#include <nt.h>
#include <ntrtl.h>
#include <nturtl.h>
#include <windows.h>
#include <setupapi.h>
#include "..\inc\spapip.h"
#include <stdio.h>
NTSTATUS MyGetFileVersion( IN PVOID ImageBase );
VOID __cdecl wmain( IN int argc, IN WCHAR *argv[] ) { NTSTATUS Status; DWORD d; DWORD FileSize; HANDLE FileHandle; HANDLE MappingHandle; PVOID ImageBase;
// Open and map file for read.
d = OpenAndMapFileForRead(argv[1],&FileSize,&FileHandle,&MappingHandle,&ImageBase); if(d == NO_ERROR) { //
// For some reason you have to set the low bit to make this work
MyGetFileVersion((PVOID)((ULONG)ImageBase | 1));
UnmapAndCloseFile(FileHandle,MappingHandle,ImageBase); } else { printf("Couldn't open %ws\n",argv[1]); } }
NTSTATUS MyGetFileVersion( IN PVOID ImageBase ) { PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY DataEntry; NTSTATUS Status; ULONG IdPath[3]; ULONG ResourceSize; struct { USHORT TotalSize; USHORT DataSize; USHORT Type; WCHAR Name[16]; // L"VS_VERSION_INFO" + unicode nul
VS_FIXEDFILEINFO FixedFileInfo; } *Resource;
Status = LdrFindResource_U(ImageBase,IdPath,3,&DataEntry); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Not a PE image or no version resources\n"); goto c0; }
Status = LdrAccessResource(ImageBase,DataEntry,&Resource,&ResourceSize); if(!NT_SUCCESS(Status)) { printf("Unable to access version resources\n"); goto c0; }
if((ResourceSize >= sizeof(*Resource)) && !_wcsicmp(Resource->Name,L"VS_VERSION_INFO")) {
VerMS = Resource->FixedFileInfo.dwFileVersionMS; VerLS = Resource->FixedFileInfo.dwFileVersionLS;
printf( "%u.%u.%u.%u\n", VerMS >> 16, VerMS & 0xffff, VerLS >> 16, VerLS & 0xffff );
} else {
printf("Invalid version resources"); }
c0: return(Status); }
#if 0
LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter; IShellLink *psl; IPersistFile *ppf; CShellLink *this; BOOL b;
b = FALSE;
// Create an IShellLink and query for IPersistFile
if(FAILED(SHCoCreateInstance(NULL,&CLSID_ShellLink,pUnkOuter,&IID_IShellLink,&psl))) { goto c0; } if(FAILED(psl->lpVtbl->QueryInterface(psl,&IID_IPersistFile,&ppf))) { goto c1; }
// Load the link from disk and get a pointer to
// the actual link data.
if(FAILED(ppf->lpVtbl->Load(ppf,argv[1],0))) { goto c2; } this = IToClass(CShellLink,sl,psl);
// Remove the link tracking data.
// Save the link back out.
if(FAILED(ppf->lpVtbl->Save(ppf,argv[1],TRUE))) { goto c2; }
// Success.
b = TRUE;
c2: //
// Release the IPersistFile object
ppf->lpVtbl->Release(ppf); c1: //
// Release the IShellLink object
psl->lpVtbl->Release(psl); c0: return(b); #endif