Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Contains utility functions to migrate file system settings.
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 12-Jul-1996
Revision History:
jimschm 08-Jul-1999 Added FileSearchAndReplace jimschm 23-Sep-1998 Changed for new shell.c & progress.c calinn 29-Jan-1998 Fixed DoFileDel messages jimschm 21-Nov-1997 PC-98 changes jimschm 14-Nov-1997 FileCopy now makes the dest dir if it doesn't exist jimschm 18-Jul-1997 Now supports FileCopy and FileDel changes mikeco 09-Apr-1997 Mods to MoveProfileDir jimschm 18-Dec-1996 Extracted code from miginf jimschm 23-Oct-1996 Joined ProcessUserInfs and ApplyChanges mikeco 04-Dec-1996 Enumerate/modify PIF and LNK files jimschm 02-Oct-1996 Added default user migration
#include "pch.h"
#include "migmainp.h"
#include "persist.h"
#include "uninstall.h"
#ifndef UNICODE
#error UNICODE reqired
#define DBG_FILEMIG "FileMig"
#define ONE_MEG ((ULONGLONG) 1 << (ULONGLONG) 20)
#define MAX_INT_CHAR 11
GROWLIST g_StartMenuItemsForCleanUpCommon = GROWLIST_INIT; GROWLIST g_StartMenuItemsForCleanUpPrivate = GROWLIST_INIT;
BOOL OurMoveFileExA ( IN PCSTR ExistingFile, IN PCSTR DestinationFile, IN DWORD Flags ) { PCWSTR unicodeExistingFile; PCWSTR unicodeDestinationFile; BOOL b;
unicodeExistingFile = ConvertAtoW (ExistingFile); unicodeDestinationFile = ConvertAtoW (DestinationFile);
b = OurMoveFileExW (unicodeExistingFile, unicodeDestinationFile, Flags);
FreeConvertedStr (unicodeExistingFile); FreeConvertedStr (unicodeDestinationFile);
return b; }
BOOL OurMoveFileExW ( IN PCWSTR ExistingFile, IN PCWSTR DestinationFile, IN DWORD Flags ) { PCWSTR longExistingFile; PCWSTR longDestinationFile; BOOL b;
longExistingFile = JoinPathsW (L"\\\\?", ExistingFile); longDestinationFile = JoinPathsW (L"\\\\?", DestinationFile);
MakeSurePathExists (longDestinationFile, FALSE);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Trying to move %s to %s", longExistingFile, longDestinationFile)); b = MoveFileExW (longExistingFile, longDestinationFile, Flags);
FreePathStringW (longExistingFile); FreePathStringW (longDestinationFile);
return b; }
BOOL OurCopyFileW ( IN PCWSTR ExistingFile, IN PCWSTR DestinationFile ) { PCWSTR longExistingFile; PCWSTR longDestinationFile; BOOL b;
longExistingFile = JoinPathsW (L"\\\\?", ExistingFile); longDestinationFile = JoinPathsW (L"\\\\?", DestinationFile);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Trying to copy %s to %s", longExistingFile, longDestinationFile));
MakeSurePathExists (longDestinationFile, FALSE); b = CopyFileW (longExistingFile, longDestinationFile, FALSE);
FreePathStringW (longExistingFile); FreePathStringW (longDestinationFile);
return b; }
BOOL pFileSearchAndReplaceWorker ( IN PBYTE MapStart, IN PBYTE MapEnd, IN HANDLE OutFile, IN PTOKENSET TokenSet );
BOOL pCopyFileWithVersionCheck ( IN PCTSTR Src, IN PCTSTR Dest ) { DWORD Attributes; DWORD rc;
Attributes = GetLongPathAttributes (Src); if (Attributes == INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) { SetLastError (ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND); LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Copy File With Version Check: File not found: %s", Src)); return FALSE; }
MakeSureLongPathExists (Dest, FALSE); // FALSE == not path only
SetLongPathAttributes (Dest, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); rc = SetupDecompressOrCopyFile ( Src, Dest, FILE_COMPRESSION_NONE );
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError (rc); LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Cannot copy %s to %s", Src, Dest)); return FALSE; }
SetLongPathAttributes (Dest, Attributes); return TRUE; }
BOOL pCopyTempRelocToDest ( VOID )
Routine Description:
pCopyTempRelocToDest enumerates the DirAttribs category and establishes a path for each directory listed. It then enumerates the RelocTemp category and copies each file to its one or more destinations.
Return Value:
TRUE if copy succeeded, or FALSE if an error occurred. Call GetLastError() for error code.
if (EnumFirstPathInOperation (&eOp, OPERATION_TEMP_PATH)) { do { srcPath [0] = 0;
if (EnumFirstFileOpProperty (&eOpProp, eOp.Sequencer, OPERATION_TEMP_PATH)) { do { if (srcPath [0]) { //
// if the dest file is an INI file,
// don't copy it;
// the merging mechanism will combine them later
extPtr = GetFileExtensionFromPath (eOpProp.Property); if (extPtr && StringIMatch (extPtr, TEXT("INI"))) { continue; }
MakeSureLongPathExists (eOpProp.Property, FALSE); if (!pCopyFileWithVersionCheck (srcPath, eOpProp.Property)) { //
// don't stop here; continue with remaining files
break; } } else { StringCopy (srcPath, eOpProp.Property); } } while (EnumNextFileOpProperty (&eOpProp)); } } while (EnumNextPathInOperation (&eOp)); }
return TRUE; }
DWORD DoCopyFile ( DWORD Request )
Routine Description:
DoCopyFile performs a file copy for each file listed in the file copy operation.
Request - Specifies REQUEST_QUERYTICKS if a tick estimate is needed, or REQUEST_RUN if processing should be preformed.
Return Value:
Tick count (REQUEST_QUERYTICKS), or Win32 status code (REQUEST_RUN).
// Perform rest of temporary file relocation
// Copy files into directories
if (EnumFirstPathInOperation (&OpEnum, OPERATION_FILE_COPY)) { do { //
// Get dest
if (GetPathProperty (OpEnum.Path, OPERATION_FILE_COPY, 0, DestPath)) { MakeSureLongPathExists (DestPath, FALSE); pCopyFileWithVersionCheck (OpEnum.Path, DestPath); } } while (EnumNextPathInOperation (&OpEnum)); }
TickProgressBarDelta (TICKS_COPYFILE);
PCTSTR g_LnkStubDataFile = NULL; HANDLE g_LnkStubDataHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; BOOL g_LnkStubBadData = FALSE;
VOID pInitLnkStubData ( VOID ) { INT maxSequencer; DWORD offset = 0; DWORD bytesWritten;
g_LnkStubDataFile = JoinPaths (g_WinDir, S_LNKSTUB_DAT);
// let's write empty data for all possible sequencers
// there is a DWORD entry for each sequencer (1 based)
while (maxSequencer) { if (!WriteFile ( g_LnkStubDataHandle, &offset, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL )) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; } maxSequencer--; } } else { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; } }
VOID pDoneLnkStubData ( VOID ) { CloseHandle (g_LnkStubDataHandle); g_LnkStubDataHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (g_LnkStubBadData) { DeleteFile (g_LnkStubDataFile); }
FreePathString (g_LnkStubDataFile); g_LnkStubDataFile = NULL; }
VOID pWriteLnkStubData ( IN PCTSTR NewLinkPath, IN PCTSTR NewTarget, IN PCTSTR NewArgs, IN PCTSTR NewWorkDir, IN PCTSTR NewIconPath, IN INT NewIconNr, IN INT ShowMode, IN INT Sequencer, IN DWORD Announcement, IN DWORD Availability, IN PGROWBUFFER ReqFilesList ) { DWORD offset; DWORD bytesWritten; WIN32_FIND_DATA findData; MULTISZ_ENUM multiSzEnum; TCHAR stub[]=TEXT(""); PCTSTR reqFilePath = NULL; PCTSTR oldFileSpec = NULL; PTSTR oldFilePtr = NULL;
if ((!g_LnkStubBadData) && (Sequencer > 0)) { if (SetFilePointer (g_LnkStubDataHandle, (Sequencer - 1) * sizeof (DWORD), NULL, FILE_BEGIN) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; } offset = GetFileSize (g_LnkStubDataHandle, NULL); if (offset == 0xFFFFFFFF) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; } if (!WriteFile ( g_LnkStubDataHandle, &offset, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL )) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; } if (SetFilePointer (g_LnkStubDataHandle, 0, NULL, FILE_END) == 0xFFFFFFFF) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
// NOTE: Format of lnkstub.dat is below. lnkstub\lnkstub.c must match.
