Copyright (c) 1997 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
The routines in this file manipulate the STF/INF pair used by ACME Setup.
Jim Schmidt (jimschm) 12-Sept-1997
Revision History:
#include "pch.h"
#include "migmainp.h"
#include "stftable.h"
#define DBG_STF "STF"
#define FIELD_QUOTED 0x0001
#define FIELD_BINARY 0x0002
// Declaration of functions for use only in this file
VOID pFreeTableEntryString ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN OUT PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr );
VOID pFreeTableEntryPtr ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr, IN BOOL DeallocateStruct, OUT PTABLEENTRY *NextTableEntryPtr OPTIONAL );
PTABLELINE pInsertEmptyLineInTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT InsertBeforeLine );
BOOL pInitHashTable ( IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr );
BOOL pRemoveFromHashTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PCTSTR Text );
VOID pFreeHashTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr );
// Table access functions
Routine Description:
pGetTableLinePtr returns a pointer to the PTABLELINE structure for the specified line. The PTABLELINE pointers are kept in an array, so lookup for the line is very fast.
TablePtr - Specifies the table that contains the line
Line - Specifies the zero-based line to look up
Return Value:
A pointer to the table line
{ PTABLELINE TableLinePtr;
if (Line >= TablePtr->LineCount) { return NULL; }
TableLinePtr = (PTABLELINE) TablePtr->Lines.Buf; return &TableLinePtr[Line]; }
PTABLEENTRY pGetFirstTableEntryPtr ( IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT Line // zero-based
Routine Description:
pGetFirstTableEntryPtr provides a pointer to the first column for a line.
TablePtr - Specifies the table that contains the line
Line - Specifies the zero-based line to enumerate
Return Value:
A pointer to the first column's TABLEENTRY structure, or NULL if the line has no columns.
{ PTABLELINE TableLinePtr;
TableLinePtr = pGetTableLinePtr (TablePtr, Line); if (!TableLinePtr) { return NULL; }
return TableLinePtr->FirstCol; }
PTABLEENTRY pGetNextTableEntryPtr ( IN PTABLEENTRY CurrentEntryPtr )
Routine Description:
pGetNextTableEntryPtr returns a pointer to the next column's TABLEENTRY structure, or NULL if no more columns exist on the line.
CurrentEntryPtr - Specifies the entry returned by pGetFirstTableEntryPtr or pGetNextTableEntryPtr.
Return Value:
A pointer to the next column's TABLEENTRY structure, or NULL if the line has no more columns.
{ return CurrentEntryPtr->Next; }
Routine Description:
GetTableEntry is the exposed entry point that finds a column on a line and returns a pointer to it. It also optionally copies the read-only pointer to the entry text.
TablePtr - Specifies the setup table that contains the line and col
Line - Specifies the zero-based line in the table
Col - Specifies the col in the table
StringPtr - Receives a pointer to the entry's read-only string
Return Value:
A pointer to the TABLEENTRY structure, or NULL if the line/ column part does not exist.
{ PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr;
TableEntryPtr = pGetFirstTableEntryPtr (TablePtr, Line); while (TableEntryPtr) { if (!Col) { if (StringPtr) { *StringPtr = TableEntryPtr->String; }
return TableEntryPtr; } Col--;
TableEntryPtr = pGetNextTableEntryPtr (TableEntryPtr); }
return NULL; }
// String mapping, unmapping and conversion functions
VOID pFreeTableEntryString ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN OUT PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr )
Routine Description:
pFreeTableEntryString is used to free the allocation of a replaced string before it is replaced again. This routine is called by ReplaceTableEntryStr.
TablePtr - Specifies the table containing the entry
TableEntryPtr - Specifies the entry containing the resources to deallocate
Return Value:
{ if (TableEntryPtr->String) { if (TableEntryPtr->StringReplaced) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, (PVOID) TableEntryPtr->String); } }
TableEntryPtr->String = NULL; TableEntryPtr->StringReplaced = FALSE; }
PCSTR pGenerateUnquotedText ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, IN PCSTR Text, IN INT Chars )
Routine Description:
pGenerateUnqutoedText converts the pairs of dbl quotes in the specified string into a single set of dbl quotes. This routine is used by the STF file parser, because quoted STF entries have pairs of dbl quotes to indicate a single dbl-quote symbol.
Pool - Specifies the pool to allocate memory from
Text - Specifies the text that may contain the pairs of dbl quotes
Chars - Specifies the number of characters in Text. If -1, Text is nul-terminated.
Return Value:
A pointer to the converted string, or NULL if the pool allocation failed.
{ PSTR Buf; PSTR d, p; PCSTR s;
if (Chars < 0) { Chars = LcharCountA (Text); }
Buf = (PSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( Pool, (Chars + 1) * sizeof (WCHAR) );
if (!Buf) { return NULL; }
s = Text; d = Buf;
// Remove double-quotes
while (Chars > 0) { if (Chars > 1 && _mbsnextc (s) == '\"') { p = _mbsinc (s); if (_mbsnextc (p) == '\"') { // Skip the first of two dbl quotes
Chars--; s = p; } }
// Copy character
if (IsLeadByte (s)) { *d++ = *s++; } *d++ = *s++;
Chars--; }
*d = 0;
return Buf; }
PCSTR pGenerateQuotedText ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, IN PCSTR Text, IN INT Chars )
Routine Description:
pGenerateQuotedText converts dbl quote characters in a string into pairs of dbl quotes.
Pool - Specifies the pool to allocate memory from
Text - Specifies the string to convert
Chars - Specifies the number of characters to convert. If -1, Text is nul terminated.
Return Value:
A pointer to the converted text, or NULL if an allocation failed.
{ PSTR Buf; PSTR d; PCSTR s;
if (Chars < 0) { Chars = LcharCountA (Text); }
Buf = (PSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( Pool, (Chars + 3) * (sizeof (WCHAR) * 2) );
if (!Buf) { return NULL; }
s = Text; d = Buf;
// Add quotes, double quotes already in the string
*d++ = '\"';
while (Chars > 0) { if (_mbsnextc (s) == '\"') { *d++ = '\"'; }
if (IsLeadByte (s)) { *d++ = *s++; } *d++ = *s++;
Chars--; }
*d++ = '\"'; *d = 0;
return Buf; }
VOID pFreeQuoteConvertedText ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, IN PCSTR Text )
Routine Description:
Frees the text converted by pGenerateUnquotedText or pGenerateQuotedText.
Pool - Specifies the pool that the string was allocated from
Text - Specifies the pointer returned by the conversion function
Return Value:
{ if (Text) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (Pool, (PVOID) Text); } }
Routine Description:
Returns a pointer to the read-only string for the specified table entry.
TablePtr - Specifies the table holding the entry
TableEntryPtr - Specifies the entry to obtain the string for
Return Value:
A pointer to the string.
{ return TableEntryPtr->String; }
BOOL ReplaceTableEntryStr ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN OUT PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr, IN PCTSTR NewString )
Routine Description:
ReplaceTableEntryStr replaces a string for a table entry. The specified string is duplicated.
