Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This source file implements the Win95 side of LNK and PIF processing
Calin Negreanu (calinn) 09-Feb-1998
Revision History:
calinn 23-Sep-1998 Redesigned several pieces
#include "pch.h"
#include "migappp.h"
#include "migdbp.h"
POOLHANDLE g_LinksPool = NULL; INT g_LinkStubSequencer = 0;
typedef struct _LINK_STRUCT { PCTSTR ReportEntry; PCTSTR Category; PCTSTR Context; PCTSTR Object; PCTSTR LinkName; PCTSTR LinkNameNoPath; PMIGDB_CONTEXT MigDbContext; } LINK_STRUCT, *PLINK_STRUCT;
BOOL InitLinkAnnounce ( VOID ) { //
// Create PoolMem for keeping all structures during this phase
g_LinksPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("Links Pool");
return TRUE; }
BOOL DoneLinkAnnounce ( VOID ) { // Write LinkStub max sequencer data
// Free Links Pool.
if (g_LinksPool != NULL) { PoolMemDestroyPool (g_LinksPool); g_LinksPool = NULL; } return TRUE; }
if (Params->Handled) { return TRUE; }
Ext = GetFileExtensionFromPath (Params->FullFileSpec);
// Save LNK and PIF filenames to memdb to enumerate later
if (Ext && (StringIMatch (Ext, TEXT("LNK")) || StringIMatch (Ext, TEXT("PIF")))) {
MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_SHORTCUTS, Params->FullFileSpec, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); }
return TRUE; }
VOID RemoveLinkFromSystem ( IN LPCTSTR LinkPath ) { //
// Remove any move or copy operation specified for the link, then
// mark it for deletion.
RemoveOperationsFromPath (LinkPath, ALL_DEST_CHANGE_OPERATIONS); MarkFileForDelete (LinkPath); }
// Function to send instruction to MemDb to edit a shell link or pif file.
// It checks to see whether the link involved has been touched yet by any
// MemDb operation. It modifies the target path, if in a relocating directory,
// to one of the relocated copies.
VOID pAddLinkEditToMemDb ( IN PCTSTR LinkPath, IN PCTSTR NewTarget, IN PCTSTR NewArgs, IN PCTSTR NewWorkDir, IN PCTSTR NewIconPath, IN INT NewIconNr, IN PLNK_EXTRA_DATA ExtraData, OPTIONAL IN BOOL ForceToShowNormal ) { UINT sequencer; TCHAR tmpStr [20];
sequencer = AddOperationToPath (LinkPath, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT);
if (sequencer == INVALID_OFFSET) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Cannot set OPERATION_LINK_EDIT on %s", LinkPath)); return; }
if (NewTarget) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, NewTarget, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_TARGET); }
if (NewArgs) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, NewArgs, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_ARGS); }
if (NewWorkDir) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, NewWorkDir, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_WORKDIR); }
if (NewIconPath) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, NewIconPath, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_ICONPATH); }
if (NewIconPath) { _itoa (NewIconNr, tmpStr, 16); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_ICONNUMBER); } if (ForceToShowNormal) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, TEXT("1"), MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_SHOWNORMAL); } if (ExtraData) { _itoa (ExtraData->FullScreen, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FULLSCREEN); _itoa (ExtraData->xSize, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XSIZE); _itoa (ExtraData->ySize, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YSIZE); _itoa (ExtraData->QuickEdit, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_QUICKEDIT); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, ExtraData->FontName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTNAME); _itoa (ExtraData->xFontSize, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XFONTSIZE); _itoa (ExtraData->yFontSize, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YFONTSIZE); _itoa (ExtraData->FontWeight, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTWEIGHT); _itoa (ExtraData->FontFamily, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTFAMILY); _itoa (ExtraData->CurrentCodePage, tmpStr, 10); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_CODEPAGE); } MYASSERT (IsFileMarkedForOperation (LinkPath, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT)); }
// Function to send instruction to MemDb to save some data about a link that's going to be edited.
