Copyright (c) 1995-2000 Microsoft Corporation
Module Name:
Routines for displaying resource dialogs.
Paula Tomlinson (paulat) 7-Feb-1996
Revision History:
Jamie Hunter (jamiehun) 19-Mar-1998
#include "precomp.h"
#pragma hdrstop
// Private Prototypes
// Global Data
static INTERFACE_TYPE ResourcePickerReadOnlyInterfaces[] = { //
// List of interface-types that we don't want user to edit properties of
// End of list
InterfaceTypeUndefined };
static const BOOL ResTypeEditable[ResType_MAX+1] = { //
// lists resource types that are shown and are editable
FALSE, // ResType_None
TRUE, // ResType_Mem
TRUE, // ResType_IO
TRUE, // ResType_DMA
TRUE, // ResType_IRQ
FALSE, // ResType_DoNotUse
FALSE // ResType_BusNumber
#if (ResType_MAX+1) != 7
#error Fix SetupAPI devres.c, ResType_MAX has changed
// HELP ID's
static const DWORD DevResHelpIDs[]= { IDC_DEVRES_ICON, IDH_NOHELP, // "Low (%d)" (Static)
// HACKHACK (jamiehun)
// after we've changed UI from a MakeForced, we post this message to get back control of keyboard
#define WM_USER_FOCUS (WM_USER+101)
// API to obtain a resource-picker page
// private data
// anything we "do" here must be "undone" in pResourcePickerPropPageCallback
pdmData = (LPDMPROP_DATA)MyMalloc(sizeof(DMPROP_DATA)); if (pdmData == NULL) { return NULL; } ZeroMemory(pdmData,sizeof(DMPROP_DATA));
pdmData->hDevInfo = DeviceInfoSet; pdmData->lpdi = DeviceInfoData;
// validate expectations
MYASSERT(pdmData->hDevInfo != NULL); MYASSERT(pdmData->lpdi != NULL); MYASSERT(pdmData->lpdi->DevInst != 0);
// create the Resources Property Page
PropPage.dwSize = sizeof(PROPSHEETPAGE); PropPage.dwFlags = PSP_DEFAULT | PSP_USECALLBACK; PropPage.hInstance = MyDllModuleHandle; PropPage.pszTemplate = MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_DEF_DEVRESOURCE_PROP); PropPage.pszIcon = NULL; PropPage.pszTitle = NULL; PropPage.pfnDlgProc = pResourcePickerDlgProc; PropPage.lParam = (LPARAM)pdmData; PropPage.pfnCallback = pResourcePickerPropPageCallback; #ifdef _UNICODE
PropPage.dwFlags |= PSP_USEFUSIONCONTEXT; PropPage.hActCtx = NULL; #endif
return CreatePropertySheetPage(&PropPage);
} // GetResourceSelectionPage
// CreatePropertySheetPage - callback function
UINT CALLBACK pResourcePickerPropPageCallback( HWND hwnd, UINT uMsg, LPPROPSHEETPAGE ppsp ) /*++
Routine Description:
Callback to handle cleanup of the property sheet
Standard PropSheetPageProc arguments.
Return Value:
Standard PropSheetPageProc return.
--*/ { switch (uMsg) { //case PSPCB_ADDREF:
// break;
case PSPCB_CREATE: break;
// release the memory we've previously allocated, outside of the actual dialog
if (ppsp->lParam != 0) { LPDMPROP_DATA pdmData = (LPDMPROP_DATA)(ppsp->lParam);
MyFree(pdmData); } break; }
return TRUE;
// Main dialog proceedure
INT_PTR CALLBACK pResourcePickerDlgProc( HWND hDlg, UINT message, WPARAM wParam, LPARAM lParam )
Routine Description:
This routine provides the dialog box procedure for the main resource picker property page. MEMPHIS COMPATIBLE.
Standard dialog box procedure arguments.
Return Value:
Standard dialog box procedure return.
if (message == WM_INITDIALOG) { lpdmpd = (LPDMPROP_DATA)((LPPROPSHEETPAGE)lParam)->lParam; SetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER, (LPARAM)lpdmpd); } else { lpdmpd = (LPDMPROP_DATA)GetWindowLongPtr(hDlg, DWLP_USER); }
switch (message) {
// initialize
HICON hIcon = NULL; int iIcon = 0, iIndex = 0; ULONG ulSize; PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet; HMACHINE hMachine;
lpdmpd->himlResourceImages = NULL; lpdmpd->CurrentLC = 0; lpdmpd->CurrentLCType = 0; lpdmpd->MatchingLC = 0; lpdmpd->MatchingLCType = 0; lpdmpd->SelectedLC = 0; lpdmpd->SelectedLCType = 0; lpdmpd->hDlg = hDlg; lpdmpd->dwFlags = 0;
hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd);
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED; // Nothing to save yet
// NOTE: On Windows95, since lc info is in memory, they first
// call CM_Setup_DevNode with CM_SETUP_WRITE_LOG_CONFS flag so
// that in-memory lc data is flushed to the registry at this
// point.
// Init the Resource's image list.
lpdmpd->himlResourceImages = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXSMICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYSMICON), ILC_MASK, // | ILC_SHARED,
1, 1); //
// add icons to image list
for (iIcon = IDI_RESOURCEFIRST;iIcon < IDI_RESOURCELAST;++iIcon) { //
// resource icon
hIcon = LoadIcon(MyDllModuleHandle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(iIcon)); iIndex = ImageList_AddIcon(lpdmpd->himlResourceImages, hIcon); }
// overlay icon
hIcon = LoadIcon(MyDllModuleHandle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(iIcon)); iIndex = ImageList_AddIcon(lpdmpd->himlResourceImages, hIcon);
// Tag this icon as an overlay icon (the first index is an
// index into the image list (specifies the icon), the
// second index is just an index to assign to each mask
// (starting with 1).
ImageList_SetOverlayImage(lpdmpd->himlResourceImages, iIndex, iIcon-IDI_RESOURCEOVERLAYFIRST+1); }
if(pInitDevResourceDlg(lpdmpd)) { lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED; // need to save (prob because there was no config)
if (!(lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_NO_RESOURCES)) { pShowConflicts(lpdmpd); } if (GuiSetupInProgress) { //
// occasionally legacy devices cause resource-picker popup during setup
// we do this here instead of create prop sheet, since I don't trust
// people to cleanup on fail. At least here is less risky
// clean this up in WM_DESTROY
lpdmpd->hDialogEvent = CreateEvent(NULL,TRUE,FALSE,SETUP_HAS_OPEN_DIALOG_EVENT); if (lpdmpd->hDialogEvent) { SetEvent(lpdmpd->hDialogEvent); } } else { lpdmpd->hDialogEvent = NULL; } break; }
// cleanup
case WM_DESTROY: {
HICON hIcon; LOG_CONF LogConf; LONG nItems, n; HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); int Count, i;
// Clean up the ICON resource usage
if ((hIcon = (HICON)LOWORD(SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_ICON, STM_GETICON, 0, 0L)))) { DestroyIcon(hIcon); }
// free the LC handles that were saved in the combobox data
nItems = (LONG)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST, CB_GETCOUNT, 0, 0L);
for (n = 0; n < nItems ; n++) { LogConf = (LOG_CONF)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST, CB_GETITEMDATA, n, 0L); CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(LogConf); }
if (lpdmpd->CurrentLC != 0) { CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(lpdmpd->CurrentLC); }
ListView_DeleteAllItems(hList); // this will destroy all data
if (lpdmpd->himlResourceImages) { ImageList_Destroy(lpdmpd->himlResourceImages); }
if (lpdmpd->hDialogEvent) { //
// we were holding up setup, now let setup proceed
ResetEvent(lpdmpd->hDialogEvent); CloseHandle(lpdmpd->hDialogEvent); lpdmpd->hDialogEvent = NULL; } // MyFree(lpdmpd); - do this in pResourcePickerPropPageCallback instead
break; }
case WM_COMMAND: //
// old-style controls
switch(LOWORD(wParam)) { case IDC_DEVRES_USESYSSETTINGS: { //
// consider resource settings to have changed
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED; PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg);
if (IsDlgButtonChecked(hDlg, (int)wParam)) { //
// Revert back to allocated display, if any
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS; pSelectLogConf(lpdmpd,(LOG_CONF)0,ALLOC_LOG_CONF,TRUE); } else { //
// Allow editing
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS; } pShowUpdateEdit(lpdmpd); // update controls
break; }
// drop-down list action
switch (HIWORD(wParam)) { case CBN_SELENDOK: { ULONG ulIndex = 0; int iItem; LOG_CONF SelLC; HWND hwndLC = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST);
// If there is not a Log Config selected, then bail
iItem = (int)SendMessage(hwndLC, CB_GETCURSEL, 0, 0); if(iItem != CB_ERR) { SelLC = (LOG_CONF)SendMessage(hwndLC,CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)iItem,(LPARAM)0); } else { SelLC = (LOG_CONF)0; } if(SelLC != lpdmpd->SelectedLC) { pSelectLogConf(lpdmpd,SelLC,lpdmpd->ConfigListLCType,FALSE); } //
// I prob don't need this here, but I'm playing safe!
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED; break; } } break; }
// change selected setting
pChangeCurrentResSetting(lpdmpd); break; }
// possibly allow editing (after we've shown message)
// when we get here, always show a configuration
if(lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_FORCEDONLY) { lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED; // need to save
} pShowViewAllEdit(lpdmpd); //
// select in the first available config to edit
// ensure we have reasonable focus for accessability
default: break; } break;
case WM_USER_FOCUS: //
// change focus to DlgItem wParam
SetFocus(GetDlgItem(hDlg,(int)wParam)); return TRUE;
case WM_NOTIFY: { //
// new controls & property codes
NMHDR * pHdr = (NMHDR*)lParam;
switch (pHdr->code) {
HICON hIcon = NULL, hOldIcon = NULL; TCHAR szString[MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulSize = 0; HMACHINE hMachine;
hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd);
// Set the ICON and device description
if (SetupDiLoadClassIcon(&lpdmpd->lpdi->ClassGuid, &hIcon, NULL)) {
if ((hOldIcon = (HICON)LOWORD(SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_ICON, STM_SETICON, (WPARAM)hIcon, 0L)))) { DestroyIcon(hOldIcon); } }
// First try to get the device's friendly name, then fall back to its description,
// and finally, use the "Unknown Device" description.
ulSize = MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); if (CM_Get_DevInst_Registry_Property_Ex(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, CM_DRP_FRIENDLYNAME, NULL, (LPBYTE)szString, &ulSize, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) {
ulSize = MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); if (CM_Get_DevInst_Registry_Property_Ex(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, (LPBYTE)szString, &ulSize, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) {
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVNAME_UNK, szString, MAX_PATH); } } SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_DEVDESC, szString); break; }
case PSN_APPLY: { BOOL bRet = FALSE; //
// If there were Changes and they haven't been saved,
// then save them.
// consider some special cases as "haven't been saved"
if((lpdmpd->CurrentLC == 0) && (lpdmpd->dwFlags&DMPROP_FLAG_FIXEDCONFIG)) { lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED; }
switch(pOkToSave(lpdmpd)) { case IDNO: //
// proceed without saving
bRet = TRUE; break; case IDCANCEL: //
// don't proceed
bRet = FALSE; break; case IDYES: //
// proceed and save
bRet = pSaveDevResSettings(lpdmpd); #if 0
if (bRet) { if ((lpdmpd->lpdi)->Flags & DI_NEEDREBOOT) { PropSheet_RebootSystem(GetParent(hDlg)); } else if ((lpdmpd->lpdi)->Flags & DI_NEEDRESTART) { PropSheet_RestartWindows(GetParent(hDlg)); } #endif
if (bRet) { //
// This page doesn't support roll-back, if we saved
// something then we're committed, disable the cancel
// botton.