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, NewLinkPath, SizeOfString (NewLinkPath), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, NewTarget, SizeOfString (NewTarget), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, NewArgs, SizeOfString (NewArgs), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, NewWorkDir, SizeOfString (NewWorkDir), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, NewIconPath, SizeOfString (NewIconPath), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &NewIconNr, sizeof (INT), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &ShowMode, sizeof (INT), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &Announcement, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &Availability, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!DoesFileExistEx (NewTarget, &findData)) { findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime = 0; findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime = 0; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
if (EnumFirstMultiSz (&multiSzEnum, (PTSTR)ReqFilesList->Buf)) { do { if (!WriteFile ( g_LnkStubDataHandle, multiSzEnum.CurrentString, SizeOfString (multiSzEnum.CurrentString), &bytesWritten, NULL )) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; } oldFileSpec = DuplicatePathString (NewTarget, 0); oldFilePtr = (PTSTR)GetFileNameFromPath (oldFileSpec); if (oldFilePtr) { *oldFilePtr = 0; } reqFilePath = JoinPaths (oldFileSpec, multiSzEnum.CurrentString);
if (!DoesFileExistEx (reqFilePath, &findData)) { findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime = 0; findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime = 0; } if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwLowDateTime, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; } if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, &findData.ftLastWriteTime.dwHighDateTime, sizeof (DWORD), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; }
FreePathString (reqFilePath); FreePathString (oldFileSpec); } while ((!g_LnkStubBadData) && EnumNextMultiSz (&multiSzEnum));
} if (!WriteFile (g_LnkStubDataHandle, stub, SizeOfString (stub), &bytesWritten, NULL)) { g_LnkStubBadData = TRUE; return; } } }
BOOL RestoreInfoFromDefaultPif ( IN PCTSTR UserName, IN HKEY KeyRoot ) { TCHAR key [MEMDB_MAX]; MEMDB_ENUM e; DWORD value1, value2; HKEY cmdKey;
cmdKey = OpenRegKey (KeyRoot, S_CMDATTRIB_KEY); if (!cmdKey) { cmdKey = CreateRegKey (KeyRoot, S_CMDATTRIB_KEY); } if (cmdKey) {
MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FULLSCREEN, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value1 = _ttoi (e.szName); RegSetValueEx (cmdKey, S_CMD_FULLSCREEN, 0, REG_DWORD, (PCBYTE)&value1, sizeof (DWORD)); } MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XSIZE, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value1 = _ttoi (e.szName); MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YSIZE, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value2 = _ttoi (e.szName); value2 = _rotl (value2, sizeof (DWORD) * 8 / 2); value1 |= value2; RegSetValueEx (cmdKey, S_CMD_WINDOWSIZE, 0, REG_DWORD, (PCBYTE)&value1, sizeof (DWORD)); } } MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_QUICKEDIT, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value1 = _ttoi (e.szName); RegSetValueEx (cmdKey, S_CMD_QUICKEDIT, 0, REG_DWORD, (PCBYTE)&value1, sizeof (DWORD)); } MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTNAME, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { RegSetValueEx (cmdKey, S_CMD_FACENAME, 0, REG_SZ, (PCBYTE)e.szName, SizeOfString (e.szName)); } MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XFONTSIZE, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value1 = _ttoi (e.szName); MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YFONTSIZE, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value2 = _ttoi (e.szName); value2 = _rotl (value2, sizeof (DWORD) * 8 / 2); value1 |= value2; RegSetValueEx (cmdKey, S_CMD_FONTSIZE, 0, REG_DWORD, (PCBYTE)&value1, sizeof (DWORD)); } } MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTWEIGHT, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value1 = _ttoi (e.szName); RegSetValueEx (cmdKey, S_CMD_FONTWEIGHT, 0, REG_DWORD, (PCBYTE)&value1, sizeof (DWORD)); } MemDbBuildKey (key, MEMDB_CATEGORY_DEFAULT_PIF, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTFAMILY, TEXT("*"), NULL); if (MemDbEnumFirstValue (&e, key, MEMDB_ALL_SUBLEVELS, MEMDB_ENDPOINTS_ONLY)) { value1 = _ttoi (e.szName); RegSetValueEx (cmdKey, S_CMD_FONTFAMILY, 0, REG_DWORD, (PCBYTE)&value1, sizeof (DWORD)); }
CloseRegKey (cmdKey); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL DoLinkEdit ( VOID )
Routine Description:
DoLinkEdit adjusts all PIFs and LNKs that need their targets, working directories or icon paths changed.
Return Value:
TRUE if link editing succeeded, or FALSE if an error occurred.
{ FILEOP_ENUM eOp; FILEOP_PROP_ENUM eOpProp; BOOL forceToShowNormal; BOOL ConvertToLnk; PTSTR NewTarget; PTSTR NewArgs; PTSTR NewWorkDir; PTSTR NewIconPath; PTSTR NewLinkPath; INT NewIconNr; INT Sequencer; DWORD Announcement; DWORD Availability; INT ShowMode; LNK_EXTRA_DATA ExtraData; CONVERTPATH_RC C_Result; TCHAR tempArgs[MAX_TCHAR_PATH * 2]; GROWBUFFER reqFilesList = GROWBUF_INIT;
if (EnumFirstPathInOperation (&eOp, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT)) { do { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "eOp.Path=%s", eOp.Path));
NewTarget = NULL; NewArgs = NULL; NewWorkDir = NULL; NewIconPath = NULL; NewIconNr = 0; ConvertToLnk = FALSE; forceToShowNormal = FALSE;
ZeroMemory (&ExtraData, sizeof (LNK_EXTRA_DATA)); if (EnumFirstFileOpProperty (&eOpProp, eOp.Sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_EDIT)) { do { if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_TARGET)) { NewTarget = DuplicatePathString (eOpProp.Property, 0); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_ARGS)) { if(wcslen(eOpProp.Property) >= ARRAYSIZE(tempArgs)){ MYASSERT(FALSE); LOG((LOG_WARNING, "DoLinkEdit:EnumFirstFileOpProperty(OPERATION_LINK_EDIT) does not provide enough buffer for string copy %s -- skipping", eOpProp.Property)); } else{ StackStringCopy (tempArgs, eOpProp.Property); C_Result = ConvertWin9xPath (tempArgs); NewArgs = DuplicatePathString (tempArgs, 0); } } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_WORKDIR)) { NewWorkDir = DuplicatePathString (eOpProp.Property, 0); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_ICONPATH)) { NewIconPath = DuplicatePathString (eOpProp.Property, 0); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_ICONNUMBER)) { NewIconNr = _tcstoul (eOpProp.Property, NULL, 16); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FULLSCREEN)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.FullScreen = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XSIZE)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.xSize = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YSIZE)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.ySize = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_QUICKEDIT)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.QuickEdit = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTNAME)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; StringCopy (ExtraData.FontName, eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_XFONTSIZE)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.xFontSize = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_YFONTSIZE)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.yFontSize = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTWEIGHT)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.FontWeight = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_FONTFAMILY)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.FontFamily = _ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_CODEPAGE)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; ExtraData.CurrentCodePage = (WORD)_ttoi (eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKEDIT_SHOWNORMAL)) { ConvertToLnk = TRUE; forceToShowNormal = TRUE; } } while (EnumNextFileOpProperty (&eOpProp)); }
NewLinkPath = GetPathStringOnNt (eOp.Path);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Editing shell link %s", NewLinkPath));
if (!ModifyShellLink( NewLinkPath, NewTarget, NewArgs, NewWorkDir, NewIconPath, NewIconNr, ConvertToLnk, &ExtraData, forceToShowNormal )) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Shell Link %s could not be modified", eOp.Path)); }
FreePathString (NewLinkPath);
} while (EnumNextPathInOperation (&eOp)); }
if (EnumFirstPathInOperation (&eOp, OPERATION_LINK_STUB)) {
pInitLnkStubData ();
do { NewTarget = NULL; NewArgs = NULL; NewWorkDir = NULL; NewIconPath = NULL; NewIconNr = 0; Sequencer = 0; Announcement = 0; Availability = 0; ShowMode = SW_NORMAL;
if (EnumFirstFileOpProperty (&eOpProp, eOp.Sequencer, OPERATION_LINK_STUB)) { do { if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_TARGET)) { NewTarget = DuplicatePathString (eOpProp.Property, 0); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ARGS)) { if(wcslen(eOpProp.Property) >= ARRAYSIZE(tempArgs)){ MYASSERT(FALSE); LOG((LOG_WARNING, "DoLinkEdit:EnumFirstFileOpProperty(OPERATION_LINK_STUB) does not provide enough buffer for string copy %s", eOpProp.Property)); } else{ StackStringCopy (tempArgs, eOpProp.Property); C_Result = ConvertWin9xPath (tempArgs); NewArgs = DuplicatePathString (tempArgs, 0); } } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_WORKDIR)) { NewWorkDir = DuplicatePathString (eOpProp.Property, 0); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ICONPATH)) { NewIconPath = DuplicatePathString (eOpProp.Property, 0); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ICONNUMBER)) { NewIconNr = _tcstoul (eOpProp.Property, NULL, 16); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_SEQUENCER)) { Sequencer = _tcstoul (eOpProp.Property, NULL, 16); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_ANNOUNCEMENT)) { Announcement = _tcstoul (eOpProp.Property, NULL, 16); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_REPORTAVAIL)) { Availability = _tcstoul (eOpProp.Property, NULL, 16); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_REQFILE)) { MultiSzAppend (&reqFilesList, eOpProp.Property); } if (StringIMatch (eOpProp.PropertyName, MEMDB_CATEGORY_LINKSTUB_SHOWMODE)) { ShowMode = _tcstoul (eOpProp.Property, NULL, 16); } } while (EnumNextFileOpProperty (&eOpProp)); }
NewLinkPath = GetPathStringOnNt (eOp.Path);
pWriteLnkStubData ( NewLinkPath, NewTarget, NewArgs, NewWorkDir, NewIconPath, NewIconNr, ShowMode, Sequencer, Announcement, Availability, &reqFilesList );
FreeGrowBuffer (&reqFilesList);
} while (EnumNextPathInOperation (&eOp));
pDoneLnkStubData (); }
return TRUE; }
PCTSTR pGetFileNameFromPath ( PCTSTR FileSpec ) { PCTSTR p;
p = _tcsrchr (FileSpec, TEXT('\\')); if (p) { p = _tcsinc (p); } else { p = _tcsrchr (FileSpec, TEXT(':')); if (p) { p = _tcsinc (p); } }
if (!p) { p = FileSpec; }
return p;
BOOL DoFileDel ( VOID ) /*++
Routine Description:
DoFileDel deletes all files marked to be deleted by us (not by an external module).