// We do that to be able to restore this link later using lnkstub.exe
UINT pAddLinkStubToMemDb ( IN PCTSTR LinkPath, IN PCTSTR OldTarget, IN PCTSTR OldArgs, IN PCTSTR OldWorkDir, IN PCTSTR OldIconPath, IN INT OldIconNr, IN DWORD OldShowMode, IN DWORD Announcement, IN DWORD Availability ) { UINT sequencer; TCHAR tmpStr [20]; MEMDB_ENUM e, e1; TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX];
MYASSERT (OldTarget || OldWorkDir || OldIconPath || OldIconNr);
sequencer = AddOperationToPath (LinkPath, OPERATION_LINK_STUB);
if (sequencer == INVALID_OFFSET) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Cannot set OPERATION_LINK_STUB on %s", LinkPath)); return 0; }
if (OldTarget) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, OldTarget, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_TARGET); }
if (OldArgs) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, OldArgs, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ARGS); }
if (OldWorkDir) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, OldWorkDir, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_WORKDIR); }
if (OldIconPath) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, OldIconPath, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ICONPATH); }
if (OldIconPath) { _itoa (OldIconNr, tmpStr, 16); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ICONNUMBER); }
_itoa (OldShowMode, tmpStr, 16); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_SHOWMODE);
_itoa (g_LinkStubSequencer, tmpStr, 16); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_SEQUENCER);
_itoa (Announcement, tmpStr, 16); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ANNOUNCEMENT);
_itoa (Availability, tmpStr, 16); AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, tmpStr, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_REPORTAVAIL);
MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_REQFILES_MAIN, OldTarget, TEXT("*"), NULL);
if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { do { MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_REQFILES_ADDNL, e.szName, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e1, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { AddPropertyToPathEx (sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB, e1.szName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_REQFILE); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e)); }
MYASSERT (IsFileMarkedForOperation (LinkPath, OPERATION_LINK_STUB));
return g_LinkStubSequencer; }
BOOL pReportEntry ( IN PCTSTR ReportEntry, IN PCTSTR Category, IN PCTSTR Message, IN PCTSTR Context, IN PCTSTR Object ) { PCTSTR component;
component = JoinPaths (ReportEntry, Category); MsgMgr_ContextMsg_Add (Context, component, Message); MsgMgr_LinkObjectWithContext (Context, Object); FreePathString (component);
return TRUE; }
PTSTR GetLastDirFromPath ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) { PTSTR result = NULL; PTSTR temp = NULL; PTSTR ptr;
temp = DuplicatePathString (FileName, 0); __try { ptr = (PTSTR)GetFileNameFromPath (temp); if (ptr == temp) { __leave; } ptr = _tcsdec (temp, ptr); if (!ptr) { __leave; } *ptr = 0; ptr = (PTSTR)GetFileNameFromPath (temp); if (ptr == temp) { __leave; } result = DuplicatePathString (ptr, 0); } __finally { FreePathString (temp); }
return result; }
PTSTR GetDriveFromPath ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) { PTSTR result; PTSTR ptr;
result = DuplicatePathString (FileName, 0); ptr = _tcschr (result, TEXT(':')); if (!ptr) { FreePathString (result); result = NULL; } else { *ptr = 0; }
return result; }
BOOL HandleDeferredAnnounce ( IN PCTSTR LinkName, IN PCTSTR ModuleName, IN BOOL DosApp ) { TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; PMIGDB_CONTEXT migDbContext; DWORD actType; PLINK_STRUCT linkStruct; PCTSTR reportEntry = NULL; DWORD priority; PCTSTR newLinkName = NULL; PCTSTR linkName = NULL; PCTSTR extPtr; MEMDB_ENUM eNicePaths; DWORD messageId = 0; PTSTR pattern = NULL; PTSTR category = NULL; PTSTR tempParse = NULL; PTSTR lastDir; PTSTR drive; DWORD oldValue; DWORD oldPrior; PTSTR argArray[3]; PCTSTR p; PTSTR q; BOOL reportEntryIsResource = TRUE; PCTSTR temp1, temp2;
MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFERREDANNOUNCE, ModuleName, NULL, NULL); if (!MemDbGetValueAndFlags (key, (PDWORD)(&migDbContext), &actType)) { actType = ACT_UNKNOWN; migDbContext = NULL; } //
// we need to set the following variables:
// - ReportEntry - is going to be either "Software Incompatible with NT",
// "Software with minor problems" or
// "Software that require reinstallation"
// - Category - is one of the following: - Localized section name