PropSheet_CancelToClose(GetParent(hDlg)); } break; default: MYASSERT(FALSE /* pOkToSave returned invalid value */); bRet = FALSE; break; }
case LVN_DELETEALLITEMS: if (pHdr->idFrom == IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST) { return FALSE; // we want LVN_DELETEITEM messages
} break;
// when an item is deleted, destroy associated data
if (pItemData->MatchingResDes) { CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(pItemData->MatchingResDes); } MyFree(pItemData); } break; } EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), FALSE); break;
// If the item change is comming from the resource
// list, and there is a logconfig to be edited:
if (pHdr->idFrom == IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST) { //
// see if we should enable resource change
pCheckEnableResourceChange(lpdmpd); } break;
case NM_DBLCLK: //
// If the double click is from the SETTINGS list
// AND the DEVRES_CHANGE button is enabled, then
// allow the change.
if (pHdr->idFrom == IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST) { //
// this routine should check that we can change settings
pChangeCurrentResSetting(lpdmpd); } break; } break; }
HWND hChildWnd = GetWindow(hDlg, GW_CHILD);
while (hChildWnd != NULL) { SendMessage(hChildWnd, WM_SYSCOLORCHANGE, wParam, lParam); hChildWnd = GetWindow(hChildWnd, GW_HWNDNEXT); } break; }
case WM_HELP: // F1
WinHelp(((LPHELPINFO)lParam)->hItemHandle, DEVRES_HELP, HELP_WM_HELP, (ULONG_PTR)DevResHelpIDs); break;
case WM_CONTEXTMENU: // right mouse click
return FALSE;
// Helper functions
HMACHINE pGetMachine( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Retrieve Machine Handle
lpdmpd - Property Data
Return Value:
--*/ { HMACHINE hMachine; PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet;
if(!(pDeviceInfoSet = AccessDeviceInfoSet(lpdmpd->hDevInfo))) { return NULL; } hMachine = pDeviceInfoSet->hMachine; UnlockDeviceInfoSet(pDeviceInfoSet); return hMachine; }
BOOL pInitDevResourceDlg( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
This routine intializes the main resource picker property page. MEMPHIS COMPATIBLE.
Return Value:
TRUE if "not saved"
{ HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; BOOL bHasCurrent = FALSE; BOOL bShowCurrent = FALSE; BOOL bHasForced = FALSE; BOOL bNoForcedConfig = FALSE; BOOL bNeedsForcedConfig = FALSE; BOOL bHasConfigList = FALSE; LV_COLUMN LvCol; HWND hWndList = NULL; TCHAR szString[MAX_PATH], szTemp[MAX_PATH], szConfigType[MAX_PATH], szConfig[MAX_PATH]; ULONG ulIndex = 0, ulSize = 0, DevStatus = 0, DevProblem = 0; DWORD BusType = (DWORD)(-1); LOG_CONF LogConf; DWORD dwPriority = 0; WORD wItem; ULONG ConfigFlags; HMACHINE hMachine = NULL; PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet; int iIndex; BOOL bHasPrivs = FALSE; //
// Set initial control states
// determine priv token
// security checks are visual only
// real security checks are done in umpnpmgr
bHasPrivs = pSetupDoesUserHavePrivilege(SE_LOAD_DRIVER_NAME);
hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd);
// retrieves current configuration, if any
bHasCurrent = pGetCurrentConfig(lpdmpd);
// We sometimes get called to show this page even if the device
// doesn't consume any resources. Check for that case and if so, just
// display an informational message and disable everything else.
if (!pDevRequiresResources(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst,hMachine)) {
// This device has no resources
pShowViewNoResources(lpdmpd); lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_NO_RESOURCES; goto Final; }
// Initialize the ListView control
hWndList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); LvCol.mask = LVCF_TEXT;
if (LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_RESOURCETYPE, szString, MAX_PATH)) { LvCol.pszText = (LPTSTR)szString; ListView_InsertColumn(hWndList, 0, (LV_COLUMN FAR *)&LvCol); }
if (LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_RESOURCESETTING, szString, MAX_PATH)) { LvCol.pszText = (LPTSTR)szString; ListView_InsertColumn(hWndList, 1, (LV_COLUMN FAR *)&LvCol); }
ListView_SetImageList(hWndList,lpdmpd->himlResourceImages, LVSIL_SMALL); //
// Get DevStatus & DevProblem here, we may use this info further down
if (CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex(&DevStatus, &DevProblem, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { //
// we should never get here, show this as a problem
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_HASPROBLEM; } else if (DevStatus & DN_HAS_PROBLEM) { //
// cache problem flag away
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_HASPROBLEM; } else if (DevStatus & DN_PRIVATE_PROBLEM) { //
// driver indicates problem
// for now, do same as above
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_HASPROBLEM; }
if (bIsMultiFunctionChild(lpdmpd->lpdi,hMachine)) { //
// If this is a MultiFunction Child, disable all change controls, put up
// special text, and show the alloc config
pShowViewMFReadOnly(lpdmpd,FALSE); goto Final; }
// begin with read-only view, assuming settings are system
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, FORCED_LOG_CONF, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// the user currently has a forced config
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS; bHasForced = TRUE; }
bShowCurrent = pShowViewReadOnly(lpdmpd,bHasPrivs); if (!bHasPrivs || hMachine) { //
// if we don't have enough priv's
// or we're displaying resources of a remote machine
// bottle out here
// we'll either be displaying current resources
// or displaying a problem
goto Final; } if(!bHasForced) { //
// Check bus we're using
// to see if it's one of the read-only displays
ulSize = sizeof(BusType); if (CM_Get_DevInst_Registry_Property_Ex(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, CM_DRP_LEGACYBUSTYPE, NULL, (LPBYTE)&BusType, &ulSize, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { BusType = (DWORD)InterfaceTypeUndefined; }
if (BusType != (DWORD)InterfaceTypeUndefined) { int InterfaceItem;
for(InterfaceItem = 0; ResourcePickerReadOnlyInterfaces[InterfaceItem] != InterfaceTypeUndefined; InterfaceItem++) { if (BusType == (DWORD)ResourcePickerReadOnlyInterfaces[InterfaceItem]) { //
// Bus is one that we do not allow forced configs
// we can skip all the funky code below
// this is a good thing for 64-bit PCI
goto Final; } } } }
// Retrieve alternate configurations for this device
if (bHasCurrent) { //
// Current config (if any) is indicated with zero handle
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_CURRENTCONFIG, szString, MAX_PATH);
// now fill in alternate configurations
// override preferred over basic (in that order)
// don't use Filtered, filtered might remove configs that require reboot
// but they are fine to have here
if(CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&LogConf,lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst,OVERRIDE_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { lpdmpd->ConfigListLCType = OVERRIDE_LOG_CONF; LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_OVERRIDECONFIG, szConfigType, MAX_PATH); bHasConfigList = TRUE; } else if(CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&LogConf,lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst,BASIC_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { lpdmpd->ConfigListLCType = BASIC_LOG_CONF; LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_BASICCONFIG, szConfigType, MAX_PATH); bHasConfigList = TRUE; } else { //
// If there are no alternate configs, we cannot allow a forced config
bNoForcedConfig = TRUE; // cannot force
bHasConfigList = FALSE; lpdmpd->ConfigListLCType = BASIC_LOG_CONF; lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_SINGLE_CONFIG; } if(bHasConfigList) {
ulIndex = 0; if (!pConfigHasNoAlternates(lpdmpd,LogConf)) { //
// first configuration has more than one alternative
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_SINGLE_CONFIG; } else { //
// begin with the assumption there is a single fixed 'basic' config
// we will generally be proved wrong
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_SINGLE_CONFIG; }
while (Status == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// Add this config to the Combobox
wsprintf(szTemp, TEXT("%s %04u"), szConfigType, ulIndex);
// Save the log config handle as the item data in the combobox
// Get the next config
Status = CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex(&LogConf, LogConf, 0,hMachine); ulIndex++; }
if (ulIndex > 1) { //
// there is more than one config
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_SINGLE_CONFIG; }
if (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_SINGLE_CONFIG) { bNoForcedConfig = TRUE; }
if (bHasCurrent) { //
// try to find a matching LC now, and if we could find one,
// re-load current display (this applies editable ranges to the resources)
if(pFindMatchingAllocConfig(lpdmpd)) { pLoadCurrentConfig(lpdmpd,TRUE); } } } else { } //
// Get ConfigFlags here, we may use this info further down
ulSize = sizeof(ConfigFlags); if (CM_Get_DevInst_Registry_Property_Ex(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, CM_DRP_CONFIGFLAGS, NULL, (LPBYTE)&ConfigFlags, &ulSize, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { ConfigFlags = 0; } if (ConfigFlags & CONFIGFLAG_NEEDS_FORCED_CONFIG) { //
// registry says that we need a forced config
// registry can only say this to us once
bNeedsForcedConfig = TRUE; ConfigFlags &= ~CONFIGFLAG_NEEDS_FORCED_CONFIG; CM_Set_DevInst_Registry_Property_Ex(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, CM_DRP_CONFIGFLAGS, (LPBYTE)&ConfigFlags, sizeof(ConfigFlags), 0, hMachine); }
// determine if it can be software-config'd or not
// we need to do this prior to any initial display
dwPriority = pGetMinLCPriority(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, lpdmpd->ConfigListLCType,hMachine); if (dwPriority < LCPRI_HARDRECONFIG) { //
// doesn't need to be manually configured
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_FORCEDONLY; } else { //
// this cannot be software config'd
// FORCEDONLY & bNoForcedConfig is a quandry, shouldn't happen
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_FORCEDONLY; if(!bHasConfigList) { MYASSERT(bHasConfigList); } else { MYASSERT(!bNoForcedConfig); bNoForcedConfig = FALSE; } }
// Try to determine initial display
// we've already covered pShowViewNoResources (no actual or potential configs)
// and pShowViewMFReadOnly (it's a multi-function device)
// we're currently showing as pShowViewReadOnly
// some cases....
// (1) show forced config, don't allow auto-config (config flags say requires forced)
// (2) show forced config, allow auto-config
// (3) don't show any config, but maybe show a forced-config button
// (4) auto-config, don't allow forced config
// (5) show auto-config, allow forced-config
if (bNeedsForcedConfig) { if (!bHasConfigList) { MYASSERT(bHasConfigList); bNeedsForcedConfig = FALSE; } else { MYASSERT(!bNoForcedConfig); bNoForcedConfig = FALSE; if (bHasForced) { //
// already got one, but we'll go through the motions
// we'll show what we have, allow user to change it
// but we wont needlessly save it
bNeedsForcedConfig = FALSE; } //
// caller said that device must have forced config, so go immediately there
// = case (1) unless we've otherwise said we cannot have a forced config
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_FORCEDONLY; pSelectLogConf(lpdmpd,(LOG_CONF)0,ALLOC_LOG_CONF,TRUE); pShowViewAllEdit(lpdmpd); goto Final; } } if ((!bShowCurrent) || (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_HASPROBLEM)) { //
// determine between pShowViewNoAlloc and pShowViewNeedForced
if (bNoForcedConfig) { //
// there is a problem - device doesn't currently have a current configuration
// but we don't have the option of letting them set forced config
// so this ends up display only (tough-luck scenario)
// if there are current resources, show them
pShowViewReadOnly(lpdmpd,FALSE); } else { //
// we show the problem and we give the user
// an option to force config
pShowViewNeedForced(lpdmpd); } goto Final; } if (!bHasConfigList) { //
// If we have a current config, but no basic configs, we just display what we have
// and don't give option to edit
pShowViewReadOnly(lpdmpd,FALSE); goto Final; } if ((lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS) && bNoForcedConfig) { //
// we can't force a bNoForcedConfig item - display only
pShowViewReadOnly(lpdmpd,FALSE); goto Final; } //
// we already have and will be displaying a current config
pShowViewAllEdit(lpdmpd); bNeedsForcedConfig = (BOOL)!bHasCurrent; // rarely, if ever, will this return TRUE
return bNeedsForcedConfig;
} // InitDevResourceDlg
PITEMDATA pGetResourceToChange( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, OUT int *pCur ) /*++
Routine Description:
Gets resource to change NULL if we cannot change resource
lpdmpd = dialog data pCur = (out) index
Return Value:
PITEMDATA saved for selected resource
--*/ { HWND hList = GetDlgItem(lpdmpd->hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); PITEMDATA pItemData = NULL; int iCur;
// first check the obvious
if (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_VIEWONLYRES) { //
// no editing allowed
return NULL; } if (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS) { //
// showing system settings
return NULL; }
// Check if there is a selected item.
