Copyright (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines to write parameters file for use by text mode setup.
Ted Miller (tedm) 4 Nov 1996
Revision History:
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
#define DEF_INF_BUFFER_SIZE (1<<15) //32KB
// Global used in WriteParamsFile and AddExternalParams
TCHAR ActualParamFile[MAX_PATH] = {'\0'};
// boot loader timeout value, in string form
TCHAR Timeout[32];
// if we're in PRERELEASE mode, we will make a /debug entry
BOOL AppendDebugDataToBoot = TRUE; #endif
#if defined(UNICODE) && defined(_X86_)
extern TCHAR g_MigDllAnswerFilePath[MAX_PATH]; #endif
DWORD PatchWinntSifFile( IN LPCTSTR Filename );
BOOL AppendParamsFile( IN HWND ParentWindow, IN LPCTSTR ParametersFileIn, IN LPCTSTR ParametersFileOut );
BOOL WriteCompatibilityData( IN LPCTSTR FileName );
VOID WriteGUIModeInfOperations( IN LPCTSTR FileName );
BOOL AddGUIModeCompatibilityInfsToCopyList();
BOOL WriteTextmodeClobberData ( IN LPCTSTR FileName );
VOID SaveProxyForOobe( IN LPCTSTR FileName );
#if defined(_X86_)
VOID SaveDriveLetterInformation ( IN LPCTSTR FileName );
PCTSTR pGetPfPath ( IN HKEY hKey, IN PCTSTR ValueName ) { DWORD Size; LONG rc; PBYTE Data; DWORD Type; UINT DriveType; TCHAR RootPath[] = TEXT("?:\\"); PTSTR QuotedData;
rc = RegQueryValueEx ( hKey, ValueName, NULL, // lpReserved
&Type, NULL, &Size );
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { return NULL; }
if (Type != REG_SZ && Type != REG_EXPAND_SZ) { return NULL; }
Data = MALLOC(Size + sizeof (TCHAR)); if (!Data) { return NULL; }
rc = RegQueryValueEx ( hKey, ValueName, NULL, // lpReserved
NULL, // type
Data, &Size );
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { FREE(Data); return NULL; }
*((PTSTR) (Data + Size)) = 0;
// Verify data is to a local path
RootPath[0] = *((PCTSTR) Data); if (RootPath[0] == TEXT('\\')) { DriveType = DRIVE_NO_ROOT_DIR; } else { DriveType = GetDriveType (RootPath); }
if (DriveType != DRIVE_FIXED) { FREE(Data); return NULL; }
QuotedData = (PTSTR) MALLOC(Size + sizeof (TCHAR) * 3); if (!QuotedData) { FREE(Data); return NULL; }
*QuotedData = TEXT('\"'); lstrcpy (QuotedData + 1, (PCTSTR) Data); lstrcat (QuotedData, TEXT("\""));
return (PCTSTR) QuotedData; }
BOOL WriteHeadlessParameters( IN LPCTSTR FileName )
Routine Description:
This routine writes the headless-specific parameters into the file that is used to pass information to text mode setup.
FileName - specifies the full Win32 filename to use for the file.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether the file was written successfully. If not, the user will have been informed about why.
{ BOOL ReturnVal = TRUE;
// ISSUE - why MAX_PATH*2 ?
// Check the global and see if anyone has set any headless parameters.
if( HeadlessSelection[0] != TEXT('\0') ) {
// Write the settings into the unattend file so textmode will
// fire up through up a headless port.
if( !WritePrivateProfileString(WINNT_DATA,WINNT_U_HEADLESS_REDIRECT,HeadlessSelection,FileName)) { ReturnVal = FALSE; }
if( HeadlessBaudRate == 0 ) { wsprintf( Text, TEXT("%d"), 9600 ); } else { wsprintf( Text, TEXT("%d"), HeadlessBaudRate ); }
if( !WritePrivateProfileString(WINNT_DATA,WINNT_U_HEADLESS_REDIRECTBAUDRATE,Text,FileName)) { ReturnVal = FALSE; }
return( ReturnVal );
BOOL WritePidToParametersFile(LPCTSTR Section, LPCTSTR Key, LPCTSTR FileName) { BOOL b = FALSE; LPTSTR Line = NULL; LPTSTR pid; if (g_EncryptedPID) { pid = g_EncryptedPID; } else { pid = ProductId; } Line = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (lstrlen(pid) + 3) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (Line) { *Line = TEXT('\"'); lstrcpy(&Line[1], pid); lstrcat(Line,TEXT("\"")); b = WritePrivateProfileString(Section,Key,Line,FileName); GlobalFree(Line); } return b; }
BOOL MigrateUnattendDataEntries( IN LPCTSTR FileName, IN LPTSTR UnattendedScriptFile ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine writes out the keys under [Data] section of an unattend file in to the winnt.sif file. This routine is specific to the following keys AutoPartition and UseBIOSToBoot Arguments:
FileName - specifies the full Win32 filename to use for the file. UnattendedScriptFile - Unattend Script File.
Return Value:
TRUE/FALSE --*/ { BOOL ReturnVal = FALSE; //
// If Unattend file exists then migrate the keys under [Data] section.
if (UnattendedScriptFile){ CONST ULONG BufSize = 256; PTSTR TmpString = (PTSTR)MALLOC(BufSize * sizeof (TCHAR)); ReturnVal = TRUE;
if( NULL != TmpString){ //
// Array of keys to be checked
LPCTSTR KeysToBeMigrated[] = { WINNT_D_AUTO_PART, WINNT_D_BIOSTOBOOT }; LPCTSTR WinntDataSection = WINNT_DATA; ULONG i = 0; for(i=0; i < ARRAYSIZE(KeysToBeMigrated); i++){ if(GetPrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection, KeysToBeMigrated[i], EMPTY_STRING, TmpString, BufSize, UnattendedScriptFile)){
if (!WritePrivateProfileString( WinntDataSection, KeysToBeMigrated[i], TmpString, FileName)) { DWORD LastError = GetLastError(); DebugLog ( Winnt32LogError, TEXT("MigrateUnattendDatEntries : Error writing to file %1, Section: %2, Key: %3"), 0, FileName, WinntDataSection, KeysToBeMigrated[i]); ReturnVal = FALSE; SetLastError(LastError); } } } FREE(TmpString); }else{ SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); ReturnVal = FALSE; } } SetLastError(ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER); return ReturnVal; }
BOOL DoWriteParametersFile( IN HWND ParentWindow, IN LPCTSTR FileName )
Routine Description:
This routine generates a parameters file that is used to pass information to text mode setup.
ParentWindow - supplies window handle of window to be used as the parent/owner in case this routine puts up UI.
FileName - specifies the full Win32 filename to use for the file.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating whether the file was written successfully. If not, the user will have been informed about why.