// - link name (with friendly addition)
// - Unlocalized section name
// - Message - this is in migdb context
// - Object - this is module name
linkStruct = (PLINK_STRUCT) PoolMemGetMemory (g_LinksPool, sizeof (LINK_STRUCT)); ZeroMemory (linkStruct, sizeof (LINK_STRUCT));
linkStruct->MigDbContext = migDbContext; linkStruct->Object = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, ModuleName);
switch (actType) {
case ACT_REINSTALL: #if 0
if ((linkStruct->MigDbContext) && (linkStruct->MigDbContext->Message) ) { reportEntry = GetStringResource (MSG_MINOR_PROBLEM_ROOT); } else { reportEntry = GetStringResource (MSG_REINSTALL_ROOT); } #endif
temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_REINSTALL_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource ( linkStruct->MigDbContext && linkStruct->MigDbContext->Message ? MSG_REINSTALL_DETAIL_SUBGROUP : MSG_REINSTALL_LIST_SUBGROUP ); if (!temp2) { break; }
reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE;
FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); break;
case ACT_REINSTALL_BLOCK: temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_BLOCKING_ITEMS_ROOT); if (!temp1) { break; } temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_REINSTALL_BLOCK_ROOT); if (!temp2) { break; }
reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE;
FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2);
case ACT_MINORPROBLEMS: reportEntry = GetStringResource (MSG_MINOR_PROBLEM_ROOT); break;
if (DosApp && (*g_Boot16 != BOOT16_NO)) { reportEntry = GetStringResource (MSG_DOS_DESIGNED_ROOT); } else { temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT);
switch (actType) {
case ACT_INC_IHVUTIL: temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_HW_UTIL_SUBGROUP); break;
default: temp2 = GetStringResource ( linkStruct->MigDbContext && linkStruct->MigDbContext->Message ? MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_DETAIL_SUBGROUP: MSG_TOTALLY_INCOMPATIBLE_SUBGROUP ); break; }
MYASSERT (temp1 && temp2);
reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2);
reportEntryIsResource = FALSE;
FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2); } break;
temp1 = GetStringResource (MSG_INCOMPATIBLE_ROOT); temp2 = GetStringResource (MSG_REMOVED_FOR_SAFETY_SUBGROUP);
MYASSERT (temp1 && temp2);
reportEntry = JoinPaths (temp1, temp2); reportEntryIsResource = FALSE;
FreeStringResource (temp1); FreeStringResource (temp2);
newLinkName = JoinPaths (S_RUNKEYFOLDER, GetFileNameFromPath (LinkName)); break;
case ACT_UNKNOWN: reportEntry = GetStringResource (MSG_UNKNOWN_ROOT); break;
default: LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Unknown action for deferred announcement.")); return FALSE; }
if (!newLinkName) { newLinkName = LinkName; }
if (reportEntry != NULL) { linkStruct->ReportEntry = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, reportEntry);
if (reportEntryIsResource) { FreeStringResource (reportEntry); } else { FreePathString (reportEntry); } }
linkStruct->LinkName = newLinkName?PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, newLinkName):NULL;
// all we need to set now is the category
// if we have a migdb context with a Localized name section
if ((migDbContext != NULL) && (migDbContext->SectLocalizedName != NULL) ) { linkStruct->Context = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, migDbContext->SectLocalizedName); linkStruct->Category = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, migDbContext->SectLocalizedName); priority = 0; } else { linkStruct->Context = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, newLinkName?newLinkName:ModuleName); if (newLinkName == NULL) { MYASSERT (migDbContext); if (migDbContext->SectName) { linkStruct->Category = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, migDbContext->SectName); } else { linkStruct->Category = NULL; } priority = 0; } else { linkName = GetFileNameFromPath (newLinkName); extPtr = GetFileExtensionFromPath (linkName); if (extPtr != NULL) { extPtr = _tcsdec (linkName, extPtr); } if (extPtr == NULL) { extPtr = GetEndOfString (linkName); } messageId = 0; priority = MAX_PRIORITY; if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&eNicePaths, MEMDB_CATEGORY_NICE_PATHS"\\*", MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { do { pattern = JoinPaths (eNicePaths.szName, "\\*"); if (IsPatternMatch (pattern, newLinkName)) { if (priority > eNicePaths.UserFlags) { messageId = eNicePaths.dwValue; priority = eNicePaths.UserFlags; } } FreePathString (pattern); } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&eNicePaths)); }
category = AllocText ((PBYTE) extPtr - (PBYTE) linkName + sizeof (TCHAR));