TablePtr - Specifies the table holding the entry
TableEntryPtr - Specifies the entry whos string is to be replaced
NewString - Specifies the new string
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ INT ch; PCTSTR p;
// First free all the resources associated wit the table entry
pFreeTableEntryPtr ( TablePtr, TableEntryPtr, FALSE, // don't dealloc
NULL // we don't need next entry ptr
// Then duplicate the string and use it
TableEntryPtr->String = PoolMemDuplicateString (TablePtr->ReplacePool, NewString); TableEntryPtr->StringReplaced = (TableEntryPtr->String != NULL);
// Determine if new string needs quotes
TableEntryPtr->Quoted = FALSE;
p = NewString; while (*p) { ch = _tcsnextc (p); if (ch < 32 || ch > 127 || ch == '\"') { TableEntryPtr->Quoted = TRUE; break; }
p = _tcsinc (p); }
return TableEntryPtr->StringReplaced; }
BOOL pInsertTableEntry ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT Line, // zero-based
IN UINT Col, IN DWORD Flags, IN PCTSTR String, // ownership taken over
IN BOOL Replaced )
Routine Description:
pInsertTableEntry inserts a column into a line, and possibly creates the line if it does not exist.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to insert an entry into
Line - Specifies the line to insert the entry on, or INSERT_LINE_LAST to add a line.
Col - Specifies the column to insert before, or INSERT_LAST_COL to append to the end of the line.
Flags - Specifies any of the following:
String - Specifies the string to insert.
Replaced - Specifies TRUE if the text comes from the ReplacePool, or FALSE if it comes from the TextPool. All memory in ReplacePool must be freed, while all memory in the TextPool is freed at once during termination. (The TextPool is used for parsed strings, the ReplacePool is used for modifications.)
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ PTABLELINE TableLinePtr; PTABLEENTRY NextTableEntryPtr, PrevTableEntryPtr, ThisTableEntryPtr; UINT OrgCol; BOOL Quoted; BOOL Binary;
Quoted = (Flags & FIELD_QUOTED) != 0; Binary = (Flags & FIELD_BINARY) != 0;
// Make sure Line exists
TableLinePtr = pGetTableLinePtr (TablePtr, Line); if (!TableLinePtr) { //
// Add a line to the end if Line is 1 more than the current count
if (Line > TablePtr->LineCount) { return FALSE; }
TableLinePtr = pInsertEmptyLineInTable (TablePtr, INSERT_LINE_LAST);
if (!TableLinePtr) { return FALSE; } }
// Locate the previous table entry (for linkage update)
PrevTableEntryPtr = NULL; OrgCol = Col;
NextTableEntryPtr = pGetFirstTableEntryPtr (TablePtr, Line);
while (Col > 0) { if (!NextTableEntryPtr) { if (OrgCol == INSERT_COL_LAST) { break; }
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "pInsertTableEntry cannot insert beyond end of line")); return FALSE; }
PrevTableEntryPtr = NextTableEntryPtr; NextTableEntryPtr = pGetNextTableEntryPtr (NextTableEntryPtr); Col--; }
// Allocate a new entry
ThisTableEntryPtr = (PTABLEENTRY) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( TablePtr->ColumnStructPool, sizeof (TABLEENTRY) );
if (!ThisTableEntryPtr) { return FALSE; } ZeroMemory (ThisTableEntryPtr, sizeof (TABLEENTRY));
// Adjust linkage
if (PrevTableEntryPtr) { PrevTableEntryPtr->Next = ThisTableEntryPtr; } else { TableLinePtr->FirstCol = ThisTableEntryPtr; }
if (NextTableEntryPtr) { NextTableEntryPtr->Prev = ThisTableEntryPtr; }
ThisTableEntryPtr->Next = NextTableEntryPtr; ThisTableEntryPtr->Prev = PrevTableEntryPtr;
// Fill members
ThisTableEntryPtr->Line = Line; ThisTableEntryPtr->Quoted = Quoted; ThisTableEntryPtr->Binary = Binary; ThisTableEntryPtr->String = String; ThisTableEntryPtr->StringReplaced = Replaced;
// Add to hash table
if (!PrevTableEntryPtr) { pAddToHashTable (TablePtr, String, LcharCount (String), Line); if ((UINT) _ttoi (String) > TablePtr->MaxObj) { TablePtr->MaxObj = (UINT) _ttoi (String); } }
return TRUE; }
VOID pFreeTableEntryPtr ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr, IN BOOL DeallocateStruct, OUT PTABLEENTRY *NextTableEntryPtr OPTIONAL )
Routine Description:
pFreeTableEntryPtr deallocates all resources associated with a table entry and is used for the delete routines.
TablePtr - Specifies the table containing the entyr
TableEntryPtr - Specifies the table entry to free
DeallocateStruct - Specifies TRUE to completely deallocate the entry, or FALSE if the entry is to be reset but not deallocated.
NextTableEntryPtr - Receives a pointer to the next table entry, useful for deleting a chain of entries.
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ //
// Give caller a pointer to the next table entry if requested
if (NextTableEntryPtr) { *NextTableEntryPtr = TableEntryPtr->Next; }
// Free any text pointers
pFreeTableEntryString (TablePtr, TableEntryPtr);
// Free the struct if necessary
if (DeallocateStruct) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (TablePtr->ColumnStructPool, TableEntryPtr); } }
BOOL pDeleteTableEntry ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PTABLEENTRY EntryToDeletePtr )
Routine Description:
pDeleteTableEntry removes the specific table line, adjusts the SETUPTABLE struct accordingly, and cleans up resources.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
EntryToDeletePtr - Specifies the entry to delete from the table
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ PTABLELINE TableLinePtr;
// Update linkage
if (EntryToDeletePtr->Prev) { EntryToDeletePtr->Prev->Next = EntryToDeletePtr->Next; } else { TableLinePtr = pGetTableLinePtr (TablePtr, EntryToDeletePtr->Line); MYASSERT(TableLinePtr); TableLinePtr->FirstCol = EntryToDeletePtr->Next; }
if (EntryToDeletePtr->Next) { EntryToDeletePtr->Next->Prev = EntryToDeletePtr->Prev; }
// Deallocate the entry's resources
pFreeTableEntryPtr ( TablePtr, EntryToDeletePtr, TRUE, // dealloc
NULL // we don't need the next entry ptr
return TRUE; }
UINT pGetColFromTableEntryPtr ( IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PTABLEENTRY FindMePtr )
Routine Description:
pGetColFromTableEntryPtr returns the column number of the specified table entry.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
FindMePtr - Specifies the table entry to find
Return Value:
The zero-based column number, or INVALID_COL if the column was not found.
Col = 0; ColSearchPtr = pGetFirstTableEntryPtr (TablePtr, FindMePtr->Line); while (ColSearchPtr && ColSearchPtr != FindMePtr) { Col++; ColSearchPtr = pGetNextTableEntryPtr (ColSearchPtr); }
if (!ColSearchPtr) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "Col not found for specified entry")); return INVALID_COL; }
return Col; }
BOOL InsertTableEntryStr ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PTABLEENTRY InsertBeforePtr, IN PCTSTR NewString )
Routine Description:
InsertTableEntryStr inserts a string in a line, shifting columns to the right. This routine increases the number of columns on the line.
