Copyright (c) 1999 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
This module contains the implementation of the engine and actions on INI files. To add a new INI action, just add it to wkstamig.inf or usermig.inf, add it to INI_ACTIONS macro list and implement a function with the same name having FNINIACT prototype.
Ovidiu Temereanca (ovidiut) 07-May-1999
GUI mode Setup.
Revision History:
07-May-1999 ovidiut Creation and initial implementation.
// includes
#include "pch.h"
#include "migmainp.h"
#ifdef DEBUG
#define DBG_INIACT "IniAct"
// GUID Format: {%08lX-%04X-%04X-%02X%02X-%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X%02X}
// we care about the exact length of this string
#define GUIDSTR_LEN (1 + 8 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 4 + 1 + 12 + 1)
#define DASH_INDEXES 1+8, 1+8+1+4, 1+8+1+4+1+4, 1+8+1+4+1+4+1+4
// Add a macro here with an INI Action function name and implement it.
// Make sure wkstamig.inf or usermig.inf use the same function name in [INI Files Actions].
// See FNINIACT definition for the function prototype
#define INI_ACTIONS \
DEFMAC (MigrateDesktopIniSCI) \ DEFMAC (MigrateDesktopIniESFV) \
// Private prototypes
// description of rule's settings
typedef struct { //
// INI file specification, as appears in INF files (Field 1)
PCTSTR IniSpec; //
// Section specified in INF (Field 2)
PCTSTR Section; //
// Key specified in INF (Field 3)
PCTSTR Key; //
// Data specified in INF (Field 4)
PCTSTR Data; //
// Function-dependent strings defined in INF;
// all strings from section named in Field 5
// the strings are double-zero terminated
// description of an INI file (original, actual, NT location)
typedef struct { //
// original (Win9x) INI file location
PCTSTR OrigIniPath; //
// actual INI file location (it was copied to a temp location)
PCTSTR ActualLocation; //
// NT file location; it may be different than Win9x location
// the prototype of an INI file processing function
// description of an INI action (there is a list of actions)
typedef struct _INIACT { //
// it's a list of actions
struct _INIACT* Next; //
// processing function name (Key field in INF)
PCTSTR FnName; //
// a pointer to the processing function
// the attributes of this rule as defined in INF + context
// this serves as a map from function name to function pointer
// global data
// memory pool used by IniActions
static POOLHANDLE g_IniActPool = NULL; //
// the list of rules
static PINIACT g_IniActHead = NULL, g_IniActTail = NULL;
// function declarations
#define DEFMAC(Name) FNINIACT Name;
#undef DEFMAC
// map function name -> function pointer
#define DEFMAC(Name) TEXT(#Name), Name,
static INIACTMAP g_IniActionsMapping[] = { INI_ACTIONS NULL, NULL };
#undef DEFMAC
BOOL pLookupRuleFn ( IN OUT PINIACT IniAct )
Routine Description:
pLookupRuleFn tries to find the function specified in IniAct->FnName and put the pointer in IniAct->FnIniAct. It will look in the global map g_IniActionsMapping.
IniAct - Specifies the function name and receives the function pointer.
Return Value:
TRUE if the function was found, FALSE otherwise
{ INT i;
for (i = 0; g_IniActionsMapping[i].FnName; i++) { if (StringMatch (g_IniActionsMapping[i].FnName, IniAct->FnName)) { IniAct->FnIniAct = g_IniActionsMapping[i].Fn; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
PCTSTR pGetNextMultiSzString ( IN PCTSTR Str )
Routine Description:
pGetNextMultiSzString skips over the string specified to get to the next string, assumed to be in contiguous memory.
Str - Specifies the string to skip over
Return Value:
A pointer to the caracter following the string (starting of the next one).
