NODE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t NextNode : 0x%x\n", pun->NextNode ); dprintf( "\t\t TargetID : 0x%x\n", pun->TargetID ); dprintf( "\t\t SecurityDesc : 0x%x\n", pun->SecurityDesc ); dprintf( "\t\t CreateTime : 0x%x 0x%x\n", pun->CreateTime.dwLowDateTime, pun->CreateTime.dwHighDateTime );
dprintf( "\t\t AccessTime : 0x%x 0x%x\n", pun->AccessTime.dwLowDateTime, pun->AccessTime.dwHighDateTime );
dprintf( "\t\t WriteTime : 0x%x 0x%x\n", pun->WriteTime.dwLowDateTime, pun->WriteTime.dwHighDateTime );
if (pun->NextNode && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } move(next, pun->NextNode); DumpUnwindList( &next, mask, TRUE ); }
VOID DumpTargetEnt( PSP_TARGET_ENT pte, DWORD mask ) { dprintf( "\t\t***SP_TARGET_ENT structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t TargetRoot : 0x%x\n", pte->TargetRoot ); dprintf( "\t\t TargetSubDir : 0x%x\n", pte->TargetSubDir ); dprintf( "\t\t TargetFilename : 0x%x\n", pte->TargetFilename ); dprintf( "\t\t BackupRoot : 0x%x\n", pte->BackupRoot ); dprintf( "\t\t BackupSubDir : 0x%x\n", pte->BackupSubDir ); dprintf( "\t\t BackupFilename : 0x%x\n", pte->BackupFilename ); dprintf( "\t\t NewTargetFilename : 0x%x\n", pte->NewTargetFilename ); dprintf( "\t\t InternalFlags : 0x%x\n", pte->InternalFlags ); }
VOID DumpDelayMoveList( PSP_DELAYMOVE_NODE pdn, DWORD mask, BOOL recursive ) { SP_DELAYMOVE_NODE next;
dprintf( "\t\t***SP_DELAYMOVE_NODE structure***\n" ); dprintf( "\t\t NextNode : 0x%x\n", pdn->NextNode ); dprintf( "\t\t SourceFilename : 0x%x\n", pdn->SourceFilename ); dprintf( "\t\t TargetFilename : 0x%x\n", pdn->TargetFilename ); dprintf( "\t\t SecurityDesc (stringtable index) : 0x%x\n", pdn->SecurityDesc );
if (pdn->NextNode && recursive) { if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } move(next,pdn->NextNode); DumpDelayMoveList( &next, mask, TRUE ); }
DECLARE_API( queue ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to a HSPFILEQ
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; PVOID pfq,pst; SP_FILE_QUEUE fq; PSP_TARGET_ENT pte; DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; STRING_TABLE st; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
DWORD Mask = 0;
//BOOL val;
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
pfq = (PVOID)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
while (*lpArgumentString && (*lpArgumentString != ' ') ) { lpArgumentString++; } while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
if (*lpArgumentString) { Mask = (DWORD)GetExpression( lpArgumentString ); }
move( fq , pfq );
dprintf("SP_FILE_QUEUE at :\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) pfq); dprintf("\t BackupQueue : 0x%08x\n", fq.BackupQueue); dprintf("\t DeleteQueue : 0x%08x\n", fq.DeleteQueue); dprintf("\t RenameQueue : 0x%08x\n", fq.RenameQueue);
dprintf("\t CopyNodeCount : 0x%08x\n", fq.CopyNodeCount); dprintf("\t DeleteNodeCount : 0x%08x\n", fq.DeleteNodeCount); dprintf("\t RenameNodeCount : 0x%08x\n", fq.RenameNodeCount); dprintf("\t BackupNodeCount : 0x%08x\n", fq.BackupNodeCount);