// If yes, then activate the change button
// if the LC allows editing.
iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList,-1, LVNI_SELECTED); if (iCur == LB_ERR) { //
// no selection
return NULL; } pItemData = (PITEMDATA)pGetListViewItemData(hList, iCur, 0); if (pItemData == NULL) { //
// shouldn't happen
MYASSERT(pItemData); return NULL; } if (pItemData->bFixed) { //
// this is an un-editable setting
return NULL; } if (pItemData->MatchingResDes == (RES_DES)0) { //
// should be caught by bFixed
MYASSERT(pItemData->MatchingResDes != (RES_DES)0); return NULL; } //
// we're happy
if (pCur) { *pCur = iCur; } return pItemData; }
VOID pCheckEnableResourceChange( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
enables/disable change button
Return Value:
--*/ { #if 0 // this seems to confuse people
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(lpdmpd->hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), pGetResourceToChange(lpdmpd,NULL)!=NULL); #endif // 0
// show this button enabled if we are in EDIT mode
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(lpdmpd->hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_VIEWONLYRES)==0 && (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS)==0); }
BOOL pDevHasConfig( DEVINST DevInst, ULONG ulConfigType, HMACHINE hMachine )
Routine Description:
This routine determines whether a log config of the specified type exists for this device instance. MEMPHIS COMPATIBLE.
DevInst Device instance to query log configs for.
ulConfigType Specifies the type of log conf to check for the presense of.
Return Value:
TRUE if the device has a config of that type and FALSE if it does not.
{ BOOL bRet = (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, DevInst, ulConfigType,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS); return bRet;
} // DevHasConfig
DWORD pGetMinLCPriority( IN DEVINST DevInst, IN ULONG ulConfigType, IN HMACHINE hMachine )
Routine Description:
This routine returns the minimum priority value of all log confs of the specified type for this device. MEMPHIS COMPATIBLE.
DevInst Device instance to query log configs for.
ulConfigType Specifies the type of log conf.
Return Value:
Returns the minimum priority value found or LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG if no priorities are found.
{ CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; ULONG priority, minPriority = MAX_LCPRI; LOG_CONF LogConf, tempLC; BOOL FoundOneLogConfWithPriority = FALSE;
// Walk through each log conf of this type for this device and
// save the smallest value.
Status = CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&LogConf, DevInst, ulConfigType,hMachine); while (Status == CR_SUCCESS) {
if (CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority_Ex(LogConf, &priority, 0,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { FoundOneLogConfWithPriority = TRUE; minPriority = min(minPriority, priority); }
tempLC = LogConf; Status = CM_Get_Next_Log_Conf_Ex(&LogConf, LogConf, 0,hMachine); CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(tempLC); }
if(FoundOneLogConfWithPriority) { return minPriority; } else { //
// None of the LogConfigs had an associated priority. This is common on
// NT, because the bus drivers don't specify ConfigMgr-style priorities
// when responding to IRQ_MN_QUERY_RESOURCE_REQUIREMENTS. Since these
// cases are all PnP bus drivers, however, it is most correct to specify
// these LogConfigs as soft-settable.
} // GetMinLCPriority
BOOL pDevRequiresResources( DEVINST DevInst, HMACHINE hMachine ) { if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, DevInst, BASIC_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, DevInst, FILTERED_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, DevInst, OVERRIDE_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, DevInst, FORCED_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, DevInst, BOOT_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(NULL, DevInst, ALLOC_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { return TRUE; }
return FALSE;
} // DevRequiresResources
BOOL pGetCurrentConfig( IN OUT LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd )
Routine Description:
This routine determines the current known configuration current configs are either forced, alloc or boot configs.
lpdmpd Property data.
Return Value:
TRUE if we set the current config
{ PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet; HMACHINE hMachine; ULONG Status; ULONG Problem;
MYASSERT(lpdmpd!=NULL); MYASSERT(lpdmpd->lpdi!=NULL); MYASSERT(lpdmpd->CurrentLC==0); MYASSERT(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst!=0);
if (lpdmpd==NULL || lpdmpd->lpdi==NULL || lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst==0) { return FALSE; }
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_DISPLAY_MASK;
if(!(pDeviceInfoSet = AccessDeviceInfoSet(lpdmpd->hDevInfo))) { return FALSE; }
hMachine = pDeviceInfoSet->hMachine;
UnlockDeviceInfoSet (pDeviceInfoSet);
if (CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex(&Status, &Problem, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { Problem = 0; Status = 0; } else if((Status & DN_HAS_PROBLEM)==0) { //
// If this device is running, does this devinst have a ALLOC log config?
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&lpdmpd->CurrentLC, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, ALLOC_LOG_CONF, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) {
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_DISPLAY_ALLOC; lpdmpd->CurrentLCType = ALLOC_LOG_CONF; return TRUE; } } //
// If no config so far, does it have a FORCED log config?
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&lpdmpd->CurrentLC, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, FORCED_LOG_CONF, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) {
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_DISPLAY_FORCED; lpdmpd->CurrentLCType = FORCED_LOG_CONF; return TRUE; }
// if there's a hardware-disabled problem, boot-config isn't valid
if(((Status & DN_HAS_PROBLEM)==0) || (Problem != CM_PROB_HARDWARE_DISABLED)) { //
// Does it have a BOOT log config?
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&lpdmpd->CurrentLC, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, BOOT_LOG_CONF, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) {
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_DISPLAY_BOOT; lpdmpd->CurrentLCType = BOOT_LOG_CONF; return TRUE; } }
return FALSE; }
void pGetHdrValues( IN LPBYTE pData, IN RESOURCEID ResType, OUT PULONG64 pulValue, OUT PULONG64 pulLen, OUT PULONG64 pulEnd, OUT PULONG pulFlags ) { switch (ResType) {
case ResType_Mem: {
*pulValue = pMemData->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_Base; *pulLen = (pMemData->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_End - pMemData->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_Base + 1); *pulEnd = pMemData->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_End; *pulFlags = pMemData->MEM_Header.MD_Flags; break; }
case ResType_IO: {
*pulValue = pIoData->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base; *pulLen = (pIoData->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_End - pIoData->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base + 1); *pulEnd = pIoData->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_End; *pulFlags = pIoData->IO_Header.IOD_DesFlags; break; }
case ResType_DMA: {
*pulValue = pDmaData->DMA_Header.DD_Alloc_Chan; *pulLen = 1; *pulEnd = *pulValue; *pulFlags = pDmaData->DMA_Header.DD_Flags; break; }
case ResType_IRQ: {
*pulValue = pIrqData->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Alloc_Num; *pulLen = 1; *pulEnd = *pulValue; *pulFlags = pIrqData->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Flags; break; } }
if(*pulEnd < *pulValue) { //
// filter out bad/zero-length range
*pulLen = 0; }
} // GetHdrValues
// keep local copies
// we transfer to parameters at end
ULONG64 ulValue; ULONG64 ulLen; ULONG64 ulEnd; ULONG64 ulAlign; ULONG ulFlags;
switch (ResType) {
case ResType_Mem: {
ulValue = pMemData->MEM_Data[ulIndex].MR_Min; ulLen = pMemData->MEM_Data[ulIndex].MR_nBytes; ulEnd = pMemData->MEM_Data[ulIndex].MR_Max; ulFlags = pMemData->MEM_Data[ulIndex].MR_Flags; ulAlign = pMemData->MEM_Data[ulIndex].MR_Align; break; }
case ResType_IO: {
ulValue = pIoData->IO_Data[ulIndex].IOR_Min; ulLen = pIoData->IO_Data[ulIndex].IOR_nPorts; ulEnd = pIoData->IO_Data[ulIndex].IOR_Max; ulFlags = pIoData->IO_Data[ulIndex].IOR_RangeFlags; ulAlign = pIoData->IO_Data[ulIndex].IOR_Align; break; }
case ResType_DMA: {
ulValue = pDmaData->DMA_Data[ulIndex].DR_Min; ulLen = 1; ulEnd = ulValue; ulFlags = pDmaData->DMA_Data[ulIndex].DR_Flags; ulAlign = 1; break; }
case ResType_IRQ: {
ulValue = pIrqData->IRQ_Data[ulIndex].IRQR_Min; ulLen = 1; ulEnd = ulValue; ulFlags = pIrqData->IRQ_Data[ulIndex].IRQR_Flags; ulAlign = 1; break; } }
if(ulEnd < ulValue) { //
// filter out bad/zero-length range
ulLen = 0; }
pAlignValues(&ulValue, ulValue, ulLen, ulEnd, ulAlign,1);
// copy return parameters
if (pulValue) { *pulValue = ulValue; } if (pulLen) { *pulLen = ulLen; } if (pulEnd) { *pulEnd = ulEnd; } if (pulAlign) { *pulAlign = ulAlign; } if (pulFlags) { *pulFlags = ulFlags; }
BOOL pAlignValues( IN OUT PULONG64 pulValue, IN ULONG64 ulStart, IN ULONG64 ulLen, IN ULONG64 ulEnd, IN ULONG64 ulAlignment, IN int Increment ) { ULONG64 NtAlign = ~ulAlignment + 1; // convert from mask to modulus
ULONG64 Value; ULONG64 Upp; ULONG64 Remainder;
Value = *pulValue;
if (NtAlign == 0) { return FALSE; // bogus alignment value
if (NtAlign != 1 && Increment != 0) { //
// see if we are aligned
Remainder = Value % NtAlign;
if (Remainder != 0) { //
// need to re-align
if (Increment>0) { //
// Return the first valid aligned value greater than this value
Value += NtAlign - Remainder;
if (Value <= *pulValue) { //
// overflow detected
return FALSE; }
} else { //
// Return the first valid aligned value less than this value
Value -= Remainder; //
// we never overflow going down, since zero is a common denominator
// of alignment
} }
// now check boundaries
if (Value < ulStart) { return FALSE; }
Upp = Value+ulLen-1; if (Upp < Value) { //
// catch overflow error
return FALSE; } if (Upp > ulEnd) { return FALSE; }
// set newly aligned value
*pulValue = Value;
return TRUE;
void pFormatResString( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, LPTSTR lpszString, ULONG64 ulVal, ULONG64 ulLen, RESOURCEID ResType ) { if (ulLen == 0) { wsprintf(lpszString, szNoValue); } else if ((ResType == ResType_DMA) || (ResType == ResType_IRQ)) { wsprintf(lpszString, szOneDecNoConflict, (UINT)ulVal); } else if (ResType == ResType_IO) { wsprintf(lpszString, szTwoWordHexNoConflict, (ULONG)ulVal, (ULONG)(ulVal + ulLen - 1)); } else if ((ulVal+(ulLen-1)) >= 0x100000000) { //
// NTRAID # 712013 - this needs to be improved
wsprintf(lpszString, szTwo64bitHexNoConflict, (ULONG64)ulVal, (ULONG64)(ulVal + ulLen - 1)); } else { wsprintf(lpszString, szTwoDWordHexNoConflict, (ULONG)ulVal, (ULONG)(ulVal + ulLen - 1)); }
BOOL pUnFormatResString( LPTSTR lpszString, PULONG64 pulVal, PULONG64 pulEnd, RESOURCEID ridResType ) { BOOL bRet = FALSE; LPTSTR lpszTemp = NULL; LPTSTR lpszTemp2 = NULL; LPTSTR lpszCopy;
// ISSUE-2000/02/03 Fix pUnFormatResString bugs
// - extend this to handling DWORDLONG values
// - use correct Prev/Next functions for parsing string
// Allocate space for, and make a copy of the input string
lpszCopy = MyMalloc((lstrlen(lpszString)+1) * sizeof(TCHAR));
if (lpszCopy == NULL) { return FALSE; }
lstrcpy(lpszCopy, lpszString);
// Locate the dash if there is one, and convert the white space prev to
// the dash to a NULL. (ie 0200 - 0400 while be 0200)
lpszTemp = lpszCopy; while ((*lpszTemp != '-') && (*lpszTemp != '\0')) { lpszTemp++; // AnsiNext?
if (*lpszTemp != '\0') { lpszTemp2 = lpszTemp-1; ++lpszTemp; }
// Search back to set the NULL for the Value
if (lpszTemp2 != NULL) { while ((*lpszTemp2 == ' ') || (*lpszTemp2 == '\t')) lpszTemp2--; // AnsiPrev?
*(lpszTemp2+1)= '\0'; }
// Convert the first entry
if (pConvertEditText(lpszCopy, pulVal, ridResType)) { //
// If there is a second entry, convert it, otherwise assume a length
// of one.
if (*lpszTemp != '\0') { if (pConvertEditText(lpszTemp, pulEnd,ridResType)) { bRet = TRUE; } } else { *pulEnd = *pulVal; bRet = TRUE; } }
MyFree(lpszCopy); return bRet;
BOOL pConvertEditText( LPTSTR lpszConvert, PULONG64 pulVal, RESOURCEID ridResType ) { LPTSTR lpConvert;
if ((ridResType == ResType_Mem) || (ridResType == ResType_IO)) { *pulVal = _tcstoul(lpszConvert, &lpConvert, (WORD)16); } else { *pulVal = _tcstoul(lpszConvert, &lpConvert, (WORD)10); }
if (lpConvert == lpszConvert+lstrlen(lpszConvert)) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; }
} // ConvertEditText
void pWarnResSettingNotEditable( HWND hDlg, WORD idWarning ) { TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMessage[MAX_PATH * 2];
// Give some warning Messages. If there is no logconfig,
// then we cannot edit any settings, if there is, then
// just the setting they are choosing is not editable.