Return Value:
TRUE if the delete operation succeeded, or FALSE if an error occurred. Call GetLastError() for error code.
{ FILEOP_ENUM e; HKEY Key; PDWORD ValuePtr; BOOL DoDelete; PCTSTR SharedFileName; DWORD attr; PCTSTR disableName; PCTSTR newLocation; GROWLIST disableList = GROWLIST_INIT; PCTSTR srcPath; UINT count; UINT u;
// Enumerate each file in filedel. This is used for cleanup purposes, not
// for migration purposes. It is called just before syssetup.dll
// terminates.
if (EnumFirstPathInOperation (&e, OPERATION_CLEANUP)) {
do { //
// Check registry for use count
DoDelete = TRUE; Key = OpenRegKeyStr (S_REG_SHARED_DLLS);
if (Key) { //
// Test SharedDlls for full path, then file name only
SharedFileName = e.Path; ValuePtr = (PDWORD) GetRegValueDataOfType (Key, e.Path, REG_DWORD);
if (!ValuePtr) { SharedFileName = pGetFileNameFromPath (e.Path); ValuePtr = (PDWORD) GetRegValueDataOfType ( Key, SharedFileName, REG_DWORD ); }
// Match found. Is use count reasonable and greater than one?
if (ValuePtr) { if (*ValuePtr < 0x10000 && *ValuePtr > 1) { *ValuePtr -= 1;
RegSetValueEx ( Key, SharedFileName, 0, REG_DWORD, (PBYTE) ValuePtr, sizeof (DWORD) );
DEBUGMSG (( DBG_FILEMIG, "%s not deleted; share count decremented to %u", SharedFileName, *ValuePtr ));
} else { RegDeleteValue (Key, SharedFileName); }
DoDelete = FALSE; MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, ValuePtr); }
CloseRegKey (Key); }
if (DoDelete) {
attr = GetLongPathAttributes (e.Path); if (attr != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Deleting %s", e.Path));
if (GetLongPathAttributes (e.Path) & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) { SetLongPathAttributes (e.Path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Removing %s", e.Path));
DeleteDirectoryContents (e.Path);
if (!SetLongPathAttributes (e.Path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) || !RemoveLongDirectoryPath (e.Path) ) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "RemoveDirectory failed for %s", e.Path)); } } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Deleting %s", e.Path));
if (!SetLongPathAttributes (e.Path, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL) || !DeleteLongPath (e.Path) ) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "DeleteFile failed for %s", e.Path)); } }
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Done deleting %s", e.Path)); } } } while (EnumNextPathInOperation (&e)); }
SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); return TRUE; }
INT CALLBACK pRemoveEmptyDirsProc ( PCTSTR FullFileSpec, PCTSTR DontCare, WIN32_FIND_DATA *FindDataPtr, DWORD EnumTreeID, PVOID Param, PDWORD CurrentDirData )
Routine Description:
pRemoveEmptyDirsProc is called for every directory in the tree being enumerated (see pRemoveEmptyDirsInTree below). This enum proc calls RemoveLongDirectoryPath, regardless if files exist in it or not. RemoveLongDirectoryPath will fail if it is not empty.
FullFileSpec - The Win32 path and directory name of the item being enumerated FindDataPtr - A pointer to the WIN32_FIND_DATA structure for the item EnumTreeID - Unused Param - A BOOL indicating FALSE if we should only remove empty dirs that we deleted something from, or TRUE if we should delete the empty dir in any case.
Return Value:
TRUE if the delete operation succeeded, or FALSE if an error occurred. Call GetLastError() for error code.
{ if ((FindDataPtr->dwFileAttributes & FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY) == 0) { return CALLBACK_CONTINUE; }
// Did we delete any files from this directory?
if (!Param) { if (!TestPathsForOperations (FullFileSpec, ALL_DELETE_OPERATIONS)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "We did not delete anything from %s", FullFileSpec)); return CALLBACK_CONTINUE; }
if (IsDirectoryMarkedAsEmpty (FullFileSpec)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "This directory was empty to begin with: %s", FullFileSpec)); return CALLBACK_CONTINUE; } }
// Yes, delete the directory. If it is not empty, RemoveLongDirectoryPath will fail.
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "Trying to remove empty directory %s", FullFileSpec));
if (!SetLongPathAttributes (FullFileSpec, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DIRECTORY)) { return CALLBACK_CONTINUE; }
if (RemoveLongDirectoryPath (FullFileSpec)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "%s was removed", FullFileSpec)); } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "%s was not removed", FullFileSpec)); SetLongPathAttributes (FullFileSpec, FindDataPtr->dwFileAttributes); }
BOOL pRemoveEmptyDirsInTree ( PCTSTR TreePath, BOOL CleanAll )
Routine Description:
pRemoveEmptyDirsInTree calls EnumerateTree to scan all directories in TreePath, deleting those that are empty.
TreePath - A full path to the root of the tree to enumerate. The path must not have any wildcards.
CleanAll - Specifies TRUE if the empty dir should be cleaned in all cases, or FALSE if it should be cleaned only if modified by a delete operation.
Return Value:
TRUE if the delete operation succeeded, or FALSE if an error occurred. Call GetLastError() for error code.
{ BOOL b;
b = EnumerateTree ( TreePath, // Starting path
pRemoveEmptyDirsProc, // Enumeration Proc
NULL, // Error-logging proc
0, // MemDb exclusion node--not used
(PVOID) CleanAll, // EnumProc param
NULL, // exclusion INF file--not used
if (!b) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "pRemoveEmptyDirsInTree: EnumerateTree failed")); }
return b; }
BOOL RemoveEmptyDirs ( VOID )
Routine Description:
RemoveEmptyDirs sweeps through the directories in CleanUpDirs and blows away any subdirectory that has no files.
Return Value:
Always TRUE.
if (MemDbGetValueEx (&e, MEMDB_CATEGORY_CLEAN_UP_DIR, NULL, NULL)) { do {
pRemoveEmptyDirsInTree (e.szName, e.dwValue);
} while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e)); } return TRUE; }
VOID pFixSelfRelativePtr ( PTOKENSET Base, PCVOID *Ptr ) { if (*Ptr != NULL) { *Ptr = (PBYTE) *Ptr - TOKEN_BASE_OFFSET + (UINT) Base + sizeof (TOKENSET) + (Base->ArgCount * sizeof (TOKENARG)); } }
BOOL pFileSearchAndReplaceA ( IN PCSTR FilePath, IN OUT PTOKENSET TokenSet )
Routine Description:
pFileSearchAndReplace does all the initialization work necessary to update the contents of a file. It also converts a self-relative token set into an absolute token set. That means the offsets in the struct are converted to pointers. After everything is prepared, pFileSearchAndReplaceWorker is called to modify the file.
FilePath - Specifies the file to process TokenSet - Specifies the token set to apply to FilePath. Receives its pointers updated, if necessary.
Return Value:
TRUE if the file was successfully updated. FALSE otherwise.