dprintf("\t SourceMediaList : 0x%08x\n", fq.SourceMediaList); dprintf("\t SourceMediaCount : 0x%08x\n", fq.SourceMediaCount);
dprintf("\t CatalogList : 0x%08x\n", fq.CatalogList); dprintf("\t DriverSigningPolicy : 0x%08x (%s)\n", fq.DriverSigningPolicy, (fq.DriverSigningPolicy == DRIVERSIGN_BLOCKING) ? "DRIVERSIGN_BLOCKING" : (fq.DriverSigningPolicy == DRIVERSIGN_WARNING) ? "DRIVERSIGN_WARNING" : "DRIVERSIGN_NONE" );
dprintf("\t hWndDriverSigningUi : 0x%08x\n", fq.hWndDriverSigningUi); dprintf("\t DeviceDescStringId : 0x%08x\n", fq.DeviceDescStringId); dprintf("\t AltPlatformInfo : 0x%08x\n", fq.AltPlatformInfo);
DumpAltPlatformInfo( &fq.AltPlatformInfo, Mask );
dprintf("\t AltCatalogFile : 0x%08x\n", fq.AltCatalogFile);
dprintf("\t StringTable : 0x%08x\n", fq.StringTable);
dprintf("\t LockRefCount : 0x%08x\n", fq.LockRefCount); dprintf("\t Flags : 0x%08x\n", fq.Flags);
dprintf("\t SisSourceHandle : 0x%08x\n", fq.SisSourceHandle); dprintf("\t SisSourceDirectory : 0x%08x\n", fq.SisSourceDirectory);
dprintf("\t BackupInfID : 0x%08x\n", fq.BackupInfID); dprintf("\t TargetLookupTable : 0x%08x\n", fq.TargetLookupTable); dprintf("\t UnwindQueue : 0x%08x\n", fq.UnwindQueue); dprintf("\t DelayMoveQueue : 0x%08x\n", fq.DelayMoveQueue); dprintf("\t DelayMoveQueueTail : 0x%08x\n", fq.DelayMoveQueueTail);
dprintf("\t Signature : 0x%08x (%s)\n", fq.Signature, (fq.Signature == SP_FILE_QUEUE_SIG) ? "VALID" : "INVALID" );
// dump the queue nodes
if (Mask & 1) { SP_FILE_QUEUE_NODE qnode; SOURCE_MEDIA_INFO smi;
if (fq.BackupQueue) { move(qnode, fq.BackupQueue); dprintf("\t ***BackupQueue***\n"); DumpFileQueueNodeList( &qnode, Mask, TRUE ); }
if (fq.DeleteQueue) { move(qnode, fq.DeleteQueue); dprintf("\t ***DeleteQueue***\n"); DumpFileQueueNodeList( &qnode, Mask, TRUE ); }
if (fq.RenameQueue) { move(qnode, fq.RenameQueue); dprintf("\t ***RenameQueue***\n"); DumpFileQueueNodeList( &qnode, Mask, TRUE ); }
if (fq.SourceMediaList) { move(smi, fq.SourceMediaList); dprintf("\t ***source media list***\n"); DumpSourceMediaInfoList( &smi, Mask, TRUE ); } }
// dump the catalog info
if (Mask & 2) { SPQ_CATALOG_INFO ci;
if (fq.CatalogList) { move(ci, fq.CatalogList); dprintf("\t ***CatalogList***\n"); DumpCatalogInfoList( &ci, Mask, TRUE ); } }
// dump the string table
if (Mask & 4) { dprintf("\t ***StringTable***\n");
move ( st, fq.StringTable ) ; DumpStringTableHeader( &st );
stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("\t\tData at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { dprintf("\t\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset);
pextradata = st.Data + offset + (wcslen(node->String) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%p\n", pextradata );
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } free( stdata );
dprintf("\t ***TargetLookupTable***\n");
move ( st, fq.TargetLookupTable ) ; DumpStringTableHeader( &st );
stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("\t\tData at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { dprintf("\t\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset);
pte = GetStringNodeExtraData( node ); DumpTargetEnt( pte, Mask ); free( pte );
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } free( stdata );
// backup stuff
if (Mask & 8) { SP_UNWIND_NODE un; SP_DELAYMOVE_NODE dnode;
if (fq.UnwindQueue) { move(un, fq.UnwindQueue); dprintf("\t ***UnwindQueue***\n"); DumpUnwindList( &un, Mask, TRUE ); }
if (fq.DelayMoveQueue) { move(dnode, fq.DelayMoveQueue); dprintf("\t ***DelayMoveQueue***\n"); DumpDelayMoveList( &dnode, Mask, TRUE ); }
if (fq.DelayMoveQueueTail) { move(dnode, fq.DelayMoveQueueTail); dprintf("\t ***DelayMoveQueueTail***\n"); DumpDelayMoveList( &dnode, Mask, TRUE ); } } }
DECLARE_API( qcontext ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to a queue context structure
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; PVOID pqc; QUEUECONTEXT qc;
DWORD i, offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; STRING_TABLE st; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
//BOOL val;
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
pqc = (PVOID)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
move( qc , pqc );
dprintf("QUEUECONTEXT at :\t0x%08x\n", (ULONG_PTR) pqc); dprintf("\t OwnerWindow : 0x%08x\n", qc.OwnerWindow); dprintf("\t MainThreadId : 0x%08x\n", qc.MainThreadId); dprintf("\t ProgressDialog : 0x%08x\n", qc.ProgressDialog); dprintf("\t ProgressBar : 0x%08x\n", qc.ProgressBar); dprintf("\t Cancelled : 0x%08x\n", qc.Cancelled); dprintf("\t CurrentSourceName : %ws\n", qc.CurrentSourceName); dprintf("\t ScreenReader : 0x%08x\n", qc.ScreenReader); dprintf("\t MessageBoxUp : 0x%08x\n", qc.MessageBoxUp); dprintf("\t PendingUiType : 0x%08x\n", qc.PendingUiType); dprintf("\t PendingUiParameters : 0x%08x\n", qc.PendingUiParameters); dprintf("\t CancelReturnCode : 0x%08x\n", qc.CancelReturnCode); dprintf("\t DialogKilled : 0x%08x\n", qc.DialogKilled); dprintf("\t AlternateProgressWindow : 0x%08x\n", qc.AlternateProgressWindow); dprintf("\t ProgressMsg : 0x%08x\n", qc.ProgressMsg); dprintf("\t NoToAllMask : 0x%08x\n", qc.NoToAllMask); dprintf("\t UiThreadHandle : 0x%08x\n", qc.UiThreadHandle);
//#include "inf.h"
VOID DumpInfLine( PINF_LINE line, PBYTE valuedata ) { DWORD i; PVOID ptr; ULONG_PTR data;
// dprintf("***INF_LINE***\n");
dprintf("\t ValueCount : 0x%x\n", line->ValueCount); dprintf("\t Flags : 0x%x\n", line->Flags); dprintf("\t Values : 0x%x\n", line->Values);
if (line->Flags > 3) { return; }
for (i = 0; i< line->ValueCount; i++) { ptr = valuedata + (ULONG_PTR)(line->Values *sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) + (ULONG_PTR)(i*sizeof(ULONG_PTR)); move ( data, valuedata + (ULONG_PTR)(line->Values *sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) + (ULONG_PTR)(i*sizeof(ULONG_PTR)) ); dprintf("\t data [%d] : 0x%x [0x%x]\n", i, ptr,data );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