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVRES_NOMODIFYTITLE, szTitle, MAX_PATH); LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, idWarning, szMessage, MAX_PATH * 2); MessageBox(hDlg, szMessage, szTitle, MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
} // WarnResSettingsNotEditable
int pWarnNoSave( HWND hDlg, WORD idWarning ) /*++
Routine Description:
Warn that the settings will not be saved
Return Value:
IDCANCEL = don't proceed IDOK/IDYES/IDNO = proceed without saving
--*/ { TCHAR szTitle[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szMessage[MAX_PATH * 2]; int res;
// Give a warning message of why we can't save settings
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_MAKE_FORCED_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_PATH); LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, idWarning, szMessage, MAX_PATH * 2);
//res = MessageBox(hDlg, szMessage, szTitle, MB_OKCANCEL | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION);
//return res;
res = MessageBox(hDlg, szMessage, szTitle, MB_OK | MB_TASKMODAL | MB_ICONEXCLAMATION); return IDCANCEL; }
LPVOID pGetListViewItemData( HWND hList, int iItem, int iSubItem ) { LV_ITEM lviItem;
lviItem.mask = LVIF_PARAM; lviItem.iItem = iItem; lviItem.iSubItem = iSubItem;
if (ListView_GetItem(hList, &lviItem)) { return (LPVOID)lviItem.lParam; } else { return NULL; }
} // GetListViewItemData
BOOL pSaveDevResSettings( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd )
Routine Description:
This routine saves the resources based on the users selections. MEMPHIS COMPATIBLE.
lpdmpd Property data.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the function succeeded and FALSE if it failed.
{ HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST);
CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; LOG_CONF ForcedLogConf; RES_DES ResDes, ResDesTemp, ResDes1; RESOURCEID ResType; ULONG ulSize = 0, ulCount = 0, i = 0, iCur = 0; LPBYTE pData = NULL; PITEMDATA pItemData = NULL; BOOL bRet = TRUE; SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS PropChangeParams; HMACHINE hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd);
if ((lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS)!=0) {
// If the user checked the "Use Automatic Settings" checkbox, then
// delete any Boot/Forced configs, otherwise write the current settings
// as a forced config.
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&ForcedLogConf, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, FORCED_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex(ForcedLogConf, 0,hMachine); CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(ForcedLogConf); }
// Let the helper modules (class installer/co-installers) get in on the act...
PropChangeParams.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); PropChangeParams.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;
PropChangeParams.StateChange = DICS_PROPCHANGE; PropChangeParams.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL; // no need to set PropChangeParams.HwProfile, since this is a global property change.
DoInstallActionWithParams(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE, lpdmpd->hDevInfo, lpdmpd->lpdi, (PSP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER)&PropChangeParams, sizeof(PropChangeParams), INSTALLACTION_CALL_CI ); } else {
// The Use Automatic Settings is not selected.
bRet = pSaveCustomResSettings(lpdmpd,hMachine); }
return bRet; }
BOOL pSaveCustomResSettings( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, IN HMACHINE hMachine )
Routine Description:
This routine saves custom (user edited) resources. MEMPHIS COMPATIBLE but extracted from Memphis version of SaveDevResSetting().
lpdmpd Property data.
Return Value:
Returns TRUE if the function succeeded and FALSE if it failed.
{ HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg;
TCHAR szWarn[MAX_MSG_LEN]; TCHAR szTitle[MAX_MSG_LEN]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_MSG_LEN]; DWORD dwPriority, dwLCPri; LOG_CONF ForcedLogConf; RES_DES ResDes; HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); PITEMDATA pItemData = NULL; LONG iCur; BOOL bRet = FALSE; SP_PROPCHANGE_PARAMS PropChangeParams; DWORD HardReconfigFlag; SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS DevInstallParams; PRESDES_ENTRY pResList = NULL, pResDesEntry = NULL, pTemp = NULL; PITEMDATA_LISTNODE ItemDataList = NULL, ItemDataListEntry, ItemDataListEnd = NULL; PGENERIC_RESOURCE pGenRes; ULONG i, ulFlags; ULONG64 ulValue, ulLen, ulEnd; LOG_CONF LogConf; ULONG ulSize; ULONG ulConfigFlags; HCURSOR hOldCursor; BOOL UsingMatch = FALSE;
LogConf = lpdmpd->SelectedLC; if (LogConf == 0) { LogConf = lpdmpd->MatchingLC; UsingMatch = TRUE; } if (LogConf == 0) { LogConf = lpdmpd->CurrentLC; UsingMatch = FALSE; } if (LogConf == 0) { //MYASSERT(FALSE);
return FALSE; } //
// form the "warning - do you want to continue" message
if(!LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_MAKE_FORCED_TITLE, szTitle, MAX_MSG_LEN)) { szTitle[0]=TEXT('\0'); } if(!LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_FORCEDCONFIG_WARN1, szWarn, MAX_MSG_LEN)) { szWarn[0]=TEXT('\0'); } if(LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_FORCEDCONFIG_WARN2, szTemp, MAX_MSG_LEN)) { lstrcat(szWarn, szTemp); } if(LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_FORCEDCONFIG_WARN3, szTemp, MAX_MSG_LEN)) { lstrcat(szWarn, szTemp); } if(LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_FORCEDCONFIG_WARN4, szTemp, MAX_MSG_LEN)) { lstrcat(szWarn, szTemp); }
// If the LCPRI is soft configurable, and the user chooses YES to the
// warning, then save the new config. If the LCPRI is not soft
// configurable, just save with no warning
dwLCPri = pGetMinLCPriority(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, lpdmpd->ConfigListLCType,hMachine);
if (((dwLCPri >= LCPRI_DESIRED) && (dwLCPri <= LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG)) && (MessageBox(hDlg, szWarn, szTitle, MB_YESNO|MB_ICONEXCLAMATION) == IDNO)) { //
// user doesn't want to change anything
bRet = FALSE;
} else { //
// We're still using the selected basic LC, but use the range index
// embedded in the listview control
// ISSUE-2000/02/03-JamieHun Selected Basic LC, check if user overrode
// Need to check the value to see if a user overrode it (is this possible?)
bRet = TRUE;
if (CM_Get_First_Log_Conf_Ex(&ForcedLogConf, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, FORCED_LOG_CONF,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { CM_Free_Log_Conf_Ex(ForcedLogConf, 0,hMachine); CM_Free_Log_Conf_Handle(ForcedLogConf); }
// Save the current choices as the forced config
CM_Add_Empty_Log_Conf_Ex(&ForcedLogConf, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, LCPRI_FORCECONFIG, FORCED_LOG_CONF | PRIORITY_EQUAL_FIRST,hMachine);
pGetResDesDataList(LogConf, &pResList, FALSE,hMachine); pResDesEntry = pResList;
if (UsingMatch && (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_MATCH_OUT_OF_ORDER)) { //
// The resource descriptors are out-of-order. Maintain the original ordering.
// First, build up a linked list of the data in the listview resource items.
iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList, -1, LVNI_ALL);
while (iCur != -1) {
pItemData = (PITEMDATA)pGetListViewItemData(hList, iCur, 0); if (pItemData) { //
// Allocate an item data list node for this data.
ItemDataListEntry = MyMalloc(sizeof(ITEMDATA_LISTNODE)); if (!ItemDataListEntry) { bRet = FALSE; goto clean0; }
ItemDataListEntry->ItemData = pItemData; ItemDataListEntry->Next = NULL;
// Append this new item to the end of our list.
if (ItemDataListEnd) { ItemDataListEnd->Next = ItemDataListEntry; } else { ItemDataList = ItemDataListEntry; } ItemDataListEnd = ItemDataListEntry; }
iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList, iCur, LVNI_ALL); }
// Now loop through each resdes entry, writing each one out. For each one, check
// to see if it has a corresponding entry in our listview item data list.
while (pResDesEntry) { pGenRes = (PGENERIC_RESOURCE)pResDesEntry->ResDesData;
for(ItemDataListEntry = ItemDataList, ItemDataListEnd = NULL; ItemDataListEntry; ItemDataListEnd = ItemDataListEntry, ItemDataListEntry = ItemDataListEntry->Next) { if(pResDesEntry->ResDesType == ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ResType) {
for (i = 0; i < pGenRes->GENERIC_Header.GENERIC_Count; i++) {
pGetRangeValues(pResDesEntry->ResDesData, pResDesEntry->ResDesType, i, &ulValue, &ulLen, &ulEnd, NULL, &ulFlags);
if ((ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ulLen == ulLen) && (ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ulValue >= ulValue) && (ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ulEnd <= ulEnd)) { //
// We found the matching resource descriptor. Write this out.
pWriteValuesToForced(ForcedLogConf, ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ResType, ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->RangeCount, ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->MatchingResDes, ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ulValue, ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ulLen, ItemDataListEntry->ItemData->ulEnd, hMachine ); //
// Remove this item from our list.
if (ItemDataListEnd) { ItemDataListEnd->Next = ItemDataListEntry->Next; } else { ItemDataList = ItemDataListEntry->Next; } MyFree(ItemDataListEntry);
break; } }
if(i < pGenRes->GENERIC_Header.GENERIC_Count) { //
// Then we broke out of the loop early, which means we found a match
// already.
break; } } }
// If we didn't find a match, then go ahead and write out the non-arbitrated
// resdes.
if (!ItemDataListEntry) { pWriteResDesRangeToForced(ForcedLogConf, pResDesEntry->ResDesType, 0, 0, pResDesEntry->ResDesData, hMachine); }
pResDesEntry = (PRESDES_ENTRY)pResDesEntry->Next; }
} else {
iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList, -1, LVNI_ALL);
while (iCur != -1) {
pItemData = (PITEMDATA)pGetListViewItemData(hList, iCur, 0);
if (pItemData) {
// retrieve values
while (pResDesEntry && (pItemData->ResType != pResDesEntry->ResDesType)) { //
// write out any preceding non arbitrated resources
pWriteResDesRangeToForced(ForcedLogConf, pResDesEntry->ResDesType, 0, 0, pResDesEntry->ResDesData, hMachine);
pResDesEntry = (PRESDES_ENTRY)pResDesEntry->Next; } if (pGetMatchingResDes(pItemData->ulValue, pItemData->ulLen, pItemData->ulEnd, pItemData->ResType, LogConf, &ResDes, hMachine)) { //
// Write the first range as the chosen forced resource
pWriteValuesToForced(ForcedLogConf, pItemData->ResType, pItemData->RangeCount, ResDes, pItemData->ulValue, pItemData->ulLen, pItemData->ulEnd, hMachine); } }
if (pResDesEntry) { pResDesEntry = (PRESDES_ENTRY)pResDesEntry->Next; } else { MYASSERT(pResDesEntry); } iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList, iCur, LVNI_ALL); }
while (pResDesEntry) { //
// write out any subsequent non arbitrated resources
pWriteResDesRangeToForced(ForcedLogConf, pResDesEntry->ResDesType, 0, 0, pResDesEntry->ResDesData, hMachine);
pResDesEntry = (PRESDES_ENTRY)pResDesEntry->Next; } }
// consider clearing problem flags
ulSize = sizeof(ulConfigFlags); if (CM_Get_DevInst_Registry_Property_Ex(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, CM_DRP_CONFIGFLAGS, NULL, (LPBYTE)&ulConfigFlags, &ulSize, 0,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { if ((ulConfigFlags & CONFIGFLAG_PARTIAL_LOG_CONF) != 0) { //
// have flag(s) to change
// CONFIGFLAG_PARTIAL_LOG_CONF should be cleared - we should have written a complete config now
ulConfigFlags &= ~ (CONFIGFLAG_PARTIAL_LOG_CONF); CM_Set_DevInst_Registry_Property_Ex(lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, CM_DRP_CONFIGFLAGS, (LPBYTE)&ulConfigFlags, sizeof(ulConfigFlags), 0, hMachine); }
// Give the class installer/co-installers a crack at the propchange process.
PropChangeParams.ClassInstallHeader.cbSize = sizeof(SP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER); PropChangeParams.ClassInstallHeader.InstallFunction = DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE;
PropChangeParams.StateChange = DICS_PROPCHANGE; PropChangeParams.Scope = DICS_FLAG_GLOBAL; // no need to set PropChangeParams.HwProfile, since this is a global property change.