{ return (PCTSTR) (((PBYTE)Str) + SizeOfString (Str)); }
VOID pGetRuleSectionSettings ( IN OUT PINIACT IniAct, IN HINF Inf, IN PCTSTR Section )
Routine Description:
pGetRuleSectionSettings reads all settings from specified Inf file and specified section and appends them to IniAct->RuleAttribs.Settings
IniAct - Receives the strings read
Inf - Specifies the source INF file
Section - Specifies the section containing the strings
Return Value:
if (SetupFindFirstLine (Inf, Section, NULL, &ctx)) { do { if (SetupGetStringField (&ctx, 0, field, MEMDB_MAX, NULL)) { MultiSzAppend (&IniAct->RuleAttribs.Settings, field); } } while (SetupFindNextLine (&ctx, &ctx)); } }
Routine Description:
pGetIniActData reads all rule settings from the specified INF context and puts them in IniAct
ctx - Specifies the INF context containing the attributes of this rule; receives new context data
IniAct - Receives the data read
Return Value:
TRUE if attributes read are valid and they make up a valid rule
if (!(SetupGetStringField (ctx, 0, field, MEMDB_MAX, NULL) && field[0])) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ASSERT, "pGetIniActData: couldn't get function name in Wkstamig.inf" )); MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } IniAct->FnName = DuplicateText (field);
// lookup handling function
if (!pLookupRuleFn (IniAct)) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ASSERT, "pGetIniActData: couldn't find implementation of function [%s] in Wkstamig.inf", IniAct->FnName )); MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; }
if (!(SetupGetStringField (ctx, 1, field, MEMDB_MAX, NULL) && field[0])) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ASSERT, "pGetIniActData: couldn't get INI file spec in Wkstamig.inf" )); MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } //
// expand env vars first
if (ExpandEnvironmentStrings (field, FileSpec, MAX_PATH) <= MAX_PATH) { //
// there shouldn't be any % left
if (_tcschr (FileSpec, TEXT('%'))) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ASSERT, "pGetIniActData: invalid INI file spec in Wkstamig.inf" )); MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } } else { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ASSERT, "pGetIniActData: INI file spec too long in Wkstamig.inf" )); MYASSERT (FALSE); return FALSE; } IniAct->RuleAttribs.IniSpec = DuplicateText (FileSpec);
// rest of fields are optional
if (SetupGetStringField (ctx, 2, field, MEMDB_MAX, NULL) && field[0]) { IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section = DuplicateText (field); }
if (SetupGetStringField (ctx, 3, field, MEMDB_MAX, NULL) && field[0]) { IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key = DuplicateText (field); }
if (SetupGetStringField (ctx, 4, field, MEMDB_MAX, NULL) && field[0]) { IniAct->RuleAttribs.Data = DuplicateText (field); }
if (SetupGetStringField (ctx, 5, field, MEMDB_MAX, NULL) && field[0]) { //
// this is actually a section name in the same INF file
// read its contents and make a multisz string with them
pGetRuleSectionSettings (IniAct, ctx->Inf, field); }
return TRUE; }
VOID pCleanUpIniAction ( IN OUT PINIACT IniAct )
Routine Description:
pCleanUpIniAction frees all resources associated with the given IniAct
IniAct - Specifies the action to be "emptied"; all resources are freed
Return Value:
{ FreeText (IniAct->FnName); IniAct->FnName = NULL;
FreeText (IniAct->RuleAttribs.IniSpec); FreeText (IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section); FreeText (IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key); FreeText (IniAct->RuleAttribs.Data); FreeGrowBuffer (&IniAct->RuleAttribs.Settings); ZeroMemory (&IniAct->RuleAttribs, sizeof (IniAct->RuleAttribs)); }
BOOL pCreateIniActions ( IN INIACT_CONTEXT Context )
Routine Description:
pCreateIniActions will create a list of rules read from an INF depending on the Context
Context - Specifies the context in which the function is called
Return Value:
TRUE if the list (defined by the globals g_IniActHead and g_IniActTail) is not empty
{ INFCONTEXT InfContext; PINIACT IniAct; PCTSTR Section;
if (g_WkstaMigInf == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_ERROR, "Ini Actions: wkstamig.inf is not loaded")); return FALSE; }
if (Context == INIACT_WKS_FIRST) { Section = S_INIFILES_ACTIONS_FIRST; } else { Section = S_INIFILES_ACTIONS_LAST; }
if (SetupFindFirstLine (g_WkstaMigInf, Section, NULL, &InfContext)) { do { IniAct = PoolMemGetMemory (g_IniActPool, sizeof (*IniAct)); ZeroMemory (IniAct, sizeof (*IniAct));
if (pGetIniActData (&InfContext, IniAct)) { //
// add it to the list