To append a string to the line, call AppendTableEntryStr instead.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
InsertBeforePtr - Specifies the column to insert the string ahead of.
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ UINT Col; PCTSTR DupStr;
MYASSERT (NewString); MYASSERT (InsertBeforePtr);
Col = pGetColFromTableEntryPtr (TablePtr, InsertBeforePtr); if (Col == INVALID_COL) { return FALSE; }
DupStr = PoolMemDuplicateString (TablePtr->ReplacePool, NewString); if (!DupStr) { return FALSE; }
return pInsertTableEntry ( TablePtr, InsertBeforePtr->Line, Col, 0, // not quoted, not binary
DupStr, TRUE // from ReplacePool
); }
BOOL DeleteTableEntryStr ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PTABLEENTRY DeleteEntryPtr )
Routine Description:
DeleteTableEntryStr removes the specific table entry, shifting columns to the left. This routine reduces the number of columns on the line by one.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
DeleteEntryPtr - Specifies the entry to delete from the table
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ return pDeleteTableEntry (TablePtr, DeleteEntryPtr); }
BOOL AppendTableEntryStr ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT Line, IN PCTSTR NewString )
Routine Description:
AppendTableEntryStr adds a new column to the end of the specified line, increasing the number of columns on the line by one.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Line - Specifies the zero-based line to append to
NewString - Specifies the text for the new column
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ PCTSTR DupStr;
MYASSERT (NewString);
DupStr = PoolMemDuplicateString (TablePtr->ReplacePool, NewString); if (!DupStr) { return FALSE; }
return pInsertTableEntry ( TablePtr, Line, INSERT_COL_LAST, 0, // not quoted, not binary
DupStr, TRUE // from ReplacePool
); }
BOOL AppendTableEntry ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT DestLine, IN PTABLEENTRY SrcEntry )
Routine Description:
AppendTableEntry adds a new column to the end of the specified line, increasing the number of columns on the line by one. It copies the data specified from the entry, including the formatting information.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
DestLine - Specifies the zero-based line to append to
SrcEntry - Specifies the entry to duplicate to the new column
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ PCTSTR DupStr;
MYASSERT (SrcEntry); MYASSERT (SrcEntry->String);
DupStr = PoolMemDuplicateString (TablePtr->ReplacePool, SrcEntry->String); if (!DupStr) { return FALSE; }
return pInsertTableEntry ( TablePtr, DestLine, INSERT_COL_LAST, SrcEntry->Quoted ? FIELD_QUOTED : 0, DupStr, TRUE // from ReplacePool
); }
Routine Description:
FindTableEntry searches the setup table for caller-specified text by scaning the first column. This routine is fast because it first searches a hash table to determine if the string actually exists in the table.
While the search is done on the first column, the routine actually returns the column specified by the Col parameter.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
FirstColText - Specifies the text to find
Col - Specifies the column to return
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
BucketPtr = pFindInHashTable (TablePtr, FirstColText, &Item); if (!BucketPtr) { //
// Not found
return NULL; }
if (Line) { *Line = BucketPtr->Elements[Item]; }
return GetTableEntry (TablePtr, BucketPtr->Elements[Item], Col, String); }
PTABLELINE pInsertEmptyLineInTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT InsertBeforeLine )
Routine Description:
pInsertEmptyLineInTable creates a table line that has no columns. This routine is used to establish a line where columns can be added.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
InsertBeforeLine - Specifies the line that is moved down to make room for the blank line
Return Value:
A pointer to the new line, or NULL if the routine fails.
{ PTABLELINE LastLinePtr; PTABLELINE InsertBeforePtr = NULL; UINT BytesToMove;
// Validate InsertBeforeLine
if (InsertBeforeLine != INSERT_LINE_LAST) { InsertBeforePtr = pGetTableLinePtr (TablePtr, InsertBeforeLine);
if (!InsertBeforePtr) { LOG (( LOG_ERROR, "Can't find InsertBeforeLine (which is %u, total lines=%u)", InsertBeforeLine, TablePtr->LineCount ));
return NULL; } }
// Grow the array
LastLinePtr = (PTABLELINE) GrowBuffer (&TablePtr->Lines, sizeof (TABLELINE)); if (!LastLinePtr) { return NULL; }
ZeroMemory (LastLinePtr, sizeof (TABLELINE));
// If adding to the end, simply inc line count
TablePtr->LineCount++; if (InsertBeforeLine == INSERT_LINE_LAST) { return LastLinePtr; }
// Otherwise move memory to make room for new entry
BytesToMove = sizeof (TABLELINE) * (TablePtr->LineCount - InsertBeforeLine); MoveMemory (&InsertBeforePtr[1], InsertBeforePtr, BytesToMove);
// Zero new entry
ZeroMemory (InsertBeforePtr, sizeof (TABLELINE)); return InsertBeforePtr; }
BOOL InsertEmptyLineInTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT InsertBeforeLine )
Routine Description:
InsertEmptyLineInTable is a wrapper of pInsertEmptyLineInTable and is used by callers who shouldn't have knowledge of the TABLELINE struct.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
InsertBeforeLine - Specifies the line that is moved down to make room for the blank line
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ if (InsertBeforeLine == TablePtr->LineCount) { InsertBeforeLine = INSERT_LINE_LAST; }
if (!pInsertEmptyLineInTable (TablePtr, InsertBeforeLine)) { return FALSE; } return TRUE; }
BOOL DeleteLineInTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT LineToDelete )
Routine Description:
DeleteLineInTable removes a complete line from the table, cleaning up all resources used by the line structs.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
LineToDelete - Specifies the line to delete from the table. This line is validated before delete occurs.
Return Value:
TRUE if success, FALSE if failure.
{ PTABLELINE DeletePtr; PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr; UINT BytesToMove;
// Validate line number
DeletePtr = pGetTableLinePtr (TablePtr, LineToDelete); if (!DeletePtr) { LOG (( LOG_ERROR, "Can't find LineToDelete (which is %u, total lines=%u)", LineToDelete, TablePtr->LineCount ));
return FALSE; }
// Free the entire line's entries
TableEntryPtr = pGetFirstTableEntryPtr (TablePtr, LineToDelete); while (TableEntryPtr) { pFreeTableEntryPtr ( TablePtr, TableEntryPtr, TRUE, // dealloc
&TableEntryPtr ); }
// If not deleting the last line, move memory
TablePtr->LineCount--; if (TablePtr->LineCount != LineToDelete) { BytesToMove = sizeof (TABLELINE) * (TablePtr->LineCount + 1 - LineToDelete); MoveMemory (DeletePtr, &DeletePtr[1], BytesToMove); }
// Adjust growbuffer
TablePtr->Lines.End -= sizeof (TABLELINE);
return TRUE; }
// .STF file parser
PSTR pIncrementStrPos ( IN PCSTR p, IN PCSTR End )
Routine Description:
Increments the specified string pointer, returning NULL if the pointer is incremented beyond the specified end.
p - Specifies the pointer to increment
End - Specifies the address of the first character beyond the end
Return Value:
The incremented pointer, or NULL if the pointer extends beyond the end.