__try { //
// Detect a TokenSet struct that needs its offsets fixed
if (TokenSet->SelfRelative) { pFixSelfRelativePtr (TokenSet, &TokenSet->CharsToIgnore);
for (u = 0 ; u < TokenSet->ArgCount ; u++) { pFixSelfRelativePtr (TokenSet, &TokenSet->Args[u].DetectPattern); pFixSelfRelativePtr (TokenSet, &TokenSet->Args[u].SearchList); pFixSelfRelativePtr (TokenSet, &TokenSet->Args[u].ReplaceWith); }
TokenSet->SelfRelative = FALSE; }
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "URL mode: %s", TokenSet->UrlMode ? TEXT("YES") : TEXT ("NO")));
// Save original attributes
Attribs = GetFileAttributesA (FilePath); if (Attribs == INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't get attributes of %s", FilePath)); __leave; }
// Open the source file
if (InFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't open %s", FilePath)); __leave; }
// Get a destination file name
GetTempPathA (ARRAYSIZE(TempDir), TempDir); GetTempFileNameA (TempDir, "xx$", 0, TempPath);
if (OutFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't create %s", TempPath)); __leave; }
// Create file mapping
Map = CreateFileMapping ( InFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY, 0, 0, NULL );
if (!Map) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't create file mapping for %s", FilePath)); __leave; }
// Map a view of the source file
MapStart = MapViewOfFile (Map, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, 0, 0);
if (!MapStart) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't map view of file for %s", FilePath)); __leave; }
MapEnd = MapStart + GetFileSize (InFile, NULL);
// Now do the search and replace
if (!pFileSearchAndReplaceWorker ( MapStart, MapEnd, OutFile, TokenSet )) { __leave; }
// Close the handles
UnmapViewOfFile (MapStart); CloseHandle (Map); CloseHandle (OutFile); CloseHandle (InFile);
// Remove the original file, and replace it with the new copy
SetFileAttributesA (FilePath, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL);
// MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING does not work with non-normal attributes
if (!OurMoveFileExA (TempPath, FilePath, MOVEFILE_COPY_ALLOWED|MOVEFILE_REPLACE_EXISTING)) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't move %s to %s", TempPath, FilePath)); __leave; }
if (!SetFileAttributesA (FilePath, Attribs)) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_WARNING, "Can't set attributes on %s", FilePath)); }
b = TRUE;
} __finally { if (MapStart) { UnmapViewOfFile (MapStart); }
if (Map) { CloseHandle (Map); }
if (OutFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (OutFile); DeleteFileA (TempPath); }
if (InFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (InFile); } }
return b; }
VOID pConvertUrlToText ( IN PCSTR Source, OUT PSTR Buffer // caller must ensure buffer is able to hold the entire Source
) { PSTR dest; PCSTR src;
src = Source; dest = Buffer;
while (*src) { if (*src == '%' && GetHexDigit(src[1]) != -1 && GetHexDigit(src[2]) != -1) { *dest++ = GetHexDigit(src[1]) << 4 | GetHexDigit(src[2]); src += 3; } else { *dest++ = *src++; } }
*dest = 0; }
CHAR pMakeHex ( IN UINT Digit ) { MYASSERT (Digit < 16);
if (Digit < 10) { Digit += '0'; } else { Digit += 'A'; }
return (CHAR) Digit; }
UINT pConvertTextToUrl ( IN PCSTR Text, OUT PSTR Buffer, IN UINT BufferTchars ) { PSTR dest; PCSTR src; PSTR maxDest; PCSTR unsafeChars = "<>\"#{}|^~[]'"; UINT result = 0;
src = Text; dest = Buffer; maxDest = Buffer + BufferTchars - 1;
while (*src && dest < maxDest) { if (*src < 0x21 || *src > 0x7e || strchr (unsafeChars, *src)) { if (dest + 3 >= maxDest) { break; }
*dest++ = '%'; *dest++ = pMakeHex (((UINT) (*src)) >> 4); *dest++ = pMakeHex (((UINT) (*src)) & 0x0F); src++; } else if (*src == '\\') { *dest++ = '/'; src++; } else { *dest++ = *src++; } }
if (dest <= maxDest) { *dest = 0; result = dest - Buffer; } else if (BufferTchars) { *maxDest = 0; }
return result; }
BOOL pFileSearchAndReplaceWorker ( IN PBYTE MapStart, IN PBYTE MapEnd, IN HANDLE OutFile, IN PTOKENSET TokenSet )
Routine Description:
pFileSearchAndReplaceWorker implements a general search and replace mechanism. It parses a memory mapped file, and writes it to a destination file, updating it as necessary.
After parsing a line, this function strips out the characters to be ignored (if any), and then tests the line against each detection pattern. If a detection pattern is matched, then the search/replace pair(s) are processed, and the paths are updated if specified.
MapStart - Specifies the first byte of the memory mapped file MapEnd - Specifies one byte after the end of the memory mapped file OutFile - Specifies a handle to a file that is open for writing TokenSet - Specifies the set of tokens to process. This includes global settings, and detect/search/replace sets.
Return Value:
TRUE if the function successfully processed the file, FALSE otherwise.
{ PBYTE Start; PBYTE End; PBYTE Eol; BOOL b = FALSE; GROWBUFFER Buf = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER Dest = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER quoteless = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER SpcList = GROWBUF_INIT; UINT u; UINT Count; PSTR p; PCSTR q; PCSTR SrcBuf; BOOL Detected; PTOKENARG Arg; MULTISZ_ENUMA e; PCSTR NewStr; PCSTR ReplaceStr; PCSTR *Element; PSTR EndStr; DWORD Status; CHAR NewPath[MAX_MBCHAR_PATH]; UINT Len; PBYTE Output; UINT OutputBytes; DWORD DontCare; MBCHAR ch; INT i; UINT reservedTchars; PSTR reservedDest; UINT removedDblQuotes; PCSTR initialPos;
// Initialize the structure
for (u = 0 ; u < TokenSet->ArgCount ; u++) {
Arg = &TokenSet->Args[u]; Arg->DetectPatternStruct = NULL;
__try {
// Parse the detect patterns
for (u = 0 ; u < TokenSet->ArgCount ; u++) {
Arg = &TokenSet->Args[u];
Arg->DetectPatternStruct = CreateParsedPatternA ( Arg->DetectPattern );
if (!Arg->DetectPatternStruct) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "File pattern syntax error: %s", Arg->DetectPattern)); __leave; } }
// Identify each line, and then parse the line
Start = MapStart;
while (Start < MapEnd) { //
// Find the line
End = Start;
while (End < MapEnd && *End && *End != '\r' && *End != '\n') { End++; }
Eol = End;
if (End < MapEnd && *End == '\r') { while (End < MapEnd && *End == '\r') { End++; } }
if (End < MapEnd && *End == '\n') { End++; }
if (End > Start) {
// OK we now have a line. Copy it into Buf, removing
// the characters we don't care about.
Buf.End = 0; Dest.End = 0; Detected = FALSE;
p = (PSTR) GrowBuffer (&Buf, Eol - Start + sizeof (CHAR));
if (TokenSet->CharsToIgnore) { q = Start; while (q < End) { if (!_mbschr (TokenSet->CharsToIgnore, _mbsnextc (q))) { _copymbchar (p, q); p = _mbsinc (p); }
q = _mbsinc (q); }
*p = 0;
for (u = 0 ; u < TokenSet->ArgCount ; u++) {
Arg = &TokenSet->Args[u]; Detected = TestParsedPatternA ( Arg->DetectPatternStruct, (PCSTR) Buf.Buf );
if (Detected) { break; } }
} else { for (u = 0 ; u < TokenSet->ArgCount ; u++) {
Arg = &TokenSet->Args[u]; Detected = TestParsedPatternABA ( Arg->DetectPatternStruct, (PCSTR) Start, (PCSTR) Eol );
if (Detected) { break; } } }
if (Detected) {
// Copy the line into a work buffer
Buf.End = 0; p = (PSTR) GrowBuffer (&Buf, (End - Start + 1) * sizeof (CHAR)); StringCopyABA (p, (PCSTR) Start, (PCSTR) End);
Output = Buf.Buf; OutputBytes = Buf.End - sizeof (CHAR);
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "Copied line to work buffer: %s", p));
// Perform search and replace on the line
if (Arg->SearchList) {
ReplaceStr = Arg->ReplaceWith;
if (EnumFirstMultiSzA (&e, Arg->SearchList)) { do { NewStr = StringSearchAndReplaceA ( (PCSTR) Buf.Buf, e.CurrentString, ReplaceStr );
if (NewStr) { Buf.End = 0; GrowBufCopyStringA (&Buf, NewStr); FreePathStringA (NewStr);
OutputBytes = Buf.End - sizeof (CHAR); }
ReplaceStr = GetEndOfStringA (ReplaceStr) + 1;
} while (EnumNextMultiSzA (&e)); } }
// Perform path update
if (Arg->UpdatePath) {
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_NAUSEA, "Updating path"));
Dest.End = 0; SrcBuf = (PCSTR) Buf.Buf;
while (*SrcBuf) { if ((SrcBuf[1] == ':' && (SrcBuf[2] == '\\' || SrcBuf[2] == '/')) && (SrcBuf[3] != '/' && SrcBuf[3] != '\\') ) {
quoteless.End = 0; GrowBuffer ("eless, SizeOfStringA (SrcBuf));
// Convert from URL to file system char set
if (TokenSet->UrlMode) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "URL conversion input: %s", SrcBuf));
pConvertUrlToText (SrcBuf, (PSTR) quoteless.Buf); q = (PCSTR) quoteless.Buf;
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "URL conversion result: %s", q)); } else { q = SrcBuf; }
// Remove all dbl quotes from buffer, flip
// forward slashes into backslashes, stop at
// first non-file system character
p = (PSTR) quoteless.Buf;
initialPos = q; DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "CMD line cleanup input: %s", q));
removedDblQuotes = 0;
while (*q) { ch = _mbsnextc (q);
if (ch == ':' || ch == '|' || ch == '?' || ch == '*' || ch == '<' || ch == '>') { if (q != &initialPos[1]) { break; } }
if (ch != '\"') {
if (ch != '/') { if (IsLeadByte (q) && q[1]) { *p++ = *q++; } *p++ = *q++; } else { *p++ = '\\'; q++; } } else { q++; removedDblQuotes++; } }
*p = 0; DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "CMD line cleanup result: %s", quoteless.Buf));
// Build a list of spaces
SpcList.End = 0;
initialPos = (PCSTR) quoteless.Buf; q = quoteless.Buf + 2; EndStr = p;
while (q < EndStr) { ch = _mbsnextc (q);
if (isspace (ch)) { Element = (PCSTR *) GrowBuffer (&SpcList, sizeof (PCSTR)); *Element = q;
while (q + 1 < EndStr && isspace (_mbsnextc (q + 1))) { q++; } } q = _mbsinc (q); }
if (q == EndStr || !SpcList.End) { Element = (PCSTR *) GrowBuffer (&SpcList, sizeof (PCSTR)); *Element = EndStr; }
// Test all paths by using the longest possibility first,
// and then by truncating the path at the spaces.