{ TCHAR FullPath[MAX_PATH], *t; TCHAR Text[MAX_PATH*2]; LPTSTR OptionalDirString,OptDir; UINT OptionalDirLength; DWORD d=NO_ERROR; PVOID p; BOOL b; LONG l; HKEY hKey; PCTSTR PfPath; LONG rc;
LPCTSTR WinntDataSection = WINNT_DATA; LPCTSTR WinntSetupSection = WINNT_SETUPPARAMS; LPCTSTR WinntAccessSection = WINNT_ACCESSIBILITY; LPCTSTR WinntSetupDataSection = TEXT("SetupData"); #if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
LPCTSTR WinntUserDataSection = TEXT("UserData"); #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
// Make sure path for file is present, and form its fully qualified name.
if(d == NO_ERROR){ StringCchCopy(FullPath, ARRAYSIZE(FullPath), FileName); if((t=_tcsrchr(FullPath,TEXT('\\')))) { *t= 0; d = CreateMultiLevelDirectory(FullPath); }else d=ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER;
} if(d != NO_ERROR) {
MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_DIR_CREATE_FAILED, d, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, FullPath );
return(FALSE); }
// Get rid of any existing parameters file.
#ifdef _X86_
if (!ISNT()) {
// If this is a 9x machine, we need to preserve the drive letters, even
// if it is an NT clean install.
SaveDriveLetterInformation (FileName);
// Value indicating that this is winnt/winnt32-based installation,
// and on amd64/x86, value to indicate that this is a floppyless operation
// as apropriate.
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_MSDOS,TEXT("1"),FileName); if (b && HideWinDir) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("HideWinDir"),TEXT("1"),FileName); }
if (!IsArc()) { #if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
if(b && Floppyless) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_FLOPPY,TEXT("1"),FileName); }
if (b && BuildCmdcons) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_CMDCONS,TEXT("1"),FileName); } #endif // defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
} // if (!IsArc())
if(b && RunFromCD && !MakeLocalSource) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_LOCALSRC_CD,TEXT("1"),FileName); } if (b) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_AUTO_PART,ChoosePartition?TEXT("0"):TEXT("1"),FileName); }
if (b && UseSignatures) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("UseSignatures"),WINNT_A_YES,FileName); } if (b && InstallDir[0] && (ISNT() || !Upgrade)) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_INSTALLDIR,InstallDir,FileName); } if (b && EulaComplete) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_EULADONE,TEXT("1"),FileName); } if (b && NoLs && !MakeLocalSource) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_NOLS,TEXT("1"),FileName); }
if (b && UseBIOSToBoot) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("UseBIOSToBoot"),TEXT("1"),FileName); }
if (b && WriteAcpiHalValue && Upgrade) { if (AcpiHalValue) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("AcpiHAL"),TEXT("1"),FileName); } else { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("AcpiHAL"),TEXT("0"),FileName); } } if (b && IgnoreExceptionPackages) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("IgnoreExceptionPackages"),TEXT("1"),FileName); }
if (b && AppendDebugDataToBoot) { if (!AsrQuickTest) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntSetupDataSection,TEXT("OsLoadOptionsVarAppend"),TEXT("/Debug"),FileName); } else { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntSetupDataSection,TEXT("OsLoadOptionsVarAppend"),TEXT("/Debug /Baudrate=115200"),FileName); } } #endif
if (b && AsrQuickTest) { wsprintf(Text, TEXT("%d"), AsrQuickTest); b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("AsrMode"),Text,FileName); }
if (b && (RunningBVTs || AsrQuickTest)) { if (lDebugBaudRate == 1394) { // kd via 1394
lstrcpy(Text, TEXT("/debug /debugport=1394")); } else if (lDebugComPort == 0) { wsprintf(Text, TEXT("/debug /baudrate=%d"), lDebugBaudRate); } else { wsprintf(Text, TEXT("/debug /baudrate=%d /debugport=com%d"), lDebugBaudRate, lDebugComPort); }
// write the string to OsLoadOptions so "textmode" setup to run under the debugger
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntSetupDataSection,TEXT("OsLoadOptions"),Text,FileName);
if (b) { // write the string to OsLoadOptionsVar so guimode setup to run under the debugger
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntSetupDataSection,TEXT("OsLoadOptionsVar"),Text,FileName);
if (b) { // also run guimode's setup.exe under NTSD. The -isd switch is needed to ensure that setup.exe starts
// without a global system manifest since winlogon spawns it with the CREATE_IGNORE_SYSTEM_DEFAULT flag,
// and ntsd normall calls CreateProcess which would undo the above flag.
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntSetupDataSection,TEXT("SetupCmdlinePrepend"),TEXT("ntsd -isd -odgGx"),FileName); } } }
if (b && Timeout[0]) {
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntSetupDataSection,WINNT_S_OSLOADTIMEOUT,Timeout,FileName); }
if(b) { //
// Write upgrade stuff. WinntUpgrade and Win95Upgrade will both be set,
// and at most one of them will be set to yes.
if(b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_NTUPGRADE,WINNT_A_NO,FileName)) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_WIN95UPGRADE,WINNT_A_NO,FileName); } if(b) { wsprintf(Text,TEXT("%x"),GetVersion()); b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_WIN32_VER,Text,FileName); if(b && Upgrade) { b = WritePrivateProfileString( WinntDataSection, ISNT() ? WINNT_D_NTUPGRADE : WINNT_D_WIN95UPGRADE, WINNT_A_YES, FileName );
MyGetWindowsDirectory(Text,MAX_PATH); Text[2] = 0;
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_WIN32_DRIVE,Text,FileName); if(b) { Text[2] = TEXT('\\'); b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_WIN32_PATH,Text+2,FileName); } } } }
// Flags for Accessible Setup
AccessibleSetup = FALSE;
if(!Upgrade) { if(b && AccessibleMagnifier) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntAccessSection,WINNT_D_ACC_MAGNIFIER, TEXT("1"),FileName); AccessibleSetup = TRUE; } if(b && AccessibleReader) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntAccessSection,WINNT_D_ACC_READER, TEXT("1"),FileName); AccessibleSetup = TRUE; } if(b && AccessibleKeyboard) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntAccessSection,WINNT_D_ACC_KEYBOARD, TEXT("1"),FileName); AccessibleSetup = TRUE; } }
if(b && AccessibleSetup && !UnattendedOperation) { UnattendedOperation = TRUE; UnattendedShutdownTimeout = 0; UnattendedScriptFile = MALLOC(MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR)); b = (UnattendedScriptFile != NULL); if(b) { lstrcpy(UnattendedScriptFile,NativeSourcePaths[0]); ConcatenatePaths(UnattendedScriptFile,AccessibleScriptFile,MAX_PATH); } }
if(!b) { goto c1; }
// Value indicating we're automatically and quietly skipping missing files.
if(AutoSkipMissingFiles) { b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntSetupSection,WINNT_S_SKIPMISSING,TEXT("1"),FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; } }
// Command to be executed at end of GUI setup, if any.