{ if (!p || p >= End) { return NULL; } if (p + 1 == End) { return NULL; }
return _mbsinc (p); }
MBCHAR pGetCharAtStrPos ( IN PCSTR p, IN PCSTR End )
Routine Description:
pGetCharAtStrPos returns the DBCS character at the specified position. It returns an incomplete character of a DBCS lead byte is at the end of the file, and it returns \n if the pointer is beyond the end of the file.
p - Specifies the address to get the character
End - Specifies the address of the first character beyond the end
Return Value:
The DBCS character at position p.
{ if (!p || p >= End) { return '\n'; } if (p + 1 == End) { return *p; }
return _mbsnextc (p); }
BOOL pIsCharColSeperator ( IN MBCHAR ch )
Routine Description:
pIsCharColSeparator returns TRUE if the specified character can be used to separate columns in an STF file. The list of characters comes from the STF spec.
ch - Specifies the character to examine
Return Value:
TRUE if the character is a column separator, or FALSE if it is not.
{ return ch == '\t' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n'; }
PCSTR pCreateDbcsStr ( IN POOLHANDLE Pool, IN PCSTR Text, IN UINT ByteCount )
Routine Description:
pCreateDbcsStr allocates a string from the specifies pool and copies the data up to a specified byte count.
Pool - Specifies the pool to allocate memory from
Text - Specifies the source string to copy into the newly allocated string
ByteCount - Specifies the length of the source string, in bytes
Return Value:
A pointer to the zero-terminated string, or NULL if memory could not be allocated.
{ UINT Size; PSTR p;
Size = ByteCount + 1; p = (PSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (Pool, Size); if (!p) { return NULL; }
CopyMemory (p, Text, ByteCount); p[ByteCount] = 0;
return p; }
BOOL pParseLine ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PCSTR FileText, IN UINT MaxOffset, IN UINT StartOffset, OUT PUINT EndOffset, IN OUT PUINT LinePtr )
Routine Description:
pParseLine scans the STF file, extracting the current line, updating the SETUPTABLE structure, and returning the offset to the next line.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
FileText - Specifies the complete file text (mapped in to memory)
MaxOffset - Specifies the number of bytes in FileText
StartOffset - Specifies the offset of the start of the current line
EndOffset - Receives the offset to the start of the next line
LinePtr - Specifies the current line number and is incremented
Return Value:
TRUE if the line was parsed successfully, or FALSE if an error was encountered.
{ PCSTR p, q; PCSTR LastNonSpace; MBCHAR ch = 0; PCSTR End; PCSTR Start; UINT Length; BOOL QuoteMode; PCSTR QuoteStart, QuoteEnd; PCTSTR Text; UINT Chars; PCSTR CopyStart; PBYTE CopyDest;
#ifdef UNICODE
PCSTR UnquotedAnsiText; #endif
End = &FileText[MaxOffset]; Start = &FileText[StartOffset];
if (Start >= End) { SetLastError (ERROR_SUCCESS); return FALSE; }
// Special case: Setup Status is a binary line
if (StringIMatchTcharCountA (Start, "Setup Status\t", 13)) { //
// Locate the end of the line. We know it must have "\r\n at the end.
// When the loop completes, p will point to the character after the
// ending dbl quote, and q will point to the \n in the line.
p = Start; q = NULL;
do { if (*p == 0) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Nul found in STF status!")); return FALSE; }
ch = pGetCharAtStrPos (p, End);
if (ch == '\r') { //
// Break while loop when line break is found
q = pIncrementStrPos (p, End); ch = pGetCharAtStrPos (q, End);
if (ch != '\n') { q = p; }
} else if (ch == '\n') {
p = pIncrementStrPos (p, End);
} while (p);
MYASSERT (p); // we did not hit the end of the file
MYASSERT (q); // we have a valid end-of-line pointer
if (!p || !q) { return FALSE; }
// Copy binary line into buffer. We know that the binary line cannot have
// \r, \n or nul in it. Terminate the line with a nul.
Length = p - Start; CopyDest = (PBYTE) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (TablePtr->TextPool, Length + 2); if (!CopyDest) { return FALSE; }
CopyMemory (CopyDest, Start, Length); CopyDest[Length] = 0; CopyDest[Length + 1] = 0;
// Add binary line as a single field
if (!pInsertTableEntry ( TablePtr, *LinePtr, INSERT_COL_LAST, FIELD_BINARY, (PCTSTR) CopyDest, FALSE // from text pool
)) { return FALSE; }
// Advance pointer beyond end of line and return
q++; *EndOffset = q - FileText; *LinePtr += 1; return TRUE; }
// Normal case: line is all text
p = Start; QuoteMode = FALSE; QuoteStart = NULL; QuoteEnd = NULL;
// Find item in tab-separated list
while (p) { if (*p == 0) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Nul found in STF field!")); return FALSE; }
ch = pGetCharAtStrPos (p, End); if (ch == '\"') { if (!QuoteMode && p == Start) { QuoteMode = TRUE; p = pIncrementStrPos (p, End); QuoteStart = p; continue; } else if (QuoteMode) { q = pIncrementStrPos (p, End); if (!q || pGetCharAtStrPos (q, End) != '\"') { QuoteEnd = p; QuoteMode = FALSE; p = q; continue;
} else { p = q; } } }
if (!QuoteMode) { if (pIsCharColSeperator (ch)) { break; } } else { if (pIsCharColSeperator (ch) && ch != '\t') { QuoteEnd = p; QuoteMode = FALSE; break; } }
p = pIncrementStrPos (p, End); }
if (!p) { p = End; }
if (QuoteStart && QuoteEnd) { StartOffset = QuoteStart - FileText; Length = QuoteEnd - QuoteStart; } else { //
// Trim spaces on both sides of string
// Find first non space in string
q = Start; while (pGetCharAtStrPos (q, End) == ' ' && q < p) { q = pIncrementStrPos (q, End); }
if (q) { StartOffset = q - FileText;
// Find last non space in string
LastNonSpace = q; Start = q;
while (q && q < p) { if (pGetCharAtStrPos (q, End) != ' ') { LastNonSpace = q; } q = pIncrementStrPos (q, End); }
if (!q) { LastNonSpace = p; } else { LastNonSpace = pIncrementStrPos (LastNonSpace, End); if (!LastNonSpace || LastNonSpace > p) { LastNonSpace = p; } }
Length = LastNonSpace - Start; } else { StartOffset = Start - FileText; Length = p - Start; } }
if (Length > 1024) { SetLastError (ERROR_BAD_FORMAT); return FALSE; }
// Remove pairs of dbl quotes
CopyStart = &FileText[StartOffset]; Chars = ByteCountToCharsA (CopyStart, Length);
if (QuoteStart != NULL && QuoteEnd != NULL) { #ifdef UNICODE
UnquotedAnsiText = pGenerateUnquotedText ( TablePtr->ReplacePool, CopyStart, Chars ); //
// Convert text to UNICODE
Text = DbcsToUnicode (TablePtr->TextPool, UnquotedAnsiText); PoolMemReleaseMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, (PVOID) UnquotedAnsiText); if (!Text) { return FALSE; } #else
// No conversion needed for DBCS
Text = pGenerateUnquotedText ( TablePtr->TextPool, CopyStart, Chars ); #endif
} else { //
// For text that didn't need quote processing, allocate a
// string in TextPool
#ifdef UNICODE
Text = DbcsToUnicodeN (TablePtr->TextPool, CopyStart, Chars); #else
Text = pCreateDbcsStr (TablePtr->TextPool, CopyStart, Length); #endif
if (!Text) { return FALSE; } }
if (!pInsertTableEntry ( TablePtr, *LinePtr, INSERT_COL_LAST, QuoteStart != NULL && QuoteEnd != NULL ? FIELD_QUOTED : 0, Text, FALSE // from text pool
)) { return FALSE; }
// Find next item
if (ch == '\r' || ch == '\n') { *LinePtr += 1; }
if (ch == '\r' && p < End) { q = pIncrementStrPos (p, End); if (pGetCharAtStrPos (q, End) == '\n') { p = q; } } p = pIncrementStrPos (p, End);
if (!p) { p = End; }
*EndOffset = p - FileText; return TRUE; }
VOID pResetTableStruct ( OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
pResetTableStruct initializes the specified table
TablePtr - Specifies the uninitialized table struct
Return Value:
{ ZeroMemory (TablePtr, sizeof (SETUPTABLE));
TablePtr->SourceStfFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TablePtr->SourceInfFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TablePtr->DestStfFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TablePtr->DestInfFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; TablePtr->SourceInfHandle = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
BOOL pCreateViewOfFile ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN UINT FileSize )
Routine Description:
pCreateViewOfFile establishes a pointer that points to a continuous buffer for the file.