Count = SpcList.End / sizeof (PCSTR); MYASSERT (Count > 0);
Element = (PCSTR *) SpcList.Buf;
for (i = Count - 1 ; i >= 0 ; i--) {
p = (PSTR) (Element[i]); ch = *p; *p = 0;
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "Testing path: %s", initialPos));
Status = GetFileInfoOnNtA (initialPos, NewPath, MAX_MBCHAR_PATH);
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "Results: %x/%s", Status, NewPath));
*p = (CHAR)ch;
if (Status != FILESTATUS_UNCHANGED) { break; } }
*EndStr = 0;
// If there is a new path, update the destination
if (TokenSet->UrlMode) { reservedTchars = (TcharCountA (NewPath) * 3) + 1; reservedDest = GrowBufferReserve (&Dest, reservedTchars * sizeof (CHAR)); Dest.End += pConvertTextToUrl (NewPath, reservedDest, reservedTchars) / sizeof (CHAR);
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_NAUSEA, "URL conversion output: %s", reservedDest)); } else { GrowBufAppendStringA (&Dest, NewPath); }
SrcBuf += (Element[i] - initialPos) + removedDblQuotes; Dest.End -= sizeof (CHAR);
} else { //
// No changed path here; copy char by char
if (IsLeadByte (SrcBuf) && SrcBuf[1]) { Len = 2; } else { Len = 1; }
p = GrowBuffer (&Dest, Len); CopyMemory (p, SrcBuf, Len); SrcBuf = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) SrcBuf + Len); }
} else { //
// This is not a path, copy the character to Dest
if (IsLeadByte (SrcBuf) && SrcBuf[1]) { Len = 2; } else { Len = 1; }
p = GrowBuffer (&Dest, Len); CopyMemory (p, SrcBuf, Len); SrcBuf = (PCSTR) ((PBYTE) SrcBuf + Len); } }
Output = Dest.Buf; OutputBytes = Dest.End; }
} else { //
// The line does not change
Output = Start; OutputBytes = End - Start; }
// Write the line
if (!WriteFile (OutFile, Output, OutputBytes, &DontCare, NULL)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "File search/replace: Can't write to output file")); __leave; }
// Write a nul if it is found in the file
if (End < MapEnd && *End == 0) { if (!WriteFile (OutFile, End, 1, &DontCare, NULL)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "File search/replace: Can't write nul to output file")); __leave; } End++; }
} else if (End < MapEnd) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Parse error in pFileSearchAndReplaceWorker")); break; }
Start = End; }
b = TRUE;
} __finally {
FreeGrowBuffer (&Buf); FreeGrowBuffer (&Dest); FreeGrowBuffer (&SpcList); FreeGrowBuffer ("eless);
for (u = 0 ; u < TokenSet->ArgCount ; u++) {
Arg = &TokenSet->Args[u]; DestroyParsedPatternA (Arg->DetectPatternStruct); } }
return b;
Routine Description:
pIsOkToEdit checks an ansi file name to see if it is handled by a migration DLL, or if it is deleted. If neither of those cases apply, the file can be edited. Optionally the function returns the final path for the file.
AnsiPath - Specifies the path to test NewPath - Receives the final path for the file, which may be the same as AnsiPath, or may be different.
Return Value:
TRUE if the file can be edited, FALSE otherwise.
{ DWORD Status;
// Is this file marked as handled?
if (IsFileMarkedAsHandledA (AnsiPath)) { return FALSE; }
Status = GetFileInfoOnNtA (AnsiPath, NewPath, MEMDB_MAX);
return !(Status & FILESTATUS_DELETED); }
BOOL pProcessFileEdit ( VOID )
Routine Description:
pProcessFileEdit enumerates all the files that can be edited, and calls pFileSearchAndReplace for each, using the token sets created on the Win9x side of setup.
Return Value:
TRUE on success, FALSE on error.
Result = GetLastError();
// Create a set that will update the paths of any file
PathsOnlySet = (PTOKENSET) MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, sizeof (TOKENSET) + sizeof (TOKENARG));
PathsOnlySet->ArgCount = 1; PathsOnlySet->CharsToIgnore = NULL; PathsOnlySet->UrlMode = FALSE; PathsOnlySet->SelfRelative = FALSE; PathsOnlySet->Args[0].DetectPattern = "*"; PathsOnlySet->Args[0].SearchList = NULL; PathsOnlySet->Args[0].ReplaceWith = NULL; PathsOnlySet->Args[0].UpdatePath = TRUE;
do {
if (!pIsOkToEdit (e.szName, NewPath)) { continue; }
DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Editing %s.", NewPath));
if (e.bBinary) { TokenSetCopy.End = 0; Buf = (PTOKENSET) GrowBuffer (&TokenSetCopy, e.BinarySize); CopyMemory (Buf, e.BinaryPtr, e.BinarySize);
if (!pFileSearchAndReplaceA (NewPath, Buf)) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Could not edit %s", NewPath)); b = FALSE; Result = GetLastError(); }
FreeGrowBuffer (&TokenSetCopy);
} else {
if (!pFileSearchAndReplaceA (NewPath, PathsOnlySet)) { DEBUGMSGA ((DBG_ERROR, "Could not edit %s", NewPath)); b = FALSE; Result = GetLastError(); }
} while (MemDbEnumNextValueA (&e)); }
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, PathsOnlySet);
SetLastError (Result); return b; }
DWORD DoFileEdit ( DWORD Request )
Routine Description:
DoFileEdit is called by the progress bar manager to query ticks or do the file editing. If querying ticks, then the function determines how many files will be edited, and multiplies that by a constant to get the tick size. Otherwise the function edits all the files queued for this operation.
Request - Specifies the request being made by the progress bar manager
Return Value:
If Request is REQUEST_QUERYTICKS, the return value indicates the number of ticks. Otherwise, the return value is a Win32 result code.
if (Request == REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) {
u = 0;
if (MemDbGetValueExA (&e, MEMDB_CATEGORY_FILEEDITA, NULL, NULL)) { do { if (pIsOkToEdit (e.szName, NULL)) { u++; } } while (MemDbEnumNextValueA (&e)); }
return u * TICKS_FILE_EDIT; }
if (Request != REQUEST_RUN) { return 0; }
if (!pProcessFileEdit()) { return GetLastError(); }
VOID pWriteLine ( IN HANDLE Handle, IN PCWSTR RootDir, OPTIONAL IN PCWSTR String ) { DWORD dontCare; PCWSTR fullPath;
if (RootDir) { fullPath = JoinPathsW (RootDir, String); } else { fullPath = String; }
WriteFile (Handle, fullPath, ByteCountW (fullPath), &dontCare, NULL);
if (fullPath != String) { FreePathStringW (fullPath); }
WriteFile (Handle, L"\r\n", 4, &dontCare, NULL); }
DWORD RemoveBootIniCancelOption ( DWORD Request ) { HINF inf = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; PCTSTR bootIni; PCTSTR bootIniTmp; DWORD result = ERROR_SUCCESS; PINFLINE osLine; BOOL changed = FALSE; DWORD attribs;
if (Request == REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) { return 50; }
if (Request != REQUEST_RUN) { return 0; }
bootIni = JoinPaths (g_BootDrivePath, TEXT("boot.ini"));
__try { //
// Open boot.ini for editing
inf = OpenInfFile (bootIni);
if (inf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't open %s", bootIni)); result = GetLastError(); __leave; }
// Scan boot.ini for a textmode option that has /rollback. Delete it.