if(CmdToExecuteAtEndOfGui) {
b = WritePrivateProfileString( WinntSetupSection, WINNT_S_USEREXECUTE, CmdToExecuteAtEndOfGui, FileName );
if(!b) { goto c1; } }
// Ensure that Plug and Play state in upgraded os will be the same as the
// original. Enables per-device settings to be preserved in the NT5+
// upgrade scenario.
if (ISNT() && (BuildNumber > NT40) && Upgrade) { LPTSTR buffer = NULL;
if (MigrateDeviceInstanceData(&buffer)) { WritePrivateProfileSection(WINNT_DEVICEINSTANCES, buffer, FileName); //
// Free the allocated buffer that was returned
LocalFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; }
if (MigrateClassKeys(&buffer)) { WritePrivateProfileSection(WINNT_CLASSKEYS, buffer, FileName); //
// Free the allocated buffer that was returned
LocalFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; }
if (MigrateHashValues(&buffer)) { WritePrivateProfileSection(WINNT_DEVICEHASHVALUES, buffer, FileName); //
// Free the allocated buffer that was returned
LocalFree(buffer); buffer = NULL; } }
// Remember udf info. If there's a database file, stick a * on the end
// of the ID before writing it.
if(UniquenessId) {
d = lstrlen(UniquenessId); if(d >= (MAX_PATH-1)) { d--; } lstrcpyn(Text,UniquenessId,MAX_PATH-1); if(UniquenessDatabaseFile) { Text[d] = TEXT('*'); Text[d+1] = 0; }
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_UNIQUENESS,Text,FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; } if(UniquenessDatabaseFile) {
if ('\0' == LocalSourceDirectory[0]) { MessageBoxFromMessage( ParentWindow, MSG_UDF_INVALID_USAGE, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, UniquenessDatabaseFile ); goto c0; }
lstrcpyn(Text,LocalSourceDirectory,MAX_PATH); ConcatenatePaths(Text,WINNT_UNIQUENESS_DB,MAX_PATH);
CreateMultiLevelDirectory(LocalSourceDirectory); b = CopyFile(UniquenessDatabaseFile,Text,FALSE); if(!b) { MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_UDF_FILE_INVALID, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, UniquenessDatabaseFile );
goto c0; } } }
// If any optional dirs are present then we want to generate
// an entry in the sif file that contains a line that specifies them
// in the form dir1*dir2*...*dirn
OptionalDirLength = 0; OptionalDirString = NULL;
for(d=0; d<OptionalDirectoryCount; d++) { //
// Ignore temp-only and oem directories here.
if(OptionalDirectoryFlags[d] & (OPTDIR_OEMSYS | OPTDIR_TEMPONLY | OPTDIR_OVERLAY)) { continue; }
if (OptionalDirectoryFlags[d] & (OPTDIR_DEBUGGER)) { // hardcode the dest dir to "Debuggers"
OptDir = TEXT("Debuggers"); } else { if (OptionalDirectoryFlags[d] & OPTDIR_USE_TAIL_FOLDER_NAME) { //
// create all copydir: directories in a subdirectory under target %windir%
OptDir = _tcsrchr (OptionalDirectories[d], TEXT('\\')); if (OptDir) { OptDir++; } else { OptDir = OptionalDirectories[d]; } } else { OptDir = OptionalDirectories[d]; } }
// support ".." syntax
while (_tcsstr(OptDir,TEXT("..\\"))) { OptDir += 3; }
if(OptionalDirString) {
p = REALLOC( OptionalDirString, (lstrlen(OptDir) + 2 + OptionalDirLength) * sizeof(TCHAR) ); } else { p = MALLOC((lstrlen(OptDir)+2)*sizeof(TCHAR)); }
if(!p) { if(OptionalDirString) { FREE(OptionalDirString); } SetLastError(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); goto c1; }
OptionalDirString = p;
if(OptionalDirLength) { lstrcat(OptionalDirString,OptDir); } else { lstrcpy(OptionalDirString,OptDir); }
lstrcat(OptionalDirString,TEXT("*")); OptionalDirLength = lstrlen(OptionalDirString); }
if(OptionalDirString) { //
// Remove trailing * if any
d = lstrlen(OptionalDirString); if(d && (OptionalDirString[d-1] == TEXT('*'))) { OptionalDirString[d-1] = 0; }
b = WritePrivateProfileString( WinntSetupSection, WINNT_S_OPTIONALDIRS, OptionalDirString, FileName );
d = GetLastError();
if(!b) { SetLastError(d); goto c1; } }
// Slap a unique identifier into the registry.
// We'll use this in unattended upgrade during text mode
// to find this build.
// Pretty simple: we'll use a string that derives
// from the sysroot, and some unique value based on
// the current tick count.
if(l != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(l); goto c2; }
d = MyGetWindowsDirectory(Text,MAX_PATH); if((d + 5) > MAX_PATH) { d = MAX_PATH - 5; }
Text[d++] = TEXT('\\'); Text[d++] = (TCHAR)(((GetTickCount() & 0x00f) >> 0) + 'A'); Text[d++] = (TCHAR)(((GetTickCount() & 0x0f0) >> 4) + 'A'); Text[d++] = (TCHAR)(((GetTickCount() & 0xf00) >> 8) + 'A'); Text[d++] = 0;
// Set the value in the registry.
l = RegSetValueEx(hKey,WinntUniqueId,0,REG_SZ,(CONST BYTE *)Text,d*sizeof(TCHAR)); if(l == NO_ERROR) { l = RegFlushKey (hKey); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); if(l != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(l); goto c2; }
// Stick the value in winnt.sif so we can correlate
// later when we go to upgrade.
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WinntUniqueId,Text,FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; }
// Now write information about the source path(s) we used.
// Use SourcePath[0].
// If the name starts with \\ then we assume it's UNC and
// just use it directly. Otherwise we call MyGetDriveType on it
// and if it's a network drive we get the UNC path.
// Otherwise we just go ahead and save as-is.
// Also save the type.
if((SourcePaths[0][0] == TEXT('\\')) && (SourcePaths[0][1] == TEXT('\\'))) {
d = DRIVE_REMOTE; lstrcpy(Text,SourcePaths[0]);
} else { if(GetFullPathName(SourcePaths[0],MAX_PATH,FullPath,(LPTSTR *)&p)) { if(FullPath[0] == TEXT('\\')) { //
// Assume UNC, since a full path should normally start
// with a drive letter.
d = DRIVE_REMOTE; lstrcpy(Text,FullPath); } else { d = MyGetDriveType(FullPath[0]); if((d == DRIVE_REMOTE) && (FullPath[1] == TEXT(':')) && (FullPath[2] == TEXT('\\'))) { //
// Get actual UNC path.
FullPath[2] = 0; l = MAX_PATH;
if(WNetGetConnection(FullPath,Text,(LPDWORD)&l) == NO_ERROR) {
l = lstrlen(Text); if(l && (Text[l-1] != TEXT('\\')) && FullPath[3]) { Text[l] = TEXT('\\'); Text[l+1] = 0; } StringCchCat(Text, ARRAYSIZE(Text), FullPath+3); } else { //
// Strange case.