DoInstallActionWithParams(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE, lpdmpd->hDevInfo, lpdmpd->lpdi, (PSP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER)&PropChangeParams, sizeof(PropChangeParams), INSTALLACTION_CALL_CI | INSTALLACTION_NO_DEFAULT );
// Check the Priority of this LC. If it is greater
// than LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG, then we need to reboot
// otherwise try the dynamic changestate route.
if (CM_Get_Log_Conf_Priority_Ex(LogConf, &dwPriority, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { dwPriority = LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG; }
if (dwPriority <= LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG) { //
// Do the default action for SoftConfigable devices, which
// will attempt to restart the device with the new config
// This could take a while so use an hourglass
hOldCursor = SetCursor(LoadCursor(NULL, IDC_WAIT)); DoInstallActionWithParams(DIF_PROPERTYCHANGE, lpdmpd->hDevInfo, lpdmpd->lpdi, (PSP_CLASSINSTALL_HEADER)&PropChangeParams, sizeof(PropChangeParams), 0 // don't call class-installer, just do default action
); SetCursor(hOldCursor); HardReconfigFlag = 0;
} else if((dwPriority > LCPRI_LASTSOFTCONFIG) && (dwPriority <= LCPRI_RESTART)) { HardReconfigFlag = DI_NEEDRESTART; } else { HardReconfigFlag = DI_NEEDREBOOT; }
// Properties have changed, so set flags to indicate if restart/reboot is required,
// and to tell DevMgr to re-init the UI.
DevInstallParams.cbSize = sizeof(SP_DEVINSTALL_PARAMS); if(SetupDiGetDeviceInstallParams(lpdmpd->hDevInfo, lpdmpd->lpdi, &DevInstallParams)) {
DevInstallParams.Flags |= (HardReconfigFlag | DI_PROPERTIES_CHANGE);
SetupDiSetDeviceInstallParams(lpdmpd->hDevInfo, lpdmpd->lpdi, &DevInstallParams ); }
// If we need to reboot, then set a problem on the device that indicates this (in case
// the user doesn't listen to us, we want to flag this devnode so that the user will see
// that this devnode needs a reboot if they go into DevMgr, etc.)
if(HardReconfigFlag) { PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet; PDEVINFO_ELEM DevInfoElem;
if(!(pDeviceInfoSet = AccessDeviceInfoSet(lpdmpd->hDevInfo))) { //
// We'd better be able to access this device information set!
// In case we couldn't don't bother trying to set the needs-reboot problem,
// because the whole mess is invalid!
MYASSERT(pDeviceInfoSet); } else {
try { DevInfoElem = FindAssociatedDevInfoElem(pDeviceInfoSet, lpdmpd->lpdi, NULL); //
// We'd better be able to find this element!
MYASSERT(DevInfoElem); //
// In case we can't find it, don't try to set any problem on the devnode.
if(DevInfoElem) {
SetDevnodeNeedsRebootProblem(DevInfoElem, pDeviceInfoSet, MSG_LOG_REBOOT_DEVRES ); } } finally { UnlockDeviceInfoSet(pDeviceInfoSet); } }
} }
while (ItemDataList) { ItemDataListEntry = ItemDataList->Next; MyFree(ItemDataList); ItemDataList = ItemDataListEntry; }
return bRet;
} // SaveCustomResSettings
if ((RD == 0) && (ResDesData == NULL)) { return FALSE; // pass in data or handle!
if (!ResDesData) {
if (CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size_Ex(&ulSize, RD, DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
pData = MyMalloc(ulSize); if (pData == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Ex(RD, pData, ulSize, DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { MyFree(pData); return FALSE; } } else { pData = ResDesData; }
// convert the first range data into hdr data
switch (ResType) {
case ResType_Mem: {
PMEM_RESOURCE pMemData = (PMEM_RESOURCE)pData; PMEM_RESOURCE pForced = (PMEM_RESOURCE)MyMalloc(sizeof(MEM_RESOURCE)); if (!pForced) { break; }
pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Count = 0; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Type = MType_Range; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_Base = pMemData->MEM_Data[RangeIndex].MR_Min; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_End = pMemData->MEM_Data[RangeIndex].MR_Min + pMemData->MEM_Data[RangeIndex].MR_nBytes - 1; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Flags = pMemData->MEM_Data[RangeIndex].MR_Flags; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Reserved = 0;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_Mem, pForced, sizeof(MEM_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_IO: {
PIO_RESOURCE pIoData = (PIO_RESOURCE)pData; PIO_RESOURCE pForced = (PIO_RESOURCE)MyMalloc(sizeof(IO_RESOURCE)); if (!pForced) { break; }
pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Count = 0; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Type = IOType_Range; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base = pIoData->IO_Data[RangeIndex].IOR_Min; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_End = pIoData->IO_Data[RangeIndex].IOR_Min + pIoData->IO_Data[RangeIndex].IOR_nPorts - 1; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_DesFlags = pIoData->IO_Data[RangeIndex].IOR_RangeFlags;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_IO, pForced, sizeof(IO_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_DMA: {
PDMA_RESOURCE pDmaData = (PDMA_RESOURCE)pData; PDMA_RESOURCE pForced = (PDMA_RESOURCE)MyMalloc(sizeof(DMA_RESOURCE)); if (!pForced) { break; }
pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Count = 0; pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Type = DType_Range; pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Flags = pDmaData->DMA_Data[RangeIndex].DR_Flags; pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Alloc_Chan = pDmaData->DMA_Data[RangeIndex].DR_Min;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_DMA, pForced, sizeof(DMA_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_IRQ: {
pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Count = 0; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Type = IRQType_Range; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Flags = pIrqData->IRQ_Data[RangeIndex].IRQR_Flags; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Alloc_Num = pIrqData->IRQ_Data[RangeIndex].IRQR_Min; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Affinity = (DEVRES_AFFINITY)(-1);
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_IRQ, pForced, sizeof(DEVRES_IRQ_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_BusNumber: {
pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Count = 0; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Type = BusNumberType_Range; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Flags = pBusData->BusNumber_Data[RangeIndex].BUSR_Flags; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Alloc_Base = pBusData->BusNumber_Data[RangeIndex].BUSR_Min; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Alloc_End = pBusData->BusNumber_Data[RangeIndex].BUSR_Min + pBusData->BusNumber_Data[RangeIndex].BUSR_nBusNumbers;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_BusNumber, pForced, sizeof(BUSNUMBER_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_DevicePrivate: {
pForced->PRV_Header.PD_Count = 0; pForced->PRV_Header.PD_Type = PType_Range; pForced->PRV_Header.PD_Data1 = pPrvData->PRV_Data[RangeIndex].PR_Data1; pForced->PRV_Header.PD_Data2 = pPrvData->PRV_Data[RangeIndex].PR_Data2; pForced->PRV_Header.PD_Data3 = pPrvData->PRV_Data[RangeIndex].PR_Data3; pForced->PRV_Header.PD_Flags = 0;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_DevicePrivate, pForced, sizeof(DEVPRIVATE_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_PcCardConfig: {
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_PcCardConfig, pData, sizeof(PCCARD_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine); break; } }
if (pData != ResDesData) { MyFree(pData); }
return Success;
} // WriteResDesRangeToForced
BOOL pWriteValuesToForced( IN LOG_CONF ForcedLogConf, IN RESOURCEID ResType, IN ULONG RangeIndex, IN RES_DES RD, IN ULONG64 ulValue, IN ULONG64 ulLen, IN ULONG64 ulEnd, IN HMACHINE hMachine ) { RES_DES ResDes; ULONG ulSize; LPBYTE pData = NULL; BOOL Success = FALSE;
if (CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size_Ex(&ulSize, RD, DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { return FALSE; }
pData = MyMalloc(ulSize); if (pData == NULL) { return FALSE; }
if (CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Ex(RD, pData, ulSize, DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { MyFree(pData); return FALSE; }
// convert the first range data into hdr data
switch (ResType) {
case ResType_Mem: {
PMEM_RESOURCE pMemData = (PMEM_RESOURCE)pData; PMEM_RESOURCE pForced = (PMEM_RESOURCE)MyMalloc(sizeof(MEM_RESOURCE)); if (!pForced) { break; }
pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Count = 0; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Type = MType_Range; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_Base = ulValue; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_End = ulEnd; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Flags = pMemData->MEM_Data[RangeIndex].MR_Flags; pForced->MEM_Header.MD_Reserved = 0;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_Mem, pForced, sizeof(MEM_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_IO: {
PIO_RESOURCE pIoData = (PIO_RESOURCE)pData; PIO_RESOURCE pForced = (PIO_RESOURCE)MyMalloc(sizeof(IO_RESOURCE)); if (!pForced) { break; }
pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Count = 0; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Type = IOType_Range; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base = ulValue; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_End = ulEnd; pForced->IO_Header.IOD_DesFlags = pIoData->IO_Data[RangeIndex].IOR_RangeFlags;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_IO, pForced, sizeof(IO_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_DMA: {
PDMA_RESOURCE pDmaData = (PDMA_RESOURCE)pData; PDMA_RESOURCE pForced = (PDMA_RESOURCE)MyMalloc(sizeof(DMA_RESOURCE)); if (!pForced) { break; }
pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Count = 0; pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Type = DType_Range; pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Flags = pDmaData->DMA_Data[RangeIndex].DR_Flags; pForced->DMA_Header.DD_Alloc_Chan = (ULONG)ulValue;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_DMA, pForced, sizeof(DMA_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_IRQ: {
pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Count = 0; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Type = IRQType_Range; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Flags = pIrqData->IRQ_Data[RangeIndex].IRQR_Flags; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Alloc_Num = (ULONG)ulValue; pForced->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Affinity = (DEVRES_AFFINITY)(-1);
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_IRQ, pForced, sizeof(DEVRES_IRQ_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_BusNumber: {
pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Count = 0; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Type = BusNumberType_Range; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Flags = pBusData->BusNumber_Data[RangeIndex].BUSR_Flags; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Alloc_Base = (ULONG)ulValue; pForced->BusNumber_Header.BUSD_Alloc_End = (ULONG)ulEnd;
Success = CM_Add_Res_Des_Ex(NULL, ForcedLogConf, ResType_BusNumber, pForced, sizeof(BUSNUMBER_RESOURCE), DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS; MyFree(pForced); break; }
case ResType_DevicePrivate: { break; }
case ResType_PcCardConfig: { break; } }
if (pData) { MyFree(pData); } return Success;
} // WriteValuesToForced
BOOL MakeResourceData( OUT LPBYTE *ppResourceData, OUT PULONG pulSize, IN RESOURCEID ResType, IN ULONG64 ulValue, IN ULONG64 ulLen, IN ULONG ulFlags ) { BOOL bStatus = TRUE;
try {
switch (ResType) {
case ResType_Mem: {
*pulSize = sizeof(MEM_RESOURCE); if (ppResourceData) { *ppResourceData = MyMalloc(*pulSize); p = (PMEM_RESOURCE)(*ppResourceData); if (!p) { bStatus = FALSE; break; }
p->MEM_Header.MD_Count = 0; p->MEM_Header.MD_Type = MType_Range; p->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_Base = ulValue; p->MEM_Header.MD_Alloc_End = ulValue + ulLen - 1; p->MEM_Header.MD_Flags = ulFlags; p->MEM_Header.MD_Reserved = 0; } break; }
case ResType_IO: {
*pulSize = sizeof(IO_RESOURCE); if (ppResourceData) { *ppResourceData = MyMalloc(*pulSize); p = (PIO_RESOURCE)(*ppResourceData); if (!p) { bStatus = FALSE; break; }
p->IO_Header.IOD_Count = 0; p->IO_Header.IOD_Type = IOType_Range; p->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_Base = ulValue; p->IO_Header.IOD_Alloc_End = ulValue + ulLen - 1; p->IO_Header.IOD_DesFlags = ulFlags; } break; }
case ResType_DMA: {
*pulSize = sizeof(DMA_RESOURCE); if (ppResourceData) { *ppResourceData = MyMalloc(*pulSize); p = (PDMA_RESOURCE)(*ppResourceData); if (!p) { bStatus = FALSE; break; }
p->DMA_Header.DD_Count = 0; p->DMA_Header.DD_Type = DType_Range; p->DMA_Header.DD_Flags = ulFlags; p->DMA_Header.DD_Alloc_Chan = (ULONG)ulValue; } break; }
case ResType_IRQ: {
*pulSize = sizeof(DEVRES_IRQ_RESOURCE); if (ppResourceData) { *ppResourceData = MyMalloc(*pulSize); p = (DEVRES_PIRQ_RESOURCE)(*ppResourceData); if (!p) { bStatus = FALSE; break; }
p->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Count = 0; p->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Type = IRQType_Range; p->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Flags = ulFlags; p->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Alloc_Num = (ULONG)ulValue; p->IRQ_Header.IRQD_Affinity = (DEVRES_AFFINITY)(-1); // for any processor
} break; }
default: //
// ResTypeEditable or ResType_MAX may be wrong if this ASSERT's
return bStatus;
} // MakeResourceData
BOOL pShowWindow( IN HWND hWnd, IN int nShow ) /*++
Routine Description:
A variation of ShowWindow that enables/disables window
(See ShowWindow) hWnd - handle of window to show nShow - typically SW_HIDE or SW_SHOW
Return Value:
success status of ShowWindow