TablePtr - Specifies the table that provides file names, handles and so on.
FileSize - Specifies the size of the STF file
Return Value:
TRUE if the file was read or mapped into memory, FALSE if an error occurred.
TablePtr->FileMapping = CreateFileMapping ( TablePtr->SourceStfFile, NULL, PAGE_READONLY|SEC_RESERVE, 0, 0, NULL );
if (!TablePtr->FileMapping) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Create Setup Table: Can't create file mapping.")); return FALSE; }
TablePtr->FileText = (PCSTR) MapViewOfFile ( TablePtr->FileMapping, FILE_MAP_READ, 0, // start offset high
0, // start offset low
0 // bytes to map - 0=all
if (!TablePtr->FileText) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Create Setup Table: Can't map file into memory.")); return FALSE; }
TablePtr->FileText = MemAlloc (g_hHeap, 0, FileSize); if (!TablePtr->FileText) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Create Setup Table: Cannot allocate %u bytes", FileSize)); return FALSE; }
SetFilePointer (TablePtr->SourceStfFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
if (!ReadFile ( TablePtr->SourceStfFile, (PBYTE) (TablePtr->FileText), FileSize, &Offset, NULL )) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Create Setup Table: Cannot read %u bytes", FileSize)); return FALSE; }
return TRUE;
VOID pFreeViewOfFile ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
pFreeViewOfFile cleans up the resources allocated by pCreateViewOfFile.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Return Value:
// Free all views of the file
if (TablePtr->FileText) { UnmapViewOfFile (TablePtr->FileText); }
// Close file mapping handle
if (TablePtr->FileMapping) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->FileMapping); TablePtr->FileMapping = NULL; }
// Free memory used for file
if (TablePtr->FileText) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, TablePtr->FileText); TablePtr->FileText = NULL; }
BOOL CreateSetupTable ( IN PCTSTR SourceStfFileSpec, OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
CreateSetupTable is the master STF parsing routine. Given a file spec, it performs all steps necessary to prepare the SETUPTABLE structure so that other routines can access and modify the table.
SourceStfFileSpec - Specifies the STF file name to open
TablePtr - Receives all data structures needed to manipulate the STF, including the INF associated with it.
Return Value:
TRUE if parsing was successful, or FALSE if an error occurred.
pResetTableStruct (TablePtr);
__try { //
// Extract directory from SourceStfFileSpec
if (!OurGetFullPathName (SourceStfFileSpec, MAX_TCHAR_PATH, DirSpec, &FilePart)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Create Setup Table: GetFullPathName failed")); __leave; }
if (FilePart) { FilePart = _tcsdec2 (DirSpec, FilePart); MYASSERT (FilePart);
if (FilePart) { *FilePart = 0; } }
// Allocate memory pools
TablePtr->ColumnStructPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("STF: Column Structs"); TablePtr->ReplacePool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("STF: Replacement Text"); TablePtr->TextPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool ("STF: Read-Only Text"); TablePtr->InfPool = PoolMemInitNamedPool("STF: INF structs");
if (!TablePtr->ColumnStructPool || !TablePtr->ReplacePool || !TablePtr->TextPool || !TablePtr->InfPool ) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "CreateSetupTable: Could not allocate a pool")); __leave; }
// Disable checked-build tracking on these pools
PoolMemDisableTracking (TablePtr->ColumnStructPool); PoolMemDisableTracking (TablePtr->TextPool); PoolMemDisableTracking (TablePtr->ReplacePool); PoolMemDisableTracking (TablePtr->InfPool);
if (!pInitHashTable (TablePtr)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "CreateSetupTable: Could not init hash table")); __leave; }
// Open STF file
TablePtr->SourceStfFile = CreateFile ( SourceStfFileSpec, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
if (TablePtr->SourceStfFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Create Setup Table: Could not open %s", SourceStfFileSpec)); __leave; }
// Limit file size to 4M
FileSize = SetFilePointer (TablePtr->SourceStfFile, 0, NULL, FILE_END); if (FileSize > 0x400000) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Create Setup Table: File too big to parse")); __leave; }
// Copy SourceStfFileSpec to table struct
TablePtr->SourceStfFileSpec = PoolMemDuplicateString ( TablePtr->ReplacePool, SourceStfFileSpec );
if (!TablePtr->SourceStfFileSpec) { __leave; }
// Copy DirSpec to table struct
TablePtr->DirSpec = PoolMemDuplicateString (TablePtr->ReplacePool, DirSpec);
if (!TablePtr->DirSpec) { __leave; }
// Generate DestStfFileSpec but do not open yet (see WriteSetupTable)
_tcssafecpy (DestSpec, TablePtr->SourceStfFileSpec, MAX_TCHAR_PATH - 4); StringCat (DestSpec, TEXT(".$$$"));
TablePtr->DestStfFileSpec = PoolMemDuplicateString ( TablePtr->ReplacePool, DestSpec );
if (!TablePtr->DestStfFileSpec) { __leave; }
// Map the file into memory
if (!pCreateViewOfFile (TablePtr, FileSize)) { __leave; }
// Parse each line of the file until there are no more lines left
Offset = 0; LineNum = 0; while (TRUE) { if (!pParseLine ( TablePtr, TablePtr->FileText, FileSize, Offset, &Offset, &LineNum )) {
if (GetLastError() != ERROR_SUCCESS) { __leave; }
break; } }
// Obtain name of INF file
if (!FindTableEntry (TablePtr, TEXT("Inf File Name"), 1, &LineNum, &Text)) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_WARNING, "CreateSetupTable: File %s does not have an 'Inf File Name' entry", SourceStfFileSpec )); __leave; }
if (!Text[0]) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_WARNING, "CreateSetupTable: File %s has an empty 'Inf File Name' entry", SourceStfFileSpec )); __leave; }
StringCopy (DestSpec, DirSpec); StringCopy (AppendWack (DestSpec), Text);
TablePtr->SourceInfFileSpec = PoolMemDuplicateString ( TablePtr->ReplacePool, DestSpec );
if (!TablePtr->SourceInfFileSpec) { __leave; }
// Open the INF file, then parse it into our structures for later
// modification.
