Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Functions to migrate a Win9x user's system directory to system32.
Mike Condra (mikeco) 25-Feb-1997
Revision History:
ovidiut 09-Mar-1999 Added support to rename files on Win9x side jimschm 23-Sep-1998 Updated for new fileops code jimschm 02-Dec-1997 Removed rename of system32 if it already exists mikeco 23-Jun-1997 NT-style file- & fn-header comments
#include "pch.h"
#include "migappp.h"
#include "migdbp.h"
#define DBG_SYS32 "Sys32"
PCTSTR pGetNewName ( PCTSTR FileName )
Routine Description:
This function generates a new name for the file that is going to be renames.
FileName - Original file name
Return Value:
the new name for file
{ PCTSTR pattern; PTSTR result ; UINT count ; DWORD attrib ;
pattern = JoinText (FileName, TEXT(".%03u")); result = JoinText (FileName, TEXT("XXXX")); count = 0; do { if (count == 999) { return result; } _stprintf (result, pattern, count); attrib = GetFileAttributes (result); count ++; } while (attrib != 0xFFFFFFFF); FreeText (pattern); return result; }
BOOL pRenameSystem32File ( IN PCTSTR NewName, IN OUT PGROWBUFFER msgBufRename, OUT PBOOL FileDeleted )
Routine Description: pRenameSystem32File handles the special file %windir%\system32. If it exists and cannot be automatically renamed, 2 things may happen: - in unattended mode, the file will be deleted (this will be done by textmode setup) - otherwise the user is asked to take a decision: either rename the file or cancels Setup
DirName - name of NT dir to check
msgBufRename - growbuffer to append a Message when renaming a file.
msgBufDelete - growbuffer to append a Message when deleting a file (system32 only).
Return Value:
TRUE if the operation was successful and Setup can continue, FALSE if user cancelled
{ DWORD attrib; PCTSTR Message = NULL; PCTSTR button1 = NULL; PCTSTR button2 = NULL; BOOL Quit; BOOL b = FALSE;
*FileDeleted = FALSE;
while (!b && !((attrib = GetFileAttributes (g_System32Dir)) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
// rename this file now
if (SetFileAttributes (g_System32Dir, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL)) {
if (MoveFile (g_System32Dir, NewName)) {
b = TRUE;
SetFileAttributes (g_System32Dir, attrib);
} else {
DEBUGMSG (( DBG_SYS32, "CheckNtDirs: Unable to set normal attributes on file %s", g_System32Dir )); SetFileAttributes (g_System32Dir, attrib);
} }
if (!b) {
if (!UNATTENDED()) {
// ask user to take a decision about this
Message = ParseMessageID (MSG_CANNOT_RENAME_FILE, &g_System32Dir); button1 = GetStringResource (MSG_RETRY_RENAME); button2 = GetStringResource (MSG_QUIT_SETUP);
Quit = IDBUTTON1 != TwoButtonBox (g_ParentWnd, Message, button1, button2);
FreeStringResource (Message); FreeStringResource (button1); FreeStringResource (button2);
if (Quit) {
DEBUGMSG (( DBG_SYS32, "CheckNtDirs: user cancelled Setup on renaming file %s", g_System32Dir ));
return FALSE; }
} else { //
// suppose the admin would delete the file anyway;
// that's exactly what textmode setup does, so leave it there and
// return success
*FileDeleted = TRUE; b = TRUE; } } }
return GetFileAttributes (g_System32Dir) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY; }
BOOL pHandleSingleDir ( IN PCTSTR DirName, IN OUT PGROWBUFFER msgBufRename, IN OUT PGROWBUFFER msgBufDelete )
Routine Description: This function checks if a file is in one of NT5 dirs way. If so, the file is renamed and a Message is send to log. If there is a file named %windir%\system32, it is renamed at this point (special behaviour) and if this fails, Setup is cancelled.
DirName - name of NT dir to check
msgBufRename - growbuffer to append a Message when renaming a file.
msgBufDelete - growbuffer to append a Message when deleting a file (system32 only).