p = linkName; q = category;
while (p < extPtr) { if (_tcsnextc (p) == TEXT(' ')) {
do { p++; } while (_tcsnextc (p) == TEXT(' '));
if (q > category && *p) { *q++ = TEXT(' '); }
} else if (IsLeadByte (p)) { *q++ = *p++; *q++ = *p++; } else { *q++ = *p++; } }
*q = 0;
if (messageId == 0) {
lastDir = GetLastDirFromPath (newLinkName); drive = GetDriveFromPath (newLinkName); if (drive != NULL) { drive[0] = (TCHAR)toupper (drive[0]); if (lastDir != NULL) { argArray [0] = category; argArray [1] = lastDir; argArray [2] = drive; tempParse = (PTSTR)ParseMessageID (MSG_NICE_PATH_DRIVE_AND_FOLDER, argArray); } else { argArray [0] = category; argArray [1] = drive; tempParse = (PTSTR)ParseMessageID (MSG_NICE_PATH_DRIVE, argArray); } } else { if (lastDir != NULL) { argArray [0] = category; argArray [1] = lastDir; tempParse = (PTSTR)ParseMessageID (MSG_NICE_PATH_FOLDER, argArray); } else { argArray [0] = category; tempParse = (PTSTR)ParseMessageID (MSG_NICE_PATH_LINK, argArray); } } linkStruct->Category = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, tempParse); FreeStringResourcePtrA (&tempParse);
priority = MAX_PRIORITY; } else { tempParse = (PTSTR)ParseMessageID (messageId, &category);
StringCopy (category, tempParse); linkStruct->Category = PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, tempParse); FreeStringResourcePtrA (&tempParse); }
FreeText (category); } }
linkStruct->LinkNameNoPath = linkName?PoolMemDuplicateString (g_LinksPool, linkName):linkStruct->Context;
MemDbBuildKey ( key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_REPORT_LINKS, linkStruct->ReportEntry, linkName?linkName:linkStruct->Context, ModuleName);
if ((!MemDbGetValueAndFlags (key, &oldValue, &oldPrior)) || (oldPrior > priority) ) { MemDbSetValueAndFlags (key, (DWORD)linkStruct, priority, 0); }
if (newLinkName != LinkName) { FreePathString (newLinkName); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL pIsGUIDLauncherApproved ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) { INFCONTEXT context; MYASSERT (g_Win95UpgInf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE); return (SetupFindFirstLine (g_Win95UpgInf, S_APPROVED_GUID_LAUNCHER, FileName, &context)); }
#define GUID_LEN (sizeof ("{00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000}") - 1)
#define GUID_DASH_1 (sizeof ("{00000000") - 1)
#define GUID_DASH_2 (sizeof ("{00000000-0000") - 1)
#define GUID_DASH_3 (sizeof ("{00000000-0000-0000") - 1)
#define GUID_DASH_4 (sizeof ("{00000000-0000-0000-0000") - 1)
BOOL pSendCmdLineGuidsToMemdb ( IN PCTSTR File, IN PCTSTR Target, IN PCTSTR Arguments )
Routine Description:
pSendCmdLineGuidsToMemdb saves any GUIDs contained in a command line to memdb, along with the file name. Later, OLEREG resolves the GUIDs and deletes the file if a GUID is incompatible.
File - Specifies the file to delete if the command line arguments contain an invalid GUID.
Target - Specifies the Target (needs to be one of the approved targets for the LNK file to go away in an incompatible case).
Arguments - Specifies a command line that may contain one or more GUIDs in the {a-b-c-d-e} format.
Return value:
TRUE - the operation was successful FALSE - the operation failed
{ LPCTSTR p, q; DWORD Offset; BOOL b; static DWORD Seq = 0; TCHAR TextSeq[16]; TCHAR Guid[GUID_LEN + 1]; PCTSTR namePtr;
namePtr = GetFileNameFromPath (Target); if (namePtr && pIsGUIDLauncherApproved (namePtr)) {
p = _tcschr (Arguments, TEXT('{')); while (p) { q = _tcschr (p, TEXT('}'));
if (q && ((q - p) == (GUID_LEN - 1))) { if (p[GUID_DASH_1] == TEXT('-') && p[GUID_DASH_2] == TEXT('-') && p[GUID_DASH_3] == TEXT('-') && p[GUID_DASH_4] == TEXT('-') ) { //
// Extract the GUID
q = _tcsinc (q); StringCopyAB (Guid, p, q);
// Add the file name
b = MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINK_STRINGS, File, NULL, NULL, 0, &Offset );
if (b) { //
// Now add an entry for the GUID
Seq++; wsprintf (TextSeq, TEXT("%u"), Seq); b = MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINK_GUIDS, Guid, TextSeq, NULL, Offset, NULL ); }
if (!b) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Failed to store command line guids.")); } } }
p = _tcschr (p + 1, TEXT('{')); } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL pIsFileInStartup ( IN PCTSTR FileName ) { TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX];
MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_SF_STARTUP, FileName, NULL, NULL); return (MemDbGetPatternValue (key, NULL)); }