FullPath[2] = TEXT('\\'); lstrcpy(Text,FullPath); d = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; }
} else { //
// Use as-is.
if(d == DRIVE_REMOTE) { d = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; } lstrcpy(Text,FullPath); } } } else { //
// Type is unknown. Just use as-is.
d = DRIVE_UNKNOWN; lstrcpy(Text,SourcePaths[0]); } }
// In the preinstall case ignore all the above and
// force gui setup to search for a CD.
// This particular combination of values will do it.
if(OemPreinstall) {
// marcw (7-22-97) - Changed to fix alpha build break.
// FirstFloppyDriveLetter is defined on amd64/X86s only.
if (!IsArc()) { #if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
Text[0] = FirstFloppyDriveLetter; Text[1] = TEXT(':'); Text[2] = TEXT('\\'); Text[3] = 0; #endif // defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
} else { #ifdef UNICODE // Always true for ARC, never true for Win9x upgrade
lstrcpy(Text,TEXT("A:\\")); #endif // UNICODE
} // if (!IsArc())
if (LocalSourceWithPlatform[0]) {
ConcatenatePaths( Text, &LocalSourceWithPlatform[lstrlen(LocalSourceDirectory)], MAX_PATH );
b = WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_ORI_SRCPATH,Text,FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; }
#if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
// If this is a remote boot upgrade, write the source path to SetupSourceDevice
// under [SetupData]. We do NOT want the platform path here. Also write the
// path to the machine directory to TargetNtPartition under [SetupData]. This
// is just whatever \DosDevices\C: translates to. Finally, write the computer
// name to ComputerName under [UserData].
if (RemoteBoot) {
DWORD len;
MYASSERT(d == DRIVE_REMOTE); MYASSERT((*Text == TEXT('\\')) && (*(Text + 1) == TEXT('\\')));
lstrcpy(FullPath, TEXT("\\Device\\LanmanRedirector")); ConcatenatePaths(FullPath, Text+1, MAX_PATH);
p = _tcsrchr(FullPath,TEXT('\\')); MYASSERT(p != NULL); *(LPTSTR)p = 0;
b = WritePrivateProfileString( WinntSetupDataSection, TEXT("SetupSourceDevice"), FullPath, FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; }
MyGetWindowsDirectory(Text, MAX_PATH); Text[2] = 0; len = QueryDosDevice(Text, Text, MAX_PATH); if (len == 0) { goto c1; } b = WritePrivateProfileString( WinntSetupDataSection, TEXT("TargetNtPartition"), Text, FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; }
len = MAX_PATH; b = GetComputerName(Text, &len); if(!b) { goto c1; } b = WritePrivateProfileString( WinntUserDataSection, WINNT_US_COMPNAME, Text, FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; } } #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
wsprintf(Text,TEXT("%u"),d); WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_ORI_SRCTYPE,Text,FileName); if(!b) { goto c1; } #ifdef _X86_
// NT 4 and Win95 for NEC98 have 2 types Drive assing.
// - NEC DOS Type(A: HD, B:HD,...X:FD)
// - PC-AT Type(A:FD, B:FD, C:HD, D:HD, ....)
// Upgrade setup should be keep above drive assign and All setup should
// be keep FT information.
// Because some Applications have drive letter in own data file or registry.
// NT5 setup for NEC98 have Drive assign type in winnt.sif section[data].
// And this key is "DriveAssign_Nec98".
// Value is "yes", It means NEC DOS Type assign.
// Value is "no", It means PC-AT Type.
// Now, This Key defined this place, but near future, this key move into
// \nt\public\sdk\inc\setupbat.h, I hope.
// \textmode\kernel\spsetup.c has same defines.
#define WINNT_D_DRIVEASSIGN_NEC98_W L"DriveAssign_Nec98"
#define WINNT_D_DRIVEASSIGN_NEC98_A "DriveAssign_Nec98"
#ifdef UNICODE
if (IsNEC98()){ if (IsDriveAssignNEC98() == TRUE){ WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection, WINNT_D_DRIVEASSIGN_NEC98, WINNT_A_YES, FileName); } else { WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection, WINNT_D_DRIVEASSIGN_NEC98, WINNT_A_NO, FileName);
} } #endif
// At this point we process the file, and surround all values with
// double-quotes. This gets around certain problems in the various
// inf parsers used in later stages of setup. Do this BEFORE appending
// the unattend stript file, because some of the stuff in there expects
// to be treated as multiple values, which double quotes ruin.
WritePrivateProfileString(NULL,NULL,NULL,FileName); d = PatchWinntSifFile(FileName); if(d != NO_ERROR) { SetLastError(d); goto c1; }
// Language options
// Note: we don't want these values surrounded by double-quotes.
if( SaveLanguageParams( FileName ) ) { FreeLanguageData(); } else { goto c1; }
// Append unattend script file if necessary.
if(UnattendedOperation && UnattendedScriptFile) { if (!MigrateUnattendDataEntries(FileName, UnattendedScriptFile)){ goto c1; } if(!AppendParamsFile(ParentWindow,UnattendedScriptFile,FileName)) { return(FALSE); } }
#if defined(UNICODE) && defined(_X86_)
// Append any migdll info.
if (Upgrade && ISNT() && *g_MigDllAnswerFilePath && FileExists (g_MigDllAnswerFilePath, NULL)) { AppendParamsFile (ParentWindow, g_MigDllAnswerFilePath, FileName); }
// append DynamicUpdate data
if (!DynamicUpdateWriteParams (FileName)) { goto c1; }
// If we're explicitly in unattended mode then it's possible that
// there is no [Unattended] section in winnt.sif yet, such as if
// the user used the /unattend switch without specifying a file,
// or if the file he did specify didn't have an [Unattended] section
// for some reason.
// Also, make all upgrades unattended.
// Text mode setup kicks into unattended mode based on the presence
// of the [Unattended] section.
if(UnattendedOperation || Upgrade) { if(!WritePrivateProfileString(WINNT_UNATTENDED,TEXT("unused"),TEXT("unused"),FileName)) { goto c1; } }
// Since several conditions can turn on UnattendedOperation, we keep track
// of whether the user actually specified the "/unattend" switch separately.
if( UnattendSwitchSpecified ) { if(!WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,WINNT_D_UNATTEND_SWITCH,WINNT_A_YES,FileName)) { goto c1; } }
// set the NTFS conversion flag
GetPrivateProfileString(WINNT_UNATTENDED,TEXT("FileSystem"),TEXT(""),Text,sizeof(Text)/sizeof(TCHAR),FileName); if (_tcslen(Text) == 0) { if (ForceNTFSConversion) { if(!WritePrivateProfileString(WinntDataSection,TEXT("FileSystem"),TEXT("ConvertNTFS"),FileName)) { goto c1; } } }
// Headless Stuff.