osLine = GetFirstLineInSectionStr (inf, TEXT("Operating Systems")); if (!osLine) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "No lines found in [Operating Systems] in %s", bootIni)); result = ERROR_FILE_NOT_FOUND; __leave; }
// Loop until all lines with /rollback are gone
do { do { //
// Check this line for a /rollback option
if (_tcsistr (osLine->Data, TEXT("/rollback"))) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Found rollback option: %s", osLine->Data)); break; }
} while (osLine = GetNextLineInSection (osLine));
if (osLine) { if (!DeleteLineInInfSection (inf, osLine)) { MYASSERT (FALSE); break; }
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Line sucessfully removed")); changed = TRUE; osLine = GetFirstLineInSectionStr (inf, TEXT("Operating Systems")); }
} while (osLine);
// If we changed the file, then write it to disk. Keep the original
// boot.ini file in case we fail to save.
attribs = GetFileAttributes (bootIni); SetFileAttributes (bootIni, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); MYASSERT (attribs != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES);
bootIniTmp = JoinPaths (g_BootDrivePath, TEXT("boot.~t")); SetFileAttributes (bootIniTmp, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (bootIniTmp);
if (!MoveFile (bootIni, bootIniTmp)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_BOOT_INI_MOVE_FAILED, bootIni, bootIniTmp)); result = GetLastError(); } else {
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Moved %s to %s", bootIni, bootIniTmp));
if (!SaveInfFile (inf, bootIni)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_BOOT_INI_SAVE_FAILED, bootIni)); result = GetLastError();
SetFileAttributes (bootIni, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteFile (bootIni);
if (!MoveFile (bootIniTmp, bootIni)) {
// This should not happen, because we just successfully
// moved the original to the tmp; we should be able to
// move the temp back to the original. If we fail, the pc
// becomes unbootable. But what can we do?
LOG ((LOG_ERROR, (PCSTR) MSG_BOOT_INI_MOVE_FAILED, bootIniTmp, bootIni)); } } else { //
// boot.ini was successfully updated. Remove the original copy.
DeleteFile (bootIniTmp); MYASSERT (result == ERROR_SUCCESS);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "%s was saved", bootIni)); } }
// restore attributes on original if possible.
SetFileAttributes (bootIni, attribs); FreePathString (bootIniTmp);
// result already set above
} __finally { if (inf != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseInfFile (inf); }
FreePathString (bootIni); }
return result;
ULONGLONG pGetFileSize( IN PCTSTR FilePath ) { ULARGE_INTEGER FileSize = {0, 0};
GetFileSizeFromFilePath(FilePath, &FileSize);
return FileSize.QuadPart; }
BOOL pMapHiveOfUserDoingTheUpgrade ( VOID ) { MIGRATE_USER_ENUM e; PTSTR profilePath; TCHAR hiveFile[MAX_TCHAR_PATH]; LONG rc; HKEY newHkcu = NULL; TCHAR rootKey[] = TEXT("HKU\\") S_TEMP_USER_KEY; BOOL result = FALSE; BOOL hiveLoaded = FALSE;
__try { //
// Find Administrator
if (EnumFirstUserToMigrate (&e, ENUM_ALL_USERS)) { do { if (e.UserDoingTheUpgrade) { break; } } while (EnumNextUserToMigrate (&e));
if (e.UserDoingTheUpgrade) {
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "%s is the user doing the upgrade", e.FixedUserName));
// Load the hive
if (-1 == pSetupStringTableLookUpStringEx ( g_HiveTable, e.FixedUserName, STRTAB_CASE_INSENSITIVE, hiveFile, sizeof (hiveFile) )) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Can't find NT hive for %s", e.FixedUserName)); __leave; }
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { DumpOpenKeys (); SetLastError (rc); DEBUGMSG_IF (( rc != ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, DBG_WARNING, "Can't unload temp user key" )); }
rc = RegLoadKey (HKEY_USERS, S_TEMP_USER_KEY, hiveFile);
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG (( LOG_ERROR, "Uninstall: Can't load user hive for %s (%s)", e.FixedUserName, hiveFile )); __leave; }
hiveLoaded = TRUE;
newHkcu = OpenRegKeyStr (rootKey); if (newHkcu) { rc = RegOverridePredefKey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, newHkcu); if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Uninstall: Can't override HKCU")); __leave; }
} else { LOG (( LOG_ERROR, "Uninstall: Can't open user hive for %s (%s)", e.FixedUserName, hiveFile )); __leave; }
} else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't find migration user")); __leave; } } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "No users were enumerated")); __leave; }
result = TRUE; } __finally { if (newHkcu) { CloseRegKey (newHkcu); }
if (hiveLoaded && !result) { RegOverridePredefKey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, NULL); RegUnLoadKey (HKEY_USERS, S_TEMP_USER_KEY); } }
return result; }
VOID pUnmapHiveOfUserDoingTheUpgrade ( VOID ) { RegOverridePredefKey (HKEY_CURRENT_USER, NULL); RegUnLoadKey (HKEY_USERS, S_TEMP_USER_KEY); }
DWORD WriteBackupInfo ( DWORD Request )
Routine Description:
WriteBackupInfo outputs files to allow rollback to work properly. It also moves the text mode rollback environment into %windir%\undo.
Request - Specifies the request being made by the progress bar manager
Return Value:
If Request is REQUEST_QUERYTICKS, the return value indicates the number of ticks. Otherwise, the return value is a Win32 result code.
{ UINT u; TCHAR src[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR cabPath[MAX_PATH]; PCSTR ansiTempDir; HKEY key; HKEY subKey; PCTSTR msg; HANDLE delDirsHandle; HANDLE delFilesHandle; PCTSTR path; DWORD dontCare; TREE_ENUM treeEnum; LONG rc; CCABHANDLE cabHandle; BOOL res; TCHAR pathForFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD i; WIN32_FILE_ATTRIBUTE_DATA dataOfFile; static LPCTSTR arrayOfFilesName[] = {TEXT("boot.cab"), TEXT("backup.cab")}; PSTR ansiString; BOOL validUninstall = TRUE; ULARGE_INTEGER AmountOfSpaceForDelFiles; ULARGE_INTEGER AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles; INFCONTEXT ic; ULARGE_INTEGER tempLargeInteger; TCHAR keyPath[MEMDB_MAX]; DWORD value; GROWBUFFER appList = GROWBUF_INIT; GROWBUFFER appMultiSz = GROWBUF_INIT; PINSTALLEDAPPW installedApp; UINT count; ULONGLONG *ullPtr; BYTE * backupImageInfoPtr = NULL; UINT sizeOfbackupImageInfo; BACKUPIMAGEINFO backupImageInfo; FILEINTEGRITYINFO fileIntegrityInfo[BACKUP_FILE_NUMBER]; WCHAR fileNameOfFileIntegrityInfo[ARRAYSIZE(fileIntegrityInfo)][MAX_PATH]; BACKUPIMAGEINFO testbackupImageInfo; DRIVEINFO drivesInfo[MAX_DRIVE_NUMBER]; WCHAR * FileSystemName = NULL; WCHAR * VolumeNTPath = NULL; BOOL unmapUser;
if (Request == REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) { return 50; }
if (Request != REQUEST_RUN) { return 0; }
if (!g_ConfigOptions.EnableBackup) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Backup is not enabled")); return ERROR_SUCCESS; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Backup is enabled"));
if(!g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Path For Backup does not specified")); return ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_FILEMIG, "Path For Backup is %s", g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup));
FileSystemName = MemAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, MAX_DRIVE_NUMBER * MAX_PATH); if(!FileSystemName){ DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo: Can't allocate memory for FileSystemName")); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; } VolumeNTPath = MemAlloc(g_hHeap, 0, MAX_DRIVE_NUMBER * MAX_PATH); if(!VolumeNTPath){ MemFree(g_hHeap, 0, FileSystemName); DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo: Can't allocate memory for VolumeNTPath")); return ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY; }
//Init BACKUPIMAGEINFO structure
for(i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(drivesInfo); i++){ drivesInfo[i].FileSystemName = &FileSystemName[i * MAX_PATH]; drivesInfo[i].VolumeNTPath = &VolumeNTPath[i * MAX_PATH]; } backupImageInfo.NumberOfDrives = 0; backupImageInfo.DrivesInfo = drivesInfo; backupImageInfo.NumberOfFiles = BACKUP_FILE_NUMBER; backupImageInfo.FilesInfo = fileIntegrityInfo; for(i = 0; i < ARRAYSIZE(fileIntegrityInfo); i++){ fileIntegrityInfo[i].FileName = fileNameOfFileIntegrityInfo[i]; }
// Complete the backup image by writing a list of files that are new with
// the upgraded OS, or moved in the upgrade process.