--*/ { EnableWindow(hWnd,nShow!=SW_HIDE); return ShowWindow(hWnd,nShow); }
BOOL pEnableWindow( IN HWND hWnd, IN BOOL Enable ) /*++
Routine Description:
A variation of EnableWindow that only enables a window if it is visible
(See EnableWindow) hWnd - handle of window to enable/disable Enable - TRUE enables window (if window visible) FALSE disables window
Return Value:
success status of EnableWindow
--*/ { //
// I had to use GetWindowLong, as IsWindowVisible also checks parent flag
// and parent is hidden until dialog is initialized
if((GetWindowLong(hWnd,GWL_STYLE) & WS_VISIBLE) == FALSE) { Enable = FALSE; } return EnableWindow(hWnd,Enable); }
BOOL pGetResDesDataList( IN LOG_CONF LogConf, IN OUT PRESDES_ENTRY *pResList, IN BOOL bArbitratedOnly, IN HMACHINE hMachine ) /*++
Routine Description:
Creates a list of resource descriptors for further processing
LogConf - log config of interest pResList - list out bArbitratedOnly - filter out non-arbitrated resources hMachine - machine that LogConf is on
Return Value:
--*/ { BOOL bStatus = TRUE; CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; PRESDES_ENTRY pHead = NULL, pEntry = NULL, pPrevious = NULL, pTemp = NULL; RES_DES ResDes; RESOURCEID ResType; ULONG ulSize; LPBYTE pData = NULL;
// Retrieve each res des in this log conf
Status = CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex(&ResDes, LogConf, ResType_All, &ResType, 0,hMachine);
while (Status == CR_SUCCESS) {
if (bArbitratedOnly && (ResType <= ResType_None || ResType > ResType_MAX)) { goto NextResDes; } if (bArbitratedOnly && ResTypeEditable[ResType] == FALSE) { goto NextResDes; }
if (CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Size_Ex(&ulSize, ResDes, DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(ResDes); bStatus = FALSE; goto Clean0; }
if (ulSize>0) { pData = MyMalloc(ulSize); if (pData == NULL) { CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(ResDes); bStatus = FALSE; goto Clean0; }
if (CM_Get_Res_Des_Data_Ex(ResDes, pData, ulSize, DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) { CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(ResDes); MyFree(pData); bStatus = FALSE; goto Clean0; } } else { pData = NULL; }
// Allocate a node for this res des and attach it to the list
pEntry = MyMalloc(sizeof(RESDES_ENTRY)); if (pEntry == NULL) { CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(ResDes); MyFree(pData); bStatus = FALSE; goto Clean0; }
pEntry->ResDesData = pData; pEntry->ResDesType = ResType; pEntry->ResDesDataSize = ulSize; pEntry->ResDesHandle = ResDes; pEntry->Next = NULL; pEntry->CrossLink = NULL;
if (!pHead) { pHead = pEntry; // first entry
if (pPrevious) { pPrevious->Next = pEntry; // attach to previous entry
pPrevious = pEntry;
// Get next res des in LogConf
Status = CM_Get_Next_Res_Des_Ex(&ResDes, ResDes, ResType_All, &ResType, 0,hMachine); }
bStatus = TRUE;
if (!bStatus) { pDeleteResDesDataList(pHead); } else { *pResList = pHead; }
return bStatus;
} // GetResDesDataList
VOID pDeleteResDesDataList( IN PRESDES_ENTRY pResList ) /*++
Routine Description:
Deletes memory used by RESDES list
pResList - list returned by GetResDesDataList
Return Value:
--*/ { PRESDES_ENTRY pTemp; while (pResList) { pTemp = pResList; pResList = (PRESDES_ENTRY)pResList->Next; if (pTemp->ResDesData) { MyFree(pTemp->ResDesData); } if (pTemp->ResDesHandle) { CM_Free_Res_Des_Handle(pTemp->ResDesHandle); } MyFree(pTemp); } }
VOID pHideAllControls( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Hide (and disable) all controls - start off with a clean slate Only Icon & device description will be visible
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg;
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_VIEWONLYRES; }
VOID pShowViewNoResources( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Show page indicating this device has no resources
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; TCHAR szString[MAX_PATH];
pHideAllControls(lpdmpd); // all hidden and disabled
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_RESOURCES_TEXT), SW_SHOW); // show and enable text
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVRES_NO_RESOURCES, szString, MAX_PATH); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_RESOURCES_TEXT, szString); }
BOOL pShowViewMFReadOnly( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, IN BOOL HideIfProb ) /*++
Routine Description:
Show page apropriate for multifunction card that cannot be edited Resource settings are visible
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { TCHAR szString[MAX_PATH]; DEVNODE dnParent; ULONG ulSize; HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; HMACHINE hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd);
pHideAllControls(lpdmpd); // all hidden and disabled
//pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LCTEXT), SW_SHOW); // show config information
//pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST), SW_SHOW); // show
//pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CONFLICTDEVTEXT), SW_SHOW); // show conflict information space
// indicate we cannot change as it's multi-function
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_CHANGE_TEXT), SW_SHOW); if (LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVRES_NO_CHANGE_MF, szString, MAX_PATH)) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_CHANGE_TEXT, szString); } //
// for parent description
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_MFPARENT), SW_SHOW); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_MFPARENT_DESC), SW_SHOW); //
// Get the Parent's Description.
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVNAME_UNK, szString, MAX_PATH);
if (lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst) {
if (CM_Get_Parent_Ex(&dnParent, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, 0,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) {
// First, try to retrieve friendly name, then fall back to device description.
ulSize = MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); if(CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex(dnParent, CM_DRP_FRIENDLYNAME, NULL, szString, &ulSize, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS) {
ulSize = MAX_PATH * sizeof(TCHAR); CM_Get_DevNode_Registry_Property_Ex(dnParent, CM_DRP_DEVICEDESC, NULL, szString, &ulSize, 0,hMachine); } } }
SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_MFPARENT_DESC, szString);
// load and display current config (if any)
// return FALSE if no current config
return pLoadCurrentConfig(lpdmpd,HideIfProb); }
BOOL pShowViewReadOnly( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, IN BOOL HideIfProb ) /*++
Routine Description:
Show page of resources, don't allow editing, don't show editing controls
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg;
pHideAllControls(lpdmpd); // all hidden and disabled
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LCTEXT), SW_SHOW); // show
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LCTEXT), FALSE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST), SW_SHOW); // shown disabled
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST), FALSE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_USESYSSETTINGS), SW_SHOW); // shown disabled
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_USESYSSETTINGS), FALSE); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), SW_SHOW); // shown disabled
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), FALSE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CONFLICTDEVTEXT), SW_SHOW); // show conflict information space
// will indicate if we're showing system settings or forced settings
// load and display current config (if any)
// return FALSE if no current config
return pLoadCurrentConfig(lpdmpd,HideIfProb); }
VOID pShowViewNoAlloc( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Modify the middle part of the control to indicate there is a problem (and there isn't much we can do about it)
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg;
// hide all middle controls
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LCTEXT), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST), SW_HIDE); //pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_CHANGE_TEXT ), SW_HIDE);
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_USESYSSETTINGS), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), SW_HIDE); //pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_MAKEFORCED), SW_HIDE);
//pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_CHANGE_TEXT), SW_SHOW); // this may say why
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_MAKEFORCED), SW_HIDE);
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CONFLICTDEVTEXT), SW_HIDE); // no alloc, so hide this header & textbox
VOID pShowViewNeedForced( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Modify the middle part of the control to indicate a forced config is required
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg;
pShowViewNoAlloc(lpdmpd); //
// show what we need for make forced config
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_CHANGE_TEXT), SW_SHOW); // this may say why
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_MAKEFORCED), SW_SHOW); }
VOID pShowViewAllEdit( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allow editing
lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg;
// show middle controls for editing
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LCTEXT), SW_SHOW); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST), SW_SHOW); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_CHANGE_TEXT ), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_USESYSSETTINGS), SW_SHOW); ShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), SW_SHOW); // shown, but disabled
EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), FALSE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_MAKEFORCED), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CONFLICTDEVTEXT), SW_SHOW); // show conflict information space
pShowUpdateEdit(lpdmpd); }
VOID pShowUpdateEdit( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Allow editing
lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg;
// modify editing status - we can edit
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_VIEWONLYRES;
if(lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_FORCEDONLY) { //
// in this case, we will never be able to use system settings
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~ DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS; EnableWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_USESYSSETTINGS), FALSE); } //
// indicate if it's system settings or not
// we can change logconfiglist if it's not system settings
// change "Change Settings" button
pCheckEnableResourceChange(lpdmpd); }
BOOL pLoadCurrentConfig( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, BOOL HideIfProb ) /*++
Routine Description:
Modify the top part, to show current configuration, if any
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data
Return Value:
TRUE if we're showing current config
--*/ { TCHAR szMessage[MAX_PATH]; ULONG Problem; ULONG Status; HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; HMACHINE hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd); BOOL DoLoadConfig = FALSE;
lpdmpd->SelectedLC = 0; lpdmpd->SelectedLCType = lpdmpd->CurrentLCType;
if (lpdmpd->CurrentLC != 0) { DoLoadConfig = TRUE; } if(HideIfProb && (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_HASPROBLEM)) { //
// if there's a problem and HideIfProb is TRUE, don't bother showing current config
DoLoadConfig = FALSE; } if (DoLoadConfig) { //
// load in current configuration
pLoadConfig(lpdmpd,lpdmpd->CurrentLC,lpdmpd->CurrentLCType); return TRUE; } //
// case where there is no suitable configuration
pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NO_RESOURCES_TEXT), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LCTEXT), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_USESYSSETTINGS), SW_HIDE); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CHANGE), SW_HIDE); pShowViewNoAlloc(lpdmpd); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSTATE), SW_SHOW); pShowWindow(GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NOALLOCTEXT), SW_SHOW);
// explain why there is a problem
// goes into NOALLOCTEXT
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVRES_NOALLOC_PROBLEM, szMessage, MAX_PATH);
// consider being more descriptive
if ((lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst==0) || (CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex(&Status, &Problem, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, 0,hMachine) != CR_SUCCESS)) { Status = 0; Problem = 0; }
if ((Status & DN_HAS_PROBLEM)!=0) {
switch (Problem) { case CM_PROB_DISABLED: case CM_PROB_HARDWARE_DISABLED: LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVRES_NOALLOC_DISABLED, szMessage, MAX_PATH); break;
case CM_PROB_NORMAL_CONFLICT: LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVRES_NORMAL_CONFLICT, szMessage, MAX_PATH); break; default: break; } } SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_NOALLOCTEXT, szMessage);
return FALSE; // display in NoAlloc state
BOOL pConfigHasNoAlternates( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, LOG_CONF testLC ) /*++
Routine Description:
A Basic config could be restrictive "these are the set of resources to use" This determines if the basic config passed is such a config
testLC = basic config to test
Return Value:
TRUE if it's a singular config
--*/ { HMACHINE hMachine = NULL; PRESDES_ENTRY pConfigValues = NULL; PRESDES_ENTRY pValue = NULL; BOOL bSuccess = TRUE; ULONG64 ulValue = 0, ulLen = 0, ulEnd = 0; ULONG ulFlags = 0; PGENERIC_RESOURCE pGenRes = NULL;
hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd); pGetResDesDataList(testLC, &pConfigValues, TRUE, hMachine); // arbitratable resources
for(pValue = pConfigValues;pValue;pValue = pValue->Next) { //
// is this a singular value?