Return Value:
TRUE if the operation was successful and Setup can continue, FALSE if user cancelled
{ PCTSTR newFileName, FileNamePart; DWORD attributes; TCHAR msg[MAX_TCHAR_PATH * 2 + 5]; BOOL FileDeleted;
attributes = GetFileAttributes (DirName);
if (!(attributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) {
newFileName = pGetNewName (DirName);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_SYS32, "CheckNtDirs: Renaming %s to %s", DirName, newFileName));
FileDeleted = FALSE;
// special case: if DirName is g_System32Dir, rename the file right now
// because textmode Setup doesn't have a chance to rename it before
// it is already deleted and the System32 dir is created
if (StringIMatch (DirName, g_System32Dir)) {
if (!pRenameSystem32File (newFileName, msgBufRename, &FileDeleted)) { return FALSE; }
if (!FileDeleted) {
FileNamePart = GetFileNameFromPath (newFileName); MYASSERT (FileNamePart);
// mark this info for undo on cancel
MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_CHG_FILE_PROPS, DirName, FileNamePart, NULL, attributes, NULL ); }
} else {
// append to the log
if (FileDeleted) { wsprintf (msg, TEXT("\n\t\t%s"), DirName); GrowBufAppendString (msgBufDelete, msg); } else { wsprintf (msg, TEXT("\n\t\t%s -> %s"), DirName, newFileName); GrowBufAppendString (msgBufRename, msg); }
FreeText (newFileName); }
return TRUE; }
VOID pCheckProfilesDir ( IN OUT PGROWBUFFER msgBufRename )
Routine Description:
pCheckProfilesDir makes sure that there is no directory named "g_ProfileDirNt". If there is, it is renamed, all files and folders within are marked for external move and a message is added to the user report.
msgBufRename - A grow buffer where the rename message will be appended, if this is the case
Return Value:
{ TCHAR msg[MAX_TCHAR_PATH * 2 + 5]; DWORD attrib; PCTSTR NewName; PTSTR p; TREE_ENUM TreeEnum; TCHAR NewDest[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; PCTSTR Message; PCTSTR Group; PCTSTR array[2];
MYASSERT (g_ProfileDirNt);
attrib = GetFileAttributes (g_ProfileDirNt); if (attrib != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) {
NewName = pGetNewName (g_ProfileDirNt);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_SYS32, "CheckNtDirs: Renaming %s to %s", g_ProfileDirNt, NewName)); MarkFileForMove (g_ProfileDirNt, NewName);
wsprintf (msg, TEXT("\n\t\t%s -> %s"), g_ProfileDirNt, NewName); GrowBufAppendString (msgBufRename, msg);
// mark all files in the tree for move
if (EnumFirstFileInTree (&TreeEnum, g_ProfileDirNt, NULL, TRUE)) {
StringCopy (NewDest, NewName); p = AppendWack (NewDest);
do {
MYASSERT (*TreeEnum.SubPath != '\\'); StringCopy (p, TreeEnum.SubPath); if (!TreeEnum.Directory) { if (CanSetOperation (TreeEnum.FullPath, OPERATION_TEMP_PATH)) { //
// remove old operation and set a new one
// with the updated final dest
MarkFileForTemporaryMove (TreeEnum.FullPath, NewDest, g_TempDir); } else { if (CanSetOperation (TreeEnum.FullPath, OPERATION_FILE_MOVE)) { MarkFileForMove (TreeEnum.FullPath, NewDest); } } } else { if (CanSetOperation (TreeEnum.FullPath, OPERATION_FILE_MOVE_EXTERNAL)) { MarkFileForMoveExternal (TreeEnum.FullPath, NewDest); } }
} while (EnumNextFileInTree (&TreeEnum)); }
array[0] = g_ProfileDirNt; array[1] = NewName; Message = ParseMessageID (MSG_DIRECTORY_COLLISION_SUBCOMPONENT, array);
if (Message) {
if (Group) {
MsgMgr_ObjectMsg_Add (TEXT("*RenameFolders"), Group, S_EMPTY);
FreeText (Group); }
FreeStringResource (Message); } }
FreeText (NewName); } }
BOOL pCheckNtDirs ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This function makes sure that there is no file with the same name as one of the NT5 directories.