BOOL pProcessShortcut ( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN IShellLink *ShellLink, IN IPersistFile *PersistFile ) { TCHAR shortcutTarget [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR shortcutArgs [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR shortcutWorkDir [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR shortcutIconPath [MEMDB_MAX]; PTSTR shortcutNewTarget = NULL; PTSTR shortcutNewArgs = NULL; PTSTR shortcutNewIconPath = NULL; PTSTR shortcutNewWorkDir = NULL; PTSTR commandPath = NULL; PTSTR fullPath = NULL; PCTSTR extPtr; INT shortcutIcon; INT newShortcutIcon; DWORD shortcutShowMode; WORD shortcutHotKey; DWORD fileStatus; BOOL msDosMode; BOOL dosApp; DWORD attrib; LNK_EXTRA_DATA ExtraData; INT lnkIdx; TCHAR lnkIdxStr [10]; BOOL toBeModified = FALSE; BOOL ConvertedLnk = FALSE; DWORD announcement; DWORD availability;
__try { fileStatus = GetFileStatusOnNt (FileName); if (((fileStatus & FILESTATUS_DELETED ) == FILESTATUS_DELETED ) || ((fileStatus & FILESTATUS_REPLACED) == FILESTATUS_REPLACED) ) { __leave; } if (!ExtractShortcutInfo ( shortcutTarget, shortcutArgs, shortcutWorkDir, shortcutIconPath, &shortcutIcon, &shortcutHotKey, &dosApp, &msDosMode, &shortcutShowMode, &ExtraData, FileName, ShellLink, PersistFile )) { __leave; }
if (msDosMode) { //
// we want to modify this PIF file so it doesn't have MSDOS mode set
// we will only add it to the modify list. The NT side will know what
// to do when a PIF is marked for beeing modify
toBeModified = TRUE;
if (IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (shortcutTarget)) { announcement = GetFileAnnouncement (shortcutTarget); if (g_ConfigOptions.ShowAllReport || ((announcement != ACT_INC_IHVUTIL) && (announcement != ACT_INC_PREINSTUTIL) && (announcement != ACT_INC_SIMILAROSFUNC) ) ) { HandleDeferredAnnounce (FileName, shortcutTarget, dosApp); } }
fileStatus = GetFileStatusOnNt (shortcutTarget);
if (IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (shortcutTarget)) {
if (!pIsFileInStartup (FileName)) {
if (!g_ConfigOptions.KeepBadLinks) { RemoveLinkFromSystem (FileName); } else { // we only care about LNK files
if (StringIMatch (GetFileExtensionFromPath (FileName), TEXT("LNK"))) { // let's see what kind of announcement we have here.
// We want to leave the LNK as is if the app was announced
// using MigDb. However, if the app was announced using
// dynamic checking (module checking) then we want to point
// this shortcut to our stub EXE
announcement = GetFileAnnouncement (shortcutTarget); if ((announcement == ACT_INC_NOBADAPPS) || (announcement == ACT_REINSTALL) || (announcement == ACT_REINSTALL_BLOCK) || (announcement == ACT_INC_IHVUTIL) || (announcement == ACT_INC_PREINSTUTIL) || (announcement == ACT_INC_SIMILAROSFUNC) ) {
// This is the case when we want to redirect this LNK to point
// to our lnk stub. Extract will fail if the icon is known-good.
// In that case, keep using the target icon.
if (ExtractIconIntoDatFile ( (*shortcutIconPath)?shortcutIconPath:shortcutTarget, shortcutIcon, &g_IconContext, &newShortcutIcon )) { shortcutNewIconPath = JoinPaths (g_System32Dir, TEXT("migicons.exe")); shortcutIcon = newShortcutIcon; } else { shortcutNewIconPath = GetPathStringOnNt ( (*shortcutIconPath) ? shortcutIconPath : shortcutTarget ); }
availability = g_ConfigOptions.ShowAllReport || ((announcement != ACT_INC_IHVUTIL) && (announcement != ACT_INC_PREINSTUTIL) && (announcement != ACT_INC_SIMILAROSFUNC) );
lnkIdx = pAddLinkStubToMemDb ( FileName, shortcutTarget, shortcutArgs, shortcutWorkDir, shortcutNewIconPath, shortcutIcon + 1, // Add 1 because lnkstub.exe is one-based, but we are zero based
shortcutShowMode, announcement, availability );
wsprintf (lnkIdxStr, TEXT("%d"), lnkIdx); shortcutNewTarget = JoinPaths (g_System32Dir, S_LNKSTUB_EXE); shortcutNewArgs = DuplicatePathString (lnkIdxStr, 0); pAddLinkEditToMemDb ( FileName, shortcutNewTarget, shortcutNewArgs, shortcutNewWorkDir, shortcutNewIconPath, shortcutIcon, // don't add one -- shortcuts are zero based
NULL, TRUE ); } } else { RemoveLinkFromSystem (FileName); } } } else { //
// This is a startup item
RemoveLinkFromSystem (FileName); } } else { RemoveLinkFromSystem (FileName); } __leave; }
// this target is not replaced by a migration DLL or by NT. We need
// to know if this is a "known good" target. If not, we will announce
// this link as beeing "unknown"
if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (shortcutTarget)) {
fullPath = JoinPaths (shortcutWorkDir, shortcutTarget);
if (!IsFileMarkedAsKnownGood (fullPath)) { extPtr = GetFileExtensionFromPath (shortcutTarget);
if (extPtr) { if (StringIMatch (extPtr, TEXT("EXE"))) { //
// This one statement controls our
// "unknown" category. We have the
// ability to list the things we don't
// recognize.