#if 0
TablePtr->SourceInfFile = CreateFile ( TablePtr->SourceInfFileSpec, GENERIC_READ, 0, NULL, OPEN_EXISTING, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); #else
// We can't modify the INF
TablePtr->SourceInfFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE;
if (TablePtr->SourceInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (!InfParse_ReadInfIntoTable (TablePtr)) { DEBUGMSG (( DBG_WARNING, "CreateSetupTable: Can't parse %s", TablePtr->SourceInfFileSpec ));
__leave; }
// Generate output name for INF file
_tcssafecpy (DestSpec, TablePtr->SourceInfFileSpec, MAX_TCHAR_PATH - 4); StringCat (DestSpec, TEXT(".$$$"));
TablePtr->DestInfFileSpec = PoolMemDuplicateString ( TablePtr->ReplacePool, DestSpec );
if (!TablePtr->DestInfFileSpec) { __leave; } } else { LOG (( LOG_INFORMATION, (PCSTR)MSG_STF_MISSING_INF_LOG, TablePtr->SourceStfFileSpec, TablePtr->SourceInfFileSpec )); }
b = TRUE; } __finally { pFreeViewOfFile (TablePtr);
if (!b) { DestroySetupTable (TablePtr); } }
return b; }
VOID DestroySetupTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
DestroySetupTable cleans up all resources associated with the specified table. The table is reset.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to clean up
Return Value:
{ //
// Close all file handles
if (TablePtr->SourceStfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->SourceStfFile); }
if (TablePtr->SourceInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->SourceInfFile); }
if (TablePtr->DestStfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->DestStfFile); }
if (TablePtr->DestInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->DestInfFile); }
if (TablePtr->SourceInfHandle != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { InfCloseInfFile (TablePtr->SourceInfHandle); }
// Free pools
FreeGrowBuffer (&TablePtr->Lines); if (TablePtr->ColumnStructPool) { PoolMemDestroyPool (TablePtr->ColumnStructPool); }
if (TablePtr->ReplacePool) { PoolMemDestroyPool (TablePtr->ReplacePool); }
if (TablePtr->TextPool) { PoolMemDestroyPool (TablePtr->TextPool); }
if (TablePtr->InfPool) { PoolMemDestroyPool (TablePtr->InfPool); }
pFreeHashTable (TablePtr);
pResetTableStruct (TablePtr); }
BOOL pWriteTableEntry ( IN HANDLE File, IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PTABLEENTRY TableEntryPtr )
Routine Description:
pWriteTableEntry is a worker that writes out an STF table entry to disk, enclosing the entry in quotes if necessary.
File - Specifies the output file handle
TablePtr - Specifies the table being processed
TableEntryPtr - Specifies the entry to write
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
{ PCSTR AnsiStr; BOOL b = TRUE; PCSTR QuotedText; BOOL FreeQuotedText = FALSE; PCTSTR EntryStr; DWORD DontCare;
EntryStr = GetTableEntryStr (TablePtr, TableEntryPtr); if (!EntryStr) { return FALSE; }
// If binary, write the binary line and return
if (TableEntryPtr->Binary) { b = WriteFile ( File, EntryStr, strchr ((PSTR) EntryStr, 0) - (PSTR) EntryStr, &DontCare, NULL );
return b; }
AnsiStr = CreateDbcs (EntryStr); if (!AnsiStr) { return FALSE; }
// Quote string if necessary
if (TableEntryPtr->Quoted) { QuotedText = pGenerateQuotedText (TablePtr->ReplacePool, AnsiStr, -1); if (!QuotedText) { b = FALSE; } else { FreeQuotedText = TRUE; } } else { QuotedText = AnsiStr; }
// Write the ANSI string to disk
if (b && *QuotedText) { b = WriteFileStringA (File, QuotedText); }
// Clean up string
DestroyDbcs (AnsiStr);
if (FreeQuotedText) { pFreeQuoteConvertedText (TablePtr->ReplacePool, QuotedText); }
return b; }
BOOL pWriteStfToDisk ( IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
pWriteStfToDisk dumps an entire STF file to disk by enumerating all lines in the file and writing all columns for each line.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to write
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
Line = 0;
SetFilePointer (TablePtr->DestStfFile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN); SetEndOfFile (TablePtr->DestStfFile);
do { TableLinePtr = pGetTableLinePtr (TablePtr, Line); if (TableLinePtr) { //
// Write the line by enumerating each entry, then writing a tab
TableEntryPtr = pGetFirstTableEntryPtr (TablePtr, Line); while (TableEntryPtr) { //
// Write the entry
if (!pWriteTableEntry (TablePtr->DestStfFile, TablePtr, TableEntryPtr)) { b = FALSE; break; }
// Continue to next entry
TableEntryPtr = pGetNextTableEntryPtr (TableEntryPtr);
// Write a tab
if (TableEntryPtr) { if (!WriteFileStringA (TablePtr->DestStfFile, "\t")) { b = FALSE; break; } } }
if (!b) { break; }
// Write a return/line-feed to end the line
if (!WriteFileStringA (TablePtr->DestStfFile, "\r\n")) { b = FALSE; break; }
Line++; } } while (TableLinePtr);
return b; }
BOOL WriteSetupTable ( IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
WriteSetupTable writes the STF and INF represented by TablePtr. This saves all changes to disk, writing to the output files indicated within the TablePtr structure.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to write
Return Value:
TRUE if successful, FALSE if an error occurred.