if( !WriteHeadlessParameters( FileName ) ) { goto c1; }
if ( (Upgrade) && !(ISNT() && (BuildNumber <= NT351)) ) {
// Save current Program Files directory
rc = RegOpenKeyEx ( HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"), 0, //ulOptions (reserved)
KEY_READ, &hKey );
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { goto c1; }
PfPath = pGetPfPath (hKey, TEXT("ProgramFilesDir")); if (PfPath) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_U_PROGRAMFILESDIR, PfPath, FileName )) { goto c3; }
FREE((PVOID) PfPath); }
PfPath = pGetPfPath (hKey, TEXT("CommonFilesDir")); if (PfPath) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_U_COMMONPROGRAMFILESDIR, PfPath, FileName )) { goto c3; }
FREE((PVOID) PfPath); }
#ifdef WX86
PfPath = pGetPfPath (hKey, TEXT("ProgramFilesDir (x86)")); if (PfPath) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_U_PROGRAMFILESDIR_X86, PfPath, FileName )) { goto c3; }
FREE((PVOID) PfPath); }
PfPath = pGetPfPath (hKey, TEXT("CommonFilesDir (x86)")); if (PfPath) { if (!WritePrivateProfileString ( WINNT_UNATTENDED, WINNT_U_COMMONPROGRAMFILESDIR_X86, PfPath, FileName )) { goto c3; }
FREE((PVOID) PfPath); }
RegCloseKey(hKey); }
// value indicating the product ID
// we need to write this in after appending the unattend file data, since the
// product ID in the unattend file may have been incorrect, but this product ID
// has already been verified as valid. we need to make sure we surround the product ID with quotes
if (b ) { // This will overwrite any existing "ProductID" entry. Which may have been added
// by merging the unattend file.
// If we don't do this. GUI mode overwrites the "ProductKey" with the entry
// under "ProductID".
b = WritePidToParametersFile(WinntUserSection,WINNT_US_PRODUCTID,FileName); if (!b) { goto c1; }
b = WritePidToParametersFile(WinntUserSection,WINNT_US_PRODUCTKEY,FileName); if (!b) { goto c1; } }
// Do not save the proxy settings if we are running under WINPE.
if (!IsWinPEMode()){ SaveProxyForOobe(FileName); }
c3: FREE((PVOID) PfPath); RegCloseKey(hKey);
c2: MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_REGISTRY_ACCESS_ERROR, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, NULL ); goto c0;
c1: MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_BOOT_FILE_ERROR, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, FileName ); c0: return(FALSE); }
DWORD PatchWinntSifFile( IN LPCTSTR Filename )
Routine Description:
This function works around the problems in the setupldr parser, which cannot handle unquoted strings. Each line in the given file is enclosed within quotation marks.
Filename - Name of the WINNT.SIF file
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating outcome. If FALSE the user is NOT informed about why; the caller must do that.
{ PVOID Base; HANDLE hMap,hFile; DWORD Size; DWORD d; PCHAR End; PCHAR p,q; PCHAR o,a; PCHAR Buffer; int l1,l2; int tryagain=0;
// Open the file.
d = MapFileForRead(Filename,&Size,&hFile,&hMap,&Base); if(d != NO_ERROR) { return(FALSE); }
// Allocate the output buffer; the original size + extra space for quotes
Buffer = MALLOC(Size + Size / 4); if(!Buffer) { UnmapFile(hMap,Base); CloseHandle(hFile); return(ERROR_NOT_ENOUGH_MEMORY); }
o = Buffer; p = Base; End = p+Size;
while(p < End) { //
// Find end of line.
for(q=p; (q < End) && (*q != '\n'); q++) { NOTHING; }
// Find equals sign, if present
for(a=p; a<q; a++) { if(*a == '=') { break; } } if(a >= q) { a = NULL; }
if(a) {
l1 = (int)(a - p); l2 = (int)(q - a);
CopyMemory(o,p,l1); o += l1; *o++ = '\"'; CopyMemory(o,a,l2); o += l2; if(*(o-1) == '\r') { o--; } *o++ = '\"'; *o++ = '\r'; *o++ = '\n';
} else {
l1 = (int)(q-p); CopyMemory(o,p,l1); o += l1; *o++ = '\n'; }
// Skip to start of next line
p=q+1; }
UnmapFile(hMap,Base); CloseHandle(hFile);
SetFileAttributes(Filename,FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL); //
// We try opening the file thrice to get around the problem of anti-virus software
// that monitor files on the root of the system partition. The problem is that usually these
// s/w examine the files we touch and in somecases open it with exclusive access.
// We just need to wait for them to be done.
while( tryagain++ < 3 ){ hFile = CreateFile( Filename, GENERIC_WRITE, FILE_SHARE_READ, NULL, CREATE_ALWAYS, FILE_ATTRIBUTE_NORMAL, NULL ); if(hFile != INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) break; Sleep(500);
if(hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE) { d = GetLastError(); FREE(Buffer); return(d); }
d = WriteFile(hFile,Buffer,(DWORD)(o-Buffer),&Size,NULL) ? NO_ERROR : GetLastError();
CloseHandle(hFile); FREE(Buffer);
return(d); }
BOOL AppendParamsFile( IN HWND ParentWindow, IN LPCTSTR ParametersFileIn, IN LPCTSTR ParametersFileOut )
Routine Description:
Read an external file (such as an unattended script file) and copy it section by section into the winnt.sif parameters file. (The [Data] and [OemBootFiles] sections of the unattend file are ignored.)
ParentWindow - supplies window handle of window to act as owner/parent if this routine has to put up ui, such as when the script file is bogus.
ParametersFileIn - supplies win32 filename of the file, such as unattend.txt, being appended to winnt.sif.
ParametersFileOut - supplies win32 filename of the winnt.sif file being generated.
Return Value:
Boolean value indicating outcome. If FALSE, the user will have been informed of why.
{ TCHAR *SectionNames; TCHAR *SectionData; TCHAR *SectionName; DWORD SectionNamesSize; DWORD SectionDataSize; DWORD d; TCHAR TempFile[MAX_PATH] = TEXT(""); PCTSTR RealInputFile = NULL; BOOL b; PVOID p;
#define PROFILE_BUFSIZE 16384
#define PROFILE_BUFGROW 4096
// Allocate some memory for the required buffers
SectionNames = MALLOC(PROFILE_BUFSIZE * sizeof(TCHAR)); SectionData = MALLOC(PROFILE_BUFSIZE * sizeof(TCHAR));
if(!SectionNames || !SectionData) { MessageBoxFromMessage( ParentWindow, MSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL );
b = FALSE; goto c0; }
*TempFile = 0; RealInputFile = ParametersFileIn;
// There is a bug in Win9x's GetPrivateProfileSection() Such that if the file
// being queried exists on a read only share, it will not return the section strings.
// This is bad.
// To work around this, on win9x, we are going to make a temporary copy of the inf
// merge it in and then delete it.