// It is currently "off".
//HandleDeferredAnnounce (FileName, shortcutTarget, dosApp);
} } } FreePathString (fullPath); } }
// If this LNK points to a target that will change, back up the
// original LNK, because we might change it.
if (fileStatus & ALL_CHANGE_OPERATIONS) { MarkFileForBackup (FileName); }
// If target points to an OLE object, remove any links to incompatible OLE objects
pSendCmdLineGuidsToMemdb (FileName, shortcutTarget, shortcutArgs);
//all we try to do now is to see if this lnk or pif file is going to be edited
//on NT side. That is if target or icon should change.
shortcutNewTarget = GetPathStringOnNt (shortcutTarget); if (!StringIMatch (shortcutNewTarget, shortcutTarget)) { toBeModified = TRUE;
// special case for COMMAND.COM
if (shortcutArgs [0] == 0) {
commandPath = JoinPaths (g_System32Dir, S_COMMAND_COM); if (StringIMatch (commandPath, shortcutNewTarget)) { if (msDosMode) { //
// remove MS-DOS mode PIF files that point to command.com
RemoveLinkFromSystem (FileName); //
// If msdosmode was on, we need to determine how we are going to handle
// boot16. We will turn on boot16 mode if:
// (a) The .pif points to something besides command.com
// (b) The .pif is in a shell folder.
// Note that the check for b simply entails seeing if the PIF file has
if (msDosMode && *g_Boot16 == BOOT16_AUTOMATIC) {
if (!StringIMatch(GetFileNameFromPath (shortcutNewTarget?shortcutNewTarget:shortcutTarget), S_COMMAND_COM) || IsFileMarkedForOperation (FileName, OPERATION_FILE_MOVE_SHELL_FOLDER)) {
*g_Boot16 = BOOT16_YES; } } __leave; } else { ConvertedLnk = TRUE; FreePathString (shortcutNewTarget); shortcutNewTarget = JoinPaths (g_System32Dir, S_CMD_EXE); } } FreePathString (commandPath); shortcutNewArgs = NULL; } else { shortcutNewArgs = DuplicatePathString (shortcutArgs, 0); } } else { FreePathString (shortcutNewTarget); shortcutNewTarget = NULL; }
// If msdosmode was on, we need to determine how we are going to handle
// boot16. We will turn on boot16 mode if:
// (a) The .pif points to something besides command.com
// (b) The .pif is in a shell folder.
// Note that the check for b simply entails seeing if the PIF file has
if (msDosMode && *g_Boot16 == BOOT16_AUTOMATIC) {
if (!StringIMatch(GetFileNameFromPath (shortcutNewTarget?shortcutNewTarget:shortcutTarget), S_COMMAND_COM) || IsFileMarkedForOperation (FileName, OPERATION_FILE_MOVE_SHELL_FOLDER)) {
*g_Boot16 = BOOT16_YES; } } //
// If the link points to a directory, see that the directory survives on NT.
// Potentially this directory can be cleaned up if it's in a shell folder and
// becomes empty after our ObsoleteLinks check
attrib = QuietGetFileAttributes (shortcutTarget); if ((attrib != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ){ MarkDirectoryAsPreserved (shortcutNewTarget?shortcutNewTarget:shortcutTarget); }
//OK, so much with target, let's see what's with the work dir
shortcutNewWorkDir = GetPathStringOnNt (shortcutWorkDir); if (!StringIMatch (shortcutNewWorkDir, shortcutWorkDir)) { toBeModified = TRUE; } else { FreePathString (shortcutNewWorkDir); shortcutNewWorkDir = NULL; }
// If the working dir for this link is a directory, see that the directory survives on NT.