VOID DumpInfSection( PINF_SECTION section, PBYTE linedata, PBYTE valuedata ) { DWORD i; INF_LINE line; PBYTE data;
dprintf("***INF_SECTION***\n"); dprintf("\t SectionName : 0x%x\n", section->SectionName); dprintf("\t LineCount : 0x%x\n", section->LineCount); dprintf("\t Lines : 0x%x\n", section->Lines);
for (i = 0; i< section->LineCount; i++) {
data = linedata + (sizeof(INF_LINE)*section->Lines) + (ULONG_PTR)(sizeof(INF_LINE)*i); dprintf("***INF_LINE [%i] at 0x%x***\n",i, data); moveBlock ( line, (PBYTE) linedata + (sizeof(INF_LINE)*section->Lines) + (ULONG_PTR)(sizeof(INF_LINE)*i), sizeof(INF_LINE) ); DumpInfLine(&line, valuedata);
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; }
VOID DumpInfVersionNode( PINF_VERSION_NODE ver ) {
dprintf("***INF_VERSION_NODE***\n"); dprintf("\t FilenameSize : 0x%x\n", ver->FilenameSize); dprintf("\t DataBlock : 0x%x\n", ver->DataBlock); dprintf("\t DataSize : 0x%x\n", ver->DataSize); dprintf("\t DatumCount : 0x%x\n", ver->DatumCount); dprintf("\t Filename : %ws\n", ver->Filename);
Data = malloc(ver->DataSize); if (!Data) { return; } moveBlock(Data, ver->DataBlock, ver->DataSize);
dprintf("\t %ws\n", Data );
free( Data );
VOID DumpUserDirId( PUSERDIRID dirid ) { dprintf("***USERDIRID***\n"); dprintf("\t Id : 0x%x\n", dirid->Id); dprintf("\t Directory : %ws\n", dirid->Directory);
VOID DumpUserDirIdList( PUSERDIRID_LIST list ) { USERDIRID dirid; UINT i;
dprintf("***USERDIRID_LIST***\n"); dprintf("\t UserDirIds : 0x%x\n", list->UserDirIds); dprintf("\t UserDirIdCount : 0x%x\n", list->UserDirIdCount);
for (i = 0; i < list->UserDirIdCount; i++) { moveBlock(dirid, ((LPBYTE)list->UserDirIds) + (ULONG_PTR)(sizeof(ULONG_PTR)*i) , sizeof(USERDIRID)); DumpUserDirId(&dirid); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
VOID DumpStringSubstNode( PSTRINGSUBST_NODE node ) { dprintf("***STRINGSUBST_NODE***\n"); dprintf("\t ValueOffset : 0x%x\n", node->ValueOffset); dprintf("\t TemplateStringId : 0x%x\n", node->TemplateStringId); dprintf("\t CaseSensitive : 0x%x\n", node->CaseSensitive);
DECLARE_API( infdump ) /*++
Routine Description:
This debugger extension dumps the data related to an HINF structure
Return Value:
--*/ { DWORD ReturnLength; PVOID pinf; LOADED_INF inf; INF_SECTION InfSection; INF_LINE InfLine;
DWORD i; DWORD_PTR offset; PVOID stdata,pextradata; STRING_TABLE st; PSTRING_NODEW node;//, prev;
//BOOL val;
while (*lpArgumentString == ' ') { lpArgumentString++; }
pinf = (PVOID)GetExpression( lpArgumentString );
move( inf , pinf );
dprintf("LOADED_INF at :\t0x%x\n", (ULONG_PTR) pinf); dprintf("\t Signature : 0x%08x ( %s )\n", inf.Signature, inf.Signature == LOADED_INF_SIG ? "Valid" : "Invalid"); if (inf.Signature != LOADED_INF_SIG) { return; }
dprintf("\t FileHandle : 0x%x\n", inf.FileHandle); dprintf("\t MappingHandle : 0x%x\n", inf.MappingHandle); dprintf("\t ViewAddress : 0x%x\n", inf.ViewAddress);