if (g_IniActTail) { g_IniActTail->Next = IniAct; g_IniActTail = IniAct; } else { g_IniActHead = g_IniActTail = IniAct; } } else { pCleanUpIniAction (IniAct); PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, IniAct); }
} while (SetupFindNextLine (&InfContext, &InfContext)); }
return g_IniActHead != NULL; }
VOID pFreeIniActions ( VOID )
Routine Description:
pFreeIniActions destroys all rules in the global list (see g_IniActHead and g_IniActTail)
Return Value:
{ PINIACT NextRule;
while (g_IniActHead) { NextRule = g_IniActHead->Next; pCleanUpIniAction (g_IniActHead); PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, g_IniActHead); g_IniActHead = NextRule; } g_IniActTail = NULL; }
BOOL pEnumFirstIniAction ( OUT PINIACT* IniAct )
Routine Description:
pEnumFirstIniAction enumerates the first rule in the global list and puts a pointer to it in IniAct
IniAct - Receives the first INI rule; NULL if none
Return Value:
TRUE if there is at least a rule, FALSE if list is empty
{ *IniAct = g_IniActHead; return *IniAct != NULL; }
BOOL pEnumNextIniAction ( IN OUT PINIACT* IniAct )
Routine Description:
pEnumNextIniAction enumerates the next action after IniAct in the global list and puts a pointer to it in the same IniAct
IniAct - Specifies a pointer to an INI rule; will receive a pointer to the next rule; receives NULL if last rule
Return Value:
TRUE if there is a rule following (*IniAct is a valid pointer), FALSE if not
{ if (*IniAct) { *IniAct = (*IniAct)->Next; } return *IniAct != NULL; }
PTSTR pGetAllKeys ( IN PCTSTR IniFilePath, IN PCTSTR Section )
Routine Description:
pGetAllKeys reads all keys or sections from the specified INI file and returns a pointer to allocated memory that contains all keys in the specified section. If section is NULL, a list of all sections is retrived instead.
IniFilePath - Specifies the INI file
Section - Specifies the section containg the keys; if NULL, sections are retrieved instead of keys
Return Value:
A pointer to a multisz containing all keys or sections; caller must free the memory
{ PTSTR Keys = NULL; DWORD Size = 64 * sizeof (TCHAR); DWORD chars;
MYASSERT (IniFilePath); do { if (Keys) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Keys); } Size *= 2; Keys = PoolMemGetMemory (g_IniActPool, Size); chars = GetPrivateProfileString ( Section, NULL, TEXT(""), Keys, Size, IniFilePath ); } while (chars == Size - 2);
return Keys; }
PTSTR pGetKeyValue ( IN PCTSTR IniFilePath, IN PCTSTR Section, IN PCTSTR Key )
Routine Description:
pGetKeyValue reads the value associated with the given key, section, INI file and returns a pointer to allocated memory that contains this value as a string. Both section and Key must not be NULL.
IniFilePath - Specifies the INI file
Section - Specifies the section
Key - Specifies the key
Return Value:
A pointer to a string containing the value; caller must free the memory
{ PTSTR Value = NULL; DWORD Size = 64 * sizeof (TCHAR); DWORD chars;
MYASSERT (IniFilePath); MYASSERT (Section); MYASSERT (Key);
do { if (Value) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Value); } Size *= 2; Value = PoolMemGetMemory (g_IniActPool, Size); chars = GetPrivateProfileString ( Section, Key, TEXT(""), Value, Size, IniFilePath ); } while (chars == Size - 1);
return Value; }
BOOL pIsFileActionRule ( IN PINIACT IniAct, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
pIsFileActionRule determines if the specified rule applies to the whole INI file
IniAct - Specifies the INI action
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
TRUE if the rule applies to the whole INI file, FALSE if not
{ MYASSERT (IniAct); return !IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section && !IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key; }
BOOL pDoFileAction ( IN PINIACT IniAct, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
pDoFileAction applies the specified rule to the whole INI file
IniAct - Specifies the INI action
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
the result returned by the INI action processing function on this INI file
{ GROWBUFFER GbKeys = GROWBUF_INIT; PTSTR Sections, Keys; PCTSTR Section, Key; BOOL Result;
MYASSERT (IniAct && IniAct->FnIniAct && !IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section && !IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key);
Sections = pGetAllKeys (IniFile->ActualLocation, NULL);
IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section = Sections;
for (Section = Sections; *Section; Section = pGetNextMultiSzString (Section)) { Keys = pGetAllKeys (IniFile->ActualLocation, Section);
for (Key = Keys; *Key; Key = pGetNextMultiSzString (Key)) { MultiSzAppend (&GbKeys, Key); }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Keys); } //
// end with another zero (here are 2 TCHAR zeroes...)