// Potentially this directory can be cleaned up if it's in a shell folder and
// becomes empty after our ObsoleteLinks check
attrib = QuietGetFileAttributes (shortcutWorkDir); if ((attrib != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) && (attrib & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) ){ MarkDirectoryAsPreserved (shortcutNewWorkDir?shortcutNewWorkDir:shortcutWorkDir); }
//OK, so much with workdir, let's see what's with icon
fileStatus = GetFileStatusOnNt (shortcutIconPath); if ((fileStatus & FILESTATUS_DELETED) || ((fileStatus & FILESTATUS_REPLACED) && (fileStatus & FILESTATUS_NTINSTALLED)) || (IsFileMarkedForOperation (shortcutIconPath, OPERATION_FILE_MOVE_SHELL_FOLDER)) ) { //
// Our icon will go away, because our file is getting deleted or
// replaced. Let's try to preserve it. Extract will fail only if
// the icon is known-good.
if (ExtractIconIntoDatFile ( shortcutIconPath, shortcutIcon, &g_IconContext, &newShortcutIcon )) { shortcutNewIconPath = JoinPaths (g_System32Dir, TEXT("migicons.exe")); shortcutIcon = newShortcutIcon; toBeModified = TRUE; } }
if (!shortcutNewIconPath) { shortcutNewIconPath = GetPathStringOnNt (shortcutIconPath); if (!StringIMatch (shortcutNewIconPath, shortcutIconPath)) { toBeModified = TRUE; } else { FreePathString (shortcutNewIconPath); shortcutNewIconPath = NULL; } }
if (toBeModified) { if (ConvertedLnk) { //
// Set this for modifying PIF to LNK
pAddLinkEditToMemDb ( FileName, shortcutNewTarget?shortcutNewTarget:shortcutTarget, shortcutNewArgs?shortcutNewArgs:shortcutArgs, shortcutNewWorkDir?shortcutNewWorkDir:shortcutWorkDir, shortcutNewIconPath?shortcutNewIconPath:shortcutIconPath, shortcutIcon, &ExtraData, FALSE ); } else { pAddLinkEditToMemDb ( FileName, shortcutNewTarget, shortcutNewArgs, shortcutNewWorkDir, shortcutNewIconPath, shortcutIcon, NULL, FALSE ); } } } __finally { if (shortcutNewWorkDir != NULL) { FreePathString (shortcutNewWorkDir); } if (shortcutNewIconPath != NULL) { FreePathString (shortcutNewIconPath); } if (shortcutNewArgs != NULL) { FreePathString (shortcutNewArgs); } if (shortcutNewTarget != NULL) { FreePathString (shortcutNewTarget); } } return TRUE; }
PCTSTR pBuildNewCategory ( IN PCTSTR LinkName, IN PCTSTR Category, IN UINT Levels ) { PCTSTR *levPtrs = NULL; PCTSTR wackPtr = NULL; PCTSTR result = NULL; PCTSTR resultTmp = NULL; UINT index = 0; UINT indexLnk = 0;
MYASSERT (Levels);
levPtrs = (PCTSTR *) PoolMemGetMemory (g_LinksPool, (Levels + 1) * sizeof (PCTSTR));
wackPtr = LinkName;
while (wackPtr) { levPtrs[index] = wackPtr;
wackPtr = _tcschr (wackPtr, TEXT('\\')); if (wackPtr) { wackPtr = _tcsinc (wackPtr);
index ++; if (index > Levels) { index = 0; } } }
indexLnk = index;
if (index == Levels) { index = 0; } else { index ++; }
resultTmp = StringSearchAndReplace (levPtrs [index], levPtrs [indexLnk], Category); if (resultTmp) { result = StringSearchAndReplace (resultTmp, TEXT("\\"), TEXT("->")); } else { result = NULL; }
FreePathString (resultTmp);
PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_LinksPool, (PVOID) levPtrs);
return result; }
VOID pGatherInfoFromDefaultPif ( VOID ) { PCTSTR defaultPifPath = NULL; TCHAR tmpStr [20]; TCHAR pifTarget [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR pifArgs [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR pifWorkDir [MEMDB_MAX]; TCHAR pifIconPath [MEMDB_MAX]; INT pifIcon; BOOL pifMsDosMode; LNK_EXTRA_DATA pifExtraData;
defaultPifPath = JoinPaths (g_WinDir, S_COMMAND_PIF); if (ExtractPifInfo ( pifTarget, pifArgs, pifWorkDir, pifIconPath, &pifIcon, &pifMsDosMode, &pifExtraData, defaultPifPath )) { _itoa (pifExtraData.FullScreen, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FULLSCREEN, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.xSize, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XSIZE, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.ySize, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YSIZE, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.QuickEdit, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_QUICKEDIT, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTNAME, pifExtraData.FontName, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.xFontSize, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XFONTSIZE, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.yFontSize, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YFONTSIZE, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.FontWeight, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTWEIGHT, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.FontFamily, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTFAMILY, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); _itoa (pifExtraData.CurrentCodePage, tmpStr, 10); MemDbSetValueEx (MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_CODEPAGE, tmpStr, NULL, 0, NULL); } FreePathString (defaultPifPath); }