AmountOfSpaceForDelFiles.QuadPart = 0;
ansiTempDir = CreateDbcs (g_TempDir); WriteBackupFilesA (FALSE, ansiTempDir, NULL, NULL, 0, 0, &AmountOfSpaceForDelFiles, NULL); DestroyDbcs (ansiTempDir);
DEBUGMSG((DBG_FILEMIG, "AmountOfSpaceForDelFiles is %d MB", (UINT)AmountOfSpaceForDelFiles.QuadPart>>20));
AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles.QuadPart = 0;
value = 0; MemDbBuildKey (keyPath, MEMDB_CATEGORY_STATE, MEMDB_ITEM_ROLLBACK_SPACE, NULL, NULL); if(MemDbGetValue (keyPath, &value)){ AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles.QuadPart = value; AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles.QuadPart <<= 20; } ELSE_DEBUGMSG((DBG_FILEMIG, "Can't read MEMDB_ITEM_ROLLBACK_SPACE"));
DEBUGMSG((DBG_FILEMIG, "AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles is %d MB", (UINT)AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles.QuadPart>>20));
if(AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles.QuadPart > AmountOfSpaceForDelFiles.QuadPart){ backupImageInfo.BackupFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart = AmountOfSpaceForBackupFiles.QuadPart - AmountOfSpaceForDelFiles.QuadPart; } else{ backupImageInfo.BackupFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart = 0; }
// Prepare boot.cab. Some errors are ignored, such as the inability to
// create a backup dir, or set its attributes. If these cases were to
// occur, subsequent errors are reported.
// As serious errors are encountered, we log them and turn off the
// Add/Remove Programs option. We continue so we can capture all of
// the possible problems.
wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s$win_nt$.~bt"), g_BootDrivePath); if (!CreateDirectory (g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup, NULL)) { if (GetLastError() != ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo: Can't create %s directory", g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup)); } }
res = SetFileAttributes (g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_HIDDEN | FILE_ATTRIBUTE_SYSTEM); if(!res) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't set attributes to %s directory", g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup)); }
key = OpenRegKeyStr (S_REGKEY_WIN_SETUP); if (key != NULL) { if(ERROR_SUCCESS == RegSetValueEx ( key, S_REG_KEY_UNDO_PATH, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE)g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup, SizeOfString (g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup))){ res = TRUE; } else { res = FALSE; }
CloseRegKey (key); } else { res = FALSE; }
if (!res) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't set %s value to %s key in registry, uninstall will be disabled", S_REG_KEY_UNDO_PATH, S_REGKEY_WIN_SETUP)); validUninstall = FALSE; }
if (validUninstall) { cabHandle = CabCreateCabinet (g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup, TEXT("boot.cab"), TEXT("dontcare"), 0); } else { cabHandle = NULL; }
backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart = 0; backupImageInfo.UndoFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart = 0;
if (!cabHandle) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't create CAB file for ~bt in %s, uninstall will be disabled", g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup)); validUninstall = FALSE; } else {
if (EnumFirstFileInTree (&treeEnum, src, NULL, FALSE)) { do { if (treeEnum.Directory) { continue; }
tempLargeInteger.LowPart = treeEnum.FindData->nFileSizeLow; tempLargeInteger.HighPart = treeEnum.FindData->nFileSizeHigh; backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += tempLargeInteger.QuadPart;
if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, treeEnum.FullPath, treeEnum.FullPath)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't add %s to boot.cab, uninstall will be disabled", src)); validUninstall = FALSE; }
} while (EnumNextFileInTree (&treeEnum)); }
wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s\\uninstall\\moved.txt"), g_TempDir); wsprintf (cabPath, TEXT("%s\\moved.txt"), g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup);
if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, src, cabPath)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't add %s to boot.cab, uninstall will be disabled", src)); validUninstall = FALSE; }
backupImageInfo.UndoFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += pGetFileSize(src);
wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s\\uninstall\\delfiles.txt"), g_TempDir); wsprintf (cabPath, TEXT("%s\\delfiles.txt"), g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup);
if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, src, cabPath)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't add %s to boot.cab, uninstall will be disabled", src)); validUninstall = FALSE; }
backupImageInfo.UndoFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += pGetFileSize(src);
wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s\\uninstall\\deldirs.txt"), g_TempDir); wsprintf (cabPath, TEXT("%s\\deldirs.txt"), g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup);
if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, src, cabPath)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't add %s to boot.cab, uninstall will be disabled", src)); validUninstall = FALSE; }
backupImageInfo.UndoFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += pGetFileSize(src);
wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s\\uninstall\\mkdirs.txt"), g_TempDir); wsprintf (cabPath, TEXT("%s\\mkdirs.txt"), g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup);
if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, src, cabPath)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't add %s to boot.cab, uninstall will be disabled", src)); validUninstall = FALSE; }
backupImageInfo.UndoFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += pGetFileSize(src);
//wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s\\uninstall\\boot.ini"), g_TempDir);
//wsprintf (cabPath, TEXT("%sboot.ini"), g_BootDrivePath);
//if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, src, cabPath)) {
// DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't add %s to boot.cab", src));
// validUninstall = FALSE;
//backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += pGetFileSize(src);
wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s\\uninstall\\$ldr$"), g_TempDir); wsprintf (cabPath, TEXT("%s$ldr$"), g_BootDrivePath);
if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, src, cabPath)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't add %s to boot.cab, uninstall will be disabled", src)); validUninstall = FALSE; }
backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += pGetFileSize(src);
wsprintf (src, TEXT("%s\\system32\\autochk.exe"), g_WinDir); wsprintf (cabPath, TEXT("%s$win_nt$.~bt\\i386\\autochk.exe"), g_BootDrivePath);
if (!CabAddFileToCabinet (cabHandle, src, cabPath)) { //
// This is only a warning, because text mode will prompt for the
// CD when autochk.exe can't be found.
LOG ((LOG_WARNING, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't add %s to boot.cab, uninstall will be disabled", src)); } backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += pGetFileSize(src);
backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += BOOT_FILES_ADDITIONAL_PADDING; backupImageInfo.UndoFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart += backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart + UNDO_FILES_ADDITIONAL_PADDING;
if (!CabFlushAndCloseCabinet (cabHandle)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Can't write CAB file for ~bt, uninstall will be disabled")); validUninstall = FALSE; } }
// Create and write undo integrity info to registry
if (validUninstall) { backupImageInfo.FilesInfo[0].IsCab = TRUE; GetIntegrityInfo(TEXT("boot.cab"), g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup, &backupImageInfo.FilesInfo[0]); backupImageInfo.FilesInfo[1].IsCab = TRUE; GetIntegrityInfo(TEXT("backup.cab"), g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup, &backupImageInfo.FilesInfo[1]);
if(GetUndoDrivesInfo(drivesInfo, &backupImageInfo.NumberOfDrives, g_BootDrivePath[0], g_WinDir[0], g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup[0])){ if(GetDisksInfo(&backupImageInfo.DisksInfo, &backupImageInfo.NumberOfDisks)){ if(Persist_Success == PERSIST_STORE(&backupImageInfoPtr, &sizeOfbackupImageInfo, BACKUPIMAGEINFO, BACKUPIMAGEINFO_VERSION, &backupImageInfo)){ key = OpenRegKeyStr (S_REGKEY_WIN_SETUP); if (key) { RegSetValueEx ( key, S_REG_KEY_UNDO_INTEGRITY, 0, REG_BINARY, (PBYTE)backupImageInfoPtr, sizeOfbackupImageInfo ); DEBUGMSG(( DBG_VERBOSE, "Boot files size is %d KB, Undo file size is %d KB, Backup files size is %d KB", (DWORD)backupImageInfo.BootFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart>>10, (DWORD)backupImageInfo.UndoFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart>>10, (DWORD)backupImageInfo.BackupFilesDiskSpace.QuadPart>>10)); CloseRegKey (key); } else { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Could not write to registry, uninstall will be disabled")); validUninstall = FALSE; } PERSIST_RELEASE_BUFFER(backupImageInfoPtr); } else{ LOG((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:Could not marshall BACKUPIMAGEINFO structure, GetLastError() == %d, uninstall will be disabled", GetLastError())); validUninstall = FALSE; } } else { LOG((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:GetDisksInfo failed, uninstall will be disabled")); validUninstall = FALSE; } } else{ LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "WriteBackupInfo:GetUndoDrivesInfo failed, uninstall will be disabled")); validUninstall = FALSE; } if(backupImageInfo.DisksInfo){ FreeDisksInfo(backupImageInfo.DisksInfo, backupImageInfo.NumberOfDisks); } }
// Establish Add/Remove Programs entry
if (validUninstall) { key = CreateRegKeyStr (TEXT("HKLM\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Uninstall")); if (key) {
subKey = CreateRegKey (key, TEXT("Windows")); CloseRegKey (key);
if (subKey) {
msg = GetStringResource (MSG_UNINSTALL_DISPLAY_STRING); RegSetValueEx (subKey, TEXT("DisplayName"), 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) msg, SizeOfString (msg)); FreeStringResource (msg);
msg = TEXT("%SYSTEMROOT%\\system32\\osuninst.exe"); rc = RegSetValueEx (subKey, TEXT("UninstallString"), 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PBYTE) msg, SizeOfString (msg)); SetLastError (rc);
rc = RegSetValueEx (subKey, TEXT("DisplayIcon"), 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PBYTE) msg, SizeOfString (msg)); SetLastError (rc);
rc = RegSetValueEx ( subKey, TEXT("InstallLocation"), 0, REG_EXPAND_SZ, (PBYTE) g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup, SizeOfString (g_ConfigOptions.PathForBackup));
SetLastError (rc);
DEBUGMSG_IF ((rc != ERROR_SUCCESS, DBG_ERROR, "Can't create Add/Remove Programs value"));
CloseRegKey (subKey); } else { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Can't create Add/Remove Programs subkey")); validUninstall = FALSE; } } else { validUninstall = FALSE; LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Can't create Add/Remove Programs subkey")); }
if(VolumeNTPath){ MemFree(g_hHeap, 0, VolumeNTPath); } if(FileSystemName){ MemFree(g_hHeap, 0, FileSystemName); }
// Save progress text to the registry
if (validUninstall) { key = CreateRegKeyStr (S_WIN9XUPG_KEY); if (key) { msg = GetStringResource (MSG_OLEREG); RegSetValueEx (key, S_UNINSTALL_DISP_STR, 0, REG_SZ, (PBYTE) msg, SizeOfString (msg)); FreeStringResource (msg);
CloseRegKey (key); } }
// Write list of installed apps to the registry
if (validUninstall) { CoInitialize (NULL);
// Map in the default user's hive. Use this for HKCU.