#ifdef _X86_
if (!ISNT() && ParametersFileIn && FileExists (ParametersFileIn, NULL)) {
GetSystemDirectory (TempFile, MAX_PATH); GetTempFileName (TempFile, TEXT("USF"), 0, TempFile); CopyFile (ParametersFileIn, TempFile, FALSE); RealInputFile = TempFile; } #endif
SectionNamesSize = PROFILE_BUFSIZE; SectionDataSize = PROFILE_BUFSIZE;
// Retreive a list of section names in the unattend script file.
do { d = GetPrivateProfileString( NULL, NULL, TEXT(""), SectionNames, SectionNamesSize, RealInputFile );
if(!d) { //
// No section names. Bogus file.
MessageBoxFromMessage( ParentWindow, MSG_UNATTEND_FILE_INVALID, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, ParametersFileIn );
b = FALSE; goto c0; }
if(d == (SectionNamesSize-2)) { //
// Buffer was too small. Reallocate it and try again.
p = REALLOC( SectionNames, (SectionNamesSize+PROFILE_BUFGROW)*sizeof(TCHAR) );
if(!p) { MessageBoxFromMessage( ParentWindow, MSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL );
b = FALSE; goto c0; }
SectionNames = p; SectionNamesSize += PROFILE_BUFGROW; } } while(d == (SectionNamesSize-2));
for(SectionName=SectionNames; *SectionName; SectionName+=lstrlen(SectionName)+1) { //
// Ignore the [data] section in the source, as we do not
// want copy it into the target, because this would overwrite
// our internal settings.
// Ignore also [OemBootFiles]
if(lstrcmpi(SectionName,WINNT_DATA) && lstrcmpi(SectionName,WINNT_OEMBOOTFILES)) { //
// Fetch the entire section and write it to the target file.
// Note that the section-based API call will leave double-quotes
// intact when we retrieve the data, which is what we want.
// Key-based API calls will strip quotes, which screws us.
while(GetPrivateProfileSection( SectionName, SectionData, SectionDataSize, RealInputFile ) == (SectionDataSize-2)) {
// Reallocate the buffer and try again.
p = REALLOC( SectionData, (SectionDataSize+PROFILE_BUFGROW)*sizeof(TCHAR) );
if(!p) { MessageBoxFromMessage( ParentWindow, MSG_OUT_OF_MEMORY, FALSE, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL );
b = FALSE; goto c0; }
SectionData = 0; SectionDataSize += PROFILE_BUFGROW; }
// Write the entire section to the output file.
if(!WritePrivateProfileSection(SectionName,SectionData,ParametersFileOut)) {
MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_BOOT_FILE_ERROR, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, ParametersFileOut );
b = FALSE; goto c0; } } }
b = TRUE;
c0: if(SectionNames) { FREE(SectionNames); } if(SectionData) { FREE(SectionData); }
if (*TempFile) {
DeleteFile (TempFile); }
return(b); }
BOOL WriteParametersFile( IN HWND ParentWindow ) { TCHAR SysPartFile[MAX_PATH]; DWORD d; BOOL b;
// Write the file out onto the root of the system partition drive
// and then move the file into place where it actually belongs.
#if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
if (RemoteBoot) { //
// For remote boot, put the file in the root of the machine directory
// and leave it there.
StringCchCopy(SysPartFile, ARRAYSIZE(SysPartFile), MachineDirectory); StringCchCat(SysPartFile, ARRAYSIZE(SysPartFile), TEXT("\\")); StringCchCat(SysPartFile, ARRAYSIZE(SysPartFile), WINNT_SIF_FILE); StringCchCopy(ActualParamFile, ARRAYSIZE(ActualParamFile), SysPartFile); } else #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
{ if (!BuildSystemPartitionPathToFile (WINNT_SIF_FILE, SysPartFile, MAX_PATH)) { return(FALSE); // this should never happen.
} }
if(!DoWriteParametersFile(ParentWindow,SysPartFile)) { return(FALSE); }
#if defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
// For remote boot, leave the file in the root of the machine directory.
if (!RemoteBoot) #endif // defined(REMOTE_BOOT)
if (!IsArc()) { #if defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
// In the amd64/x86 case this file belongs on the boot media
// somewhere. If we're generating floppyless boot media
// then move the file into place. Otherwise there's no point.
// In the non-floppyless case we keep the file around until later
// when the floppy-generation code gets to run.
if(MakeBootMedia) {
if(Floppyless) {
BuildSystemPartitionPathToFile (LOCAL_BOOT_DIR, ActualParamFile, MAX_PATH);
d = CreateMultiLevelDirectory(ActualParamFile); if(d != NO_ERROR) {
MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_DIR_CREATE_FAILED, d, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, ActualParamFile );
DeleteFile(SysPartFile); return(FALSE); }
// Move the file into its real location.
// On Windows 95, MoveFile fails in strange ways
// when the profile APIs have the file open (for instance,
// it will leave the src file and the dest file will be
// filled with garbage).
// Flush it.
if (SysPartFile[0] == ActualParamFile[0]) { b = MoveFile(SysPartFile,ActualParamFile); } else { b = CopyFile (SysPartFile, ActualParamFile, FALSE); if (b) { DeleteFile (SysPartFile); } }
if (!b) { MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_BOOT_FILE_ERROR, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, ActualParamFile );
return(FALSE); }
} } else { DeleteFile(SysPartFile); } #endif // defined(_AMD64_) || defined(_X86_)
} else { #ifdef UNICODE // Always true for ARC, never true for Win9x upgrade
// If we're making a local source, move the file there.
// Otherwise just leave it on the root of the system partition.
if(MakeLocalSource) {
d = CreateMultiLevelDirectory(LocalSourceWithPlatform); if(d != NO_ERROR) {
MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_DIR_CREATE_FAILED, d, AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, LocalSourceWithPlatform );
DeleteFile(SysPartFile); return(FALSE); }
// Move the file into its real location.
StringCchPrintf(ActualParamFile, ARRAYSIZE(ActualParamFile), TEXT("%s\\%s"),LocalSourceWithPlatform,WINNT_SIF_FILE); DeleteFile(ActualParamFile); if(!MoveFile(SysPartFile,ActualParamFile)) {
MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_BOOT_FILE_ERROR, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, ActualParamFile );
DeleteFile(SysPartFile); return(FALSE); } } #endif // UNICODE
} // if (!IsArc())
return(TRUE); }
#define MULTI_SZ_NEXT_STRING(x) ((x) + _tcslen(x) + 1)
BOOL MergeINFFiles( IN PCTSTR SourceFileName, IN PCTSTR DestFileName ) { DWORD dwAttributes; PTSTR pSectionsBuffer = NULL; PTSTR pKeysBuffer = NULL; PTSTR pString = NULL; PTSTR pSection; PTSTR pKey; UINT sizeOfBuffer; UINT sizeOfSectionBuffer; BOOL bResult = FALSE;
MYASSERT (SourceFileName && DestFileName);
if(-1 == GetFileAttributes(SourceFileName)){ return TRUE; }
__try{ //
// Allocate buffer for sections names.