Return Value:
TRUE if check was successful; FALSE if Setup was cancelled by the user
// check first for g_ProfileDirNt
pCheckProfilesDir (&msgBufRename);
do { if (!pHandleSingleDir (enumDirs.szName, &msgBufRename, &msgBufDelete)) { Success = FALSE; break; } } while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&enumDirs)); }
if (Success) {
// warn user about what will happen
if (msgBufDelete.Buf) { LOG ((LOG_WARNING, (PCSTR)MSG_DIR_COLLISION_DELETE_LOG, msgBufDelete.Buf)); }
if (msgBufRename.Buf) { LOG ((LOG_WARNING, (PCSTR)MSG_DIR_COLLISION_LOG, msgBufRename.Buf)); } }
FreeGrowBuffer (&msgBufDelete); FreeGrowBuffer (&msgBufRename);
return Success; }
DWORD CheckNtDirs ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_CHECK_NT_DIRS; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!pCheckNtDirs ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Bad parameter while checking Nt Directories.")); } return 0; }
BOOL pReadSystemFixedFiles ( IN OUT HASHTABLE SystemFixedFiles )
Routine Description:
This function reads a section from Win95upg.inf with all modules that must remain in System directory.
Return Value:
TRUE if successfull, FALSE otherwise
{ INFCONTEXT context; TCHAR fileName[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; BOOL result = TRUE;
if (g_Win95UpgInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read from WIN95UPG.INF")); SetLastError (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return FALSE; }
if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_Win95UpgInf, WINDIR_SYSTEM_FIXED_FILES, NULL, &context)) { do { if (SetupGetStringField ( &context, 1, fileName, MAX_TCHAR_PATH, NULL )) {
HtAddString (SystemFixedFiles, fileName); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "File name not found in %s", WINDIR_SYSTEM_FIXED_FILES)); } while (SetupFindNextLine (&context, &context)); } return TRUE; }
BOOL pReadSystemForcedMoveFiles ( VOID )
Routine Description:
This function reads a section from Win95upg.inf with patterns for all modules that should be moved to System32 directory.
Return Value:
TRUE if successfull, FALSE otherwise
{ INFCONTEXT context; TCHAR filePattern[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; BOOL result = TRUE;
if (g_Win95UpgInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Unable to read from WIN95UPG.INF")); SetLastError (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); return FALSE; }
if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_Win95UpgInf, SYSTEM32_FORCED_MOVE, NULL, &context)) { do { if (SetupGetStringField ( &context, 1, filePattern, MAX_TCHAR_PATH, NULL )) { MemDbSetValueEx ( MEMDB_CATEGORY_SYSTEM32_FORCED_MOVE, filePattern, NULL, NULL, 0, NULL ); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "File name not found in %s", SYSTEM32_FORCED_MOVE)); } while (SetupFindNextLine (&context, &context)); } return TRUE; }
VOID pMarkFileForSys32Move ( IN PCTSTR FileName, IN PCTSTR FullFileSpec, IN PCTSTR MovedFile, IN BOOL CheckExeType )
Routine Description:
pMarkFileForSys32Move marks a file in %windir%\system to be moved to %windir%\system32. It takes into account all previous processing, so there is no operation collisions.
FileName - Specifies the src file name or sub-path from %windir%\system. FullFileSpec - Specifies the full path to the source file (which is supposed to be in the system dir) MovedFile - Specifies the destination path (which is supposed to be in the system32 dir) CheckExeType - Specifies TRUE if only 32-bit binaries should be moved. If TRUE and FullFileSpec does not point to a 32-bit binary, then memdb is queried for non-32-bit binaries that should be moved.
Return Value:
// Skip file if we already plan to move or delete it.
if (!CanSetOperation (FullFileSpec, OPERATION_FILE_MOVE)) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_SYS32, "File already flagged for change: %s", FullFileSpec ));
return; }
if (!IsFileMarkedForChange (MovedFile)) {
if (CheckExeType) { //
// See if Win32 PE
if (GetModuleType (FullFileSpec) != W32_MODULE) {
MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_SYSTEM32_FORCED_MOVE, FileName, NULL, NULL); if (!MemDbGetPatternValue (key, NULL)) { return; } } }
} else { //
// Move file during text mode because we know it is going to be
// created. This allows text mode to compare versions before
// overwriting.
// NOTE: We can be certain that the creation isn't from a file copy,
// because we tested the source file above, and there is no
// other reason why a file in system32 will be copied from
// any other location than system or the NT sources.
// Also note that migration DLLs have not been processed yet.