pGenRes = (PGENERIC_RESOURCE)(pValue->ResDesData); if(pGenRes->GENERIC_Header.GENERIC_Count != 1) { //
// more than one entry - not singular
bSuccess = FALSE; break; } pGetRangeValues(pValue->ResDesData, pValue->ResDesType, 0, &ulValue, &ulLen, &ulEnd, NULL, &ulFlags); if (ulValue+(ulLen-1) != ulEnd) { //
// not singular
bSuccess = FALSE; break; } } pDeleteResDesDataList(pConfigValues);
return bSuccess; }
BOOL pLoadConfig( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, LOG_CONF forceLC, ULONG forceLCType ) /*++
Routine Description:
Display a configuration
hDlg = dialog handle of controls lpdmpd = property data forceLC = LogConf to display forceLCType = type for LogConf
Return Value:
TRUE if config loaded
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; HWND hWndList; LV_ITEM lviItem; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH]; int iNewItem = 0; ULONG ulSize,ulFlags; ULONG64 ulValue, ulLen, ulEnd, ulAlign; ULONG64 ulMaxMem = 0; ULONG ulRange; LPBYTE pData = NULL; RES_DES ResDes; RESOURCEID ResType; PITEMDATA pItemData = NULL; HMACHINE hMachine = NULL; PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet; BOOL RetCode = FALSE; PRESDES_ENTRY pKnownValues = NULL; PRESDES_ENTRY pShowValues = NULL; PRESDES_ENTRY pShowEntry = NULL; BOOL bFixedConfig = FALSE; BOOL bNoMatch; BOOL bFixed; ULONG MatchLevel = NO_LC_MATCH;
hWndList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); SendMessage(hWndList, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)FALSE, 0); ListView_DeleteAllItems(hWndList);
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_FIXEDCONFIG; // until we determine there is at least one setting we can edit
if (forceLC == 0) { forceLC = lpdmpd->CurrentLC; forceLCType = lpdmpd->CurrentLCType; } if (forceLC == 0) { MYASSERT(FALSE); goto Final; } hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd);
// setup values that will remain the same each time I add an item
lviItem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_PARAM | LVIF_IMAGE; lviItem.pszText = szTemp; // reuse the szTemp buffer
lviItem.iSubItem = 0; lviItem.iImage = IDI_RESOURCE - IDI_RESOURCEFIRST;
pGetResDesDataList(forceLC, &pShowValues, TRUE, hMachine); // editable resources
if (forceLCType == BOOT_LOG_CONF || forceLCType == FORCED_LOG_CONF || forceLCType == ALLOC_LOG_CONF) { bFixedConfig = TRUE; if (forceLC == lpdmpd->CurrentLC && lpdmpd->MatchingLC != 0) { //
// we're displaying CurrentLC, use flags & resdes's from matching LC where possible
if (pGetResDesDataList(lpdmpd->MatchingLC, &pKnownValues, TRUE, hMachine)) { //
// match-up currentLC with some matching LC, so we can use flags/ranges from matching LC
MatchLevel = pMergeResDesDataLists(pShowValues,pKnownValues,NULL); } } } else if (lpdmpd->CurrentLC != 0) { //
// the config we're displaying may allow ranges of values
// we're going to try and match up what we are displaying to current config
if (pGetResDesDataList(lpdmpd->CurrentLC, &pKnownValues, TRUE, hMachine)) { //
// try and use current values where possible
MatchLevel = pMergeResDesDataLists(pKnownValues,pShowValues,NULL); } }
pShowEntry = pShowValues;
while (pShowEntry) { bNoMatch = FALSE; bFixed = FALSE; ResDes = (RES_DES)0; ResType = pShowEntry->ResDesType; ulRange = 0;
if (bFixedConfig) { //
// we've got a current config
pGetHdrValues(pShowEntry->ResDesData, pShowEntry->ResDesType, &ulValue, &ulLen, &ulEnd, &ulFlags); if((ResType ==ResType_Mem) && (ulEnd > ulMaxMem)) { //
// base our memory display on the fixed-config only
ulMaxMem = ulEnd; } if (pShowEntry->CrossLink) { //
// use range's res-des
ResDes = pShowEntry->CrossLink->ResDesHandle; pShowEntry->CrossLink->ResDesHandle = (RES_DES)0; //
// allow adjustment based on nearest basic config
pGetMatchingRange(ulValue,ulLen,pShowEntry->CrossLink->ResDesData, pShowEntry->CrossLink->ResDesType,&ulRange,&bFixed,NULL); } else { //
// no range res-des
ResDes = (RES_DES)0; //
// indicate that this is a non-adjustable value
bFixed = TRUE; } } else { //
// we've got resource-ranges
if (pShowEntry->CrossLink) { //
// take current settings from what we merged in
pGetHdrValues(pShowEntry->CrossLink->ResDesData, pShowEntry->CrossLink->ResDesType, &ulValue, &ulLen, &ulEnd, &ulFlags); } else { //
// just take first range
pGetRangeValues(pShowEntry->ResDesData, pShowEntry->ResDesType, 0, &ulValue, &ulLen, &ulEnd, &ulAlign, &ulFlags); } //
// range check if this is a memory resource - find highest memory value
if(ResType ==ResType_Mem) { ULONG64 HighVal; ULONG64 HighLen; if(LocateClosestValue(pShowEntry->ResDesData, pShowEntry->ResDesType,(ULONG64)(-1),ulLen, 0 ,&HighVal,&HighLen,NULL)) { HighVal += HighLen-1; if(HighVal > ulMaxMem) { ulMaxMem = ulEnd; } } }
pGetMatchingRange(ulValue,ulLen,pShowEntry->ResDesData, pShowEntry->ResDesType,&ulRange,&bFixed,&ulFlags); //
// use res-des from range
ResDes = pShowEntry->ResDesHandle; pShowEntry->ResDesHandle = (RES_DES)0;
if (pShowEntry->CrossLink == NULL && bFixed == FALSE) { //
// unknown value
bNoMatch = TRUE; } }
if (ulLen>0) { //
// Write first column text field (uses szTemp, lParam is res type)
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_RESOURCE_BASE + ResType, szTemp, MAX_PATH); ulRange = 0;
pItemData = (PITEMDATA)MyMalloc(sizeof(ITEMDATA)); if (pItemData != NULL) { pItemData->ResType = ResType; pItemData->MatchingResDes = ResDes; pItemData->RangeCount = ulRange; pItemData->ulValue = ulValue; // selected value
pItemData->ulLen = ulLen; pItemData->ulEnd = ulValue + ulLen - 1; pItemData->ulFlags = ulFlags; pItemData->bValid = !bNoMatch; // if no chosen value
pItemData->bFixed = bFixed; } if (bFixed == FALSE) { //
// we have at least one editable value
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_FIXEDCONFIG; }
lviItem.iItem = iNewItem; lviItem.lParam = (LPARAM)pItemData; ListView_InsertItem(hWndList, &lviItem);
// Write second column text field (uses szTemp, lParam is res handle)
if (bNoMatch) { pFormatResString(lpdmpd,szTemp, 0, 0, ResType); } else { pFormatResString(lpdmpd,szTemp, ulValue, ulLen, ResType); } ListView_SetItemText(hWndList, iNewItem, 1, szTemp);
++iNewItem; } pShowEntry = pShowEntry->Next; }
if(ulMaxMem > 0xFFFFFFFF) { //
// an excuse to require 64-bit address range
lpdmpd->dwFlags |= DMPROP_FLAG_64BIT_RANGE; }
SendMessage(hWndList, WM_SETREDRAW, (WPARAM)TRUE, 0);
RetCode = TRUE;
pDeleteResDesDataList(pKnownValues); pDeleteResDesDataList(pShowValues);
// initialize listview headings here
ListView_SetColumnWidth(hWndList, 0, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); ListView_SetColumnWidth(hWndList, 1, LVSCW_AUTOSIZE_USEHEADER); //
// change "Change Settings" button
return RetCode; }
BOOL bIsMultiFunctionChild( PSP_DEVINFO_DATA lpdi, HMACHINE hMachine ) /*++
Routine Description:
Returns flag indicating if this is a child of a multifunction device Arguments:
Return Value:
TRUE if MF child
--*/ { ULONG Status; ULONG ProblemNumber;
if (lpdi->DevInst) {
if (CM_Get_DevNode_Status_Ex(&Status, &ProblemNumber, lpdi->DevInst, 0,hMachine) == CR_SUCCESS) { //
// If the passed in dev is not an MF child, then it is the top
// level MF_Parent
if (Status & DN_MF_CHILD) { return TRUE; } else { return FALSE; } } }
return FALSE;
VOID pSelectLogConf( LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd, LOG_CONF forceLC, ULONG forceLCType, BOOL Always ) /*++
Routine Description:
Selects a LogConf, showing the config in the LC control
Return Value:
TRUE if MF child
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; int count; int i; LOG_CONF LogConf;
if (Always == FALSE && forceLC == lpdmpd->SelectedLC) { //
// selection remains the same
return; }
count = (int)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST,CB_GETCOUNT, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if (count == 0) { MYASSERT(FALSE/*shouldn't get here*/); pLoadCurrentConfig(lpdmpd,FALSE); return; }
if (forceLC == 0 && lpdmpd->CurrentLC == 0) { //
// no currentLC, so select first default
forceLC = (LOG_CONF)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)0, (LPARAM)0); if (forceLC == (LOG_CONF)0) { MYASSERT(FALSE/*shouldn't get here*/); pLoadCurrentConfig(lpdmpd,FALSE); return; } forceLCType = lpdmpd->ConfigListLCType; }
for (i=0;i<count;i++) { LogConf = (LOG_CONF)SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST, CB_GETITEMDATA, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)0); if (LogConf == forceLC) { //
// set these first so we don't recurse around
lpdmpd->SelectedLC = forceLC; lpdmpd->SelectedLCType = forceLCType; //
// change dialog to reflect new selection
SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST,CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)i, (LPARAM)0); pLoadConfig(lpdmpd,forceLC,forceLCType); pShowConflicts(lpdmpd); return; } } SendDlgItemMessage(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_LOGCONFIGLIST,CB_SETCURSEL, (WPARAM)(-1), (LPARAM)0); pLoadConfig(lpdmpd,forceLC,forceLCType); pShowConflicts(lpdmpd); }
VOID pChangeCurrentResSetting( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Brings up edit dialog to change currently selected resource
Return Value:
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; RESOURCEEDITINFO rei; HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); int iCur; PITEMDATA pItemData = NULL; LV_ITEM lviItem; GENERIC_RESOURCE GenResInfo; PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet; BOOL changed = FALSE; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH];
pItemData = pGetResourceToChange(lpdmpd,&iCur); if (pItemData == NULL) { //
// we cannot edit this resource for some reason, give the user a hint
// and maybe I'll get less ear-ache "I cannot change the settings"
if ((lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_VIEWONLYRES)!=0 || (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS)!=0) { //
// editing not allowed - prob double-clicked on settings
return; } if (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_FIXEDCONFIG) { pWarnResSettingNotEditable(hDlg, IDS_DEVRES_NOMODIFYALL); } else { //
// see if user needs to select a resource
iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList,-1, LVNI_SELECTED); if (iCur == LB_ERR) { //
// no selection
pWarnResSettingNotEditable(hDlg, IDS_DEVRES_NOMODIFYSELECT); } else { //
// resource is just not editable
pWarnResSettingNotEditable(hDlg, IDS_DEVRES_NOMODIFYSINGLE); } } goto clean0; }
ZeroMemory(&rei,sizeof(rei)); rei.hMachine = pGetMachine(lpdmpd); rei.KnownLC = lpdmpd->CurrentLC; rei.MatchingBasicLC = lpdmpd->MatchingLC; rei.SelectedBasicLC = lpdmpd->SelectedLC; rei.lpdi = lpdmpd->lpdi; rei.dwPropFlags = lpdmpd->dwFlags; rei.bShareable = FALSE; rei.ridResType = pItemData->ResType; rei.ResDes = pItemData->MatchingResDes; rei.ulCurrentVal = pItemData->ulValue; rei.ulCurrentLen = pItemData->ulLen; rei.ulCurrentEnd = pItemData->ulEnd; rei.ulCurrentFlags = pItemData->ulFlags; rei.ulRangeCount = pItemData->RangeCount; rei.pData = NULL;
if (DialogBoxParam(MyDllModuleHandle, MAKEINTRESOURCE(IDD_EDIT_RESOURCE), hDlg, EditResourceDlgProc, (LPARAM)(PRESOURCEEDITINFO)&rei) != IDOK) { goto clean0; } //
// Update The Current Resource settings to Future
// Settings, and update the Conflict list.