sizeOfBuffer = 0; do{ if(pSectionsBuffer){ FREE(pSectionsBuffer); } sizeOfBuffer += DEF_INF_BUFFER_SIZE; pSectionsBuffer = (PTSTR)MALLOC(sizeOfBuffer * sizeof (TCHAR)); if(!pSectionsBuffer){ __leave; } }while((sizeOfBuffer - 2) == GetPrivateProfileSectionNames(pSectionsBuffer, sizeOfBuffer, SourceFileName));
sizeOfSectionBuffer = DEF_INF_BUFFER_SIZE; pKeysBuffer = (PTSTR)MALLOC(sizeOfSectionBuffer * sizeof (TCHAR)); if(!pKeysBuffer){ __leave; }
sizeOfBuffer = DEF_INF_BUFFER_SIZE; pString = (PTSTR)MALLOC(sizeOfBuffer * sizeof (TCHAR)); if(!pString){ __leave; }
for(pSection = pSectionsBuffer; pSection[0]; pSection = MULTI_SZ_NEXT_STRING(pSection)){ //
// Allocate buffer for entries names;
while((sizeOfSectionBuffer - 2) == GetPrivateProfileString(pSection, NULL, EMPTY_STRING, pKeysBuffer, sizeOfSectionBuffer, SourceFileName)){ if(pKeysBuffer){ FREE(pKeysBuffer); } sizeOfSectionBuffer += DEF_INF_BUFFER_SIZE; pKeysBuffer = (PTSTR)MALLOC(sizeOfSectionBuffer * sizeof (TCHAR)); if(!pKeysBuffer){ __leave; } };
for(pKey = pKeysBuffer; pKey[0]; pKey = MULTI_SZ_NEXT_STRING(pKey)) { //
// Allocate buffer for value string;
GetPrivateProfileString(pSection, pKey, EMPTY_STRING, pString, sizeOfBuffer, SourceFileName);
if (!WritePrivateProfileString(pSection, pKey, pString, DestFileName)) { __leave; } } } bResult = TRUE; } __finally{ DWORD rc = GetLastError (); if(pSectionsBuffer){ FREE(pSectionsBuffer); } if(pKeysBuffer){ FREE(pKeysBuffer); } if(pString){ FREE(pString); } SetLastError (rc); }
return bResult; }
BOOL AddExternalParams ( IN HWND ParentWindow ) { DWORD rc = ERROR_SUCCESS; static BOOL Done = FALSE;
if(Done) { return(TRUE); }
// Append external parameters if necessary.
if(Upgrade && UpgradeSupport.WriteParamsRoutine) { rc = UpgradeSupport.WriteParamsRoutine(ActualParamFile);
if (rc != ERROR_SUCCESS) { MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_BOOT_FILE_ERROR, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, ActualParamFile ); } }
#if defined(UNICODE) && defined(_X86_)
// Merge NT migration unattented inf file with winnt.sif
if(Upgrade && !MergeINFFiles(g_MigDllAnswerFilePath, ActualParamFile)){ MessageBoxFromMessageAndSystemError( ParentWindow, MSG_BOOT_FILE_ERROR, GetLastError(), AppTitleStringId, MB_OK | MB_ICONERROR | MB_TASKMODAL, g_MigDllAnswerFilePath ); } #endif
// write the compatibility stuff in these cases
// 1. upgrade from downlevel NT platform
// 2. clean install
// 3. upgrade from current NT platform and we have NT5 compatibility items
// note that win9x has it's own upgrade code path.
if( (ISNT() && (BuildNumber <= NT40) && Upgrade) || !Upgrade || (ISNT() && Upgrade && AnyNt5CompatDlls) ){
// Disable stuff for <= NT4 case, clean install (unsupported arch. etc.)
// and NT5 upgrade with NT5 upgrade components set
WriteCompatibilityData( ActualParamFile ); WriteGUIModeInfOperations( ActualParamFile ); AddGUIModeCompatibilityInfsToCopyList(); }
if (ISNT() && Upgrade) { if (!WriteTextmodeClobberData (ActualParamFile)) { rc = GetLastError (); } }
Done = TRUE; return rc == ERROR_SUCCESS; }
BOOL MyWritePrivateProfileString( LPCTSTR lpAppName, // pointer to section name
LPCTSTR lpKeyName, // pointer to key name
LPCTSTR lpString, // pointer to string to add
LPCTSTR lpFileName // pointer to initialization filename
) /*
Wrapper for WritePrivateProfileString to try more than once on instances where we can't write to the winnt.sif file. This commonly occurs when virus software monitors the root of C drive.
The problem is that usually these s/w examine the files we touch and in somecases open it with exclusive access. We just need to wait for them to be done.
*/ {
int i = 0; BOOL ret = FALSE; DWORD Err;
while(i++ < 3){ #ifdef UNICODE
#ifdef WritePrivateProfileStringW
#undef WritePrivateProfileStringW
if( !lpAppName && !lpKeyName && !lpString ){ WritePrivateProfileStringW( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName); return FALSE; }
if( ret = WritePrivateProfileStringW( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName) ) break; #endif
#ifdef WritePrivateProfileStringA
#undef WritePrivateProfileStringA
if( !lpAppName && !lpKeyName && !lpString ){ WritePrivateProfileStringA( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName); return FALSE; }
if( ret = WritePrivateProfileStringA( lpAppName, lpKeyName, lpString, lpFileName) ) break; #endif
Sleep( 500 );
return ret; }
VOID FixWininetList( LPTSTR List ) { PTCHAR t = List;
if (t != NULL) { while (*t) { if (*t == (TCHAR)' ') { *t = (TCHAR)';'; } t++; } }
#ifdef UNICODE
LPWSTR AnsiToText( LPCSTR Ansi ) { int Length; LPWSTR Unicode = NULL;
if (Ansi == NULL) { return NULL; }
Length = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, Ansi, -1, NULL, 0 );
if (Length > 0) { int i;
Unicode = (LPWSTR) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, Length * sizeof(WCHAR)); if (!Unicode) { return NULL; }
i = MultiByteToWideChar( CP_ACP, 0, Ansi, -1, Unicode, Length);
if (i == 0) { GlobalFree(Unicode); Unicode = NULL; } }
return Unicode; }
LPSTR AnsiToText( LPCSTR Ansi )
Can't use DupString because the caller assume memory obtained from GlobalAlloc.
{ LPSTR CopyOfAnsi = NULL;
if (Ansi != NULL) { CopyOfAnsi = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (strlen(Ansi)+1) * sizeof(CHAR)); if (CopyOfAnsi) { strcpy(CopyOfAnsi, Ansi); } }
return CopyOfAnsi; }
BOOL QuoteString( IN OUT LPTSTR* StringPointer )
Routine Description:
Replace the input string with a double quoted one.
StringPointer - pointer to a string allocated by GlobalAlloc. The input string is always free. If it is successful the new string, allocated by GlobalAlloc, is returned; otherwise, NULL is returned.