RemoveOperationsFromPath (MovedFile, ALL_DEST_CHANGE_OPERATIONS); }
// All tests passed -- do the move
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_SYS32, "Moving %s to %s", FullFileSpec, MovedFile)); MarkFileForMove (FullFileSpec, MovedFile);
BOOL pMoveSystemDir ( VOID )
Routine Description:
MoveSystemDir scans the %windir%\system directory for all 32-bit executables that are not excluded in win95upg.inf. Any matches are moved to system32.
Return Value:
TRUE if successfull, FALSE otherwise
{ TCHAR SystemDirPattern[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; TCHAR FullFileSpec[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; TCHAR MovedFile[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; HANDLE hFind; WIN32_FIND_DATA fd; TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; TREE_ENUM e; PTSTR p, q; PTSTR SubPathEnd; HASHTABLE systemFixedFiles; DWORD count = 0;
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_SYS32, "Begining system to system32 processing"));
systemFixedFiles = HtAlloc();
if (!pReadSystemFixedFiles (systemFixedFiles)) {
HtFree (systemFixedFiles); return FALSE; }
pReadSystemForcedMoveFiles ();
// Build the string %sysdir%\\*.*
StringCopy(SystemDirPattern, g_SystemDir); StringCat(SystemDirPattern, TEXT("\\*.*"));
hFind = FindFirstFile (SystemDirPattern, &fd);
StringCopy (FullFileSpec, g_SystemDir); p = AppendWack (FullFileSpec);
StringCopy (MovedFile, g_System32Dir); q = AppendWack (MovedFile);
do { //
// Reject "." and ".."
if (StringMatch(fd.cFileName, _T(".")) || StringMatch(fd.cFileName, _T(".."))) {
continue; }
// See if is on list of files that stay in system dir
if (HtFindString (systemFixedFiles, fd.cFileName)) { continue; }
// If it's a directory, see if we should move it, and if so,
// move it!
if (fd.dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) {
MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_SYSTEM32_FORCED_MOVE, fd.cFileName, NULL, NULL); if (!MemDbGetPatternValue (key, NULL)) { continue; }
// To move a subdir, we enumerate all files in the tree, mark
// each of them for move, and then follow the normal code path
// to mark the dir itself to be moved.
StringCopy (p, fd.cFileName);
StringCopy (q, fd.cFileName); SubPathEnd = AppendWack (q);
if (EnumFirstFileInTree (&e, FullFileSpec, NULL, FALSE)) {
do { StringCopy (SubPathEnd, e.SubPath); pMarkFileForSys32Move (q, e.FullPath, MovedFile, FALSE);
} while (EnumNextFileInTree (&e)); } TickProgressBar (); }
// Make full file spec
StringCopy (p, fd.cFileName); StringCopy (q, fd.cFileName);
pMarkFileForSys32Move (fd.cFileName, FullFileSpec, MovedFile, TRUE);
count++; if (!(count % 128)) { TickProgressBar (); } } while (FindNextFile (hFind, &fd));
FindClose (hFind); }
HtFree (systemFixedFiles);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_SYS32, "End of system to system32 processing"));
return TRUE; }
DWORD MoveSystemDir ( IN DWORD Request ) { switch (Request) { case REQUEST_QUERYTICKS: return TICKS_MOVE_SYSTEM_DIR; case REQUEST_RUN: if (!pMoveSystemDir ()) { return GetLastError (); } else { return ERROR_SUCCESS; } default: LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Bad parameter found while moving system directory.")); } return 0; }
BOOL UndoChangedFileProps ( VOID )
Routine Description:
UndoChangedFileProps enumerates all values in MEMDB_CATEGORY_CHG_FILE_PROPS and restore files to their original state (name, attributes). This function should be called when the user cancels the upgrade.
Return Value:
TRUE if all files were successfully set to their original attributes, FALSE otherwise
{ MEMDB_ENUM e; PTSTR FileNamePart, NewName, DirNameEnd; BOOL b = TRUE;
do {
FileNamePart = _tcsrchr (e.szName, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT(FileNamePart);
*FileNamePart = 0; FileNamePart++;
DirNameEnd = _tcsrchr (e.szName, TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT(DirNameEnd); *DirNameEnd = 0;
NewName = JoinPaths (e.szName, FileNamePart);
*DirNameEnd = TEXT('\\');
if (!SetFileAttributes (NewName, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) || !MoveFile (NewName, e.szName) || !SetFileAttributes (e.szName, e.dwValue)) {
b = FALSE; }
FreePathString (NewName);
} while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e)); }
return b; }