GrowBufAppendDword (&GbKeys, 0);
IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key = (PCTSTR)GbKeys.Buf;
Result = (*IniAct->FnIniAct)(&IniAct->RuleAttribs, IniFile);
IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key = NULL; IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section = NULL;
FreeGrowBuffer (&GbKeys);
PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Sections);
return Result; }
BOOL pIsSectionActionRule( IN PINIACT IniAct, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
pIsSectionActionRule determines if the specified rule applies to a section of the INI file
IniAct - Specifies the INI action
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
TRUE if the rule applies to a section of the INI file, FALSE if not
{ MYASSERT (IniAct); return IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section && !IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key; }
BOOL pDoSectionAction ( IN PINIACT IniAct, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
pDoSectionAction applies the specified rule to a section of the INI file
IniAct - Specifies the INI action
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
the result returned by the INI action processing function
{ PTSTR Keys; BOOL Result;
MYASSERT (IniAct && IniAct->FnIniAct && IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section && !IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key);
Keys = pGetAllKeys (IniFile->ActualLocation, IniAct->RuleAttribs.Section);
IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key = Keys;
Result = (*IniAct->FnIniAct)(&IniAct->RuleAttribs, IniFile);
IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key = NULL;
PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Keys);
return Result; }
BOOL pDoKeyAction ( IN PINIACT IniAct, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
pDoKeyAction applies the specified rule to a key of the INI file
IniAct - Specifies the INI action
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
the result returned by the INI action processing function
{ MYASSERT (IniAct && IniAct->FnIniAct && IniAct->RuleAttribs.Key);
return (*IniAct->FnIniAct)(&IniAct->RuleAttribs, IniFile); }
BOOL pDoIniAction ( IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
This is the actual worker routine called by pDoIniActions for each INI file to be migrated.
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
TRUE if INI migration was successful for this file, FALSE otherwise
{ PINIACT IniAct; BOOL Result = TRUE; BOOL b;
// check INI file against all rules; if a rule applies, do it
if (pEnumFirstIniAction (&IniAct)) { do { if (!IsPatternMatch (IniAct->RuleAttribs.IniSpec, IniFile->OrigIniPath)) { continue; }
// do the action; check for file actions first
if (pIsFileActionRule (IniAct, IniFile)) { b = pDoFileAction (IniAct, IniFile); } else { //
// check section actions next
if (pIsSectionActionRule (IniAct, IniFile)) { //
// do it for each section in the current file
b = pDoSectionAction (IniAct, IniFile); } else { //
// do key actions last
b = pDoKeyAction (IniAct, IniFile); } }
DEBUGMSG_IF (( !b, DBG_INIACT, "pDoIniActions: function [%s] failed on file [%s]", IniAct->FnName, IniFile->OrigIniPath ));
Result &= b;
} while (pEnumNextIniAction (&IniAct)); }
return Result; }
BOOL pDoIniActions ( IN INIACT_CONTEXT Context )
Routine Description:
This is the actual worker routine called by DoIniActions. It may be called in different contexts.
Context - Specifies the context in which the function is called
Return Value:
TRUE if INI files migration was successful, FALSE otherwise
{ MEMDB_ENUM e; INIFILE IniFile; PCTSTR OrigIniPath; PCTSTR ActualLocation; PCTSTR NtIniPath; PCTSTR MemDbCategory;
// get all rules first
if (pCreateIniActions (Context)) { //
// enum all candidates files from corresponding memdb category
if (Context == INIACT_WKS_FIRST) { MemDbCategory = MEMDB_CATEGORY_INIACT_FIRST; } else { MemDbCategory = MEMDB_CATEGORY_INIACT_LAST; } if (MemDbGetValueEx (&e, MemDbCategory, NULL, NULL)) { do { OrigIniPath = e.szName;
ActualLocation = GetTemporaryLocationForFile (OrigIniPath); if (!ActualLocation) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_ERROR, "Couldn't find temp location for INIACT key: %s\\%s", MemDbCategory, e.szName )); continue; }
NtIniPath = GetPathStringOnNt (OrigIniPath);
// fill in the members of IniFile
IniFile.OrigIniPath = OrigIniPath; IniFile.ActualLocation = ActualLocation; IniFile.NtIniPath = NtIniPath;
if (!pDoIniAction (&IniFile)) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_INIACT, "Some errors occured during migration of INI file [%s] -> [%s]", OrigIniPath, NtIniPath )); } //
// now convert the INI file (fix paths etc)
// ConvertIniFile (NtIniPath);
FreePathString (NtIniPath); FreePathString (ActualLocation);
ZeroMemory (&IniFile, sizeof (IniFile));
} while (MemDbEnumNextValue (&e)); }
pFreeIniActions (); }
return TRUE; }
BOOL DoIniActions ( IN INIACT_CONTEXT Context )
Routine Description:
This is the main routine called to perform INI files migration. It may be called several times, specifying the context.