TRUE - successfully quote a string
FALSE - otherwise
{ LPTSTR StringValue = *StringPointer; LPTSTR QuotedString;
QuotedString = GlobalAlloc(GPTR, (lstrlen(StringValue) + 3) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (QuotedString) { wsprintf(QuotedString, TEXT("\"%s\""), StringValue); *StringPointer = QuotedString; } else { *StringPointer = NULL; }
return (*StringPointer != NULL);
VOID SaveProxyForOobe( IN LPCTSTR FileName )
Routine Description:
Save the LAN http and https proxy settings, if any, for OOBE to use while it is running in 'SYSTEM' context.
FileName - specifies the full Win32 filename for saving Setup settings.
HMODULE WinInetLib; LPTSTR ProxyList = NULL; LPTSTR ProxyOverride = NULL; LPTSTR AutoConfigUrl = NULL; LPTSTR AutoConfigUrl2 = NULL; DWORD ProxyFlags = 0; DWORD AutoDiscoveryFlags = 0; TCHAR NumberStr[25]; BOOL Captured = FALSE;
WinInetLib = LoadLibrary(TEXT("WININET.DLL"));
// We prefer the INTERNET_OPTION_PER_CONNECTION_OPTION because we just
// want to save the LAN proxy settings and we want to know the auto proxy
// setting, but this option is not supported until IE 5.0
if (WinInetLib != NULL) { PINTERNETQUERYOPTION pInternetQueryOption;
pInternetQueryOption = (PINTERNETQUERYOPTION) GetProcAddress( WinInetLib, #ifdef UNICODE
"InternetQueryOptionW" #else
"InternetQueryOptionA" #endif
if (pInternetQueryOption) { INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION_LIST OptionList; INTERNET_PER_CONN_OPTION Option[6]; DWORD BufferLength = sizeof(OptionList);
OptionList.dwSize = sizeof(OptionList); OptionList.pszConnection = NULL; OptionList.dwOptionCount = 6;
ZeroMemory(&Option, sizeof(Option));
OptionList.pOptions = Option;
if (pInternetQueryOption( NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_PER_CONNECTION_OPTION, &OptionList, &BufferLength ) == TRUE) { ProxyFlags = Option[0].Value.dwValue; ProxyList = Option[1].Value.pszValue; ProxyOverride = Option[2].Value.pszValue; AutoConfigUrl = Option[3].Value.pszValue; AutoDiscoveryFlags = Option[4].Value.dwValue; AutoConfigUrl2 = Option[5].Value.pszValue; Captured = TRUE; } else {
INTERNET_PROXY_INFO* ProxyInfo = NULL; DWORD BufferLength = 0;
// We obtain the ANSI string for INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY,
// even if we call InternetQueryOptionW.
// Proxy list returned from INTERNET_OPTION_PER_CONNECTION are
// delimited by ';', while that returned from INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY
// are delimited by ' '.
if (pInternetQueryOption( NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, ProxyInfo, &BufferLength ) == FALSE && GetLastError() == ERROR_INSUFFICIENT_BUFFER) {
ProxyInfo = (INTERNET_PROXY_INFO*) GlobalAlloc(GPTR, BufferLength);
if (ProxyInfo) { if (pInternetQueryOption( NULL, INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY, ProxyInfo, &BufferLength ) == TRUE) { //
// We enable the auto proxy settings even though
// INTERNET_OPTION_PROXY doesn't have value relevant
// to auto proxy, because IE5 default to use auto proxy.
// PROXY_TYPE_DIRECT is always set because wininet
// return this flags whether inetcpl.cpl is set
// to use proxy or not.
ProxyList = AnsiToText((LPCSTR)ProxyInfo->lpszProxy); FixWininetList(ProxyList); ProxyOverride = AnsiToText((LPCSTR)ProxyInfo->lpszProxyBypass); FixWininetList(ProxyOverride); AutoDiscoveryFlags = 0; Captured = TRUE; }
if (Captured) { WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_ENABLE_OOBEPROXY, TEXT("1"), FileName );
if (ProxyList && QuoteString(&ProxyList)) { WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_PROXY_SERVER, ProxyList, FileName );
GlobalFree(ProxyList); }
// Fix the ProxyOverride to not have any "\r\n"s
if (ProxyOverride) { ReplaceSubStr(ProxyOverride, TEXT("\r\n"), TEXT(";")); }
if (ProxyOverride && QuoteString(&ProxyOverride)) { WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_PROXY_BYPASS, ProxyOverride, FileName ); GlobalFree(ProxyOverride); }
if (AutoConfigUrl && QuoteString(&AutoConfigUrl)) { WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_AUTOCONFIG_URL, AutoConfigUrl, FileName ); GlobalFree(AutoConfigUrl); }
if (AutoConfigUrl2 && QuoteString(&AutoConfigUrl2)) { WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_AUTOCONFIG_SECONDARY_URL, AutoConfigUrl2, FileName ); GlobalFree(AutoConfigUrl2); }
wsprintf(NumberStr, TEXT("%u"), ProxyFlags); WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_FLAGS, NumberStr, FileName );
wsprintf(NumberStr, TEXT("%u"), AutoDiscoveryFlags); WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_AUTODISCOVERY_FLAGS, NumberStr, FileName ); } else { WritePrivateProfileString( WINNT_OOBEPROXY, WINNT_O_ENABLE_OOBEPROXY, TEXT("0"), FileName ); }
#ifdef _X86_
BOOL IsDriveAssignNEC98( VOID ) { TCHAR sz95KeyName[] = TEXT("SOFTWARE\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion"); TCHAR sz95ValueName[] = TEXT("ATboot"); TCHAR szNTKeyName[] = TEXT("System\\setup"); TCHAR szNTValueName[] = TEXT("DriveLetter"); HKEY hKey; DWORD type95 = REG_BINARY; DWORD typeNT = REG_SZ; TCHAR szData[5]; DWORD dwSize = 5; DWORD rc;
if(ISNT()){ rc = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, szNTKeyName, 0, //ulOptions (reserved)
KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { return TRUE; } //
// Query key to get the subkey count and max string lengths
rc = RegQueryValueEx (hKey, szNTValueName, NULL, // lpReserved
&typeNT, (LPBYTE) szData, &dwSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hKey);
if (szData[0] != L'C'){ // NEC DOS Type.
return TRUE; } } else { // It will be Win9x
rc = RegOpenKeyEx (HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE, sz95KeyName, 0, //ulOptions (reserved)
KEY_READ, &hKey);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { return TRUE; } //
// Query key to get the subkey count and max string lengths
rc = RegQueryValueEx (hKey, sz95ValueName, NULL, // lpReserved
&type95, (LPBYTE) szData, &dwSize);
if (ERROR_SUCCESS != rc) { RegCloseKey(hKey); return TRUE; } RegCloseKey(hKey); if (szData[0] == 0){ // NEC DOS Type.
return TRUE; } } return FALSE; } #endif