if (inf.FileHandle == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { dprintf(" *** In memory INF ***\n" ); } else { dprintf(" *** PNF ***\n" ); }
dprintf("\t StringTable : 0x%x\n", inf.StringTable); dprintf("\t SectionCount : 0x%x\n", inf.SectionCount);
dprintf("\tSectionBlock : 0x%x\n", inf.SectionBlock); for (i = 0; i < inf.SectionCount; i++) {
dprintf("***INF_SECTION [%d] at 0x%x***\n",i, (PBYTE)inf.SectionBlock + (ULONG_PTR)(sizeof(INF_SECTION)*i)); move (InfSection, (PBYTE)inf.SectionBlock + (ULONG_PTR)(sizeof(INF_SECTION)*i) ); DumpInfSection( &InfSection, (PBYTE)inf.LineBlock, (PBYTE)inf.ValueBlock );
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
dprintf("\tLineBlock : 0x%x\n", inf.LineBlock); // move (InfLine, inf.LineBlock );
// DumpInfLine( &InfLine ) ;
dprintf("\t ValueBlock : 0x%x\n", inf.ValueBlock);
dprintf("\t HasStrings : 0x%x\n", inf.HasStrings); dprintf("\t OsLoaderPath : %ws\n", inf.OsLoaderPath);
dprintf("\t InfSourceMediaType : 0x%x ( ", inf.InfSourceMediaType); if (inf.InfSourceMediaType) { if (inf.InfSourceMediaType & SPOST_PATH ) { dprintf("SPOST_PATH "); } if (inf.InfSourceMediaType & SPOST_URL) { dprintf("SPOST_URL "); } } else { dprintf("SPOST_NONE "); }
dprintf("\t InfSourcePath : %ws\n", inf.InfSourcePath); dprintf("\t OriginalInfName : %ws\n", inf.OriginalInfName); dprintf("\t SubstValueList : 0x%x\n", inf.SubstValueList); dprintf("\t SubstValueCount : 0x%x\n", inf.SubstValueCount); dprintf("\t Style : 0x%x ( ", inf.Style);
if (inf.Style & INF_STYLE_OLDNT) { dprintf("INF_STYLE_OLDNT "); } if (inf.Style & INF_STYLE_WIN4) { dprintf("INF_STYLE_WIN4 "); }
dprintf("\t SectionBlockSizeBytes : 0x%x\n", inf.SectionBlockSizeBytes); dprintf("\t LineBlockSizeBytes : 0x%x\n", inf.LineBlockSizeBytes); dprintf("\t ValueBlockSizeBytes : 0x%x\n", inf.ValueBlockSizeBytes); dprintf("\t LanguageId : 0x%x\n", inf.LanguageId);
dprintf("\t UserDirIdList : 0x%x\n", inf.UserDirIdList); dprintf("\tLock[0] : 0x%x\n", inf.Lock.handles[0]); dprintf("\tLock[1] : 0x%x\n", inf.Lock.handles[1]);
dprintf("\tPrev : 0x%x\n", inf.Prev); dprintf("\tNext : 0x%x\n", inf.Next);
move ( st, inf.StringTable ) ; DumpStringTableHeader( &st );
dprintf("***STRING_TABLE***\n"); stdata = GetStringTableData( &st ); if (!stdata) { dprintf("error retrieving string table data!\n"); return; }
// now, dump each node in the string table
for (i = 0; i<HASH_BUCKET_COUNT; i++ ) { node = GetFirstNode(stdata, ((PULONG_PTR)stdata)[i], &offset ); if (!node) { // dprintf("No data at hash bucket %d\n", i);
} else { dprintf("\t\tData at hash bucket %d\n", i); while (node) { dprintf("\t\tEntry Name:\t%ws (0x%08x)\n", node->String, offset);
pextradata = st.Data + offset + (wcslen(node->String) + 1)*sizeof(WCHAR) + sizeof(DWORD); dprintf("\tExtra Data:\t0x%08x\n", pextradata );
node = GetNextNode( stdata, node, &offset ); if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } } }
if (CheckInterupted()) { return; } }
free( stdata );