Context - Specifies the context in which the function is called
Return Value:
TRUE if INI files migration was successful in that context, FALSE otherwise
{ BOOL b;
g_IniActPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("IniAct"); if (!g_IniActPool) { return FALSE; }
b = FALSE; __try { b = pDoIniActions (Context); } __finally { PoolMemDestroyPool (g_IniActPool); g_IniActPool = NULL; }
return b; }
BOOL pIsValidGuidStr ( IN PCTSTR GuidStr )
Routine Description:
Determines if a GUID represented as a string has a valid representation (braces included).
GuidStr - Specifies the GUID to check; it must contain the surrounding braces
Return Value:
TRUE if the specified GUID is valid, or FALSE if it is not.
{ DWORD GuidIdx, DashIdx; BYTE DashIndexes[4] = { DASH_INDEXES }; TCHAR ch;
if (_tcslen (GuidStr) != GUIDSTR_LEN || GuidStr[0] != TEXT('{') || GuidStr[GUIDSTR_LEN - 1] != TEXT('}')) { return FALSE; }
for (GuidIdx = 1, DashIdx = 0; GuidIdx < GUIDSTR_LEN - 1; GuidIdx++) { //
// check all digits and dashes positions
ch = GuidStr[GuidIdx]; if (DashIdx < 4 && (BYTE)GuidIdx == DashIndexes[DashIdx]) { if (ch != TEXT('-')) { return FALSE; } DashIdx++; } else { if (ch < TEXT('0') || ch > TEXT('9')) { if (!(ch >= TEXT('A') && ch <= TEXT('F') || ch >= TEXT('a') && ch <= TEXT('f'))) { return FALSE; } } } }
return TRUE; }
BOOL pIsGuidSuppressed ( PCTSTR GuidStr )
Routine Description:
Determines if a GUID is suppressed or not.
GuidStr - Specifies the GUID to look up, which must be valid and must contain the surrounding braces
Return Value:
TRUE if the specified GUID is suppressed, or FALSE if it is not.
MemDbBuildKey ( Node, MEMDB_CATEGORY_GUIDS, NULL, NULL, GuidStr );
return MemDbGetValue (Node, NULL); }
BOOL pIsValidShellExtClsid ( IN PCTSTR GuidStr )
Routine Description:
pIsValidShellExtClsid determines if a GUID is a valid shell extension
GuidStr - Specifies the GUID to look up, which must be valid and must contain the surrounding braces
Return Value:
TRUE if the specified GUID is a valid shell ext, or FALSE if it is not.
{ #if 0
HKEY Key; LONG rc; #endif
// check if the GUID is a known bad guid
if (pIsGuidSuppressed (GuidStr)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE;
// I removed the registry check because it is not always accurate;
// some GUIDS may work without being listed in S_SHELLEXT_APPROVED keys
// as it's the case with the default GUID {5984FFE0-28D4-11CF-AE66-08002B2E1262}
#if 0
rc = TrackedRegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, S_SHELLEXT_APPROVED, 0, KEY_QUERY_VALUE, &Key ); if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { rc = RegQueryValueEx (Key, GuidStr, NULL, NULL, NULL, NULL); CloseRegKey (Key); }
if (rc == ERROR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE; #endif
BOOL pFindStrInMultiSzStrI ( IN PCTSTR Str, IN PCTSTR MultiSz )
Routine Description:
pFindStrInMultiSzStrI looks for Str in a list of multi-sz; the search is case-insensitive
Str - Specifies the string to look for
MultiSz - Specifies the list to be searched
Return Value:
TRUE if the string was found in the list, or FALSE if not.
for (p = MultiSz; *p; p = pGetNextMultiSzString (p)) { if (StringIMatch (p, Str)) { return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
BOOL pMigrateSection ( IN PCTSTR Section, IN PRULEATTRIBS RuleAttribs, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
pMigrateSection migrates a whole section of the INI file.