pItemData->ulValue = rei.ulCurrentVal; pItemData->ulLen = rei.ulCurrentLen; pItemData->ulEnd = rei.ulCurrentEnd; pItemData->ulFlags = rei.ulCurrentFlags; pItemData->RangeCount = rei.ulRangeCount; pItemData->bValid = TRUE; // indicate that user has explicitly changed this value
pFormatResString(lpdmpd,szTemp, rei.ulCurrentVal, rei.ulCurrentLen, rei.ridResType);
ListView_SetItemText(hList, iCur, 1, szTemp); pShowConflicts(lpdmpd);
// clear the flag for saving changes
lpdmpd->dwFlags &= ~DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED; PropSheet_Changed(GetParent(hDlg), hDlg);
clean0: ; }
VOID pShowConflicts( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Selects a LogConf, showing the config in the LC control
Return Value:
TRUE if MF child
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; CONFIGRET Status = CR_SUCCESS; LPVOID vaArray[4]; TCHAR szTemp[MAX_PATH+4], szBuffer[MAX_PATH+16], szSetting[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szFormat[MAX_PATH], szItemFormat[MAX_PATH]; TCHAR szUnavailable[MAX_PATH]; LPTSTR pszConflictList = NULL, pszConflictList2 = NULL; ULONG ulSize = 0, ulLength, ulBufferLen, ulNewLength; ULONG ulStartOffset = 0; int Count = 0, i = 0; PITEMDATA pItemData = NULL; LPBYTE pResourceData = NULL; HWND hwndResList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); HMACHINE hMachine; ULONG ConflictCount = 0; ULONG ConflictIndex = 0; CONFLICT_LIST ConflictList = 0; PDEVICE_INFO_SET pDeviceInfoSet; CONFLICT_DETAILS ConflictDetails; BOOL ReservedResource = FALSE; BOOL AnyReportedResources = FALSE; BOOL AnyBadResources = FALSE; PCONFLICT_EXCEPTIONS pConflictExceptions = NULL; //
// number of resources listed
Count = ListView_GetItemCount(hwndResList); if (Count <= 0) { goto Clean0; }
// initial buffer that holds the strings
// with all the conflict info in them
ulBufferLen = 2048; ulLength = 0;
pszConflictList = MyMalloc(ulBufferLen * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszConflictList == NULL) { goto Clean0; } pszConflictList[0] = 0;
// obtain machine
if(!(pDeviceInfoSet = AccessDeviceInfoSet(lpdmpd->hDevInfo))) { goto Clean0; } hMachine = pDeviceInfoSet->hMachine; UnlockDeviceInfoSet (pDeviceInfoSet);
// do these once - these format strings use %1!s! type formats (FormatMessage)
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_CONFLICT_FMT, szFormat, MAX_PATH); LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_CONFLICT_UNAVAILABLE, szUnavailable, MAX_PATH);
// for every listed resource
for (i = 0; i < Count; i++) {
ConflictList = 0; ConflictCount = 0;
// get the resource we're about to test
pItemData = (PITEMDATA)pGetListViewItemData(hwndResList, i, 0); if (pItemData == NULL || pItemData->bValid == FALSE) { //
// for whatever reason, we don't want to show conflict information on this resource
ListView_SetItemState(hwndResList, i, INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(0), LVIS_OVERLAYMASK); goto NextResource; }
// this is set to indicate conflict not reported, but is reserved
ReservedResource = FALSE;
// need resource-data for determining conflict
if (MakeResourceData(&pResourceData, &ulSize, pItemData->ResType, pItemData->ulValue, pItemData->ulLen, pItemData->ulFlags)) {
Status = CM_Query_Resource_Conflict_List(&ConflictList, lpdmpd->lpdi->DevInst, pItemData->ResType, pResourceData, ulSize, DEVRES_WIDTH_FLAGS, hMachine);
if (Status != CR_SUCCESS) { //
// on the unlikely event of an error, remember an error occurred
ConflictList = 0; ConflictCount = 0; AnyBadResources = TRUE; } else { //
// find out how many things conflicted
Status = CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_Count(ConflictList,&ConflictCount); if (Status != CR_SUCCESS) { MYASSERT(Status == CR_SUCCESS); ConflictCount = 0; AnyBadResources = TRUE; } } if(ConflictCount && (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_SINGLE_CONFIG) && !(lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_HASPROBLEM)) { //
// NTRAID#166214-2000/08/19-JamieHun Conflict Supression Hack
// rules are
// (1) device doesn't have a problem
// (2) device can only have one configuration (ie, there's no basic config, or the basic config is singular)
// (3) it has a ResourcePickerExceptions string, and that string indicates that the exception is allowed for the specific conflict
if(pConflictExceptions==NULL) { pConflictExceptions = pLoadConflictExceptions(lpdmpd); }
if (pConflictExceptions) {
BOOL muted = TRUE; //
// count from 0 (first conflict) through to ConflictCount (excl)
for(ConflictIndex = 0; ConflictIndex < ConflictCount; ConflictIndex ++) { //
// obtain details for this conflict
ZeroMemory(&ConflictDetails,sizeof(ConflictDetails)); ConflictDetails.CD_ulSize = sizeof(ConflictDetails); ConflictDetails.CD_ulMask = CM_CDMASK_DEVINST | CM_CDMASK_DESCRIPTION | CM_CDMASK_FLAGS; Status = CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_Details(ConflictList,ConflictIndex,&ConflictDetails); if (Status == CR_SUCCESS) { if (!pIsConflictException(lpdmpd,pConflictExceptions,ConflictDetails.CD_dnDevInst,ConflictDetails.CD_szDescription,pItemData->ResType,pItemData->ulValue,pItemData->ulLen)) { muted = FALSE; break; } } } if(muted) { ConflictCount = 0; } } } if (ConflictCount || ReservedResource) { ulStartOffset = ulLength; // record start in case we decide to backtrack
AnyReportedResources = TRUE; // say we reported at least one problem
ulLength = ulStartOffset; pszConflictList[ulLength] = 0; //
// we're going to mark the resource as a problem
ListView_GetItemText(hwndResList, i, 1, szSetting, MAX_PATH);
switch (pItemData->ResType) { case ResType_Mem: LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_MEMORY_FULL, szBuffer, MAX_PATH); break; case ResType_IO: LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_IO_FULL, szBuffer, MAX_PATH); break; case ResType_DMA: LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DMA_FULL, szBuffer, MAX_PATH); break; case ResType_IRQ: LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_IRQ_FULL, szBuffer, MAX_PATH); break; default: MYASSERT(FALSE); }
if ( ReservedResource == FALSE) {
// count from 0 (header) 1 (first conflict) through to ConflictCount
for(ConflictIndex = 0; ConflictIndex <= ConflictCount; ConflictIndex ++) { if (ConflictIndex == 0) { //
// first pass through, do header message
vaArray[0] = szBuffer; vaArray[1] = szSetting; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY , szFormat, 0,0, szTemp,MAX_PATH, (va_list*)vaArray); // FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY
} else {
// obtain details for this conflict
ZeroMemory(&ConflictDetails,sizeof(ConflictDetails)); ConflictDetails.CD_ulSize = sizeof(ConflictDetails); ConflictDetails.CD_ulMask = CM_CDMASK_DEVINST | CM_CDMASK_DESCRIPTION | CM_CDMASK_FLAGS;
Status = CM_Get_Resource_Conflict_Details(ConflictList,ConflictIndex-1,&ConflictDetails); if (Status == CR_SUCCESS) { if ((ConflictDetails.CD_ulFlags & CM_CDFLAGS_RESERVED) != 0) { //
// treat as reserved - backtrack
ReservedResource = TRUE; goto TreatAsReserved; } else { if (ConflictDetails.CD_szDescription[0] == 0) { //
// treat as reserved - backtrack
ReservedResource = TRUE; goto TreatAsReserved; } wsprintf(szBuffer,TEXT(" %s\r\n"),ConflictDetails.CD_szDescription); } } else { //
// treat as reserved
ReservedResource = TRUE; goto TreatAsReserved; } lstrcpyn(szTemp,szBuffer,MAX_PATH); }
ulNewLength = ulLength + lstrlen(szTemp); // excluding terminating NUL
if ((ulNewLength+1) < ulBufferLen) { //
// need to allocate more space - we'll double it and add some more every time
pszConflictList2 = MyRealloc(pszConflictList,(ulBufferLen+ulNewLength+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszConflictList2 != NULL) { //
// succeeded in resizing buffer
pszConflictList = pszConflictList2; ulBufferLen = ulBufferLen+ulNewLength+1; } } if ((ulNewLength+1) < ulBufferLen) { lstrcpy(pszConflictList + ulLength , szTemp); ulLength = ulNewLength; }
} } else { //
// there is some other problem with resource
vaArray[0] = szBuffer; vaArray[1] = szSetting; FormatMessage(FORMAT_MESSAGE_FROM_STRING | FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY , szUnavailable, 0,0, szTemp,MAX_PATH, (va_list*)vaArray); // FORMAT_MESSAGE_ARGUMENT_ARRAY
ulNewLength = ulLength + lstrlen(szTemp); // excluding terminating NUL
if ((ulNewLength+1) < ulBufferLen) { //
// need to allocate more space - we'll double it and add some more every time
pszConflictList2 = MyRealloc(pszConflictList,(ulBufferLen+ulNewLength+1) * sizeof(TCHAR)); if (pszConflictList2 != NULL) { //
// succeeded in resizing buffer
pszConflictList = pszConflictList2; ulBufferLen = ulBufferLen+ulNewLength+1; } } if ((ulNewLength+1) < ulBufferLen) { lstrcpy(pszConflictList + ulLength , szTemp); ulLength = ulNewLength; } }
// Set the Conflict Overlay for this resource.
} else { //
// resource is (aparently) working fine
ListView_SetItemState(hwndResList, i, INDEXTOOVERLAYMASK(0), LVIS_OVERLAYMASK); }
if (ConflictList) { CM_Free_Resource_Conflict_Handle(ConflictList); }
if (pResourceData != NULL) { MyFree(pResourceData); } } else { //
// couldn't make the resource descriptor
AnyBadResources = TRUE; }
NextResource: ; }
Clean0: ;
// If there were any conflicts, put the list in the multiline edit box.
if (AnyReportedResources) { SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CONFLICTINFOLIST, pszConflictList); } else if (AnyBadResources) { //
// this would most likely occur on
// (1) running this on 95/98 (shouldn't happen)
// (2) using new setupapi on old cfgmgr32
LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_CONFLICT_GENERALERROR, szBuffer, MAX_PATH); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CONFLICTINFOLIST, szBuffer); } else { LoadString(MyDllModuleHandle, IDS_DEVRES_NOCONFLICTDEVS, szBuffer, MAX_PATH); SetDlgItemText(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_CONFLICTINFOLIST, szBuffer); } if(pszConflictList != NULL) { MyFree(pszConflictList); } if (pConflictExceptions != NULL) { pFreeConflictExceptions(pConflictExceptions); }
int pOkToSave( IN LPDMPROP_DATA lpdmpd ) /*++
Routine Description:
Check to see if there's something the user hasn't done
Return Value:
IDYES = save settings IDNO = don't save settings IDCANCEL = don't exit
--*/ { HWND hDlg = lpdmpd->hDlg; HWND hList = GetDlgItem(hDlg, IDC_DEVRES_SETTINGSLIST); int iCur; int nRes; PITEMDATA pItemData;
if (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_NO_RESOURCES) { //
// no changes - because there are no resources
return IDNO; } if (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_CHANGESSAVED) { //
// no changes
return IDNO; } if (lpdmpd->dwFlags & DMPROP_FLAG_USESYSSETTINGS) { //
// always ok to "use sys settings"
return IDYES; } //
// user is forcing a config - let's see if all settings are valid
// The resource descriptors are out-of-order. Maintain the original ordering.
// First, build up a linked list of the data in the listview resource items.
iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList, -1, LVNI_ALL);
while (iCur >= 0) {
pItemData = (PITEMDATA)pGetListViewItemData(hList, iCur, 0); if (pItemData) { if (pItemData->bValid == FALSE) { //
// we've got an invalid entry - can't save
nRes = pWarnNoSave(hDlg,IDS_FORCEDCONFIG_PARTIAL); if (nRes != IDOK) { return IDCANCEL; } return IDNO; } }
iCur = (int)ListView_GetNextItem(hList, iCur, LVNI_ALL); }
// everything checks out
return IDYES; }