// Open INF file for reading
__try { //
// Create the output STF file
if (TablePtr->DestStfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->DestStfFile); }
TablePtr->DestStfFile = CreateFile ( TablePtr->DestStfFileSpec, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
if (TablePtr->DestStfFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Write Setup Table: Could not create %s (STF file)", TablePtr->DestStfFileSpec)); __leave; }
// Write the STF structure to disk
if (!pWriteStfToDisk (TablePtr)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Write Setup Table: Error while writing %s (STF file)", TablePtr->DestStfFileSpec)); __leave; }
if (TablePtr->SourceInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { //
// Create the output INF file
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_STF, "Writing new INF file for STF"));
if (TablePtr->DestInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->DestInfFile); }
TablePtr->DestInfFile = CreateFile ( TablePtr->DestInfFileSpec, GENERIC_WRITE, 0, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL );
if (TablePtr->DestInfFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Write Setup Table: Could not create %s (INF file)", TablePtr->DestInfFileSpec)); __leave; }
// Write the modified INF to disk
if (!InfParse_WriteInfToDisk (TablePtr)) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Write Setup Table: Error while writing %s (INF file)", TablePtr->DestInfFileSpec)); __leave; } }
b = TRUE; } __finally { //
// Close new STF, and on failure, delete the new STF
if (TablePtr->DestStfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->DestStfFile); TablePtr->DestStfFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (!b) { DeleteFile (TablePtr->DestStfFileSpec); }
// Close new INF, and on failure, delete the new INF
if (TablePtr->SourceInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) {
if (TablePtr->DestInfFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { CloseHandle (TablePtr->DestInfFile); TablePtr->DestInfFile = INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE; }
if (!b) { DeleteFile (TablePtr->DestInfFileSpec); } } }
return b; }
PCTSTR * ParseCommaList ( IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PCTSTR CommaListString )
Routine Description:
ParseCommaList divides a comma-separated list into an array of string pointers. The array is cleaned up by FreeCommaList.
TablePtr - Specifies the table being processed and is used for memory allocation
CommaListString - Specifies the string to parse
Return Value:
An array of string pointers, with the last element set to NULL, or NULL if an error occurred.
{ PCTSTR p; PTSTR *ArgArray; UINT Args = 1; UINT PoolSize; PTSTR DestBuf; PTSTR d; PTSTR SpaceTrim; BOOL QuoteEnclosed;
// Pass 1: Count the commas
p = SkipSpace (CommaListString); if (*p) { Args++; }
while (*p) { if (_tcsnextc (p) == DBLQUOTECHAR) { p = _tcsinc (p);
while (*p) { if (_tcsnextc (p) == DBLQUOTECHAR) { if (_tcsnextc (_tcsinc (p)) == DBLQUOTECHAR) { p = _tcsinc (p); } else { break; } }
p = _tcsinc (p); }
if (*p) { p = _tcsinc (p); DEBUGMSG_IF ((*p && _tcsnextc(SkipSpace(p)) != TEXT(','), DBG_STF, "Comma List String %s has text outside the quotes", CommaListString)); } ELSE_DEBUGMSG ((DBG_STF, "Comma List String %s does not have balanced dbl quotes", CommaListString)); } else { while (*p && _tcsnextc (p) != TEXT(',')) { p = _tcsinc (p); } }
if (_tcsnextc (p) == TEXT(',')) { Args++; }
if (*p) { p = SkipSpace (_tcsinc (p)); } }
// Pass 2: Prepare list of args
ArgArray = (PTSTR *) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, sizeof (PCTSTR *) * Args); if (!ArgArray) { return NULL; }
p = SkipSpace (CommaListString);
if (!(*p)) { *ArgArray = NULL; return ArgArray; }
PoolSize = SizeOfString (CommaListString) + Args * sizeof (TCHAR); DestBuf = (PTSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, PoolSize); if (!DestBuf) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, (PVOID) ArgArray); return NULL; }
d = DestBuf; Args = 0; while (*p) { //
// Extract next string
ArgArray[Args] = d; SpaceTrim = d; Args++;
if (_tcsnextc (p) == DBLQUOTECHAR) { //
// Quote-enclosed arg
QuoteEnclosed = TRUE;
while (TRUE) { p = _tcsinc (p); if (!(*p)) { break; }
if (_tcsnextc (p) == DBLQUOTECHAR) { p = _tcsinc (p); if (_tcsnextc (p) != DBLQUOTECHAR) { break; } } _copytchar (d, p); d = _tcsinc (d); }
while (*p && _tcsnextc (p) != TEXT(',')) { p = _tcsinc (p); } } else { //
// Non-quote-enclosed arg
QuoteEnclosed = FALSE;
while (*p && _tcsnextc (p) != TEXT(',')) { _copytchar (d, p); d = _tcsinc (d); p = _tcsinc (p); } }
// Terminate string
*d = 0; if (!QuoteEnclosed) { SpaceTrim = (PTSTR) SkipSpaceR (SpaceTrim, d); if (SpaceTrim) { d = _tcsinc (SpaceTrim); *d = 0; } }
d = _tcsinc (d);
if (*p) { // Skip past comma
p = SkipSpace (_tcsinc (p)); } }
ArgArray[Args] = NULL;
return ArgArray; }
VOID FreeCommaList ( PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, PCTSTR *ArgArray )
Routine Description:
FreeCommaList cleans up the resources allocated by ParseCommaList.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to that holds the resources
ArgArray - Specifies the return value from ParseCommaList
Return Value:
{ if (ArgArray) { if (*ArgArray) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, (PVOID) *ArgArray); }
PoolMemReleaseMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, (PVOID) ArgArray); } }
PCTSTR pUnencodeDestDir ( IN PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PCTSTR EncodedDestDir )
Routine Description:
pUnencodeDestDir translates the directory encoding as defined by the STF spec. It scans for certain fields that point to other STF lines and generates the full path.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
EncodedDestDir - Specifies the encoded directory string, as obtained from the STF
Return Value:
A pointer to the converted string, or NULL if an error occurred.
p = (PTSTR) GrowBuffer (&String, SizeOfString (EncodedDestDir)); if (!p) { return NULL; }
Base = p;
__try { //
// Copy until a percent symbol is encountered
while (*EncodedDestDir) { c = (CHARTYPE)_tcsnextc (EncodedDestDir);
if (c == TEXT('%')) { EncodedDestDir = _tcsinc (EncodedDestDir); c = (CHARTYPE)_tcsnextc (EncodedDestDir);
DEBUGMSG ((DBG_VERBOSE, "Percent processing"));
if (_istdigit (c)) { Line = _tcstoul (EncodedDestDir, &q, 10); EncodedDestDir = q;
SubDestDir = GetDestDir (TablePtr, Line); if (!SubDestDir) { __leave; }
__try { // Expand buffer
GrowBuffer (&String, ByteCount (SubDestDir));
// Recalculate p because buffer may have moved
p = (PTSTR) (String.Buf + (p - Base)); Base = (PTSTR) String.Buf;
// Copy SubDestDir into string
*p = 0; p = _tcsappend (p, SubDestDir); } __finally { FreeDestDir (TablePtr, SubDestDir); } } else { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "STF uses option %%%c which is ignored", c)); EncodedDestDir = _tcsinc (EncodedDestDir); } } else { _copytchar (p, EncodedDestDir); p = _tcsinc (p); }
EncodedDestDir = _tcsinc (EncodedDestDir); }
// Terminate string
*p = 0;
// Copy string into a pool mem buffer
DestDir = (PTSTR) PoolMemGetAlignedMemory ( TablePtr->ReplacePool, SizeOfString ((PTSTR) String.Buf) );
StringCopy (DestDir, (PCTSTR) String.Buf); } __finally { FreeGrowBuffer (&String); }
return DestDir; }
Routine Description:
FreeDestDir cleans up the string allocated by pUnencodeDestDir or GetDestDir.