unmapUser = pMapHiveOfUserDoingTheUpgrade();
// Get the installed apps.
installedApp = GetInstalledAppsW (&appList, &count);
// Unmap the hive.
if (unmapUser) { pUnmapHiveOfUserDoingTheUpgrade(); }
// Record the apps in the registry.
if (installedApp) { for (u = 0 ; u < count ; u++) {
DEBUGMSG (( DBG_FILEMIG, "App previously installed: %ws (%I64X)", installedApp->DisplayName, installedApp->Checksum ));
GrowBufCopyStringW (&appMultiSz, installedApp->DisplayName); ullPtr = (ULONGLONG *) GrowBuffer (&appMultiSz, sizeof (ULONGLONG)); *ullPtr = installedApp->Checksum;
installedApp++; }
GrowBufCopyStringW (&appMultiSz, L"");
key = OpenRegKeyStr (S_REGKEY_WIN_SETUP); if (key) { rc = RegSetValueEx ( key, S_REG_KEY_UNDO_APP_LIST, 0, REG_BINARY, appMultiSz.Buf, appMultiSz.End );
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { SetLastError (rc); DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't write list of installed apps to registry value")); }
CloseRegKey (key); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't write list of installed apps to registry")); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Can't get list of installed apps.")); }
FreeGrowBuffer (&appList); FreeGrowBuffer (&appMultiSz);
DEBUGMSG_IF ((!validUninstall, DBG_ERROR, "Uninstall is not available because of a previous error")); return ERROR_SUCCESS; }
DWORD DisableFiles ( DWORD Request )
Routine Description:
DisableFiles runs code to ensure a Win9x file is removed from processing, usually because it is suspected of causing problems.
This function renames all files marked for OPERATION_FILE_DISABLED adding a .disabled at the end.
Request - Specifies the progress bar request, which is either REQUEST_QUERYTICKS or REQUEST_RUN.
Return Value:
The number of ticks (REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) or the status code (REQUEST_RUN).
{ FILEOP_ENUM e; DWORD attr; PCTSTR disableName; PCTSTR newLocation; GROWLIST disableList = GROWLIST_INIT; PCTSTR srcPath; UINT count; UINT u;
if (Request == REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) { return 50; }
if (Request != REQUEST_RUN) { return 0; }
// Enumerate each file in OPERATION_FILE_DISABLED and put it in a grow
// list, because we will then modify the operations so that uninstall
// works properly.
if (EnumFirstPathInOperation (&e, OPERATION_FILE_DISABLED)) {
do { GrowListAppendString (&disableList, e.Path); } while (EnumNextPathInOperation (&e)); }
// Now process each file
count = GrowListGetSize (&disableList);
for (u = 0 ; u < count ; u++) {
srcPath = GrowListGetString (&disableList, u);
newLocation = GetPathStringOnNt (srcPath); attr = GetLongPathAttributes (newLocation);
if (attr != INVALID_ATTRIBUTES) { SetLongPathAttributes (newLocation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); disableName = JoinText (newLocation, TEXT(".disabled"));
RemoveOperationsFromPath (srcPath, ALL_MOVE_OPERATIONS|ALL_DELETE_OPERATIONS); MarkFileForMoveByNt (srcPath, disableName);
if (!OurMoveFile (newLocation, disableName)) { if (GetLastError() == ERROR_ALREADY_EXISTS) { //
// Restart case -- we already moved this file
SetLongPathAttributes (newLocation, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); DeleteLongPath (newLocation); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Cannot rename %s to %s", newLocation, disableName)); } FreeText (disableName); SetLongPathAttributes (newLocation, attr); }
FreePathString (newLocation); }
FreeGrowList (&disableList);
VOID pUninstallStartMenuCleanupPreparation ( VOID ) { INFSTRUCT is = INITINFSTRUCT_POOLHANDLE; INFSTRUCT isLinks = INITINFSTRUCT_POOLHANDLE; PCTSTR temp; BOOL isCommonGroup; TCHAR itemFullPath[MAX_PATH]; PCTSTR itemGroupPtr; TCHAR itemGroupPath[MAX_PATH]; HINF InfSysSetupHandle; PINFSECTION sectionWkstaMigInf = NULL; PINFSECTION sectionUserMigInf = NULL;
InfSysSetupHandle = InfOpenInfFile (TEXT("syssetup.inf"));
if(!InfSysSetupHandle){ LOG((LOG_ERROR,"Can't open syssetup.inf for UninstallStartMenuCleanupPreparation.")); MYASSERT(FALSE); return; }
if (InfFindFirstLine (InfSysSetupHandle, TEXT("StartMenu.StartMenuItems"), NULL, &is)) { do { StringCopy(itemFullPath, TEXT("7520"));
temp = InfGetStringField (&isLinks, 0); if (!temp || *temp == 0) { continue; }
StringCat(AppendWack(itemFullPath), temp); StringCat(itemFullPath, TEXT(".lnk"));
GrowListAppendString (&g_StartMenuItemsForCleanUpCommon, itemFullPath); GrowListAppendString (&g_StartMenuItemsForCleanUpPrivate, itemFullPath);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE,"UninstallStartMenuCleanupPreparation: %s", itemFullPath)); } while (InfFindNextLine (&is)); }
if (InfFindFirstLine (InfSysSetupHandle, TEXT("StartMenuGroups"), NULL, &is)) { do { itemGroupPtr = InfGetStringField (&is, 1); if (!itemGroupPtr || *itemGroupPtr == 0) { continue; }
temp = InfGetStringField (&is, 2); if (!temp || *temp == 0) { continue; }
if('0' == temp[0]){ isCommonGroup = TRUE; } else{ isCommonGroup = FALSE; }
temp = InfGetStringField (&is, 0); if (!temp || *temp == 0) { continue; }
StringCopy(itemGroupPath, TEXT("7517")); StringCat(AppendWack(itemGroupPath), itemGroupPtr);
if (InfFindFirstLine (InfSysSetupHandle, temp, NULL, &isLinks)) { do { StringCopy(itemFullPath, itemGroupPath);
temp = InfGetStringField (&isLinks, 0); if (!temp || *temp == 0) { continue; } StringCat(AppendWack(itemFullPath), temp); StringCat(itemFullPath, TEXT(".lnk"));
GrowListAppendString (&g_StartMenuItemsForCleanUpCommon, itemFullPath);
if(!isCommonGroup){ GrowListAppendString (&g_StartMenuItemsForCleanUpPrivate, itemFullPath); }
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE,"UninstallStartMenuCleanupPreparation: %s", itemFullPath)); } while (InfFindNextLine (&isLinks)); }
} while (InfFindNextLine (&is)); }
InfCleanUpInfStruct (&is); InfCleanUpInfStruct (&isLinks); InfCloseInfFile (InfSysSetupHandle); }
DWORD UninstallStartMenuCleanupPreparation( DWORD Request ) /*++
Routine Description:
UninstallStartMenuCleanupPreparation mark files from Start Menu sections from syssetup.inf to clean up.
Request - Specifies the request being made by the progress bar manager
Return Value:
If Request is REQUEST_QUERYTICKS, the return value indicates the number of ticks. Otherwise, the return value is a Win32 result code.
--*/ { if (Request == REQUEST_QUERYTICKS) { return 3; }
if (Request != REQUEST_RUN) { return 0; }