Section - Specifies section name
RuleAttribs - Specifies the rule attributes which govern the migration
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
TRUE if the section was transferred successfully, or FALSE if not.
Keys = pGetAllKeys (IniFile->ActualLocation, Section);
if (*Keys) { //
// there are keys to transfer; first remove the entire section that will be replaced
WritePrivateProfileString ( Section, NULL, NULL, IniFile->NtIniPath ); }
for (Key = Keys; *Key; Key = pGetNextMultiSzString (Key)) { Value = pGetKeyValue (IniFile->ActualLocation, Section, Key); b &= WritePrivateProfileString ( Section, Key, Value, IniFile->NtIniPath );
PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Value); }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Keys);
return b; }
BOOL MigrateDesktopIniSCI ( IN PRULEATTRIBS RuleAttribs, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
MigrateDesktopIniSCI migrates desktop.ini settings in section [.ShellClassInfo]. It reads all keys and associated values within the section and writes them back to the NT version of this file. The "settings" multisz in this case represents a list of keys that must be synchronized; if no Win9x key exists, the corresponding NT key must be deleted; if the Win9x key exists, its value is copied
RuleAttribs - Specifies the rule attributes which govern the migration
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
TRUE if the section was transferred successfully, or FALSE if an error occured.
{ PCTSTR Key, SKey, NewValue; BOOL Found; BOOL Result, b; PTSTR Win9xValue, NtValue; TCHAR Dummy[2];
DEBUGMSG (( DBG_INIACT, "Processing: %s -> %s [%s]", IniFile->OrigIniPath, IniFile->NtIniPath, RuleAttribs->Section ));
Result = TRUE; //
// RuleAttribs->Settings points in this case to a list of keys that
// must be synchronized; if no Win9x key exists, the corresponding
// NT key must be deleted; if Win9x key exists, its value is copied
for (SKey = (PCTSTR)RuleAttribs->Settings.Buf; *SKey; SKey = pGetNextMultiSzString (SKey) ) {
Found = FALSE; for (Key = RuleAttribs->Key; *Key; Key = pGetNextMultiSzString (Key)) { if (StringIMatch (SKey, Key)) { Found = TRUE; break; } } if (!Found) { //
// remove NT key if there is one
if (GetPrivateProfileString ( RuleAttribs->Section, SKey, TEXT(""), Dummy, 2, IniFile->NtIniPath )) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( RuleAttribs->Section, SKey, NULL, IniFile->NtIniPath )) { Result = FALSE; DEBUGMSG ((DBG_INIACT, "Couldn't remove NT key [%s]", SKey)); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_INIACT, "Removed NT key [%s]", SKey)); } } }
for (Key = RuleAttribs->Key; *Key; Key = pGetNextMultiSzString (Key)) { //
// for each key on Win9x, update NT value;
// check for suppressed GUIDs
Win9xValue = pGetKeyValue (IniFile->ActualLocation, RuleAttribs->Section, Key); NewValue = Win9xValue; if (pIsValidGuidStr (NewValue) && pIsGuidSuppressed (NewValue)) { //
// remove the key
NewValue = NULL; }
NtValue = pGetKeyValue (IniFile->NtIniPath, RuleAttribs->Section, Key); if (!NewValue && *NtValue || !StringMatch (NewValue, NtValue)) { b = WritePrivateProfileString ( RuleAttribs->Section, Key, NewValue, IniFile->NtIniPath ); if (b) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_INIACT, "Replaced key [%s] NT value [%s] with 9x value [%s]", Key, NtValue, Win9xValue)); } else { Result = FALSE; DEBUGMSG (( DBG_INIACT, "Failed to replace key [%s] NT value [%s] with 9x value [%s]", Key, NtValue, Win9xValue)); } } PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Win9xValue); PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, NtValue); }
return Result; }
BOOL MigrateDesktopIniESFV ( IN PRULEATTRIBS RuleAttribs, IN PINIFILE IniFile )
Routine Description:
MigrateDesktopIniESFV migrates desktop.ini settings in section [ExtShellFolderViews]. It reads all keys and associated values within the section and writes them back to the NT version of this file. The "settings" multisz is not interpreted in this case.