TablePtr - Specifies the table being processed
DestDir - Specifies the string to clean up
Return Value:
{ if (DestDir) { PoolMemReleaseMemory (TablePtr->ReplacePool, (PVOID) DestDir); } }
Routine Description:
GetDestDir returns the destination directory stored for the caller- specified line. The destination directory is column 14 in the STF file line.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Line - Specifies the table zero-based line to access
Return Value:
A pointer to the full destination directory, or NULL if an error occurred or the destination directory field does not exist on the STF line.
{ PCTSTR EncodedDestDir; PCTSTR DestDir;
if (!GetTableEntry (TablePtr, Line, 14, &EncodedDestDir)) { return NULL; }
DestDir = pUnencodeDestDir (TablePtr, EncodedDestDir); return DestDir; }
// Hash table routines
BOOL pInitHashTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
pInitHashTable allocates an array of bucket pointers for the hash table, and zero-initializes them. Each element of the hash bucket array holds a pointer to an a bucket of items, or is NULL if no items exist.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Return Value:
Always TRUE
{ TablePtr->HashBuckets = (PHASHBUCKET *) MemAlloc ( g_hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, sizeof (PHASHBUCKET) * STF_HASH_BUCKETS );
return TRUE; }
VOID pFreeHashTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr )
Routine Description:
pFreeHashTable frees all allocated buckets, and then frees the bucket array.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Return Value:
{ INT i;
for (i = 0 ; i < STF_HASH_BUCKETS ; i++) { if (TablePtr->HashBuckets[i]) { MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, TablePtr->HashBuckets[i]); } }
MemFree (g_hHeap, 0, TablePtr->HashBuckets); TablePtr->HashBuckets = NULL; }
UINT pCalculateHashValue ( IN PCTSTR Text, IN UINT Len )
Routine Description:
pCalculateHashValue produces a hash value based on the number embedded at the start of the string (if any), or a shifted and xor'd combination of all characters in the string.
Text - Specifies the text to process
Len - Specifies the length fo the text
Return Value:
The hash value.
{ UINT Value = 0;
if (Len == NO_LENGTH) { Len = LcharCount (Text); }
if (Len && _tcsnextc(Text) >= '0' && _tcsnextc(Text) <= '9') { do { Value = Value * 10 + (_tcsnextc (Text) - '0'); Text = _tcsinc (Text); Len--; } while (Len && _tcsnextc(Text) >= '0' && _tcsnextc(Text) <= '9');
if (!Len) { return Value % STF_HASH_BUCKETS; } }
while (Len > 0) { Value = (Value << 2) | (Value >> 30); Value ^= _totlower ((WORD) _tcsnextc (Text));
Text = _tcsinc (Text); Len--; }
Value = Value % STF_HASH_BUCKETS;
return Value; }
Routine Description:
pAddToHashTable adds a line reference to the bucket. The bucket number is calculated from the specified text.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Text - Specifies the text to hash
Len - Specifies the length of Text
Line - Specifies the line to add to the bucket
Return Value:
{ UINT HashValue; PHASHBUCKET HashBucket, NewBucket; PHASHBUCKET *HashBucketPtr; UINT Size;
#ifdef DEBUG
UINT Item; #endif
// Ignore empty strings
if (!(*Text)) { return TRUE; }
#ifdef DEBUG
if (pFindInHashTable (TablePtr, Text, &Item)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WARNING, "String %s already in hash table", Text)); } #endif
HashValue = pCalculateHashValue (Text, Len); HashBucketPtr = &TablePtr->HashBuckets[HashValue]; HashBucket = *HashBucketPtr;
// Grow the bucket as necessary
if (HashBucket) { if (HashBucket->Count == HashBucket->Size) { Size = sizeof (Line) * (HashBucket->Size + BUCKET_GROW_RATE) + sizeof (HASHBUCKET);
NewBucket = (PHASHBUCKET) MemReAlloc ( g_hHeap, 0, HashBucket, Size );
if (!NewBucket) { return FALSE; }
*HashBucketPtr = NewBucket; HashBucket = NewBucket; HashBucket->Size += BUCKET_GROW_RATE; } } else { Size = sizeof (Line) * BUCKET_GROW_RATE + sizeof (HASHBUCKET); NewBucket = (PHASHBUCKET) MemAlloc ( g_hHeap, HEAP_ZERO_MEMORY, Size );
*HashBucketPtr = NewBucket; HashBucket = NewBucket; HashBucket->Size = BUCKET_GROW_RATE; }
// Get a pointer to the end of the bucket and stick the line in there
HashBucket->Elements[HashBucket->Count] = Line; HashBucket->Count++;
return TRUE; }
Routine Description:
pFindInHashTable scans the hash bucket for an exact match with the specified text. If a match if found, a pointer to the hash bucket is returned, along with an index to the bucket item.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Text - Specifies the text to find
BucketItem - Receives the index to the hash bucket if a match was found, otherwise has an undetermined value.
Return Value:
A pointer to the hash bucket that contains the item corresponding to the matched text, or NULL if no match was found.
{ UINT HashValue; PHASHBUCKET HashBucket; PCTSTR EntryString; UINT d;
HashValue = pCalculateHashValue (Text, NO_LENGTH); HashBucket = TablePtr->HashBuckets[HashValue]; if (!HashBucket) { return NULL; }
for (d = 0 ; d < HashBucket->Count ; d++) { if (!GetTableEntry (TablePtr, HashBucket->Elements[d], 0, &EntryString)) { DEBUGMSG ((DBG_WHOOPS, "pFindInHashTable could not get string")); return NULL; }
if (StringIMatch (Text, EntryString)) { *BucketItem = d; return HashBucket; } }
return NULL; }
BOOL pRemoveFromHashTable ( IN OUT PSETUPTABLE TablePtr, IN PCTSTR Text )
Routine Description:
pRemoveFromHashTable removes the specified text entry from the hash table. The bucket item count is reduced, but the memory allocation is not reduced.
TablePtr - Specifies the table to process
Text - Specifies the text to remove from the hash table
Return Value:
TRUE if delete was sucessful, or FALSE if the item was not found.
{ PHASHBUCKET DelBucket; UINT Item; PUINT LastItem, ThisItem;
DelBucket = pFindInHashTable (TablePtr, Text, &Item); if (!DelBucket) { LOG ((LOG_ERROR, "Remove From Hash Table: Could not find string %s", Text)); return FALSE; }
ThisItem = &DelBucket->Elements[Item]; LastItem = &DelBucket->Elements[DelBucket->Count - 1];
if (ThisItem != LastItem) { *ThisItem = *LastItem; }
DelBucket->Count--; return TRUE; }