BOOL pProcessLinks ( VOID ) { MEMDB_ENUM enumItems; MEMDB_ENUM enumDups; TCHAR pattern[MEMDB_MAX]; IShellLink *shellLink; IPersistFile *persistFile; PLINK_STRUCT linkStruct, linkDup; BOOL resolved; PCTSTR newCategory = NULL; PCTSTR dupCategory = NULL; UINT levels = 0; DWORD count = 0;
MYASSERT (g_LinksPool);
if (InitCOMLink (&shellLink, &persistFile)) {
wsprintf (pattern, TEXT("%s\\*"), MEMDB_CATEGORY_SHORTCUTS);
if (MemDbEnumFirstValue ( &enumItems, pattern, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY )) { do {
if (!SafeModeActionCrashed (SAFEMODEID_LNK9X, enumItems.szName)) {
SafeModeRegisterAction(SAFEMODEID_LNK9X, enumItems.szName);
if (!pProcessShortcut (enumItems.szName, shellLink, persistFile)) { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "Error processing shortcut %s", enumItems.szName)); } count++; if (!(count % 4)) { TickProgressBar (); }
SafeModeUnregisterAction(); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&enumItems)); } FreeCOMLink (&shellLink, &persistFile); }
if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&enumItems, MEMDB_CATEGORY_REPORT_LINKS"\\*", MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { do { newCategory = NULL; levels = 0;
linkStruct = (PLINK_STRUCT)enumItems.dwValue;
if (linkStruct->LinkName) { resolved = !(StringIMatch (linkStruct->LinkNameNoPath, GetFileNameFromPath (linkStruct->LinkName))); } else { resolved = TRUE; }
while (!resolved) {
resolved = TRUE;
MemDbBuildKey ( pattern, MEMDB_CATEGORY_REPORT_LINKS, TEXT("*"), linkStruct->LinkNameNoPath, TEXT("*") );
if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&enumDups, pattern, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) {
do {
linkDup = (PLINK_STRUCT)enumDups.dwValue;
if ((enumItems.Offset != enumDups.Offset) && (enumItems.UserFlags == enumDups.UserFlags) && (StringIMatch (linkStruct->Category, linkDup->Category)) ) {
if (newCategory) {
dupCategory = pBuildNewCategory (linkDup->LinkName, linkDup->Category, levels); if (!dupCategory) { MYASSERT (FALSE); continue; }
if (!StringIMatch (dupCategory, newCategory)) { FreePathString (dupCategory); continue; } FreePathString (newCategory); } levels++; newCategory = pBuildNewCategory (linkStruct->LinkName, linkStruct->Category, levels); resolved = FALSE; break; } } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&enumDups)); } } pReportEntry ( linkStruct->ReportEntry, newCategory?newCategory:linkStruct->Category, linkStruct->MigDbContext?linkStruct->MigDbContext->Message:NULL, linkStruct->Context, linkStruct->Object );
if (newCategory) { newCategory = NULL; }
} while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&enumItems)); }
TickProgressBar ();
// gather default command prompt attributes
pGatherInfoFromDefaultPif ();
DoneLinkAnnounce ();
// Delete MemDb tree used for this phase
return TRUE; }
DWORD ProcessLinks ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_PROCESS_LINKS; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!pProcessLinks ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Bad parameter in ProcessLinks")); } return 0; }
BOOL pProcessCPLs ( VOID ) { CHAR pattern[MEMDB_MAX]; MEMDB_ENUM enumItems; DWORD announcement; PMIGDB_CONTEXT context;
MemDbBuildKey (pattern, MEMDB_CATEGORY_CPLS, TEXT("*"), NULL, NULL);
if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&enumItems, pattern, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { do { if ((IsFileMarkedForAnnounce (enumItems.szName)) && (IsDisplayableCPL (enumItems.szName)) ) { announcement = GetFileAnnouncement (enumItems.szName); context = (PMIGDB_CONTEXT) GetFileAnnouncementContext (enumItems.szName); ReportControlPanelApplet ( enumItems.szName, context, announcement ); } } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&enumItems)); }
return TRUE; }
DWORD ProcessCPLs ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_PROCESS_CPLS; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!pProcessCPLs ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Bad parameter in ProcessCPLs")); } return 0; }