RuleAttribs - Specifies the rule attributes which govern the migration
IniFile - Specifies the INI file
Return Value:
TRUE if the section was transferred successfully, or FALSE if an error occured.
{ PCTSTR ViewID; BOOL b, Result; DWORD chars; PTSTR Win9xValue; TCHAR DefaultViewID[GUIDSTR_LEN + 2]; BOOL ReplaceDefViewID = FALSE; PTSTR NtValue; #ifdef DEBUG
TCHAR NtViewID[GUIDSTR_LEN + 2]; #endif
Result = TRUE;
DEBUGMSG (( DBG_INIACT, "Processing: %s -> %s [%s]", IniFile->OrigIniPath, IniFile->NtIniPath, RuleAttribs->Section ));
// get the default view id
chars = GetPrivateProfileString ( RuleAttribs->Section, S_DEFAULT, TEXT(""), DefaultViewID, GUIDSTR_LEN + 2, IniFile->ActualLocation ); if (*DefaultViewID && chars != GUIDSTR_LEN || !pIsValidShellExtClsid (DefaultViewID)) { //
// invalid view id
DEBUGMSG (( DBG_INIACT, "Invalid Default ViewID [%s]; will not be processed", DefaultViewID )); *DefaultViewID = 0; }
for (ViewID = RuleAttribs->Key; *ViewID; ViewID = pGetNextMultiSzString (ViewID)) { //
// except for Default={ViewID},
// all the other lines in this section should have the format {ViewID}=value
// for each {ViewID} there is a section with the same name
// keeping other keys (attributes of that shell view)
if (StringIMatch (ViewID, S_DEFAULT)) { continue; }
if (pIsValidGuidStr (ViewID) && pIsValidShellExtClsid (ViewID)) { //
// transfer the whole GUID section, if it's not one that shouldn't be migrated
// a list of GUIDS that shouldn't be migrated is in RuleAttribs->Settings
if (!pFindStrInMultiSzStrI (ViewID, (PCTSTR)RuleAttribs->Settings.Buf)) {
b = pMigrateSection (ViewID, RuleAttribs, IniFile);
if (b) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_INIACT, "Successfully migrated section [%s]", ViewID)); if (*DefaultViewID && !StringIMatch (ViewID, DefaultViewID)) { ReplaceDefViewID = TRUE; } //
// set {ViewID}=value in NT desktop.ini
NtValue = pGetKeyValue (IniFile->NtIniPath, RuleAttribs->Section, ViewID); Win9xValue = pGetKeyValue ( IniFile->ActualLocation, RuleAttribs->Section, ViewID ); if (!StringIMatch (NtValue, Win9xValue)) { b = WritePrivateProfileString ( RuleAttribs->Section, ViewID, Win9xValue, IniFile->NtIniPath ); DEBUGMSG_IF (( b, DBG_INIACT, "Replaced key [%s] NT value [%s] with 9x value [%s]", ViewID, NtValue, Win9xValue)); } else { b = TRUE; }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, Win9xValue); PoolMemReleaseMemory (g_IniActPool, NtValue); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_INIACT, "Section [%s] was not migrated successfully", ViewID)); //
// update global result
Result &= b; } } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_INIACT, "Invalid ShellExtViewID: [%s]; will not be processed", ViewID));
if (ReplaceDefViewID) { //
// replace NT default view with Win9x default view
#ifdef DEBUG
GetPrivateProfileString ( RuleAttribs->Section, S_DEFAULT, TEXT(""), NtViewID, GUIDSTR_LEN + 2, IniFile->NtIniPath ); #endif
b = WritePrivateProfileString ( RuleAttribs->Section, S_DEFAULT, DefaultViewID, IniFile->NtIniPath ); DEBUGMSG_IF (( b, DBG_INIACT, "Replaced default NT ViewID [%s] with Default Win9x ViewID [%s]", NtViewID, DefaultViewID));
Result &= b; }
return Result; }